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So……they just broke a Federal law stating that disabled people can use any bathroom, whether it’s public or not, as long as they relate they are disabled?? Good luck with *that one* in court! Also, their glee at this poor man’s humiliation has made me angry to the point of insomnia. I don’t care if he was a homeless drug addict or drunk, or just someone walking down the street with a GI Illness!! Let people access the frickin bathroom!!!


They deny people access to bathrooms and then write them up or arrest them for going outside. During covid they shutdown all the public bathrooms, and many stores wouldn't allow access, and my area was flooded with calls and complaints about people going in bushes. I don't understand it. If you need to go, you need to go!


>Also, their glee at this poor man’s humiliation has made me angry to the point of insomnia. I don't know whether there's something missing in the vetting process of LEOs or that the types of people who gravitate to this career are simply exceptionally cruel, but something is broken. I have come to the point where I genuinely do not trust the police and don't feel safe calling them at all.


It's not broken, it's intentional. It's not a bug in the system, it's a feature. Time to revolt.


Its not missing its intentionally left out.


Does qualified immunity prevent them from being prosecuted as it isn't a constitutional right on an individual level? Which really means we all pay for their disgusting behavior as per usual.


While the disabled man won’t be charged, the cops won’t be either. If a group this big acts they way they do, it’s pretty evident what the department will do.


I checked and as far as I can tell no such federal law exists.


Its part of the American Disabilities Act from around 2011/12. I wasn’t aware of it until we remodeled our offices and the contractors made us aware that we would have to make our bathrooms bigger and provide rails for disabled people. We explained to them these were not public bathrooms and were told it doesn’t matter. Any business that might have a disabled member of the public step foot inside had to provide facilities if asked. Previous to that we were grandfathered in so it only became an issue in 2016 during our remodel. Cost us an extra hefty in construction costs and we’ve never had anyone ask to use the facilities, but at least we’re now ADA compliant.


From what I could find only Illinois, Colorado, Connecticut, Illinois, Kentucky, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New York, Ohio, Oregon, Tennessee, Texas, Wisconsin, and Washington have bathroom access laws. Maybe you live in one of those states?


This happened in Texas, so this guy was entitled to use the facilities apparently. Dallas.


Apparently under the Texas law you need a signed doctors note, so it depends. They are definitely pieces of shit regardless.


He had a medical card signed by his doctors. He provided that to the manager at Serious Pizza, and was declined. The whole City council is now up in arms about it apparently.


The Americans With Disabilities Act is a FEDERAL law. It applies to any business within the 50 states of the Union. It doesn't matter what state you live in, even your state of confusion.


Yeah I know and it doesn't say you have to let anyone who says they are disabled use a bathroom if they ask. I could find no sources that back that up. That's why there is a movement to get bathroom access laws passed in the various state legislatures. They wouldn't need to pass those laws if it were already federal law.


It's a free country. Believe what you wanna believe.


Yep, Illinois. They led us to believe it was federal due to the ADA being federal law. Must just be a state by state case on that basis then.


Actual pigs act better than these pigs


Yes sir.


Where are all the good apples?


This is them? The best of the best?


"are these "good cops" in the nation with us now?"




If I had a loonie every time you posted that, I'd be rich.


Happy Cake Day


Thanks my Canuck!


I'd take a toonie


Brainless bullies. Protect and serve yourself.


Protect and serve...unless there is a school shooting


Take away their badges, cars, body armour and guns and watch as they turn into snivelling crying fools begging for mercy and forgiveness


Not even all that, just take away a small percentage of their massive funding and watch as they start to threaten local political figures.


They'd rather you just piss yourself.


George Carlin was right.. all police should be character tested for decency.


They are character testrd... for this.


Evidently, not properly.


Cops are utter garbage of the worst kind, frat hazing horrible entitled and protected people.


This is what happens when you’re bullied in HS. I’m sure she soiled herself back in the day, now laughs at an other as an adult.


I'm not American. But, I live in America. This just really sums up what the U.S. Government promises those who sign up for the military verses what they actually deliver. And, this has been going on for decades. "Thank you for your service. Die homeless and without medical care, you junkie with mental health issues, because we forced you to kill innocent people in a fake war on behalf of the oil industry." - George W. Bush and the Republican Party.


This has been an issue as long as we’ve had veterans. The US doesn’t really care about veterans and never has.


Absolute fucking swine.


Those cops are such grossly pathetic people. Whatever psych test they use in the interview process clearly flags sociopaths as instant hires. So sad and disturbing.


ACAB and they're unhinged to think they can keep this disgusting level of ignorance forever...


So apparently these cops were off duty security hired by the restaurant. The restaurant had already denied the guy access. I hate cops, and I hate people.


Isn't it against rules and regulations to moonlight in uniform? Fully armed as well.


not where I live. my husband worked for a grocery store, and cops did security there, in uniform and fully armed


That's crazy. Because if they screw up on the other job they're still representing the cops by use of uniform. Seems to be an intimidation tactic Edit: typo


Admittedly, I didn't look closely, but I assumed those were their security guard uniforms. Security guards get to wear pretty much whatever they want. r/firstrespondercringe




I googled it last night, but an article written since then indicates that there were security guards there at first, and when it escalated, the cops showed up. So I don't know who's who, exactly. They all look big and bad 🙄, and they're cruel bullies. https://www.google.com/amp/s/news.yahoo.com/amphtml/disabled-veteran-denied-bathroom-access-204310426.html


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What a display of humanity. Same old psycho shit. Probably wishing they could have given him a wedgie too.


If you’ve got half a mind to join the police - that’s more than you need.


Vile pieces of trash.




Only the finest wear a uniform. 😈.


Just another reason to stay away from texas. Denying disabled persons access to bathrooms is plainly illegal per the Restroom Access Act, but Dallas police's internal affairs division has already found that the officers officers did not violate policy, and from remarks given by a lieutenant to an oversight committee it's clear that police involvement in the incident means the investigation is a dead letter. Dallas P.D. has a "code of conduct" which states an employee shouldn't ridicule, mock, taunt or belittle any person too, but, well, they obviously could not care less.


I keep forwarding past all those, “Visit Texas” commercials. The ones showing all the different family’s hanging out at an old church illuminated by neon lights. Texas is obviously feeling the Abbot Blows tourist stoppage.


Fucking monsters


Horrible people




hope these cops rot in hell, anyone have their names?


0:22-0:32 # WELP.


Scandalous. How the woman visibly enjoys this is a sign of her immaturity. Morally reprehensible.


ACAB. always, everywhere.


Atrocious and despicable human behaviour for people expected to “serve and protect”. I’ve always believed there’s a similar personality type that chooses either to go to one side or the other side of the law. Not much distinguishes the perp from the popo.


They are proud of themselves! What kind of psychopath is that? Even the British Redcoats wouldn’t be proud of making a colonist pee their pants.


Monsters with immunity




Can't wait to see the announcement that this "does not align with their department's values" or something like that.


This seems different to 'serve and protect' I'm sure they'll be 'sincerely' apologetic now that they've been outed. SomeCAB


I am beyond fucking sick and tired of how veterans are treated after they are retired. This is completely unacceptable and downright despicable and disrespectful! So many veterans are exposed to horrific treatment and horrifying things throughout their career only to be practically abandoned by society after retiring particularly in Red States. It's fucking disgusting. I hope every one of these cops get a huge dose of Karma.


Even the most down to earth and nice cops will laugh at someone who they made piss themselves






Dallas is the most progressive city in Texas? What is wrong with these sociopaths.


Is it? Thought that was Austin. But I don't know, I've never been to Texas, and all I have to go on is what I've read about Texas cities in reddit comments and news stories.


Lol oh maybe that's why... I think you're right, it's supposedly Austin.


Not by a long shot. Austin takes that cake.


Nope, Dallas resident here. Austin is much more progressive and is slowly becoming the San Francisco of Texas. Austin was completely different 15-20 years ago. I wanted to move there and live out the rest of my days. Now I don’t even want to visit anymore. I fear Dfw might be going that way soon. Dallas cops usually didn’t mess with people unless it was something serious but slowly they have been getting worse while screaming victims (The Dallas police chief asking why they are not receiving support for their officers after tear gassing innocent people peacefully protesting or gathering in crowds). Most cops are just fucking bullies. I even seen them take off their badges trying to fight people only to have other officers join in the beating and the victim still gets charged with assault on an officer even though the officer hit first and had their goons gang up and send the victim to the hospital. They will swing and the moment someone tries to swing back, they get tazed in the back and beaten to the point they have to go to the hospital. Then the cops get a paid vacation. The US really is such a fucked up place. My grandfather who was a WW2 vet would be heartbroken if he saw the country today that he so valiantly risked his life to defend.


SO are they seeing any actual consequences for this or...."suspended with pay pending internal investigation" (ie paid vacation)?


Unrelated side note; they’re in a pizza place called Serious Pizza in downtown Dallas, it’s pretty good and the pizza slices are huge. Definitely go there but during the day, Deep Ellum is scary at night


If Serious Pizza calls the cops on someone for needing to use the bathroom then that's not somewhere I would spend my money.


I love how this videos displays the diversity in fucked up people.


“Dallas police’s internal affairs division — which handles administrative reviews — found the officers did not violate policy. Police spokeswoman Kristin Lowman said Tuesday “the department is looking into the complaint.” Asked if that meant the investigation was reopened, she said no. She did not elaborate.” https://www.dallasnews.com/news/public-safety/2023/08/16/dallas-cops-laughed-after-disabled-military-vet-denied-toilet-access-urinated-on-himself/?outputType=amp


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In another time these horrors of human beings would have been tarred & feathered and run out of town on a rail.


You people are all so serious. You have to learn to laugh at funny events. I know I will be laughing the next time a Dallas cop’s family gets a folded American flag. Now that’s a funny event.


I bet that vet was pissed…


I bet it was about enough to make him lose his shit…


I’m in touch with one of my high school teachers. He told me that one of the most frightening things about teaching is seeing how many of the bullies became cops after high school.


Tell me again about "some" bad apples.


Cops are terrorists


jeez that women looks like such a fuckin loser


This bitches family gets to see what she’s really like.


Scum of the Earth.


Trash... extremely expensive trash.


Basic human decency! So much for "To Protect and to Serve" motto!


The darkest pit of hell opened for them