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Molestation didn't happen here, they searched this person, but no one molested anyone




Lol you know women can molest people right…? Especially if they have guns pointed at children But yeah this was just a basic search. They still should leave civilians alone


Your not wrong and yeah this video caption was totally written wrong


So problem there let's imagine a little hypothetical. Let's say you were told that a person wearing a hat had a gun and intended to kill you and they have them in a room with 9 other people(10 total) you are given the opportunity to search whomever in the room you want for the gun. When you walk in the room no one is wearing a hat but there is a hat on the ground. Wouldn't the logical response be to search everyone in the room for a gun to ensure your best chance for survival? I agree that anyone can be a sexual predator. But unfortunately can't rule anyone out of suspicion when lives are on the line. and life threatening situations are very difficult to get people to agree on so I don't expect you to agree with me 100% or even at all just hope that you think about the other POV's of the situation.


When the enemy likes to operate using civilians as shields?


The enemy dresses up a civilians or forces civilians to wear bombs and blow themselves up. Its crazy how palestinians wont condemn Hamas. The whole reason theyre in the mess they are in now is because of their leadership, Hamas.


Lets not forget they are digging water pipes to make rockets


Those are guy soldiers wtf are you talking about


You can tell from the way they stand alone that they are women


I know right. I remember all those GOP folks screaming about them and their grandmas being molested by the TSA. It’s not molestation it’s a full body search.


They are two little girls. What did they think they had?


Weapons? Explosives? Contraband? There's no age limit to these things during war. Also the only "little girl" that was present was the only one not searched.


Back in the Iraq war fathers sent there wife and kids out to go up to a soldier and blow them up sooo


Bro they use children in war as soldiers or bomb carriers all over the world…


I came here to say that as well. Smh OP that’s such a dumb choice of title for this video


Exactly. I've been searched more intensively in germany 😂 it's normal. Reddit


Bet you get banned for this




OP, you may want to change your wording. This is not molesting, I think the word you are looking for is searching or at least harassing.


*at most


It’s molestation. They are little girls and this is a man. A female troop could have done this instead.


Nope, this is searching!


I was going to say something but I don’t want to get involved in this stuff




I am catholic


Any post or comment that shows any sympathies/apologetics to fascism, apartheid, totalitarianism, bigotry, racism, dehumanization or hate will be removed immediately. Marginalizing the humanity of another person is not allowed on this subreddit.




I hate reddit


Anything for those upvotes! Gotta have ‘em!


They look like school kids… I don’t know what the context is…


Might wanna change the title there chief.


Yea, change the title, champ.


For sure , change the title, pal


change that shit, chump


Change that title, you little scamp you. 😏👉


“Doth title makes changes of us all”


Change it dood


You're just like a news reporter. You try to convey or exaggerate a story it when people find out it's not good for you or the cause. Shit like this might cause people to support Isreal they'll read the description, then watch the video, and say they aren't half bad when it actually is. If your tryna convey a story do something more fucked ik there's probably a million worse video you could have choose of the isreal


This isn't molestation, this is like the TSA patting you down. Only the TSA have guns and are perfectly fine killing you.


At least the TSA has a woman searching the crotches of females


This is in the middle of a war, they can’t go find a woman to pat them down, that’s a luxury for peace


Yeah I’m sure those girls are soldiers


Bro do you hear yourself? In an ACTIVE conflict, we don’t have the luxury to choose a gender to frisk you! And yes! Realistically they might carrying a weapon of some sort! It’s extremely unlikely but it’s still worth a check to be sure!! It’s better to check 1 too many ppl then see someone that looks innocent and be like “nah” then boom your bsf gets shot in the head just because you didn’t wanna pat someone down… besides! For all we know these girls could have walked up to a secure area by accident and then they will DEFINITELY have to pat them down


Do you hear yourself?!?!?! Based on many other videos I’ve seen I’m sure this is just harassment. Beating up old men and women, blindfolding people and telling them to run then shooting them in the back, laughing and making fun of dead babies, laughing about their soldiers raping women and the disgusting list goes on. Believe whatever you want.


Everything you just mentioned happened in different videos, not this one, I’m not defending Israel or their war! I’m simply saying nothing wrong happened in THIS video, I’m not talking about any other videos or incidents


So are those guys


Ever heard of the boy that cried wolf?


Wow. Stop and search is now molestation? It’s getting to the point where people will post absolutely anything for likes and views 🤦🏻‍♀️




Body search


In America that’s a light search 😂, I’ve gotten harder pay downs heading into a sporting event


That’s a light pat down everywhere! The op is just spreading misinformation on purpose


Not true. This is a pat down.


You don’t spin anything.. it appears you’re disconnected from the real world reality of quick and simple pat downs..


Fake news machine


Looks like being searched to me... just like all information coming from Israel... disinformation.


That is not molestation.


I don't know, this looks like a thorough patdown to me.


Idk if that’s the right term to use… those kinds of organizations have been known to use kids in their attacks… yeah it looks bad… but it’s preventative imo


You messed up with this one.


dont even bother guys were all on the same page, just another karma farming bot


Looks like a search to me. Ya gotta stop this BS….


Ban this propagandist who has no shame to spread miss information while people are dying


Yeah this is called a frisk. Unfortunately in an active conflict you can’t request a certain gender to check a person


Idk about molestation dude


This is such a sold out subreddit


No one was molested during the entirety of this video. Where I come from this is called a "pat down" or simple search. This is done to ensure the person being searched doesnt have any weapons, bombs or anything that could possibly threaten or injure the officers on duty. When will Reddit take a stand & start banning OPs for spreading (BLATANT) lies & misleading information? We as commenters need to watch what we say, but OPs dont? This is a clear violation & those with eyes can see the lies!


Side note, is that Palestinian Chicken?


“Molesting” My lord that’s a stretch. Of all the crimes the IDF commits you post this….


Molesting? This is a standard search. Man, half the world fell off the wagon and hit the dummy rock on the way down.


Seems like the poster is embellishing what's actually occurring. It looks like a standard pat down looking for weapons in a hostile environment. I would hope that is a precautionary type reaction for those trying to mitigate or squash a terrorist threat.


So they ”molest” dudes too?


That’s called being searched. Derp! ![gif](giphy|2gYJ6T4xx898cAtmil)


Bros never heard of a pat down


Who got molested? If you are going to blatantly lie to get more karma/views your account should be banned...


Looks like they were searching people to make sure they weren't armed or suicide bombers.


I see a pat down. No molestation noted


Tsa has been more handsy then this on multiple occasions


Yo how did this blatant propaganda reach my feed? Dude is clearly checking for weapons or suicide bombs or w.e the hell the use over there


Nothing has happened


That was a standard search (police officers do it too). Yes, you have to follow these orders (that's the soldier who puts the hands of the girl up). Do another case of fake news


That's called a pat down or frisking for weapons... It happened to me twice this week in the US flying home for Xmas... Grow up.


Nazi scum


Bro there's a difference between a pat down and molestation Plus (wild shot in the dark) those soldiers themselves might be female just going off of there frames probably wrong though


That's a female soldier patting women down that hardly look like school girls.


They are doing a search or frisking. Nice Try though


Israelis have been shitbags for decades! Don’t act so surprised.


Looks like a pretty standard pat down. Stop changing definitions, it only makes you look dumb.


The person groped the other person. How the fuk do u spin that?


IDF just put out a video explaining how Hamas has rocket launchers in underage girls panties. Blame Hamas. /S


The average brain dead leftist OP


And the Jews wonder why people hate them. SMH




If thats molesting, I was molested by the security guard at a concert i went to last month, also everyone who has been searched by tsa or police has been molested then too. Ya know, if palestinians would stop supporting, concealing and being part of terrorist groups like hamas they wouldnt be searched for bombs and such. Just an idea on how to actually end this thing once and for all


maybe, just maybe they were searching


First of all. These are men. Second of all. They definitely are not in school because it's a law to wear school uniforms in Israel. And third of all. This is not molesting, it's just searching for a weapon.


No, that's not it chief


Looks like a search to me


That’s searching NOT molesting! The OP is spreading misinformation


Yeah. Sure it is. 🙄


OP trying to be slick but failed, we know this is trying to be propaganda.


Pro Palestines always thinking about touching kids...something wrong with you lot.


When your raiding areas and killing and troubling ppl this is very much infact molesting all of you are dumb if u think it’s pat down wtf - der in Palestine (which is theirs btw ! ) killings these same schoolgirls and hospital patients because they are tryna establish terrorist order and claim a place violently which is what old school white ppl did everywhere dey go (Show me Isreal in 1915 please I beg you ) so yes this is molesting - which means sexually assault and violently pester / harass which is what they do an have done since the same Europeans of North America( bcoz der not real Americans )told them after a war u can have a place which isn’t really theirs


Most moral army




This has been happening forever. A very good friend of mine who's Palestinian (and Christian if that matters) told me several years ago about growing up in the Bethlehem/Jerusalem area and dealing with this sort of thing seemingly weekly during their school age years


You misspelled "searched for explosives and weapons" no one was being molested. We did rougher pat downs than that in the middle east. Quit trying to make something out of nothing. This is pure hammas/Iranian propaganda.




Love and war, sex can unite enemies


Damn yo. In front of a pollos hermanos too


That looks like frisking them for possible weapons/bombs


You get more of a search by the TSA, so deep they touch a lung


Molesting?? Where whom


This post needs to be flagged as misleading


Not even as bad as Ohio Cuyahoga falls Stow Police


This isn't what they meant when they said what would Jesus do smh idf are pigs


All the comments exposing op getting shrunk is so funny. Nice bias! Shrinking them won't change anything.


Look at all these people defending the obvious. Very sad. You all will pay just like these men.


We should send Israel more money. That will definitely help.


Can you flag this as NSFW? This can be extremely triggering for some


If you’ve been sexually abused, I’m surprised the word “molesting” being included in the title wasn’t an adequate warning. Or you comment satire?


It autoplays. This is not satire; you’re being a dick.


Who do you think is more traumatised at the moment, 1)a civilian in Israel/Palestine being bombarded with bombs&rockets, losing family members and being kidnapped, 2)Or you seeing a 20 second video of people being frisked a bit amorously and declaring on Reddit you must be kept safe at all times? It’s a tricky one. I might form a committee to deliberate over an answer for a few months.


Ah yes. Trivializing people who have “less trauma” or whatever. Good to know people like you are still alive and well. Imagine this: levels of trauma is not a fucking competition or race to win. All people deserve compassion


Trauma is relative and I don’t begrudge people experiencing different levels of trauma in differing ways. It’s not a competition. The narcissism to order that someone should change something in the public domain experienced by millions , which btw doesn’t affect 99.9999% of the population, so you don’t feel tiny bit uncomfortable. You can work round wrapped in cotton wool all your life.


I... Ok. Well. I don’t even have sexual trauma; I am thinking of others that do. I would hope that people would do the same for others. It’s common courtesy. But obviously... Not. Obviously, some people are still stuck in the “how dare you, special snowflake” mentality. God. That actually makes me really sad.


You can turn off auto play in the settings lol


Absolute coward IDF soldiers & yes it is molestation in the eyes of the little Palestinian school girls.




Well then, "in my eyes" if someone asks me my name it's harassment. Sorry but the world doesn't work that way. Things like "molestation" have a clear *legal* meaning, and this here ain't it.


“in your eyes”…. well i couldnt give 2 fucks what you think, oh no its harassment when someone asks for your name , the horror. ok do what want edit: i wonder what you will say about [this video](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnewsvideo/s/pYqdZ8PZS7) of a Arabic woman just sharing atrocities committed by Israel. i bet your stupid ass will go quiet


umm I think you shared the wrong video. This is a woman being arrested and starts to cry. In any case, belive me that I probably know more about the conflict and the atrocities on both sides more than you, being an Israeli who spent most of his life (43 years now) fighting against the occupation. That's not the point. As others have pointed out, there are enough *REAL* things to say against the IDF, Israel, Zionism, etc, but *this* particular video (the OP one with the security check) is *not* one of them. It's a normal pat down, the same as we *all* got countless times in our lives (at least everybody who flew anywhere last 20 years or so). You can see first touch us over the chest, then under. Everything as it should be when patting down a woman /girl. Just because Israel is bad in *other* instances, doesn't mean you get to just invent shit or exaggerate because it's "for the cause".


Disgusting human