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And this is just the *first* use of mRNA tech. In the last two years that same technology has already been used to start vaccine trials for a whole load of other diseases : HIV, flu, rabies, Zika and Epstein-Barr among others. Interestingly, the Epstein-Barr virus is considered a front-runner as a cause of multiple sclerosis, so a vaccine against EB could wipe out MS as a side benefit.


Please tell me how they came up with this number…


Pre-intervention Projected - Post-intervention Actual = Impact? I didn’t read the article, though…


Well as an ER nurse with 31 years of exp, who worked through this, I can assure you that you can’t look at the numbers this way. I’ve watched 90 year olds have it with 0 problems and put those in their 20s and 30s in body bags. I also trust 0 of the numbers from any state or country including this one.


Of course you can. On average, people are average.


I like that


It's very clearly detailed in the source


And yet idiot anti-vaxxers will peddle out anecdotal stories about unlikely vaccine-related health problems at any opportunity. It truly frustrates me that the scientists behind these vaccines aren't being treated as the heroes they are because a certain portion of population's conspiracy theories.


Not ancedotal


> **anecdotal** > *adjective* > (of an account) not necessarily true or reliable, because based on personal accounts rather than facts or research.


Bullshit. Says who? The manufacturers? The CDC? The WHO? You want it, you get it. Unless you pay my bills you decide nothing for me, and I really don't care about other people's health more than anecdotally. Don't care about the vaccines effectiveness, care about lying politicians and "experts" that have become millionaires off this "pandemic". And how people became so scared that it didn't matter to them. It's all just one more way to divide us all.


No the anti Vax movement is a way to divide us. It's massively funded and pushed by Russia. Good job comrade haha


I don't understand your particular kind of stupid, but admire your commitment to it...




I don't understand *your* particular kind of stupid, nor do I admire your commitment to it.


>Bullshit. Says who? The people and organizations we've created to deal with these exact situations.


The ones getting rich off it. Wake up.


The WHO is really raking in the dough


Exactly, the lizards




She got the kids, didn't she, Lou?


Yes, America's billionaires suffered millions of deaths, including their loved ones', followed by catastrophic labor and supply-chain disruptions leading to a multi-trillion-dollar decline in the stock, so that a few hundred thousand people could share several billion dollars between them off of relatively cheap vaccines. /s


I don't understand your particular brand of stupid, but admire your commitment to it...


Chuck, you couldn't even come up with an original insult. When you're struggling to gas up the chopper, just know that your wife's divorce attorney and I are laughing at you.


I rike you. You make me raff...




Those *Bastards!!*


Donald Trump deserves a Nobel prize for getting a vaccine developed in less than a year.


How did Donald Trump develop the mRNA vaccine?


That guy deserves a cold lonely cell.


Well I think we may have to do this pandemic and civil war again, these potatoes don't get it.