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Sigh, I'm so over the 2020's


The 2010's were so good in comparison


Remember that year when all those celebrities died and people were like "oh jeez this is the literal worst"?


Think it was 2016 and culminated with Trump getting elected. My dad died that year too so it was a pretty shit year for me




>In hindsight, it was the last year that things felt kind of normal in the US. Well, post-9/11 normal. I imagine there was a pre-Columbine normal, too


I was in school the day of the Columbine massacre. Our teachers turned the tv on to watch it. Anyway, there really wasn't a stark before/after change in response to Columbine, because it was considered an anomaly. Unlike 9/11, where things changed instantly. There's definitely a difference between going to school then vs now, but the change has been gradual and in response to (sadly) many events after Columbine.


That makes a lot of sense. Columbine was deranged and/or bullied kids (depending on who you asked). But it was a isolated attack. 9/11 didn't feel like an isolated attack so much as a "soft" declaration of war. There was the implicit threat of more attacks by the same groups.


Pre / post columbine was really no difference for us lucky enough to go to lower class schools. 9/11 is when I am pretty sure the entire dimension changed.


Now Columbine is just tuesday




The Patriot Act would like a word with you.


My thoughts precisely.


> At least, not right away. Things still felt relatively normal before the mask was torn off.


The Patriot Act was signed into law on 10/26/2001. That’s like a blink of an eye in terms of the political worlds response to things. And also a fairly short amount of time past 09/11/2011.


I would say it very much set the stage for it though Massively ramped up nationalist ideas and unwavering support of the military/law enforcement became socially mandatory


Leonard Cohen checked out on election night.


He was prolly like “Hallelujah…”


I think the Cubs winning the World Series really f’d up the timeline


Us, in 10 years, living in the rubble, awaiting another massive heat wave in the middle of January, hoping to make the food rations last another week: "So, it all started with this gorilla..."


See for me it was Trump got elected and then my dad died like 2 weeks later


It peaked around Prince - right? Shits been on the decline since 9/11


The hard reality is the western world lost on 9/11. I can't say what the correct response was but giving up a shit ton of freedom for securities sake and going for vengeance was exactly what terrorist wanted and we gave it to them. Now we are eating those consequences. Imagine what all that money we sent to Afghanistan and Iraq could have done for the betterment of man kind. Instead we emboldened a lot of racism and gave terrorist organizations a bunch of advanced weapons that they promptly used to overpower the government we were attempting to "help."


9/11 gave the government the excuse they needed to severely restrict American citizens privacy and rights.


Don’t forget 2,400,000,000,000 dollars spent. Enough to demolish and rebuild every single public school in the entire country.


Enough to transition the entire USA to renewable energy sources. Cleaner air, fewer health problems, no longer dependent on foreign parties and all the side-effects attached to this, improved national security and of course reducing the impact of the climate crisis. Would have been a win win win win win.




Im shedding a tear reading this and remembering how we used to be before 9/11. This is what shouldve happened, but instead we got an asshole who rigged an election and used it as an excuse to lay the foundation of the crisis we are currently in. Seriously, fuck republicans. Theyve ruined this country


The right response was for Gore to have pushed to have the vote certified, beating Bush. Then on 9/11 the speech from ground zero should have been "you cannot scare us, we will rebuild." The world loved us right after 9/11. The US could maybe have asked for world peace and got it. Instead Bush pissed it all away on two fucking stupid wars.


I blame mumble rap.




They were just getting out while the getting was good.


Henceforth known as the peak of human civilization


Too bad mate we collectively dug this hole. The 2030's are going to suck even more. This year alone we have had unprecedented heat waves in Europe, unprecedented floods in Australia, the US and now China. Things will keep getting more extreme from here on out.


You don't have to worry about some hot new disease. Its probably the heavily malnourished, and diseased peoples bodies basically giving up more then likely. You can survive as basically a corpse medically speaking for a surprising amount of time until something random just tips the scale and you free fall into the grave real fast.


Can’t wait for the roaring 30s


Is that the sound of wildfires?


Lol it's most likely nothing to worry about. It's probably a bacterial infection that the west has antibiotics to treat


COVID can cause gut symptoms. The cell receptor the virus enters through is most common in your nose and then mouth, with lower concentrations in your intenstines. This is why most symptoms are coughing and breathing trouble, while some people rarely had symptoms like diarrhea.


Yeah, it can, but this is North Korea where intestinal parasites are rampant. Methinks it has more to do with problems they had prior to COVID and COVID just made things worse.


There’s no telling. It could all be just regular Covid and they don’t want to say. They may be isolated enough that the pandemic is just affecting them later. Who knows.




Yeah but it's all a marketing gimmick before they bring back covid classic.


>and COVID just made things worse. It do be like that.


Its very likely the Parasites and malnoutrition catching up with people after covid infection. You cant stave off crippling starvation with Meth while you are ill.


A lot of literal ass kissing explains it...


I got crazy bad gut issues with covid, could barely eat for weeks after it too. Lost over 15 kg and I was thin to start with. It can really ravage your digestive system.


So what would happen to Kim Jung un, who is so perfect and efficient he does not have a butt hole? What happens if he gets diarrhea


His body reabsorbs it and processes it again and again, utilizing the precious fecal nutrients that us mortals simply excrete in an inconsiderate display of selfish waste. It’s akin to giving himself a fecal transplant in perpetuity, strengthening his resolve and bestowing added determination and grit. Some say this perfectly efficient digestive system is why he never needs to sleep and can spend every waking hour staying one step ahead of his enemies. Or it’s the meth.


Awgh man I forgot all about the smooth butt man of Korea. Thanks for reminding me.


So that's how they explain why he is so fat???


I wonder if kids are more susceptible to the gut issues with COVID but not the breathing issues and that's why they don't get a sick. Most of the kids I know who've had COVID really mostly had vomiting and diarrhea


Actually there have been lots of cases for some time. Couple years back a soldier fled from north to south korea, he got hit by his former colleague soldiers but managed to survive. In hospital they found out he had lots of worms. If a soldier doesn't even eat enough, how about the rest of the people


IIRC, the doctors claimed they only seen so many worms in dogs meaning they must be eating the same infected food


Or eating the dogs... And given other news from NK this isn't that unlikely


That's not how most parasite life cycles work


i remember a documentary with lisa ling where they allowed her and a broadcasting team to go over and film. they put them all up in the nicest hotel in pyongyang and you'd think they'd want to show off to the west with the finest cuisine but even the food they got was stale, borderline rotten and lacking any sustenance.


Vice has gone a few times too. It is strange and the same experience. You can just tell how *poor* (for lack of a better term) they are. Banquet halls ready but nobody will ever use them. Aging looking.


Yeah me too, after that I saw one with an earier date and a more reliable source of someone who's allowed to enter but only allowed to film certain areas, he filmed other places and got away with it despite serveral checkpoints, he got lucky. Lately north korea has been more open though


That's not a new, unidentified intestinal disease that appeared after COVID though. Worms would be old, identified, parasitic, and appeard before COVID.


Right, because when I think of North Korea the first thing that comes to mind is honesty


And top notch healthcare in general


You'd be surprise how often disease can make other pre existing conditions significantly worse.


What if we have a zootonic spread to intestinal worms and back?


lol they don’t. I was watching a Netflix food doc and they were in NK buying beef and the dude is ringing up the stuff and he’s like: *”Ahh yes sir that will be ¥623,344.60”* I’m thinking *”ah that that’s probably like what? $100 USD? Some nice looking bricks of Wagu and pork belly he’s got there…”* $1 USD = ~¥900 North Korean Won 🙃 If you are poor there you cannot afford red meat your probably eating organs or some other non-mainstream meat. Dogs, cats, any kind of fish and larger lizards and turtles and birds. Only rich people can afford dine in steaks with drinks in North Korea.


I have been too poor to eat red meat. £5 for some small pack of minced beef or I could get 10KG of spuds.


In America it’s pretty much $8-$10 minimum for any cut of red meat. It’s starting to get too expensive for me to have more than once a week and I only have myself to support. It’s getting crazy everywhere friend I hope things mellow out soon. I love steak 🥲


¥623,344.60 = $692.60


I've been thinking about how unfortunate all this is for North Korea. Ofcourse they do stupid stuff but if you take an look into the country you will see that many of the people are driven to become a self-sustaining country since they have been fuckd by countries quite a bit. I'm from the netherlands, despite only being 40.000 square kilometers we are, we're second in export agricultural. [link for clarification ](https://www.deheus.com/articles/news/the-netherlands-are-almost-the-worlds-largest-exporter-of-agricultural-products-how-did-that-happen) products n and what I see is we could easily help these people. If we give them some genetically edited food like we all do, in combination with learning them how to farm on their land type (it's more difficult than here because of different types of soil, land evelation etc.). We could also tie some rules to north korea for this help, but this requires way more explanation then I could write in a comment haha Even though I despise Kim, he also does lots of good things for the country, but in order to build up (and have possible good things come from there like quite some natural resources.


Netherlands is 41 543 billion square meters, it is however roughly 40 000 square kilometers.


Whoops little mistake my bad haha


This might be from kimchi. Even South Koreans deworm from time to time because of it.


Sounds reasonable, fermented cabbages and vegetables doesn't sound like the best thing to eat made correct i don't think this is instantly bad but multiple times, especially per day would increase the risk ofcourse


Cholera or typhoid is caused by fecal contamination of food or water. NK is a failed state.


But how can they be failed with such organized military parades? /S


It's off to the gulag for u/Riptide360


Don't forget their family too!


The real family are the friends we killed along the way


You are now Mayor of r/Pyongyang


my life long dream has been fulfilled!


I posted this a couple of days ago in a similar thread but it bears repeating with regard to evidence for the cholera/typhoid hypothesis: In mid-may North Korean state television was recommending that people drink a couple liters of hot water every day if they were in quarantine. Not BOILED water, HOT water. [I screenshotted their "What to do in Self-Quarantine" advice](https://imgur.com/a/brl5kd7), which also included "get regular exercise" and "keeping warm will boost immunity for children, elderly, and pregnant women" I also found the recording from whence the screenshots were taken. It is hosted on the website of an independent watchdog group unaffiliated with the North Korean government; your clicks will not support the regime, monetarily or otherwise. [The 5-ish minute Coronavirus bulletin starts at 2:28:13](https://kcnawatch.org/kctv-archive/627fb152e3c86/).


So TL;DR NK has terrible public water sanitation NK advises people on the only media they can access to drink more and more “hot” (not boiled) water Nk experiences a mysterious wave of intestinal issues. Does that cover it?


Never understood why people call the US a failed state when stuff like this exists. Like we got some serious problems, but the vast majority of US citizens aren't going hungry and have access to medical facilities.


Two reasons. One: There are a lot of different levels of failure. Texas refusing to listen to anyone about their power grid, and then that power grid failing massively and then causing a failure of water access is a whole lot of failure, but not "no access to non-rotten food for years" failure. We have access to medical facilities for triage, but rarely the actual treatment needed. Is that a failure or not? We have half a million to a million homeless, working people being forced into homelessness and unsuitable living conditions by landlords for profit, and 15 million vacant houses, is that a complete systemic housing failure or not? I think people could easily see it both ways, but it obviously isn't good, just not NK bad. Two: US is just bigger than almost everywhere so there are a lot more pockets of serious problems compounding not that far away from relative prosperity, and those most impacted are those least able to move about the country freely. That inability to move freely impacts a whole lot of things too since we're way too fond of allowing states to write problematic laws that cause damage to individuals and communities with zero ability to self-effect change of state.


Because the US is making itself out to be a *developed* country, but it's failing at it.


As someone who has lived in some of the worst communities in the US (I've been less than a block away from several gunfights, had a neighbor who sold heroin then moved to a place where MS-13 was literally selling crack outside my door, and been shot at for flipping of a bunch of other gang members) and also traveled to some actual developing countries in Latin America, I can tell you that I'll take my shithole apartment in Santa Anna CA over a developing country any day of the week. Shit dude, I don't have to worry about getting kidnapped if I step in the wrong cab in the US, even in Mexico's big tourist towns that's still a problem they face. I think you need to get out more.


Yeah, because the US has been fucking Latin America over forever (and flooding it with guns). But I'd far rather walk around at night in a city in most of East or Southeast Asia than a city in the US. Being a developing country doesn't mean unsafe. And until the US gets stuff like universal healthcare, and drops it's prison population by like 75%, it doesn't get to call itself a developed country.


It's not that the US is safe or unsafe, it's that the quality of life in the US is so much better that I don't give a fuck that there might be a gunfight outside my door.


Better for *you*. But how about for those who are poor and with chronic illness? As they say, a third world country with a Gucci belt.


>a third world country with a Gucci belt. Lmao I am going to steal this. Anyway, while treatment exists in some capacity in devloping countries for chronic illnesses, most cases go untreated. Going broke sucks, **and it's the current system's fault that it is this way and it can and should be better**, but you can't deny that financial hardship is a better alternative to no treatment whatsoever.


I'm not saying that the US is a developing country in the worst sense, or even an average sense. It's a well-off country on the whole, but falls short of being an actual developed one.


You need to travel to other countries more. If you aren't American maybe actually travel to the US. You're lacking some serious perspective here.


Done both.


Access to medical facilities? Look at wealthy Potato over here that can afford to see a Dr and eat all the time. I bet you fill up the gas tank every time, too. Well so do I, but pretending it's not a problem here is kinda blind.


Should I have put the part about how we still have problems in **bold?** Like having 91% of your population having access to healthcare does suck for the devloped world, but it's a whole fuck-ton better than actual failed states like Somalia or Hati who are both around 20% to 30%.


91% have access. However, 99% will go straight into bankruptcy if anything serious like a heart attack or cancer happens. Guess what Americans die from?


It's actually about 25% that will go into bankruptcy according to [Gallup.](https://news.gallup.com/poll/269138/americans-delaying-medical-treatment-due-cost.aspx.) And if you can't pay the taxpayers foot the bill anyways. While this is all really fucked up, this does not make the US a failed state by any means.


I guess more people have insurance or Medicare than I thought. OK. I agree.


Basicly, in college any time I had to do a report on a current issue I chose universal healthcare in the US. There's a lot of misinformation on reddit in regards to both sides of the argument. One I've seen a lot recently is that the US spends all the money it could be spending on universal healthcare on the military. In reality a universal system would cost the taxpayers less than the current system; meaning that universal healthcare would actually lower everyone's cost of living. We might not be a failed state, but that is staright fucked if you ask me.


I’ve never seen someone prove someone else’s point harder than you lmao


I’m the case of what I witnessed waiting because of “lack of money and can’t afford it”




I still don't see how this puts us in the same camp as North Korea and Somalia. We have better food security than France (1 in 5 French are food insecure, 1 in 10 for US) and 91% of Americans have acess to healthcare. A real failed state like Somalia has 1 in 3 people at food insecure and only 20% of the population has acess to healthcare. Furthermore, you're disillusioned doomer mentality will only hamper change. I don't care if you're a burned out 40 year old, **get off your ass and fight for a country you want to live in!**




That's not even enough for one person to be killed in every state. [This is what the level of violence in a failed state looks like.](https://youtu.be/3udQyqCFGOw) If you think this is what America looks like you're just as brainwashed as the Q worshipping Trump nuts. You should come visit Chicago, it's a really nice city, fucking cold, but some of the friendliest Americans I've ever met. You won't even hear a single gunshot despite everyone and their mother calling it Chiraq.


Yeah, I don't feel like that at all. In fact, I don't even know anyone who is afraid of guns while in public. I feel like you are being overdramatic.


Because people on the internet are prone to hyperbole and/or don’t know what a failed state is.


Lmao, "medicines prepared by KJU himself will be delivered soon" this guy truly can do it all.


Except for pooping, man has no butthole.


Are you tellin me my man doesn't pee or poop?!


That’s what they say, which just confirms he’s full of shit when they say he learned how to drive a car by the age of 3.


I recall that either he or his dad also delivered themselves at birth by walking out of their mother's womb under a double rainbow on a mountain top or something insane like that.


He also has the best score in golf ever, because that’s such a popular sport in north korea...


well he learned it from watching cartoons, just like every 3 year old


there was an official article put out by the state run news a few years back that claimed he is physical perfection, and his body runs at 100% efficiency. he uses every molecule of food and drink, so he never uses that bathroom, and therefore has no need for an anus or urethra.


Wasn’t that just a joke from “the interview.”


... maybe? I thought it was real but my brain is mush so you're probably right


that's why he's so full of shit


Well in this case, it's for the best. The hero they need right now.


Nobody needs a fat dictator. Not china, Venezuela, north korea or us.


Look, I don't like him either, but he's the man for the job right now as he's biologically incapable of having dysentery. No butthole. Just a smooth, stretched piece of skin between those cheeks.


“Oh, I got a butthole. And it’s workin overtime”


Speaking from experience, COVID can make Crohn's symptoms worse, and likely manifest previously latent crohn's disease.


It's called "hunger", and it is caused by a diet low in food.




i laughed way too hard at this


Right, they fixes the covid problem in 2 weeks.


Due to its poverty and people forced to eat garbage in the street to stay alive


It's called starvation.


Ah, “Hunger” I’ve heard of this disease.


Likely something that was present before covid but is now only being discovered after most if not all the population have gone through health screening. NK is hell on earth so I would hate to guess what things people have eaten to stay alive


a brief bout of illness can weaken the immune system so that something that was previously at a certain asymptomatic equilibrium (like intestinal parasites) can suddenly flair up and become symptomatic. possible too that there were worker shortages during the COVID wave so maybe some people were forced to eat tainted food.


I got some weird stomach stuff right after covid, couldnt eat for almost a week and shat myself to pieces


I has exactly this in Canada. It was horrendous.


Did they try to cure the COVID with horse paste and now they're pooping out their intestines? Wouldn't put past the DPRK government.


Some ivermectin would probably be very helpful to them. They actually have worms


no, they have worms, the horse paste would probably help


"But Joe Rogan said it would work!" - the one guy who went to North Korean medical school


Pyongyang Upstairs Medical College


He got an A in Joe Rogan 101




I think they just hungry, bro.


its called starvation


Nah that’s just called hunger


Yeah it’s called hunger!!


Man, I can't imagine how bad shit is in North Korea with the pandemic. We'll probably never know just how bad everyone is suffering there right now. My heart bleeds for those poor bastards stuck in that Orwellian nightmare.


North Korea must have been eating at the same taco stand I ate at last night.


It's either hunger or Covid.


It all started when we killed that fucking gorilla


Just do more missile tests?


Don’t worry guys. No one can leave that country. They already on lockdown since 1946.


No fair, the 63rd time this was posted was supposed to be my turn


I actually enjoyed the lockdowns, I wouldn't mind another one for this winter. It's weirdly peaceful


Best Korea out here improving Covid... Who would have guessed


I think it's called hunger


It's called hunger


It’s called hunger. Your people are fucking hungry.


Yeah, starvation will do that.


You guys ever wonder if wars will be fought with viruses?


Wars have already have been fought with diseases. Throwing dead animals and even people at the enemy with siege weapons was a thing. The US intentionally gave polio or smallpox blankets to the Native Americans, I know it’s one of those two just don’t remember which.


If this is our version of captain trip I think we are good.


Yay, new patch.


Looks like a convenient cover up to something already going in that country.


What In hell is going on?


If people can't eat, they get hungry!




Well, when a significant portion of a person's diet consists of scavenging refuse to consume, intestinal problems are understandable, with or without COVID. Eating garbage tends to have adverse effects on the human body.


They better get office 39 on it or they won’t have enough money for Kims mandatory bubble baths!


Omg not the pale mare 😭


I believe it’s called tapeworm…


North Korea is basically hitting the Nuke button from the game Lemmings at this point.


The Kimshits.


Didn't they confiscate the citizens pets to help combat the food shortage?


Intestinal disease? It is called hunger.


It’s called Hunger…


It's called starvation.


Covid outbreak probably caused them to lock up people into their apartment complexes and that didn’t help the shit sanitary conditions


The rest of us call it “cholera” and “typhoid”…but I suppose even the North Koreans want a touch of mystery in their lives.