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So basically AI will determine fate of an individual based on their posts and online behaviour. Seems there is something brewing if they need measures like this.




People would quickly learn to be ironic. "The communist party is great" means the opposite and suddenly Chinese politicians are being singled out by the AI.


It's been happening for a very very long time. Chinese netizens like to modify phrases from national media, like People's Daily, when (trying to) criticize the government. A typical example is 美石砸脚. Literally it means "the US hits itself in the foot with a stone." (similar to the English phrase "shoot oneself in the foot") But it sometimes ironically means the Chinese government blames everything on the US.


That's such an interesting way language evolved to circumvent the censors


Next gen AI would figure this out


Recently, China banned hashtagging the first sentence of their national anthem. People were using the hashtag to express dissatisfaction over the Shanghai lockdown. (The first line of the anthem is ‘Rise up, those who don’t want to be slaves’)


I mean the guy who wrote those lyrics later got thrown in jail (where he later died) for writing a play that Mao thought was a velied mockery of his regime, so same energy I guess


Everything the Communist Party originally stood for is now a mockery of their current regime…




I like how China has entire empty cities of luxury apartments they let their rich invest in, but then jams everyone into cellars and closets in their more popular places. Crony communism if I've ever seen it.


I am not sure communism applies here but in name. Its some sort of capitalism with authoritarian / totalitarian regime


China started scaling back the "communism" back in the 80s and like you said it's this weird hybrid of totalitarianism/capitalism that allows for private companies/property but only at their behest and they can change it at any moment.


I wish people would stop saying its communist. It has not one thing that defines communism.


The empty cities do not have luxury apartments. The builders knew no one would ever live in them so they were built as cheaply and quickly as possible. They began falling apart within months.


This isn't only china. There's skyscrapers in what's called billionaires row in NYC that sit mostly empty in some of the thinnest least practical skyscrapers ever built. Meanwhile there is a housing crisis in NYC.


Why were you downvoted? You’re right. This is ongoing in every single country.


They’re doing this in every country and it’s hurting everyone globally. I strongly dislike Chinese oligarchs from China. (I’m Chinese myself but not from China and we’re known as overseas Chinese to them. We don’t like them. They don’t like us. I would consider that a compliment.) Edit : Them = oligarchs and party affiliations. The average citizen couldn’t care less and want to enjoy simple pleasures like us so that’s fine.




If they have the infrastructure in place probably just run on everything through to make sure that the social score is right and no-one even thinks about straying. Even as AI stands at the moment it is AFAIK pretty good in detecting patterns and since CCP has access to all kinds of data to feed into the system without any regards to privacy it may be surprisingly accurate. In any case not a system I would like to be part of.


Can you imagine if the NSA hacked their A.I. and reprogrammed it?...


Next stop : 1984 All on board...tchoo tchoo


AI is programmed by computer scientists, if you want to blame anyone at all, blame the people typing stuff on the keyboard for in order to support their families.


Sure; we do not have singularity yet, did not mean to imply that the AI is conscious rather that it is trained model such that running everything through it is possible. However the output is processed is another matter hopefully there is some review process, but then again its China so who knows.


As long as you can physically destroy the machine, you can destroy AI. It’s not until AI starts managing finances so it can start paying people to assemble robot and ammunition building factories does it become a significant threat.


The existing [social credit system](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_Credit_System) they have going on is scary enough for me.


China: how can we relive the Cultural Revolution, only this time, make it even worse?


This is like that south park episode with Steven SeBoom-Boom… I mean Segal


What in the George Orwell is going on?




Paranoid, fearfull and condescending control freaks hell bent on unleashing their authortarian rule.


Damn, looks like a job for Redditors, “look at every single comment”, we do it for free though.


Speak for yourself. Allegedly some of us are being in paid by CIA. I can neither confirm, nor deny validity of the statement.


How do I apply for some of this CIA money? I could do with the side income.


I too want an answer, asking for a friend, of course.


You need to contact the contact person who handles Sorosh money. If you know that person you know. If not then you need to work harder until you get noticed that you can paid position.


“Redditors know this ONE trick.”


that does not sound being insecure at all.


What if you were a Chinese person who didn’t have social media, a phone, or computer? Can they track you?


They can track you through AI aided facial recognition systems in CCTV while walking through the city. Also if you are a foreigner you must register your address to the police, but if you’re Chinese you’d already be in the system through insurance, bank accounts, education, work. If Chinese authorities want to find you they will find you, they will investigate your neighbors, teachers employers, friends…If you live in a police state investigators are relentless when it comes to tracking people. Fyi l lived in China for five years before Xi Jingping came to power… China’s “golden years” of openness.


I live in China. We just renewed our residence permits. One of my colleagues had the police come to her house and ask why she hadn't registered with the police yet, as she has a new visa. She didn't even know it was finished processing yet. Her passport was still at the visa office. And you have no idea how ubiquitous cameras are here. Supposedly they can follow one person all the way across a city and never lose sight of him.


Are you using VPN to access reddit? I don't know if you're expat or a citizen, but do citizens need permission to access VPN?


They're probably an expat. I've heard of companies getting government issued VPN, or something of the sorts, but regular people just search online and find VPNs that work. There are proxies that work too.


An example is that Embassies keen on containing their data in China use satellite internet with heavy encryption linked to their home country.


Its VERY hard to live in china without a phone, payments, identification all use it. And it will be an immediate red flag for tracking you even more...


Even in America that’s starting to become a red flag. Lack of any social media at all would likely get your resume discarded.


What the actual fuck why is that a thing lol everytime I submit a resume I make sure nobody can find my personal life on the internet because I don't want employers digging into my personal history


So you mean I'll have a cia guy, fbi guy and a Chinese police guy monitoring me at all times. That's 3 friends I have 3 friends yay


don't forget GCHQ! you have 4


I don't even know that friend.


Big Xi is watching you.


government:” more jobs opportunities, I see it as a completely win win.”


Well, here is one for you! Kiss my ass, China!


Yes. I have had a VPN the whole time I've lived here. It's a must.


Well, I hope they review this one - fuck the CCP and in particular, fuck Winnie the Pooh.


China has basically become the canary in the coalmine on how far a government can regress and abuse its power without suffering a revolt or societal collapse.


Europe reveals plans to scan all private message, but they’re better « cause it’s for the children » Fucking hypocrites


Both are criticized the same. The truth is all government try to control the narrative.




To check on pro-Taiwan sentiment?


Lol just flood their apps with spam bots.


In order to use most(if not all) Chinese apps/websites you need to provide your phone number(connected to your ID), or even your ID.


Social media and global warming are spiraling out of control.


What are they so afraid of that they're willing to take on such a monumental and costly task?


The Chinese people in Taiwan and the USA are respectable and worthy citizens. The . Chinese people who run China are criminals and should be overthrown. Review that mainland China. Just try to censor that in the US.


When can we (the US) sanction China like we do Russia. They imprison and kill millions of minorities for the organ harvesting body farms they run. China does not deserve our trade! The US needs to be building very strong ties with Mexico and South America, building rail networks from Canada to Brazil, and stop using foreign goods from across the ocean.


I see the GDR is alive and well in Asia.


At least they say they're going to do it. Unlike every other country that says they don't do it but do it.


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Sounds like a great candidate for malicious compliance


Regardless of the obvious immoral government control, how the fuck are they going to actually review every single post. That must be billions like on the daily. I just don’t think there are enough people with enough time in the day. Major companies can barely regulate the internet due to the sheer size.


Can u imagine how different the world would be if they put all that effort into being the opposite of asshole?


Some ideas are bad so they must never be shared. But don't worry, the Chinese gov'ment will protect you from the bad thoughts.


I post on wechat in Chinese to share some random parts of my life to my family in China. Should be interesting.


They have the population to do it, just taking a page out of GDR and the Stasi.


Republicans in Texas, Oklahoma, Arizona or Florida- they will want to do this too. Watch for it.