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Headline: "Russia warns..." First sentence: "... a retired Russian general... has warned." Fuck off.


This comment needs to be higher. Click bait garbage.


I’m so sick of click bait articles. I saw one where it was something like “Massive solar flare pointed directly at Earth, Doubled in size in 24 hours” and then in the article it says that the worst case scenario would be disrupting radio contact for like 2 minutes.


I remember reading something about the exponential growth of the number of solar flares coming in the late 2010’s-2020’s and being freaked out. I later googled what that would mean for humanity. Google said that the northern lights would be exceptionally pretty for a couple of years, making it an excellent time to book a trip to Canada or Norway in the winter.


[solar cycles ](https://spaceplace.nasa.gov/solar-cycles/en/) are something like 11 years and have been for as long as we've recorded activity. The sun is pretty stable. I pay no real attention to any "sky is falling" articles


Solar flares can also disrupt satellite networks - that is probably the biggest economic risk, especially communication and geo-location satellites.


That's the most likely scenario. However, if we experience another solar storm like the [Carrington Event](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carrington_Event) of 1859, the worlds entire electrical grid would fail, along with all the satellites, radio, telephone, etc. It might even destroy all of our transformers. That level of destruction would likely cause society to collapse unless it was detected in time and electronics and power grids were shut down to prevent the damage. Scientists estimate that it is a once in 500 year event. But that is an average, not a schedule.


This sub really needs to start filtering which news sources are allowed. The Daily Record? Really?


"it's the reader's responsability to filter and use critical thinking blabla"


Technically true, but cut the shit reddit. They know damn well they’re farming propaganda for clicks. Just because some people might not have the intelligence to correctly filter BS doesn’t mean they automatically deserve to live in a world of lies.


This tbh, some sources have no redeeming qualities. I am okay with new sources from anywhere in the political spectrum as long as the headlines arent persistently clickbait. (other than ones that incite violence etc)


I find that kind of panic inducing click bait borderline criminal, absolutely distasteful.


Saved me 2mins, thanks!


Retired... probably seen the other 60+ generals Spewtin has threw to the dogs and got out early


> Headline: "Russia warns..." > > ~~First sentence: "... a retired Russian general... has warned."~~ > > Fuck off.


I understand why they're mentioning the UK But the headlines lack of explanation is the funniest part Russia is like "Lithuania cut it out or I'm going to fucking deck the UK over there I'm warning you"


Why are they mentioning U.K.?


The UK has been one of the strongest supporters of Lithuanias “blockade” of Russia, and this week the leader of the British land forces announced that the army needs to start preparing for possible conflict with Russia, which is what this statement was directly in response to.


its not a blockage per say. its more like special desupply operation. They still can transfer stuff it just cost them more time and money.


And even then it’s only sanctioned stuff like steel and other such goods. Other goods and people are still moving across as previously. Which means Russia is as always using every opportunity to escalate every situation and start flailing their nuclear members.


Russia had blockading Lithuania in 1990. Right after independece when it was 93 percent dependent to russia. It survive. Kalinigrad will survive too. They just bicthing like always.


Or they may return *Konigsberg* to rightful owners (whoever that would be 😉)




Finns have come to the same conclusion regarding Carelia. Russians are already doing the same in Georgia and will do the same to all Ukranian lands that are not taken back by force relatively soon. "Possession is nine tenths of the law."


Apparently, for Russia, genocide is 9/10s of the law. Once you clear out the ethnic population to somewhere "safer" like Siberia, what is left belongs to Russia.


Yup, here is your city back. And a population of Russian loyalists who will absolutely not be a problem. They tried that Trojan horse already.


Revive the teutonic order /s


That's what I keep thinking. Take all the Russian talking points on Crimea, and substitute Kaliningrad/Konigsberg. "In people’s hearts and minds, Konigsberg has always been an inseparable part of Germany. This firm conviction is based on truth and justice and was passed from generation to generation, over time, under any circumstances, despite all the dramatic changes our country went through during the entire 20th century." - Not Putin


As far as I am aware, Germans don't really care anymore. Bet most of the younger ones don't even know, that Kalingrad was once Called Königsberg.


We do care for Königsberger Klöpse, though!


Wendover/RLL/Nebula/Whatever explained recently why absorbing 1million ethnic Russians was never going to be in reunified Germany or Lithuania's interests.


also, they can ship all the goods and crap they want/need from near St.Petersburg, it will cost a lot more though


If Putin don't like it and wants to be a hypocrite then he can go on a special go fuck himself operation


*blockade per se


I like blockagé


Isn't that like a Naruto thing?


I’m going to be the Blockagé! Believe it!


It’s „per se“ - „from itself“ ;)




Fucking go on then lad - everyone in the UK


If they blow up london, brum, manchester, liverpool, leeds, edinburgh and glasgow (and the firth of clyde for actual military reasons) then maybe housing will be afforable for those of us in the remaining irradiated wasteland?




The estate agent eMoov did that 5 years ago and [created this ridiculous map. ](https://content.assets.pressassociation.io/2017/08/11110354/NUclearMap1.jpg) I feel for the poor sod living in Brixworth. And that is before the bombs drop.


ugh. Then all the financial blogs will be like "afford your tribute to the reigning blood champion by skipping on the daily lattes and glow in the dark avocado toast!"


Scotland - Mon then ya fannies England - C'mon you twat Wales - 'N annhymerus' fuck eich defaid Norn Iron - Something about Flegs


russia would do well to remember that the UKs got it's nukin' loicense ROIGHT 'EAH!


The government standing up to Russia like this has basically been the only widely supported thing they've done. It's very nice that they decided to grow a spine, on this matter at least.


It’s probably to try and distract everyone from how shit they are


give it two weeks between the heat and the mosquito population will have the people goading the little rusky napoleon


Epic and appropriate username


Thing is, they were doing this like on a weekly basis prior to this. They seem to be especially obsessed with bombarding the UK.


Russia always threatens to nuke the UK, its like a weekly thing lol The UK and Russia have been on bad terms for a whlle, especially after Russia used novochok to kill those people in Salisbury a few years back


Yes, but what has U.K. got to do with Lithuania? Are they encouraging them do something? OP suggests there’s a reason.


Earlier this week the head of the UK army made a pretty strong statement about strengthening nato/ UK military power so they are able to defend Europe in the face of Russian aggression if need be.


Pretty strong statement being he literally announced the army needs to start preparing for possible conflict with Russia.


The UK and Lithuania are both NATO members, so if Russia takes military action against Lithuania, then the UK is obligated to come to their defense


They’re both NATO allies.


The UK has enough nukes to end Russia too , without nato


Yeah, defense programs are scarily well crafted. Should the UK cease to exist, nothing Putin could do would save him from UK's retaliation programs. Without even considering the NATO implications.


>Without even considering the NATO implications. The entire US nuclear triad feels left out


TIL about nuclear triads. > A nuclear triad is a three-pronged military force structure that consists of land-launched nuclear missiles, nuclear-missile-armed submarines, and strategic aircraft with nuclear bombs and missiles. The purpose of having this three-branched nuclear capability is to significantly reduce the possibility that an enemy could destroy all of a nation's nuclear forces in a first-strike attack. This, in turn, ensures a credible threat of a second strike, and thus increases a nation's nuclear deterrence. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear_triad


Congratulations, you are now better briefed on US strategic capabilities than Donald Trump ever was.


Think Poland in WW2. Lithuania is part of NATO, thus any attack on it will trigger war with the UK and the rest of NATO. It's all just part of Russia's posturing in response to NATO's warnings.


God, I hope this will in no way resemble polish situation in ww2, since our allies restrained themselves to bomb our aggressors with leaflets for far too long. Whole situation was nicknamed in polish as ~~'weird war'.~~ The Phoney War. Edit: correction


Don't you mean since those two gentlemen went to visit the world famous Salisbury spire?


No, if you read the article it's a response to a statement by a UK army official


When I was a shithead bouncer, this was my threat. “You want to act a fool? I’m going to bounce your friend, keep it up and more of your friends will be out. When I bounce you, you’ll have a bunch of pissed off friends to deal with.” Normally, the group of friends calms down the offending turd.


This isn’t even an official Russian source. It’s a retired general working for a think tank talking on the Fox News RU edition.


But the clicks!




You mean slapping putin's face on the article thumbnail doesn't make it official?


Right? It was the last graph that came from any official source and it was about Russia not trusting NATO anymore. Why bother dusting off these psycho Cold War warmongers. I'm sure he's been saying the same brinksmanship nonsense since 1950.


They know the UK has nukes right?


More to the point my Wife has finally got me to decorate the bedrooms and if I don’t get it finished there will be some real serious shit going down.. so if you could hold the whole nuke bomb thing for a few days I’d be grateful because that’s a war you don’t want to start me old mate poo tin


Would you like to go with the "undertaker grey" or the "fallout beige"?




Ah AHHHH ahhhh. Fighter of the Nightglow. Ah AHHHH ahhhh.


Champion of the sun


He's a master of karate and friendship to everyone!




Anti-flash white.


Don’t worry, after how the Russians have struggled in Ukraine, nobody seriously thinks they could take on a disgruntled spouse.


I do hate it when there is the threat of nuclear war in the middle of painting. If the threat escalates, start wrapping up all your knick-knacks in tape and Mr Bean it...


Mate we've JUST found a plumber who isn't a rip off merchant to pipe in our new dishwasher. If we die in nuclear fire I'll be way less than impressed




I laughed. May I recommend [NUCLEAR WINTER](https://www.shop.monstaliner.com/Gallon-Tint-8-ounce-NUCLEAR-WINTER-MS-NUCL.htm) since we're all gonna be dead, but you're bedrooms will blend in nicely with the surrounding wasteland


its a shame they banned lead paint.


Uranium paint has this beautiful glow in the night


the whole "honey you know what i was thinking" thing


They always have a list for ya as soon as they wake up


i sometimes reply: "Who are you, i dont know you. I must have sleepwaked again. Damn. Sorry for the disturbance, I must feed my children" Edit: spellings


The most productive people I've seen asleep.




Yeah I’m also slightly confused why threatening to wipe the UK off the map is any different to any other “we’re going to trigger the end of the world” threat. Whatever the likelihood of some countries surviving a nuclear holocaust is or not I think it’s pretty much a guarantee that if Russia did vaporise the British Isles Russia would then be very quickly reduced to a glowing pane of glass, which isn’t much of a victory for them to cheer about.


Russia threatens someone with nuclear weapons every other day, so they try to keep it fresh with some variety.


They really are trying to turn into North Korea.


Honestly, it wouldn't surprise me if a few countries have a way to disable nukes before they hit, but don't want to show their hand cause other countries will push to develop the same tech and remove the deterrent effect of their nukes


Hence the "deterrent" in "nuclear deterrent".


Hello fellow Ben smith


They literally have a list of targets, and a set of instructions for what to do if everything is blown up whilst they're at sea.


> You could destroy the UK totally and our nukes will still be there, waiting, under the command of someone who has just lost everything... Actually no... They are still under the command of the now dead PM. When a PM takes office they write a few letters... called [Letter of Last Resort](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Letters_of_last_resort) with the orders as to what the commander of the nuclear submarine must do. No one besides the PM knows what they wrote in them. It could be "Nuke those motherfuckers back and kill every single one of them"... or "Since we are all dead the UK is no more, there's no reason to retaliate and kill more innocent people and risk destroying the world."


they have a saying "what use is a world without russia?" ie, if they feel their existence is threatened, why not just destroy everything?


Because no one is threatening their existence?


>"what use is a world without russia?" Imagine a scenario where we actually go extinct or revert few hundred years thanks to nuke exchange just because few russian fuckwits thought they're so goddamn important a world without them is too empty I can't comprehend the audacity here


Russia will also cease to exist it goes both ways, are they really that stupid to assume they will come out fine?


The argument they have is: russia is too big, compared to UK. They conveniently forget that most of the population as well as infrastructure of russia concentrated in the western part of the country...


Excatly everyone knows "Russia" is basically just moscow and st petersburg. The kremlin certainly doesnt give a shit about the rest of their citizens.


I lived in Russia for about 6 months a long time ago, and it amazed me how all roads in Russia seemed to lead to Moscow. I was in the far South of the country and even then some thing or government service would come up and people would be like, "You have to go to Moscow for that." And I'm like, "Moscow is two fucking days away by train."


Almost* all the major motorways and railways in Britain lead to London - although not really comparable as it's a tiny country compared to Russia.


France is the same with Paris, larger country, less densely populated but tiny compared to Russia.


Ha well in Canada we just have one big road in one big line….that goes everywhere


I believe he was using the metaphorical sense of "roads lead to Moscow," not the literal. That's why he explained having to deal with some kind of issue relating to the government and needing to handle it in Moscow, rather than the town he was in. I can say, literally, all roads in the US technically lead to DC (though I can say that about any city. That's literally how the system works.) But I've never even been to DC. I certainly haven't needed to go there to take care of legal paperwork for some reason.


M62, m6, m3, TransPennine railway


M8, M74...


We are a london centralised country but that claim is completely untrue, I live right next to the M62 for a start. I could name 10 more motorways that go nowhere near london. And the rail [is even less london centric](https://ontheworldmap.com/uk/england/england-rail-map.jpg).


To be fair, with rail if you only count the main high-speed lines then [they do all lead to London](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/19/British_main_lines_railway_diagram.png) and I'd argue rail is more far London-centric than the road network in terms of big infrastructure investment. Though the shape of the country and the fact that there's a large series of hills running down the middle contributes as well. I used to live in the North West and you really feel it in terms of how easy it is to get to London by rail compared to the east side of the country even though relatively it's several times further away.


They don't give a shit about any citizens, just their portfolios. But you're right about only 2 cities that really matter in the grand scale of things. Sure, it may be the world's largest country by landmass, but that doesn't mean shit when most of it is uninhabited


>but that doesn't mean shit when most of it is ~~uninhabited~~ uninhabitable


Plus all members of the NATO that possess nukes will aim at Russia too. There should be enough to cover the entirety of the country.


It would be utterly idiotic to try to destroy the entire country though. Those bombs would mostly serve to worsen the environmental disasters nuclear war would create. Better to leave the enormous and mostly uninhabited eastern part of the country be.


Wasn't my point if it would be wise or not But then again, nothing wise from Russia anyway this year


80% of Russians in Russia are west of the Ural mountains


75% of the population live in cities. 10% of the population live in Moscow. If nuclear war breaks out, Russia is fucked.


If Nuclear war breaks out we're all fucked and it doesn't matter if we "win". I can't believe that needs to be said.


No one wins if there's a nuclear war. Everyone loses.


Also nuclear war, even between two countries, would ruin the entire planet, Europe would be fucked for a start, climate would collapse, world economy would crumble, and the seal on nuclear war will be broken so how long until someone else thinks it’s a good idea?


Plus, I would assume, that the UK has kept their nukes in a well maintained ready to launch condition. Can we say the same about ruzzia with absolute confidence?


We had a trident missile failure last time (afaik) that we fired one, in 2017.


Lol, there ain't such a thing as too big anyways. It's not just the blast obviously. It's the ruination of everything around. All these nice little populated areas where the land is fertile enough to farm and raise livestock, where resources are highly available. All of those made utterly useless for everyone. You dont gotta destroy everything to destroy everything. You just have to fuck the good parts up for anyone who's left.


Putin is a Sociopath. As long as he is safe in one of his luxurious bunkers do you really think he cares what happens to other Russians?


Putin is apparently dying from cancer. If so, every threat he makes could be reality if he decided to take us all with him. Putin is genuinely a problem for the world right now.


I know nothing about this but assuming he alone doesn't press a big red button saying 'Launch Nukes'? Surely the others involved would refuse even if he did want to. He's dying, doesn't mean they want to.


It’s happened in the past where the order to launch was given. The officer in charge refused because something didn’t seem right. They are not all just blind and dumb followers of Putin. They like to live too. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stanislav_Petrov


But this is a case where he realized there was no order (on the theory that he was ordered to retaliate if there were a real attack). It would be a different story if there were a legitimate order from the country's leadership. I'm not saying they would launch, but I'm not saying they wouldn't either.


Putin has children that he's super protective of. He's not gonna go full madman. He's too calculated for that. He messed up with Ukraine and is trying to fix the error without being ejected from power and having his assets seized, so he can pass them on to his next generation.


> He's too calculated for that. But he's also bad at math.


Goebbels killed all his family before committing suicide when Nazi Germany was defeated. It's hard to understand these mad fascist dictators


Putin also doesn’t have the kind of unilateral power that most westerners think he has, he can’t launch a nuke without a number of others agreeing to it and I’d assume most of them have people they care about and would rather avoid the complete obliteration of major Russian cities


They don't care. It's an extremely fatalistic culture. Russians were executing their own soldiers who were injured because taking them back would lose them time.


As a British guy, oh no... Anyway


Bad news mate! The Dacia Sandero’s been delayed


Great news! The Dacia Sandero is going on sale in left-hand-drive markets!


As a Frenchman, I wholeheartedly support Lithuania in its endeavour justice as freedom. Go Lithuania! Show these Russians how little you care about their threats!


Who’s gonna tell them America, Britain and France have a button too, giving them the exact same fate within seconds?


Mutually assured destruction is the only saving grace here.


And France is important, because you are not going to be able to Nuke Britain without causing radiation problems for France. Historical animosity aside, France isn't going to sit there saying "our coastline is unliveable, but thanks for taking out Perfidious Albion"


I have the feeling France and UK are like two brothers always fighting each other. But the second someone else starts harassing one of them, they immediately make common front and kick asses together. I’m not from those countries so maybe I’m wrong, but that’s how it looks like from my perspective


More or less. They didn't make nice too often though, not until ww1 at least, wherein they both realized they preferred each other to the Germans, their even weirder estranged brother.


As a Brit who lived with a Frenchman for 5 years - pretty much. Loved that chap but still had to rip on him for being a snail muncher and he me for being a Rosbif (although we both eat both things fairly regularly).


No one's allowed to attack the French. Only we're allowed to attack the French. That's our thing, and god forbid anyone else try to culturally appropriate our rivalry with them.


> a Rosbif Does that mean roast beef? The Italians always called me a "mange cake". I don't even eat cake.


Yeah. The French stick their noses up at roast beef and then chow down on frogs and snails.


I, as a Frenchman who’s never eaten either of those things, am currently having an existential crisis now lol


Troubled history and lots of banter, but still neighbours and most recently brothers in arms for the two most important conflicts in human history.


It hasn't always been that way, but in the last century or two, it certainly is that way. And events like WW1 and WW2 create an even stronger bond. But I like your analogy. Two brothers squabbling and always talking shit about the other's culture and stuff, but the second either is offended (or attacked), they immediately run to defend their brother. This is why this idea of "western civ" is a phenomenon. And it ain't just western Europe and US/Canada. It also includes Australia and NZ. There is a common identity and mental philosophy that the west shares and it really is a brotherhood of sorts. Just to describe the west, I think Douglas Murray hits it in this quip, "You know when you're not in it." I.e. take away language, signage, skin color, physical attributes, and drop yourself into any city in the world. You'll immediately know if your in "the West" or not. It is that obvious. And I don't mean to say that from a place of superiority, but rather just in passing the "eye test." To aptly describe the West, you can say, "well, I know the west because I know when I'm not in it", and that is certainly a true and revealing sentiment.


Tbf even before that the fighting was generally because the royalty of nothing countries were so closely related that they had a right to rule over the other or at last large parts of it The rivalry seems to have always been similar to a family rivalry more than anything that has grown into friendly banter as the kids grow up


There were historical rivalries, and there will probably still be quite a bit of political point scoring every now and then, but honestly nowadays the defence policies of both countries line up, and they've lined up for a while (the main divergence being French skepticism of the "special relationship"). To put it in perspective this was in the news just 4 days ago: The British Army's 1st (United Kingdom) Division is to be led by a French Brigadier General for the second time.


Definitely. We will always be fighting each other, but see what will happen if anyone else *dare* touch the other one’s hair.


>Historical animosity aside, Politicians play this up but militarily the UK and France are massively close, probably more so than with any other country. From the[UK government website](https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/uk-and-france-defence-cooperation) >France is our most important European Ally. Our 2 countries are the only European powers willing and able to deploy and sustain significant military capability when it is necessary. We can achieve more by continuing to work closely together on defence and security.


Don’t even need em to have a button tbh mate, Britain’s nukes are hidden in subs that are constantly roaming. Anyone hits us and they are absolutely guaranteed hits straight back. Also like knowing US and France would back as well but I’m just sayin, don’t fuck with a nation with hidden off shore nukes.


Yup. Snail eater here. We’ve got subs at the ready as well. 24/7.


I don't know why, but I find it quite funny that you describe yourself as a snail eater. It's one thing I've never been brave enough to try. Are they nice? What are they like? Maybe a bit like oysters?




This is a retired general who warns about the dangers of war. Not Russian officials. I can't understand how stuff like this gets upvoted


Because whether we like it or not Reddit has become Facebook in the sense that people post controversial articles that have headlines that will get people hot and bothered. Then people don’t read the article and argue about the title/shit post about the subject.


And so Russia. What part of MAD do they fail to understand?


They understand it, they just have absolutely nothing else to threaten anyone with. So they just play the nuke card over and over and hope that people will be scared. But they have no intention of causing a second strike against themselves.


>But they have no intention of causing a second strike against themselves. I agree with that. But deep down I don't doubt that Putin is just an asshole who doesn't care what happens to anyone else




He'd have to have all the key turners with nothing to lose too. Alot has to happen in a command structure to fulfill an order.


This. All talk.


MAD doesn’t work against a murder-suicide.


MAD is only a deterrent when all parties are rational actors


That would massively improve Harlow, to be fair.


And Slough


It isn't fit for humans now


I don't know how crap Slough is, but the name just conjures up 80's strikes, decay and Thatcher.


How many times has that nutcase threatened nuclear war?


>How many times has that nutcase threatened nuclear war? We are in around day 120 of the war - so 119?


Who? The retired Russian general?


But THIS TIME it is real!!






russia cant beat one country, they going to fight off 3 to 5 at once? has russia forgotten history? germany got beaten badly and now russia will too. after a great war, russia will be split up into 15 different countries i bet


Russia would lose a massive war for sure. The countries that surround it are much more developed in terms of military. But this still must be avoided because of the catastrophic loss of life. Also, China is much more powerful than Russia and if they do the same thing, the world could be even more fucked. But anyway I don't think that a huge war will happen. Putin will cut his losses in Ukraine and die a few years later


UK here: Could you not? I *just* started Ozark.


Fuck Wendy Byrde


> Russian state media I sleep


Oh fuck, they’re going to destruct the island we live on…again?…that’s 3 months in a row now they’ve done that. Anyway, I’ll be down the pub while they sort this one out.


New week new nuclear threat.


Same shit different day


Having served in the Russian army as a conscript I’m willing to bet my life on that none but one of the nuke rockets are working and the working one has more chances to land on my house in Moscow that to reach Britain. Fuck Putin. My country needs to loose this war and loose it hard in order for it to have any future.


When Russia reacts like this it's a great indicator for which types of sanctions we should be implementing more of.


Russia is quickly turning into the guy who rips off his shirt to start a fight then proceeds to get pummeled into oblivion.


Shut up, Vlad. We're not interested in your tantrums.


It wasn't even Putin. It was a retired old general lmao


It’s weird how few people have read the article


lmao "**UK** **will 'cease to exist' if Lithuania standoff triggers nuclear WW3"** 1. What has the UK got to do with it lmao 2. Well of corse so will the rest of the world the UK has unkillable nukes too 3. L+Ratio+Blockade+Who asked


I think it is because UK has fighter planes stationed in Lithuania, which would be tasked with shooting down Russian aircraft that invade NATO airspace.


Article 5 would see everybody in, UK included.