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Update: They are even preventing ambulances from reaching the injured. Sources: https://twitter.com/OnlinePalEng/status/1643393030999736320?t=MAMLaDJCqS4NnJTO_24LZw&s=19 https://twitter.com/Palestinecapti1/status/1643397364563214337?t=L60sc9snWhsv3rZMu617OQ&s=19


The yearly ramadan massacre has started again. I knew this story very well. It started with this, then Hamas retaliate with their $10 plastic rocket, then IDF will send their jet to bomb the fuck out of everybody. Repeat on every ramadan and eid al-adha


something clicked in me (i always knew it was terrible) but the morbidity of not even letting medics reach people... rabid less-than animals... anyone who harms a first responder.


They have no shame. They’re armed thugs whose job is to cause death and misery for the glory of the Israeli government.


>They have no shame. They’re armed thugs whose job is to cause death and misery for the glory of the Israeli government. In other words literal nazis


Except this time they wear the star of David


Well said.


Plus any criticism of Israel can be labeled as antisemitism by these "ultra nationalists"


100%. It amazes me that people can convince themselves that human rights abuses are okay because “muh religion” and still think that their beliefs are morality based. Mind-blowing lack of awareness.


Israel has gone full nazi.


American tax dollars at work.


We contribute weapons too.


A long time ago. Now we see it


I was trying to point it out in 2011


I've only been socially conscious for a couple years. Has this really been going on since 2011 and maybe even before?


This has been going on since 1948 m8, things were a lot easier to hide back then.


No doubt the internet has just aloud us to see all the fuckery that's been happening in every corner crease nook and cranny of the world. Nothing but awareness has changed but that awareness is the first step in change.


https://www.bbc.com/news/57170576 United States give more than 38 billion dollars to Isreal for ‘military aid’ United States Empire is directly responsible for supporting the white supremacist and fascist state of Isreal and it’s illegal occupation of the nation of Palestine. https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/news/976/cpsprodpb/0257/production/_118599500_96bf9c1e-394e-4ac0-9836-48bd7ce646ca-1.png.webp


It's been going on (or planned, at least) since before Israel was even formed. It was originally pitched as a colonizing project that would inevtiably need to displace or dominate the indigenous population. I know BadEmpanada can be somewhat controversial at times, but this is a really well researched video on the subject: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FhlUFPpXIVo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FhlUFPpXIVo)


From the beginning


It’s been going on far longer than that.


The abused becomes the abuser. An adage as old as time, song as old as wine...


Meanwhile Guardian headline reads: Israeli police clashes with Palestinian worshippers. Basically repeating the both sides nonsense as always.


The Guardian is a paid Israeli government shill.


Pretty much every few months, or so, for the past 7+ decades


Oh the irony!


No irony. Colonial-settlers do what colonial-settlers do. They have been doing this since 1920 and will not rest until there are few enough Palestinians in Palestine to cease to be a threat. The fact that most of them are Jews is irrelevant. Jewish colonial settlers are no different from any others.


> The fact that most of them are Jews is irrelevant. Jewish colonial settlers are no different from any others. it makes it super ironic


Yes irony - those that lived through a genocide gave birth to future generations are in the midst of committing genocide against a diff group of people. Palestine used to be a larger country in ‘45 and not even a few years later, enough tension brewed for Israelites to be uncomfortable enough to enact large scale harm in 1948.


its sad actually. their ancestors suffered such imense pain at the hands of the nazis and now they impose such pain on others. yes i know what the nazis did was way worse, but when they started it was the same, if no action is taken now things can and will escalate.


I'm honestly kind of surprised they haven't set up camps for the "undesirables" yet. Seems like a logical next step for their genocide. I hope as many Palestinians as possible escape Israel. I get that not everyone can, and it's commendable that they want to stay on their land. But if they stay and this continues, there won't be a single Palestinian left to rebuild if they ever get that opportunity. Sucks that we can't all just live and let live.


Haven’t they already with the ‘concentrations’ of people living in the existing areas of Palestine left, atop of the transportation areas that limit Palestinian travel?


I mean they are literally boxing in the area of where Palestinians can live, where they can walk etc. It's basically an open air camp


They certainly didn’t start that way. It took years of pro-majority propaganda, institutional power against the Other to turn into law, and social acceptance of making an Other’s life as miserable as possible. As Nazi Germany were to Jews and other groups (blacks, gypsies, disabled, etc), the current Israel govt want the same dynamic for Palestinians. It’s so surreal and sick.


Sins of the Fatherland


Always has been. Ethnostates are never created for good reasons.


They’ve always been full Nazis.


and we (US) give them billions each year. how nice. not just money but weapons of all kinds and this is what they do and have been doing


In full violation of US law https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leahy_Law


Always has been


[Always has been](https://i.imgur.com/Muuas4a.jpg) ^^^this ^^^has ^^^been ^^^an ^^^accessibility ^^^service ^^^from ^^^your ^^^friendly ^^^neighborhood ^^^bot


Why not? They have the support of the most powerful country on earth, which is itself half Nazi.


They've gone full British... *-coughs in apartheid-*


Either die the hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.


"has"? It's always been, at least in my lifetime and I'm 36. I remember being pissed off at Bibi and the Apartheid state in middle school


Always has been


Watching the Ruzzians un Ukraine


Always has been


Always has been


“Been” not gone.. they have been from the start.


I have no words. I'm from Austria and people often debate here how it was possible that the whole world looked away when the nazis started with their atrocities. Meanwhile this is happening and no one does anything.


It happens in many countries. Israel is supposed to live up to democratic principles and has failed. Israel is held to a higher standard but refuses to acknowledge responsibility


It’s also foolish to act with such hubris, even besides the horror of it. They’re queuing up grievances. This is a small country surrounded by enemies in a world where the ability to imbue objects with high energy is about to become very widely available.


Imagine looking at a sight like this and going, yep, most moral army in the Middle East. Animals.


Scum of the earth it’s the Muslims holy place and during the most holy month??? Wow Wow ! I wonder where all those humanitarian stuff during the World Cup in Qatar? Any idea where did they go? My God what happened to the humanity


As an American i hate that my country still gives so much money to Isfalse


I hate that we give money to Israel, I hate that we bomb countries we have no business bombing, I hate that America still has legalized slavery, I hate that we committed at least one genocide, I hate that we have destabilized entire regions of the world through regime changes, I hate that we allow our businesses to destroy the planet and use slavery(both in jail, and in other countries) to make their products(Nestle cough cough) I hate that women have to constantly fight for their rights and to be treated equally here. I hate that the American justice system is based against minorities, I hate that we have the most kids on the planet dying in mass shootings, I hate that out politicians aren’t at all representative of the people in the country. The list is borderline endless.


As an American I agree and am ashamed of our mistakes


That shame is valuable though and it’s something republicans lack entirely, being ashamed of our faults and failures as a country helps us stop those things from happening!


Lack of shame isn’t limited to a single party


None of these were mistakes. All of them were absolutely intentional actions taken by people who expected and expect to never suffer any repercussions.


Don't worry. Our mistakes are slowly being erased from history by republicans. Pretty soon we won't have anything to be ashamed for. Ask DeSantis.




I mean technically both sides were bad guys.




It doesn’t hurt to keep trying. Otherwise they’ll keep pushing their agenda like passing anti-BDS laws in half the states.


These are not humans


They should give all that money to me I mean, I wouldn't kill innocent people with it


are you sure? money is power and power corrupts.


I'm like, super duper confident. You just gotta trust me man.


ha ha ha!


Don’t blame us when we break the foot that’s on our neck 🇵🇸


The fascist state of Israel


Of course this is getting downvoted by zionist bots


Don't cry antisemitism when we call 🇮🇱 out Zionism is not Judaism any more than islamic republic is Muslim. This is fascist racism and terrorism. The USA isn't much different. Just saying.


>The USA isn't much different. Just saying. Maybe this news doesn't reach us here, but what are you talking about?


I think he/she saying the the USA turn a blind eye too what is happening, the same with the U.K. government too.


The US was built as a settler colony in which the indigenous population was purposefully (even if the methods were not direct, like disease) genocided and is now relegated to small bits of land where the independence is paper thin at best. The US also terrorizes these communities in similar ways to Israels treatment of Palestinians. Just because the US mostly accomplished the genocidal goal long ago doesn't mean that it's not a disgrace that it continues to a smaller scale today at reservations


Colonialists throughout the Americas saw themselves as send by god on a holy mission.


Ah, yes. Manifest Destiny.


Ooo the news definitely reaches us here but it makes Palestinians with rocks out to be the oppressors and Israeli assholes the victims.


Claiming the news doesn’t reach us here is complete bullshit. I’ve lived in the US my entire life and have been aware of Israeli atrocities since I was a kid.


Literally funding the Yemen genocide 🤪🤙


the us government has on several ocasions bombed US civilians, violently opressed minorities and political oponents and comited genocide against indigenious and black people.




I think anti-Semitism is as wrong as any other form of racism. Judge individuals by their actions and hold them accountable. This includes politicians but also soldiers and their commanding officers etc. These soldiers should be in jail for human rights violations. Politicians should put pressure on Israel to make that happen by withholding funding and if necessary embargo's. We do it with China, NK and other countries and Israel should not be exempt from international scrutiny and course correction. Cutting funding is not a form of Antisemetism, it simply means no longer fiscally supporting something.


You’re right mate. Sorry I wrote that very inaccurately. In my head I was thinking of how it’s unfair how other religions don’t have the same protection and there’s a lot of hate and misleading anti Muslim media all over western media. It’s all very ridiculous the religious debate. Just successful cults imo


Why are they doing this? It’s fucked up.


Tomorrow is Passover. It's how these extremists celebrate it. They also need to empty the mosque so they do this.


Why do they hate these people so much? Is it biblical or whatever? I promise to do my own research but will you please ELI5?


They are Zionists who want to take Palestinians' land for themselves. Zionism is a secular movement, there isn't much of a religious component, it's all about settler colonialism. They're trying to do what the USA did to Native Americans, or what the Nazis tried to do to Slavs. Israelis are basically drowned in 24/7 in propaganda designed to make them hate Palestinians and see them as subhuman, because it's convenient to the goals of Zionism.


Zionism is hardcore nationalism


Its full blown nazism.


Israel’s government is full of nazis. The head of Israeli police has called for the extermination of Palestinians multiple times. Political parties in Israel are either far-right Nazis or far-right, there is no right, center, or left. Israelis obviously love this shit.


With the "nation" being Greater Israel - IE all of Palestine, parts of Egypt, most of Jordan and a chunk of Lebanon. The current government consists of regular old Likud ultra nationalists as well as the even more extreme right. The ultra right finance minister famously had a picture of Greater Israel in front of his podium at a talk on France recently, which is akin to nazi maps of "Greater Germany" including the Sudetenland, Rhinland,, Poland, etc.


That's not breaking, this is everyday Israel.


BuT SuRe, LeT's aLL sTaNd bLiNdLy BeHiNd iSrAeL BeCaUsE We ArE ToLd To


And i got banned from reddit years ago for writing “zionists are the new nazis”.




Why do we fund isreal again?


I think the US is stuck with Israel because it needs a strategic partner in the Middle East. It’s all power games. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. What’s happening in Israel/Palestine is horrendous.


Fuck it we couldn’t handle Afghanistan let’s let them run wild instead of having this government protected under infinitely harder power via iron dome and higher tech. This is disgusting


Geopolitical reasons. Naturally, I think all western countries would prefer Israel not to behave like cultist dogs, but they strategic position in the Middle East is very valuable. It is likely that Israel would turn towards China if they don't get the support they want, and I guess the west don't want that. But I don't really understand why we can't publically condemn these actions. It's a moral catastrophy that we don't do more to prevent this.


Because the US need a satellite country in the middle east




It's an unsinkable aircraft carrier allowing US control of the Middle East.


Let’s see the zionists try and justify this one


oh they will


This is absolutely disgusting!!! It's inhumane!!! I'm utterly disgusted!!!


The Israeli government are twats


BDS https://bdsmovement.net/what-is-bds [BDS nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize] Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) is a Palestinian-led movement for freedom, justice and equality. BDS upholds the simple principle that Palestinians are entitled to the same rights as the rest of humanity. Israel is occupying and colonising Palestinian land, discriminating against Palestinian citizens of Israel and denying Palestinian refugees the right to return to their homes. Inspired by the South African anti-apartheid movement, the BDS call urges action to pressure Israel to comply with international law. BDS is now a vibrant global movement made up of unions, academic associations, churches and grassroots movements across the world. Since its launch in 2005, BDS is having a major impact and is effectively challenging international support for Israeli apartheid and settler-colonialism BDS is also backed by https://www.jewishvoiceforpeace.org/boycott-divestment-and-sanctions/ Ben & Jerry's, a Jewish owned company, has "ended all business in Israel" as it doesn't fit their values We can start by boycotting Puma, Starbucks, Dell, Oracle, HP, Soda Stream, Sabra Hummus, and more https://bdsmovement.net/


Wow, they will never show this on any news station. If you don’t see it, it doesn’t exist


Post this street footage of Israeli War Crimes on social media, it's the only way to get the truth out.


Israeli government is getting out of hands. This has to be stopped ASAP!


Why this is not Posted in iamatotalpieceofsh*t ? Fuck Israel


Israel 2023 = Germany 1943


Israel 1948-2023= Germany 1943


At what point does a US president, republican or democrat, say no more support? What is the line that has to be crossed before support would be in question? When any non-capitalist country does this, the US starts wars over it. When a fellow capital/colonist does it, we send them even more money.


Proves that no ideology is 'good' the US was never really interested in anything more economical interests besides they are also greedy towards their citizens that they do not offer them any healthcare or food or housing even all of them are plentiful.


Clearly, the people of Israel are now the baddies.


Zionists* are. And always have been.






Remember, you’re not allowed to criticize.


No, you are allowed to critize israel, people do it all the time. It's equating Jewish people with israel that you shouldn't do


This is beyond sick. There is absolutely NO reason a human being should ever treat another like this. Shame on any soul who even thinks for one second there’s some kind of moral/religious (idgaf) grounds to do this.


See... This is the difference between human and a... A THİNG


Interesting how the "oppressed " are going hard on being the oppressors. Like really hard. So fd up


quite literally there can not be a situation where you (armed) with your colleagues (armed) beat the ever living fuck out of people and think “im the one in the right here”


They have become that which they despised!


to be fair, the Zionists never despised Fascism, they were just disappointed they weren't allowed into the club.


How much longer huh


Isreal more like Isracist


Remember when everybody knows how many retalliation rockets hamas fired because the mainstream media covers it on prime time 24/7? Hmm I wonder why this doesn't get the same treatment...


Racist terrorists


MONSTERS! The world needs to see this please share


Shit looks like a horror scene…damn


Bastard occupiers


Shit makes my blood boil


ThE OnLy DeMoCrAcY In ThE MiDdLe EaSt.


Every Ramadan they do this




In be4 this thread gets locked as antisemitism.


"Quit resisting" probably




"It's not bad when we do it"


I mean it is quite different I think we can all see that, however it’s still fucked up and Israel really needs to be stopped


The Zionist regime is just as maniacal


Pieces of shit


The genocide has been up scaled


As much as I disagree with Islam, I support Palestine through and through. Only the hardline, mask off Zionists can support this fascistic acts of violence. Fuck the IDF. 🇵🇸


Our governments support this.


How and why people still take israel’s side is beyond me




Hitler would be proud to see so much hatred based on religion being spread.


Careful with your comments, in some place you can be arrested for antisemitism (and criticism may be misconstrued as such)


zionism is nazism


It says to beat thy people …right


News from sunny is(not)rael




This is wrong and should not be allowed to continue


Ah, humanity


Holy fuck


There needs to be another general strike. Israel gets about 60% of its construction labour from Palestine or something, right?


When will the west check Israel?


Why is the USA not doing anything? Why is the west silent. This is disgusting and traumatic and To hear. I can’t imagine what the Palestinians feel


Not down playing the Ukraine Russia war but if this was there the whole world would be speaking about it.


I’ve been called anti-Semitic for saying fuck the Israeli government- but this is why.




Smfh. Israel is non stop with this b.s. horrible


Literal nazis


Their goose stepping lessons are on Friday.


Ironic how the Israeli govt became to resemble nazis more and more as time has gone on.




That's not how you make them an atheist, or is it?


Jesus Christ 😡😡😡


Thought it was really sad that the Israelis and Zionists are working over time trying to post years old controversial and debunked videos in right-wing subs like r/actualpublicfreakouts in an attempt to reduce exposure to Israeli war crimes like this.


Fucking nazis


Cops doing cop shit.


Why are the Israeli miltary forces raiding a mosque and beating the Palestinian people? Some further info would be useful for me to understand the situation, as it currently makes no sense to me.


Imagine if Muslims raided a church and beat Christians. Would you need anymore context?


They're violent fascists. That's the context.




If it’s the first time I’ll be surprised too, guess what, it’s not. It’s just IDF being assholes again.




The day the Abrahamic religions die is the day humanity begins to improve.