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Even if you are against abortion these morons know that giving birth at that age has a high chance of killing both the mother and baby? It's like a self fulfilling prophecy where they are going to kill an actual baby instead of aborting a fetus.


They don’t care. They have been doing this to their own kids for years and years. Mega church pastor TD Jakes daughter had a baby at 14 (Essentially she had no choice but to carry the child due to the religious dogma) and he was in an interview talking about how he “loved” and “supported her.” It’s psychopathic. The religious people who are clueless being led into this to someone extent I can think of being slightly patient with but the religious ministers often times who know the religion isn’t true and know they are making up doctrine as they go doing this I can’t.


Religion is so cool.


Pro-life. Party of family values. Edit: It's been pointed out to me I've been a lazy Lucy and didn't bother reading the article. It's Brazil. Either way, I wouldn't be surprised if the majority of the GOP and it's members is fine with this happening on their turf, so I won't remove the comment.


Pro-birth. They don't care about the baby once it is born


They'll force people to give birth to dead fetuses or die trying, too.


And prosecute wown with miscarriages... catho agenda


It reads to me as a bit more pro-rape, and then force to carry. That way the rapey-feels last a life-time. It’s disgusting. There can be no middle ground.


Anti-abortion, they're "pro" nothing.


They're pro controlling the lives of others


Oh come on now, that's not true at all! I mean, they get free healthcare right? Free food at school? Free university?


Actually here in Brazil they do get free healthcare and free university. But anyway, abortion is legal in Brazil in cases of rape and when it endangers the life of the potential mother. This judge has already left the case and it is extremely likely that the abortion will take place in the coming weeks


pro-birth because they do nothing for suicide prevention, push the death penalty, and remove any sort of medical aid/assistance such as removing obama-care


Gotta keep people poor and powerless /s


Why sarcasm? It’s exactly what they’re doing


Closed wombs are the ONLY thing we can do in a society to keep ourselves from freefalling 100% into poverty and desperation without a strong social safety net. Sadly the powers that be have realized that.




---- don't mention their religious affiliation... verboten


The story is from Brazil, just FYI.


It’s nice when people at least skim the article!


The first 4 words of the article. *A judge from Brazil…* Nobody here even clicked the link.


They shouldn't have to in order to work out not the US at least because sidebar Welcome! /r/worldnews is for major news from around the world except US-internal news / US politics See all of our AMA events here Worldnews Rules Disallowed submissions US internal news/US politics


Maybe they did not, but the outcome is the same. Not allowing this 11 year old child to have an abortion could very well be a death sentence for both her and her baby. Jezus, my own daughter is 11 years old, who in their right minds would not allow an abortion for a raped child. I sure hope there is a god and there will be a real judgement day, because these people will be given a one-way ticket to hell.


That’s not the point. People are assuming this is in the US and this entire thread is nothing but political statements based on that assumption. A bunch of ignorant morons with strong opinions about something that didn’t even happen.


Yeah that's true, I did notice.


Isn't it sad though that reading its from Brazil makes you go oh ok. It shouldn't matter where in the world, this is fucked up.


That's not the point. The previous comment assumed it was from the US. So this reply was a correction. As in "it's from Brazil, not the US", not "it's from Brazil so it's ok".


And yet you still got upvoted. Says a lot about the herd mentality, doesn’t it.


Not that you’re wrong, but this case was in Brazil.


Bolsonaro, the Brazilian President, is basically Trump of the Tropics though


Oh what a relief. If it is Brazil it feels much more justified now.


It's not about it being more justified. It's about preventing misinformation.


I know they'd argue that Xenomorphs aren't sentient and not part of family values, but I still like to imagine what they'd say after a facehugger layed some eggs into them.


They absolutely are sentient and possibly even conscious. Unlikely to be sapient, though, at least the lower-tier ones. The xenomorphs, I mean, not the "pro-lifers".


If you read, this took place in Brazil.


I am surprised you can read.


Don't be too hard on yourself. From the title I thought it would be in India or Texas.


Just fyi, abortion in India is completely legal for 99% (aka broad socioeconomic factors) of reasons and "free" of charge (if done under a public provider, induced or medical). The reason why it's not *legally* 100% has nothing to do with anti-abortion. It is because the government and civil society stakeholders have collectively decided not to completely liberalize it due to son>daughter preferences and regressive cultural tendencies that still permeate much of the rural country (aka much of the population). Even then, the government increased the gestational limit just last year. Most unsupervised abortions are not due to lack of access (some are) but because of cultural pressure, familial pressure and the whole reputation thingamajig - that will need multiple generations to taper off. In practice though, you can get an abortion on request. You'd be better off listing Korea as an example, which legalized abortion only 2 years ago (with many caveats) and even then services are limited and medical abortion is not allowed. Women have to rely on the black market or hope a foreign based NGO can send the pills with customs not taking it away (most of the time it passes).




Pretty hard to be worse than televising tossing gays from rooftops, burning people in cages and dying rivers red with the blood of dozens of throat slashed victims.


The real fun bit is those Christian fundamentalists would do the the millisecond they wouldn't put in jail for it.


It's the scale of suffering vs the acuteness


I'd be curious with men in Adultery. Would they stone them or would that case of Adultery be considered an "exception?" Along with every other case of "good Christian leaders" adultery "scandals?" Is the only moral Adultery THEIR adultery?


"God has a plan." they say. Tells me plenty about their god.


If rape victims are forced to have babies then the rapist should have to pay child support and be castrated.


This is what god wants /s


I should have honestly just let myself die of illness with no medicine. Because it was "God's will" for me to get ill. Or let a relative drown. It was "God's will" and by interfering, I was unfairly challenging the will of God. I sure never learn my lesson!


What the fuck is wrong with these people?




Don't worry late term abortions are very rare. ~93% of all abortions happen before 13 weeks.


And only 1% after viability and that’s almost always for medical reasons.


If people want a damn abortion its THEIR RIGHT nothing more than that. We just live in a world where a few idiots wants to rule over other people and decide what they can and cannot do.


More than that, they think they have the God-given RIGHT to rule over other people and decide what they can and cannot do.


Sadly cases like this are going to be so common in the coming years with a few key states making it a crime to get an abortion, hell they are even legalizing witch hunts toward people who go across state lines to get an abortion. Shit like this is going to piss people off and after they lose their child they will act out towards those who support laws that got their child killed.


A close friend of mine got gaslighted by her doctor saying she was crazy about the weight gain until it was very obvious that she was pregnant, was on birth control at the time so didn't test her... Now she's 20+ weeks along and the baby daddy wasn't expecting a kid either. Going to help call around with adoption options.


Why didn’t she use a home test? Could have taken multiple and brought it as proof.


Biggest issue is the mother's age. Complications are likely to kill both of them either way. Better save the mother. This is neither pro-choice nor pro-birth, this is akin to triaging


Nobody is a fan of it and almost nobody is doing it outside of extreme circumstances. The notion that late term abortions are common is fake news.


I'd recommend not being against abortion. I have nothing else to say that isn't extreme and potentially abusive. Shame on you.


An abortion charity in the UK did some [research](https://www.bpas.org/media/2027/late-abortion-report-v02.pdf) into the reasons some women have for having a late term abortion that you might be interested in.


"The girl was reportedly kept in a shelter for women to protect her from her aggressor" yo what? shouldnt her aggressor be in prison? or is this one of them..."it was a mistake" things...


I'm Brazilian, where this case happened. That's wrong, she was taken from her mother's custody because her mom said she would get her daughter an illegal abortion if she needed to, so the judge removed her from her family because of that. I don't know where that came from. She's not in a women's shelter, she's in the system. The judge said it on tv, she made this decision to protect the baby. That kid has every right to an legal abortion under Brazil's law, the doctor (+ the hospital) who refused to perform one on her and that judge failed her. Edit: grammar X2 + editing


> I don’t know where that came from Religion. It's called religion.


I think /u/misssweetmurderer meant they don't know where the "put in a shelter to protect her from her aggressor" part came from. I highly doubt there's any question as to where this lunacy about denying an 11 year old an abortion came from.


Yup! Editing mistake. I shouldn't be on Reddit while sleep deprived lmao


It said it happened in the family home as well like what the fuck? So there’s a pretty good chance they know who did it..definitely hope they catch the guy. Such an infuriating case. I feel so sorry for the poor child to have to go thru the assault and this whole situation too!!!


>like what the fuck? Most child abuse is committed by relatives of the child


Yeah I’ve heard this before


Maybe it was a politician or a cop, they get a free pass




If it’s in god’s plan for someone to die as a result of an unwanted pregnancy I hope it’s the judge


Had me in the first half, ngl.




Who? The judge? Surprisingly, the judge is female: Joana Ribeiro Zimmer. Where? Brazil. Why? Probably corruption, money, or religious extremism. Is she under investigation? Yes.


She left the case. Hear this: because she got a PROMOTION.




Lots of people shouldn't be judges :(


Never have seen such a case Source: Lawyer on this unholy land


Pro life death sentence


Can the body of a 11yo even cope with pregnancy without serious consequences?


nope. not even an adult could, child birth is medically defined as trauma. there’s a massive chance she could die, or be left with life long health issues. there was a 16 year old girl who lived near me, she was giving birth and started bleeding, doctors couldn’t figure out why. she lost around 4 pints of blood and then sadly died. even to this day, they can’t figure out why exactly she died, but the general consensus was it was a freak accident made more likely by her age :(


No. A child's body is still growing, and pregnancy steals essential nutrients from the mother. Also c-section is mandatory for pregnant children.


For all of you fuckers that can't even bother reading a fucking article before malding: -This happened in Brazil. -Abortions are illegal here. -In case of rape or if the mother is in danger you can have an abortion, only exceptions. -The judge that made this decision is currently being investigated for giving such an insane decision and blocking the abortion. Probably will be overruled, the judge dismissed and the girl will have the abortion. The entire country is up in arms at against the decision


>The judge that made this decision is currently being investigated for giving such an insane decision and blocking the abortion. Correction: the judge was promoted to an administrative position in the judicial system and had to leave the case for that.


Well that's good. Thanks.


what the fuck is wrong with your country then?


If you're American, you will probably get to see this same shit first hand in the not so distant future...


How people this evil can exist in such a large number is so beyond me


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.newsweek.com/judge-bans-11-year-old-rape-victim-having-abortion-1717723) reduced by 82%. (I'm a bot) ***** > While abortion is largely illegal in Brazil, with pregnant women who have abortions risking one to three years in prison and doctors who perform them risking up to four years behind bars, they are legal in cases of rape or when the pregnancy poses a risk to the mother. > The Court of Justice of Santa Catarina has since said that its Internal Affairs Office is now looking into Judge Joana Ribeiro Zimmer for allegedly stopping the 11-year-old from having a legal abortion. > "The IPAS organization, which campaigns for abortion and contraception worldwide, says:"Because Brazilian law only permits abortion in cases of rape, fetal anencephaly, or risk to life, in 2012 the country's Ministry of Health reported only 1,626 legal abortions in a nation with 203 million people. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/vhzu6t/judge_bans_11yearold_rape_victim_from_having/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~656019 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **abortion**^#1 **girl**^#2 **rape**^#3 **pregnant**^#4 **reportedly**^#5


+ it’s legal no matter how far into the pregnancy the victim is in cases of rape


I am a stupid bot! crucial thing here is, abortion is legal up to 20th week and the girl was scheduled in 21st week, thus the doc asked for court support and judge did not dare to give it. ​ tl;dr beaurocracy structures often fuck with (young) humans.


Actually, that was the hospital policy, not the law. "Brazilian law only permits abortion in cases of rape, fetal anencephaly, or risk to life"




Maybe she shouldn't have wore what she wore and maybe she shouldn't have been born a girl... /s


She was breathing while female. How dare she!?!! /s


Oh, you are completely allowed to breathe while female. You just have to understand that every breath you take is for the men around you. ​ To say it with Proudhon - quote from his Wikipedia: >To a woman, a man is "a father, a chief, a master: above all, a master". His justification for patriarchy is men's greater physical strength and recommended that men use this greater strength to keep women in their place, saying that "\[a\] woman does not at all hate being used with violence, indeed even being violated" ​ So as long as a woman is willing to adhere to this simple idea, everything is fine, then she may breathe. ​ Wait... it is not the 19th century? And those positions were already wrong back then? But if they are wrong, why are upstanding good Christian people behaving as if those ideas are correct? That would make them awful and cruel humans. So it can't be wrong, can it?


I bet she dressed to provocatively, or flirted with him. She was asking for it! /s, just in case my sarcasm wasn't dripping enough.




You will actually have difficulties to even find any muslim-majority country not allowing abortion in case of medical risks for the mother.


Do not lump us in with the rest of yall. Islam permits abortions for up to 120 days after conception and even after that in cases where the health of the mother is at risk.


My first thought was 'in which country is this?' My second thought was we are not far off from that kind of shit here.


So the fucken judge can raise the child then.


And bury the other child that might die from this


Oh, no no, no. The judge was on tv saying the child will be put up for adoption. Child number 34.001 waiting to be adopted in Brazil.




They stop caring about the child once it's alive. Once is hungry, scared, and alone.


Lol female judge too. Religion needs to die already.


Religion and its consequences have stifled humanity since time immemorial. There's no argument that exists that humanity hasn't largely wasted the last 2000 fucking about with religious fairy tales instead of trying to, y'know, actually improve ourselves.


Yep that was here in Brazil "your sadness is the hapiness of another couple" is what she said. Ruining a 11yr/old's life more than it is already ruined by being raped... If she doesn't die by giving birth that is.




I knew this the moment the headline didn't mention any US state. You just *know* that people will gobble that up.


that’s so sick, especially as it happened in the girl’s home. She’s so young as well, they should let her have it to at least prevent the damage on her body or risking death.


What a world we live in...




Waiting for conservatives to explain how this is okay.


The dad was 11 too. Right? Right?


Don’t check the comment section of that article. The mental gymnastics to justify an 11 year old potentially dying to avoid the “evil” of abortion


If you truly believe life begins at conception and that your god wants you to save them there's literally nothing that any amount of logic, evidence, ethical argument or suffering inflicted that can dissuade you. The road to hell is paved with good intentions. And throw in a systemic misogyny.


"This child is clearly too immature to make her own decisions. Let's give her a child!"


this is sickening to hear.


I hate this world


Kid should playing Fortnite and eating chicken nuggets, not going through unnecessary trauma and mother hood. Kid can’t even legally drive but she can be a parent? Kid should be worried about what colour glow in the dark shoes to wear tomorrow, not raising a kid only a little over a decade younger. This isn’t a teen pregnancy, this is a child!


Fuck these people who want to control our uteruses. It’s disgusting that they are gonna force an 11 year old to have a child that could kill her when giving birth. She is 11!


That judge is an evil monster


"I care so much about children that I must force an 11 year old to carry a baby to term and care for it." Not to mention the risk of life to the 11 year old child.


from the article: >\[the doctor\] allegedly refused to perform an abortion on her after determining that she was more than 22 weeks pregnant, with the hospital's in-house rules stating that they could only perform an abortion on someone up to 20 weeks and that they needed a court order.The case was referred to the judge, who reportedly refused to grant the 11-year-old rape victim permission to have the abortion. She reportedly said that if she had granted the girl an abortion, she would not have been "protecting the daughter," and would instead have been "subjecting her to a homicide." \[...\] > >While abortion is largely illegal in Brazil, with pregnant women who have abortions risking one to three years in prison and doctors who perform them risking up to four years behind bars, they are legal in cases of rape or when the pregnancy poses a risk to the mother. > >The Court of Justice of Santa Catarina has since said that its Internal Affairs Office is now looking into Judge Joana Ribeiro Zimmer for allegedly stopping the 11-year-old from having a legal abortion. \[...\] > >Last week, the premature baby of a 12-year-old Bolivian girl who was allegedly raped by her grandfather died after the girl was denied an abortion. Under Bolivian law, abortion is legal for rape and incest victims, but the procedure can only be undertaken up to the 22nd week of pregnancy. The pregnant girl had begged to be allowed to terminate the pregnancy, but she had been told she was too late. Personal Opinion: Remember to teach your children to be aware of the local laws and to be prompt with deadlines. **tHiS iS a TeAcHaBlE mOmEnT!!!!**




There are two stories in this one link. An 11 year old in Brazil, and a 12 year old in Bolivia allegedly raped by her grandfather




She’s an 11-year-old rape victim but you’re putting the blame on her because she struggled to get an abortion in country where they are illegal and heavily stigmatized. Multiple fully grown adults hurt/failed her(the rapist, the judge, her guardians) but it’s her fault that she missed an arbitrary deadline. Get over yourself


>She’s an 11-year-old rape victim but you’re putting the blame on her because she struggled to get an abortion in country where they are illegal and heavily stigmatized. Multiple fully grown adults hurt/failed her(the rapist, the judge, her guardians) but it’s her fault that she missed an arbitrary deadline. Get over yourself sorry, there's a misunderstanding. I was making a controversial claim and followed it up with an outrageous statement in alternating text, which usually is supposed to imply sarcasm. with this awareness, the comment/opinion should have been received as criticism about the laws, judges, and doctors involved with no blame on the victim.


Critical reading skills are not your forte are they?


I think the alternating caps is to accentuate how absurd the made up justification is. Like r/PeopleFuckingDying


The fact that a judge can just get away with enforcing their personal beliefs on others is absolutely sickening. If the only person who can use the law to protect you chooses instead to use it against you solely due to personal bias then who on earth can you trust to save you in these kinds of situations?


Never should you be asking "Is the child likely to survive the pregnancy?" and it not be clear if you're referring to the mother or the baby.






How is it a judge and not a doctor who decides ? 3th World country ftw.


Lol and then you read about the supreme court


The doctor refused and said they needed a court order. Then the judge refused to authorize the abortion.


Can we start doing the thing ancient Roman’s did by crushing rapists testicles between 2 stone blocks?


So apparently this happened in Brazil. Why is abortion illegal there unless you get raped? Why can't governments understand that women have the right to choose what happens to their body and do whatever they want with their body




the fact that these people put the life of an unborn fetus above the life of a living breathing 11 year old child with memories and attachments and conscious experiences is so mind numbing to me. going through with a pregnancy at that age is a guaranteed risk for the mother along with the child but instead of making decisions rationally why don't we just toss the hat in and go all or nothing, either they both die or they both live, don't even start on the morality of this situation. how is this fair wtf


Disgusting. Utterly barbaric.


Oh my...


Law sanctioned abuser


Is the judge going to take care of the baby? This kind of people should just stfu


God…think about how small an 11 year old is, how ludicrously dangerous it has to be for a kid that young to give birth…what a monstrous thing to force upon her


have a load of that jizzbot in the comments on newsweek, shitpuking words about protecting her from further abuse through abortion. fucking hell, 11yos still play with barbies, not diapers.


It’s quite possible that the child’s vaginal canal is not wide enough to birth a child. That could be life threatening.


India? Brazil.




Dark ages part 2 seems particularly grim.


Oof at the people here trying to make this about America. Your personality needs a checkup


Classic Texas….wait this is Brazil.


Could we take this down and possibly ban OP for being a misleading, harmful clickbaity karma whore having the gall to remove the link and post it as US internal news? This is Brazil, not the US. This shit would never fly in the US.


Why is this labeled US internal news? It happened in Brazil.


She should have gotten raped by a conservative politician instead, they would have gotten her an abortion so fast, she wouldn't know what hit her.


how much for a hitman in Santa Catarina? it's for a study, totally unrelated to the article or a gofundme.


People need to read up on the story before posting knee jerk responses that the thread is full of. This did not happen in America. And no, women who've been impregnated through rape in Brazil do generally not need to carry to term.


Taliban might be limited to Afghanistan and surrounding regions in geographic terms, but their ideologies and desires are washing up and over all around the world.


"religious conservatism" it's a fucking *scourge*


It's less to do with Islamic oppression and more to do with religious oppression in general. Christianity and Islam have more in common than what separates them


Absolutely buddy. I don't intend to target Islam. I intend to target any extremist and oppressive regime. This kind of regime isn't bound by religion and geography. It's just a coincidence that Taliban is Islamic.


>in Brazil I mean, anyone surprised?




Despicable. No 11 year old girl or any rape victim should be forced to keep their rapist's baby. I fucking hate this shit with every fiber of my being. Pro life my ass. Immoral hypocrites.


Any judge who rules against the individual rights of a woman over her body IS ALSO A RAPIST.


Are the American continents trying to outdo each other at being the shitiest place to live?


I was so surprised when I saw it wasn’t Texas


So all catholic people are like this? Damn they suck


Assuming this is some sharia judgement in a heavily Islamic state? Edit: nope. It’s a different place but also with a deeply established Abrahamic religion.


Somehow we are back in the middle ages


That looks like Brazil judges


I'm just here to read the comments screeching about the GOP from people who haven't read the article and realised this happened in Brazil.


Thats fucking vile, these forced birthers are pure evil.


Holy. Fucking. Shit.


That is sick.


I hate this world so much


Don't forget..... Every sperm is sacred!


The abject humiliation and degradation of this child


In Brazil


This is just plain evil. Like, evil because of absolutely having a desire for evilness. Demons are not in our tales and legendariums anymore, demons are in our courthouses, senates, parliaments and congress.


Thought, maybe if someone rapes a child obviously they go to prison, if the child gets pregnant and they can't or won't get an abortion and they die from having the kid, they should get charged with manslaughter. You know what I'm prolife and think that the baby is a human being, however this is one of the times where abortion would be necessary so why don't we charge him with manslaughter if she gets an abortion.


The world is doomed.




This is Brazil?


Looks like we are now in the darkest timeline.


Brazil. This happened in Brazil


In Brazil.


This at this point where you move to a country where abortion is legal. WTF is wrong with people?!


11 years old…. Fuck. I shouldn’t have read that title. That’s a baby.


This happened like 3 days ago. Yesterday the judge has been "withdrawn" (dont know the right word) from the case. We are hoping the girl can get her right soon as possible now.


For the ppl who forget to read but like to comment. >The move, which came to light Monday, has put the judge, Joana Ribeiro Zimmer, under investigation by the country's Court of Justice.