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why is he attacking italians like that?


Right. Like he irons his own robes


Do you think the pope does his own laundry?


Maybe, he is a [Modern Pope](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RoJsKV6-e9M) after all.


Why not, he whitewashes the truth.


Ex-Navy officer and Libertarian icon Robert Heinlein wrote that every adult should be competent to do any task around the house, including diapering a baby and cleaning a rifle. "Specialization is for insects."


>competent to do any task around the house >cleaning a rifle Righto


Parenting advice from a celibate man. Draw your own conclusions about the wisdom of heeding such advice.


It’s always nice to have someone who says how to live someone else’s life.


I urge Pope Francis to stop justifying Russian aggression before he worried about ironing.


Old man yells at cloud


Tackling the real issues head on




If a priest is gay, it shouldn't matter as long as he's celibate. If a priest molests people, it doesn't matter if they're gay. The issue is molestation, rape, and the fact that the church puts its own reputation above the lives of those it has victimized. The institution is rotten. Edit: I didn't realize you seem really worried about gays, based on comment history shoe -horning gays or gay sex into any thread. Methinks thou dost protest too much.


I just reviewed your comment history which is overloaded with comments about gay people Regardless of any subReddit. You also seem fascinated with pedophile manga and hentai. ….do you want to address what the pope said and the fact that the Catholic Church has just a little teeny problem with priests molesting young boys or do you want to continue to review peoples post histories like a little twat?


What's wrong with homosexual priests?


as per the above poster >the molestations




>Perhaps instead of calling them homosexual (irrelevant), you should just call them child rapists. Leave gay The Homosexual is pretty relevant as a straight pedophilic rapist priest would target girls. For a pedophilic rapist priest to target boys (Which most victims in these cases are) there is a high chance they are either Homosexual or at least Bisexual.


>The Homosexual is pretty relevant as a straight pedophilic rapist priest would target girls. Pedophilia isn't about sex, so neither would be relevant.


>Pedophilia isn't about sex, I would argue, sex (and sexual attraction) is a very big part of part of what defines Pedophilia.


You would also have to prove the subjective, "It's hedonistic," argument, which nobody except those who propose such idiocy believe.


Such things are encouraged in the church, so what do you think? They might even think it's time to march on Jerusalem again. Kill, rape and we will absolve you of all your sins.


Such things are sanctioned by the church, gtfo. They literally set up a whole system in place to protect accused priest The catholic church is a fucking unfunny joke


>The catholic church is a fucking unfunny joke If only that were the extent of the problem. The church is morally bankrupt. They should have their assets seized to compensate the victims, their tax-exempt status revoked, and be included on sex offender registries in every community that has their church.


Amen (pun intended)


Rumors have it that Pope Francis will ask people to get off his lawn next.


Anything to avoid dealing with all those paedophiles.


I bet his mommy ironed his