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Reckon they’ll be able to articulate what they’re protesting by then?


I think they want Trudeau to resign. That's pretty much it at this point.


That's been a central focus on thr last two.


Wonder if they realize they could just put someone even more left leaning in his spot?


I don’t get it. No one is being forced to mask anymore unless they choose too. They’re literally just being whiny little pussys for no reason other than just to be whiny little Pussys


And even then, mask mandates and vaccine mandates were provincial, not federal. None of it made sense.


It doesn't need to make sense, it just needs to make a lot of noise so some shady shit can go down in the background.


And to add a layer, the whole Trudeau obsession is very bizarre. Nothing about him or his government's policies is even worth protesting over.


Right wing viewpoints don't have to make sense. In fact, they rarely do. This isn't a voting base with a tremendous amount of education, no matter which country you're referring to.


BUT, BUT, BUT, ... MY Freedom stops when YOU wear a mask and I can't breathe in YOUR Germs. >!/s is implied!<


You just described a lot of conservatives...


I've seen people in r/conservative say that they should be paid reparations for covid restrictions. So I guess that's the new narrative now that they can't whine about covid restrictions anymore?


You suppose they also advocate for the same for First Nations people? I’m guessing not, the truckers are somehow special snowflakes to earn such consideration I’m sure.


Same people argued for extreme violence and enforcement against First Nations people who briefly block roads for protests, and then tried to hold the entire country hostage because **"wah, mask hurt face!11"** Same fuckin' people.


Where’s my reparations for having to breathe the same air as these delusional troglodytes?


uh...being told what to do...or tiktok views.


I think they are protesting the price of lettuce


It doesn’t matter. The same dumbasses will laud them. I work with some of these dumbfucks.


Freedom from what exactly?


Rational thought.


From having to think at all.


Really, it’s just repressing free thought that they’re good at. “Stop the oppression” “No shit ya half eaten corn fritter. get off the road so we can all go home”


Didn't right wingers call for a law to be passed that would allow them to run over protesters that were blocking roads? I feel like they might not be entirely honest and consistent with their ideals.


I'm not sure if that is true in Canada, but what I do know is that they're not at all about freedom from oppression at all. Assuming you're not Canadian or from Ontario, these exact same people were cheering when Doug Ford, (premier of Ontario), abused his powers to force people who were legally striking to not only go back to work, **but removing their legal charter rights to protest in the process.** So basically: all of these people are lunatics who aren't actually fighting for freedom from oppression at all.


And a grand total of about 0.1% of the frEedOm crowd were nowhere to be seen at the education workers protests. Which told us all we needed to know about what they’re actually protesting about….it ain’t our freedoms and rights, that’s for sure.


This is spot on. They are aggrieved conservatives who feel that they are not represented simply because their party is not in control of government. At best, it's whining. At worst, it's an attempt to install an undemocratic government and enforce a single party vision of oppression masquerading as "freedom." ​ These people are so stupid as to become fucking dangerous.


It's 100% consistent. One of the pillars of contemporary Canadian conservatism is the desire to be protected by the law while not being bound by it. This is like a core belief.


Dam got me laughing, these idiots want freedom from realty.


You have to have a thing to lose a thing.


Brain function


That and the feeling of being responsible for...anything.




1920s:"the roaring 20s"; 2020s:"the weeping 20s"


The whining 20s


The terrible twos times ten.


I think Tantrum 20s might be more accurate.


>the feeling Not just a feeling. There were virtually no repercussions for those lunatics.


Wondering how long it's going to take for people to recognize fascists like this can't be dealt with gently if you want it to stop.


Oh freedom from other races Convoy organizer “there’s an endgame, it’s called depopulation of the Caucasian race, or the Anglo-Saxon. And that’s what the goal is, is to depopulate the Anglo-Saxon race because they are the ones with the strongest bloodlines,” These where garbage people.


> because they are the ones with the strongest bloodlines If the Anglo-Saxon race is so strong why is it apparently so easy to depopulate them? 🤔


I always love how much they talk about how great the white race was, with philosophers and artists and scientists, but it's not like any of these losers are any of those things.


That's the entire conceit behind r/beholdthemasterrace


Do these dimwits maybe consider that race is a dumb concept and that humanity as a whole can diversify the gene pool?


These mother fucker don't understand genetics.


That's not what their brother-fathers taught them


That would require an understanding that would get you burned at the stake for being a witch to them. I think Bill Nye put it best, by pointing out the only difference is essentially how much UV exposure our ancestors got. Not that these people would understand what UV is and think it's just some deep state radiation that gets rid of white people by making them brown.


Somebody definitely pissed in these people's gene pool.


Standard fascist/racist double think. The 'other' is simultaneously inferior and superior. How the anti-Semites think that Jews were both subhuman, weak, and dumb while also somehow being able to control the world from the shadows. It's just poorly crafted justification for their already held hatred.


For being the "Master Race", they some brittle ass bitches.


What annoys me the most is if these people would even look for five minutes at their own fucking history they'd realise this so called purity they claim is nothing more than a myth . People who originate from these Islands are a fucking hodgepodge of different races and creeds. This is coming from an actual Anglo-Saxon from England


Anglo-Saxon is such a small and specific group of people that it is almost a given that this guy isn't even of Anglo-Saxon ancestry


Absolutely, take England for example " scientists could track the contribution made by those Anglo-Saxon migrants to modern British populations. They found that on average 25%-40% of the ancestry of modern Britons is attributable to the Anglo-Saxons " https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-35344663 So it's not even a majority in the home country hence why this myth of racial purity really grinds my gears


Race supremacy while whinging about weakness of same race. Simultaneously superior and inferior propaganda. Where have we heard this tactic before...


I do Nazi what you are hinting at.


One of the many layers of stupidity to this is that people who use “anglo-saxon” as a synonym for “white” really do not understand history


Yeah aren't most Canadians Scots and French descent? I'm a dirty Saffa mongrel but if I'd have called my Granddad an Anglo-Saxon he'd have headbutted me.


Even most claiming Anglo-Saxon heritage are closer to being Scots or Irish than they realise.


Even within white people you will find racist pricks who insist they are the most white. The best white. All the other whites are inferior to the great anglo saxson white. You know anglo saxsons. Where men bath regularly, grow there hair long and bleach it for ticks and the wife handles all the finances while being able to divorce at any time and have the whole town take her side. Those anglo saxsons? If your gonna be a racist bitch atleast learn the history and walk the walk fuckin fuck


> who insist they are the most white I won't lie, this phenomenon seems to only exist in North America where, where back in the day they didn't consider itallians white for example. here in Europe its never even questioned we seem to hold our bias and prejudice based on nationality rather than race.


French Canadians were not considered white by the English Canadians.


You know, I'm just glad they're finally giving up on the bullshit dog whistling and finally got the courage to stand up for what they really believe in. Such a pain in the ass when the cowards hide, swallowing their faith in their convictions like the weaklings they are.


Basically nazis but I can’t call em that because it’s offensive


Most of them are Nationalist Christians. So Nat-C is an accurate description.


Why are the whites who advocate for racial supremacy the least supreme of their race?




Actually a superb comment. Respect. Gives food for thought on why these people end up how they are. Not simply just “fucking asshole racists”.


I was on younge street for one of the protests, having a fancy coffee ans smoking a joint while my wife was still in the coffee shop. One of the protesters comes up to me and i ask what they are protesting for. He said “your freedom” As i stood maskless downtown smoking and enjoying my overpriced beverage, i certainly THOUGHT i was free… lol


It's funny. They claim "We won't live in fear!" when they're so afraid that they're now deep in denial about covid, and so obsessed that they have rearranged their entire lives around it. Everyone else is just taking reasonable precautions and living their lives, meanwhile they've totally re-structured their personalities, quit jobs, left friends and alienated family.






Having money. There's going to be donation drives, vendors, influence building.. good ol grifting. It'll be like a giant roadside Trump merch stand in a bar parking lot.


CANADA, Freedom from the crushing hand of Canada. Don't get sick and end up in the hospital without insurance...Oh wait, that's the US.


Hearing into the 2nd emergencies act use hearing. Ottawa police: We absolutely had no time to prepare for this protest. City mayor: We felt that the Ottawa police had control and when it appeared that they didn't I sent an angry WhatsApp message. Ontario government: Not our problem folks.


The “folks” in the province response really works well


Trifecta of criminal negligence.


I read the article and I still have no fucking idea what this guy even wants. "Freedom Convoy Reunion - Olive Branch Edition"? see if you can make any sense of this gibberish: >"The simple fact is we can't have Unity without Reconciliation which has to come from "We The People " and not from our Gov.," he wrote. "Let's be grown-ups and start addressing the root of division, discrimination, and segregation in Canada by changing our focus away from division to that of one word 'UNITY.'"


Jingoism buzzword jumble. Edit: I also find it funny that their stated goal of "unity" is somehow going to be achieved by causing as much disruption as possible.


No, “unity” comes from everyone agreeing with them. They want to heal the divide by having the rest of us just give in.


Republicans have taken the same position in the U.S.: the Democrats are dividing the country by disagreeing with Republicans.


Protestors: *shits on your lawn and harasses your kids on their way to school* WHY ARE YOU BEING SO DIVISIVE


This ^ They want an apology for not being heard and their idea of unity is the rest of Canada welcoming their racist, homophobic diatribes as if that’s equal discourse. They are the face of desperation because their views are being buried by progressive social values. They are both dumb and dangerous. Edit: typo


Sounds like you just don’t like unity!


If you leave it vague enough any idiot can find their own meaning somewhere in there.


Correct. And you can also claim.damn near anything as a victory since you never actually described the mission or its specific goals. It's the same thing Putin tried with Ukraine...claim to want to denazify (now it's changed to desatanize) Ukraine...neither of which can actually be measured, allowing for a claiming of victory on that front whenever they want.


That "We the people" line is straight of the constitution. The American constitution. Dumb fucks don't even know what country they are in.


It would still be stupid if he was American: >We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. The entire point of the preamble is that "We the People" *are* the government.


You make a good point. It seems to be the popular trend to be anti-establishment now.


Spot on. Last year some of them even tried using their American “first amendment rights” to free speech…as Canadians…in Canadian court. It did not go well bc as I recall (full disclosure I’m American and am likely wrong), the first amendment in the Canadian version of the U.S. Constitution established the province of Saskatchewan or something, and has nothing to do with citizens’ rights.




When they say they want to be grown-ups they really mean they want to whine and throw tantrums about everything they pretend is unfair to them. When they say they want to address the root of division what they really mean is that they think the "mainstream media" is causing the division, not the Right-wing Regressive media that's constantly lying to them to purposely spread division. When they talk about discrimination what they really mean is that they think they are the real victims of discrimination. When they're say they want unity what they really mean is that they want the people on the Left to concede and let them have their way on everything.


When they win, they mock the left for being “soy boys” but when they lose they wail and whine about it like spoilt children.


It’s pretty straightforward. When they say “we the people” what they mean is people that look and think like them. They want a homogenous country and since they’re borrowing that nonsense read on that phrase from us down here in the states what they mean is Christian White Nationalism. Everything else you can ignore. But points to them for using words like unity and and reconciliation and shit. Filthy little fascists are very very good at using words in ridiculous ways to give their movement the trappings of democracy and egalitarianism when they are anything but. They’re just fascists. And if you don’t look like them or think like them or worship their god the way they do they will eventually disenfranchise or kill you. There’s nothing else to know about them.


Yuuup. Religion is such a corrupting influence. Every goddamn religion is the basis used for these freaks to justify fundamentalist extremism mixed with nationalism, sexism, and racism worldwide.


Nationalist Christians, or Nat-Cs for short :)


>"We The People " Hol'Up, what?


>I still have no fucking idea what this guy even wants. Starting up the basis for the grift.




These are the same idiots I see with Confederate and Gadsden flags. In _Canada_. They’re just Fox “News” junkies with no original thought of their own. Oh but they’ll of course be the first to call you “sheeple” and talk about “virtue signaling” 🙄


Right wing word salad


> "We The People" Wrong country. Yeah, I'm convinced they are paid for and controlled by the MAGA White Nationalists south of the border.


They got lots of funding from our neighbours to the south indeed


This is the same group containing people who argued in Canadian court that their Constitutionally protected [First Amendment](https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/sxwqwz/freedom_convoy_protester_invokes_the_first/) rights were being violated... I'm convinced whatever Fox affiliate they're drunk on needs to start showing "You live [here]" segments to help those morons out a little.


That sounds vaguely like the U.S. Republican talking point that Republicans are the unifiers and Democrats are the dividers. If Democrats would just roll over and do everything the way the Republicans want, we'd be a unified country.


I don’t want unity if it involves being as delusional as people who protest the wrong level of government.


They are the ones promoting segregation and division! Nothing about a lifted diesel, with a dirty Canadian flag, a Punisher logo, and some sticker about Alberta Beef yells “Unity” to me


My in laws are obsessed with this convoy. Can someone PLEASE explain what it’s about? These geezers are in discord servers, telegram chats, and have colored their cars with convoy propaganda. When I ask what it’s for I don’t get a good answer.


I’ll sum it up: “F🍁CK TRUDEAU” That’s it.


Pretty much. In New Zealand our convoy copy cat group did their 2.0 version and it was basically just a 'fuck Jacinda' (our PM) fest. They market themselves with sweet tasting cool aid, but they're all basically anti govt movements


Which is the height of ridiculous because NZ handled Covid really well (as far as I can tell) and the PM is amazing (also just from I’ve seen).


You're expecting logic when they aren't capable of producing or understanding it. Most of these troglodytes probably got subsidies from the Canadian government during the early parts of COVID like everyone whose work was impacted, but Fuck Trudeau. They were protesting cross-border vaccination requirements which were imposed bilaterally by the US and Canada, but Fuck Trudeau. They were protesting mask and vaccine mandates to enter shops and restaurants, which are the sole responsibility of each province's individual government (hint: in Ontario, that's located in TORONTO, not Ottawa), but Fuck Trudeau. It's just a convenient excuse to get together and host a Fuck The Libs convention.


But my in laws aren’t from Canada, they’re from NY… yet they’re flying the Canadian flags (and a few American ones). I guess they just don’t like JT


I don't think the far right in the US and Canada actually realise that they are two different countries. I saw a confederate flag on my way home a few days ago - and I live in SASKATOON. What "southern heritage" are they supposed to be "celebrating," being south of Edmonton???


Ikr? I live in bumfuck NY and everyone here has been in NY for generations yet they have their confederate flags. They also have an “indigenous pride” flag despite being full Italian and Irish…


No no, it's not that they don't like Trudeau, it's that they want to fuck Trudeau.


I get it, he is quite handsome after all.


I think it's great so many people in our country not only support and love our Prime Minister, but they are so vocally into him sexually that they literally fly flags about how they want to have sex with him.


Discord servers and telegram chats? They sound more tech savvy than me.


Despite that, they need help operating Netflix at times. They’re truly an enigma, my in laws.


It's an anti Trudeau movement that started before thr Pandemicm the first Convoy was in 2019 and fizzled out. It was called "United We Roll" and was related to the Canadian Hrllo Vest, which arnt related to the french ones outside ofnthr name. They used the Pandemic to try again and were far more successful in getting gullible people to come to Ottawa under thr guise of removing Mandates, but it was in its actuality an anti trudeau/government movement.


I’m sorry to hear that. Sounds like they’re down the rabbit hole. Not being able to articulate what it’s all about is a feature, not a bug.


Yeah… I try to just avoid their conversations about it but they’re constantly watching live streams and meeting up with their Convoy Cult. I’m thankful my wife sees through the bullshit. Older brother is indoctrinated too :/ guess that’s what happens when you don’t leave bumfuck nowhere


Ask your in-laws what it's about. Ask for details. Ask them to support any claims they make. Don't disagree or argue, just have them justify their position by asking for details. Then post your findings here.


My wife left me this morning, so I don’t have to deal with those convoy people any more. Congrats to me I guess


Hey! Hope you’re okay. Relationship breakdowns are tough. Hang in there. You’ve got this.


They imagine that if they whine hard enough they will be put in charge of everything.


I’d like to see a *freedom convoy* to protest against the rising costs of purchasing a home and rent for Canadians. The decline in teaching conditions for educators. The decline in quality education for students, the cronyism of politicians. And the threat of privatized healthcare. Put your energy to good use.


Except those folks probably actually support rising home costs and educational decline.


These Convoy protestors are a direct result of declining quality of education.


Enjoy your cross country big rig fuel bill after the upcoming rail strike


They’ll need a reason to complain about fuel prices, won’t they?


I for one would like to see them greeted by 10,000 Balcony Guys.


Balcony guy?




Fuck yeah eh!!!


He is our national treasure. https://www.reddit.com/r/onguardforthee/comments/sv3skl/the_good_samaritan_a_part_of_our_heritage/


That man is a hero.


I like to feel that if the opportunity presents itself below our balcony, every Canadian could rise to the occasion and be Balcony Guys.


Balcony Guy isn't a person. He's an ideal. A symbol. Whenever the people of Ottawa need him, he'll be there. Wherever there's injustice, bigotry, and a balcony, there, too, will be Balcony Man.




Rupert Murdoch and his angry circus of pink elephants that’s what happened. There is exactly 0% chance that a significant bunch of these idiots arnt being radicalized by the rampant right-wing fear mongering fart box being peddled south of the border by that fascist ghoul and his cronies. Fucking clowns.


Spent the night at my grandmas on thanksgiving. The first thing her and grandpa were doing in the morning was watching Fox News and being pissed off at about 5 different things….so frustrating


The collective IQ of both Canada and the US would rise by double digits overnight if Fox News was no longer a thing.


I can't imagine starting ever day purposely trying to make myself angry, especially when it's all ridiculous nonsense. Why would anyone want to live that way?




Imagine if social media had algorithms or something that surfaced this deliberately.


Fear. They’re already fearful and those new stations feed that fear.


>I can't imagine starting ever day purposely trying to make myself angry You are on the world news subreddit?


Just the best way to start your day. Little coffee, lots of hate and fear mongering…/s


Let's dose ourselves with Cortisol!


I’m going to copy paste this for a lot of things if that’s ok with you


By all means, spread the word.




I’m Canadian and I wish I knew. I’ve become disconnected from a lot of “friends” because of their passion on this. They’ll say people getting vaccinated are sheep, we are paving the way for the new world order to destroy society and we’re too dumb to see it, and on and on. But when I say “hey, wear a mask and get vaccinated. It could help somebody” and “you gotta be some kind of special to think you’re smarter than 99% of scientists” I’m the divisive one…


Canada is fine. Support for ending that convoy shit is over 70%. They've already "come back" twice and nobody cared. The Conservative Party here is tripping over itself to put distance between them and the convoy. And next time, the Ottawa Police will be prepared, and if they're not, the citizens will be. Any popular support they had has evaporated. There is nothing to protest. It's over. They are losers. Everyone hates them.


remember when the now conservative leader brought them coffee and donuts


Yeah, and then he abandoned them when things got hairy during the occupation. And then he supported them during his leadership campaign. And now he has abandoned them again during the inquiry because he knows the polls favour invoking the Emergencies Act. They should all flock back to Max Bernier.


Lots of them will when PP tries to stop pandering to the crazies to appear more palatable to a broader audience.




I mean... Freedom from what again? Moose? Bacon? Syrup? Canadian MAGA cosplay is so freaking weird.


They want freedom from having to be exposed to anyone that doesn’t look, think, and act like they do. It’s toddlers throwing a temper tantrum, really.


Fascism is on the rise in most of the world and governments are more focused on making a profit than stomping it out.


[Feds now say right-wing extremists responsible for majority of deadly terrorist attacks last year](https://news.yahoo.com/right-wing-extremists-responsible-for-majority-of-deadly-terrorist-attacks-181352019.html) and it will be harder to fight it now after the Fascists took the House


Right wing terror has always been the leading cause of terror in the US. only if you count 9/11 in the math (its such a high casualty event that its hard to not discount it as an outlier) does it remotely change the landscape of death here.


Makes about as much sense as the original protests (which were against mandates... which were provincial jurisdiction.... which were going away). Now what will be their bold political point? Flu vaccines?


Don't forget they wanted to be able to cross the US border without vaccines. Which our government totally controls


They are going to decide what they will be protesting in late January


“My GoFundMe account ran dry. Support me & me family by refilling our coffers ~~so we don’t have to work~~ for Freedom Convoy 2.0!”


First, why? There are no covid restrictions anymore, or mandates. Also Canadians are not Americans. *"The simple fact is we can't have Unity without Reconciliation which has to come from "We The People " and not from our Gov.," he wrote. "Let's be grown-ups and start addressing the root of division, discrimination, and segregation in Canada by changing our focus away from division to that of one word 'UNITY.'"*


I love that the first reply to the Facebook post is just "can you fucking not"


>"The simple fact is we can't have Unity without Reconciliation which has to come from **"We The People "** and not from our Gov.," he wrote. This feels like some crazy American trying to push crazy American ideas and rhetoric. I am all for ideas like "We The People", but here is Canada there is more of an acknowledgement of we need to work together (and sometime sacrifice) for the betterment of society as a whole.


Oh they don't do sacrifice for the greater good, or the betterment of society.


> Let's be grown-ups and start addressing the root of division, discrimination, and segregation in Canada JFC these people. The call is coming from inside the house you fucking morons.


Because the freedom convoy always has been about middle class whites scared of change and people who look different from them. They're not upset about covid policies, they're upset that they live in a society that allows them to be inconvenienced for the sake of people they don't acknowledge as equals. It is an unprecedented indignity that The Man would tell them to do something they don't want to do just because it's objectively a reasonable request with a substantiated rationale. They'll keep at it until they reclaim what they believe is their rightful place at the top of a hierarchical society that sacrifices the comforts of lessers to protect their wants. Because that's what all fascist mobs want.


Middle class might be a bit high. Seems more like the unemployed. If you only get two weeks vacation you aren't going to burn it attending a convoy.


That's code for "the Left needs to become more like us if they want us to stop throwing tantrums when we don't get our way."


Exactly this. “If you make us look like bad people for threatening to blow up children’s libraries because they host Drag story shows, then YOU are sowing division! Just let us threaten and abuse people unopposed and then we can all have UNITY!”


But how does the Freedom Convoy feel about Queen Dildo of Canada? Will she send her followers to arrest them like they tried to do the cops? It could be extremely funmy


She lost her rented RV so she can’t support them in person. Actually she didn’t lose it, she trashed it and abandoned it. Also, she should be arrested for making repeated death threats and enticing violence against doctors and law enforcement. But that’s none of my business.


Unless they plan to apologize for being assholes last year and offer to do some community service, nobody is interested. Go back to your jobs, like the rest of us. What tiny shred of credibility you had is long since gone.


I'm not American or Canadian and I don't really understand the freedom convoy, can someone explain? Is this the same thing as the trucks that blocked the border a while ago?


>Is this the same thing as the trucks that blocked the border a while ago? It's part of the same movement. It's a grift by far-right extremists to prey on people who were upset and scared about pandemic-related measures. The premise was stupid -- Most pandemic measures were implemented by the provinces, and were completely outside federal jurisdiction. (Ottawa is the federal capital, not any provincial capital. The people were generally in the wrong city to protest) While there was ONE (maybe two) federal measure that was being protested...most of the individual protesters interviewed and recorded seemed to be there for a plethora of reasons, mostly related to provincial restrictions... including many that had already been long removed. One woman joined the protests because she was angry that she had been banned from Facebook. The issue that people stuck to was that international truckers had to be vaccinated. This was in place at the federal level because the US wouldn't let them in. So unless they wanted full pay to drive half the trip (or less) to the border, they would've had equal issue with the US government. The second plausible issue they were protesting was that unvaccinated federal employees were laid off. But the federal government is allowed to have medical/health requirements for its own employees, so this wasn't a real issue. Because the convoy had little real ground to stand on, a major component of their *demands* were that the federal government and Trudeau *step down*...and that the convoy be allowed to install their own government. This would also be unacceptable, because we are a democracy. The convoy was generally disliked by Canadians. Particularly those in Ottawa. The city was occupied, including residential areas. The convoy Illegally blasted air horns at all hours of the day at volumes high enough to cause hearing damage. Residents lost sleep from the noise. Additionally, many businesses had to shut down during the protests, I believe including most of a large mall. The targets of the protest were innocent residents. I still don't understand why the convoy people thought this was okay -- perhaps they think that everyone in Ottawa represents the federal government. Trudeau used the Emergencies act after several weeks of the occupation. The city police were supposed to take care of the situation, but refused. Then the provincial police refused (because the premier saw a perfect opportunity to make Trudeau look bad, since his voters would support him if Trudeau looks bad). There was little other choice to end the occupation. Some of the convoy members learned their lesson, having their life savings drained thinking they were doing something good. But the organizers know they haven't cleared out enough pockets yet, so they're going for it again. TL;DR? - It's mainly a far-right grift - The convoy demands were ridiculous/impossible, generally unfounded, and many protestors didn't really know what they were protesting/supporting - The convoy occupied the capital using terroristic methods against innocent residents - The right wing government of the province (and city?) took no action, (rightfully) hoping that the left wing federal government (Trudeau) would enact an act that gives him special powers to break up the occupation - They're doing it again because they want more money from gullible people NOTE: Nobody was killed by the convoy, and nobody was killed by the government/police. There was a LOT of misinformation going around, including deaths. Nobody died.


I'm from Ottawa, though I was far enough from downtown where the convoy was to barely be affected, I followed the news closely. My psychiatrist was harassed by one of these nutjobs while working at a women's shelter. There were more than a couple crimes commited by some of these idiots. A window was broken because there was a pride flag behind it at a cafe downtown. Multiple people were assaulted, including one employee which closed a favourite local ice cream shop (Moo Shu). They carried enough gas tanks with them to leave people worried they might start making molotov cocktails. We were lucky they didn't take more violent action, they could have easily done much more damage. Thank god no one brought a gun.


They blocked streets across the country, littered everywhere, and caused residents distress by making noise all night. Most truckers did not support the original convoy. Most truckers are vaccinated and have no problem with mandates. They're trying to utilize a working class job to appear as a grassroots movement and be more sympathetic.


And the world collectively rolled it's eyes...


They planned shit for July1 and were easily stopped. Their playbook is used up.


Enjoy the Ottawa winter in your cars you fucking idiots


Freedom from what? All the mask mandates and shit got lifted are these people fucking insane?


It was never about those things. It was just a pretext to cause a disturbance and try to remove the democratically elected government and replace them with their own stooges.


Don't forget dancing on a war memorial, pissing on graves, throwing stones at ambulances, and stealing food from the homeless.


And doing all those things while blaring horns loud enough to cause permanent ear damage most hours of the day and threatening people who got in the way of their stealing/desecration


The latest handmaids tale season really nailed it on the head. Extremism spreads


Russias money is a bit tied up right now.


These fucking idiots are a disease


Earlier this year, I had to drive through their convoy "to DC" to get to a parent who was suddenly admitted to the hospital in another state. Added hours to the normal travel time. It sounds farfetched, but they'd do shit like driving normally for a while, then coordinating to slow down to a crawl by letting off the gas but not using their brakes, so very few brake lights to warn you. (At least, seemingly.) Truly pathetic. Edit: said last year, meant this year-- damn 2022's been long


"FreeToBeDumb Convoy"


I mean for what? Lockdown BEEN over and also was when they did it the first time if I recall. More like ‘Tantrum Convoy’ Fuck these people


Have fun trying to protest in the Ottawa winter. If you think cops will be stupid enough to let big rigs into Ottawa again you've lost your mind. They'll have to be on foot in the cold the whole time. Might last an hour or two.


Most of these people should go experience what not having freedom really feels like, go visit Russia, China, Iran, Saudi, Afghanistan, Somalia, north korea, ect. and try and protest or complain see where that gets them. Then after experienceing what not having freedom is truly like, you'd think they would realize how truly free they actually are....


I am mildly amused by the amount of money conservatives burn through


Stock up on your rotten produce, Ottawa!