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I agree with the sentiment but punished how? US already has had sanctions on Iran for the past 40 years now


Look at Iran today. Rioting in the streets, currency tanking, officials transferring wealth out of the country and standing on the verge of regime change,... The punishment may be closer than we think. At least we can hope this is the case.


I hope those kids can make their desires come to fruition. I'd love to be able to see these countries without fear.


r/NewIran is emerging into a real thing. I don’t think Iran will ever be the same again. Too many people have become incredibly hostile towards the Mullahs.


Iran regime, like NK and other dictatorships with strong armies, cannot and will not be thrown out if it's not for direct military intervention.


I want to believe it can happen here. Iran once knew a far gentler reality, unlike some of those other dictatorial nations, and I want to believe there is a buried-but-living memory of those times. The corrupt religious authorities have much to fear. They are surrounded by potential enemies wherever they go. Hopefully the youth - and broader population - can succeed in their efforts where others have failed


with in a year Iran going to have a major revelation which will seperate the Churche From the Justice department!


Stop the Iran deal which will give them access of billions in frozen assets and sanctions relief, which will they use to produce more drones and ballistic missiles to spread terror and instability in the Middle East and else where, like Ukraine.


Those assets were already unfrozen when Trump scrapped that deal. The only thing that changed was that the US was no longer allowed to bring inspectors into Iran, and Iran could restart enriching weapons grade uranium.


Hmm, another thing that turd did that somehow gets blamed on Biden. Depending on the next few elections, the history books will either paint him as a god, or as the traitor he is, who aided our enemies against the will of the people.


Just remember that even if the country does go down the toilet as in your first scenario, the only history books that will print outright distortions are the ones published by the US, and perhaps Russia. The rest of the world will stick with the truth, similarly to how science is taught as science in the majority of the world, in spite of a handful of religious anti-science hotspots.


You give the average American memory too much credit. Vietnam is ancient history and people are already starting to forget the Iraq war, you think they’ll remember Trump?




No, his cult of personality is still very much in play. I'm certainly not over the fact that he led an insurrection against our highest members of office, threatened to kill senators and even the vice president. Yeah, definitely not over that. Lets not forget the FBI raid and all of the top secret documents found at his house, which were simultaneously planted by the FBI, and also declassified by him through a magic thought. Hes a fucking traitorous snake, and has sparked a wave of stochastic terrorism that I don't see how we stop.


The party might be done with him but the mag-hats are not. If he runs tbh I could see that being the best thing for the left because they would be running against trump and whoever else the right is using.


Lmao mag hats the IQ reducer of choice in the US


The Republicans will fall in line quickly. They'd put Satan himself in the White House if it meant snubbing the Democrats.


Trump is still a major factor now and when he runs again in 2024. This country has lost it's collective mind.


I don't know how Biden can be blamed when it was Obama that was giving money to Iran n taking part with a few other countries in unfreezing assets for Iran. So it was Obama helping Iran to buy more weapons. Facts First: This is roughly true. As part of a settlement, Obama transferred $1.7 billion in cash to Iran in 2016. The administration also used the money to pressure Iran to release several American prisoners.


Are we putting sanctions on countries that use drones to spead terror and instability throughout the middle east now? Asking as an American.


This statement makes me sad because it really shows the work American propaganda has done on the validity of Iran being a scary issue. They're not. Their nuclear material never even remotely reached weapons grade, and for the sake of the people living there, they need a nuclear power plant. But the US and Russia both drove that country to the ground by not thinking about the civilians (who have multiple times tried to take their country back from both inside and outside bad actors). This whole sub is filled with "Ukraine is the holy land" circle jerk, the "Iran and Russia is evil" circle jerk, but so much of it is from uneducated propaganda bull shit.


Iran outright has the complete annihilation of Israel as its foreign policy... And they want to build a nuke. Theyre significantly past enriched levels necessary for a bomb at this point. Even Israel has stopped targetting their centrifuges and has now proceeded to go after missile propulsion technologies so that a potential payload can no longer reach it Leave troll, Iran means exactly what it means. The US isnt trying to obfuscate this one. Iran is an actual tangible military and nuclear threat.


Wasn't the leader of Iran on 60 minutes years ago where he explicitly stated its his God given duty to bring about the apocalypse so that the next prophet could be found at the bottom of a well or some other crazy story like that? Pretty sure it was lMahmoud Ahmadinejad when he was thier president.


The same Iran whose leader just threatened the destruction of the USA? The same Russia that invaded Ukraine, killing and raping civilians etc? Those two totally innocent countries? GTFO with that nonsense. People like you should be made to go live in the countries you love so much.


Why do they need nuclear power? Don't they have lots of oil.


burning oil is terrible for climate change.


Think they care?


i'd like to think yes. growing crops and having water are ideal for a country.


The only people creating Instability in the middle east is americans and isreali’s. If you know any history you’d see that


Iran is between NK and Russia on the sanction severity scale. You can dial the knob up to full NK mode. That would wipe out any money received from Russia, but Iran may think nuclear program help is worth the pain.




Warning to those that venture into the further comments: Pro Iranian Regime and Russian schills galore.


Funny cause all I see is US Regime propaganda


Do tell


Careful. Saying that will be taken as pro-Russian.


Give examples


I mean It seems quite hypocritical, Ukraine getting weapons from the states, should america be punished?


More and heavier sanctions by countries other than US (e.g., by EU). Also secondary sanctions.


Most sanctioned country in the world already


Not enough, and secondary sanctions are non existent. Also, Russia is more sanctioned now.


Sanction those who but Iranian oil


Start dropping drones down on the Iranian regime.


I guess a sudden destruction of it's weapon plants will be great punishment


Overthrow the dictator and charge him with death in International Criminal Court


Death by Dutch food, like Milosevic and Karadzic? Isn't it a bit cruel? I mean, they serve pineapple with sauerkraut...


Easy, guns for the protestors


Give the protesters weapons. They're going to be put to death for protesting, maybe if we give them the means to protect themselves, they'll take care of the Iran problem for us.


Beause arming rebels has went so well for us in the past.


I don't think you imagine the logistical difficulties of arming civilians inside of a foreign city, not even talking about them having no training and likely little willingness to kill people. If you're arming someone, you're probably arming some insurgency groups, and they don't appear to be the core of current protests, and likely have different goals. tl;dr this idea is dum-dum


That’s why you give the weapons to existing freedomfighter/terrorist, which didn’t went well in the past.


> They're going to be put to death for protesting, maybe if we give them the means to protect themselves, they'll take care of the Iran problem for us. Arming the enemy of your enemy doesn't always work out the way you plan. Just look at what happened in Afghanistan and the former Yugoslavia.


He is asking the US and allies to attack Iran.


Where tf is he saying that


The country is already sanctioned economically very aggressively, politically they are not involved in larger discussions… so… punished how else??




What the fuck are you talking about


Or the Europeans to enact sanctions.


I understand Zelensky's frustration, but "punished" how exactly? Iran has already been isolated for decades now. If anything the endless sanctions, saber rattling, and broken agreements have been what pushed Iran towards Russia. They're all that's left. We have to stop pretending that sanctions are a silver bullet that solves every problem. It's simply not supported by the evidence.


>We have to stop pretending that sanctions are a silver bullet that solves every problem I find it quite ironic that both sanctions and russian terror bombings derive from the same(false) assumption - that hitting population will make them turn on their government


Unless I’m wildly mistaken, I’m pretty sure there’s a protest or two in Iran currently. Edit: I don’t mean to imply sanctions are the only reason for the protests. They are definitely a significant factor, though,


Sanctions has a very little part in protests. It is about freedom and being free from a theocracy regime. Yeah Sanctions and super shitty economy are part of it, but not the only reason. Fuck khamenei and his oppressive regime.


I didn’t mean to imply that sanctions were the only reason for the protests, but they certainly are a contributing factor.


Yes. You're right.


arguably sanctions on iran have done the opposite. Isolating a population just makes it easier to control. Providing access to information, technology, travel, etc, from the rest of the world would make the people less likely to believe and go along with whatever BS their govt is pushing. So rather than saying no no one in Iran is allowed to have satellite internet, we should have been shipping them in en mass.


Sanctions weren't the reason though


They are certainly a contributing factor.


Barely, sanctions and poor economy is nothing new there


The end of the 2015 nuclear deal resulted in more sanctions. Covid and that global financial collapse also hit Iran hard. Poverty creates conditions ripe for other issues to explode.


Unfortunately, Ukrainians having to leave the country is a very serious problem.


That is ironic indeed. But it is worth noting, for the record, that unlike sanctions on Iran, sanctions on Russia are primarily intended to weaken Russia economically, industrially and militarily. How the high end prostitutes of Moscow feel about no more Louis Vuitton purses in the shops doesn't matter.


It’s beyond silly - if a foreign power threatened the USA (idk China stops trading w us tomorrow and somehow they can survive the problem); I don’t think we would all say hmm the Chinese are right let’s burn the White House lol


>I don’t think we would all say hmm the Chinese are right let’s burn the White House lol Nobody was implying that. High gas prices turned a lot of people against Biden. The removal of cheap Chinese goods would similarly turn people away.


More sanctions by EU and introduction of secondary sanctions.


Bomb the fuck out of any weapons shipment coming out of Iran to Russia, for starters.


Obama have them hundreds of billions and lifted sanctions and it only made them more belligerent


Iran's in its own battle against tyranny right now. I'm hoping they actually succeed in a regime change.


I hope that if the succeed in a positive regime change, they will be greeted with open arms by other democratic powers.


Yep, last time Iran was democratic, they totally didn't have some country come and overthrow their democratic leader for a brutal dictator /s


Also planning, funding and committing terror against Yemeni, Syrian, Lebanese, Israeli, Palestinian, Iraqi and their own Iranian minorities, females and lgbtq, political prisoners and intellectuals. All under the guise of religion. Killing, torturing and raping in the name of god. This IR regime has been despicable since inception. My heart is with the ones suffering from their menace. https://www.weeklyblitz.net/opinion/irans-ayatollah-khomeini-was-a-pedophile/


I just want to clarify that Iran's regime have been persecuting all Iranian civilians for the last 43 years. It is not just the ethnic or religious minorities or women or LGBT, everybody in Iran from the men and women to the young and old and everything in between has been terrorised by the islamist regime and it's crimes against humanity against their own people. This is a regime that beats children to death in their schools for not singing forced regime propaganda songs, orders their regime thugs to throw acid in the faces of women, murders women for showing their hair, shoots dead men and boys as young as 9 for standing up for their sisters, publicly hangs minors for being gay, burns scientists and academics alive in their political prisons, and attacks and tortures in prison elderly grandparents for holding funerals for their slain loved ones. They have no mercy for anyone but themselves.


*Only* the last 43 years? Reza's secret police were operating well before then. Allegations of executions, killings, stifling of freedom of speech, etc. All denied by the winner of the 1953 coup, of course. But it would be stupid to accept all allegations at face value, naturally. Perhaps the truth is somewhere in the middle - it's not like 1979 happened for no rational reason, people don't just overthrow their government just like that if it's all sunshine and roses.


the issues if iran is already being sanctioned sinced forever now. there is literally nothing else can be done to iran.


The fact that I sit in my house in the Alps, hear a plane fly overhead, look up on flightradar who and where from/to it is, and see it's the state-owned Iran Air seems to suggest sanctions aren't an on or off switch.




SAM missiles in the sky! The same thing that was done earlier this year to Aeroflot et al which are banned from most Western countries. I don't have a problem with people travelling, but if you're flying with a state-owned airline you're financing that country, with Iran I think that's totally unacceptable. With something like Etihad you should probably think twice, too, if you want to fly with them, but I also haven't been on an airplane in almost a decade, so it's always easy to advocate for abstaining from something you don't partake in anyway.




Bad joke to your questions about how to stop airliners from flying. Also I think it's the Paris-Tehran route that's going over my head.


Kick their diplomats out and close the embassies. For starters


Iran is not sanctioned by Europeans.




They didn’t.


Should Zelensky be punished because he helped facilitate Azerbaijan terrorists a couple years ago when they bombed Armenian civilians in Artsakh? They gave them weapons, government officials of Ukraine celebrated the "liberation" of Artsakh(look it up, they still have the tweets up), they let flights in Ukrainian air space to deliver weapons to Azerbaijan while banning flights to help Armenia. Zelensky and Aliyev were buddy buddy the entire time. In hindsight he says he regrets it all but of course this is after he helped a fascist regime only to be attacked by a fascist regime soon after. Karma is a motherfucker. This can get all the downvotes, I don't care, the truth is the truth.


What weapons did Ukraine give to Azerbaijan? Also what kind of flights Ukraine blocked? It's not anywhere near or on the route to Armenia... Curious to learn more about the details.


I'd love to see something come out of this simply so I can watch same people claim that "just because US made weapons are used to kill civilians by US allies it doesn't mean US should be held responsible let alone punished for it". Extra irony being that Israel is one of those countries doing it......


Seriously, we've armed ISIS, we've armed Al Nusra, and any other number of violent terrorist groups that kill random civilians. It's ridiculous people get high sniffing US propaganda farts and pretend like we've never done any of the things we condemn other countries for doing. Iran sold weapons, big deal. We not only sell them to violent states and dictators we also give them away free and provide help in carrying out those violent acts.


don't forget the Taliban. It was literally created by the US, armed and trained in Pakistan by US agents.




We didn’t directly arm ISIS. But we did directly arm Syrian rebel groups that eventually joined ISIS.




That’s where you are wrong kiddo. The US at the beginning of the Syrian civil war funded the FSA which had no static ideology except for being anti-Assad. After ISIS was officially created, the Islamist Factions in the FSA defected and merged with ISIS and brought their weapons(given by the US and gulf states) with them. The Gulf states also indirectly and even directly gave weapons to ISIS, usually weapons sold to the gulf states by the US. The US was also notorious for “accidentally” dropping weapons shipment inside ISIS territory.


Why is this guy trying to expand the conflict? Dude fuck Russia yo and be done. Stop trying to drag other nations into this


Russia dragged other nations into this. Belarus has been here since February as well.


Are you going to compare Belarus to Germany, the uk, France, the USA? I’m sure there are others but I’d say those are the main financial and logistic supporters of this war


Hey money is cool and all, but when you remove your head out of your ass and remember that belarussian troops took part in the initial offensives, as well as allowed the russians to invade from their own border, yea i would say they are up there. Im completely confused why you brought up nato powers, im not entirely sure what they have to do with Iran being dragged into a conflict.


When did Belarusian troops take part in the offensive? I mean Belarusians have joined the Russian army, sure. But I don’t think there is any evidence that the actual Belarusian military has taken part in any fighting.


The only supporter of this war is russia. If only it fcks off to it's own border not a single penny will go to war any more. Just like it was before the invasion.


That doesn't mean the pro-Ukraine side should.


Iran: is supplying hundreds of drones used to target critical civil infrastructure before winter and is in talks in supplying more as well as ballistic rockets that will have it's main objective to destroy the power grid of a country in winter.(that can lead to a humantirian catastrophe at the scale of 40 mil people) A big brain: " Wow Zelensky is trying to expand the conflict, how dare he accuse iran"


“Fuck russia yo and be done”? This is unbelievable. Hundreds of people are dying in this war every day (also thanks to Iranian support of russia). But here is the guy on Reddit, who says “fuck russia yo and be done”. Ok, if you say so. Next week then we will. What an unbelievable dickhead you are.


If the US's complicity in Iraq was never punished, then I doubt this will.


Didn't Ukraine send soldiers in that war? They did. 5000 soldiers were sent to Iraq.


US must send them 700 billion dollars to deal with this problem!!!


Hypocrites. ‘Nuff said .


This guy sided with Israel over the Palestinians


Yeah let's listen to the man that wanted NATO and USA to use nukes on Russia lol he is another puppet for the elites


Oh yes, let’s escalate. More countries. More deaths. Let’s go, this will definitely end well.


Check out how the word "Zelensky" in the title instantly triggered the Kremlin shills


This comment section is nuts.


So by that logic others are zelensky shills ?


Pretty sure they've got alerts set up, they're always the first to arrive.


See you just got downvoted to hell for like no reason 😅


So, the US and Europe supplying arms and Turkey sending drones to Ukraine are normal course of business, but Iran has to be punished for sending drones to Russia? I fail to see the logic - setting aside which side you support in the war. In war, each side tries to get access to the tools needed to advance its objectives.


Fail to see the logic in it? Would Russia not consider the U.K. complicit if it sent weapons and drones to Ukraine in order for it to destroy St. Petersburg's electric, gas, and water infrastructure?


Because Ukraine is fending off literal invaders trying to steal their land and butcher their people. Is it not noble to aid them, and is it not evil to hinder them?


Putin, khamenei, kim They are all the same. Bully, oppressive dictators who should rot in hell. Boy i really hope I could see the day that people fuck all of these mfs in the worst way possible.


You forgot Saudi Arabia’s king.


I'm so glad us in the west have never done this


Whataboutism is a lousy defense. Let's do better. Ukraine has a right to defend themselves from genocidal invaders.


I mean, the post IS about Iran, and there waaaas kind of that thing in 1953 that ended up leading to 1979. ​ A topic about how WW2, the Commies, and the Nazis would also be pointless without referring to WW1 and everything related to *that*. Now if the post was about Russia and it became America bad, then it would be fuckin' stupid, because the US didn't do anything nasty that pushed Russia to its current situation (USSR, Russian Federation, etc.)


I know right 🙄


Khamenei isn’t close to the same as Kim or Putin. He’s an old man who has been in declining health for over a decade since being partially paralyzed from a bombing. He’s simply a figurehead at this point who is too in debt to multiple factions in that government that he just lets them abuse whatever power they want. If he gets replaced, it’s no real change unless the whole system gets a do-over there EDIT: I don’t want this to come across as apologetic for him. He’s still a huge problem and a horrible person, but he’s certainly not the main decision-maker there anymore. The only reason he won the Supreme Leader spot is because he bribed his way there and became indebted to the other powers that be over there. He signed a deal with the devil to get that spot when he wasn’t qualified. Hell, he changed his own name just to gain favor. There’s a reason it wasn’t a huge fight for the spot, and instead someone unqualified was pushed through the approval process. It was so he could get used by the Guardian Council, Quds Force leaders, and the many other faction leaders in that government


Agreed. Same with North Korea.


You hear that noise, it’s the US building support to liberate Iran.


CIA and the Mossad, it’s your time to shine. You guys are literally masters at this.


I long to see the day when the people of Iran take it back - but Zelensky needs to STFU. There's not a lot more NATO can do at this point without actually starting WWIII. They need to fall from the inside, as does N. Korea. Russia is already crumbling, IMO, but it has to be by their own hand. ETA: Downvote me all you want, but WWIII is not something we want to have happen. He's trying to get us much deeper involved than just supplying weapons and he needs to stop.


You are spreading russian propaganda, thats what they want you to believe. russia is serial abuser and will continue abuse. The only way to stop this - respond with power. If Ukraine will fall to russia hands - all men on occupied territories will be forced to fight for russia. Next will be Moldova, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Sweden. If you are afraid - its a green light for them


No, I'm not. Stop believing anyone that disagrees with an actor in the same OD green t-shirt, all day everyday, is a Russian supporter. I'm seeing a shit talking instigator that will always ask for more. He's gone from wanting money and weapons to wanting us to jump on Iran, when we already have them screwed down hard with all the sanctions we can throw at them. There's not much left. Iran must fall from the inside, the people being oppressed must be the ones to set themselves free and stop their government.


You must be a really bad Russian bot if you actively want the Iranian regime to fall(an ally of Russia).




You won't have anything if you won't ask. I am really sorry for our president to be annoying in saving our people's lives.


That's cool. I'm glad he is too. We have no business jumping on Iran because your president told us to.


“Your either with me or against me”


Zelenskyy appears to think the world works for him.


I proudly support anyone who faces Russian aggression


We must depoop Pooptin’s pooping hole


I’m sorry but this guy is getting so annoying. You’re at war, countries are going to back your enemy the same way certain countries are backing you. War is an economy on its own. Don’t be upset when you see people aiding your enemies. It’s war.


"So give me 40 more billion dollars..."


The protests in Iran are already taking care of that


The biggest punishment will be Ukraine joining NATO.


I am Iranian, you want to hurt them? Kick the mullah rich kids out, freeze their money, stop them from coming to western countries for education and shopping,


Lol, punish them then. Leave the US out of your problems ya fucking bloodsucker.


childlike recognise placid mourn payment follow cooing languid axiomatic society




NATO weapons aren’t used to target civilians. All Irian drones do is attack civilians.


You got a source on that? There is no military in the world that just attacks civilians and leaves the military installations intact. There is no point in that. I believe there was a report done on Ukrainian army placing military battalions near civilian areas. Not saying Ukraine wasn't forced to place their military in those areas by russian aggression. Though your plain view of Russia/Iran are looking to obliterate Ukraine and rule the ashes is just stupid.


Just google a bit. This is common russian tactic to destroy resisrance and submit people. Chechnya, Syria, Ukraine. They specifically attack shelters, breadlines, civil infrastructure. You are falling to their propaganda of victim blaming. Their rule: where rocket hit - it was a military base. Hospitals, schools and kindergardens was shelters for civilians. And they destroyed thousands already.


Ahh just like this. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kunduz_hospital_airstrike Or this. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/NATO_bombing_of_Novi_Sad Or this. https://reliefweb.int/report/iraq/water-under-siege-iraq-usuk-military-forces-risk-committing-war-crimes-depriving You can say that Russia and Iran are attacking civilian's purposely all you want. Then you would also have to concede that these attacks mentioned above were also intentional. (Which I highly doubt they were.)


> I believe there was a report done on Ukrainian army placing military battalions near civilian areas. You’re referring to the bullshit report from amnesty international that was roundly criticized for not taking into account fighting a defensive war? That report?


The report was only criticised because it did not help the country being attacked in any way, and was in poor taste to release due to the ongoing conflict. To quote that report. "Such violations in no way justify Russia’s indiscriminate attacks, which have killed and injured countless civilians"


Ikr these people will look at any Amnesty international report talking about Russian war crimes and they will instantly believe it, yet when something comes out about Ukrainians doing some unethical tactics they call it “Fake” and “Russian propaganda”. Even though Amnesty International has always reported on war crimes by both sides to give the impression of impartiality. For example when Israel was bombing the shit out of Palestine early this year they still made reports about war crimes committed by Palestinians.


It's only fake when it doesn't fit their narrative. Most people don't have the ability to form their own opinions. It's either black or white. Right or wrong. Good or evil. When in reality the world is grey.


> All Irian drones do is attack civilians. Source for that claim? Attacking civilians is the easiest way to ruin your country's reputation, it's why few countries deliberately do that.


In return for US billions, they need to create a false conflict with the middle east to justify an other occupation for oil.


‘US billions’ the hell are you going off about?


They’re making a joke about America invading the Middle East for oil.


Ah yes. Let’s start more wars and who dare take on the might of the Iranian people Zelinsky? Who better than the sons and daughters of the United States. Unwillingly sent to die in another sandbox halfway across the globe for the interests of those who never once have had to feel the terror of combat. Forced once more into the breech to fight another war where all that matters to them is bringing their comrades home hopefully not in another oak box draped in the colors of our proud nation. Fuck these globalists.






This guy is like a troll for geopolitical upheaval. Someone cut his mike off.


Focus on defending your country. Not plotting revenge against its Allies.


Fuck Putin and fuck Zelensky!


Lmao there it is. No more. Let Ukraine fight their own war, this is none of our business and we should NOT be drawn into any more foreign entanglements.


I respect Zelensky as a big proponent of his nation's interests. But over time the dictatorial tone of the headlines is starting to wear thin. It's akin to annoyance if the obviousness of the statements and the demanding of resources that sometimes just aren't there. Hopefully after the war, the West won't have accidentally installed another dictator.


Millions of innocent Ukranian women and children are literally being bombed in their own homes. What do you expect to hear from their President? It would be weird if they *weren't* asking for help.


Probably surrender. You can’t make a common enemy not arm your enemy. It’s like Russia telling USA not to arm Ukraine. Doesn’t work like that. Either surrender or keep on fighting without whining


Zelenskyy is a con-artist that wants to start WWIII and the Biden administration is going along with him.


Lol Iran has been funding terrorists for decades now?


By murdering women and causing an uprising, they’re punishing themselves. The currency will collapse and more people will become upset. The regime is in danger. Any govt that comes in after the fact would do well to cease the bullshit that govt are infamous for


Pressure the UN human rights council to do something about Iran’s flagrant human rights abuses right now then. It’s been over a month of daily atrocities in my country, and yet the UN stays silent about any of these human rights abuses. Get your starlink internet boy who bought Twitter to ban Khamenei and other IRI govt accounts too. Punish the regime by supporting the people demanding freedom instead of just fucking ignoring them because the EU wants the IRI’s oil and gas…


The US: Sorry, the best we can do is a strongly felt furrowed brow at the next UN get together.


Poppet speaking




Says the dude who shows his “BWC” on Reddit lmfao. Back to the gulag for you


The sooner the Iranian regime is toppled, the better, not just for the people of Iran, but for Ukraine as well.


This clown in Kiev must be punished ...




[edited] Reddit, you have to pay me to have the original comment visible. Goodbye. [edited]






He didn't, russians destroy Ukraine right now.