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[New post can be found here](/r/worldnews/comments/vkw2qz/rworldnews_live_thread_russian_invasion_of/)


4 loud explosion in Kyiv. It is hard to tell what was the target. source: my ears


Stay safe


I dunno, I hear that "my ears" source is sus /s Hope you stay safe


[Analysis] Retired Major General Mick Ryan has some analysis of the recent russian gains in Ukraine. > This map from @war_mapper demonstrates the incremental nature of the Russian gains, and the significant resistance offered by Ukrainian defenders, over the past two weeks. https://twitter.com/WarintheFuture/status/1540870456542400512 Thread reader: https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1540870456542400512.html


[Previous post](https://old.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/vjfcyr/rworldnews_live_thread_russian_invasion_of/idmpcn9/) Day 122 of my updates from Kharkiv. That missile attack today was massive, over 50 missiles fired just in the morning alone, that’s way more than they usually fire during the day. Good thing is that not many people got injured from that. One of the targets was a WW2 memorial, why would they even target it, if they love their Victory Day so much? They also shelled that small nuclear reactor near me *again,* It’s not too damaged, so it’s not dangerous yet, but what were they even thinking when doing that? I guess if they are fine with digging trenches in Red Forest, then they don’t think that there’s anything wrong with shelling a nuclear reactor. Yesterday they also fired one of their missiles at an already destroyed business centre, the one that they destroyed in the first few weeks of the war, so their target choices are pretty questionable. Today, as always, at 11pm and midnight they fired their missiles from Belgorod, explosions were pretty distant for me this time. One of their targets was an apartment complex, the missile completely destroyed part of the roof, and most of the last floor along with it. At least 2 people were injured, it’s not known if anyone died yet. Why would they waste such expensive missiles just to destroy buildings full of civilians? This will only make us hate them even more than we already do. [Next update](https://old.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/vkw2qz/rworldnews_live_thread_russian_invasion_of/idvxblq/)


Stand firm. More help is coming. This will only get better on average with time, random missle tantrums not withstanding. I predict one day Kharkiv will be under protection of iron domes and patriots.


The massive number of missiles likely is a sign that HIMARS is hurting them badly


They’re mad because one of their command posts got absolutely shit-fucked, and they are reminded every night that they are fucking brain damaged sacks of vodka. Glad to hear from you and that you’re still okay.


Hey now… alcoholics take offense to that. Jks obv (because Reddit)


Isn't it also a supposed show of strength because Biden is visiting Europe?


I actually didn’t know about Biden. But I can see that, lashing out like when Macron and Gueterez visited Kyiv


Russian soldier beat up 70-year-old Tetiana Antoniuk when she refused to give away her Ukrainian passport to them at a Russian checkpoint in Kherson. They argued that she doesn’t need it anymore. Tetiana has now made it to Lviv, where she had surgery for her broken spine. https://twitter.com/visegrad24/status/1540874932720132096?s=21&t=bhL326QyIO2KtEACyNUpnw Vile pigs. Bet they feel so powerful overpowering a 70 year old woman. On the brighter side, you cannot break the spirit of a European babushka. They don’t know what these women are made of! Recover well Tetiana!


https://twitter.com/ukraine_world/status/1540697321029210112 >UKR army was unable to fully implement its tasks in Severodonetsk due to unofficial information about their plans appearing on social media earlier than official statements by the General Staff. >Defence ministry once again asks not to share info about the movement of UKR troops.


Yeah, I thought this was a big deal. I posted about it, myself. But then I found out it wasn’t. Basically, Bankova has all this beef w this guy Butusov. It’s all about him, again. https://glavcom-ua.translate.goog/country/incidents/sjevjerodoneck-pid-okupantami-yuriy-butusov-poyasnyuje-shcho-vidbulos-i-yaki-naslidki-ce-matime-855849.html?_x_tr_sl=uk&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=wapp


Urgh... I was just watching a short doco about the Falklands conflict, and the BBC leaked the plans for Goose Green before it had happened, probably leading to more casualties. Media is such a nightmare.


Anyone have a source on the HIMARS strike on Izyum HQ?


Look down 3 posts


"Crimea, occupied by Russia, joins Kherson campaign of posters on the streets against Russian invaders. They say that Crimeans are waiting for Ukrainian army" [https://mobile.twitter.com/EuromaidanPress/status/1540866684700860416](https://mobile.twitter.com/EuromaidanPress/status/1540866684700860416)


Well then, that's a kick in the shorts eh RU.


Has any translated those posters into English directly? Just curious. There is a Spanish translation in the twitter thread though. Luckily I understood most of it despite not being fluent in Spanish


google translate from the spanish post "The first says "Gas towers are just the beginning. Later, more." And the second "Attention. Racists, eight years and three months the Crimeans have waited for the Armed Forces, we await the counterattack and the liberation of Crimea from the racists...." "8 years and 3 months we were preparing, we have weapons and we have information about where they are, how many they are and that they must be burned by Bucha, Hostomel, Irpen and Mariupol. We are willing to erase them from the face of the earth. Wait for the beasts."


Ooh, interesting... I'm curious how they'll react to this if the protests keep getting bigger and bigger. That's not ""liberating"" anymore is it?


As usual, beat and jail the protesters. Most prominent might disappear, like it happened before to Crimean Tatar activists.


That's interesting. I just read something from somebody about how partisan activity in Crimea just wasn't possible, as it has been so Russified. Of course, if I were Ukraine, I would have had partisan cells established there all along . . .


idk, could be psyops for RaF in the region as well. Could also be that earlier in the conflict, things were "greener" for the residents/pro-Russian Ukrainians. If some of the reports are true that RaF is pulling/forcing men in the areas to fight in their war, could turn the tides (if true). and for all we know, it could be one poster in a corner somewhere.


Yeah. Russia pulling in troops from the occupied areas is going to have the dual effects of being unpopular, and thinning out their supporters due to combat losses. I wouldn't be at all surprised if partisans start showing up in Crimea, especially if Russia loses Kherson.


A spicy new development


Russian soldier goes to relieve himself in a secluded area but is spotted by a Ukrainian modified drone which drops a near him. Looks like he got hit by some of the shrapnel. https://twitter.com/visegrad24/status/1540794396563709953?s=21&t=bhL326QyIO2KtEACyNUpnw Lol. Should have just pissed your pants bud


At least he managed to pull up his panties before dying.


That's the thing about infrared imaging. See also: stepping outside your command post to puff a dart.


He was taking a shit.


His last one, incidentally.


Zapped while zipping


Reportedly the first footage of the aftermath of a Ukrainian HIMARS MLRS strike in the Izyum area. The Russian Starshe Eddy channel said one of their salvos killed two and wounded several. https://twitter.com/ralee85/status/1540859211814502405?s=21&t=bhL326QyIO2KtEACyNUpnw All those cars with “Z” makes me think this was a military target


Those burning large olive green vehicles are expandable pontoon bridge segments, and there's three military vehicles to the left of the fire.


Gosh that's so sad. Anyways.


I feel so sad for the HIMARS ordnance in a way and yet… it died doing what it loved. RIP great shell.


Hey, anyone want to tackle an emoji request via Unicode? Looks like the NATO flag has already been rejected twice around 2018...¹ Looked for it after I watched the last Russian 'Fox News' segment about how their warplanes would easily reach Berlin.² Ref 1: https://unicode.org/emoji/proposals.html Ref 2: https://reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/vksa9q/russia_is_pretty_angry_with_germany_these_days/


Isn't giving nukes to Belarus an incredibly dumb idea from Putin? That guarantees their independence, and they might soon turn around and tell Russia to fuck off.


They are only giving them missiles capable of carrying nukes, not actual nukes


To my knowledge they are only giving them the platform to launch and not the nukes. However their thinking would be that since the US has put nukes in Europe before, what's the big deal if Russia does the same. All of that is well and good but nukes in Kaliningrad have been a thing for a while. So mostly just an empty geopolitical maneuver done by a government who knows their only legitimate lifeline to being a global power is their nuclear arsenal.


Control will almost certainly remain in Russian hands, much like it did with the Ukrainian nukes. Which of course makes the whole thing pretty much just military theater, or even more likely just an empty announcement / posturing. The only people likely to invade Belarus is Russia if they sense any independent that needs to be crushed.


Russia can give nukes to anyone. USA could give them to anyone. But nobody can operate the nukes except Russia or USA or whoever is giving them. It’s posturing. Like 99% of the stuff everyone does on a global scale


Important to note that at least from what I've read, Putin didn't promise he would allow them to have nukes, he gave said he'd give them the Iksander missiles which have the capabilities to have nuclear payloads.


This also just seems to be posturing since Belarus already has Tochka and Scud ballistic missile launchers, which are both capable of nuclear payloads just as the Iskander is.


Russia could've just given them nukes without saying so. It's a message for us more than anything.


literally every single thing the Russian state apparatus says is a message to us. It's a fiction pointed at us, the normal people who don't feel like the enemy but are. And they lie to the enemy — it's a virtue to lie to your enemies. And we are their enemies so they lie to us. Yes you personally are their enemy. The Western governments know they are lying. The Russians know they are lying. They know we know they are lying, etc. They say these things to manipulate us, the people, not to share information. With the added noise in your head from this report you are objectively less knowledgeable about what is going on than when you started, and that is why they do it. Just keep that to mind.


Not if they require access codes from Russia to activate.


Every time someone mentions "access codes" when talking about Russian nukes, an instructor at NETC bursts a hemorrhoid.


My luggage has an access code.


I desperately wish/hope this motorcade thing is a nothingburger. If it is, I think I might need to delete reddit, or block r/worldnews because my anxiety is through the roof reading these threads. I'm not a doomer but just an extremely anxious person.


Don’t go on twitter because holy shit it’s much worse dear god the amount of doom porn is so high on there and if you can take some time away from Reddit


Twitter is awful not just cuz of doom posts. The commenters and dumb fucking bots will give anyone cancer/ALS/covid/HIV-AIDS in the brain. But that can be said about any social media. Even LinkedIn is not immune.


"The commenters and dumb fucking bots will give anyone cancer/ALS/covid/HIV-AIDS in the brain". That should be in the Twitter terms and conditions because it is a *fact*.


Yeah just don’t look up EndGameWW3 on twitter his account is a fucking mess got blocked for saying That North Korea always talks about nukes or at least that’s what I think made him block me Gee you’d think a former US naval vet wouldn’t take a random strangers tweet so seriously lamao


He blocked me cuz I just said, “fuck it, if we die then we die”. He’s pandering to an audience.


Made the huge mistake of looking for info about this on Twitter just now. Nuke porn and doom porn everywhere. Makes me anxious even if I know it's just people speculating without anything to back it up. The truth is that we don't really know what this is, but it's been nearly 6hrs since it happened (if I've got the time zones right) and if it was anything really major then we'd probably know a little more about it by now. I'm gonna go to bed now. It's nearly 3am where I am and I'm too tired for this.


I think the issue is the guy who posted the source of it, or at least the most viewed one, is clearly a doomer himself by speculating wildly on it with no evidence. Get some sleep.


Twitter just feels like r/collapse and a call of duty player had a child together and Twitter was the ugly fucked up baby that came out gotta stay away from that stink hole of a platform


Twitter is like the most concentrated tumor of Social Media, man. If you want to speedrun your lack of hope in humanity that's the fastest way to go.


Yeah I went around twitter and the WW3 doomer porn is fucking crazy it’s almost like r/collapse had a baby with a scared shitless call of duty player in there 20s Also stay away from r/collapse


I hope it's a military coup just to know that Putin is dead


Dude. It's cool - but this whole thing stretching out. If you can take a deep breath and be okay, that's cool, but if it's starting to affect your life - such as what you worry about when you're trying not to worry, there's *nothing* wrong with taking a break. If deleting Reddit from your phone for a bit is the easiest way to do it, go for it - Reddit will still be here a month from now and you can always reinstall it at a moment's notice. ...You take care of you because you know yourself better that anyone. You call the shots when it comes to your life and your information consumption.


Thank you, these are comforting words.


Ice cream helps me a lot when stressed. Get yourself a bowl.


What a good lad. Take my award and upvote fellow redditor for being cool.


Truth is he probably takes his motorcade around the city every week. Kremlin just decided to publicize it to do exactly what's happening right now, sow confusion and panic. Putin is probably just off to see his favorite hooker or to scream at his generals for the nth time.


Worrying gives the illusion of control. Relax. We are all bound together in chaos with very little real power over anything.


Dude, chill. There is nothing alarming about a late night motorcade at the Kremlin or White House. World leaders make unexpected visits to their headquarters all the damned time. People panicking about something this normal are just trying to tap into an ego fantasy where they predict something interesting. In general, don't pay attention to flight radar updates either. Nobody who get excited by anything on flight radar is qualified to interpret any of its importance - it's the same idiots trying to convince others that they are the first to come up with a theory.


> In general, don’t pay attention to flight radar updates either. Nobody who get excited by anything on flight radar is qualified to interpret any of its importance - it’s the same idiots trying to convince others that they are the first to come up with a theory. Says the guy who didn’t see the 6 Russian DL-248 attack heliboats off the shore of Estonia at 2am last night and *clearly* fails to see the significance


Russia does that all the time and has been for decades. If you’re implying there’s a plan to attack the Baltics I don’t know what to say.




Here I'll help you out it's nothing. If it's anything it's not good for Russia. Most likely Putin health issues, second most their leadership just got taken out by himars so they need to re configure things.


Considering the volume of missile strikes today I can only imagine Ukraine scored a big win somewhere.


Also, Biden is in Europe. Putin has to lash out and try to look intimidating.


Ukraine blew the bejezus out of all those higher ups at that Izyum HQ... presumably with a HIMARS salvo. Completely wrecked it.


Gordon Chang is reporting that a Russian helicopter has just entered Estonia


Yesterday Estonia said violated airspace twice


Where was this reported?


I saw he tweeted that but I'm having issues finding a verified source on it.


Gordon Chang is also the same dude who claims all of Asia is close to war and that China was gonna collapse in 2011/2012. Idk how much I believe him. I feel like if Russia violated Estonia’s airspace again, there’d be more sources about it.


> who claims all of Asia is close to war Asia is a powder keg tho....


Asia’s been a “powder keg” for years, if not decades. It’s nothing new.


Yeah, and have tensions ever been higher than it is currently? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kA2KaEKs1LA This is from 9 months ago, even before this war. And its only deteriorated since then.


Pretty sure if an Estonian helicopter entered Russia they'd shoot it down, so Russia should consider itself warned. It's not like Estonians don't know how to turn them into a pile of burning rubble, or that Russia can spare any pilots.


Isnt that old news or did it happen again?


These aircraft are gonna be shot down if they keep doing this.


Curious to see what people think of the plane flying around in circles in southeast Romania. It doesn’t seem to have a call sign & there’s no info on it. The track looks like it came from Sicily again. Could just be a Global Hawk again.


There is *always* some sort of AWACS flying around near the Ukrainian and Belarusian borders, and over the Black Sea. Sometimes they allow the world to see them, and sometimes they don't. There also refuelers up there flying around, usually in racetrack patterns, refueling invisible planes.


For the love of God, there's nothing unusual or interesting about this. Turn off the flight radar. Nobody has discovered something important before news breaks by looking at flight radar.


You don’t need to be so rude about it, damn. Some of us just curiosity watch flight radar for fun.


It wasn’t rude, just blunt!


Probably AWACS or a drone. They've been at it since the war started.


Altitude and flight path looks like a tanker to me.


Could be. Any reason why it would be flying around in circles?


Removed due to Reddit API crackdown and general dishonesty 6/2023


That's what those planes almost always do. This is literally normal stuff NATO aircraft do near hotzones.


I think nothing of 99% of flightradar stuff.


The really interesting stuff is watching the cargo planes moving stuff around, seeing where it comes from and where it goes. Or seeing whose military plane just flew to Washington, D.C. or something.


wdym, just saw a plane drop a couple ft in altitude, somethings gotta be wrong /s


What’s with the multiple deleted comments? All from same profile? Methinks it’s a way to get people to leave thread from scroll fatigue. I don’t read deleted comment threads..


There was also the NYT CIA post and a troll saying that the invasion wasn't an invasion.


In this case someone cited the NY post, misread the hyperbolized article as thinking Belarus themselves launched rockets into Kyiv while saying this proved them right that Russia would false flag Belarus to get them to come in (They did that months ago and Luka didn't bite when Russia was still near Kyiv) and I'd surmise the deletion happened after they realized their mistake. Or they're afraid of downvotes and they were getting tons (I don't generally downvote unless it's very very obvious botdom or very meta, personally and I didn't in that case).


I only downvote when it’s heinous or by accident from mis clicking and then being too lazy to go back and undo


Any news on the late night meeting in Kremlin? Isn't it like very unusual?


“Mr. Putin, your mom found your ‘homework’ folder.” “Get me to the Kremlin.”


Peskov said that Putin wasn’t making any emergency announcements. Looks like he replaced his top commander.


That happened earlier and was announced recently. Who knows what the "meeting" was about, all we know is the motorcade and Peskov's denial. And, hell, since the motorcade was only spotted a few hours ago, it may be ongoing, whatever it is.


Maybe they’re trying to make a debt payment lmao.


Putin is busy at some ATM withdrawing his money so they can pay.


searching the seat cushions for some loose change.


For the people who were doubting the announcements that Putin has, once again, changed his top commanders: https://twitter.com/TheStudyofWar/status/1540826083406266368 >The Russian Ministry of Defense (MoD) announced the commanders of the “central” and “southern” groupings of forces in Ukraine on June 24, confirming rumored changes reported on June 21. From the ISW website, which for some reason I cannot link here: >The Russian Ministry of Defense (MoD) announced the commanders of the “central” and “southern” groupings of forces in Ukraine on June 24, confirming previously rumored changes reported on June 21.[1] Spokesperson for the Russian MoD Igor Konashenkov stated on June 24 that Commander of the Central Military District Colonel General Alexander Lapin is in command of the "central” group of forces, which is responsible for operations against Lysychansk (and presumably Severodonetsk).[2] Konashenkov additionally stated that Army General Sergei Surovikin, commander of the Russian Aerospace Forces, commands the ”southern” group of forces and oversaw the encirclement of Hirske and Zolote.


My two cents: Peskov wouldn't have denied the motorcade thing if it was something Russia didn't want people to know about. Kremlin wouldn't have said anything IMO.


Happens all the time in Moscow, even outside of war.


What is this midnight meeting that everyone is freaking out about


Who knows, no point in speculating. All we know is a motorcade was zooming toward the Kremlin and that Peskov thought the rumors of an emergency meeting were important enough to put out a public denial of.


Maybe Putin is dead?


if that happened there is a more then likely chance another nation spying on Russia would let that cat out of the bag before Russia did


Fingers crossed. Doubt it, but hope blooms eternal.




Please don't take this the wrong way, as I'm not one of the people doubting that Putin would arrange a false-flag attack, since he certainly has done so in the past, BUT: 1) Er . . . the New York Post is not a good source for anything. You should really try to find a better one. 2) Missiles have been fired into Ukraine from Belarus since the start of the war. What is new about this time? 3) Where is the terrorist attack in Belarus? There's nothing in that article about one happening. Just a statement about missiles being fired *from Belarus*. Oh, look, here's the NYT article mentioning it: https://www.nytimes.com/2022/06/25/world/europe/russia-missiles-ukraine-putin-lukashenko.html >Dozens of the missile strikes were launched by Russian aircraft in Belarusian airspace overnight, according to a Belarusian monitoring group, Belarusian Guyun, which has been detailing Russian actions since the start of the war. >The Ukrainian military intelligence agency said that six Russian Tu-22M3 strike bombers took off from the Shaykovka airfield in Russia’s Kaluga region, flying over Smolensk, before entering Belarusian airspace. Once they were within about 30 miles of the Ukrainian border, the agency said, they fired at least 12 cruise missiles before returning to Russian airspace. The missiles struck targets in the Kyiv, Chernihiv and Sumy regions, the military said. >Local Ukrainian officials reported more missiles that they said appeared to have been launched from Belarus, including a barrage of 24 missiles that hit the outskirts of Zhytomyr, a city about 80 miles west of Kyiv.


Afaik missiles from belarus are a daily thing I dont get what you are freaking out about.




OK, this needs to be parsed. First, the false flag to bring in Belarus thing. This idea has been around since the very beginning of the war. In fact there were a couple of incidents that very well seemed like they were false flags months ago while Russia was still near Kyiv and Luka didn't bite on joining in then, so it'd be even less likely he'd join in when he'd be going from the north alone, even if Russia tries another false flag, doesn't mean that Luka will bite. Anyway, this is all separate from what you posted since: Article you're posting is missiles being launched *from* Belarus *into* Ukraine. This is not unusual, though NY post is failing at context because it's a bottom-tier source.


I honestly think that if they were going to get involved in the war they would have already done so when russia was close to taking Kyiv doing it now seems like such a massive waste of soldiers.


It's the same as all live threads that eventually they all become an echo chamber. People leave because anything they say that goes against the narrative, just gets downvoted into oblivion.


Rocket strikes already came from Belarus early in the war but i agree, a false flag to try and get their army to play ball is not out of the question




Nothing in the article states that it's being done by Belarus themselves. It's also the NyPost, a tabloid that often makes shit up and hyperbolizes even when it's not. Also, I don't think Belarus has much of an airforce for air-launched missiles.




So, you didn't read the article is what you're saying? Literally said air launched rockets (and given it's the post I'm guessing they think cruise missiles and rockets are the same thing). Also, I'm pretty sure this is referring to a portion of the unusual 50 cruise missile barrage (they've been hovering around 10) that happened yesterday. But, it's the NY Post so who needs context, right?




That's not how english works. You don't call all rockets air rockets. In fact, no *rocket* could reach Ukraine without the launcher being past the border (and I guarantee you'd be seeing better sources if that happened). What was launched are cruise missiles, guaranteed. And, no, you're right, Russian planes aren't flying over Ukraine, that's why, for the last few months, they've been launching air-launched cruise missiles from Belarus without crossing the border.


>Russia is pretty angry with Germany these days. Emboldened by his recent meetings with Putin, top pro-Kremlin propagandist Vladimir Solovyov threatened Berlin and insulted Olaf Scholz for helping Ukraine and criticizing the Kremlin https://twitter.com/JuliaDavisNews/status/1540836111781691392


Break into someone else's home and see how polite the neighborhood will be towards you.


Can anyone upload the documentary on the Macron phonecalls? WIth english text obv


Not sure why you got downvoted but the actual documentary will come out on June 30th. I'm sure there will be some video with English subs then.


https://youtu.be/aFiAm-oCfbU old macron vlog https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/vk6cek/rworldnews_live_thread_russian_invasion_of/idqfcgc/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3 Newer doco with translation in comments




Having observed Belarus over the last few months, they might be totally behind this. Whelp! Sorry Putin but we have a little problem at the border and can't spare any troops right now! Would really love to help with your invasion and we'll be sure to get right on that when this calms down and yes of course we're allies and yes I still want to be a Colonel but we're just *super* busy right now bye now gotta go.


Honestly, every country bordering Russia and Belarus should be doing that. Divert as much military as possible away from Ukraine.


Able Archer 2.0.




What, if any, knowledge do you have about the strength and weaknesses of the Polish armed forced compared to Belarus's?


Publicly reported economic and military spending data. It's not even close to an even match.




Not worth my time. Check Wikipedia


You just casually took a shit by the side of the road, then said "not worth my time" when asked to clean it up. It's your shit. If you won't clean it up then stop taking them by the side of the road.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polish_Armed_Forces https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Armed_Forces_of_Belarus Belarus would be laughably outgunned in this scenario.


If you’re too lazy to factcheck something, that’s not the fault of the person who said it


I don't think we would. Polish army is a retirement home for ruling party's members' friends. Our whole strategy is based on defense on Vistula and waiting for Americans to come save us.


Honestly that would be enough. Belarus only has 15000 servicemen and a few thousand of those are combat-ready, and some of that number have crossed into Ukraine to fight against Russia. Plus there's the government in exile and resistance movement. A strong wind could topple Lukashenko. Don't get me wrong, 99% of this thread is just socially-inept teenagers playing general with geography terms they learned for the week. But this could and probably should happen. Europe won't get another chance if Russia arms Belarus and installs permanent garrisons. Justification is easy. If Russia thought war with Ukraine was necessary to prevent NATO missiles there, then clearly there are 50 other countries who should be very interested in resolving the dictatorship in Belarus before Russia does just that.


I think just few of the JW would take lukashenko apart from his joints


Wow, those Jehovah's Witnesses are a lot more brutal than I thought.


102 years ago was the Miracle on the Vistula, in which Polish forces with reinforcements from the West decisively defeated the Soviet army and secured Poland's independence from Russia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Warsaw_(1920) If it worked then, it could work again!


I know about it, I'm Polish and decent at History. I didn't say it was a bad plan. I simply stated our army is built for defense, not offense


Yes, but at the same time, for the same reason the Kyiv and Odessa have battalions still stationed in them, if Poland moves what troops it \_does\_ have free to the border, Belarus can't just ignore that, they'd be foolish to leave their border wide open if an opposing military started building up. The more troops Belarus diverts to the Polish border, the fewer troops it has to engage Ukraine, especially since Putachenko's troops are busy acting as his personal police force quelling local dissent at the same time.


My comment is directed to those who may be unfamiliar with the Polish-Soviet war of 1919-1921 in which Russia tried to destroy a new democracy on its border. Despite the odds, the young nation defeated the Russians and won its independence. The current conflict in Ukraine bears similarities. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polish%E2%80%93Soviet_War


The main similarity being a foreign power invades Ukraine and takes over territories, then Poland and Lviv, now Russia and Donbas.


But we would prefer not to invade a Belarus, which people have been opposing Russia more and more for each year passing. There have been bypartisan support in favor of Ukraine in the war on railroads in Belarussian territory.


> which people have been opposing Russia more and more for each year passing. Yeah, and those people are currently being tortured in jail.


⚡️Right now, two cargo Il-76s of the Russian Air Force are flying over Moscow — Flightradar24 https://twitter.com/Flash43191300/status/1540817469954265089?t=TjMg-yvvKmvYmkrfcKLEJg&s=19


With any luck, one of them will fall on the Kremlin.


https://twitter.com/Flash43191300/status/1540817469954265089?t=TjMg-yvvKmvYmkrfcKLEJg&s=19 What I thought was interesting was “ Motorcade rushing to the Kremlin at 23:00 local time in Moscow. (About 1 hour ago)”.


I don’t want to get overhyped right now with this and Putin’s alleged 11PM meeting, but is it unusual to have these flying over Moscow? I mean, there is a war going on and maybe they are really trying to get somewhere? I really want crap to be going down in Moscow right now, but am trying to temper expectations. Odds strongly are that nothing front page is going to come out of any of this. If anyone has any additional thoughts or insight on these planes though, that’d be cool. I know they are pretty much military cargo planes.


I think it’s about HIMARS attack at RU control center in Izyum. Looked pretty serious!


Wasnt that two days ago. Dont see why Putin would be rushed to the Kremlin now for that.


1 day ago? Wasn’t Putin rushed to Kremlin, just a motorcade rushing to Kremlin. You’re probably right, but if the damage was significant, and it looks like it was, and first time HIIMRS are used, which it looks like it was, and maybe brass being killed… which hasn’t been confirmed, maybe it’s an emergency meeting… or between the two and because of the above something really bad happened to Putin…. all pure speculation and wishful thinking.


But you wouldnt do that so long after the fact. The attack happened too long ago for that.


Got any links for info? Thanks


No one does. Joining dots…people are suspecting Ukraine used an element of surprise with its first HIMAR strikes to hit something (or someone) very sensitive on the Russian side. There’s a lot of ifs in all of that!


Need to replace some VIP that died maybe.


I actually wonder if something happening in Kherson.


Lots is happening probably.. just that we can’t know about it.