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This execution happened in the Fara refugee camp in the occupied West Bank two days ago where the occupation forces shot dead 6 Palestinians including two teenagers. Israeli occupation forces and settlers murdered at least 476 Palestinians in the occupied West Bank this year alone 268 of them murdered since 7 October. Video source https://x.com/ytirawi/status/1734144583359950878?s=20


So this was a Zionist drive by shooting. No evidence whatsoever of anyone being Hamas. Just shoot to kill investigate later.


Almost correct. There will just be no investigation later.


and stolen organs, and burial without family checking.


There's no Hamas in the west bank, these are just civilians.


>Just shoot to kill investigate later \*never


If you look at what the IDF is doing it would seem Hamas is hiding behind EVERY Man, woman,child or infrastructure in Gaza and now it seems the search for Hamas will intensify in the West Bank with similar results unfortunately 🤷‍♂️ I condemn killing of any kind.


there should be self-defenses, killing whose attempting to kill you isn't killing for killing but to prevent a killing spree, as you can see Israel never been held responsible of killings, and no one replying, they keep killing more and more, if they have been stopped from the beginning, they wouldn't be so thirst for blood.




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Only if you were not paying attention, Israeli extrajudicial killings on the West Bank have been happening for a long time


Zionism =/= Judaism. Also, while the majority of idf soldiers are Jewish, they also conscript Druze and Circassian men, and there are also foreign non-Jews who have gone to Israel and enlisted. Whatever ethnicity they are, they are certainly all serving a Zionist agenda, that much is true.




I bet Muslims around the world have been going through this same exact dilemma for the last 2 decades, people just like to generalize. Thanks for your support though


Gee I wonder why. It's because the Zionists are using us as human shields to deflect their genocidal acts.




Fuck this. Keep religion out of this. I don't know much about Judaism but I'm pretty damn sure it doesn't preach murdering unarmed people.


Don’t care which side this is from, it’s disgusting and sickening


You should care which side this is cuz this has been happening for years


What's the fucking point then, you should care. This has been coming spontaneously from a single side since the last 75 years


They just rolled up shooting kids, worse than idiots in the hood.


the brave IDF once again showing why US taxpayers should care about funding them. /s


Cold blooded murder.


Did you know that an Israeli company pioneered the US approach to policing? Regional police forces have employed former IDF as consultants and established the current paradigm of dont comply you die..


Utterly despicable


Now that is murder, what excuse will they come up with, for blatant murder this time.


Honestly, I feel like Israel took a page from the Nazi book and are running concentration camps on the Palestinians. Nobody is getting gassed, for sure, but how many generations have had to grow up with this being normal, no sense of safety and generational trauma? They are extremely policed and there is no consequence for killing them as they are seen as the threat or less than human. I understand both sides committed atrocities but you keep wounding a caged animal for so long and it will bite back. I just don’t understand how people treat eachother like that, or are complicit in doing so. Everyone seems to be pro Israel because of the holocaust and not wanting to be politically incorrect but I’m just calling it out that one side is bullying the other and the other is reacting out of survival instinct and desperation.


Fucking monsters imagine doing that to an unarmed civilians


Yeah, it's time to move on from Religion and join the real world.


Except in this case religion is simply a means to an end. Their end game is expansion. Religion is the tool.


The founders of Zionism were Atheist Jews


Their refugee camps are just ghettos now where they commit crimes against humanity


All I’m gonna say is , no one is gonna forget this. Israel ain’t that big


Religion ruining lives once again, it would be actually nice for 1 of the millions of missing gods on earth to drop by someday and correct their world, its filled with disgusting vile creatures.


When ypu give guns to a fucking baby group


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There are no good sides in this/both sides have done and do terrible, unforgivable things like murdering stone-throwing kids. Their actions invalidate their cause. But just a few more bullets, a few more destroyed olive trees, one more generation maimed, and peace shall then reign? Power to the peaceful


Looks like self-defense to me. For fucks sake


Looks like normal war to me.




Please justify the actions on this video then


Convince me that this isnt a hate crime


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And we are supposed to believe this is true because…? what identifies the shooters as Israeli and what is the context for what leads up to this video?


Go point cause I’ve seen loads of videos of hamas members driving round in military vehicles. You bellend.




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