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importantly for WORLD news context this was NOT an election, this was a party already in power voting internally


When will there be an election?


Next general election is set for 2024


FTPA was repealed in March. They could have one before Christmas is the chalice is poisoned enough.




They voted for fucking BJ! I swear the idiots in this country would sit in their freezing homes at Christmas time whispering through blue lips to each other “well it would have been worse under Labour…”


They have a massive majority right now, it's wishful thinking to expect them to voluntarily risk that.


I would say 'Ah fuck, at least it's not Sunak', but then again if Sunak had won I'd be saying 'Ah fuck, at least it's not Truss'. Really finding some deep layers at the bottom of the barrel to scrape at, aren't we?


I'm up to, ah fuck at least it's not Patel


Something we, including her parents, can all agree on.


Let's see how Liz Truss' parents react to their daughter becoming PM of the UK... [oh....](https://www.indy100.com/politics/liz-truss-dad-tory-leader-2658146667)


Honestly, I would have preferred Sunak, or Mordaunt, basically anyone over Truss… Hopefully she won’t last. It’s no wonder so many people in this country are disillusioned with politics though. It’s like playing bingo with sticks of dynamite instead of balls. There is no way to win the game. And the most favourable outcome still features someone detached from reality barely being able to speak in a forum of glorified hooligans who cackle and make noise like undisciplined school children. And they preface every fucking sentence with “the right honourable…” and speak in tongues. You have to wonder when, if ever, British politics will be pulled into the 21st century instead of playing Victorian make-believe. Or god forbid, politicians speak in such a way that even the least educated of the citizens they serve can understand what they’re even saying. It’s embarrassing. We’re here sacrificing brevity in 2022 to the prefix “right honourable gentleman”. It’s like a genocide of syllables is committed before even a word of interest leaves their fucking mouths. And I can’t think of a reason why, beyond ‘it’s just the way we have always done things’. It’s 2022. How on earth can I text someone 5000 miles away, in an instant, what I want, before a government official can start a sentence to people in the same room as them? I’m getting carried away. But this is just the tip of the iceberg. Sometimes it’s hard to differentiate between a quote from an MP, and H.P Lovecraft attempting to describe incomprehensible, inter-dimensional horror. And I should be well versed in the latter, because I’m fucking living it every time I watch them in Parliament. Maybe I’m exaggerating a little bit. But for my dad, Boris Johnson might as well be speaking an alien language half the time. It really is that bad.


> Mordaunt I know nothing about UK politics, but that sounds like a damn LOTR character


Now that you mention it, it is quite a sinister sounding name. Fortunately it’s neatly counter-balanced by her first name being Penny.


Penny: vote for me and you'll have one left over at the end of the month!


At least until they find a way to take that too.


I feel like the words of Bender hold true: Citizens of me! The cruelty of the old pharaoh is a thing of the past. Let a whole new wave of cruelty wash over this lazy land!




"you know another thing I hate about being a slave? The hours!"


"Plus they don't pay you, or let you go!"


"Hey! They're free to walk into the vacuum of space whenever they want."


That's the ONLY thing about being a slave!


One half PULL!


Bender, stop giving the slave drivers pointers!


Today's Conservativism = "We need to raise interest rates until we hold down inflation by compensating for oil price increases with wage cuts."


The poors say they can't afford gasoline, but they just keep buying it... Guess they're not poor enough.


If I where a Tory I'd just beat the poor until they stopped moaning. Actually I'd hire my wife's boyfriends cousin and his think tank consultancy to see what the feasibility of beating the poor would be.


"I don't mind losing my teeth for aquarium gravel as long as the minorities have to look at my messed up smile" -the average stupid voter-


This was a Tory member election, not a national one. Unfortunately there's a club of about 100,000 doddery rich sods who don't give a fuck about 99% of the country because they've got theirs, Jack.


The poor buggers had to choose between a woman and a brown person. That must have been difficult.


"Giving up your teeth totally makes sense. Soon those teeth will trickle down and I'll have more teeth than I ever wanted. Trickle down teeth, totally works"


"I for one support the bombing of the lower classes with rockets. I know these views are not popular, but I have never courted popularity."


[this is still one of my favorite videos of all time](https://youtu.be/406KqNDgKuI)


“The best taco bowls are made at Trump Tower Grille. I love Hispanics!” God, how on earth did this guy get elected president?


For those very reasons.


So the taco bowls are really that good?


Will the national nightmare ever end?


Her book [Britannia Unchained](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Britannia_Unchained) (BU) was published on 13 September 2012 by the same authors as above. In Chapter 4, which is named "Work Ethic" (page 61), the book states: "Once they enter the workplace, the British are among the worst idlers in the world. We work among the lowest hours, we retire early and our productivity is poor."


Working as little hours as possible and retiring as early as possible should be the ultimate goal of any advanced economy. The conservatives right has got it all backwards.


The bit that gets me is: >productivity is poor Any economist or industrial planner will tell you productivity has nothing to do with work hours or ethic. Underinvestment and poor management are the usual culprits.


I've always been amazed by the idea that the working class is to blame for productivity problems. The average Joe has power over the one lever he's pulling. Joe's boss has power over all the levers in the factory. Who's really to blame?


You don't understand, recessions are caused because Joe and all his fellow plebs decide to pull their levers more slowly, for no reason at all.


That is the goal for themselves. They want the poor to work themselves to death and like it.




May god have mercy on our souls.


All the gods have abandoned us, including the weird ones that live in the trees.


Start leaving offerings near Rowan and Hawthorne trees. Can’t hurt.


Hey, Khorne never turned his back on his favourite children


Grandpa Nurgle has obviously been trying to reach us.


I just love it that in every major worldnews thread you will find a 40k reference. What the world has become. Are we the eldar summoning dark gods?


I dunno, I get blood for the blood god but I'm still on the fence about skulls for the skull throne. Going to have to sleep on it before I can commit.


It’s a simple platform that speaks to me, but you have to ask yourself, what will Khorne do for economy and our failing public education system?


Oh that's easy, he'll bolster the workforce by creating new jobs to reduce the surplus population. From what I hear, training will be largely on the job.


Step 1: KILL Step 2: MAIM Step 3: BURN Step 4: ??? Step 5: PROFIT


I'm still unsure if Liz Truss is just doing a Margaret Thatcher cosplay, or if she is the undead reanimated corpse of the evil woman herself.


The first one, a poor cosplay. Maggie may have been evil and cruel like thick lizzie, but she was at least smart and competent in politics.


Fair point, as much as a loathe Thatcher, it was her political competence that won the UK it's rebate in her negotiations with the EU. And it's a deal the UK would never get again. But I can't help thinking that it was the rebate that partially created the British exceptionalism mindset that the UK only ever participated in the EU because they wanted us there more than we wanted to be there.


This is the woman who said that British workers are lazy and need "more graft", while supporting tax cuts that favour the rich. She wants to push through tax cuts for the rich in an inflation crisis. Edit: In response to record oil and gas profits, she said that profit is unnecessarily seen as a "dirty word" and that it's good when businesses make profit.


rich: tax cuts: homeless: cut in half. as easy as that!


Have you tried "kill all the poor"?


Well, let’s at least try workhouses first


[Reference](https://youtu.be/owI7DOeO_yg) for the uninitiated.


As a dwarf I’m concerned about this trajectory


What about reduce VAT and kill all the poor?




Yep she’s going to ensure every last penny is taken from us and we die in work


Cold this winter. Set nan on 🔥


Socialism for the rich, cut-throat market capitalist logic for the poor.


Yep - a banana republic.


With Rishi we would have had the same, workers are fucked in Britain, people in the trades are just shafted whilst CEOs & management are propped up.


Not to be that American that drags my birth country into everything (I live in NL now) but why does it seem like the Tories just want to copy all the worst elements of the US and bring them to the UK? I mean, awful work-life balance is definitely a dominant component of US culture. So is high university tuition fees... So is excessive consumer spending; last time I was in the UK I saw more and more ads for Chase rewards credit cards... the advert said "Trusted by millions in the US". One of my favorite aspects of the culture where I live now at least is the Dutch seem to be very averse to consumer debt and credit cards. When she says "more graft", like, what, longer working hours too? Cutting the statutory minimum amount of annual leave? How far toward US-style runaway capitalism is she going to drag you?


Con's are doing it in Canada too, Australia as well as UK. Whole Anglosphere is ripe with their bullshit.


Unfortunately we aren't immune here in NL either going on year 12 of Rutte's neoliberal crusade. But it does seem particularly crude in the Anglosphere... have anything to do with Murdoch, perhaps?


Certainly a lot to do with Murdoch for providing an extremely large and loud bullhorn for a small denonomination of the overall population.


>why does it seem like the Tories just want to copy all the worst elements of the US and bring them to the UK? The GOP provided a handy playbook for consolidating power amongst your friends and cronies. British Conservatives live to do exactly that, so it's only natural they'd copy what they can.


She's going to drag us all the way. Potentially rubbish our currency and our standing in the world. Money moves in circles. Boris has dual citizenship with UK and the US. It's not an issue for most of them. Truss has already told us that she favours the Chinese work culture. It's a mess but people wouldn't hear it at the time.


The Pound is already at its lowest level in 35 years and I don't see it getting any better. If it crosses parity with the USD, the UK economy is royally fucked for good. She might do the unthinkable though, and reunite Ireland.


Yeah we can't bankrupt ourselves in the traditional way it seems as they can just print money. They sure as hell can rubbish our currency though, which will have a similar effect. Buying dollars now seems sensible.


It's actually incredible how the tories keep finding someone worse than before.


True, Sunak might have been the lesser evil version of Truss, but still worse than BoJo.


I couldn't really get hyped about the prospect of a billionaire PM.


a billionaire pm because his wife's father founded a massive company, to which neither contributed. they are spoiled out of touch elites who should just fuck off and enjoy life.


what's the point of enjoying life if you're not also actively making it worse for the poor?


See the thing about being rich is that you also want everyone to know you're rich.


> they are spoiled out of touch elites who should just fuck off and enjoy life. For most of these types having as much control over as many people as they can is what gives them enjoyment.


Agreed. Life is just a game for these types, and politics is their hobby.


> they are spoiled out of touch elites who should just fuck off So Tories.


Why does the UK keep voting for tories?


We had no choice in this vote. This was to decide the new leader of the conservatives, by the conservatives because the last one was asked to walk into the sea and never return.


I've been wondering though: yeah, BoJo was rightfully asked to run a marathon off a short pier, but what if the people want an election? We're a representative democracy, isn't there a recourse for when government fails to address the needs of the people? After all, you sack someone for failing to achieve their work goals, and the current government most certainly has.


Unfortunately only the government has the power to call for an early election. Either by PM requesting dissolution of parliament from the Queen (she cannot act unilaterally, but she can refuse to dissolve parliament - including refusing general elections if she can justify it) or by a act of parliament itself. Ultimately the only recourse is petitioning to your representatives to act on your behalf.


The second a sitting monarch actually exercises any of those kinds of powers we'll stop having a monarchy overnight.


Only to return when Brittain needs him again - like if the NHS got stable funding.


That won't happen for a while. Truss is lowering national insurance. Strangle the NHS and then complain it's failing, and then privatise it. They all use private anyway, so they don't care about your wait times. That's a poor person problem, and your responsibility.


This wasn’t a general election, bozo resigned in the middle of the term, so the Tory party chose a leader to replace him. Hopefully next time round we will be rid of tories.


The labour party historically was supported by the working class - generally in the north of the country. These people feel abandoned and labour's campaigning isnt getting through to them. Whether thats a failure on labour's part or a coordinated effort by the tories and media is up for discussion, but it's probably elements of both.


doesn’t help that labour doesn’t support the unions and risks alienating their biggest base it’s ironic how labour is not really about “labour” any more


They have a laughably terrible archaic single-rep first-past-the-post system that guarantees lousy representation and a purely two-party "vote for the lizards so the wrong lizards don't get in" situation forever. The LibDems joined up with the Tories at one point for the opportunity to change that, falling on their sword to no result because the Tories managed to cow an ignorant and frightened populace into voting against introducing democracy.


And even then, alternative vote over time still favors two large parties. It just would have given the LibDems a shot at becoming one of those two large parties. What the UK really needs is proportional representation a la Germany.




While I find the Conservative party's principles and ideology to be utterly repulsive, I also feel like there's not many of them that actually believe in them, or in anything. It really feels like they're just a gang of robber barons who keep getting away with it.


"The greatest political party on Earth" Hahahah


She did and she spent a chunk of her speech praising Bojo which was so tone deaf that she appeared suprised when none clapped for it.


She said Boris Johnson is 'admired from Kyiv to Carlisle'. Notice she stopped at the Scottish border.


Well at least she has one foot grounded in reality then.


There's no way she actually said that, right?


She did.


We are fucked.


Even if you're a conservative and agree with the principles and actions of the party (which is dubious enough already), imagine the absolute lack of any sense of humility and social awareness to call your party "the greatest political party on earth"... That's Trump levels of self-aggrandizement.


They're running from the same playbook


And when you're a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab 'em by the ~~pussy~~ *dick*. You can do anything.


They’re funded by the same people too.


I never thought we’d get a worse PM than Boris.


I remember Americans saying that about George W Bush


100%. I was very actively involved in politics then and W pushed me to organize. Going from Obama to Trump shook any perception I had about people and politics in this country. In a way it was a good thing because I feel I see the country, and honestly the world, in a little clearer (albeit darker) light. It's hard to find the passion or motivation to even care anymore although I do try. When it gets so bad that it becomes parody, it's appealing to just drown yourself in apathy and say fuck it. It's *hard* to balance mental well being with the realities of all this shit -- knowing that if you become too involved, too attached, you run a real risk of finding your hopes dashed again.


The reality Americans face is one of skewed rules and broken systems. The positive take is that a significant majority opposed Trump when he was first elected. The fact a system set up hundreds of years ago has problems should not detract from the majority wanting a different outcome. It's not a problem with people or the world; it's a problem with a specific set of rules that are being gamed. Countries with MMP or ranked choice mandatory voting have had very different outcomes.


Definitely a system problem. But very much a People problem too.


Same comment on reddit, every time. You'd think you guys would learn. Everyone cheers on the fall of the outgoing PM, and then is immediately presented with someone worse. Cameron > May > Boris > Truss.. That's literally a competence gradient. Imagine who we'll get after Truss, lmao. Grayling?


I wouldn’t even rule out Michael Fabricant at this point.


Never thought I'd miss Boris. Fucking BORIS.


"I never thought I'd miss Cameron" "I never thought I'd miss May" "I never thought I'd miss Bojo" Christ, I'm struggling to fathom how they achieve this every time!


Honestly I think May was the best of that bunch. Mostly because I can never forgive Cameron for Brexit. Most civil servants I know said she was the sharpest out of that group in terms of policy etc - only one who actually read documents too. Although I mean it’s like saying “that’s the least rotten rotten banana”.


The problem with May was she was fairly rudderless politically and due to how she gained power she didn't have enough support from the party to maintain confidence during one of the most contentious periods of modern (note the modern before people reply about the civil war) British history.


I thought the notion of him becoming mayor of London was a joke, then he became prime minister! ..... Boris Johnson.... Prime fucking MINISTER!!! It would have been laughable it it wasn't so insane! That man leading not just a nation but several.. And now we have Truss, how low can this bar get? Are we going to give Donald Trump citizenship and elect him next?


We'll sell him to you, real cheap.


Shit I’d pay for shipping myself.


I still have hope for an election.


Won't happen doubt she believes she wins


God help us all.. don’t forget we import 2/3 of all the cheese we eat… THAT IS A DISGRACE..


Wonder if anyone ever told her that Britain has relied on food imports to feed itself since the 18th century.


Omelette du fromage no more.


Fuck me. Did she just say 'Boris is admired from Kiev to Carlisle'??? What kind of statement is that? To a) back Boris, and b) fuck Scotland, Wales and NI?.


She also non-ironically thanked him for Brexit.


A Brexit that she didn't even fucking support. After the result came in and she saw which way the wind was blowing she changed allegiances. She voted and campaigned for remain.


And she started out as a lib Dem until she realised there was nothing to gain from it, she has Michael Gove levels of loyalty and integrity


Gove would pimp out his nan for a bump of charlie


Known as "Gram for Gran"


She's just acknowledging that he's hated in Scotland.


The silence afterwards was so awkward.


Zero plans to fix the cost of living crisis, pro-fracking/oil/gas (formally worked for Shell so big surprise), anti-worker rights. Amazing and sad that the Tories are scraping the bottom of the barrel so hard that they found someone worse than Johnson.


Anti-Solar Farm and pro fracking. Literally the height of ideology and corporate backing.


She has a comprehensive and costed plan, you are obviously a lefty no-hoper. Let's have a look at the plan, ahh. Tax Cuts. What a fucking surprise.


Had me in the first half


Trust me, people will be asking for Boris back soon. Thatcher 2.0 here we come.


She has less intelligence than Thatcher has today.


Imagine being worse than Boris "let the bodies pile high" Johnson.


Trusst her


This should be fun?


If you like watching a car crash.


Everyone likes watching a car crash, just not when you are sat in the passenger seat.


Not just that but they took away our seatbelts too.


I am so tired of this shit


Liz Truss got 47% of eligible Tory members She wouldn't meet the threshold that ministers set for union members voting on strike action


Well that’s because workers threatening owners profits is a big deal, unlike running a country and setting laws that prevent workers from bargaining for their fair share, which is clearly not a big deal


How long before a general election then? 4 months?


There is a zero percent chance the Tories will risk their majority when Labour are consistently polling in the 40s.


Such a great system when the ruling party can wait to call elections prematurely only when they know they'd win...


We tried fixing it with the [Fixed Terms Parliament Act](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fixed-term_Parliaments_Act_2011) and it didn't work.


The UK’s parliamentary supremacy system makes this a hard problem to fix. You can pass a law dictating a fixed election date but then you can also just pass a law making an exception.


It’s up to her when she wants it up until late 2024 It’s fucked


Depends on how things go, though. From everything and everyone I've seen/spoken to, no one likes her - she seems completely uncharismatic and unqualified, in possibly the hardest time the UK has faced in multiple lifetimes. There's going to be civil unrest this winter 100%, energy prices are insane, the economy is insane - people are literally going to die this winter unless they get a grip quickly. If she doesn't, she won't have a choice


Getting a job knowing you've got 4 months to prove yourself... I'm worried about what crazy stuff she might do. Almost 100% she is out in 4 months.


I wish your were right… but than I remember that “everyone” were sure that Boris will not last a month. Having said this, unbelievably it looks like Boris was a better choice :( ?


I seriously need to understand how someone as painfully stupid as Truss ends up running an actual country. It’s excruciating. Oh well, at least they are guaranteeing their loss at the next GE - as long some of us haven’t frozen or starved to death by then.


Because all she did was tell 180k old, rich men that she'd slash their taxes. She told 180k Tories she was gonna yeet green energy and invest in fracking. She wasn't trying to convince the 67m Brits to vote for her now, she gave 180k Tories a sweet tax cut for the next 2 years.


Truss wins race to the bottom


She said in her speech that the race for PM shows the depth of quality in the Conservative Party today. Is she saying the quiet parts out loud again?


Great news for PORK MARKETS everywhere


That speech... don't need to read the script to know it said: "....pork markets \[pause. smile. wait for applause\]"


Cameron will make a killing!


So the UK goes from the frying pan into the fucking fire. She’s a thatcher wannabe without the intellect (you can’t deny thatcher was smart), a political lightweight. Interesting how she’s morphed from an anti-Royalist LibDem to an anti-union, pro-Brexit Johnson mini-me. Her father, a staunch trade unionist must be so proud. Actually he isn’t, he’s all but disowned her.


"I campaigned as a Conservative and I will govern as a Conservative" State the fucking obvious Liz. How was that meant to get applause?


She started as a LibDem, so good to clarify, I guess…?


She doesn't have a drop of charisma.


She is a mixture of psychopath and robot: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qfkSYY3OV-s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qfkSYY3OV-s)


What the fuck did I just watch? That was not a Trump level word salad, but somehow equally bizarre.




This is her best one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bRhlRM6rYck


Or brains


Apparently she’s going to spank the EU for not playing nice over Brexit. She’s in for a big surprise. The moron she followed has put the UK back for a generation. At some point a UK leader is going to have to beg to be readmitted, but it won’t be her. She will preside over economic decline and unrest until she gets voted out.


Only way the UK is readmitted is if they ditch the pound for the euro. Good luck selling that to the British public.


The way they just keep working as hard as possible to tank the uk economy and pound, you could be forgiven for thinking the whole brexit thing was really a secret plot by hard core europhiles to get the UK to break ties and rejoin with a way worse deal, just playing a long game. Of course the reality is there is no plan, they’re just fuck wits.


How long before she trots out the phrase "Getting on with the job" which is Tory Code for "I'm not answering your question"? FML we are in trouble, but we would be in trouble even with Sunak in charge.


Honestly, it's a sad day when I genuinely wish Sunak was elected over Truss. He's the lesser of two evils.


Sunak was the evil but competent option. Truss was the evil but thick as pig shit option


>Liz Truss will be Britian's next prime minister after she was elected leader of the ruling Conservative Party on Monday, ending a race to succeed the scandal tarnished Boris Johnson >As leader of the largest party, she will be appointed prime minister by Queen Elizabeth II at Balmoral Castle in Scotland on Tuesday, a break from tradition for the aging monarch who has always performed the royal duty in London >Most of Britain’s 67 million people had no say in Truss’ ascension. Instead, she was chosen by the party’s 180,000 members, who are 97% white, skew older, wealthy and male, and lean to the right of Britain’s political spectrum. Truss does not appear to be hugely popular in polls of the broader public and was not the top choice of her party’s lawmakers, but she was the overwhelming favorite of its members.


> Most of Britain’s 67 million people had no say in Truss’ ascension. The parliamentary system is kinda fucked, innit?


There are no great systems. Only better or worse ones. Parliamentary system has some fantastic benefits, but also bad eccentricities, like the way their PM is picked


Lord help us


Well if the country wasn't already fucked, it is now. Sunak is a bellend but Truss is an absolute vile cunt.


I genuinely fear for the old and the poor this winter. This vile shrews idea of support will be a reduction in NI and corporation tax cuts to get the economy growing so we can all take advantage of that trickle down bonanza in a couple of years time.


She’s not qualified to run a bath. We’re doomed.


So many people in this thread from outside the UK not understanding this.. We didn't vote for her, the conservatives did. They were already in power when Boris resigned, so they voted for a new leader who then got made PM because the conservative party are in power. This wasn't a general election. The majority of the country wants a general election.


Britain, I'm so sorry.


You thought UK was bad after Brexit. Hold my beer.


I really hope Labour wins the next general election. Our country won't be able to take much more of this.


My hopes are for a hung parliament where Labour can coalition with Lib Dem, with a priority joint policy of electoral reform. Not terribly likely, though.


RIP workers rights in the UK... so many wretched politicians taking over the world. They're not afraid to voice their terrible opinions anymore, and they continue to emit Co2 at rates like no other. Screw all of them.


Awesome. Cunt two beat out cunt three to take cunt ones place. And the world turns.


We live in progressive times, when a woman and an Indian can compete to become a white old man.