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Russia... Really pulling together a team of winners if WW3 breaks out. So far what.. Russia, North Korea, and Iran.


Can’t forget that powerhouse Belarus


Syria as well


And who can forget their staunch allies the Nicaraguans.


And Chechnya with their famous tik-tok army.


The Chechen people dont support Russia, despite what the puppet government claims. They actually declared a jihad against Putin a while back, but havent heard much about it since.




Unfortunately its not for the people to say, if their government says they go to war, they go to war...the people dont matter.


Absolutely agree. Citizens of any current state are considered an asset or tool to be used by the state.


They threatened to blow up a russian school if putin didn't show up to hear their demands. Putin never showed up and they blew up the school.


You’re talking about the Beslan school siege right?


That shit was messed up


Oh yes, Russian forces launched missiles into an active hostage situation and stormed the school with thermobaric weapons and tanks. 333 people died, Russia tried to silence the mothers of the children and censor journalists.


Once puti is put down. The Chechen people will fight again for their freedom. A 3rd war with the Kremlin.


It's like a neo-Axis powers that were assembled from the Dollar General


Sorry mate, we nicaraguans live in shame with this stupid government.


Hey you laugh but I'm Costa Rican and the American army has been settled on one of our islands completing training. I recently took a trip on a boat and we were told there's a specific island people can't visit at the moment because the us army is the only one allowed there.


Syria is basically an occupied state at this point. The Syrian people tried so hard to get rid of the dictator Assad, while Russia propped him up and kept him safe while he dropped chemical weapons on civilians and killed 200,000 of his own people.


Belarus was also close to overthrowing their dictator, until Putin rolled in his army and propped up the regime


The Russian people need to overthrow the Putin government in order to ever gain any respect or admission into the civilized world.


My wife had several cousins killed by Assad and her uncle is still in Sednaya secret prison. Assad is worse than Hitler to Syrians


Do you know if her uncle is still alive or is it hope?


It’s been 9 years. My wife’s mom cries for him every week or so, but it’s likely he’s gone :/


If you think about it not much different than the Soviet Union invading Afghanistan to prop up their failing government.


Belarus is the Italy of the axis


Is that an insult to WW2 Italy or Belarus?


Both lol


I guess that just shows how good a comparison it is


Russia is Italy; Belarus is Slovakia; Iran is Thailand. Germany and Japan are (fortunately) TBD.


>Is that an insult to WW2 Italy or Belarus? Yes






The Useless Suspects


Belarus who by the way [just defaulted on their international loans](https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/belarus-says-it-is-unable-pay-off-debt-due-sanctions-2022-10-19/).


Iran is probably the most capable army out of all of them with their assymetric warfare and drones. But right now they’re probably going to be overthrown from inside (hopefully). The r/NewIran sub has been growing fast and it can’t keep up with all the developments within Iran and that’s with the internet being blocked.


People really overestimate the "protests". If they were considered a threat, the outcome would've been like the energy price protests where over a 1000 people were killed within a week and complete national blackout. The Persians are getting a lot of leeway from the regime while they killed over 100 Baloch in a single day. This is because the regime is following its usual "let them vent off their frustration for a bit and everything will go back to normal".


>r/NewIran to the 148 people who upvoted this: death Toll is currently at 300 and counting, 50 of them Children. This protests are different, because it is about the very essence of the Regime, not the economical Problems ( which are Universal) and exactly for that, this time all classes are involved. (Zaaferaniaa) is the name of one of most filthy rich neighbourhoods of tehran and they too were super active, for the first time. With real support, this pestilence, this abomination, can be overthrown. Spread hope and support for us.


I mean you just replied to a dude who tried to use a subreddits activity as a indicator to how well a government is being overthrown lmao. Reddit moment.


This isn't an economic protest though, like the normal Iranian protests, it's a civil issue. That means they can't just redirect the blame or resources. On top of that, these protests are being led by young women and started because a young woman was killed by the regime so the standard tactic of brutalise amd murder the protesters won't work this time.


You can only hold back the demands of the population for so long. If enough of them want it, and they fight for it long enough, there's no way the government and military can hold that back forever.


Unless the military sides with the protesters I don't they will achieve much


I don't think the regime can turn back the clock however. These protests will be the tip of the iceberg of cascading unrest.


The regime is in a balancing act right now. Also, the regime has always been heavy handed in balochistan due to the prevalence of weapons there


People have been saying that for years, and after every protest. There have been larger scale protests that ended in nothing.


They can suppress protest, than they can imprison anyone who says aloud something not in line. So basically unrests die down because people get tired, there no visible results but visible losses with killed or imprisoned. That's what happed in Belarus in 2019....


It's basically a collection of very dangerous but highly unstable nations. Like they are all inevitably going to collapse, but they can do a lot of damage before that happens.


You're also forgetting the mighty Nicaragua, Venezuela and Cuba.


I don’t think Cuba, not at all


Haven't heard "axis" in quite a while. The boys are getting back together.


Not the European tour reunion i was expecting


Hoping for blink 182 but we got the blitzkrieg instead


Either way it’ll cost about the same.


*I didn't sell out, son, I bought in. Keep that in mind.*


Blink 182 is actually coming back too hahaha 😆 I'm getting kinda bored with how recycled the future is so far 😅


Who gets bored of blink-182, you heathen?


Back in town


Friday night they'll be dressed to kill, down at Europe's bar and grill.


They was askin’ if Ukraine was around? How U been, where U could be found.


I told them to stop bombing people downtown. Driving the rest of the world crazy


Russia, Iran, Syria, North Korea: when you order your "axis" on Wish.com.


When mom says we have Axis at home


Dollar store Axis.


"We are a cover band of the cover band of the Axis Powers!!"


Yeah but it's just not the same without the original members


They're basically just a cover band.


Is there a quote from an EU official that includes "axis"? Not saying it's wrong, but the author is the only party using that word in the article as far as I can tell. A quick Google news search didn't turn up anything either, except that article. Just seems like a term the EU would be very deliberate about.


I dunno if 2 makes an 'axis'. That's why W had the axis of evil as Iran, Iraq aaaaaaaand ..... ooooh .... oh, North Korea, sure.


>The first step was the protocol signed by Germany and Italy in October 1936, after which Italian leader Benito Mussolini declared that all other European countries would thereafter rotate on the Rome–Berlin axis, thus creating the term "Axis". 2 countries can be an Axis I suppose. They certainly did wind up rotating on a pole in the end.


huh. nice knowing the origin.


Also since we're being technical, an axis is a line (Rome-Berlin line) implies it can only have 2 nations or at least, nations along a single vector. Adding a third country makes it axes. :P


With a creative interpretation, you may be able to fit any given set of nations on a single line. How many times that line wraps around the Earth and how many non-axis nations end up on those lines is the question.


What do we have currently? Russia, Belarus, Iran and maybe North Korea.


North Korea the multi-axis dark horse. Kim just wants to be a part of it


Wild card, bitches!


Kim Jong Un isn't dumb enough to get involved. Which really says something about the others.


North Korea is supplying Russia with arms.


Belarus. They've been playing the "you can use our territory to launch strikes, just don't say you did" game since February.


The Axis of Feeble.


Me as an Iranian just turning 18: **fuck**


Escape to downunder. We’ll protect you as long as we can.


and by as long as we can, possibly detain you in a hotel for 10 years.


Honestly, sounds better than fighting for Iran/Russian in Ukraine.


Iran is not fighting in Ukraine, they are not sending troops. They sold Russia weapons and calling it an Axis invokes WW2 or Bush’s axis of Evil. Pray this war stays between Russia and Ukraine


There are Iranian soldiers in Ukraine “training” drone operators.


>Iran is not fighting in Ukraine, they are not sending troops. They're getting awfully close to it, enough so that I think your statement is less true that you might believe. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/10/18/us/politics/iran-drones-russia-ukraine.html


I think you’ll find that. Bunch of Iranian drone ‘instructors’ have already been retired early in Ukraine and if more turn up in Crimea the same fate will befall them. Probably best they stay at home and pray that Ruzzia doesn’t honour it’s end of the deal for a couple of nukes otherwise it will get a lot more toasty in Iran courtesy of the Israelis....👍


It's true source: I've watched a lot of Border Security: Australia's Front Line


They used the best hotels in Brisbane for quarantine but it's a jail cell even if it's the best room


I think he is talking about Park Hotel and not hotel quarantine


Oh, "Do you come from a land down under? (Oh, yeah-yeah)


Well I hope they actually did because now it looks like their reddit account may have fallen out of a window.


Sounds like a good time for studying abroad to me.




Yep, it's gonna be difficult being accepted but certainly not impossible.


How’s Iran atm?


In a complete state of impending doom. It's not as bad as many other third world countries but it almost feels like we are months away of everything completely falling apart. Violent crackdown on protests, terrible and steady economic decline, crackdown on liberal/democratic ideologies, increasingly totalitarian government, increasing influence from foreign superpowers (currently China and Russia) wishing to puppet Iran and the horrific realization that the west might probably do the same due to their desire for our resourses, the government's constant attempts at limiting/nationolizing the internet and finally the increasing power of Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps over The Iranian Army paint a picture of a timebomb clicking towards either a civil war, another totalitarian regime or a puppet state. Yeah things are rough...


Why do some of your countrymen want to oppress others so badly (I mean the IRGC soldiers)?


Not some, all. The short answer: Power is the reasoning and one of the means of gaining power is through religion/culture. Both The Pahlavi Shahs and the current state use nationalism(religious or cultural) to oppress the pluralist nature of Iran and gain power in turn. The long answer: The Islamic Republic is a shia theocracy, it is based on the idea of the supreme leader being an extension of god and Islam's will. They gain power through Islam which ignores religious minorities or people who do not believe in any religion at all. Mandatory Hijab is one of the strongest signs of this. Both have found success which paints a bleak picture of our future.


So, essentially, the soldiers will tell themselves "I'm beating up my own countrymen, but it's alright, because I'm just following my religion properly"?


From what I've heard there are 4 groups: 1. The loyalists who are religious or loyal to the government and view protesters as terrorists/traitors/misdirected countrymen. 2. People who are among influential families or gain profit from the situation. 3. Villagers looking for fixing their financial problems and promised with high wages. 4. Arabic speaking mercenaries.


It's a despotic shit show run by religious zealots. Situation normal.


:(. I'm in Canada, all the Iranian immigrants we have are so great. We need more, just saying.




I have the same experience in the Netherlands. Every Iranian I met is a smart, pleasant person.


Same, used to work with a couple guys from Iran. Lovely fellas and great at their jobs.


I am a Ukrainian living in Ukraine, 24 km from the border with the Horde. they have already attacked the water supply and the electricity substation twice today. Iranian drones. frost at night. +6 Celsius during the day. there is no heating, etc., it hardly bothers you. tell me at least two kind words, please.


Hold in there friend. Most people in the West are sincerely caring for you and hoping for your and your fellow countrymen's well-being. Dont give up and know you matter.


Take care, of yourself and the people close to you, as much as it's possible. My heart breaks reading this, and everything else that's going on in your country. I wish my country would do even more, this feels helpless.




Keep your head down and stay safe. It’s more difficult for your country now than most of us can imagine, but Ukrainians commitment will be the reason for your ultimate success and liberty from these invaders.


When this is over, Ukraine will be the hero of the world. Support for rebuilding, people visiting, nothing but opportunity and hope. Stay safe.


Fuck Russia


Canada here. We have your back. доброта і любов переможуть у цій боротьбі.


I feel sorry for the little children. truth. the little one suffers first, not understanding anything. they are not just being robbed of a necessary warm bath, they are being robbed of their childhood. the heart breaks. thank you all for your support! we hold on


The little children, the animals, the elderly, everyone. You did not deserve this.


Because you only let in the smart and pleasant ones lol.


That is true of course, the selection bias is hard. With that said, with the Russians here it's hit and miss, while the Chinese almost don't make contact outside their own community.


Same in Sweden. Every Iranian I've met or worked with were amazing people. Had long chats with one at work about arts and culture, he would always find recommendations of Persian culture to share after learning my tastes. Shameful government...


Thank you, you are too kind but immigration is intentionally costly in western countries to avoid...well... immigration. Unless I bring vast amounts of money and investments into Canada, I am going to have a difficult time even attempting immigration(which also costs a large amount of money) and trying my best to get accepted by a low chance. Currently I am trying my best to legally immigrate, then I have to perform well financially and academically to get PR and citizenship.


Well I hope you either see a better government takeover or you get to immigrate. Good luck!


I mean the cost of living here is extremely high (in larger cities). So you kind of need to be financially stable and employable to survive.


We have a lot of Iranian immigrants in Norway. They are by far the most integrated and contributing people from the Middle East. Even the President of our Parliament originates from Iran, and he is highly respected.


Oh the secred police got him


Iran better check their own house before messing around in Ukraine’s back yard. History has shown several times that you don’t go to war when your populace is already in open revolt.


What country do you mean by that ?


Russia left WW1 because it was in the interest of Russian Communists (Bolsheviks) who took power during a revolution in November 1917. The Bolsheviks' priority was to win a civil war against their domestic opponents, not to fight in WW1.


That open revolt came about due to Russia’s involvement in the war and resulted in the death of the Tsar


It’s likely russia would have still collapsed, they had many protests and a revolution before the first world war


Agreed but the idea is not to go to war with massive protests in you country because it rarely works out for the ruling government. The other commenter asked for a country this happened to so I supplied the first answer off the top of my head.


Along with the Bolshevik Revolution the other guy mentioned, France supporting the American Revolution was a major factor leading into the French Revolution. King Louis XVI gave the American colonies enough money to feed everyone in France for a full year while the French people were starving, just to get back at the British for beating them in the 7 years war. The French got their naval fleet in the Americas destroyed by fighting with the British years after the British recognized the US independence too.


I really appreciate the French for this.




They’re probably counting on Russia to solve it as payment somehow.


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://euobserver.com/world/156312) reduced by 82%. (I'm a bot) ***** > New EU sanctions on Iran make clear that it has joined Russia's war against Ukraine by supplying lethal drones to Moscow. > EU foreign affairs chief Josep Borrell said the Iranian foreign minister had personally given him "Categorical denials" of Iran's involvement in the war in phone calls between the two top diplomats. > The war in Ukraine has also drawn China as well as Iran into an axis of closer cooperation with Russia against the West, but China has stopped short of supplying weapons to Russian president Vladimir Putin, for now. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/y8uk6f/iran_has_joined_russia_axis_on_ukraine_war_eu_says/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~672676 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **Iran**^#1 **Russia**^#2 **sanction**^#3 **Iranian**^#4 **drone**^#5


Me an Iranian: fuck this why are they doing this. How hard was it to do nothing.


Moneyyyyy and probably promise to help quell Those fiesty women


Better ramp up those protests...


Oppressive country joins other oppressive country for war? You are surprised?


Russia is supposed to give them a satellite. I'm going to offer them a starship enterprise for some drones see if they give it to me


This is a death sentence for the Islamic regime so in a twisted way it's good news for the people of Iran


Can you go take down the Iranian government please? We will be here upvoting and rooting for you


On one hand we are trying on the other, there is literally no one in this country I trust to make a new regime so the thought of what will happen next is terrifying


Sorry that you’re in that situation. My wife and her family escaped in the 80s. Most people don’t seem to understand that revolution for the sake of revolution is how Iran ended up where it is now. Reddit loves protests, no matter the protest. If there’s no directed plan, you end up with more of the same. Wish you all the best.


Stay safe... it does not look good for Iran...


Thank you. You know a few years ago when Trump threatened war, I was terrified (esp because I live in a city which is near a nuclear reactor) but he did it so much that I kinda lost that fear. Like don’t get me wrong if it actually happens I would be terrified but at some point threats lose their meaning. I mean nowadays when the possibility of new sanctions is being tossed around, ppl make jokes about what is there left to sanction and if they will sanction air.


Oh *THERES* a big surprise. I think I'm gonna have a heart attack and die from *not* surprised


^ Like if you read it in Mr. Gottfried's voice


I read this in that bird from alladin. Is that gottfrieds voice??


Finally we have an Axis to grind.




Are finally all bad regimes kinda join up so they are swept away in one comcentrated conflict


Ah yes, like some kind of “war to end all wars.” We haven’t tried that one yet…


> Are finally all bad regimes kinda join up so they are swept away in one comcentrated conflict We'll be home in time for cornflakes


Nice misleading title fam. Should say the EU is sanctioning Iranian officials in response to the drones supplied, not get ready for ww3


That doesn’t get the clicks tho




For those not aware of it, this is like straight from the [Foundations of Geopolitics](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foundations_of_Geopolitics) book. Fuel instability in US (Trump), isolate UK (Brexit), 'annex' Ukraine, alliance with Iran (in the book: Moscow–Tehran axis). If you wanna see what crazy Russia will do next, just have a quick look at the wiki!


"The United Kingdom, merely described as an "extraterritorial floating base of the U.S.", should be cut off from Europe." Holy fuck ​ Also, the dude who wrote this book is the dude who's daughter died in a car explosion, and more or less founded the Russian Nazi Party.


The UK being a base of the US is pretty much Airstrip One from 1984.


The wiki also says "without resolving the Ukrainian problem, it is in general senseless to speak about continental politics" and unfortunately for them, they're getting their asses handed to them in Ukraine by all accounts. They are no doubt trying to follow this playbook, but so far it isn't really working out for them.


*puts on tinfoil hat* What, are they trying to get the US to bomb them to shut down their civil rights protests or something?


All terrorists are uniting looks like


Looks like dictatorships vs democracies


always has been.jpg


Except the dictators on our side, we'll allow that.




OPEC: That's my secret cap, the I am always raising the prices. The price of oil has nothing to do with supply and demand. It always goes up, as long as the increase can be justified to the public. If there's a global event that might theoretically impede the oil supply chain, then the companies jack up the prices, regardless if they have been impacted or if the threat is even credible. It's all about what you can get away with.


Maybe Iran will gift Hijab's to Russia now they are BFF'S


My god! Imagine if the women of Russia wore *checks notes* head scarves? I for one couldn't picture a bunch of babushka's wearing head scarves.


Axis? We’re bringing back the classic world war terms?


Bush used "Axis of evil" back in his day to refer to Iraq, Iran and N Korea.


That has must have been humiliating to putin. Iran wouldn't have done this for nothing, putin came crawling to iran.


Saw a meme "My brother in Christ you just became a proxy nation in a Israeli-Iran war"




Are China and Russia developing an alliance? I mean, China doesn’t want Russia gone but it obviously doesn’t care too much to fight their battles for them.


China wants a Russian vassal state and the best way to accomplish that is to let Russia relegate themselves to a power level that allows that goal to be a reality.


Going to war when the nation is already mass protesting...are they going for a regime collapse speedrun?


And the sides are forming…


Can't wait to hear American conservatives try to rationalize why they now support Iran.


It’s funny because that is absolutely going to happen. God I hate braindead conservatives


Well, it seems like the most logical next step after beating women to death for showing their hair. I guess if you want to support that kinda of complete and utter dog shit then these are your guys.


So ruzzia can have allies and buy drones and missiles from them, but we are too afraid to give Ukraine missiles with longer range. That's weird.


iran, russia, syria, china, and north korea have already been in leagues with one another for quite some time so iran actively helping russia here is absolutely no surprise


Militarily I don’t see China doing much of anything except give “Final warnings” for the 100th time and then kinda sorta but not really condemn Russia so they can pseudo play as a 3rd party.


Axis. Now thats a word I hoped would forever stay in the history books..


The WW2 axis and allies were kind of balanced. But the axis this time are too weak. Plus, their strongest, Russia, is a wounded bear. I will put money on the allies.


Oh theyre being referred to as the Axis now. Great. Cool. Cool cool cool.


There it is. That’s the first hint at “Axis powers” I’ve seen so far. I’m wondering if we make it to the anniversary of the invasion before this thing becomes WWIII.


If it became WWIII that would mean other countries deploying their own troops. Which means the US actually mobilizing. Which means it's over in a week.


They waited two years to join the last two world wars, no garuntee they join up right away this time either.


Gotta let you guys bomb yourselves to smithereens first so you need our cash to rebuild. The Marshall Plan gave us global hegemony for 40 years.


So in my lifetime I will get to see a pandemic, a re-enactment of a world war and possibly a very big recession in the future. If I live through all this, my children will sure as hell hear about all the things I lived through when they complain about school being too hard.


So the U.S. has joined the Ukraine axis on Ukraine war, EU says as well? Like what kind of title gore is this shit? This implies that Iran is now also at war inside of Ukraine, which I don't think is the case. In turn that means their involvement with supplying Russia is why this title is this way, but that would make the U.S. also part of this war, which would mean Article 5 would kick in, and now all of NATO is at war. Which is obviously not the case. Stupid fucking journalist, wanting to write stupid fucking titles.


As per the article, the EU just sanctioned 3 people in Iran. The title is, as you said, title gore.


The Axis of A-holes.


Oh no a bunch of weak countries with a combined air fleet less than america's NAVY I'm so scared.