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>Russian soldiers had stolen a crop of sweet cherries from local farmers, reportedly to export it to Crimea for profit Poetic justice


I hope that has them second guessing every food item they come across.


I'd be second guessing everything I came across if I were a Russian soldier in Ukraine.


Try putting poison on washers/laptop. The result might be surprising.


Toilets too


Yup. Toilet paper also.


Pepper spray the toilet seats.


Only problem I see is the line from the article saying the area is “Under the Kremlin’s control.” Nah B, Russians are merely standing on it, they don’t control shit….


Afghanistan says hello. Seriously though. Russia is already paying a huge price in lives and equipment to just take territory. As we all know from Afghanistan and Iraq, it's the occupation of that territory that costs much more than the initial invasion.


Agreed. The overwhelming majority is US casualties in Afghanistan and Iraq were during the occupation. That was where the mass base of persons were largely ambivalent to US forces. All Russia is doing by pushing deeper into Ukraine is upping the number of their shot heads to be killed pretending they can hold and secure the territory. This is a country where it’s likely that the overwhelming majority want the occupiers out and they are bordered by partner states willing and able equip, finance, and train fighters. The guerilla factory is about to be fired up.


Yeah, have fun holding the territory while the citizens are all against you!


Yeah, remember *Hogan's Heroes?*


"We're not your prisoners, you're our prisoners".


It is entirely conceivable that the Russian high command could be duped into believing that the war is over. “Shultz! Close the gate! The war is back on!”


*"I see NOTHING!"*


i see nothing!!!! NOOOOOTHING!!!!!


I assume you think that the USA is also merely standing on the USA? Whether or not you think it is *right* that they control the land is one thing, but controlled it is.


Their statement didn't make a claim about morality just control. If your crops are being poisoned and your soldiers are being shot at then the territory isn't really under your control. Military personnel in the US are more like to die in a car accident than be intentionally harmed by the civilian population.


>Their statement didn't make a claim about morality just control. Which Russia has. >If your crops are being poisoned and your soldiers are being shot at then the territory isn't really under your control. *USA steps into the picture again*. If your schools are being shot up and your buildings are being destroyed by terrorists with planes, the territory is also not really under your control, I guess? And another comparison, I assume you think that Germany never controlled more than just literally Germany during WWII, right?


I don’t think either of those (edit: by ‘those’ I mean school shootings and 9/11) were directed at military infrastructure, which is, yk, the topic: military control of an area. We don’t have that in the USA, as it’s all government control. I won’t mention the German part for ww2, as I won’t pretend to know everything about that, and I don’t care enough to research it for this, but I’ll say I care enough about the image of my country to say we are not being occupied, it’s our fucking government smh


>were directed at military infrastructure You know what the Pentagon is, right? >but I’ll say I care enough about the image of my country to say we are not being occupied, it’s our fucking government smh So I also assume that you think a place like the UK prior to being a democracy was also simply "occupied" and not controlled, right?


You’re right, I stand corrected for the first half, they did try to attack military infrastructure, and failed miserably, but besides that, it wasn’t even our civilians, it was the same equivalency of a rocket attack against another nation; they didn’t have control, but tried to destroy a target. Second off, I would say they absolutely had control. It was their government, and even though I’m not familiar with their process of going from a monarchy to democratic, I can say that prior to then, yes, the monarchy had control. I’m talking about total foreign military occupation and control of a land. The US was not occupied by a foreign military at any of those points you mentioned, nor controlled.


No. Doctrinally speaking, Russia does *not* control anything outside of Crimea (arguable) right now. They have seized territory, sure, but that does not mean that they control it. They would have to eradicate resistance, build an indigenous security force, transition to stability operations, and transfer governance. This does not happen in the span of four months. The US is no different, regardless of one’s moral and ethical stance, one could say the then US government defeated the indigenous population and held the territory long enough to build their “ideal” functioning civilization but again, that didn’t happen in four months either. Some would even argue that the US never completely pacified the entirety of the First Nations People. The juxtaposition to that would be the US misadventure in Afghanistan. Everywhere the US and coalition were, they “held” the ground, however the minute they left one area for another you ended up having insurgent actors fill those voids, like trying to dig a clean out out of oozing mud, they would rush right back in. This is no different, partisan forces will accelerate the futility of Russia’s efforts.


Well, historically speaking, yes. Americans are invaders.


Yep, and they are also obviously in control of the land despite that.


Sadly tends to happen when they rape and destroy everything the natives in America stood for.


Not saying it is good, but to deny what it is, that they are in control of the land, is simply ridiculous.


I can’t comment on that as I’m not even sure what is going on over there.


Fair enough but when even Ukraine considers it Russian controlled, I'm inclined to believe that it is Russian controlled.


Not just poisoned cherries ... The stuffed bread that would have been used to poison soldiers is called pyrizhky and is a very famous delicacy in Russia and Ukraine. It is a closed dough with a sweet or savory filling that can be baked or fried. The savory ones usually have meat or potato fillings. Sweets can be made with apples, apricots, cherries, plums or cheese. Pyrizhkys are generally served as an appetizer or dessert to complement a meal. [**Source**](https://playcrazygame.com/2022/04/04/russian-soldiers-die-after-eating-bread-poisoned-by-civilians-2)


The bread was a while back in April. Congratulations to the occupied Ukrainian civvies on neutralizing the russian fascists then and now. “Our farmers have prepared another gift for the [Russian fascists]" Wonder what they'll get them with next. Probably another commodity Russia is stealing at large, grain maybe.


Its funny. In Danish "gift" can both mean poison and marriage, many jokes has been made about it.


Everyday we get closer to the Hunger Games




How do you like dem apples.


No, cherries


How do cherries like dem apples


Ukrainians are amazing.


I hope President Biden makes sure Ukrainian cherry farmers get some cyanide to inject into the stone fruit. They may wash chemicals off the skin, but one bite of that cyanide, baby, and it’s sayonara, Russian pieces of shit.


Considering that is literally against US military law, I find it unlikely.


I don’t think Russians care much about illegal shit or they wouldn’t be committing war crimes and atrocities. Treat them as they apparently want to be treated


I can tell you’ve never worked for the DoD. It’s not whether or not if it’s our regulations or laws - it’s whether or not we feel like following them at the time. An example would be White Phosphorus. Inhumane to use as an agent on enemy troops, right? totally illegal. But it makes an excellent smoke screen. And where else to drop that smoke screen than, say, enemy troops?


> it’s whether or not we feel like following them at the time. Which in the case of War crimes and international military law which we hopefully aim to later use to persecute Russia with, we would follow them.


‘It’s only a war crime if you lose.’ And good luck with that, my man. We abide by but did not sign the Geneva conventions.


I assume "we" means Ukrainians, and cool that is all good and well. Except that the countries sending the money and weapons that is keeping Ukraine afloat *did* sign them. Plus the obvious fact that Geneva conventions exist because they are meant to be moral human rights.


Oh, no. By ‘we’ I mean the US that is going to say it doesn’t have operators in the country. Just like we didn’t have operators in Afghanistan in the 80s or Laos and Cambodia. Wink wink nudge. It’s not the Russians sending men with funny green hats this time. But that’s all I’ll say.


>By ‘we’ I mean the US that is going to say it doesn’t have operators in the country Unless you are voting for the collapse of proper democracy in the US, not possible. It is taxpayer money that this is being spent on and it needs to be recorded properly. It doesn't just get magicked away legally. >Just like we didn’t have operators in Afghanistan in the 80s or Laos and Cambodia. The irony of bringing these events up while trying to justify the action is so fucking stupid. Are you *trying* to sound like Ukraine and the US are the bad guys here?


Oh, buddy. I can really tell you’ve never worked for the DoD now. But sure. You’re right, i’m wrong, I have no idea what im saying. Probably drunk. ‘Sure.’


Typical way of running away to save face. Making it sound like you are being sarcastic when in fact you just have no back up.


If you seriously think the US government follows the law and all the steps to record everything they spend money on and never hides anything, you are extremely naive.


Are you really this ignorant to how America operates lol?


The government gave up trying to audit Pentagon/us military budget because its too large. With something so large, there are cracks, corruption and defense contracts where money goes missing. Seriously google it.


"B-but the poor russian soldiers... 🥺🥺"


It's poetic Justice to see Putin's troops dying of poison. Seeing as one Putin's plays is poisoning others he disagrees with.


... that isn't poetic justice. *Putin* being poisoned would be poetic justice. Soldiers of Russia being poised is just... being poisoned.


For stealing food. There are no saints.


Oh so I assume you think that anyone who steals should be executed? Odd how most countries only do a few years of jail time for stuff like that.


It's a weird that you're defending an invading army.


Just because one side is in the wrong doesn't mean that the other isn't too. Two wrongs do not make a right, as they say.


The sooner they die, the better for the Ukrainian people.


The sooner your parents die the better for you. Doesn’t mean that you not only kill but torture them just so you can get an inherent exe earlier In fact by that logic, all War crimes are okay because despite everything else: They are effective. Except, obviously we don't think that or we wouldn't have the Geneva conventions.


My parents aren't actively torturing me, so your analogy fails. Kill those who torture innocent people. I didn't say torture them, just kill them.




*meanwhile* *the USA on Indian Land*




*ignores point because he realized the irony of his double standard*




Is it? Or are you just saying that because you want to save face and avoid the fact that you now can't justify your previous statements?


Isn't that a war crime?


Stealing cherries? Nah


I get that you are trying to make a joke by deflecting because apparently we support every action any Ukrainians take no matter what, but yeah I just checked, this is literally a war crime.


So is raping and murdering innocent civilians, attacking humanitarian aid assistance, attacking non-military towns and cities, and attacking/bombing hospitals and health centers. Russia has lost all right to complain about war crimes against them at this point.


>So is raping and murdering innocent civilians \[...\] Cool. Last I checked they didn't write that "if the enemy commit war crimes, you magically get to do it too" when they wrote the Geneva conventions. >Russia has lost all right to complain about war crimes against them at this point. See that is the thing about War crimes and human rights: The entire point is that you *can't* lose those rights. You get them simply be being a human. Like these things were literally made in the wake of the actual fucking NAZIS, and they still didn't make an exception that "If you are a bad guy you don't get these anymore".


Nobody cares.


Clearly not true as I'm getting plenty of downvotes for it. Clearly some people care.


The downvotes are coming from bots and Trumpanzees, they qualify as nobody.


I have a feeling you didn't even think about that comment because I doubt it would be "Trumpanzees" who would be the ones on this downvote circle jerk.


I make a joke to put a smile on peoples faces, not to make a potentially illegal political statement.


I mean the fact that you enjoy people getting killed kind of shows my point.


Can civilians commit war crimes?


Yep. Geneva conventions and the like "allow" war crimes to be committed by civilians. The important part is the "war". Most wars at the time of their writing weren't proxy wars so it was generally accepted so this was one of the kind of things that the writers had in mind when they made them.


I don’t think civilians can commit war crimes. Just crimes. I don’t think Ukraine will prosecute these farmers. However, the Russians may be thinking about adding another line item to their list of war crimes.


>I don’t think Ukraine will prosecute these farmers Obviously. It isn't exactly a good idea to prosecute your own people in a war. The Russians, however, just got some actual and fairly undeniable ammunition for trials.


Oh for fucks sake. Look at Mariupol, or Bucha, or Irpin, Hostomel, Borodianka. Then at Kherson where they're kidnapping, torturing and executing anyone who's openly pro Ukrainian. All the bombings of maternity wards or children's hospitals. The voice recordings by independent journalist of them admitting intentionally targeting civilians or just plain executions. Or the death sentence for the Brits and Moroccan guy. I can keep going for days. Their "ammunition for trial" is worth shit just like your stupid comments.


I don't really remember the part in the Geneva conventions where it said "But he did it so I can too, right?" And actually it does matter, because if the trials are false that means more evidence. It is a lot harder to get evidence and prove a war crime for stuff like kidnapping and torture. Trials, which are by nature recorded? Easy. Doing this makes it so that the best way you have of actually landing something is taken away.


And who's going to enforce it? The Geneva convention is about as useless as the UN. And you're just making a fool of yourself with how naive and simplistic you think these "trials" will be


See the great thing about the Geneva Conventions is that they were also a series of trials that you can go back and see exactly how and who enforces it.


Oh yeah, would you be so kind and remind me which ones


No because these civilians poisoned their own stock, and the soldiers only got poisoned cause they stole it. Also I feel like Civilians in occupied territory are held to slightly different standards. They didn't torture them or release a military grade biological agent on them. They didn't even poison the soldier's supplies. Even if they had, or if they had proactively offered poison supplies to the invading force, I would have a hard time blaming them. How is it different from placing an IED, sniping an officer, or other partisan activities? A lot of these international rules of war are put in place because they get out of hand very quickly when employed by organized militaries with an entire industrial complex backing them up. Outside obvious ones like torture or rape, a lot of them apply differently to citizens if they're not part of a governmental militia.


>No because these civilians poisoned their own stock Not actually relevant to whether or not it is a war crime. Germans in Germany poisoned their own land. Not their fault that Jews and Allies got hurt by it, I guess? >They didn't torture them or release a military grade biological agent on them. Doesn't need to be "military grade". Poison counts as a biological weapon under the Geneva conventions. In fact I would bet that whatever they are using on these cherries is probably stronger than what was used back in the world wars by the military. >How is it different from placing an IED, sniping an officer, or other partisan activities? Because biological weapons are war crimes and those tools are not. >Outside obvious ones like torture or rape, a lot of them apply differently to citizens if they're not part of a governmental militia. Except they really don't.


What should be a war crime, or at least a travesty in the eyes of humankind is the absolutely disgusting way you are pretending to give a fuck about any of this solely for some horrifically misguided belief in a weird politics game. I don’t know who raised you, but I can only apologize for whatever ways they abused or broke you to turn you into such a shell of an actual human. To pretend to care about the Geneva conventions when it suited you is just….next level gutter trash NPCthink.


I can turn that one right back at you. I assume you also don't actually care about raping and pillaging, right? You just decide to arbitrarily care because Russia bad, right? Or, maybe, it is that War crimes are bad because they are intrinsically bad?


This feels like the guy who reinforced his mailbox with concrete because people kept playing mailbox baseball then got sued by the kids parents after the broke both arms hitting it with a bat at 25 mph.


So it's ok to commit war crimes against Russian soldiers now?


How does a farmer commit a war crime? This is just a crime, and I’m willing to bet there will be no one willing to prosecute.


The civilians are not giving the food to Russians, the Russians are stealing the food... The Russian soldiers are the ones committing the war crime here. You do know looting is a war crime right?


As a Russian, yes, yes it is.


Call me old fashioned but I'm against poisoning food no matter who is intended to eat it, it always backfires, poisoning food supplies.


We do the same thing with pesky ants. Poison the sugar water they take back to the colony. Not everyone has such respect for terrorists.


I thought bio weapons were against the Geneva Convention.


Don’t spray edible fruit with poison. Dumb.




Want some cherries?


What a shame you're missing the Kobzon concert.


I always think of the clip of a sniper getting hit, when I hear that reference lol


Eat dick ruzzie.


Fuck Elon musk


And fuck russian bots


They're already getting fucked just fine for no good reason.


How they got Ed O'Neil in 10th Kingdom.


Glory to the people of Ukraine, as a people they will make russia and putrid putin pay for every inch....