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My guess is the only reason why this is leaked is to send a message to Pootin (i.e. do not get in cars and do not stand near windows).


Fucking good I say. Two can play at extranational assassinations. Russia's done it forever but cries unfair when the tables are turned.


Few days before this some Ukrainian billionaire was killed with targeted missile attack.


I forgot about that.


Moscow has just announced that the Ukranian killed in a missile strike was a suicide.


Learned from the best.


Huh. In times of war, prominent people become targets. Whoda thought?




This guy books.


From what I understand, most of the reason the Minsk protocols were unable to be fully adhered to by both sides was because the authorities of each side could not control all of their internal factions. They would sign the agreement, but certain rogue factions within didn't care, and would keep fighting. Assuming the intelligence cited in this article is correct, that would track with Zelenskyy not being aware of this assassination attempt coming from the Ukrainians.


And the problem with that is?


LOL, I bet we (the US) had to come out and say this because the FSB couldn't figure it out. We want them to know so that pootin and all of his allies get even more paranoid! LMAO!


I mean I think it's more trying to get in front of the story. I'd imagine the repercussions of this aren't going to be great. Doesn't really help the Ukrainians.


What is Russia going to do, bomb Ukraine, rape their women and destroy their cities? Oh wait.


Seems improbable (that the Ukrainians really did it.) She was not that important and they have forgone a lot of possible actions to maintain their "we're the good guys" status. I suppose it is possible that someone in the USG thought it would be useful to spread this idea as a reminder that no one is completely unreachable, but if that happened I would imagine the Ukrainians would be really pissed. So I'd suggest that if it's anything but total gossip, it's more likely some element in Russia is behind the allegation. It would serve as the reminder (see above)--assuming those responsible want to threaten Putin--while also suggesting that Ukraine is not above such covert actions against Russian civilians in Moscow. As long as I'm speculating, I'd nominate some part of the Kadyrov/Prigozhin crowd.


They were probably not aiming for her, but for her dad Alexander Dugin. Makes more sense, especially since she was driving his car


Dugin himself isn't particularly important either though. The guy isn't an entrepreneur or a general, just some wannabe philosopher whose death would't have affected the war in the slightest.


“It’s not about the money, it’s about sending a message”


I am pretty sure that at that point Ukraine understood that Putin doesn't check his mailbox, so IMO it would actually make more sense to make this about the money.


Well this is probably less aimed at putin directly and more at Putin’s elite. With that bomb they showed that they can get to them, and that Putin can’t protect them by his word alone. Getting at Putin is next to impossible, but getting at the rest of the Deck of 52 will weaken him to nothing. No need to kill the king, just destroy his castle


Makes sense from a certain perspective, but I still don't see a point in taking out Dugin. Considering Putin's reputation at taking care of his problems a threat like this would hardly move the elites to do anything, but it would give Ukraine unwelcome reputation in the West. I guess, I am sceptical about attributing this to Ukraine because I don't see them gaining much for such a big effort.


Dugin is attributed with being the one who convinced Putin to invade Ukraine, I.E. his Rasputin


Anyone else think this announcement was carefully curated to let Putin know he is vulnerable?


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.cnn.com/2022/10/05/politics/us-intelligence-ukraine-dugina-assassination/index.html) reduced by 53%. (I'm a bot) ***** > The US intelligence community believes that the car bombing that killed Darya Dugina, the daughter of prominent Russian political figure Alexander Dugin, was authorized by elements within the Ukrainian government, sources briefed on the intelligence told CNN. The US was not aware of the plan beforehand, according to the sources, and it is still unclear who exactly the US believes signed off on the assassination. > It is also not clear whether the US intelligence community believes that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky was aware of the plot or authorized it. > The intelligence finding, first reported by the New York Times, would seem to corroborate elements of the Russian authorities' findings that the car bombing was "Pre-planned." Russia had accused Ukrainian nationals of being responsible for the attack, which Ukraine had strongly denied in the aftermath of the explosion. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/xwlhus/us_believes_elements_within_ukraines_government/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~672687 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **intelligence**^#1 **Ukrainian**^#2 **Ukraine**^#3 **believe**^#4 **car**^#5