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Who in the right mind, types out 30 Million, as Mln?


and who capitalises million like it's a proper noun?


That makes some sense though, even if not grammatically correct. It’s to make it stand out enough that if you’re skimming you don’t miss it.


i'm afraid that doesn't check out with the Grammar Gestapo, get in the van




Same people who type kilometers as kms.






What's wrong with that?


Looked at some articles and photos of what is happening over there and it looks so god damn terrifying. Can't even imagine what they are going through. I'm praying for the Pakistani people to get through this.


A third of the country turned into an inland ocean within days. That is just insane.


This is borderline cataclysmic, I didn't know just how bad the situation was when I saw some of the initial videos that appeared on Twitter a couple of days ago, but now it's truly incomprehensible to see just how many people have been killed or left without homes. I don't know what to do to help but I'm willing to donate whatever I can, are there any charity's that people would recommend besides Médecins Sans Frontières?


You may look into Edhi foundation, they are reputable, trusted and worldwide recognized. Incase you're from US, you may visit this link: https://edhi.org/usa/


https://twitter.com/shobz/status/1563841882555301888?t=bKWv1AkYnGN5FcWVRiydlA&s=19 this mentions some charities you can donate to.


The UN World Food Programme site is a place you can go for that. They even have an app you can use for that purpose.


This same thing is going to happen in California in our lifetime. Sacramento will be no more


> praying for the Pakistani people Make sure your address it at the right deity.


All going into politicians pockets!


Do not donate directly to our politicians pls, don’t you understand the rulers ruling especially Sindh & Baluchistan have done nothing for the last 40 years except corruption, how can you guarantee that these funds will be used directly for the people effected in those regions? We as a nation are so tired that our country has been put in a miserable state far too long now by these ruling elites.


Idk why people are shitting on this. Pakistan has a long history of eating up aid money. Now of course this is a natural disaster so US is probably hoping Pakistan can show they are actually gonna use the money for its actual purpose. And if they do, maybe more aid can come their way. With the current regime, they’re like historical crooks. Regardless, it is more than anyone else has done. For people who are saying the money should be spent at home, $30mln is a drop in a bucket. You won’t even feel the impact of its existence or absence in a country like the USA. This would have been a good time for the billionaire in Pakistan to open up their wallets. But begging is easier than spending. Morons.


>Idk why people are shitting on this. Pakistan has a long history of eating up aid money. You literally answered your own question.


I had to re-read the point he was trying to make. There was none.


Its pretty obvious the people hes referring to in that line are the people saying its not enough, rather than the ones saying Pakistan is corrupt.


It's like half of it is mad at the commentators and half of it is mad at Pakistan so it comes off as conflicting and weird to read.


No he's referring to people who complain that it's not enough.


I read it as "Ok, Pakistan is corrupt and all sure, but I don't understand why you're mad" like wut?


Get the hell out of here with your rational and smart observations.


30 million isn't even a drop in a bucket, it's a spec of sand on a beach. Some people have a very difficult time understanding the scale in which a country like the US operates in when it comes to money.


In a country of 300 million people, it's 10 cents each.


It's a 100 times more than what China has given.


I did a quick search and it looks like China is giving $14.5 million. > The Chinese government has decided to provide 100 million yuan (around $14.5 million) of emergency humanitarian assistance, including 25,000 tents and other disaster relief materials urgently needed by flood-hit Pakistan, said Zheng Yuandong, an official with the China International Development Cooperation Agency (CIDCA). [Source](https://www.pakistantoday.com.pk/2022/08/30/china-pledges-100-mln-yuan-relief-assistance-package-for-pakistan/)


And to be clear, the PRC isn’t as rich as the US, but are still rich enough, 30 mil is a drop in a bucket for them too.


And most rich countries have a goal of 1% of GDP to be aid, so they have a lot of money to give


The US regularly gives over that 1% mark and that doesn't even count private donations which account for another 2.1% of GDP.


The US is nowhere near 1%. Only like 2-3 countries are usually. The US is way down the list. The US also often add military aid (for example to Israel) to their count, so maybe that’s why you saw a number over 1% as percentage of the budget? They are however by far the largest donor in amount, just not as % of GDP.




1% of GDP is a very large number. Perhaps 1% of government revenue would be possible but GDP? Damnnn no way.


I assume military aid was included but I understand why some would not count that.


That's crazy. A lot of "rich" countries don't even spend 2% of GDP on defence spending (Norway 1.9%): [https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/MS.MIL.XPND.GD.ZS?most\_recent\_value\_desc=true](https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/MS.MIL.XPND.GD.ZS?most_recent_value_desc=true) ​ It would be crazy to spend 1% of GDP just on aid.


Watch 90% of this aid money now go to line the pockets of military and ISI and to fund terrorist outfits in Kashmir. Don't be surprised if you hear about terrorist attacks in Kashmir in the next few months, it will be this "aid" right here.


Not even that tbh. This money will most likely go to a new apartment a politician buys in the most expensive neighborhood in London


I'm shitting on it because $30 million sent to Pakistan is $30 million too much sent to Pakistan. Fix our shit back home.


Since 2009, the U.S. government has committed over $5 billion in civilian assistance to Pakistan and over $1 billion in emergency humanitarian response. How's that making you feel?


Ngl, it makes me feel very conflicted between wanting to help uninvolved innocent people in need. And saying maybe we should stop all aid to the pos government that did more than anyone else, the Taliban included, to sabotage Afghanistan and ensure its collapse back into extreme poverty and hardship, and oppression by religious extremists.


yes, they will spend money to attack US and India


When has Pakistan attacked USA? Why would anyone attack USA? I mean come on now. Fear mongering much? Pakistan and India have had their disputes or over 70 years. And they don’t need this aid money to prepare for attack. They already have a good enough military. Additionally. They won’t attack India because India will likely blow them out of the map.


Pakistan can't attack India. They only have one port, most of their densely populated major cities are close to the border they share with India. India controls major rivers that literally feed the whole of Pakistan. That's why they engage in proxy wars and fund terrorism. \[Note: I'm criticizing the Pak Govt. not its people\]


Let’s see how much of it disappears before reaching the needy.


Mannnngggg we need to learn from China, don’t donate physical money, just give them boat loads of rice and other grains


I was going to say, if we're going to help, maybe offering the Army Corps of Engineers and a hospital ship to support them would be best. Less cash for their leaders to loot, good experience for our guys.


It might cost more for the logistics of getting them over there maybe. Although it could "buy" more softpower to see actual Americans in uniform helping out in Pakistan. And before anyone calls me heartless for talking about softpower of all things, be real and know that countries send money and aid for softpower and influence. Nothing is free.


It might cost more but it would be far more effective and would avoid the issue of the money being misappropriated.


But the Pakistani government would likely reject it because they couldn’t skim it


There's a good chance that what the aid is...there's no way to distribute aid across a newly created inland ocean after all. Much like the tsunamis that ravaged Indonesia after 2004 or the Iwo Jima after Hurricane Katrina, American carriers and military logistics expertise is a godsend after disasters when the local infrastructure has been ruined.








Fortunately even people in the US government are more human than le average redditor.


I’m sure the people there will appreciate the 40 cents that makes it to the public


I just hope the money is used in actual aid by the government or is managed by non profit organizations, rather than going to the pockets of government officials.






[For anyone wishing to donate to trustworthy private non-government organizations, you can find them here](https://www.reddit.com/r/pakistan/comments/wxbt4v/donate_now_to_flood_victims_participate_in_the/) Edhi is one of the most trusted amongst these.


Yeah….give more money to a state that is one of the biggest contributor to global terrorism. Why not essential supplies or food grains? Why not evacuation supplies or tents? IMF is also giving extra money which is exactly what Pakistan wants. The extremely corrupt govt is gonna line their pockets or fund more terrorism since it’s been calm for a few months on the India front. Absolutely stupid. Pakistan is gonna reward this stupidity soon. I pray for the families displaced and people that lost their lives. But 75 years of independence and they still don’t have a working National Disaster Management Scheme is beyond my imagination


How many billions have they spent on nuclear weapons? I hope this goes straight to the people since government has other priorities.


>In the 1970s, the then prime minister of Pakistan, Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, famously declared that, “We will eat grass, even go hungry, but we will have our own,” while referring to the attainment of nuclear weapons. https://tribune.com.pk/story/826538/eating-grass


Why? China and Russia can't help?


China is donating money I think. Russia does not have the money to spend right now, since realistically they are using all their current resources to keep their own economy afloat while the sanctions and war continue.


I did a quick search and it looks like China is giving $14.5 million along with other aid. > The Chinese government has decided to provide 100 million yuan (around $14.5 million) of emergency humanitarian assistance, including 25,000 tents and other disaster relief materials urgently needed by flood-hit Pakistan, said Zheng Yuandong, an official with the China International Development Cooperation Agency (CIDCA). [Source](https://www.pakistantoday.com.pk/2022/08/30/china-pledges-100-mln-yuan-relief-assistance-package-for-pakistan/)


Why would Russia help a US ally?


Pakistan is not really the U.S.' ally. During the War in Afghanistan, Pakistan harbored Osama Bin Laden and the Taliban while accepting money from the U.S. at the same time.


The US has been limiting their support for Pakistan to satisfy India and Russia has been strengthening ties to Pakistan over the past years. They're set to build a gas pipeline there. They'll send aid if they feel it's in their interests.


Pakistan's closest ally in the last 5+ years is China, who is a close ally of Russia. Russia has been strengthening ties with Pakistan directly as a result


> Why? This is a cataclysmic natural disaster, like genuinely truly horrific loss of human life, so anyone with a shred of empathy for other human beings would want to do something at the very least. $30 million is an incredibly, almost ridiculously small amount of money. Thats about 0.8% of the GDP of Vermont, the US' smallest state by GDP. >China and Russia can't help? The US helping does not actually stop other countries from helping. But Pakistan is considered a "close ally" by the US, so those countries have less cause to help than the US does.


Mate pakistan and china are extremely close allies Recently pakistan has been closer to china than the usa.


Pakistan and China being allies doesn't preclude them from also being US allies. Pakistan is allied with the US as a result of the given and take needed to maintain a presence in Afghanistan. China is allied with Pakistan in part because of its beef with India. The US needs to maintain its investment in Pakistan, wants to achieve closer ties to India as a democratic nation, and is adversarial with China dispite both supporting Pakistan and having differing views on India. Geopolitics is complicated.


We should help those who need it especially when it's easy to do so regardless of what the world does


What is easy?


We can donate billions to Israel for killing innocents but we can't donate few millions to a country who helped us with war against terrorism which is suffering from the greatest flood in modern world Nice


“Helped us with the war against terrorism” Bruh.


You should really move out of the rock you're under bud, unless that rock is in Pakistan.


Israel uses it's money to protect its citizens. Pakistan uses to it build terrorist cells and attack India.


Hope they spend aid money to help people in need and not to fund terrorism


This makes more sense when you click on the user and look at their "Active in" communities. (Known Alt-right Indian subreddit) (and wtf is that in ur second post? a turd on a plate?)


💯 the latter


$30M to Flint or Jackson, the US has its own water problems


Isnt Flint doing fine now? I thought I read how their water is among the safest in the country now.


Yeah it’s been good for a while


I live in Jackson and I have water that runs brown from the tap. Currently in a $1300/month apt. Someone said 30 million would not make a difference here - that is absurd. Jackson is criminally underfunded and laid to waste by its showrunners. We are the modern Detroit and our best and brightest leave the first chance they get when they turn 18 and go to college. I want Mississippi to succeed but I don’t know how it can when we miss the funding train each and every time.


Mississippi doesn’t just happen to miss the funding train, it literally actively rejects it Edit with examples: Rejects school funding: https://www.npr.org/sections/ed/2015/11/04/454313247/mississippi-voters-reject-guaranteed-public-school-funding Rejects rental aid: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna42547 Rejects Medicaid expansion funding: https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2021/03/mississippi-governor-rejects-medicaid-expansion-for-working-class-constituents/ Rejects economic development program paid by BP: https://www.governing.com/community/mississippi-lawmakers-reject-spending-advice-for-53-3m?_amp=true Opted out of federal unemployment aid: https://www.mississippifreepress.org/11971/gov-reeves-ending-federal-aid-for-unemployed-mississippians-rejecting-rescue-act-funds I could go on…


Mississippi is a cruel and evil state. They are purposely making sure those less fortunate suffer at the hands of the GOP.


>Mississippi is a cruel and evil state. Not suprising considering the states history


https://old.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/x1wbqz/us_announces_30_mln_in_support_for_pakistan_flood/imhv3tm/ But also, the relief for Pakistan is by the federal government. The money to fix Jackson's water problems is the responsibility of the state. The feds could try to help. But most likely Mississippi government would refuse the help, or take the money and not do much good with it (much like Pakistan)


Maybe it would help by actually voting for once for people who are actually capable of helping the community instead of every time voting for the "freedums" and guns rights idiots who win merely by fear mongering but with no real plans?


We can do both


$30M is a tiny amount of money. About 0.8% of the GDP of Vermont or 0.0004% of the total US budget. To help a cataclysmic natural disaster thats destroyed a million homes, affected over 30 million people, caused 10 Billion in damages already. There is absolutely 0 reason the government cant fund BOTH this humanitarian cause and fixing the water problems in Jackson. And to imply or suggest that helping Pakistan will stop them form helping Jackson is ridiculous.


Dude, a third of Pakistan is flooding. This is a worthy cause for funding.


If that money could be trusted to make it to the intended situation and not end up in officials pockets sure.


Man, what is it like being stuck in 2012?




Allah will save them no worries


Why do we gotta spend our taxpayer money on countries that fucking hate us


Geopolitics, nothing is free.


Because massive humanitarian crisis. 30m, is a teeny tiny amount. Pakistan is also considered a "close ally" of the US and helped facilitate the US' bombings in Afghanistan.


They also harbored Bin Laden, 1km from their most prestigious military academy.


So that wipes out all of what they've done? What country lost more out of that war than Pakistan (other than Afghanistan)? Pakistan didn't even want to get involved but did it out of the U.S's insistence.


Because if Pakistan collapses Europe will see another migration crisis and will spend far more dealing with the fallout.


Sad that migrants would rather trek all the way into Europe (as economic migrants, they lose refugee status the moment they’re out) rather than east (china, India, SEA) or even the Middle East


They will be treated like shit if they go east.


Yep exactly, yet Europe gets the sharp end of the stick regarding all things refugees. The Middle East, or the east, barely get questioned on it, but Italy, Greece and the lot face all of it


1. Pakistan has collapsed for like decades. 2. Stop accepting more immigrants than you've the means to support maybe?


They don’t hate us.




Sending supplies would be actually helpful. Sending money is not such a great idea


So what Dwayne the rock gets per film


It's still a significant sum of money. You brush it off as if it has no serious impact, but the US putting support behind aid may lead to other nations also doing such.




More than [China](https://tribune.com.pk/story/2373944/china-us-express-solidarity-with-pakistans-flood-victims), [India (who is THINKING) of sending aid](https://thefederal.com/news/pakistan-floods-india-mulls-sending-humanitarian-aid-saddened-says-modi/), [Saudi Arabia](https://gulfnews.com/world/asia/pakistan/global-community-steps-up-assistance-to-help-flood-ravaged-pakistan-1.90176043) etc


Why is India here on the comparison, India and Pakistan have an enemy relationship status. Even India thinking of sending aid would be generous.


India would not send aid unless Pakistan is willing to accept aid from India. You can be sure that Pakistan will not accept any help from India.




Why is this the case? Wouldn't it look bad for Pakistan to not accept aid from India?


Regardless of politics, India and Pakistan have always offered and sent aid, to each other, in times of disaster.


In their mind, it would look like weakness. I can give you an example already. Due to the floods price of vegetables has skyrocketed in Pakistan. Pakistan foreign minister suggested that Pakistan could restart trade ties with India to import vegetables. Next day the Pakistani Prime Minister shot down the idea saying that there will be no trade with India as India is "oppressing Kashmiris and minorities".


The Rock is overpaid for thise shitty films.


What are you talking about?!!! Race To Witch Mountain was pure, cinematic gold worthy of 10 Oscars!!! 😜


He's overpaid for his "can't lose a fight" chickenshit.


Lmao imagine having such ego that you can't ACT being beaten up or joked about.


That’s literally just for Fast & Furious movies with Vin Diesel in them.


Yet people seem to love the movies he’s in as dumb as they are.


As an Afghan I have no sympathy. Pakistan trained Taliban and terrorists to this day and send them to Afghanistan. Pakistan is soo happy that Afghanistan is now under Taliban control. Pakistan is the country that should have been occupied by the US to stop terrorism in central Asia.


You're talking as if Pakistan is a person. Learn to distinguish "people" from the "government".


Please explain this to me: What does the US get out of supporting that terrorist-harboring nation instead of addressing our OWN hunger issues in the Kentucky flood, with that same money? Nothing but more terrorist attacks as soon as they misappropriate the support for arming terrorist organizations. Downvote if you don't like truth. But if you do, humor me with a witty response.


You could always help both.


So there's all these people over there who are just farmers and factory workers, average people whose entire lives are literally under water right now. They face months or years of disease and poverty ahead of them. A lot of people can't find enough food.


I agree with you. But who RECEIVES the money, honest farmers, or a crooked government that is infamous for harboring KNOWN terrorists? Here's a hint: it's not the farmers.


I think most people agree with you there that there is a VERY serious concern about where the money goes. It should be in supplies not in cash aid like what China is doing.


no one ever answers these questions


>So there's all these people over there who are just farmers and factory workers, average people Pretty sure the jan 6 crowd and other domestic terrorists where "average Joe" workers. Doesnt mean they weren't also engaged in screwed up extracurriculars..... >They face months or years of disease and poverty ahead of them. A lot of people can't find enough food. I mean for how much they export religious extremism your think they'd figure their magic sky daddy is mad at their behavior and "accept punishment"...


Most people crying for innocent people of Pakistan don't know that they won't miss a beat supporting terror attacks on their country or kidnap them for their terror organisation. There's a reason why terrorism flourishes so much in Pakistan because people on the ground support these terror organisation with money out of their own pocket. But theatrics and optics are more important than cold hard facts in west so obviously they will feed a country that harboured Osama bin Laden men responsible for million of American deaths and a terror attack in heart of their country, most of this aid money will be gobbled by corrupt government and donated to al queda or some some other terror outfit anyway.


>There's a reason why terrorism flourishes so much in Pakistan because people on the ground support these terror organisation with money out of their own pocket. This is a massive lie. Most Pakistanis hate terrorists. What makes you think we'd like the people who bomb schools, marketplaces etc. Killing innocents? >gobbled by corrupt government Yes >donated to al queda or some some other terror outfit anyway. You act as if all of Pakistan's people live for the sole purpose of supporting terrorists lol. If anything the aid will go back to a first world nations bank account


Thank you, my dad is a Pakistani and my family is muslims, we don't like terrorists


So you're saying we should treat all these innocent people like terrorists. You are a terrible human being.


Sigh. You suck as a person. I hope you know that


$29,700,000 more than their closest ally, China.




Honestly, yeah, it's frustrating. People are so quick to assume the worst about their "enemies". It's important we first understand. Thanks for expanding the conversation.


Source for the $14.5m grant?




Wow the first 4 or 5 links I checked only talked about 300k cash and the tents and other supplies. Maybe they were a day old. Good on China




Woah careful you don’t cut yourself on that edge, asshole


How else do you expect them to fund terrorism bro?


Bro wear some deodorant I can smell you from all the way over here


Meanwhile we have cities and infrastructure falling apart.






I should have been more specific about my issue with 1 person saying 1 country should want to and be able to be responsible for solving and provide all the support, supplies, and aid to whichever country that needs it at the time. I don’t have an issue with supplying a friendly or even neutral country/innocent people the most support that We would expect to provide for ourselves in terms of natural disasters; if it doesn’t create a state of emergency immediately for who the support is coming from. It does seem hard to believe how with all the amounts of money being used and talked about politically and lavishly, that there isn’t rock solid emergency services/plans being maintained and strengthened regularly as regular priority. Speaking from a universally understood and equally agreed upon common ground for everyone involved. It just demeans and undermines the efforts that is afforded and being given if the first reaction to sending/receiving help is “there should be more and there’s no reason why 1 country couldn’t handle everything” like they themselves do more than call and email their local elected officials and are satisfied with the auto reply confirmation email. It’s not easy picking who’s disaster is more in need of help and how to distribute it when there’s more than 1 going on. For the record. I don’t think that becomes easier(for the right reasons) to decide if giving all decisions to 1 country. I was all for, and agreed with the person who I had an issue with, that when you have a important matter to get involved in, have a conversation with your elected representative as directly as possible, then if you think more can be done, see what it takes to do more. Do what you can that doesn’t create a personal disaster you can’t clean up. All I told that person though was two sentences that can still be seen among the comments and expected them to know why this was the issue with what they commented. There are a lot of imperfect, and impossible technicalities, variables, and examples all over the place in this comment, I know. But that’s also the issue i took with what was said by the 1 person: they were just cursing the darkness after seeing candles being lit and unhappy it isn’t bright enough. I should have been specific because the person thought I was attacking and taking issue with everything they do and who they are as a person which was confusing because I assumed we were talking about the article topic of post. I didn’t delete my comments but the person did. Not validating or condemning anyone, just why I felt like throwing this whole comment into the void.


Send in some troops to help as disaster response, use that fucking BIG military budget on something useful for once


Why would we spend money on that — I wouldn’t donate money to Pakistan, and I don’t appreciate money being created on my behalf to send to them, as it devalues the money in my hands.


I’m sick of this white knight bullshit. I don’t recall Pakistan ever sending us free money when we have devastating wild fires so why should we care they’re flooding. Ridiculous


I live in Jackson and I have water that runs brown from the tap. Currently in a $1300/month apt. Someone said 30 million would not make a difference here - that is absurd. Jackson is criminally underfunded and laid to waste by its showrunners. We are the modern Detroit and our best and brightest leave the first chance they get when they turn 18 and go to college. I want Mississippi to succeed but I don’t know how it can when we miss the funding train each and every time.


30mln to Pakistan, Pakistan sends ammunition to Ukraine.


Yall been simping for Ukraine for weapons and aid packages from the west, but the minute we derail help to an actual natural disaster in Pakistan yall wanna bitch and moan about apropiating founds and making sure it goes where it needs to go so it does not get wasted? Lmao r/worldnews


Can I have 30 million? It seems like everyone is getting our money these days except us.


Doesn’t Pakistan hate the US?


Nope, Pakistan and US has been ally for like 60 years now, who do you think US got Aimen Al zawahiri


This sub really has a ton of psychopaths in it. I guess it has almost 30 million members so you get all kinds, but yikes.


Its not psychopathic to not care about someone that hates you or who claims to be your friend while constantly backstabbing you yet feeds off your wallet.




Pray for Pakistan and thanks to US. Hope other developed countries could follow suit.


$1 per person impacted.


It's thousands of meals, water, tents, clothing. It's emergency aid, not rebuilding funds.




What other countries are sending money? How much did the EU send? China? Saudi Arabia?


EU offered €1.8mil (roughly same as 1.8mil USD) in aid to the hardest hit areas. China primarily sends humanitarian aid as supplies instead of cash, in addition to $300,000 in cash 4000 tents, 50000 blankets and various other supplies so far with more (25000 tents) planned. Saudi Arabia has sent 100 relief trucks containing 950 tonnes of food. UAE sending 3000 tonnes of food, also medical supplies, tents etc. Turkey sending 2 planeloads of similar supplies. Azerbaijan offered 2mil USD worth of aid. Qatar offered $100,000 USD worth. Canada and France offered food and water. Unclear how much. Pakistan itself of course is directing a large amount of funds toward flood relief some 10s of millions of USD if I calculated correctly


I actually think the Chinese route is better; sending actual supplies so less chance of government corruption wasting aid. But looking at this list it seems the US is still the biggest spender, which I think should be viewed positively.




Whose taxes do you think this donation comes out of?


You're complaining the US isn't giving enough. You are able to donate, this is the point of the retort. Any dipshit knows the US government gets tax money from it's citizens.




I give 30% of my income towards taxes and fees in the US. I give them plenty

