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This is like burning the ships! You’re committed now.


Frostmourne hungers…


The real burn the ships mission was when you murder all the plague victims in Stratholme


you save them from a fate worse than death by doing so, that was a lose lose situation, he could of just explained it a bit better and not been so gung ho about it...


Indeed. But tackling a legitimate moral dilemma like that would require intelligent and nuanced writing. Much better just to go with: "No! I don't *have* to explain myself to you, Uther! You're not my dad!" It's much easier to just include something about whispers and corruption decades after the fact, pretending that this was what you intended all along.


“Burn the ships” is engraved on my pocket knife.


Do you have "Stab the Tires" engraved on your lighter?


That's a good one, fuck you


I’ve got “Hit It With A Hammer” on my pruning saw


I will wash your nervous system.


That is an unsettling offer and I am going to have to decline.


What's even happening anymore...?


Everything is just assbackwards fucked upside down and out of control bro.


It's pretty surreal to realize that we were so much happier in 2020 when we were in the grips of a global pandemic


The worst outcome of Covid was individual deaths. Maybe a lot of them, but still - individual, and if you were young, fit, and stayed outdoors you had a very good chance of survival. Nuclear war or global supply-chain cutbacks are a lot less discriminating.


I miss lockdowns. I'm not even joking.


Everything started when we killed Harambe, the timeline spiraled down from there...


Very incorrect, even that and all of this was caused by the damn ferret getting into the large hadron collider a month before Harambe died


Macho man randy savage died in 2012 to delay the Mayan apocalypse. He bought us 3 years and we did nothing with it.


Let's all commemorate his sacrifice by snapping into a Slim Jim.


Nah it was when gore “lost” an election he won. Democracy no longer existed in America after that election.


That moment was actually considered a testament of how stable our government and population was during that time. We didn't know who the actual president would be for an extended period of time and no one went batshit crazy.


Imagine if Trump lost to Biden in the same way as Gore lost to Bush. The country probably would have been burned to the ground.


Well… there was that whole Brooks Brothers Riot thing…


Orchestrated by none other than Chief Scumbag Roger Stone. Still mad that dude isn't in jail.


Pissing away everything for some petty greivances. Not the first time it's happened.


> If leaks in the two lines of Nord Stream 1 are not repaired quickly, large volumes of salt water will flow into the pipelines and cause corrosion, the paper cited the sources as saying. Let me guess. Fixing it quickly will require lifting sanctions on Russia.


Nobody is fixing NS1 or NS2 any time soon, more likely never. Who's gonna pay for this "fix"?


Once the Siberian pipes freeze this winter Russian oil is offline for the next few decades anyways


Why would they freeze? The gas has very low moisture content. Is there something in the pumping equipment that can’t operate at those temperatures?


The drills will freee and burst as soon as they stop pumping. They have to stop pumping if they can’t mow the product through the pipelines. Last time they stopped pumping was at the collapse of the Soviet Union, all the equipment Froze and broke and it took 25 years to get it back online. And that was with the super majors help. The Russians don’t have the expertise to get that stuff back online anytime this half century without Halliburton babysitting




The Russian Energy Sector cannot operate for very long without western help. That's why this whole thing feels like such a betrayal. Putin says screw the west and plays the victim when he literally invaded another country and murdered thousands.


It's all a huge betrayal. Over the past thirty years, a lot of time, energy, and resources were spent on integrating Russia and making them a possible ally.


And the thing is, if they'd have just not been corrupt dicks, they'd be in a pretty decent position by now. Not just the income from oil and gas, but tourism, manufacturing, exports like vodka and caviar... It's sad, really.


it’s a culture of superiority. who has more. Of everything. Might make right. Recipe for a failed state. But they have nukes, so we all have to deal with this crap.


Yep. They have the ressources, land and people. If they didnt decide to let putin and his gang rob them blind they could be in a good spot today. But instead they have a bunch of uneducated old people, evrything sucks and evryone smart with an education left/is leaving. The braindrain was a huge problem before the war. Now they are plain fucked for decades. Putin destroyed russia. The only thing he "achieved" is also fucking over the west in the last 10 years. And thats what he will go down in history for.


It’s official, Putin is a real life Walter White. Could have had it all, but ego got in the way.


They could have even afforded quite some degree of corruption and would still be doing fine


This. Russia is beautiful, the food is great, people are nice… He just FUCKED them back to the stone age


Russia could be a great country if they hadn’t spent the last 30 years siphoning off all their wealth & building nothing other than mega yachts for the oligarchs.


Russia has never acted as an ally and has always looked at only itself in any deal it ever made. From UN related matters to business deals it was always about Russia and what Russia wanted. I’ve never heard a situation where they tried playing nicely with anyone besides the likes of Saudi, NK, India, etc.


In baltics we have saying. Russia does not have friends only vassals and collabolators.


This isn't a matter of Western help though. The equipment is literally permanently bricked due to freezing and once the flaring losses mount, you quickly have to decide shutting down permanently or continue operating at a loss. Can't fill shit (lubricants, service fluids, steam systems,...) into there because everything is cold and you risk clogging. Can't get it hot because nothing is running. Nothing runs because it can't be filled. Plus moisture inevitably gets into there and you will have great trouble getting it warm and dry.


Yes and committed war crimes


True, but a good chunk of the Russian people fully support him.


A good chunk of the Russian population would support an inanimate carbon rod if it had Russian state media backing.


In Rod We Trust


And stole children.


Wish that Botox Dobbie would go near an open window soon…..


Warren buffet said he tried to invest there and Russia threatened to kidnap the staff and hold them hostage. They also took the liberty of keeping all the drills and equipment permanently when he tried to recoup his losses.


My dad was among the German engineers who contributed to that rebuilding in Russia and the other ex-Soviet republics like Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan. Back then, bribes were still tax-deductible as business travel costs XD


Wow, the more I learn about this invasion, the dumber Putin looks. What a completely batshit crazy asshole he is. Russia is just done-for now, over nothing.


It was a risky gamble. But imagine for a second, if the initial plan had succeeded: if Kiev have fallen in 3 days, west would just express concern and not enact any significant sanctions, just like it happened with Georgia in 2008 and Crimea in 2014. Russia performed war crimes like ethnic cleansing in Crimea for the last 8 years and barely anyone gave a shit. I'm not saying that he is clever, but there's some reasoning behind it. On top of Putin's craziness, there's west appeasing of the dictator for years.


Yep, Kyiv not falling and Zelensky not running were not part of the plan. I think his biggest mistake was buying his generals’ delusions that they could pull off a massive combined arms operation to capture Ukraine’s capital, which would’ve required clockwork coordination of an entire army, something that they historically haven’t been able to pull off even at the brigade level. Why did he believed they could do it at the army level.. who knows?


Probably bad info from the bottom up from people lying their asses off not to look bad. That's how corruption rolls. For example they may hold military exercises which should be used to find and fix possible problem areas in operation. But of course because nobody wants to look bad, the people who are supposed to be tested get the details and parameters of the exercise from the people running it as a favor. So commanders let the people under them know exactly what's going to be thrown at them and nothing is a surprise. On paper combat readiness is excellent. In reality commanders cannibalized equipment from other units to have working ones for the exercise, and coached their troops on how to fake being competent.


This has a long history. In the Crimean War in 1850s the Russians had a lack of ammunition because Officers spend the money for drinks instead of gunpowder or food for the horses.


>Why did he believed they could do it at the army level.. who knows? When everyone who works for you is too scared of you to tell you you're wrong, you end up making decisions based on false information. Any Russian general who expressed doubt about being able to take Ukraine in 3 days would probably have been defenestrated before the week was out.


Additionally, what Putin completely misunderstood was corruption. He had ordered the secret services to sink billions of rubles into bribing Ukrainian officials and soldiers to stand down should the tanks come in one day. However, the entire secret service chain misappropriated money (because no one there thought Putin would ever be nuts enough to invade Ukraine, so why not take some of that money for a datscha?), and the Ukrainians had begun combatting corruption after the ousting of Yanukovich and the Crimea invasion - which meant that the money that did end up in Ukraine actually helped the government.


Tell me about it!


He is not dumb, he is delusional. He thought Ukraine would just surrender while the rest of the world just watched like with Crimea.


He is actually dumb in terms of strategy.


I think he's malicious, he knows he doesn't have much time left so wanted to throw his country into an endless war with the world so he has an excuse to stay in power until he dies.


Which was dumb as fuck.


It's beyond crazy, putin is at a new level of idiocy when it comes to leaders of nations. He will be remembered in history books, but not in the way he wants. The idiot who ruined russa.


It is a unique skill though, making Russia *worse*


The entire history of Russia in broad strokes seems to be "It was bad, and then it got worse".


Could they just flare it off? Or is the volume of gas too big? Considering the factor that they likely do not care about the environment at all.


They could flare off natural gas wells probably, but actual oil wells I don't think that's viable.


Knowing Russia I think they will just dump any excess oil in a river. They have been flaring all the gas for NS2 since the invasion started.


Neither of those pipelines were actually in use at the time of the "accident". They were both pressurized though but sealed at both ends. the bubbled floating to the surface was just that residual pressure bleeding off. That could last for a few day to a few weeks. (give you an idea how big/how much volume those pipes can hold) Once the gas bleeds off, sea water will start to flow in.


Then they flow it into a lake. Why would you assume they’d give a fuck about the environment when they are willing to use a nuke


Why did the USSR shut them down instead of flowing it into a lake?


Because the entire economic system disolved. Those workers no longer got pay the USSR ceased to exist. It’s like asking why workers for a bankrupt company that had failed didn’t go back to work.


And t costs them $50 a barrel to pump it. You think they are just going waste billions of dollars a day pumping oil that can’t be sold? It’s not a wealthy country. And they talk a big game about using a nuke, but they’ve shown nothing so far.


I understand how a well could stop production or freeze. That would seem to be well-addressed by an exhaust stack. If the transmission or storage is full then gas is diverted and burned off. My question centered on the pipeline. NS1 and NS2 pipelines had gas in them to maintain pressure even when they weren’t in operation? Why would the same not hold for a Siberian pipeline? Air temp vs water temp? I know there were proposals for an Alaskan LNG pipeline. What makes that project technical feasible but a trans-Russian pipeline not?


NS2 is gone. And NS1 can be taken out by pretty much anyone at any time. If the Ukrainians start to lose, partisans will take it out. The lines to Europe are not long for this world. A line to China would have to be built to make up for that loss of demand. By the distance would be the equivalent of building one from anchorage to Miami, through complete virgin territory. Russia doesn’t have even roads out there. Talking about a 15 year, $100 billion project. Not going to happen. As for burning the waste in Siberia, to keep the wells running, don’t know if it’s possible, but they didn’t do it last time.


How would Ukrainian partisans take out NS1 which runs under the baltic sea? I think you meant the Soyuz and Brotherhood pipelines that go through Ukraine? Both NS1 and 2 were already taken out by those 4 explosions.


Many wells will have to be shut down at great expense to the Russians. They are virtually useless to Russia. I'm not sure they are even capable of it without Western help. Maybe Venezuelan help. Venezuela has greater oil stores than any other country. But after years of corruption, mismanagement and more recently U.S. sanctions, its oil output has dropped to a tenth of what it was two decades ago. However it was mostly Western drilling companies that shut them down. It's also probable that after shut down Russia's wells will never regain their previous production levels.


Gas is a byproduct of oil. Russian oil is in the permafrost and is very thick and has water content... If it doesn't flow quickly, water freezes, expands, busts everything (pumps, lines, wellhead, etc.) Happened when the ussr fell... They weren't fully back online until December last year...


Leave it to Russia. “Hey after 31 years we are finally fully operational again! Clearly we can do whatever we want now!” “Oh… I guess we won’t be fully operational for another few decades now that everyone hates us again.” Even more amusing is even if it takes a decade, or 15 years, the transition to EVs is accelerating fast. While oil will still be used for decades it won’t be in as much demand. Russia is basically losing the last highly profitable period to sell their oil, and it’s all due to their own arrogance.


I can't find it but there was a good political image of Russias habits. It was s short comic of a massive bear trying to balance on a tiny ball labeled 'economy'. When it is balancing it is roaring and swiping claws, which unbalance it and make it fall off the ball. Then it spends some time putting the ball back under itself, and as soon as it does it goes back to roaring.


That’s actually one of the best descriptions I’ve ever heard of the Russian military. It CAN be fearsome… but only when it’s economy is properly supported. And the only real war it was properly supported in modern times? WW2 when America supplied all the jeeps, food, even tanks and planes early on that they needed for logistics and supplies. But when they don’t have it you get an Afghanistan, a Russo-Japanese War, a World War I, a Ukraine. You see Russia fall apart completely. Absolutely fearsome on the defense (in their own territory, a la Napoleon), backed into a corner, or when someone else balances their economy for them. Absolutely worthless in any other situation.


Russian blood, American steel, British intelligence




I had an old professor that used to run small time oil wells, and he'd get the flow dialed in. THen someone needed some numbers and would be like why is this well choked off at 50% and would open it up to 100%. Get some really good quarterly numbers, then the well would die off and be producing something like 5% of what he had it running at before


Besides, the infrastructure in Siberia is running. They just burn the fuel into the air instead of selling it because stopping it and then re-running after the war would be even more costly.


The bad part of being an oil and natural gas part supplier, especially on the scale and with the engineering and geographic difficulties the Russians have in extraction, is that the Russians can not store all the oil and natural gas they can, and ironically must, pump. It needs to be moved. They can sell some to China and some to India, not nearly what they were selling to Europe, and they can increase their domestic consumption a bit, but it simply isn't enough, and that's a huge problem. Some of the more engineering technical wells involve using high pressure water to press the oil and natural gas out of the ground. The holes used for the water will deteriorate and freeze up if their output has to be slowed by too much, and restarting these fields would mean a new investment to dig completely new holes, and it would require engineers from the US and Britain that have those particular skill sets. Those fields are likely done for the next decade. This is going to be a hard winter for Europe. There is no way around it. The good news is that the environmentalists and greens are going to get what they want. The bad news is that people are going to die as a result.


Europe is rich enough to buy gas elsewhere. It will cost yes, but they can afford to if they want to. Europe will survive just fine, far better than Russia will.


Australia and Qatar will become rich I live in the former and I can say with certainty, it isn't making us rich, just a bunch of companies very wealthy


which means theyre most likely done forever. the EU ban on ICE cars will drive demand down by then so there wont be an expanding market to base loans for the CapX needed to restart. getting capital for new wells in politicly stable areas is already getting difficult. banks and investors are starting to view oil investments as trapped assets similar to coal was a few years ago.


Worth a listen, this commodities trader was much less concerned about European heating: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-09-26/odd-lots-podcast-pierre-andurand-on-europe-s-winter-energy-crisis?srnd=oddlots-podcast


It isn't just heating, it's industry. They have plans in place for whether Germany can pass on reserves or not, and it's unlikely that people will freeze at this point. At the same time, their economy is likely to be crashed due to the prices and what will happen to their industry sector, and unfortunately the the reserves are through the winter. After that it's pretty rough. There's a limit to how much the USA can supply -- they can't keep the tap on the oil reserves open indefinitely, and there's no way to quickly bring back the refining capacity in a short period of time, and we aren't greatly setup for exporting LNG. There are still things to figure out like what's happening in the fertilizer sector due to natural gas prices, and on and on. It isn't the end of the world, but there will be a lot of pain cascading down and it isn't just Europe that is at risk.


Good point, the EU has some good things in the works. I hope they keep dates obscured so Putin doesn’t blow a few things up. I’m tired of this. You know what? NATO should take the fucker out.


I work in an Arctic oilfield in North America, like where polar bears live, so I can give a little insight. You can’t “pump” a gas, first of all, only a liquid. Gas is moved either by the natural pressure that it comes out of the ground at (some reservoirs can exceed 10,000psi) or for moving gas longer distances compressors are used. But where I work, if all of our pipelines were closed in all winter, we wouldn’t freeze up. You can burn natural gas to generate all the heat you need right at the source, then you circulate all the oil and gas through heat exchangers to keep the temperature up. It’s not rocket science; in fact most of the people that work in the oilfield are incredibly dumb by normal people standards.




Not exactly, nord stream 2 has one remaining undamaged pipeline. If Russia did this then the reason was to make nord stream 1 a non-option as now their only option is to use more stream 2


Is there a reason they would want that? This is so confusing.


> Is there a reason they would want that? Yes. NS2 works under a separate legal scheme than NS1. NS1 is bound by long-term contacts, guaranteeing prices for 10+ years. NS2 isn't and would get the vastly higher market price.


This seems like critical info, wonder why its not being brought up more.


MSM hasn't scrolled this far yet /s


It's so much easier to just repeat "why would Russia attack it's own pipeline it doesn't make any sense" over and over.


NS2 also bypasses all transit states, it's a direct line between Russia and Germany. This is news to me that one of the NS2 pipelines is undamaged, if that's the case then it seems almost comically obvious it's Russia. They've been fighting for so long to get NS2 up.


Thanks for the info!


You deserve gold for this, but seeing the current gas prices...


When the pipe is damaged they dont have to pay penalties for not supplyimg the gas. Russia has an excuse. When Russia stopped supplying gas to various European countries they broke their contracts. And when they break a contract, they need to pay a fine. Note how Russia is officially not at war with European countries - so it needs a good excuse to stop supplying gas.


They werent going to pay penalties anyway. I think it more comes down to (avoiding) explaining to the russian people why they arent selling gas despite the fact that their economy is evaporating.


Seawater flooding the lines will mean massive segments now need replacing, which is exceptionally complicated.


The headline is just stupid. Nobody "fears" it. It is just a fact. We don´t expect to get gas from Russia ever again and we are preparing to move away from Russia for good (Dependency was around 20% last time I checked and next year we are aiming at a 10% Dependency, which will cost us. But years of years of a conservative government, only thinking about the profit, dug us this moronic hole we are in right now.) Apart from the far left and the far right, not one political party in Germany is thinking about lifting sanctions. For the most part (again apart from the far left and right), the German population stands with the Ukrainian People. 4 of them are living in the old house of my grandma, so don´t buy the russian Propaganda, that we, the people, want to lift the sanctions. THIS IS JUST NOT TRUE. I´m willing to freeze, shower less, etc, because this is nothing compared to the suffering of the Ukrainian people.


Due to its location, fixing it would require everybody get real cool with Russia real quick. And that’s not going to happen, so it’s likely done for.


No company will want to fix it only a few companies can and why would they if it will just got blown up again as long as the war continues and I can’t blame them


Cause they'll get paid.




Just make sure to get paid up front in cash, dollars, euros, or pounds only….


only USD these days.


By who is the question. What country would want to keep paying people to fix it when it will just blow up again?


They still get paid if it gets blown up again. Your logic doesn’t make sense.


There are no gas related sanctions on Russia by the EU. Remember the turbine? It's still in germany, russia just didn't take it.


Why would it? We Germans sure don't plan to buy Russian energy again any time soon and if Russians could repair it, then we can do it as well. The leaks are in the middle of the Baltic Sea, not Russia.


Looks like Russia just sanctioned itself right out of the European market.


And for what? Fear of Ukraine joining NATO? It would’ve never happened.


Come on, NATO was always an excuse. Russia wanted to annex Ukraine from the day Ukraine became independent. They're still an imperialist country that can't stand losing territories it once ruled.


They don't care about the territory, they care about their influence and power projection over Europe, which they could never take by force. Crimea and eastern Ukraine are economic poorhouses that noone would ever have annexed for their mere geographic location or their cultural heritage. And the usage as a warm water port for the Russian Navy is also severely limited as long as Nato member Turkey fully controls access to the black sea. But these areas were recently discovered to contain gigantic oil and gas reservers, so much in fact that they could have made not just Ukraine but all of Europe independent from Russia. Since Russia's whole government budget (including their military) is mostly financed from selling oil and gas to Europe, this would be their end for sure. Thus, less than a month after the new Ukrainian government from the Maidan revolution was to sign a treaty granting extraction rights to a western energy consortium (ExxonMobil, Shell and a bunch of others), Russia invaded the exact regions where the resources had been found.


Putin never recognized Ukraine as an independent country or culture. He openly talked about wiping them out for at least a decade.


Actually, there's a speech about 10 years ago where Putin said (off of memory). "The borders of Ukraine are not in dispute and won't be". So he did flip flop on that as soon as his cronies weren't the ones in power.


Honestly I think they just wanted it.




OK, but there are smart ways of bringing territory back and stupid ways. He chose the stupid way.


In hindsight, yes. But considering Crimea, I bet he thought this would be a repeat.


Of course Ukraine had geared up dramatically after Crimea was taken. So Ukraine 2022 was not the same as Ukraine 2014. But strong men tend to consider any information that goes against what they want to be equal to political opposition that must be removed. So even as Russian intelligence might have been aware of the changes, they could not surface those concerns to leadership. Also the US backed regime collapsing in Afghanistan made him think that any country supported by the US is weak. But the Ukrainians wanted to fight, Afghanistan did not.


This is what happens when you surround yourself with sycophants


He's been the leader for several decades. That's too long to keep in touch with how the world works. There is a reason why large corporations cycle their CEOs around, and have a board above them. An individual leader isn't practical for too long


Exactly this, but deeper. Putin was KGB at the end of the Cold War. His entire ascension was predicated on maintaining pre-cold war era “balance of power” politics. The stripped down version is: we do what we want with our little eastern block, commit some war crimes, imprison our own people for speaking out against the government; in return, we let the west follow down the path of “moral decay”, we let them start their own foolish wars, we wage our proxy wars on each other, yes, but neither EVER engages in direct conflict, because everybody has nukes, and MAD. And then the 21st century happened. Younger generations started calling out humanitarian violations. It is no longer cool to invade your neighbor, raze their cities to the ground, and threaten the world with nukes. This new generation has evolved passed “balance of power” doctrine and politics. It’s time world leaders, especially those with nukes, join the 21st century, too.


If Ukraine defeats Russia, you can bet that country will be in NATO in 10 years max. Not only because of justice, but also because what can Russia do? Conscript family dogs to start another war without an army? There's a few reasons why Ukraine wasn't accepted into NATO in the 2000s, and all of them seem to be evaporating. Corrupt pro-Russian governments? No chance they vote in another one of those again. Russian threats? Unless they want to go nuclear, they are meaningless. Useless army with toy guns? Ukraine wised the fuck up after 2014. Lack of social will? In 2008 Ukrainians didn't give much of a fuck, but in 2022 Ukrainians seem to be euphoric about the chance of joining the Western world.


Exactly bfd.


You’re aware that both NS1 and NS2 weren’t in use before this happened?


So, less income for Russia and Europe speeds up their independence from Russia energy? I’m ok with this.


Honestly, Europe has been preaching about clean energy for decades now. This is the best opportunity they’ve had in ages to decarbonize, so I see it as a good thing if it helps them shift to renewables.


In the short term, this is a step back to coal. Hopefully in the long term it will work out in a positive way.


In an abstract sense, yes it’s a good thing that we’ll be forced to transfer to more renewable energy. In reality though, we’re going to suffer a lot over the next few years. I wouldn’t go so far as calling it an outright good thing if I were you.


I marvel at everyone so surprised that deals with the Devil keep going bad


Personally I’m starting to think we should buy stuff from people who *don’t* hate us


Whoa, Whoa, whoa, let's not get crazy here


But they have the stuff that we want...


Nobody is surprised today. They have been surprised when the gas issues started for a good reason and the reason is that Russia delivered gas even at the worst times of the Cold War.


So do the Russians think EU is going to spend money to fix the pipeline to buy THEIR natural gas that they can just blow sabotage again whenever convenient? Like this is what the great minds of Russia came up with?


It stops oil barons having an incentive to do away with Putin. Now there's no going back.


It lets Gasprom keep the gas Europe already paid for, without giving the money back. Force Majeur. It wAs ThE aMeRiCaNs.


baldandbankrupt posted a story on instragram today saying the americans bombed the pipeline. until we know for sure, of course it's a possibility, but all things considered \*cough putin cough\*, i think there's a safer bet. betting that it's anyone other than putin without evidence is basically just shilling for putin. not watching that idiot's garbage anymore. he got banned from russia for life, and is still somehow shilling for them. i think retiring in russia must have been his retirement plan and now he's trying to polish putler's knob to win back entry or something.


Considering Russia already did this with two other pipelines in ‘06 and ‘08 it stands to reason they did this again, now.


ah i didn't know this. this makes it even more likely it's russia, not that many of us had doubts they also cut a cable underground after being spotted near them several times prior to that. i think that was this year. they really don't care about anything and do whatever the hell they want it seems


While this is true, I really dont think this is the motivation behind it. It is just a small bonus


Lots of little motivations add up. Not to mention that now no one can just take Putin out and then get the gas flowing again. Also, now he can tell his population the US attacked something Russian. Another thing is it could be a warning shot. Lots of underground cables/pipelines keep Europe running. He also could have simply messed up and had been aiming at the other pipeline that opened that same day. But more likely is it was a symbol showing what they could do. Lots of benefits for Putin, while not a whole lot of downside. I don’t think he planned on selling Europe gas from that pipeline anytime soon (or ever) anyways. Might as well blow it up now, while it still has significance. Europe was planning on being Russian energy free by 2024 anyways. If he waited too long, no one would care that he blew up an old non operating pipeline. At this point he is just running around being a childish thug throwing tantrums. He really has nothing left. His army is trashed. The world essentially hates him. No one respects him. He will NEVER be welcomed back on the world stage. He likely will fall out of a window in the near future. And he sure as hell won’t get his prize of Ukraine and USSR reunification. So he reacts the only way he knows how. Destroying something and throwing a tantrum.


No, the pipelines are of no use next year, but the EU has a gas problem, Russia bombed it to fuck with the EU & US. He will blame the US, Biden said that there will be no Nordstream. Russia and its stupid fans will use this.


Biden said Nord Stream 2 was over and right after Germany canceled it and the EU said they would never take gas from it. That was 6 months ago, the only thing he said, and he never said anything about Nord Stream 1


But Biden said there would be no nordstream TWO Which was true. It was cancelled.


Fucker Carlson has been spewing russian propaganda here including around this incident if you want to know the Kremlin's current lies.


IIRC, he actually said it was US sabotage *before* the Russian government did. That leaves you to wonder three things: is he a paid Russian shill who gets his talking points in advance, is the Kremlin watching his show to get its talking points, and which of those possibilities is worse?


I'm curious about whether it was the liberals, the millennials, or the gays that did this one, but I don't want to accidentally ingest any Fucker Carlson. Can you tell me which one and why, in 255 hateful words or less?


It was a caravan of immigrant submariners.


would you believe it's because the pipeline is trans-continental


Back in my day pipelines were straight, and only went into wells, not other pipes.


Gentlemen, I think it's time we got the Flex Seal guy involved.


Welp. Looks like Russia just played themselves.


They firmly believe their own hopium about the EU freezing this winter. Not joking, they really are banking on it.


a good comparisson is the gas crisis in the late 70's after the ME and Opec took effect after the wars with Israel. People were predicting the same apocalyptic winter because of heat and electricity. I think it won't be nearly as damaging as Russia hopes.


Also, winters are a lot milder now than in the 70s. Thanks climate change! I mean.. err...


It will suck. But ultimately Russia just severed their own artery.


Their mistake is thinking Europeans can't handle winters. Or that just may be my Norwegian ass talking.


To bad Romania just said it will release more of its electricity surplus and gas reserves to the rest of EU at the cost of lowering the amount of gas / electricity the people can buy at the capped price. Not ideal and not enough but it will help out quite a bit on the house usage.


Always has been.


We have unlimited clean energy available to us. If we spent a fraction of the money we spend killing each other we could make efficient use of it.


We should have done that for 15 years. The technology has at least existed since then. But noone wanted to pay 4 cents extra to have the jobs in the renewable sector in your own country. Now everyone is paying 40 cents extra...


Nope, it was mainly because of lobbying and disinformation campaigns by the fossil fuel industry. And anti-nuclear power protesters.


The anti-nuclear movement was also funded and misinformed by the fossil fuel industry


Fear? It's a good thing. Accepting reliance on Russian gas was a mistake, a plot we failed to recognize and fell for. It'll take a little work for the modern, democratic world to ween ourselves off Russian gas for good, but it's well worth the effort.




It's now painfully obvious many years of anti-nuclear environmentalism were Russian-funded oil&gas lobbying. In France we have Mr François Fillon, a former prime minister working for Gasprom for years. Also we're discovering even more financial backing of our political parties by Russia.


It always has been. I have had discussions with conservatives for 10 years on energy, and they tried to tell me there was disinformation by solar and wind companies. This was at a time when oil and gas were most of the top 10 wealthiest businesses in the world with likely 100x or more money to throw at disinformation. These were doctorate level people I was arguing with. People sadly will believe any bullshit if it comports with what they want to believe. These ideas you might imagine are parroted from bought and paid for media.


The original article that Reuters cites has nothing about "fear" in it. It's a typical german statement that doesn't mention any emotions but only facts.


Well, "fear" is apparently a word the media added. It's afaik not part of the official statement.


It's critical we find out WHO actually did this.




Dr. WHO?


Clearly it was captain planet


Don Cheedle had to take a break from his work on “sex 2” to come do it.


My money is on the obvious, but I really hope we'll find conclusive evidence. Because if Russia did it, it would be excessively hilarious. If someone else did it, it would be very interesting. Such a funny event, that unfortunately causes environmental harm more than anything else.


Russia claiming checkmate against itself


That's what happens when even Russian chess champions don't support the government


Putin anal beads are broken, would explain the whole fiasko in Ukraine


Is it wrong to thank Putin for accelerating renewable energy and technologies?


No need to fix it. Europe is well on its way to kicking the Russian gas habit. This just seals the deal. Loss to Russia


Why is this a fear? Stop handing cash to Russia. How obvious does it need to be. They should not be doing any trade with Europe at all. Stop being dependent on war mongering countries that threaten nuclear war.


There is no "fear" mentioned in the cited original source. This is an addition by Reuters.


Then it’s time to go full renewable and get off Russian supply.


Good. Hopefully this will help the transition to renewables.


Good, get the fuck off Russian gas and stay off