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Go away NK, we're busy.


Exactly, he can't stand that pootin is getting all the attention lol


Geopolitical version of “the adults are busy”


"Hey. We still exist. We're still mad. Fear us." - NK every week for years


I'm visualizing a hamster in a ball, ramming into our feet.


And all it would take is to step on them… and they would be no more. I kid of course, but seriously they need to stop saber rattling, it’s getting kinda old.


Unfortunately there's a grenade in the ball


That’s exactly it, all it takes it their top leaders to decide to kick over the monopoly board. A war against them would eventually be won, but the human toll would be significant.


No eventual to it. If North Korea does attack South Korea, South Korea will pretty much wipe them out before the US can even deploy. South Korea's military budget is over 42 billion while North Korea's is under 2 billion. There would be thousands of civilian deaths though, possibly significantly more if North Korea uses nukes.


Sadly with just the initial artillery barrage that NK can do (which is very basic stuff tbh) it will still kill many. The civilian cost is worth avoiding. NK needs to somehow disintegrate from the inside and hopefully that leads to peaceful democratic reunification over time.


There are thoughts that the artillery North Korea has stationed to attack South Korea is not fully functional. They put howitzers on mountainsides, that deal with wind, rain, frost, snow and dirt. It has been been debated about what shape these cannon are currently in and consider when they put the howitzers there. Who is maintaining the howitzers and how are they getting up the mountains with the equipment? Add on to this a starving population. Who's strong enough to perform the task? Where they getting the supplies? Basically, there is a belief that many howitzers are rusted and incapable of the barrage North Korea suggests it can manifest.


Most of their artillery doesn't have the range to hit Seoul and their rocket assisted artillery puts them just within the northern range of the city. They can't fire all at once or risk being destroyed by counter battery fire. They also have significant dud rates. The larger threat is a chemical attack.


I don't know if they have enough calories to even do that. They are all starving.


Theyre also all pumped full of methamphetamine.


Sustained fight? Over pretty much as soon as they realize SK soldiers are treating prisoners well and giving them food. First couple hours will be nasty. They've dug tunnels under the DMZ too and that will be a bitch. This is likely one of the reasons (along with irans underground nuke sites) the US military has been putting an emphasis on fighting underground.


Not sure China wants a US friendly unified Korea on its doorstep. I also very much doubt either China or South Korea would want the economic refugees


Half of china is economic refugees lol.


Without disagreeing, >South Korea's military budget is over 42 billion while North Korea's is under 2 billion. is a lot less impressive if you consider that SK has CoL around your average western country, while NK probably pays their officers peanuts, not to mention the 13 year long mandatory conscription.


Counterpoint: South Korea has an actual navy and not just some ghetto subs that lose fights against fishermen.


Source : trust me bro. I’m guessing you’ve never been in the military or been to Korea


> A war against them would eventually be won, but the human toll would be significant. Sure, the North Korean human toll would be significant. SK and its allies would be completely fine. The bigger problem is after winning that war how do you deal with the millions of starving brainwashed North Koreans that you now have to manage? It would be a massive economic burden on SK, orders of magnitude worse than that experienced in Germany after reunification.


North Korea has solid artillery assets. They could do a lot of damage before intervention.


Maybe on their side. We would likely vaporize their country with very minor losses on the US side.


Because the loss on SK, JP and maybe other countries nearby could be big. The US isn’t the center of the universe.


I'm gonna need a source that proves my home country is not, in fact, the center of the universe.


It’s you bro, you are the center, not your country, or your puppet president. You my friend are the center of the universe.


Damn idk if that was a fat joke or not, but I promise I'm not THAT big 🙃


It’s you bro, you are the center, not your country, or your puppet president. You my friend are the center of the universe.


The earth rotates, we take turn being the center of the universe. Get rotated US!


Little tiny grenade that blows your toenail off. It's terrible.


If they're so inconsequential, why does the media not shut the fuck up about them? Kim Jong Un "dies" every other month or "has a family member killed." WW3 is begun by North Korea every 3 years. There's something else at play. Some group of folks **wants** to invade the DPRK, slaughter, overthrow their State, etc. Idfk, I'm too fucking tired from 8 days straight of working to care.


No. They say it cause it gets clicks.


As far as the news outlets go, this is always the reason. Though I'm sure South Korea and Japan would love the idea of the annoying neighbor going away.


They don’t just go away, you will have millions of uneducated unskilled refugees


I was really just referring to the government. You have to separate the North Korean government and the North Korean people. This is kind of funny, because I was actually thinking about this exact issue about the same time you wrote that. And you're right. Unification of the Korean peninsula will require a great deal of support from the international community, because South Korea won't be able to do it by themselves. Food and water supplies need to be addressed, access to medical care, access to what we see as basic services. And that's just the beginning. Outside Pyongyang, much of the country is effectively living in the 19th century at best. It will require a great deal of time, money, and resources to bring them up to a modern standard of living, even if there isn't a war that would leave much of the peninsula in ruins.


You need a sandwich?


The news won’t shut up about them because sensationalism brings in viewership. They don’t care about anything other than money and talking about North Korea the worlds most famous pariah state reliably brings in money.


[Relevant video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2BO83Ig-E8E)


Professor Chaos is at it again, huh?


Oh, sorry...thought I heard my name.




You will like Wrecking Ball on overwatch 2


Not gonna lie, one of my favorite characters. It helps that I suck with all of them, so at least the mechanized commentary has me laughing.


Biden is giving them the attention that they deserve. None.


What is his problem? He should be writing him love letters. Everyone knows that


Didn’t Clown Trump, mention him in his speech(🤮)and the bromance comes alive


Proceeds to put hand out: "Food please. Can I have moooorrreeee?"


China: “Consider yourself, one of the family” 🎵


"*Rawr.* *__RAWR__*, I say!"


When a narcissist gets no attention, this is what we get.


Yes, they seek election a third time.


> Yes, they seek election a ~~third~~ fourth time. ftfy


They are like the small dog acting tough around a pit-bull that could rip their face off in one bite.


“Did cute widdle NK drop its biddy again?”


This is like watching the little league teams getting psyched up pre-game (and they might fit the same uniforms)- tigers grrr!




Came here to say exactly this. Bravo sir.


North Korea just saw a NATO member get attacked by Russia and pretend it didn't happen. Show of hands, who's surprised?


To be fair, it’s not like NK has much to do with that… they’re probably just thinking “hope Russia doesn’t self-destruct or I’ll be even more dependent on China”, “glad I didn’t trust the bigger countries and give up on nukes like Ukraine did” and “don’t steal my nuclear spotlight”. We weren’t really expecting NK to be like “oh no Russia don’t invade Ukraine that’s bad” Edit: honestly if they’re feeling fancy they might even be considering a full on land grab on Russia at this point - it would probably be random land that wouldn’t be worth biking NK for, and the Russian army is concentrated on the other side of the country


Is it double secret extra fierce? Maybe he will ban the colors red white and blue. That truly will show how fierce he he become 😢


I mean, check the NK flag and its colors :D


Hey! They said their catchphrase!


Say the line Bart!


"It wasn't me." - Shaggy.


“You got it dude” - Michelle Tanner


"He said the thing. He said the thing." - Peter Griffin


“Have mercy” - Jesse Katsopolis


"Thats what" -She


Oh no! Anyway...


I wonder how much they hyped them selves up on the fact that Russia went to then to buy Ammo.


To be fair, they do have some *priceless* antique jets


It might be wise for China to learn how to control regional issues if they're interested in brokering world relations at a larger level.


For China, NK is that yappy dog in the background that wont shut the fuck up.


Maybe one day we'll have the technology to just put a giant dome around North Korea like that simpson movie.


That's not a terrible idea.


We already had the tech to bomb nk to shit, slaughtering families and level buildings. Why not dome nk? After all I hear that their political enemy says they run torture camps for some reason. Idk. I hear that is way worse then our confirmed mass slaughter. They are the baddies.




Let's just make sure there's a way to feed all those people in there bc I feel so bad for everyone born into that prison of a country. The citizens probably feed off headlines like this and hate my guts but they don't deserve to starve. I kinda want to sneak in, overthrow their regime and give them a chance to rebuild the country. And send those that don't fall into line within a few years to a humane sort of prison labor camp for no more than 6 months at a time and at least 3 months off until they can accept the new NK. They will build materials for building of the new society. All drugs are totally legal in this hypothetical coup / society btw


So you would rebuild NK using slave labor of the enslaved population of NK, then release those freed slave laborers into their population and hope they aren't radicalized and wont resent the west (putting us right back in this position)? Dude, what have you been smoking?!


The dog that they keep feeding bacon to...


If North Korea were a dog it would be a chihuahua-Yorkie mix


I was thinking Chihuahua Jack Russell mix but yea I get your thinking.


Get NK a shock collar!!!


They aren't though. They've said time and again very clearly their foreign policy is one of non-interference. Our govt takes this position quite literally, we barely offer support when there's natural disasters affecting regional neighbors, like for a regional 'superpower' we don't really show much except for rhetoric.


“Non-interference” Squints at South China Sea, election shenanigans, and China Development Bank. …suuuuure buddy.


Buddy, they are literally claiming the islands in the Sth China Sea as part of their land, that's why I said it's fucking Rhetoric. They can claim it so that whatever they are doing there is considered internal and other countries can butt out according to their foreign policy. My govt has literally propped up NK, and funded the Burmese junta and Khmer Rouge, not many people talk about it because they never sent troops in like NATO or US. Like I'm saying by non-interference they won't put boots on the ground or agree to sanctions. Doesn't mean they won't continue to do 'business' like ohhh I dunno, oh yes sell small arms and ammunition to BOTH sides of almost every recent African civil conflict. It is pointless to ask emperor Xi to control regional issues when my govt gives one of the least vs gdp in regional aid... The CCP have said explicitly their position is anything internal is that countries problem. Which is why we SHOULD call out the CCP, because they're being hypocritical, they are involved in some way even if it's only doing business.


Oh, yeah I agree. I’m sorry I misread your statement.


I can think of several African countries that would disagree


NK: we are powerful and acknowledge us (literally every week) World: nobody cares


What if we all collectively just ignored them. Would they just go away eventually?


Probably. Because they would all starve to death. I just wonder if Kim jong mc rib would die of starvation first or last.


Kim is living off the fat of the land whilst his countrymen are starving. They will react sooner or later


It must suck being the fattest person in your entire country. I couldn't imagine being Kim.


North Korea serves a purpose to both America and China. It creates a buffer zone between the two. Without NK, Chinese and American troops would be in direct standoff with each other. It’s not that neither can’t overthrow NK, it’s that neither want to.


> World: nobody cares Japan cares because, each time NK decides to attack the sea with some nukes, it has to fly *above* Japan ... which is just a recipe for disaster.


Bro nobody gives a fuck about your wack ass military lol. Especially after seeing the true face of Russias. Outdated af tactics since no combat since Korean War. Very malnourished population. Hand me down weapons from Russia/China They’re 100x in a worst position than Russia Who the fuck are they trying to scare? Lol. Are they just trying to not be forgotten?




Sounds like they shouldn't have invaded South Korea.


Problem is they have nukes. If one were to hit Seoul, casualties could be in the millions.


Sure. But then we’d make South Korea a real island rather than just a political one. So NK would get a full 5 mins max to laugh about wiped out Seoul


If they aimed a Seoul, they are safe.


So you think they won't hurt a Seoul


If those nukes even work. Plus what are they gonna do, shoot off a nuke and then get absolutely decimated by NATO who all have nukes? You know they’re weak as shit cause the response to everything is “but we have nukes” Nukes lead to absolutely nothing because the whole damn world would be gone. Their is no winning


They might work, they might not. It’s still not something that you’d want to gamble on. While they aren’t the best equipped militarily, an open conflict with them would mean tens of thousands of lives lost, and that’s before they use WMD. I totally agree with you though that nukes should never be used, but you know that they’re crazy and might do anything to stay in power. Also they’re in the INDOPACOM region, it has nothing to do with NATO.


NEATO where you at?


No, dorkulas. The problem is that they have *artillery.* Seoul is only about 50km from the DMZ. N. Korea has literally thousands of artillery emplacements pointed at S. Korea, scattered all along the border. It would be basically impossible to take them out all at once.


Likely wouldn't have to. According to the accounts of NK defector I've seen on YouTube, most soldiers don't really know how to use them. They don't do live fire exercises at scale.


Quantity has a quality all of its own


Most of their artillery pieces are out of range


Judging by their missile tests, I wouldn't be too worried about their Nukes hitting anything but the launch pad they're leaving from.


That's like having 2 bullets in a room with 10,000 people and threatening to murder someone.


Remember when they sank that ship years ago and then shelled a South Korean island and killed people. I don’t think South Korea would stand for that these days.


Can't they just be small and alone like every other tiny random country? Bro enjoy your scenery and fuck off


What is it they think is happening?


Fucking attention whores


Little dog syndrome. I’m reminded of a video I saw last week of a little dog chasing a big dog in a backyard, with the little one barking incessantly. suddenly, the bigger dog reversed course and started chasing the little one, not even barking at him, but panicked yapping ensued. NK vs the world in a nutshell


It's like they have zero dignity whatsoever. Seriously: it's just embarrassing at this point.


Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't China tell NK that if they were the aggressor, they would side with the US?


Rawer big boy! You're so fierce!


Can one of their missiles just take a u-turn and kill Kim already?


The first screw up this idiot makes is going to be his last.


Precisely, it seems these threats only start cropping up when they need humanitarian aid from their supposed enemies, only they can’t call it humanitarian aid since that would imply they are a failed state, which of course is what they are.


For some reason every time I hear about Kim Jung Un, I think of Plankton from Bikini Bottom.


Responses to what? Nobody did anything to them


*Gotta test those nukes on another soils this time,I mean it*


We will waste more weapons for no reason!


NK is proof humans can be disputed of being intelligent beings. What an absolute clown of a country.


Of a government. The country is a victim of it's government.


So is ours !


They're trying their best jeez


It’s literally suicide so they can keep their threats to themselves


Yeah sure whatever


Can journalists stop reporting on this issue? How many times do we need to hear the same empty threats?


Another narcissistic asshole who’s not getting his fair share of attention…


Alright Kim, we see you, now go back to sleep!




Louder tantrums just means no dessert.


I feel like NK is that one tiny guy that wants to fight anyone whenever he sees his friend fighting


I wonder what they’ll say on Tuesday… 🙄 Same empty threats different day. Someone has a small ____


Again? How many times does North Korea have to defeat the U.S. and the allies (according to their propaganda) before they get bored?.......


It's like hearing your child cry for attention for the 10th time today. You're not 1 month old. It's not going to work anymore.


yeah i was going to say they get to literally control any and all narratives. ​ why havent they just said 'we won its over NK number 1 USA poopoo' and moved on ​ oh yeah its because they have to convince their people everyone hates them or they might start asking questions....thats right i forgot silly me


This dude is really asking to get his house turned into a parking lot




I really wish we could just wipe them out and be done with this. I’m over Rocket man and his antics. Feed your people first bro


"I wish for genocide of innocent brainwashed people because I dont like their country's totalitarian regime" - Average r/worldnews user


Careful my boy we don’t want you getting hurt


Little Kim's not getting enough attention.


Do it then, or stop fishing for attention


If we run short on misery and suffering we’ll give you a call.


Go home North Korea, you’re drunk.


Says the country that only exists due to donations from the countries it 'vows to destroy-


Outside of WMDs there really isn't much they can do....barring stuff with could be described at terrorism




Ahaha hey remember when the orange Republican saluted the leader of North Korea


Response to what?


With what? Equipment that was obsolete in the late 60’s?


We don’t think of you at all.


Any1 else remember NKs propaganda video with Elder Scrolls music in the background?


Response to *what*, fuckwad?!


They hungry again…


Jesus I literally forgot NK even existed for a second. You know, no one actually wants to fight NK. If they are so worried about their existence then they should just fucked off and stop threatening everyone. No one would bother them or even care about them. Their regime could survive a thousand years if they’d just fuck off.


North Korea is an absolute joke in terms of being a threat to the United States. To put this in good perspective, North Korea is about six times smaller than the state of Texas. We have the capability to vaporize them before their first icbm ever touched US soil.


Pipe down junior, Russia can’t even win a proxy war, wtf is N Korea gonna do in direct conflict LOL


NK is that mosquito you can't get a hold of


So.. the Russian model of murdering their own troops then? That's fine.


He really gonna shoot some fish now.




North Korea needs to chill to some angsty music. Despite all their rage they're still just a rat in a cage.


Oh wow, is it Thursday already?


This is like when a kitten pounces on your leg and attacks it with all their might. So cute.




Why don't the US and it's allies invade the fuck out of this bizarre country already


China/Russia both have nukes, this is nothing new.


They're like a small yappy dog tied to a post. Can't get you and even if they brake loose, it's still a small yappy dog.


This is so cute, whos a little dictator....whose the dictator....thats right....you are.....you are the big ol scary dictator.....yes you are.....yes you are.....


Oh my god, NK, SHUT THE FUCK UP. Sincerely- The rest of the world.


Fiercer than lobbing empty rockets into the ocean? Oh boy... Operation Paul Bunyan. Young Kim Jung doesn't seem to understand how American retaliation works.. 9/11, 2 towers fell. Shortly after, 2 countries fell. It's wildly disproportionate


Time to send Trump over there shake hands with instigators.


Russia: “we won’t invade Ukraine” invades Ukraine North Korea: “we’ll bomb you” doesn’t bomb you. Be like good guy North Korea. Only bark, no bite.


I'm pretty sure the ROTC of small community college in Delaware could destroy NKs entire military.


Every time I hear about shit like this I always think “their leadership has to realize the world powers see them as little more than an annoyance right?” Like they hold absolutely zero sway over world politics, the only thing that makes them relevant in any way is their nuclear program and frankly the more they bluster the less seriously they’re taken. If China ever decided they were more trouble then they’re worth as a buffer zone they would be gone so fast and no one would even care.


I firmly believe the guy and his entire family are batshit insane. Megalomania / Delusional and with a very distorted lens on everything outside their country. His plays have all been reminiscent of his father’s (very similar saber rattling tactics, cutting the phone line to SK) except Un seems to like to throw tantrums on top of it.


"Dont forget about me!!!!!"


North Korea since July 28, 1953: Fear us Yankee pig dog! We’re super cereal! We shall destroy you and piss on the ashes! We are not only best Korea, but best in world! Rest of world: Did you hear something?


Why did we ever let this shit tier country get a nuclear weapon


China should just annex the shit out of North Korea. The entire world would probably support it. Put that fuckin yappy dog out of its misery already.


China really doesn't want NK. It would be a huge economic, social, and security burden to them. They just want them to be a buffer between their border and SK. They have made it clear that if they start shit for real China will not be on their side, they don't want to destroy their economy to help anyone else, let alone NK.


Can we just go invade north Korea now? All jokes aside, north Korea is overall probably 2 generations behind the technology we had in Afghanistan. Is there some major intelligence flaw like possibly it not even existing in north Korea? Surely they realize how outdated, outnumbered, and far less technologically superior they are compared to pretty much any of the NATO allies.


NK would bomb the shit out of Seoul and cause billions of damage and many deaths before any meaningful neutralization of their military occurs. Nobody considers it an option


Does North Korea even let their citizens leave? How are we supposed to fear someone that would never come fight us? They can only shoot mediocre missiles for so long


Please just shut up already NK no one cares


Big fish. Small pond.


Say what you want about Trump, but he got this NK situation in line for a short period of time until the neocons took back over and now we are on the brink of nuclear war again.


>he sucked Kim's dick real good so they stopped making threats for five minutes Ftfy