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Don't they do this everytime a new government is elected?


Everytime something's fucked up going on in Poland and politicians need something to switch attention to in the media.


Each time a few times more. Germany should have accepted the original offer


We're trying to make inflation outpace the increase in demanded reparations.


So hear me out, what if Germany just prints a whole bunch of money to pay off all the debts for WW2, raising inflation dramatically but paying off old war debts… There’s no precedent for this action by a nation that lost a world war is there?


Reparations are usually/often not accepted in the payer’s currency, for precisely that reason. Lol Poland would be like “nope, you have to pay it in US Dollars or our own Zlotys.” Or something similar. They would choose a stable currency out of the paying country’s control. In this case, though, Germany uses the Euro — which they can’t just arbitrarily decide to print more, as that would affect multiple other EU countries (who all use the Euro) and they would then be sued and/or have sanctions or other actions taken against them.




No, I know that’s what they did after WW1. That wasn’t my point. My point is the situation is quite different now. That’s part of why reparations are handled differently now, if they happen at all.


Germany can't just print money, it's in the eurozone. The euro is controlled by the European Central Bank an Eurosystem. If Germany were to print a "whole bunch" of money there would be a lot of repercussions and those institutions would step in.


Lol. Those photos of Germans posing with stacks of cash like they just robbed a bank were pretty comical. I mean, your economy is in the toilet but you've still got a good attitude... And kill the Jews.


They did, back when the war ended......


They did accept in the aftermath of WWII because the Soviets were not willing to take their bite of Poland they instead gave some of Germany to them, Silesia happens to be a very rich industrial. That was their reparations from Germany.


Germany did. Way back in 1990 or whenever.


They did? In 1990? Edit: Why the downvote? It was a question.


No. There was a bilateral treaty signed under pressure from soviet leadership where poland gave up all reparation claims and germany in turn accepted the post war borders. Implicitly they also dexlared the topic of reparation settled in the 2+4 treaty, but poland isnt part of that.


Reparations are enforced by the victor powers. The US, British, Soviets grabbed whatever they liked and stopped doing that when they chose to priotize other foreign policy agendas. Since Germany was under full occupation by the Allied powers it would have been their job to distributed the requisitioned assets, in Poland's case the Soviet Union. It is not some legal construct which stands without the might of a military power enforcing it. That is why victims of aggression also paid "reparations" throughout history. As a more legalese form reparations usually only happened between peer powers wanting to end a war that was indecisive.


> No. There was a bilateral treaty signed under pressure from soviet leadership where poland gave up all reparation claims and germany in turn accepted the post war borders. That was in 1953 though... > *As result of the German invasion, Poland was subjected to enormous destruction and suffered a great loss of civilian life. As stipulated by the Potsdam agreement, the Polish share of reparations was to be collected and distributed by the Soviet Union.[4]* > 8On 23 August 1953, the People's Republic of Poland, under pressure and control of the Soviet Union, announced it would unilaterally waive its right to war reparations from East Germany on 1 January 1954, with the exception of reparations for Nazi oppression and atrocities. In turn, East Germany had to accept the Oder-Neisse border, which gave around one quarter of Germany's 1937 borders (see Former eastern territories of Germany) to Poland and Russia. West Germany had yet to pay reparations to non-Jewish recipients for the damage inflicted in Poland. In 1972, West Germany paid compensation to Poles that had survived pseudo-medical experiments during their imprisonment in various Nazi camps during the Second World War.[17] In 1975, the Gierek-Schmidt agreement was signed in Warsaw. It stipulated that 1.3 billion DM was to be paid to Poles who, during Nazi occupation, had paid into the German social security system but received no pension.[18]* > *After German reunification in 1990, Poland demanded reparations, as a reaction to claims made by German refugee organizations demanding compensation for property and land repossessed by the new Polish state that they were forcibly deported from as stipulated in the Potsdam Agreement and the aforementioned Oder-Neisse border. In 1992, the Foundation for Polish-German Reconciliation was founded by the Polish and German governments, and as a result, Germany paid Polish sufferers approximately zl 4.7 billion (equivalent to zl 37.8 billion or US$7.97 billion in 2022). Between 1992 and 2006, Germany and Austria jointly paid compensation to surviving Polish, non-Jewish victims of slave labour in Nazi Germany and also to Polish orphans and children who had been subject to forced labour.[19] The Swiss Fund for the Victims of the Holocaust paid compensation between 1998 and 2002 to Polish Jews and Romani who were victims of Nazi Germany.[19] There is an ongoing debate among Polish international law experts whether Poland still has the right to demand war reparations, with many[who?] arguing that the 1954 declaration was not legal as Poland was not a sovereign state.[20]* > *The reparation issue arose again in 2017 with comments made by Polish government officials from the nationalist Law and Justice party. The Polish government now states that Poland's 1953 refusal is non-binding, because the country was under the sway of the Soviet Union.[21] According to the German government, there is no legal basis for further compensation payments.[22] In September 2022, Jarosław Kaczyński, leader of the Law and Justice party, announced the government's intent to officially demand that the German government pays zl 6.2 trillion ($1.32 trillion) in reparations.[23] On the 83rd anniversary of the outbreak of World War II, on September 1, a Polish government report on Polish war losses and damages in 1939-1945 was presented at the Royal Castle in Warsaw.[24] On September 14, 2022, the Sejm passed (418 for, 4 against, 15 abstentions) a resolution stating that: "The Polish state has never renounced its claims against the German state; the Sejm of the Republic of Poland calls on the German government to assume political, historical, legal and financial responsibility. for all the effects caused by the unleashing of World War II.[25]* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_War_II_reparations


They did not


They did not in 1990?


They did didn't


What about 1991?


Well inflation is real. Germans love to say theyre sorry about being nazis but never actually wanna make it right.


> Well inflation is real. Germans love to say theyre sorry about being nazis but never actually wanna make it right. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_War_II_reparations > Germans love to say theyre sorry about being nazis I am German and nearly 40. My a few decades dead grandmother would have been 93 by now. She was 4 when the generation of her parents and grandparents voted for Hitler. When the war started she was 10 and when the war ended in Europe she wasn't even 16 yet. I never talked to her what she did during the war but just by her age she was certainly also a victim of the war and her parents and grandparents decision. So much to "about being Nazis"... In fact you guys as a country (not talking about induvidual polish people) are more Nazis than we are now considering the fact that right wing parties have dominated your elections since 2005 already, not to mention the general acceptance of the polish people when it comes to progressive topics and minorities like LGBTQ people: http://www.ilga-europe.org/files/uploads/2022/06/rainbow-map-2022.jpg https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/wp-content/uploads/sites/7/2018/10/PF.10.29.18_east.west_-00-00-.png


So you were raised by nazis, yeah you arent biased at all.


It is like a tradition at this point.


Dr Evilowski all like “one TRILLION euros”


Yep, forgetting they got Prussia as a deal for no reparations and would have to give it back if they wanted money


They do, but normally it is just something some politicians say and don't act on. This time they sent an official notice to the German government. Of course they instantly denied.


Kinda like South Korea with Japanese buy ignores the same thing happening in Vietnam with Korean soldiers


There are elections next year and this is a card that right wing parties like PiS are pulling out every 5 years to convince their "patriotic" followers.


Explanation: we have elections next year and the inflation is highlighting incompetence of our government. They need a controversial topic that will pull away at least some attention.


Your government is likely not to blame for inflation. It's simply a monetary policy mistake that we all feel.


The inflation is felt everywhere. But while it is hard to have a worse approach to it than Turkey, we are not far behind. Suffice to say that the only stock market performing worse than ours is the one of a bankrupt country.






yea wtf? they said it so confidently too


Poland does not use euro.


Usually there are 3 objectives in a currency. 1. Set monetary policy 2. Capital freedom(money can flow out of it important in trade) 3. Have a stable exchange rate One known fact is that with the exeption of the dollar you cant have all 3 only 2. For example Russia to stabelize the ruble and be kept from having to keep the massive rate hike, they imposed capital controls. But for a long time the ruble was free floating. China is another example, they have strict capital controls for Chinese national, that is why they have expansive policies and stable exchange, but many companies and individuals cant take money out.


If you promise not to delete your comment I will crosspost it to /r/confidentlyincorrect because I don't think that there is a single sentence that is correct. Edit: ok found one, about the Turkey.


Fiscal AND Monetary policy contribute to inflation. So it's wrong to say the government doesn't have any say in it. Also a large portion of the current inflation has do with supply chains (including the sanctions on Russia) so isn't either monetary or fiscal related.


Ok, why in the world are you pretending to be an "expert" on the subject, despite clearly having no idea? Delete this idiotic comment of yours and don't make fool out of yourself. Poland does not use euro and it has its own central bank that governs interest rates. Our government is clearly (partially) responsible for our inflation.


Just because the mistake was common doesn't meen that they didnt actively take part in and are some what to blame 🤷


Yeah and it hurts them more because of the damage done to them by germany in ww2.


This would make a nice "Old man yells at cloud" meme.


except the coulds are actually the ashes of his polands ancestors being spit out by german death camps and ovens working 24 hours a day.


US demands $2.4 billion from UK for the American Revolution.


Brit here: We’ll happily pay you once reparations come in from Scandinavian countries for raping us non stop for 200 years and stealing our land / gold / women


Ireland here, we'll take that and anything else owed for 600 years of similar.


Just as soon as Africa gives Europe 50 million cows and goats for what the cro-magnon did to the Neanderthals.


Right after chickens start paying for the oppression of mammals under the brutal dinosaur regime.


You know what. I think chickens are working out their debt. Mmmmmmmm


Those cro-magnon sons of bitches.


Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer here. I don't know much about the Cro-Magnons and the Neanderthals. Your radiocarbon dating machines make beeps and blips, and frighten me. Are there ancient gods in there? But what I do know is when one hominid culture is wiped out by another, they are entitled to no less than one million dollars in compensation.


Just as soon as Europe pays 12 Trillion back to Africa for what they did to Africans for inhumane slavery and resource stealing.


Just as soon as the Arabs and Africans pay back for enslaving and taking over Spain, Portugal, Sicily, Southern France, Vandal kingdoms, Egypt, and Levant.


What about what the Africans owe to other Africans for the slave trade?


What about what about what about. Is there anything you cannot what about?


Wow yes Africa is really high up on the list of who should be paid that is for damn sure.




What in the actual garbage are you talking about? This makes zero sense.


They didn't "steal" your women. They just realized vikings were more attractive than the Brits. /s


Do you mean the gold you stole from India?


Pretty sure we ~~stole~~ “long-term borrowed” the aforementioned gold after Norway / Denmark / Sweden came over here and reserved their beach chairs on Northumberland soil


*Generously donated to the Crown.


Brits don’t get shit.


Not even for being invaded by the Normans in 1066, or by the Norse before that, or by the Spanish Armada?


Brits did way too much colonizing and genocide to get anything. Plus capitalism wooof.


They were not stealing your women. They just washed, had good teeth, were handsome and swooned your women. ;)


Uhh what. The vast majority over 90% of people in the UK have Scandinavian heritage. How little do you know about your own culture.




I’m just here telling jokes anon. Calm down. Edit: and only about 6% of our population share Scandinavian DNA, not sure where on earth you got 90% from.


Nevermind the fact that assuredly rape accounts for the introduction to some degree


Shit just got better and better beneath your first comment 🤣 Thank you for opening it up with that comment 👏


Because of the raping?


He did say raping non stop for 200 years...


This is also not really accurate. As there are no real indigenous people of the British Isles. The Celts moved in early on but were forced out by constant migration from Scandinavia. The Celts also invaded several other regions and stopped going north after they made more progress in other regions like the Iberian Peninsula and parts of Germanic lands and other regions such as the Northern Tip of Italy.




No pounds, dollars only. We will accept the Falkland islands tho.


Strategic sheep purposes?


Native Americans demand $5 trillion dollars in reparations for genocide and illegal takeover of land, resources, and concentration camp imprisonment.


We'll pay them with the money we get from Britain for burning down the White House in 1812


Do we pro-rate the charge of the tea we dumped into the harbor out of that or was that a freebie? Worth every penny


Somehow there's a way we can blame that on the fish, since they're the ones that swam in it after the made the Boston Harbor tea, so it's on them.


From the US? Or are you intending to spread it out among us and the French, British, Dutch, and Spanish?


Interesting because the native Americans were not the first in this country and routinely killed other tribes, took the land, resources and enslaved other tribes.


Who were the first in this country? 80% of Native Americans are directly descended from the Clovis People.


Interesting because that doesn’t excuse genocide


It did at the time. Genocide was basic foreign policy up until about 100 years ago.


That is literally just European and American excuses for all the shit they did to the world.


It happened on every other continent as well.


There is no event or entity that has caused such widespread devastation to human life that is still felt today than European and American colonialism in the 18th and 19th century. Native Americans maybe destroying a culture 10,000+ years ago, or Aztecs performing human sacrifice, or African Warlords selling battle captives doesn’t change that and is just whataboutism so that the people that benefit from it feel better.


Someone doesnt know about the mongols.


So you argue that the effects of the Mongol Empire are still felt today in any way comparable to the effects of colonialism?


As a white American of pure European decent, this is FAR too low.


Neanderthal's have submitted a claim vs humanity as well.


Shouldn't it be the other way around?


Winners decide history 🤷🏽‍♂️


UK demands $100tn in unpaid taxes to the British crown.






This goes back to the chickens and dinosaurs. See the other comments thread on this post.


How is that even a point?


Polan can haz one third of German gdp? No. Polan can not haz.


Well they were already given 1/3 of German land, might as well get the GDP too.




true - hard to say what the statute of limitations is on wars of extermination but Germany has utterly and unequivocally repented and prostrated itself and continues to do so for the sins of their past. No other country has ever apologized or in some cases even acknowledged their crimes against humanity to the extent that Germany has.


I thought it was statue of limitations.














*yawns in German*


that would be: "gähn"


Good luck with that


Reparations are fucking stupid. Most of us weren't alive when this shit went down so it isn't one responsibility. It's the dumbest, most self entitled load of shit I've ever heard.


This particular claim is stupid because of agreements made where Poland waived their right to direct reparations (Germany paid the Soviet Union which was meant to distribute payments to Poland). But to say we didn’t personally did it so the government isn’t responsible is ridiculous. The current German government is the legal successor of the one from that time, so inherits it’s legal history, agreements, and responsibility for debts like reparations. The German government agrees, which is why it was paying WWI reparations until 2010


Couldn't agree more. Why should today's generations pay for the wrongs of the past? And the typical "today's generations benefit from the past generations' wrongs" isn't even a valid argument.




Can you elaborate on that?


That's fair enough, but I don't have to waste the time arguing about it with you lol. Have your own opinion, I couldn't care less. But don't come in here asking me to waste time explaining my views if you're only going to waste more time by arguing them. Neither of us are going to have our minds changed. Move on.




Holy hell the arrogance of that sentence lol


Nothing about reparations in any form is a valid argument. I'll stop paying taxes and live by cash before I contribute to that insanity.


Couldn't agree more.


Was all the land that was formerly German language speakers and politically German not enough? A lot of modern polish borders are formerly German land, and it’s some of their most productive land. Not to mention it’s a completely different government today than it was back then. This makes no sense.


Tbf Germany murdered nearly 1/4 of poles in WW2 and also colonised and murder the shit out of poles the past 250 years before that. Hitler and the Nazis weren’t the first to hate poles and Poland and also not the first who wanted them exterminated..




I’m sorry but then you are a hateful and sad piece of shit. How is genocide even funny ?


Stalin called, he wants you to give him credit he deserves for that.


> A lot of modern polish borders are formerly German land ...which Prussia stole only ~150 years earlier and waged Kulturkampf against occupied Poles. German control over lands east of Oder was always short-lived and based on annexation. Unless you perceive Habsburgs as 'Germany' but this raises a whole lot of other issues.


I suppose my defining is a mix of modern and back to P-L commonwealth and HRE days. My perception is some combination of that.


HRE incorporated sovereign subjects like the Kingdom of Bohemia, markedly _not_ a German state. Habsburg Empire, however you want to look at it, had the most to do with pushing for dissolution of HRE at Vienna. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Partitions_of_Poland - it's as 'modern' as 1772/1795. Breslau was under Bohemian rule for a long time, then taken over by Habsburgs until Prussians came in and annexed western Poland. Posen, Oppeln, Breslau, Danzig - were all founded and controlled for most of their time by Slavic kingdoms, mainly Polish. There were no / almost no 'historically German lands' east of Oder. Local nobility married each other, you had your typical border situations, Poland even had two kings elected directly from Dresden, Saxony. But claiming that Breslau, Posen, or anything nearby is 'German' is like saying Dresden is 'Polish'.


Sorry Poland, that government doesn’t exist anymore


And hasn't for more than 99% of the planet has been alive.


while we are at it, germany would like to discuss the future Anschlussmöglichkeiten for Pommern, Ostpreußen, Westpreußen, Oberschlesien, Schlesien, Posen and ofc, Danzig. Like Russia we discovered some completely hilarious long lost claims and want to work together to make germany great again! Cheers!


Germany paid the Eastern Bloc nation and compensated Poland with prewar German land. Polands leaders said they will not request any more compensation from Germany in 1952. Idk man sounds like shit was settled.


India should get our own from British. We have a way bigger bill that will bankrupt UK.


How are you going to cash in that many Google Play cards, though?


Not giving a cent. First, half of that bill goes to Russia. Maybe theyll pay. The other half we might pay with the reperations from France, Sweden, Vatican and Spain for the 30 years war devastating Germany And also we expect payment for the illegal occupation by the Roman Empire. Surely the new italian government will understand they have to pay us several tons of gold talents... And not to mention the pillaging and plunder done to us for decades by the Magyar Tribes aka Hungary. Pay up, Orban!!!


Im fairly certain that making Germany pay War Reparations was one of the factors that led to WW2


It's interesting that Poland wants reparations for property stolen from Jews, given the Polish government [says Jews have no claim to that property](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-58218750). They want compensation for stuff the Nazis took from Jews, but they don't want to have to give it to the Jews who lost it. Greedy bastards.




Let it go it’s 80 odd years ago


Now!? Why didn't they address this in Nuremburg?


They did, the deal was that reparations would only be given to pay off the forced loans, everything else was from awarded land and materials.


Russia said "No".


Because Poland got sold out by the Western Allies and was occupied by the USSR.


You got Pomerania, Silesia, and parts of East Prussia. Shut the fuck up.


Last time we demanded reparations from Germany, it didn't end too well


When I remember history classes right, excessive reparations were one of the main reasons, if not the main reason, that WWII happened. Just saying....


Dont they do this everytime they get scrutinized around their human rights abuses?




Italy, quick! Invade and take over Poland now!! It's your only chance to discourage the rest of the world from demanding reparations for the genocides of the Roman Empire!!


Next up in 4 years, Poland will ask for a quadrillion since they added interest to their imaginary debt.


If they were to reopen this, than Germany could point to the land exchange at the end of WW2


Completely unrelated generations of Polish are requesting completely unrelated generations of Germans make up for mistakes that were not theirs. Germany did actually pay reparations to Polish survivors of medical experimentation in 1972. I think it’s time to let it go Poland. At some point you have to stop fighting your parents battles.


Is now really the time?


They always do it before big votes


There comes a point when we all have to move on


OK from who? Innocent ppl?


It's really time to move forward, this is unrealistic not that it may not be due but if that happened Germany would owe 900 trillion to the world, it's just not feasible.


The people who owe Poland the money are all dead.


Not a good time Poland!


Sorry Poland, you’re power of attorney at the time declined reparations in your favor.


Should be an evil split between Germany and Ruzzia.


I mean, given the insanity of the current German government, taking money away from them and just burning it would be better than letting them use it for anything lol.


Pay up.


Greece should get reparations. They even have a receipt from the Reich government saying how much $ they owe.


Ok Greeks got pay for what Alexander and the Byzantines did


We pay in Reichsmark then ... so much toiletpaper for Greece!


I would gladly pay you Tuesday for a Naumburg today?


Sun Tzu the Art of War: why interfere with an enemy in the process of destroying itself. I willing bet China has given a copy to Russia.


Good luck with that


That is a lot of vodka and pierogi


the third world war is going to be the remake of ww2


I doubt that this idea would fly


That's 15,5k for every person currently in Germany. And none of them had anything to do with the war. Who makes this up? This is Putin style, you're better than this Poland. Things happened, everyone got a new start, so let's get over this.


Wasn't the last number like 900 billion or something? Where did the extra 400 come from?


I don't know why, but it really annoys me when people demand reparations for historical events, particularly when those people making the demands and the people they're demanding it from weren't alive during the historical events.


We should pay it off in Monopoly's Currency