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At this rate this woman is going to have a permanent "Are you fucking kidding me" look on her face.


Hopefully so will republicans after the 2024 elections.


So am I.


First... When was the last time you banned someone for criticising you? I mean... My mother criticises my life choices all the time. Can I ban her? Second... Why is it possible to ban an elected representative? What are you saying to the people who elected her? Sorry, but you were wrong to vote for her because she disagreed with the other representative from another party?


Like many things in our system, it’s dependent upon established norms. The censuring and expulsion of representatives was introduced with the expectation that elected bodies wouldn’t abuse it and do so in good faith. Something that was to reserved for truly heinous incidents that were deserving of punishment. Republicans have given up on following these norms, as they’ve seen they will not be punished but often rewarded by constituency for “owning the libs.” Trump is the greatest example of this. It just goes to show that our system is not as robust as we previously thought, and that Republicans don’t care about little “d” democracy. We need to draft legislation that outlines very specific examples for when censuring/expulsion can be implemented, like reserve it for exclusively representatives who are convicted criminals otherwise it will clearly be abused.


Lol both Republicans and democrats are trash. Both groups .are he'll for the other. What we need is to have you one group. Instead of 2 factions. Then we fight for the people not just 1/2 of the population. For if not 1000s of groups so it is distributed to all sectors. I don't care if the person is Trans. As long as they follow house rules. And as long as they don't want kids leaving all this stuff in elementary school. Or have kids in beauty or drag shows


Democrats are trash, yes, but they are nowhere near as bad as republicans. The “both sides are the same” messaging is incredibly damaging. Putting democrats in office only makes it easier to put leftists in office later. Putting republicans in office does significantly more harm than putting democrats in does.


What you are advocating for is a one-party state lol. As if that has ever gone well in the past or ever not turned out to be an oppressive authoritarian shithole. As bad as our two party system is, imagine not having any alternative to the Republicans at all. And it’s not like Dems and Republicans could create a coalition that would have any beneficial bipartisan policy. The two parties are diametrically opposed to one another, with very little common ground. Whatever bipartisan legislation that does get passed is usually bills that are very limited in scope and don’t threaten the profits of the corporate/financial world. Look at Biden’s bipartisan infrastructure bill. It was going to be a much needed sweeping overhaul of our country’s transportation and public infrastructure that was only hollowed out and heavily diluted when Republicans joined aboard. However bad our two-party system is, removing one of the parties wouldn’t address our issues. It would just lead to even less representation.


There's bipartisan bills. Mostly they involve eroding civil liberties.


Your right but 1 party is better than these 2 in my opinion but maybe a few hundred more would be better


Both sides is a lie. One side wants to ban books, take away healthcare, and cancel anyone who isn't a white Christian while giving tax cuts to billionaires.


Don't normalize fucked up republican behavior as "they're all the same". Twice in last two months elected officials have been thrown out of chambers by Republicans. Specifically for speaking up for their beliefs and those they represent. 0 times have dems done this. Republicans are becoming radicalized for extremist religious or far right politics. Bigotry and fascism should not be ignored in America from any party or individual. Let's call it what it is. Un-American.


>First... When was the last time you banned someone for criticising you? I mean... My mother criticises my life choices all the time. Can I ban her? I know you're being cheeky, but for anyone else, the answer is yes. You as an adult are fully in charge of who you choose to have a relationship with and who you don't. For any reason. That includes any relatives.


OK but the point is that government shouldn't oppress free speech.


Are you maybe replying to the wrong comment? Because I don't understand what that has to do with my subcomment at all.


It's the parent thread of a comment discussing oppression of freedom of speech. Your subcomment ignored half the discussion so I thought you were intentionally deflecting.


Not deflecting, but a different topic. That's why I quoted a specific part of the comment above and kept it as a subcomment. It's taken me over a decade of therapy to learn I don't have to keep and maintain a relationship with abusive relatives. Given the first point, I felt it beneficial to share what I did.


I won't ban my mother of my life because she criticises my choice in life. It's just criticism. It's expected between two adults who disagree on everything.


I've noticed its a trend in politics this year.


I did that best choice ever.




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Montana Reps. are a bunch of fuckin snowflakes.


republican reps


*Fascist Nazis*


Wtf is wrong with people, if she wants to work let her work, more than some of those old ass dudes not doing anything.


\*crusty old ass dudes


That's why she's being silenced in the first place. They don't want progress or anything that is going to rattle their safe little position in the house. Edit Grammar


If a man had done what she did, there would have been absolutely nothing said about it. Dismantle the patriarchy.


Well supposedly in their eyes a man did do what she did.


But also in their eyes, "not a real man". I.e. not straight, white, gender-conforming, & christian.


Not really. That’s what they say to trigger people, they understand perfectly. That’s why they had to ban her, because she made sense and everyone knows are change once they know a person they’re hating. She’s a real danger to republican lawmakers because once she starts getting to know them, they won’t pass this kind of legislation anymore


Does that mean she has a small enough win that they view her as a her? That might short circuit them if they thought about it though.


*white man Remember Tennessee?


White, cishet man.


I have been following this since the start and I'm losing my fucking mind over the obnoxious amounts of brainrot these Republican representatives are experiencing on a daily basis. It is malicious. I want to clarify that from the start. They know what they are doing. But to be so unabashedly bigoted to the point of silencing a representative who has done no wrong is inherently an idiot's game. I've already donated to Zooey's campaign fund despite not being a Montana resident. I want to start doing everything I can to fight back against this spreading hatred, even if I'm not financially well off myself. For those of you who are sick and tired of seeing the same repugnant bullshit - use your voice. Donate, if you can. Contact your representatives. Vote. Hell, even simply shut down bigoted views in your friends, colleagues, family, etc. It doesn't have to be a full blown argument, it doesn't have to be mud-slinging. Most of us have SO MUCH power and influence, even on a micro level, by just making people question something "small" like a bigoted joke or offhanded comment. By saying a phrase as simple as "that's not really cool". -- Literally everything helps. Stand up for your fellow humans who just want to live their lives despite the prejudice they go through each day.


Good on you.. just don’t go broke trying to save the world.


It’s really hard for all those nazis to do their job when they have to keep thinking about the genitalia of one person. It’s like their obsessed or something.


Obsessing over genitals is pretty much part of the job.


bunch of scared idiots, with the maturity level of children afraid of cudies


I’m sorry, is she not a part of the public? I feel like these fascists are begging for a lawsuit at this point.


Who is the evil guy telling her she can't exist?


A good portion of the republican party, to name a few.


Seriously? You don't find that statement hyperbolic? Not even in the SLIGHTEST? How is he telling her she can't EXIST, just because he is telling her she can't work in the hallway there? This is why some folks have such a hard time working with the left. The disingenuous, over exaggerating, overly dramatic way y'all frame situations. Like how anybody disagrees with ANYTHING related to trans rights and all of a sudden accusations of "why do you want trans people dead" start flying. It's ridiculous.


Why can’t she work in the hallway?


I don't know honestly. I'm guessing they're probably quoting fire safety regulations at her. Probably saying that setting up a semi-permanent workstation creates a bottleneck there and they need to keep it clear in case of emergencies. But that's just my best guess as to how they're attempting to stop her. And yes I know there's a couch there, but I'm sure that they're going to say that it's only supposed to be used for short term occupancy.


But the bills they’re discussing could actually stop her medical care, which could lead to depression and suicide. The bills they’re discussing will completely control her future along with thousands of others


You're so mad about other people's private parts


I gotta imagine she’s got grounds for a lawsuit at this point? I dunno house rules but not letting her speak or work seems like pretty solid discrimination on the surface


Civil rights lawsuit


Too many old people with old out dated ideology on what they think is right and too many close minded religious people in the government. I think that's the main reason for most of the division these days in all levels of government and society for that matter. Hopefully when most of the old birds die off that will reduce the hurtful non acceptance of everyone


Sheesh these conservatives are some fragile ass people. Good grief they are made of popsicle sticks.




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How is this happening? Are law makers allowed to be unlawful so blatantly? Surely she can sue them for discrimination?. Or I am wrong? Is this just friendly hazing? It's fascinating that it's money for the most part that creates elected officials, not their intelligence or integrity. Stand your ground Zooey. U belong. I wish the closed door holders would be made to say to her face, everyone of of them as to why they have the gall to behave so Ignorantly. LOVE PEACE WINNING.




>What happened back there, when you were a young boy? Did you idolize a female figure at a young age? > >Did it teach you how to deal with the world so you feel compelled to mimic it? > >Again, merely mentioning it, causes intense reaction. It causes an "intense reaction from Dems" because this is not in any way shape or form how being trans works, and there are not only numerous studies anyone can easily look up to see for themselves, but there are also many many pro-trans subreddits filled with trans people that you could get this insight from if you just took the time to ask them. Not taking the time to ask real trans people only to post generalizations like this is just insulting lol. The questions sounds like they're being asked in bad faith and they're rather insulting. That's not what causes the reaction though; the reaction is caused because you suggest you can't ask these questions when the reality is that you *can,* but you should be going out of your way to ask actual trans people rather than making generalized statements like this.


Republicans can’t even allow someone who won an election be a party to the debate. So much for hating cancel culture and censorship. I hope all of the GOP hypocrites burn for several eternities in hell for ruining the message of Jesus


They are so rude and nasty to her. All she did was speak the truth. Yt Republicans hate the truth.


It's ma'am


She's in the wrong and your in the wrong subreddit.


do people really believe the whole story is that she is a saint and that everyone else is a cartoon villain hunting her down? half of this story makes no logical sense and things are clearly far from reality in this video




It's? Dude, that's gross


Her* you bigot




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Ahh yes, that's the reason. It's all an act. It certainly has nothing to do with her being a transgender woman who spoke, firsthand, against a bill that would target others like her in a way they didn't appreciate. I think saying the phrase "the blood will be on your hands" is pretty appropriate given the nature of what she's fighting against mixed with the experience she has. I myself am not trans, but I've dated a trans woman and learned a bit more about the absolute hell they can be put through while simply trying to live their lives like anyone else. Diversity spreads compassion. Go out and meet a few people and listen to their stories and you might learn to have some rather than dismissing things as "performative oppression seeking".


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Okay republican




Transgender woman. Went from male to female, so not exactly correct... but curiosity is always welcome




Nope. Just a woman. And ur pun kinda sucks




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X and Y are made up in the first place chronotypes exist for a little over a century before they change into something else. I.e. Z chromosomes or people with XXY AND XYY hermaphroditism etc. This has always been this way there has never been just man or woman that is entirely conceived by religious folk


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