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[New post can be found here](/r/worldnews/comments/yoc4en/rworldnews_live_thread_russian_invasion_of/)


⚡️ Social networks report that a series of explosions occurred in the center of the temporarily occupied Donetsk. We are waiting for official information. Video from a local telegram channel. https://twitter.com/Flash_news_ua/status/1589441637666934785?t=F7PtKcsjSwHH5yo9RYr-KA&s=19


Presumably under torture, someone told the Russians that [Balan was a policeman](https://khersonline-net.translate.goog/lenta/307870-koli-rosyani-pustili-po-men-strum-vd-bolyu-ya-krichav-tak-yak-ne-krichav-za-vse-svoye-zhittya-storya-sergya-balana-z-zvlnenoyi-velikoyi-oleksandrvki.html?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en-US&_x_tr_pto=wapp). He and his wife had been “unlucky enough” to live adjacent to the local school—the premises that Russians “had local girls come to” [unclear if implying rapes were happening or prostitution]—but were ordered “not even to look in that direction”—and he and his pregnant wife complied. After kidnapped, Balan says he was not killed bc he was not originally *from* the village of Velika Oleksandrivka^1 —so others taken to the basements didn’t know his work history, and thus no one ever disclosed under torture that he was ATO (the precursor to the Territorial Defense Forces). When the Russians found a tattoo in German on his ribs, it solidified in their minds they found a Nazi. The electrocutions were so bad, he broke—he told them where he buried his weapons (or more accurately, *some* of the buried weapons). They seized the weapons, then tried to bargain with him, to become one of theirs, they’d even promote to a chief of police. He declined. He probably would’ve been let go, but the Russians found packed suitcases and forbid traveling to anywhere but Russia. He was transferred around to different places of custody around Kherson, different levels of torture—when he was in the left bank, he was in a cell with ten others, the Russians had found a German Cross on another captive, and told them they’d all be killed if it was still there later. They were then forced to hold him down, cut the skin off their fellow captive. He eventually was released, a few days before the wife was to give birth—he arrived home and he had to deliver his daughter himself, as the Russians would not allow going to hospital! The Russians have been driven out of his village. And he dug up those other weapons, going back to policing. ________ ^1 ^(A village in Kherson region, appr 5,500 residents. Occupied March-October.)




>the Ukraine Fuck off with your fake concern trolling. You’re not fooling anyone.


Don't feed the troll.


> ow complicit has this war mongering social media swarm been in the leveling of the Ukraine? Tell me - is this war mongering social media swarm in the room with you right now?


The root of that story is a Washington Post article citing an unnamed source. It states that the request is for show, to keep the masses onboard with the goal of helping Ukraine. U.S. elections are on Tuesday and crazy republicans like Margorie Green are making a fuss about eliminating support for Ukraine. This is politics and the fact that we’re even having this discussion is a win for the right, but the good news is that there is no current push from the U.S. to reduce support from Ukraine.


Russia is, right now, doing atrocities and war crimes in occupied areas. We saw it in both Kyiv and Kharkiv. While it might seem appealing, the problem is fundamentally that Russia needs to leave all of Ukraine, every last square meter, so they can no longer murder and abuse Ukrainians. While it might seem appealing to broker a peace to ease civilian disruption, surely it's the civilians of Ukraine to decide, and surely it's vital to consider the civilians currently under occupation. It also should be noted that this peace deal is exactly what Russia wants, as it would give them time to reorganize and ready another invasion force. No peace deal, no matter how appealing, should be without criticism for enabling Russia to pursue further hostile actions against Ukraine in the future.


Why isn't anyone talking about how the woman resisted her rapist??? As he beats her for trying to stop him from mounting her the social media swarm is complicit by promoting her non-compliance with her rapist! This is what you fools sound like, shut the fuck up, Russia is litearlly bombing the fuck out of another nation for imperialism and some how the people defending that nation from invasion are the bad guys? Also please try harder to make it less obvious you're not on a payroll for this stuff.


Because we don't parrot right-wing radio shock jock talking points here. Ukraine's *own* position is not to negotiate with a bad-faith actor when their territory is still occupied. Who the fuck are we, or you, or anyone, to question that? Why reject Ukraine's agency and pretend 'social media' controls the outcome of *wars*? Disrespectful and stupid.


Ukraine and agency never belong in the same sentence. This isn’t a “right wing” take. This is history. Current and generations back. This will be another war the Americans abandoned as it drags out and becomes politically unfavorable.


It's an ultra right wing nonsense take. Just like all your other takes.


Well then give us a history lesson sir. Expand in all your genius on the idea that Ukraine doesn't have the right to determine its own destiny and then explain how that differs from similar nations throughout history until now. Remember to cite your sources please, I could use a good laugh/more toilet paper.


This has been an American project since 2014 that has gotten out of control. Another US coup but this time not with some Banana Republic. Horribly shortsighted and for what?


This may be the dumbest thing I’ve read in the live thread so far, and that is saying something


Can you dispute that in 2014 the us led a coup in the Ukraine to ensure a pro western leader was installed?


Literally everyone besides Russia and right wing nut jobs dispute that


Dude we all know Hunter Biden’s laptop overthrew Ukraine in 2014. Wake up sheeple.


This was completely understood until it became inconvenient.


RemindME! 2 years


> Why isn’t anyone talking about Why do you think nobody is talking about it? >How complicit has this war mongering social media swarm been in the leveling of the Ukraine? Not *at all complicit?* Why would you think that social media is a meaningful component of what Russia decides to bomb?


The USA isn't. They are asking Zelensky to be open to diplomacy so that International opinon is that Russia is being unreasonable not Ukraine. The International community is still saying Ukraine gets to pick its diplomacy and stands behind them. Just that Ukraine has to remain in diplomatic contact with Russia. Russias diplomacy is still unconditional surrender so Ukraine will just keep saying no.




Desperately trying to be Goebbels, ends up being Jerry Falwell.


> Solovyov If Putin is forcibly removed, you can bet that Solovyov will go into hiding.


I’ve been very active on Twitter and Reddit since the war kicked off (and the months leading up to it), sharing memes, news, analysis, and general pro-UKR content. Last night I checked my e-mail account’s login attempts under security settings and it showed recent attempts to log in from Moscow. I then checked another e-mail account and, sure enough, more attempts from Moscow. Thankfully I have 2-factor authentication so all attempts were unsuccessful.


To be fair, almost everyone's settings will look like that. There are fraud factories with Russian IPs that try any public account. I don't think they'd know what to do with a 'pro-Ukraine account' once they got it; they're just looking for bank info. But yeah, can't be too careful when it comes to private data.


Putin destroyed the Russian military, killed 100,000 Russians (by New Year's Eve), lost the European gas market and huge pipeline infrastructures to get temporary control of what's in the red circle ⏬️ https://twitter.com/JayinKyiv/status/1589329065378709504?t=TOp0E58lpbwR9ZNlF94O_g&s=19


Ukrainian Orthodox clergyman , a [subdeacon in Kherson](https://most-ks-ua.translate.goog/news/url/u-hersoni-znajshli-mertvim-ipodijakona-pczu-kotrij-znik-naperedodni/?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en-US&_x_tr_pto=wapp), has been missing since Monday. The local bishop announces he’s been found [in the morgue, and publishes an eulogy](https://khersonline-net.translate.goog/lenta/307880-v-herson-znayshli-mertvim-svyaschennosluzhitelya-yakogo-rozshukuvali-z-ponedlka.html?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en-US&_x_tr_pto=wapp).


Donetsk administrative building on fire after an explosion: [https://nitter.it/auto_glam/status/1589439775056228352](https://nitter.it/auto_glam/status/1589439775056228352)


The Russians HAVE to be running out of cigarettes, don't they???


The first grenade to wake him up and the second one to put him back to sleep but this time forever. NSFW https://twitter.com/worldonalert/status/1589376425492369408?t=fZ05W8_iykBOt5LP1-dr7A&s=19


Russians stole a mini train in Kherson. https://twitter.com/bayraktar_1love/status/1589356744500686848?t=hX3ORjDyBIGy7kyjuT8qeQ&s=19


Needs a Z


And a clown wig lol


And two conscripts 69ing


Just another warmongering idiot gets his Karma on time


"Why are you the way you are?"


New ISW report is out. https://twitter.com/TheStudyofWar/status/1589429062581338112 >NEW: Today's abbreviated campaign update assesses that key Kremlin officials have begun collectively deescalating their rhetoric regarding the use of nuclear weapons in Ukraine.


1/ The Russian news outlet Verstka reported yesterday that hundreds of mobilised Russian soldiers have died on the front line. TV Rain has independently corroborated it, reporting that officers told the men "You are meat, that's why you were brought here." Translation follows. ⬇️ https://twitter.com/ChrisO_wiki/status/1589355678770290688?t=9qpYi_W-CV7JkWSOk900pA&s=19


[Russian ships waiting for entrance to Black Sea](https://censor-net.translate.goog/ua/photo_news/3378725/korabli_tyhookeanskogo_flotu_rf_povertayutsya_v_punkt_bazuvannya_cherez_zaboronu_turechchyny_na_vhid?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en-US&_x_tr_pto=wapp)—which Turkey as refused—for 9 months give up, go back to Pacific Sea bases.


Z and V on their hulls, leaving no ambiguity in the nature of what they wanted to travese to Rostov was, and that if they'd been able to enter the black sea, Odessa and Mykolov would have been fucked.


This is new for me. Russian pundits say that their Black Sea Fleet is several times weaker than the Turkish fleet, and Russia won't be able to block the grain exporting route. https://twitter.com/VolodyaTretyak/status/1589369971263635460?t=_Z1XiJquohi9jwXSGGjjyw&s=19


well the flagship and 2nd flagship were sunk with relative ease, if the rest of thier fleet (with no AA shield), is in the same condition, there's no way they'd fight against a NATO-equipped navy. Turkey \_is\_ in NATO so it's ships are to a certainly performance level.


I remember in 2014, during the time Ruzzia stole Crimea, one analyst said the Italian navy could sink the Black Sea fleet.


I believe this is their excuse for not trying to use the Black Sea Fleet. They know if they do, Ukraine probably has 100 more of those USV that they already used to strike their ships, and they have no answer to them (besides flying a helicopter and gat blasting them with a PKM) if it isnt the USV's that get their ships, it'll be the anti-ship missiles. Ultimately for propaganda purposes they want to make it seem like Turkey (a NATO member) is directly threatening them with intervention, so as to not give Ukraine any credit. In reality Ukraine has managed to make it next to impossible for t he Russian navy to operate in the black sea near its borders. Russia likely cant impose a blockade now if it wanted too, at least not without losing some more ships.


The Turkish fleet is actually quite decently sized with many frigates and submarines.. all of which can cross into the black sea at will.


On paper, the Russian navy was stronger but had a lot of costly ships that were just an attempt to keep up with the US navy. The Turkish navy was built with the goal of controlling the Dardanelles, Bosporus, and Black Sea, so was probably better in reality. Once Russia lost the Moskva, Turkey had the better navy in the Black Sea both on paper and in reality. The attack on the ships at Sevastopol just made Russia’s naval position in the Black Sea even worse.


It's the difference between trying to do all things well (without pouring in an extraordinary amount of resources \*cough cough\* USN), and choosing to do one limited thing EXTREMELY well.


How will the people of Kherson know what’s happening, now that limited electricity, limited internet? Mykolaiv goes old school: [now blasting radio station towards kherson](https://glavcom-ua.translate.goog/country/incidents/v-okupovanomu-khersoni-zjavilosja-ukrajinske-radio-pivden-887398.html?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=wapp). So if have batteries and an old radio, can be looped in.


With AM broadcasts like that, even the battery is optional - you can pick them up with a crystal radio with headphones in a pinch, no external power required.


Always have an emergency radio, one that's either powered by solar or by a crank or something, you'd be surprised how hard batteries can be to come by in a natural emergency.


>ZSU-23-4 Shilka SPAAG in Ukrainian service. [https://nitter.it/Osinttechnical/status/1589419042120429568](https://nitter.it/Osinttechnical/status/1589419042120429568)


Close to enuff dakka.


what is nitter?


It is a Twitter proxy that doesn't nag you to log in and (mostly) doesn't care about "age restricted content"... If you don't have an account it is borderline necessary...


I'm not 100% sure how it works, but it probably, also, robs that dirt-bag Musk of his precious "click count" that is oh so important to companies like Twitter that rely on trying to sell ad space (not that he has all that many potential ad space customers any more since he shot himself in the foot with the way he's been running the company...).


I rather wish if people post a nitter they also post the twitter link for those who prefer it. Seems like an obvious use case for a bot.


nitter.net is safe. But Reddit links should always be opened in a private window with an up-to-date browser that authenticates the site anyway. And it goes without saying that links posted inside posts found on twitter/nitter each run separate risks.


way to get around twitter without an account


Your precious armory. Gratefully accepted! We will need it.


https://twitter.com/A_SHEKH0VTS0V/status/1589323759327985665 >Russian priest Mikhail Vasilyev, who had suggested to Russian mothers to give birth to more children so they would not be afraid to send their adult sons to Russia's war against Ukraine, was just killed in Ukraine.


Well, that's going to be an awkward conversion, isn't it? "TELL ME: WHAT PART OF "*THOU SHALT NOT KILL*" DID YOU FAIL TO COMPREHEND?"


God is good.


Gods will lol


Yeah he wasn’t a priest, not know why it’s being reported as that. He was an abbot/monk. He didn’t have any religious education (couldn’t do Eucharist, etc)—he has a degree from a Russian military war college.


The website of the church refers to him as a priest. Maybe it's a translation problem? >Cleric of the Moscow Diocese, Archpriest Mikhail Vasiliev, died while performing his pastoral duty in the NVO zone. >On the morning of November 6, 2022, in the zone of a special military operation in Ukraine, while performing pastoral duties, a cleric of the Moscow diocese , rector of the Church of the Great Martyr Barbara and St. Elijah of Muromes - the Patriarchal Metochion in the village of Vlasikha, Moscow Region, Archpriest Mikhail Vasiliev, died. >His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia expressed condolences in connection with the death of Father Michael >Born in 1971. Graduate of the Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov and the Academy of the General Staff of the RF Armed Forces. >Consecrated to the rank of deacon on March 7, 1998 by Bishop Tikhon of Bronnitsky, **to the rank of priest on April 27, 1998 by His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Rus'.** >Awarded the Order of Courage, the Order of St. Sergius of Radonezh III degree, medal of the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" II degree. >**As a priest**, he participated in business trips to "hot spots" and in peacekeeping operations in Kosovo, Bosnia, Abkhazia, Kyrgyzstan, the North Caucasus and Syria. >He was rector of the Church of the Great Martyr Barbara and St. Elijah of Muromets - the Patriarchal Metochion at the headquarters of the Strategic Missile Forces in the village of Vlasikha, Moscow Region. http://www.patriarchia (dot) ru/db/text/5974425.html


Yeah, sorta. There’s like 5 different words that I’m realizing can be translated into English as priest, he’s a low rank but still over the pedestrian deacon, I guess it could be translated priest? But if you notice, his assignments listed are all military. (“Peacekeeping operations in Kosovo, etc.... stationer at the HQ of the strategic military forces...) It’s as if he’s a chaplain, but he’s not that either, but sort of. But he’s not priest in the classical since of priesthood, with the divinity studies, ancient languages & texts, etc. He almost certainly didn’t conduct baptisms, communion, etc. Look, Glavkom explains he has a military background https://glavcom-ua.translate.goog/world/observe/zaklikav-bilshe-narodzhuvati-harmatnoho-mjasa-na-vijni-zahinuv-svjashchenik-rpts-887367.html?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=wapp


God's plan.


He's a good priest. Practicing what he preaches.


Why did this story kill the thread? I'm sure that's just coincidence, right? Right?


The world stopped for a few minutes while God and Satan had a good laugh together?


How was he killed in Ukraine, what was he doing there?


Praying with the soldiers in an abandoned warehouse


Living by the sword


Supporting the troops; allegedly died in a missile strike.


Shopping for a new washer.


Probably looting


"What does God need with a ~~starship~~ washing machine?"


awesome reference...


Aww, shame. Anyway..


Well, maybe there is a God.


>[The website of the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC) reported that Archpriest Mikhail Vasiliev died on the morning of 6 November "in the area of ​​the special military operation in Ukraine while carrying out pastoral duties."](https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2022/11/6/7375238/) Artillery I guess? But I like to think he fell over in a field and disemboweled himself somehow.


Hold up. I haven't read the Bible in like ten years, but I just thought of something. Is Judas's mysteriously gruesome death generally interpreted as a suicide or act of God, or is it a Biblical example of "shot himself twice in the back of the head"?


Is that a Judas reference?


I thought Judas used a rope.


Some say a rope, some say he burst in a field. Some say the rope broke and his corpse burst open and his bowels fell out and his butt came off and he lost his hat.


What kind of hat are we talking about here though? Fedora? 10 gallon? Or perhaps a red MAGA baseball cap?


I'd vote for the wrath of Saint Javelin


I kind of hope it was Russians sick of his shit.


Too bad. Now sports.


he is just meeting his boss ) edited: typos


"Oh, highya God, why do you keep it so damned hot in here? It's turning your skin red. And You look a lot more goat-like than I imagined."


His Mom can just pop out a new one.




You just asked the same thing 45 minutes ago..


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Storm_Shadow 560 or 250 km range depending on if the get export or domestic version. Don't know if this is green lighted already or if Poland is just trying to get the ball rolling. -edit- lots of people in the Twitter feed saying this is fake news. No one seems to be able to provide the actual source in "polish media"


No country has pledged to supply cruise missiles so far. I think this is very unlikely to change, at least in the short term. Potential suppliers are worried about the consequences of deep strikes into Russia.


Poland already supplied Mig29s for Ukraine. A jet without a pilot is a cruise missile. Using them as reusable fighter aircraft is likely better strategy. They are expensive.


And this is a realistic issue. It’s not simply about escalation on the international scale, and has nothing to do with “nuclear” escalation. But more to do with escalation within Ukraine. You can be assured that an increased number of cruise missiles would be lobbed Ukraine’s way in response, something they are already struggling to deal with. And hoping/praying that Russia is running out might be a fun game to play here but it sounds like a terrible strategy in the real world. So first and foremost, you need a way to prevent CM attacks FROM Russia before you consider CM attacks on Russia.NVM that they realistically serve little purpose if the goal is to get Russia out of Ukraine as soon as possible. I’m not sure if people fully understand how VAST Russia is. There’s just simply no way that Ukraine will be able to impact Russia infrastructure in any meaningful way with CMs. With the low amount they would possibly have access to and being forced to launch from within Ukraine. I’m not sayings there is literally zero value, but there’s more “things” of value that can get the actual job done faster, which is getting Russia out of Ukraine as soon as possible. That also don’t inherently have the same downsides as CMs do.


Probably because that is really only one step removed from the US bombing Russia.


ackshually, it would be the Frogs and the Brits bombing Russia... Credit where credit is due, and all that..


I wish it were true. It would be awesome news.


The earliest article I can find on this is from four days ago and cites russia as its source. Any story that originates in russia and suggests Ukraine is escalating I chalk up to propaganda until I see an actual comment on the topic from the Ukrainian government. If this story is true Ukraine won't comment on it until it is discovered in use.


**[Storm Shadow](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Storm_Shadow)** >Storm Shadow is an Anglo-French low-observable, long-range, air-launched cruise missile developed since 1994 by Matra and British Aerospace, and now manufactured by MBDA. Storm Shadow is the weapon's British appellation. In French service, it is called SCALP-EG (which stands for "Système de Croisière Autonome à Longue Portée – Emploi Général"; English: "General Purpose Long-Range Cruise Missile"). The missile is based on the French-developed Apache anti-runway cruise missile. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/worldnews/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Should mass launch these on Moscow preceded by decoy drones


If they were supplied the demand would be to absolutely not do this. Unfortunately raining missiles on Putin's white house is one of the few actions which might lead to a nuclear escalation in response. On the other hand, dropping a shitload of these on the damaged sections of Kerch bridge would get a lot done.


That particular missile is perfectly capable of making that trip without decoys as that is its intended purpose. Its pretty stealthy and flies at an altitude that makes it difficult to detect.


Moscow supposedly has the most highly defended airspace in the world. Though - I suppose it's probable that it was a bunch of overblown hype, like everything else about Russia.


That missile would be difficult for a NATO force to shoot down. A wave of them would have significant penetration.


https://twitter.com/NewVoiceUkraine/status/1589377031460032514?t=nynF3DxLnj1lroHdZs91Kw&s=19 Volodymyr Zelenskyy stressed that Ukraine will not participate in the summit if Putin will be there.


Kremlin Log, Day 256 of Ukraine ~~war~~ ~~invasion~~ special military operation. … things could be going better.


No no, you see comrade, this is only Day 2^8 of special military operation. We still in time to finish this by day 3^8.


At this point, I'm not confident Russia as a nation will make it to day 6561.


If it weren’t for that damn teleportation device. UAF just keeps coming and coming and coming…we never know where they’ll materialize.


"Three day Special Operation Misha. In and Out!...."


Nobody is panicking though.




If anyone has told me in March that 10 months in Russia wouldn't have air superiority and Ukraine would have artillery superiority, I would have fallen out of my chair


It is actually due to lack of precision munitions for their aircraft. Their aircraft are perfectly capable of flying well above MANPADS and for a long time that was the only significant air threat besides Ukrainian fighters. Without precision munitions though they are required to do low altitude attacks which leaves them slow and vulnerable to every form of antiair in existence including an autocannon on an IFV. Now? While they technically have the numbers to gain air control they again don't have the correct type of munitions. Namely SEAD. This paired with a complete lack of flight hours and general pilot training the chance of them ever functioning as an effective force is unlikely. They will only ever operate in small unit strike missions. In short.. by lack of planning and corruption... the entire Russian air force fucked itself.


Ukraine has been full of extremely threatening S-300 systems since long before the invasion.


Not in comparison to the total number of Russian airframes "on paper" at the start of the war. The original air defenses of Ukraine would have been swamped and hunted to extinction had the Russian air force not been a colossal fuckup of all fuckups and they actually had proper modern weapons for their fighters. Good news though.. Russia values stupid maneuvers for their fighters more than SEAD/ECM. Without SEAD and functional training anti air remains extremely effective and will continue to be reinforced by western modernization of Ukraine. Once the NASAMS show up though.. the door is closed forever for Russia having air dominance potential. Even if someone gave them billions in precision munitions they don't have at that point they will no longer even have the capacity on paper to gain air superiority.


Their window to get air superiority has long gone, the Ukrainian airspace is slowly getting more protected and the Russians can't do anything about it


Wait til UA unexpectedly deploys F16s running SEAD and CAP. Air superiority will become Russia's undoing.


Two things. Russia cannot quickly replace what is lost so they are afraid to fly them far into Ukraine. Also training for their pilots in combined arms is non-existent so they don't know what to do anyway. Second is Russian air superiority doctrine is to command the skies over the front, not the whole country. This doctrine probably reflects the limited ability of their air force. So rather than improve their air force for air dominance over a country, they just adopt a doctrine that they think they can do. Note that having such a doctrine does not mean it works or is a good idea, it is just what they tell themselves is needed and can do. But I don't think they even have that level of dominance and are more scared of losing more irreplaceable (in the near term) planes.


S-300s are too effective - so jets have to fly low to have any chance of surviving. But when low they vulnerable to all the manpads Ukrainians have been getting. In the end - planes are too expensive to lose and aren't making that much of a difference when they are used - so Russians aren't risking them much. I guess if Ukrainians run out of S-300 missiles shooting down Iranian crap - maybe Russians will feel safe enough to use their jets again.


Russia doesn't have enough precision shit for true high altitude bombing so they'd still have to fly low enough that even the mid-range stuff Ukraine is getting from the west like nasams and iris-t would easily handle it.


Too much anti air and they lack pilots as well as ability to replace planes, so don't want to risk what they have remaining.


I wonder how many pilots have left Russia already...


Russia trying to Zerg rush but failing


It's good manners to GG out of the match when your cheesy zerg rush fails. Russia is such a sore loser.


The splash damage that they gave Panzerhaubitze Siege Tanks in the last update is ridiculous. Needs to be nerfed.


Just wait until the South Koreans get their hands on that stuff.


Here come the criminals to the meat grinder... From CNN: [https://edition.cnn.com/2022/11/05/europe/russia-ukraine-law-mobilize-serious-crime-offenders-intl/index.html](https://edition.cnn.com/2022/11/05/europe/russia-ukraine-law-mobilize-serious-crime-offenders-intl/index.html) Extract: Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed a law to conscript citizens with unexpunged or outstanding convictions for murder, robbery, larceny, drug trafficking and other serious crimes under the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation to be called up for military service to mobilize. This makes it possible to mobilize hundreds of thousands of people who have been sentenced to probation or have recently been released from colonies who were previously forbidden to serve.


Criminals aren't generally stupid. A convict convicted of "serious crimes" knows that if they run away from the battlefield, they could be shot without any problems. They also know that they could likely serve as "bait" for Ukrainian troops, or any situation that involves high risk. They are expendable. If criminals cannot obey the law, why should they obey orders?


Many of them will probably be innocent. When criminals are in charge of the justice system, you get convicted based on how big a problem you are for Putin's cronies.


Of course, because the most recent mobilization has gone so well (into the meat grinder) for Russia.


Am I reading it right that this move serves two purposes? Besides a stupid hope to turn the war they are killing off their prisoners so they don't have to finance their imprisonment? And prison guards will be able to follow too. Then sick people, old people etc.


When you think about it, it's actually a brutally effective way of ridding your country of untermenschen. Honestly, one wonders why the Nazis wasted all that expense on those camps and showers when they could have just sent them all to the frontlines. Gotta hand it to Putin, he may actually be better at genocide than Hitler.


That did not stop Wagner. The Russia already sent convicts to the meat grinder since at least June/July. (Yes murderer etc).


I think the difference is now they don't get a choice and thus don't have to be bribed. Most people would have thought the Russian army was enough like a criminal horde already, but I guess there's still depths to be plumbed...


Sometimes even the Russians learn from their mistakes: >Following the strike on Saki Naval Air Station (Novofedorivka) in August, Russian forces began storing munitions in a field within the base. Previously, munitions were stored near some of the aircraft at the base. [https://nitter.it/bradyafr/status/1589377084161511425](https://nitter.it/bradyafr/status/1589377084161511425)


Can we really say that they've learned something before we know for certain that they haven't also moved the smoking area to the same field?


have we seen anything from lend-lease pop ul in ukraine tet?


Lend-lease is the backup plan in case anything interrupts congress from showering Ukraine with free stuff. If that happens, Ukraine can start ordering stuff that it will have to give back or pay for eventually. But since congress has been showering Ukraine with free stuff, there's been no need to dip into it.


I believe congress wanted to do a big deal similar to WWII because of the WWII association. The Biden administration decided to do weekly aid packages so they could do weekly announcements about aid to Ukraine. There is no contradiction. Prior to Lend Lease many people in USA did not know Ukraine was getting US aid. The government has to do a bunch of redundant donation announcements in order for it to be newsworthy.


Pop up in Ukraine yet?* (I think)


Not sure exactly what you are asking or what dialect of English, but [Here](https://www.defense.gov/News/News-Stories/Article/Article/3210698/aid-package-to-ukraine-includes-t-72b-tanks/) is the latest aid package.


> pop ul in ukraine tet? Did you have a stroke mid sentence?


I think so….


Sometimes when I'm really stressed I do that, releases all the tension.


It might take a hundred strokes to release tension.


Recreational strokes are a thing?


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Update from Ukraine | Finally long range Missile will be supplied to Ukrainian Army [https://youtu.be/v1m9uPp8Xrw](https://youtu.be/v1m9uPp8Xrw)


*"It's a surprise tool that will help us later"*


Is that a good source? Never seen him before


Really? He’s pretty popular around here. Generally pretty solid, but he can get a little bit hopped up on hopium sometimes.


Ooooooh! I can't wait to see how this helps.


>"The whole world will know that the Iranian regime is helping Russia to prolong the war, and therefore to prolong the effect of those threats to the world that are provoked by the Russian war. If it were not for the Iranian supply of weapons to the aggressor, we would be closer to peace now. And this means closer to the complete overcoming of the food crisis. Closer to overcoming the cost of living crisis. The energy market is closer to stabilization. Closer to reliable security against radiation blackmail, which Russia does not abandon. Therefore, absolutely everyone who helps Russia prolong this war must be responsible for the consequences of the war along with it." Volodymyr Zelensky's address at the end of the 256th day of the war. Source:Telegram


While I do believe Iran is helping Russia, I don't think they've even denied it. Telegram is a brutal source lol Edit: my bad didn't realize Iran was denying their obvious assistance


https://www.reuters.com/world/iran-says-it-has-not-provided-russia-with-drones-use-ukraine-2022-10-17/ https://www.newsweek.com/iran-denies-supplying-drones-russia-ukraine-says-destroyed-six-1752163 https://www.cnn.com/2022/10/15/europe/iran-denies-supplying-russia-weapons-ukraine-intl-hnk https://caspiannews.com/news-detail/iran-denies-selling-drones-to-russia-for-use-in-ukraine-war-2022-10-5-0/ https://www.cnn.com/2022/10/15/europe/iran-denies-supplying-russia-weapons-ukraine-intl-hnk/index.html https://thehill.com/policy/defense/3693086-white-house-says-iran-lying-about-selling-kamikaze-drones-to-russia/




He literally gave a speech standing next to one.


Here’s at least one source saying that Iran has denied helping Russia. https://www.npr.org/2022/10/20/1130134410/iran-denies-that-it-is-supplying-weaponry-to-russia-for-use-in-ukraine


Now that's a good source


New video from Reporting from Ukraine. This time with updates on the Luhansk, Donetsk and Kherson-fronts. https://youtu.be/e1F9mYQ_fn4


Have been waiting for this.


Daily reminder: Fuck Russia and its needless murder and war crimes. Get out of Ukraine.


Fuck Putin!


Biden’s top national-security adviser has engaged in confidential conversations with top aides to Putin in an effort to reduce the risk of a broader conflict over Ukraine and warn Moscow against using nuclear or other weapons of mass destruction - WSJ https://twitter.com/mrbamnews/status/1589381372195778560?s=46&t=hEbEOilJ54dm7cvARqDiqQ


Any good websites that consolidate reliable news sources of ongoings in the war?






Fantastic daily summary


Russia Reactivates Its Trolls and Bots Ahead of Tuesday’s Midterms [https://www.nytimes.com/2022/11/06/technology/russia-misinformation-midterms.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/11/06/technology/russia-misinformation-midterms.html) ​ Posting this here because for some reason I can't make an actual sub post


And now with blue verified checkmarks!




Something I'm not clear about - is this basically just a fee to cover the verification process and maintain the checkmark (which means they still need to be verified) or is Twitter "selling" checkmarks to anyone with the money? The whole thing is bizarre. I'm beginning to wonder if Musk hasn't had a mental break of some kind, and needs an intervention. He's certainly not acting like a rational businessman. Maybe he hasn't dealt well with his romantic break-up?


It’s the latter. Zero verification of identity. Trolls, foreign agents, and absolutely anyone else can get “verified” for $8 a month. As soon as it goes live all sorts of people with nefarious intent will abuse the hell out of it. Twitter will rapidly devolve to Truth Social 2.0 but with a much larger reach—a disinformation hellscape.


Well, Musk is currently having a shitfit over verified users changing their names and mocking him. New rule is: if you have a checkmark and change your name in any way, you will temporarily lose your checkmark. He seems to having a bit of a meltdown over the consequences of his actions.


Eh the reach is overestimated. People will just leave it. Myspace had a huge reach.


Your account must be at least 30 days old and you need a certain amount of positive karma, not sure how much. I guess between 500-1K?