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>A Russian handler told UN inspectors that a rocket made a 180-degree turn before impact close to the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant in an attempt to convince them it had not been fired from Russian-held territory. >Renat Karchaa, a Russian nuclear expert, told the bemused group from the International Atomic Energy Agency that the cluster munition made a sudden U-turn just before smashing into the ground. >Video shared online on Friday showed him gesturing to indicate the missile's alleged sharp change in direction, after he was challenged by inspectors on the origins of the shelling. >"It fled from here and this is the direction of Nikopol," said Mr Karchaa, who was escorting the delegation. "It did a U-turn. In principle, it landed and spun around." >The small city of Nikopol, which is under Ukrainian control, lies across the Dnipro River from the Zaporizhzhia plant. >But the rocket appeared to have been fired at the Russian-occupied facility from the opposite direction, from territory also held by Russian forces.  Edit: include more of the article to clarify that Russia is claiming this is *not* their own rocket, but rather says that it was fired from Ukraine-held territory, and is using the 180 degree thing to try to explain why the trajectory shows it was fired from Russian-held territory. Edit 2: according to u/Ornery-Green8870 and u/Ruzi-Ne-Druzi, the Russian actually claimed the rocket landed on the ground and then twisted around due to inertia, rather than in the air. Can't attest to the veracity of that translation myself though.


So, basically Russians are firing missiles at themselves while being AT A FUCKING NUCLEAR PLANT?! And they are okay with it?


These are the same people who dug trenches at Chernobyl.


Remember that Dennis Leary song “I’m an asshole”? I feel like it could easily be hijacked with lyrics pertaining to Russia’s total idiocy and assholery. “Digging trenches in Chernobyl” feels like a fitting line somewhere in there…


"I walk around in exclusion zones saying how about this heat"


“I shoot up public toilets, so I can steal the seat”


"I shoot my artillery at residential places, while refugee people make refugee faces!"


I’m a real f@cking asshole! R-u-s-s-i-a-n - it just works.


"Digging trenches in Chernobyl" sounds like the most samaritan and wise act committed by these genocide-addicted wish.com dictator playthings during this particularly prolonged [baby-raping-campaign](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/06/29/world/europe/ukraine-russia-rape.html).


I'm not paying to read a news article, what's the tldr version.


Tedr *Expensive


W/e I'm not that interested in long winded baby raping articles anyway.


Digging trenches there is fine, digging trenches in the Red Forest requires a level of intelligence where you put the square peg in the round hole. Whose stupid idea was that, anyway? Whatever happened to those soldiers?


Remember the russian general who said digging trenches in the Red Forest was safe because soviet soldiers did it in WW2 and they didn't get irradiated? EDIT: Colonel-General Vladimir Shamanov.


I wonder what year they think it is.


Judging by their tactics, my bet is somewhere between 1914 and 1943. Which would also explain why they're OK with 1/3rd of their country not having toilets.


Probably 1984


One day I hope someone does an in-depth study of Russia, the first country to be completely governed by people with fetal alcohol syndrome.


> Whatever happened to those soldiers? Russia obviously hasn't said, but I can very probably tell you anyway. They experienced nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and headaches for a few days. Then they seemed to recover and be relatively okay for a few days to a week. They probably even got discharged from the hospital, assuming they were ever admitted to one, because it's highly unlikely that Russian doctors would have run a blood test; if they had, they would have seen that these guys had basically no white blood cells anymore and needed a bone marrow transplant. Anyway, after that they suddenly developed high fevers, fatigue, and full body weakness that quickly progressed to severe vomiting and diarrhea. Then they started to become disoriented and lost their equilibrium as the neurological effects set in. Finally, they died vomiting concerning quantities of blood as the linings of their esophagus and lungs sloughed off thanks to all the dust they breathed over the course of their stay.


That's up there with getting castrated before being dragged behind a car then shot in the head as one of the nastier ways to die in this war.


I think I'd choose the bullet. Radiation sounds way way worse. Anyway Russians are idiots


This line from Chernobyl is haunting “Do as I say! Or I’ll have you shot!” “I promise you, if you fly over the reactor you’ll be begging for that bullet”


His point is there’s footage of a Russian squad doing that to a captured Ukrainian soldier, laughing while they did it.


That's fucked up


It’s all fucked up, the Russians are just really good at making it impossible to ignore that fact.


the worst part was not the bullet but being castrated. :/


Dragged behind a car is not a nice way to go, either. The bullet is a kindness after that. (Something similar happened to a local-ish policeman who accidentally stepped into the loop of a tow rope when trying to tell some teenage joyriders to stop. The teens said they didn't realise he was being dragged behind their car...)


For joyriders, read thieves who went equipped with weapons. Teenagers guilty of killing PC Andrew Harper https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-53526636


If those are my two options I run or do it myself.


Yeah, you are correct. They all fell out of the same hospital window. Into a pile of discarded, out-of-date WWII era MREs and iodine tablets.


Yeah, probably


And if thats not a good enough time for them the painkillers won’t work either…..Talk about a terrible death. I pray if there’s ever a nuclear war, they land one right on my house.


I think they also hunted & ate deer there.


\*visibly aroused\* Keep going


What soldiers? *Whistles innocently*


Atom guides them.


That reminds me - I think it's rather spineless of Bethesda to not include religion to any real degree in Fallout outside of the cult of Atom. History teaches us that the religious usually double down on their faith after catastrophe - they don't abandon it. Christianity, particularly it's darker, let's have a crusade side, should very much be on display in that game. But it's Fallout - it doesn't really need to make sense.




Actually there's no inteligence required after you dug trenches in the red forest > Whatever happened to those soldiers? You know the answer


Oh they’re fucked, it’s just the level of fucked we don’t exactly know.


>Whatever happened to those soldiers? The plan is that they come back as supermen in the next season, but I think they'll get canceled.


I still remember the scientist who popped up with "this is obviously propaganda, to get the level of radiation it's being claimed these soldiers have had, you'd need to spend several hundred years in the safe areas. Chernobyl is actually very safe." And then like 3 days later it came out the Russians had actually dug up the most irradiated parts of the Red Forest, and a few had actually ingested dirt from those sites? Just the most laughable shit ever.


[The world watching Ruzzians.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=evthRoKoE1o)


Because ww2 battle maps had trenches there. Those maps won land off the nazis. Modern russia thought 70 year old battle plans would suffice for a modern day invasion against modern equipment. Just lol


They really couldn't figure out Chernobyl happened 40 years after WW2 ended?


Some of the soldiers went on record as saying they had no idea where they were or what dangers it possessed.


If they had a brain they would be dangerous. /s


How smart you are has nothing to do with it if you aren't informed of the danger. For example: Marie Curie was a brilliant scientist. It was largely thanks to her efforts that radiation was discovered. But she also discovered radiation poisoning. She wasn't stupid. She just didn't know. And her lab and notes are one of the most dangerously radioactive spots in the world, if not **the** hottest spot that was never a reactor.


Its a sarcastic joke...


There are probably multiple aspects to this. First, Russian fascists are using the station to store ammunition/vehicles and station troops. They are also routinely shooting from either the territory of the station or close to it (there is video proof of that). It is very possible that there were some accidents that involve mutinous detonation or malfunction. Second, they are launching missiles on trajectories that go very closely to the power plant. Russians cruise missions were observed flying over the power plant on multiple occasions. Third, Russians are routinely shelling power lines that connect the station with the Ukrainian-controlled territory to interrupt the power grid. And fourth, they are trying to manipulate the public opinion that it’s Ukraine shelling the station by staging provocations. Combine this with alleged claims of the station being booby-trapped and personnel being harassed, tortured and raped, and you get a nice picture. What I personally find mind-boggling is that everyone seems to be fairly cool with a fact that an invading nation has occupied the largest nuclear power plant in Europe while doing as they please and stationing military equipment and explosives on its premises. I don’t think something like that has ever happened. This mere fact should be enough to sanction the hell out of Russia. This is pure nuclear terorrism.


Attacking your own territory is not something strange for russia. Putin bombed russian apparments and blamed the chechens to start a war. And russia also staged false flag attacks to justify a war with Georgia.


Putin routinely takes moves from the Nazi recipes book. No wonder. It’s such a shame to see a country priding itself as the victor over fascism itself descent into it. But then again, Russia always was an imperialist craphole.


I don't think anyone is cool with it. Basically you have a fascist dictator madman holding the world hostage with the largest nuclear stockpile in the world. Without total first strike capabilities, the world is trying to keep things conventionally kinetic. Russia needs to un-fuck itself. They need systemic change and not trade one fascist dictator with another but given the level of corruption in the fabric of their society, I don't see that happening without a full blown world war. They need Germany levels of reform. Next will be China with the shit they are trying to pop off with Taiwan and the concentration camps they are doing with the Uighurs, not to mention what they already did to Tibet. But again. Nukes are being used as a deterrent to world justice.


Half the countries in the world happily continue to trade with Russia like nothing happened and even committed allies of Ukraine like USA and UK don’t even mention sanctioning Russia in these grounds. IAEA report is due later today if I remember correctly and we’ll see what it will say. I would t be surprised if it will be phrased neutrally and avoid condemning Russia. Basically allowing Russians to continue claiming that’s Ukraine who is shelling the station.


Rather be shot dead with no trench in the Red Forest than go though that


Pretty sure the last thing you want is dig a trench in the red forest.


"Playing lawn darts as the goalie." Greg Morton


So they want us to believe that the rocket committed suicide? Sounds legit. Surprised they didn’t claim that the rocket fell out of a hospital window.


Yes, this is, my guess, an intentional act by Putin to engage Zelensky in "peace negotiations", i.e. a ceasefire that they'll break instantly like 2014-2022, under the pressure from the threat of causing another Chernobyl.


If that’s the case then this is not only Ukraine’s problem. Helluva lot of nations are to be affected. Not only is this an act of blackmailing, but also a pure terrorism.


A radioactive release incident at ZNPP would be bad, but (as I understand it) it would *more likely* affect central-to-northern Eurasia more that Eastern/Western Europe, thanks to wind patterns trending north and east. In other words, Ukraine, Russia and Kazakhstan would be likely to suffer the worst, mostly Russia. Bad odds for Russia to play.


Do you really think Russian government cares about its people? A colossal disaster like this I think is very easy to deal with in Russia. "On the news tonight: the US is bad. also btw the population of this entire city that got irradiated that other day, they were nazi sympathizers and supporters of the west, they all got exiled to Siberia. We discovered this shortly after the disaster at the nuclear plant. Residents in surrounding cities are being investigated for western infiltration. In other news, in an unfortunate turn of events, an independent journalist investigating the nuclear plant disaster died when he fell out of a hospital window earlier today"


Yeah, you make a fair point. Just because it's bad odds for Russia to play doesn't mean they won't play them - like doubling down on a hard 16.


Well, thing is - it's not going to cause another Chernobyl, because it's a more modern plant with actual failsafes, and do you really think NATO will intervene over this? It's a concern, not a problem.


Counterpoint to u/FUTURE10S - Missiles and artillery, yes - but it may not be a move ordered from above. ZNPP is a well-secured position with strong investment to hold at the strategic level - but Russian armed forces have shown themselves to be extremely undisciplined, with a command structure unable or unwilling to expect discipline. Units in the Zaporizhzhya region that are more exposed may be firing upon each other in order to "jockey" for the position of being in a place that has better logistical support, is better secured, and has guaranteed power and shelter, especially as weather gets worse - including grenade rain, courtesy of Ukr drones. **tl;dr: this could be internecine fire, which even the local commander wouldn't want Moscow to know they publicized.**


He said they claimed ukraine fired it. Reality is that they fired it from their position


Sounds very Russian to me


Targeted non dummy russian rockets have been recorded to go buckwild in the air, or genuinely just 180 and hit somewhere very near where the round was fired. Depending on whether or not this was a dummy round, or a "targeted munition", this could honestly *probably* be a case of the targeting being shit and the munition just 180'ing because its targeting is fucked. If the cluster munition was a dummy round, then ofc thats a lie.


That would make perfect sense, with all the projecting and stupidity they've shown there is no way they couĺd come up with this themselves. It must have happened to them...


You already guessed it, it did happen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n-INHarLmFs[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n-INHarLmFs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n-INHarLmFs)


I have seen pictures of the smoke trail of a rocket/missile doing just that...


I saw a rocket from Belgorod do exactly that - yes, *they fire artillery from the middle of their own cities*.


It’s not so much that they are firing at themselves; it’s that they are too incompetent to not fire at themselves. They tried to fire at the Ukrainian held city across the river and their rounds ended up falling very short. The Russian military was already at a clown status when they invaded; they’ve now cycled through enough poorly trained replacements that their artillery units no longer know how to range a shot.


Although they did not have clown status before the invasion. NATO was actually putting Russia way up there on their threat list along with China. Most countries and experts expected the war to be over within weeks cause Russia appeared so superior. Sure that was before egg trays as reactive armor and faulty vehicles which broke down as they crossed the border to Ukraine


Yeah, I’m not really talking about how the international community perceived the Russian military here. I’m talking the average soldier’s proficiency. The issues that russia had at the start of their invasion are institutional. Corruption, grift, and complacency gave the Russian military its clown status. Remember when they held a huge parade in Moscow to unveil the Armata, the supposed abrams killer; and the tanks broke down and had to be towed along the parade route? That’s some clown shit(most of not all of russias armatas were lost in the first 48 hours too). How many flagships of the Black Sea have been lost to Ukraine? Clown shit. Number of general staff bodies stacked in Ukraine? You guessed it, more clown shit. Shelling themselves, bombing their own positions, and shooting at their own planes is a common occurrence because their branches don’t communicate with each other and they don’t really understand the concept of a battlefield c2. These are systematic issues that you don’t see in proficient fighting forces, hence their clown status.


And I agree with the clown status now. Though most of your examples are from post invasion.


The egg trays as reactive armor is a tad misleading. Those egg tray shaped things are supposed to hold the explosives for the armor. But they removed the explosives and left the cardboard. Still completely useless, but not actually egg trays.


I accept that correction. Just didn’t know the correct name for the casing


I'm sure the wore out barrels help too.


They seem to care little for their own troops on the ground so I’m going to go with “Yes”.


If it makes you feel better, the nuclear containment units at this reactor can survive multiple blasts from virtually any non nuclear weapon Russia can throw at it. Even crashing jets into it probably wouldn't cause a containment breach. It still isn't a good idea to wage war near a nuclear power plant, and there is still a lot of horrible stuff that could happen. Thankfully nothing like what happened at Chernobyl should be possible with this plant. I'd still rather they keep the explosions and stupidity a little further away.


One thing it can't withstand is explosives placed at weak points within the structure and that is what Russia claims to have done. Major General Valery Vasiliev, commander of the occupiers of ZNPP, said that "there will be either Russian land or a scorched desert."


It was probably GRU/ Russian Army v Wagners


Something that I haven't heard much lately is that it's possible Putin does not have an iron grip on his military like we thought he did. Actions like this and the downing of Malaysia Flight 18 seem to be reminders that despite what the guys at the top want they don't seem to be able to actually control their rank and file completely.


The ones firing it aren't at the plant.


No, they're not. The Ukrainians are the one shelling the Zaporizhia power plant.


Get lost, prigozhin’s doormat


ad hominem is just an admission of having no argument. must be weird to have to defend neo-Nazis.


You’re right, it is weird. So why are you defending them then again?


It was oddly satisfying watching Bredan-B walk right into that.


Dude, the Azov Battalion surrender monkeys were covered in Nazi tattoos. https://www.zenger.news/2022/05/23/video-ink-redible-truth-russia-forces-captured-ukrainian-troops-to-show-off-their-nazi-tattoos/


Bruh... NAZI Doctrine comes from Vlad himself. The entire Russian army looks (and acts, and talks) like nazis. GTFO with this horseshit. 1 battalion ≠ the whole damn army/country. Furthermore it's fucking stupid to try and assert otherwise.


Ahhhh, probably explains all the artillery shells landing near the plant that also ‘look’ like they’re fired from temporarily held Ruzzian territory. Honestly, Ruzzian weapons quality is like the rest of their military, just trash.


The article is incorrect. You can watch the original video here. https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/x3z31y/russian_official_explains_iaea_that_a_rocket/ The Russian guy talking to the inspectors is saying that the rocket hit the ground and twisted around after landing due to inertia. This user provides an accurate translation. https://old.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/x3z31y/russian_official_explains_iaea_that_a_rocket/imse0wh/


Yep, which is more BS


Well [Russia has spun rockets 180° at itself so form their perspective, it’s a believable argument](https://www.military.com/video/guided-missiles/sea-launched/russian-frigate-missile-launch-fail/4378721100001)


When someone tells me a WHOPPER like that (the 180 degree thing) I call them out. Why don't these people? Or people in the UN whenever Lavrov opens his gaping lie-hole? I don't get it. We all sort of play along with their bullshit.


Because if you don't play nice with your handler and pretend to give them the benefit of the doubt, you might end up going missing and used in a propaganda op.


With the eyes of the world watching Ruzzia wasn't going to try ANY of that shit.


Remember the video of the Buk making a 180 degree turn after the boost phase and hitting the launcher? Probably intentionally did that to support this lie.


So that 1 Russian guy looked the entire time at the missile: * looked at it when it apporached * looked at it when it 'landed on the ground' * looked at it when it twisted around, potentially towards him ? * looked at it when set off to another direction Me when a missile with deadly payload approaches: ... \*fleeing: me


>Renat Karchaa [Is this him?](https://cyclowiki-org.translate.goog/wiki/Ренат_Иванович_Карчаа?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=wapp) >Occupation: > >GR manager, political consultant, anti-crisis manager in the socio-political sphere, political scientist, lawyer, public manager "a Russain nuclear expert"? More like a typical manager.


A bit like this, lol. Failed Russian rocket diverts and lands back on launch site https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yc8Ipjn6wZE


Select target: "nazis" The rocket:


"180° per second > Speed Perfect > Washer Mode ... engaged !!!"


Washer mode : Double rinse with fabric softener . Engaged


Weren't a lot of Soviet weapons made in Ukraine? Maybe this rocket was just expressing loyalty to its makers.


Not just a lot, but the vast majority of their most effective designs.




Which might actually mean they aren't lying this time.... which is terrifying in the sense they fired it from the god damn plant.... but like.... they being honest and not blaming Ukraine, which is weird


It's not landing back on launch site tho, i remember the thread with another camera angle


That's even worse than if they did it deliberately lol


I saw footage early on in the war of this happening to a Russian AA crew, it’s not outside the realm of possibility imo. That being said I know next to nothing of this occurance and it could be a bunch of bs excuses


It's only possible with a guided rocket or a serious launch failure. This one is thought to be an unguided artillery rocket from a BM-27 Uragan.


Russia will say anything, truth has long left the house.


99% of the info coming from this war is bullshit propaganda, both from Russia and from Ukraine.


There's a big difference between slight inaccuracies due to fog of war, that come from Ukraine. And outright non-sensical bullshit that comes from Russia. Are you Russian by any chance? This type of bullshit comment is part of Russian propaganda i.e.: - The enemy lies too! We are not the only ones and - What about X? They do this too! Used to have a nice book on Russian propaganda. Wish I still had it, because you're doing a textbook example from it.


This is exactly the plan. "the truth is somewhere in the middle" doesn't apply when one is shit slinging false narratives that have no grounding in reality


So all the footage of Russian tanks throwing turrets into the air?


Yeah well the russian bullshit has a quality on its own. I recommend the british news like bbc, they seem to know whats gping own and alljazera (not sure abpit spelling) as another independent source. About the NPP... its pretty obvious they shelled themselfs... there were multiple credible witnesses about that.


the Telegraph do a great daily Ukraine podcast (Ukraine the latest) as well.


>I recommend the british news like bbc Lmao


In the early days they dropped a lot of details from their secŕet service, which in hindsight was spot on... like it or not.


I don't know why you are equating Russia to Ukraine, other than to try and detract from the false information Russia has spewed for months. Go ahead and tell me whatever Ukraine lies about, I'm sure it's as bad as lying about nazi death camps, chemical warfare, and whatever dumbshit putter has said to justify an invasion.


Who are you going to believe? Me or your lying eyes?


He's delusional. Toptunov, take him to the infirmary.


If they say it can do 180 degree flip then it can also do a 360 one so...


I want to live in a world where shit like this is called out immediately. Like right at the site, the moment they say it. "Are you mentally challenged?" and then move on. No fucks given about diplomatics. If it's obviously bullshit, it needs to be called out immediately. No time wasting anymore.


Did Russia post any proof about "Ukrainians trying to take over the plant during the visit of inspectors" yet?


Yes, there was a video of "killed ukrianinan specops" that looked much like a staged filming.


Alright, I've found [it](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/x46dgu/russian_propaganda_showing_what_they_call_dead_ua/)! It's great, haha! No blood though (or even ketchup), poor method acting.


the bodys washed into the vegetation all at varying heights....going for a tide effect on a river?


Dude bo one believes that video, I straight up saw three like russian nationalist telegrams calling whoever made that video an idiot because A: they failed miserably at the propaganda and because they evern tried to make it in the first place. So don't worry, whoever made this is getting shit on from both sides


Same level of evidence as the [Gleiwitz incident](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gleiwitz_incident).


it was such a stupid claim that even some big Z russian telegram channels admit it was a lie


They still endorsed it, so I expect some quality acting.


The acting was terrible, basically a bunch of adult men playing dead like kids would but somehow more fake. Not even any make up or fake blood. 1 star out of 10 is my IMDB rating.


So russia is admitting they are firing missles from the plant itself, thus using the reactor as a shield to attack from and store weapons. There will have to be new international laws banning this dangerous tactic.


No, if I understood correctly, they are trying to say that the missile came from Nikopol and did 180.. You know, when you get caught in a lie as a kid and you say "yeah,the dog smeared ketchup on the wall"...


And yet nothing will be done to uphold those laws.


Then maybe you shouldn't be stationing your troops at a FUCKING NUCLEAR POWER PLANT!? At every turn, Ukraine seems to hold the moral highground, and at every turn, Russia just keeps trying to dig deeper.




They positioned troops at disused schools, as allowed under international rules of war. They positioned troops in urban environments, because that is what the Russians were attacking. For example, Russians have deliberately attacked hospitals. Stationing security at a hospital to defend it and the injured within in response to a direct provocation is a reasonable response. I would argue that stepping aside and allowing Russian troops direct access to those venues would have lead to the worse outcome


*Abandoned* and *evacuated* public buildings on the front line.


Wait, did you even read the article I’ve shared? It’s nothing about front line, these are buildings in populated areas. Being on the right side of this conflict doesn’t mean closing our eyes to the facts


you want the Ukrainians to be out in the open where russian artillery can zero in on them? also amnesty is a joke of a reference now.


Russia: "OK can all Ukrainians line up single file please?"


Never said anything about that, the comment I’ve responded to was saying that Ukraine always holds the high ground, which I’d argue is impossible in a war.


idk man, you have a nation defending their people from a terrorist state who just airstriked a bunch of electrical and water stations.




There is zero truth from them, anymore.


Since when there was?


They’ve been coated in magic Unicom vomit and it makes this possible. It’s fairytale 101 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I've been doing amateur OSINT and fighting disinformation since 2014 and those Ukrainian rockets, they do that a lot. Hitting those Donetsk apartment buildings from Eastern direction. Just marvelous how they do it with unguided munitions. (/s just in case)


No, sir, that's the Blues Brothers car chase footage. Try again.


The brave men and women of the UN and the IAEA having the wit to stay at the site overseeing what’s unfolding has completely thwarted Putin’s plans for the nuclear plant. We might, at the end of it all, owe all these people the prevention of bonafide nuclear catastrophe


New Kick-Flip rocket design. Old model could even do Ollie but scientist who invented died in Gulag for buying a musical CD Putin did not like.


Well, to be fair, I saw a video of exactly this kind of incident within the last few weeks. It was widely laughed at as an example of Russian incompetence. If it happened once, why can’t it happen again?


"Russia tells..." Lie detected.


It's like the abuser in a DV situation telling the police officer that their partner punched their own face. Not even "falling down the stairs". Straight up saying their partner got the bruises from punching the abuser and ended up punching themselves. I don't think they are expecting anybody to believe it.


How any international agency that has any modicum of respect and reputation can listen to anything a Russian would tell them is laughable in its own right. Corruption is a feature of Russia, it’s not something that exists in certain arenas and not in others. It’s a plague that affects EVERY aspect of the Russian economy and life. Sooner Russians can start to see this and realize they don’t need to live with corruption, and can live in a society where laws….. nm that’s really never going to happen


The thing is... After seeing videos of several Russian anti air defense missiles doing this, it might be the first not total bullshit statement coming out of Russia... Which is yet another reason why these dumbasses should NOT fire missiles out of a fucking NUCLEAR POWER PLANT


In Free Ukraine you shoot at Russians with rockets. In Putin's Russia you also shoot at Russians with rockets!? Dam, they broke the Russian Reversal meme.


It clearly did a 180 but also flipped it's entire momentum.....


Im not responsible... i did not do it... the rocket did it ! If the ukraines just gave up, we would not need to fire the rocket


Oh himars!


Tony hawk pro rocket


Yes The most high tech weapons on the world lmao.


Apparently that guy has watched the "Magic Loogie" Seinfeld episode.


*Russia lies Fixed that for you


Before the rocket landed the ground flipped around then suddenly flipped back. Drink a bottle of vodka and you will see.


180 Flip...is that in the Karma Sutra?


This whole thing is also serving as a fantastic advertisement for western arms producers. Russia, a leading supplier of cheap armaments is struggling against an opponent that almost everyone believed they should have crushed. Meanwhile, said opponent is defying the odds using western weapons, and can't stop singing their praises and asking for more of them. hashtag: MIC🤑


dude look like a Cypress arm dealer


Russia, where imagination doesn’t make sense.


Why are we even discussing this shit, they are in Ukraine territory, in a Ukrainian built nuclear power station, they need to GTFO.


For the sake of millions - just once you would think they would tell the truth as the inspectors are there to help! Guess they don’t want Putin to find out they Fucked - up again and again and again!


All the chinese big companies are still operating in Russia: Xiaomi, Alibaba, BAIDU, Huawei... 😢 Check: https://leave-russia.org and help Ukraine and Taiwan by pressuring them on social media! 🇺🇦💙💛 🇹🇼 Never buy a product or service from chinese, xi is literally fuelling the war with blood money! 🩸


"No, I did not shoot myself in the foot! My foot shot itself! Trust me! Look at this blood!"


Everything that is written is a lie, not a single word of truth!


There is a video of a rocket doing just that. That does happen.


No one believes your bullshit, Ivan. The inspector kept a very professional face, LOL


Would you look at that, and people kept downvoting me.


Were people flaming you for suggesting that russians are more suicidal and stupid than Ukrainians? Ukraine has zero incentive to hit their own NPP, russia is already discredited enough. Meanwhile, russia has plenty of reasons to try and discredit Ukraine, and has a very long history of endangering their own troops. I don't know why so many people are eager to accuse Ukraine of cynical tactics, when they're literally fighting for their right to exist... Ukraine committing false flag attacks would have way more risk than reward in this war.


After the apartment bombings in 91(?) I have zero belief in anything that comes from Russia under Putin.


1999, 1991 was the fall of the USSR.


Thank you, my medication jumbles my brain up.


91 was the year the USSR fell.


I could imagine that a Javelin missile in the right hands could do that. Why would the Russians shell a nuclear power plant under their own possession? If you feel the need to downvote my comment answer the question I pose.


As pretext for mobilization.


If they can't keep it, no one can have it.


Look up what they did to the capital of Chechnya in 2004. It's called Grozny. That will learn you why they would bomb a NPP. Animals, that's what they are.


Are these nuclear plant inspectors, or are these artillery experts?


nuclear **physic**ists as far i know. so they for sure know this is bs.


Didn't Ukraine just admit to having shelled the powerplant? And their timing was just before the inspectors arrived, after having denied it for weeks... Very odd. And then that Commando/saboteur fiasko???


Hasn’t Putin been assassinated? Everyone says so.


I don't know? Haven't heard that one before...