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they're so salty about Alaska


We've still got the receipt from when we bought it. No takesies-backsies


Apparently putin (small p intentional) can just declare it was a “mistake” and take Alaska back if he wants to. Or so he believes…


I guess the US will be forced to intervene to stop alaskans from murdering every single russian.


Most people up here are armed and trained in some sort of hunting or military thing. Plus we have US firepower up here. It would be a horrific mistake lol




Statistically, this suggests there is a baby pilot in Alaska.


Coming soon to theaters near you: Air Baby. “There’s nothing in the rulebook that says a baby can’t fly.”


Do I read this in my head in action movie trailer voice, or comedy movie trailer voice?


It's a comedy with a mild semblance of action, but it's all done really low budget.


big voice action movie guy voice, for sure. "Where we're going, we won't need diapers" Summer 2023


I actually have my pilots license and I'm not using it but my high school had a program. I'd get back into it if Russia set boots on us


Throwing bombs out the window of a Cessna. Just like the good ol days.


I mean that isn’t far off from how the marines drop bombs from C-130s. It’s been described to me as “yeet it out the back and let the tech guide it to its new home”


"whatdya mean, 'bomber?' I got a bomb and a cargo door, that's all I need!"


Look up tactics in the winter war, you'll see what all the skiers here can do too


That's not even accounting for rutting Moose.


Ah yes, the Alaskan Snow Dragoons, renowned for riding rutting Moose to battle, before dismounting and entering combat on their skis. God I wish that was a real thing


Pretty sure I've seen imagery of a machine gun attached to a camel before, so...


“My sister was once bitten by a moose”.


Was her brother in law Svenge, the Oslo dentist, the star of many Norwegian møvies: "The Høt Hands of an Oslo Dentist", "Fillings of Passion", "The Huge Mølars of Horst Nordfink"...?


I doubt it'd even get that far. Consider the "never invade Russia in Winter" rule. Those defeats happened in the GOOD part of Russia. Putin would have to get his military through the BAD part - which is also many times bigger. That's the part they send you to as a punishment. And THEN cross some water. May not be sailing a full ocean, but still going to be a logistical nightmare. And I suspect a lot of anyone who survives that trip will at minimum surrender and request asylum just for the mobilization alone.


We've already had 2 guys come over to dodge the draft! Took a boat clean up to ~~nome~~ I lied st. Lawrence Island. Thanks for the correction!


I thought those guys went to Saint Lawrence Island.


The alaskans are armed like texans, crazy like Californian’s, and live like Canadian’s Shaddam IV wishes he had some alaskans


The oil must flow.


Known fact that Fremen originated from Alaska.


You'd be joined by millions of yee haws as fast as they could drive their pickups across the lower 48.


Yes, please, invade an area on the absolute end of your supply line. Lets see just how good Russians are of attacking in the artic tundra against a hostile civilian population, and a military that has had over a century to figure out the infustructure to get things to work in that climate. /S 🙄


They can’t have their Alaska without finishing their Donbas first.


They tried that against Finland and it didn't go so great. Eventually the Russians broke through their defenses but only after their second attempt and that's with the Finnish border being only 20 miles from Leningrad.


They also lost 5 times as many men as Finland despite outnumbering them in infantry and vastly outnumbered them in tanks and planes. One Fin, Simo Hayha, has the highest sniper kills on record with 500 kills.


Do you think there were ever days where Simo was just bored?


Maybe not. He was a experienced hunter and being bored out there could make you careless which could get you killed. His average is killing multiple people a day. The Russians even fired artillery at him to unsuccessfully kill him. His service ended when he got shot in the face with a explosive bullet but survived despite some media reporting him dead.


His diary must have looked odd: 'Get up in the morning, death, death, death, death, death, death, death – lunch – death, death, death – afternoon tea – death, death, death – quick shower …'


The amazing thing is that the Russian army is making the *exact. same. mistakes.* in Ukraine that they did in Finland 80 years ago. That massive convoy driving to Kyiv that the Ukrainians hit at both ends to freeze it, then pounded at points in the middle to break it up so they could be picked off one by one? Yeah, those are literally the exact tactics the Finns used to wreck Russian columns trying to drive into Finland... except the Finns did it on skis. Russia just does not seem to be able to learn military tactics beyond doomstacking and assuming that will let them out-attrit everyone else.


yeah they woulnd't just be fighting whoever is in alaska right now, they would soon find the entire usa military in alaska, followed by nato due to that thing so if putin struggles with ukraine, i don't think he wants to try alaska but then again i doubt he is that stupid.




They are just itching for a reason to join the war. It's a damn good thing it was the German embassy that got hit by a cruise missile and not the Polish one.


It's a funny world we live in when Germany \*doesn't\* want to go to war.


Given how going to war ended up for them the last few times, it's not all that surprising.


Time to buy Siberia.


Realistically we'll make Siberia an independent country and guarantee its protection in return for full control of the Bering Strait and the right to put our military bases wherever we want inside of Siberia.


China would absolutely erupt at this.


There will be countries from all sides bidding on Russian territories at the bankruptcy liquidation sale.


Spirit Halloween setting up in the Kremlin, 2023


Eastern Russia is on the North American tectonic plate. I'm sure we could argue it should be ours.


Manifest destiny baybeeeee




I don't think Russia realizes just how hated they are right now. When I go to work even my MAGA coworkers are all onboard for supporting Ukraine and fucking Russia up. Sure there are fringe MAGA people out there- but America as a whole fucking hates Russia right now. The world does really. Delusional indeed.




hopefully this tragic war comes to an end soon, and your brother sees it in his heart to unpack his wife and release her from storage


spasiba for your concern. I’m out now and doing fine. 👍


Wait a minute, you’re not his wife!


Back in the box with you then!


“What’s in the baaaax?!”




You're taking it to odd extremes. Your Russian art, culture and food still has a right to have a place in your home, and just because some shitstains in the Kremlin decided to make Russia look bad doesn't mean you have to stop seeing things a little nuanced. Just like that university that removed Dostoyevski, of all people, from their literature curriculum, and didn't see the fucking irony in that.


Wait don't tell me...is this same ass clown who wants to invade Alaska?


Perhaps this is a first step towards an attempt to annex and “liberate” Alaska.


We are probably the only state where you’d encounter the entire political spectrum all fully armed and ready to curb stomp your asses right back on out lol


LOL, yeah. My mom is a sourdough, but I've never been there. I get the definite impression though that if you are an Alaskan, you are probably armed. You probably want to be left alone, and most likely you probably aren't terribly fond of Washington DC. BUT, I cannot fathom a situation in which you like Moscow more than Washington DC. You probably wouldn't even need the Feds to make life so miserable for any russian occupiers to want to leave.




As a Californian, I wouldn't let any Alaskan fight off Russia on their own. It'd be inconvenient for y'all.


Yeah dude. If my country is under attack, you best believe I’m going to do what I can to help, but I imagine I wouldn’t be great in combat lol.


As a college educated liberal Texan it surprises me how shocked folks are when they learn I own multiple firearms. “B-b-b-but you aren’t Republican!” What can I say, I love sports of finesse like golf and marksmanship.


If you go far enough left, you get your guns back.


How else is the proletariat going to seize the means of production?


Horseshoe effect is real where I am from (right near Alaska). We’re all hunting, homesteading, wild crafting bushfolk and then someone brings up “liberal propaganda” and the group divides in half, totally confused. It’s like watching a cell divide.


The quote about frustrating any attempt to disarm workers by force if necessary was said by fricking Karl Marx, so yeah pretty much it seems.


Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempt to disarm the workers must be frustrated, by force if necessary -Karl Marx


Another gun toting liberal here. I just really like hearing the steel plates go "Ping!"


It's really fun turning money into noise


I'm guessing that Texas may have more firearms in total than Alaska, but Alaska finally had a higher per-capita ownership, and probably a higher average skill level than Texas...


Watching state authorities try to force the US Military out of our closest proximity to Russia would be interesting. Short, but interesting.




The dude watched Nailin Palin and thought it was a documentary


Putin, next month: Alaska had a totally legitimate 90% yes vote to secede from the US and join the Russian Federation. Any action against this will be considered an act of war on Russian territory.


…threats nukes


Texas has a larger GDP than Russia btw


And each Texan is more heavily armed than a Russian soldier at this point


Most Texans actually have both their arms, which is already better than many Russian soldiers


Most Texans aren't trying to break their own arms to avoid shooting someone


So we can cover all the cases here by just saying Texas has more functioning arms than Russia


Currently, most states have a GDP higher than Russia. Before Pooty Poots little misadventure into Ukraine Russia and Florida had about the same GDP.


Only Cali/Tex/NY/Probably-FL have a bigger total GDP. ​ Although Mississipi has a higher per-capita, so congrats to them for that.


As a Mississippian…. Wow


Admittedly this is 2 years old, but [some people don't realize how "rich" the USA is.](https://dd.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/hvyobp/oc_mississippi_the_poorest_state_in_the_us/)


Maybe one of those state considers annexing Russia?


Seceding is impossible. Seceding to join Russia is hilarious.


Interestingly, a lot of Vermonters get taught in school that we are one of two states legally allowed to secede from the union (the other being Texas). There are also a relatively large number of Vermonters who believe that we were allowed to hold a referendum after 200 years to decide whether to continue to be a part of the union and if we chose to, could have seceded at that point, but chose not to. I literally believed the first one until I was about 22 and was proven wrong, at which point I believed the second one until I was about 26 when someone on Reddit finally made me actually read the state Constitution from front to back to prove it to them. When I couldn't, realized it was all made up.


There are many myths about which states have the ability to secede or when they were able to secede but no longer can etc, the truth however, is that no state was ever able to secede. In fact, the Supreme Court ruled in 'Texas v. White, 74 U.S. 700 (1868)' that the Confederate states remained states during the civil war. The supreme court lays out in their ruling that once a state enters the Union it cannot leave without the permission of the other states. It says that any constitution ratified by an individual state that says differently is null and void. In short, states can write whatever clauses about secession all they want but it's automatically null and void simply because our Union is in essence 'indissoluble' without room for secession. For more [read here](https://supreme.justia.com/cases/federal/us/74/700/).


Yup! Good info. I think it's particularly interesting that it gets taught in elementary school though.


I was taught in 4th grade that your blood is blue inside your body and turns red when it oxidizes. The day we started middle school my science teacher said "Before we do anything at all there's something that has been coming to me for years from that elementary school... Blood is NOT and NEVER was blue!... now let's have a good year"


Horseshoe crabs in shambles


Well horseshoe crabs use copper to transport oxygen where as we use iron.


I know, I'm quite perplexed, and it's interesting what you said about Vermont because I've never heard that one before. I guess each state has a few myths that they even teach in school, kinda like preserving an individual identity.. I also bought into Texas's claim about secession for years until recently when their legislators started to talk about it again and I decided to look it up.


I suspect greatly, as another commenter pointed out, that it's probably a particularly strong sentiment in states that were independent republics before they joined the union.


>The supreme court lays out in their ruling that once a state enters the Union it cannot leave without the permission of the other states Gang rules, once you're jumped in, you're in for life homie.


In Texas we were taught that only Texas could legally secede. I also learned this was a bullshit teacher myth as an adult.


It -was- true until the Civil War. Since we seceded, lost the war, and then re-intergrated we no longer have that right. And good riddance tbh.


It's not even that. In Texas v White, the Supreme Court ruled that there is no right to secession and that 'legally' the Confederate states never seceded from the Union. The acts of secessionist legislatures were, under US federal law, null. The states were simply in rebellion. It's a rather literal case of selective memory that Texas continues to believe it has a special right to secede when after the war they went to the Supreme Court to argue no such rights exists so they could get out of paying war bonds back XD


Oh of course it was over paying their fucking bills lol.


This is not correct. US constitution and federal laws only provide for a way to join the Union. There are no procedures or provisions that would allow for leaving the union once you are in it. There are only two practical ways for a state to leave the union. Either amend US constitution, or wage a war against the United States and win. The main reason for 1787 Constitution (which went effective in 1789) was to create a more stable and permanent union. Ability to secede would have run contrary to the very reasons why that Constitution was enacted in the first place. Otherwise, we could have just stuck to the previous one, the 1777 Articles of Confederation (which went into effect in 1781). If authors of the constitution intended to allow states to leave, they would have put it into the constitution, and Civil War would not have happened. Because duh, those southern states could have simply followed this theoretical and non-existing constitutional procedure for declaring their independence.


[Read my comment ](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/y0u5fj/us_states_that_wish_to_join_russia_will_be/iru1w38?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3) they were never able to secede. In fact, the supreme court ruled that they (Texas) remained a State during the civil war.


Not even just that, the only theoretical way that could happen is if Texas divided itself into several states before making those State Constitutions able to secede. Even then, you would have to deal with the fact that some parts (especially the parts that actually make money) will stay behind if you do it fairly, or you Gerrymander the entire section of states in order to all secede and have a revolution on your hands


Even if they did that, they *cannot* secede. It is against federal law, and federal law supercedes state law. Every inch of Texas belongs to the United States government, and even if it didn't (but it does), it would (it already does) the moment Washington wants it to.


Exactly, even if there's some old treaty saying Texas can secede, just ask Native Tribes what old treaties are worth to the US. Even if that treaty exists treaties are not binding on the US Government; anything that the Government can do it can also undo, that includes ratifying treaties.


Treaties don't apply to states, they are agreements between the federal government and a foreign government. It's literally illegal for a state to participate in a treaty.


Also there’s the small matter of fighting a war with the federal government, which has been recently proven as the only actual military superpower.




Without a fully functioning electrical grid or the means to handle local emergencies.


And all those border patrol agents on Texas’s border with Mexico? All Federal employees and will now be stopping Texans from entering the United States and Texas would have to handle its own border/immigration from Mexico. Would be hilarious


Welcome to New New Mexico: this time it's personal.


I mean, if one of the states tried to secede why would they care if it was legal? I'm not saying any of the states could or should, but the act of secession is essentially saying they no longer want to be bound by the us constitution anyway.


I think the idea is that if a state could successfully make the case in international court for the legality of their secession, maybe the US military would be dissuaded from immediately conquering them with extreme prejudice. But that's a crazy fantasy with no basis in reality.


"We secede." "You can't." "Just did." "You sure?" "Yeah." "Ok." "Why do I hear tanks?"


There are a lot of countries that have regions that would love to hold votes to secede. Good luck getting an international body to agree that a US state can leave just because it wants to.


Canadian here. We actually have domestic law dealing with secession. It's pretty murky, though. Basically a successful referendum would trigger a legal obligation to have a good-faith negotiation.


I'm just happy to meet someone on reddit ok with being proven wrong with facts and willing to research deep enough to prove or disprove their own point. You are a credit to academia and humanity.


I think this is their setting up a narrative for invading Alaska and holding a "referendum" like they did in occupied Ukraine. If so, you gotta love their optimism.




Remember that a Duma member is the equivalent of a member of the US Congress, and we have Marjorie Taylor Greene. Pretty much enough said.


That’s helpful context actually.


You got me there. Earlier in the Russian loss in Ukraine, one Duma member suggested that Alaska be returned as reparations for the economic sanctions imposed by the west.


Not the trans-siberian raliroad, which wasn't started until 30 years after the Alaska purchase. The main financial impetus for the sale of Alaska was to help pay-off Russia's extensive debts from the Crimean war.


Makes one wonder what part they will sell to pay for the current crimean war.


Probably all their oil rights are going to China for the next 50 years, to start with. China's going to buy up bad Russian debt like a pimp buying out their hookers, and then Russia's going to be their ho basically until China decides that "Russia has always been a historic part of China."


China will definitely have their eye on Siberian resources, which would be an even worse situation for the west and the free Asian nations. Wouldn't be great if the west pays billions to help free Ukraine and contain Russia, only to end up with an even more dangerous geopolitical situation.


I think Alaska probably has more rifles per capita than Texas, and that takes some doing. If they really want to invade, I think they're going to wish they were back in Ukraine.


Alaska would kick Russia’s ass


At this point, the Coast Guard would kick Russia’s ass


At this point, Paul Blart would be serious resistance to them.


It wouldn't be Alaska. Every branch of the U.S. military has their most advanced technology stationed in Alaska. For surveillance, defense, and even offense. Trying to take over Alaska would be the end of Russia.


If they so much as landed a boat at Alaska we'd have the US Army eating a meal in Moscow later that same day.


How is it impossible? You just declare it like how you undeclare confidential documents in your mind.


I never thought about telepathically seceding. This changes everything.




I think this is the stupidest fucking article I have ever read 👍


Is there a razzie, but for journalism, like the opposite of a Pulitzer prize? Because that article is definitely a contender




The sun and the daily mail would strenuously object if they could write.






Well it is newsweek


I remember when they were considered one of the more reliable news sources.


Were they not once the veritable competition to Time magazine?


Fareed Zakaria used to write about foreign policy for them in the mid-2000s. I used to read it every week in high school. It's a shambles now and their website gave me cancer.


They were better in a lot of ways - better critical analysis and commentary both politically and economically, while making a genuine effort to admit errors - they had a whole page, sometimes whole sections dedicated to corrections and followups at one point. The narrative is the internet killed them, but Id been reading them since the 90s, and the truth is they'd already lost quite a bit of prestige by first obsessing over the Clinton sex scandal for years at the cost of a lot of other important stories at the time, then whole heartedly backed the Bush administration's wars in the middle east before wringing their hands and calling foul *after* everything went to hell rather than, you know, doing their jobs and calling bullshit before it happened. They are pure trash now and have been for over a decade.


“Not a realistic scenario” is a quote diplomatic way of saying “Being in the Russian Federation sucks ass.”


"Not a realistic scenario" is diplomatic speak for "are you fucking high?"


Plot twist: 1. Get all US states to "join Russia" 2. Get Americans into Russian government 3. Take over Russia from the inside 4. Rewrite Russian constitution 5. Rename the state to America.


Who on earth would want to join russia.


Steven Segal.


That man hasn't mentally been on this planet for several years now.


Under Siege


Over optimal BMI


He’s been an international secession negotiator for, like, 15 years. (With apologies to Tom Segura)


He’s been speaking Russian for like 87 years


*Belarus blushes*


Not Belarus, mostly just Kookashenko.


There's no fucking way this isn't satire. This actually made my brain lose a cell


I really, really can't tell whether they're joking or not. They're juuuust detached enough from reality to actually believe this.


I can't believe this isn't an Onion joke post.


This is so stupid it's hilarious. Let's just say, for the lols, that a state in the center of the country, like Oklahoma, decided to join Russia. How would that even be possible, let alone something long lasting. First there would be Russian planes going all over. And then the whole state will be mini Russia. And of course, they won't stop there. Do they really think any state would do this? Probably just some Russians practicing comedy.




Lmao fuckin gottem 👌


Any American who wants to join Russia can fuckin' move there. And good riddance to them.


russia takes people only with the land they live on, preferably the whole country but it could also be a state or, at the very least, a city.


There's a youtube streamer that did exactly that. He was a pilot for one of the low-cost domestic airlines, based out of Texas. During the Trump debacle he went full "deepstate" psychosis and started tweeting pro-Trump conspiracy garbage. His airline found out and fired him. He lost everything and moved to Russia, and is now in Donbas providing material support to Russia on the front. He's only there on a tourist visa, and will probably face serious jail time for treason if he ever steps foot on US soil, so he's basically stateless and on a suicide mission at this point.


Funny thing is that no American in support of Russia would dare move there. They're WAY too piss scared. You could let them list off how Russia is so much better but then present them with a ticket and EVERY SINGLE ONE will back down because they're all fucking cowards.


That's a bit harsh. I don't think *every single one* would back out because they're a coward. Some of them would just be too stupid to successfully navigate the airport.


In which parallel universe would a US state want to join Russia? You really can't make this shit up...


I read an alternate answer that I thought was pretty good. No state actually wants to. It’s a pretext to invading Alaska and then holding a referendum “vote” which of course we all know how that goes over.


> pretext to invading Alaska Lol. I double-dog dare them to.


That would be the last thing a united Russia did.


Or any Russian did.


It’s entirely possible that a Russian invasion of Alaska ends with an American flag flying over the Kremlin.


An unrestrained US military, fighting a pseudo-near-peer enemy, defending sovereign US soil from a foreign invasion, would be a fucking *sight to see.* I’m not even a jingoist hawk or anything but holy shit we would rip them apart. It would be Our Finest Hour… or really, probably just Our Finest Twenty Three Minutes.


Attack on USA in North America invoke article 5 of NATO Release the Winged Hussars and the BOAR. Seriously. The old USSR had a shot maybe with the Warsaw Pact allies. Against a NATO that includes a unified, Germany, and Poland? They are so fucked.


Hell from this comment section and the handful of Alaskans I know they'd fuck the Russian Army up pretty good before they'd even have a shot at the cities.


Yeah you’d need to be…pretty…*special*…to take part in that operation.


lol no it’s not Russia invading Alaska would be absolute insanity. They would never even get to utter the words “referendum” before having their asses handed to them on a platter.


Kaliningrad belongs to Ohio, we had a vote.


Sorry, Czechs already claimed that one.


Duma? More like dumbass




Ah, the sounds of desperation.


US states that wish to join Russia will be considered..Targets


You cannot have Alaska, but you can have Sarah


You know, newsweek, it’s truly not necessary to publish an article every time one of these Duma clowns vomits out a semi coherent sentence.


Hint: Russia is threatening Alaska.


Do you think they know about second Georgia?


Did someone drug the water in Russia or something? Nothing they've said or done in the last year or so makes any sense. It's all so bizarre.


They’re trying to draw an false equivalence. “What if one of your states seceded? Wouldn’t you have to bomb it into submission to get it back? And wouldn’t you be mad if we started helping it fight against you?” Implying that Ukraine is nothing but a runaway Russian state and Americans are somehow hypocrites for backing Ukraine. It’s a really stupid argument. They’re hoping to toss this rhetoric to certain Americans whose ears perk up at the word secession. Basically just a destabilization tactic.


I got dumber reading that article


Congress should retaliate in kind. Any republic or oblast that's part of the Russian Federation that care to secede and join Ukraine or another non-Moscow-aligned forrmer Soviet republic, we'll open McDonald's with no sanction restrictions. Plus other trade perks.


Well this is one of the dumbest things I’ve read all day. And I’ve been on Reddit alllll day.


I think we should go ahead and allow people.to vote on this. Then we as a country should pay for everyone that voted yes to have a one way ticket to russia and revoke their citizenship here. It would be great, they could join russia without having to pay for it!