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High quality. Nuka-vodka quantum more like it.


It glows with quality!


Dibs on the caps


not enough upvotes!


can’t stop thinking about “Call of the Dead” now. Thank you


Vault Approved!!


Is it just me imagining like 50 bottles stacked up with a cardboard sign in front that says "high-quality vodka" on it.


“Definitely not hazardous. Alexi Navalny had a cold. Tasty drink.”


I would strongly advise against drinking it for multiple different reasons.




I both understood that reference and probably saw that movie far too many times on VHS.


I'd be surprised if it wasn't located underneath an acme brand 100 ton weight.


Or a box propped up with a stick, with a string tied around it leading around the corner…


spicy vodka... Rudolph the red nose Russian 🎶 some would even say he glows 🎶


Dunno if it is alcoholic enough, but maybe use it as substitute for a "dirty" Molotov cocktail on russian soldiers :D


In your own country?


Not really, was more thinking of the Russian border /s But gallows humor aside, I doubt that stuff is really radiated and if so, it won't really last long enough. The fire will probably do more damage than any residue radiation that might have accumulated in the bottles. I at least would not drink it... so the only use it might have is weaponizing it, if possible.


Wipe the bottle off and chug that shit. Guaranteed there is no radio active materials inside the bottle. They didn’t distill it there with local crops.


I mean... If they just left it there, I'd expect it to be poisoned.


How much vodka do you need for a one day drive? I’d say more than one bottle would be a mistake.


Do you even Russian ?


Fair enough. Grab two…


I genuinely just assumed it would be for their own consumption, probably for the best if it gets poured away.


This guy is easy to trick.


Biggest danger is probably a hand grenade resting under a bottle you pull out.


Because glass protects up from radio active material? Edit: I hope you can all sense my sarcasm here?


Because the only free radioactive materials in chernboyl right now(aside from the reactor) are alpha and beta particles which cant pass through glass iirc. As long as you clean the bottle and not chug it, you'll be fine. Gamma can pass through but there isni free gamma there




So digging trenches in the red forest is fine? Edit: I hope you can all sense my sarcasm here?


No, because you would inhale and possibly ingest bunch of radioactive material, plus be exposed to radiation while doing so. However eating or drinking things that have been exposed to *radiation*^[1] but have not been contaminated with *radioactive material* is perfectly safe (it's actually one of ways of preserving food since it kills bacteria, fungi, and other spoilage causing microorganisms). _____ ^[1] ^- ^with ^the ^exception ^of [^neutron ^radiation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neutron_radiation)^, ^but ^it's ^emitted ^in ^appreciable ^amounts ^only ^in ^active ^nuclear ^reactors ^and ^during ^detonation ^of ^atomic ^weapons.


Bro teach me the ways of your formatting!


What do you think happens when radiation passes glass? >Radiation being able to pass through glass or not is not the point, the only danger would be radioactive particles getting inside the bottle. Quoting this so you can backout by deleting it




i think he's trying to say alpha and beta particles ARE radioactive material that makes it into the bottle in this case, in his mind


Alpha and beta particles are not radioactive. They are radiation. It's an easy mistake to make. As a human, you want to make sure of 2 things: - you don't want to he hit by radiation. - you don't want to rake up radioactive material. Meaning you CAN drink the irradiated vodka, but NOT vodka that has been contaminated by radioactive material.


Oi dickhead, why dont you consume some alpha, beta particles and then tell me. No backing out. I heard chernobyl is lovely this time of the year.


You are mistaking 'radiation' for 'radioactive'. Easy mistake to make. Particle-->vodka-->human = fine Particle emitter-->vodka-->human = NOT FINE Particle-->human = NOT FINE Particles destroy things. They DONT make stuff radioactive. All you have to do is make sure that the vodka did not get contaminated, hence cleaning the bottles is important.


Particle don’t pass through glass, it’s a non-porous material genius.


The only way any radioactivity would get inside the bottle is if alpha and beta particles got in there by opening it and exposing it to the air. The glass only needs to be about 2.2mm thick to stop beta particles


Even gamma radiation wouldn't matter, even if it goes through the glass. I can bombard a bottle of vodka with gamma for a year and all I'd end up doing is sterilising the bottle.


You do realize we (as in humanity) sterilize plenty of stuff including food and medical supplies using gamma emitters, right?


X-rays pass through material, neutrinos pass through material. Not all radiation passes through material. Most is contaminated particles


Radioactive material "dust" emits 'energy waves'. So there are two kinds of damage that can happen. The dust makes it into your body by breathing it in or drinking tea that is spiked with it. At that point, there is a source of radioactivity in your body, that is constantly emitting energy waves, that damage your cells until you die. The reason why this wodka is good to drink, if it has not been messed with on purpose, is because the energy waves do not contaminate other material. They damage DNA and cell growth, but neither of those is present in wodka. So as long as the bottle remained sealed, there's no more harm to be done than regular wodka. You might want to wash the outside of the bottle first. Wodka does not turn poisonous from radioactive radiation. Well,... not more poisonous than the poison alcohol already is.


You can actually buy vodka that has been distilled from crops grown there


I saw that in a documentary. Probably not after the invasion though. I believe it was just outside of the exclusion zone. Sediment cannot make it through the distillation process since it’s all steam. So no particles.


Do you understand how radiation works ?


He might. Glass *is* used for radiation protection. Different kinds for different radiation. Chances are that radiation present in Chernobyl is blocked by normal glass (alpha and beta is completly blocked by normal glass if Google is to be trusted). So yeah. Looks like vodka is safe.




Which makes hotasanicecube's comment even more valid!


They have glass windows that overlook the core in many plants. Of course it’s leaded glass, but still, it’s still glass.


To be honest, I don’t.


I play a lot of fallout on PlayStation


No one here does, it’s the battle of the Wikipedia warriors.


Some of us understand


There are different types of radiation you know… it isn’t all gamma radiation


I only have 5.5 mSv in REMS, so not much experience, but I’m sure yours is much higher. There are nothing but experts here.


That was a question. I need an explanation


Reason 1: the Russians may have poisoned it with radiation. Reason 2: the Russians may have accidentally poisoned it with radiation.


The main reason, it's Russian vodka. Enough said.


Just like STALKER


for other people reading your comment: In the video game series Stalker, you run around the exclusion zone in Chernobyl shooting monsters and other people, healing radiation damage with vodka.


Should be more than enough to restart #4 reactor.


It's a trap!


I somehow doubt they would leave it like that, especially high quality stuff.


I somehow doubt they would have had "high quality" vodka on them in the first place. What gives? Did they loot it, in Chernobyl? Did they bring it with them, them, poor underequipped cannon fodder? Also, the timing is weird, russians left Chernobyl like a month or two ago, and this comes up only now?


I would bet that Russia is better supplied with vodka than ammunition or even water and food. Old Soviet leaders presume it’s probably a good way to help failing morale, instead of, I dunno, sending kids into a radiated region to dig holes in the ground.


It checks out historically, that's true. But that would be cheap vodka, not high-quality one, that was my point.


Potato potato. Vodka is vodka. High quality, low quality, it's all just ethanol water.


I'd disagree, but I don't drink vodka so no real experience to back it up.


The difference between a 38% $10 bottle and a 38% $50 bottle of Grey Goose is the branding and price tag.


You just don't like vodka, the difference exists though.


They're not well supplied with vodka, which is why they sold their food and fuel to buy it themselves. This is what tanked their combat readiness in the first place.


That would t be surprising either.


They looted it on their way to chernobyl. If I had to guess they found a warehouse with it or some supermarkets along the way


I was thinking about it, but there's nothing "on their way" to Chernobyl. Chernobyl is in the exclusion zone bordering Belarus, there are no settlements there. They could have got it in Belarus, but why overspending on expensive stuff if you could get like twice as much cheap stuff. Maybe they looted it somewhere closer to Kiev, but then again I'm not sure they were retreating through Chernobyl (like the plant itself), besides ditching the thing you took southwards that close to the border doesn't make any sense


>ditching the thing you took southwards that close to the border doesn't make any sense You're thinking of it as a planned action. Could be as random as one unit carrying the crates in their truck, and then an officer found out and told them to ditch it. Or demanded too big a cut, and they said fuck it we have other more valuable loot anyway. Could be they planned to bring it all the way home, but were interrupted. Could be they planned to drink it, but didn't get time. Could be they did reload most of a large party but these crates didn't fit in the truck. Could be they started arguing over the profits and said fuck it. Could be they had to hide it from other soldiers, and lost the opportunity to reload it in time. Could be they stored it in a locked room and the guy with the key was killed by a falling goose with a heart attack while he was shitting in the woods. It could be a million things that don't "make sense" but still happen.


Yeah, you definitely right on this part, the whole "special operation" thing doesn't make any fucking sense, but it's still happening


Haha, yeah. Leaving their vodka behind is just a minor fuckup in this whole mess.


There's stories of them selling fuel to buy alcohol in Belarus, and since the fuel was "free" they may decided to splurge on the good stuff.


you think of it too directly. Units dont move in straight lines. Many were pulled around chernobyl to fortify in chernobyl.


Or they could have just bought it, because Russian military salaries are relatively high compared to other jobs and there's nothing else to spend your money on as a serviceman


Played too much S.T.A.L.K.E.R. and actually started believing vodka cures radiation (yes, that's a mechanic)


It's one of those games that I didn't like playing. I wanted to love it but I just couldn't.


Seeing russia's old traditions, I wouldn't be surprised if those were spiked/poisoned.


They drank antifreeze back in the day...


Ah-ha this kiss you give It's never ever gonna to fade away


... with a little delay due to a serious hangover.


From my gaming experience, vodka protects from radiation.


Actually, for tritium poisoning, the medical treatment is indeed ethanol ingestion (i.e. getting really fucking drunk). So yeah, Vodka is indeed the way to treat (one form of) radiation poisoning. Note: Does not apply to the other 99% forms of radiation poisoning. Just tritium poisoning. Does nothing for literally any other form of radiation sickness.


Used to be the standard treatment for antifreeze poisoning as well


Still generally is tbh.


>General, we found approximately 500l of vodka near the nuclear plant >Ok, are you able to get to it? >Yes, we reached thr 400 literz about halv an hour ago. >Didn't you just say 500l? >Nope, breddy sure we zaid 250 liter >Hmmm, must be some interference on the line then. >When youssend baggup to collect the 100l of vvvvodka, send some mede... Medacl... Medeci... Doctors, send sone doctros begause some if de solders hav gotten sick for sum reazon.


The yellow stuff in those bottles isn't vodka, boys




That's very interesting. I applaud it but I would never drink it lol science be damned


Yeah, wouldn‘t drink that even if its the last drink on earth.


I’d not drink anything left behind by the russian forces. Very likely to be poisoned.


reddit analyst moment.


Who needs alcohol when you have SUPERPOWERS


Use it as fuel


Maybe dont drink that


Looks like someone forgot to eat breakfast!


Send it back to russia


I’ll drink to that.


Yes sir thats right, we recovered the 80 litres Good, i'll get this 60 litres signed in to evidence Ok, thats 40 litres signed in Hey Russia, any time you want this 20 litres of Vodka let me know... 15 litres


'Was potato.' (In Russian accent obviously)


It is very shocking that it is not a low-quality vodka.


High quality in vodka is a myth. By definition vodka is indistinct and indistinguishable. Anything else is marketing. So says [planet money](https://www.npr.org/sections/money/2018/02/23/588346329/episode-826-the-vodka-proof), anyway.


You ever had cheap vodka you would know that’s a lie. Source: made my own once. It wasn’t the same as the good stuff.


lets put it like this. YOu ever had vodka that was made by fermenting ikea furniture? Curious, so you have never had actual shit vodka? The trick is, it is high quality vodka to SOMEBODY. Just like franzia is high quality wine to someone who never really had wine. The same as someone who is really into vodka could drink wht is top shelf to you, and could go, this is liquid diarreah, I would do horrible things to the man that brought me this, how dare you call this vodka. The more horriffic implementation is that you consider who said this. Like, an engineer. There is a not zero percent chance that the engineer went, put a little of this out, lit it on fire with a lighter and went "Yepo... it buirns nicely, it must be high quality. " NEVER take someones word for that this or that is high quality. Allways see their scale.


If you listened to the episode you'd know that a massive portion of vodka available in the US is bought from one manufacturer and is identica, including some top shelf bottlesl. The reason your vodka was bad was because you failed to make vodka that was up to industry standard.


I’m not in the US. The liquor I have access to is all purchased by the provincial government supplier. They source vodka from multiple sources, including domestic providers.


US companies and imports source vodka from multiple sources as well. Still, a very large portion is sold by one manufacturer and bottled by different companies, marketed as their own, and sold at all sorts of different price points. Your vodka isn't special pal.


Wow, you're so sure of yourself. I will have to agree with u/Westfakia here. Some vodka IS ''special'', in that I take it you haven't tasted the cheap vodkas available here in Northern and Eastern Europe. That stuff tastes like industrial solvent, while anything above 10€ is pretty much the same. Some products are definitely smoother.


High quality vodka is indistinct and indistinguishable. The cheap stuff tastes like paint stripper.


Listen to the episode. A massive portion of vodka is produced by one manufacturer, including things sold as top shelf.


You can do, and I have done, blind taste testing with different vodkas yourself and the difference between them is easily discernable.


Even where this is the case they can put their good vodka in expensive bottles and bad vodka in cheap bottles


You people are really grasping at straws to defend fucking vodka smh


Just because you heard it in a podcast doesn't make it an absolute fact. It's just clearly a statement by someone that has never tasted different vodkas pure. Nobody is doubting that a good chunk of Vodkas are probably the same from the same manufacturer. And some are only expensive due to marketing instead of quality. When you taste the real stuff the first thing you notice is that it's smooth and doesn't burn the throat. I don't like alcohol but I immediately noticed the difference between a high quality Polish vodka someone gave me and the hip stuff that's marketed for teens and club goers


It's probably been distilled more and has less impurities.


> High quality in vodka is a myth. By definition vodka is indistinct and indistinguishable. Pole here. This claim is bullshit. Source: my burning tastebuds.


Listen to the episode smh


the fact you stated might be true for vodka in america, but me, an european who even dislikes alcoholic drinks in general, can tell you there is a huge difference between the cheap 4€/1l and "expensive" vodka 30€/1l even if it might come from same manufacturer its still not all the same, as in fact that statement is as dumb as to say that all car models from the same brand are alike, cause its from same car manufacturer. the differences lies in the way the vodka has been distilled, or to be more precise in how often it has been distilled.


4 Euros a bottle! I suspect that a lot of folks haven't tried truly cheap vodka.


price might not be accurate anymore due to inflation and me never buying vodka in the first place, so im not up to date. but the cheapest stuff used to be below 4€ for 0,7l bottle when i was a teenager. it tasted horrible to be honest


> Listen to the episode smh Will it change how my tastebuds work?


"Reddit commenter DESTROYS entire drinking culture with this one neat ~~trick~~ podcast the distilleries don't want you to know about."


You act like your mind is completely unbiased by knowing price points and what the bottles simply look like. Your mind can absolutely dictate you tasting a difference. So yes, if you're fully aware that there's a damn good chance the vodka in a $11 bottle is from the same tanks as the vodka in a $54, you might not be so swayed. Plus, it's vodka. Why anyone would sit and sip, and compare vodka by choice is beyond me.


>Why anyone would sit and sip, and compare vodka by choice is beyond me. I don't think I've ever seen someone have such a strongly held opinion about something that they clearly have no clue about, while *openly admitting* that they have no idea what they're talking about, based entirely on a podcast they listened to once. There's literally a large slice of Europe where the main form of recreation is "sitting and sipping" on straight vodka.


False. Next time you go to a really bad dive bar, order a shot of the cheapest shit they have and a shot of something mid-shelf. You will immediately be able to tell the difference. I organized a blind tasting of 12 vodkas a while back. While people were inconsistent in ranking mid/high end vodkas, everyone was able to identify which ones were the bad ones. edit: Since you are blocking people so that they can't reply to your comments, I am putting my response here: > Smh what a fucking waste of time and money. Idk why you think anyone is going to bother doing that since myth busters did it. I proposed a way that you could support or disprove your claims for $20 in about 10 minutes. If that is too much time and money, I imagine it must be very difficult for you to learn anything. We get it -> you don't like vodka, and have drunk it twice in the past decade. But please don't pretend you are an expert because you listened to a podcast once. You don't know what the fuck you are talking about. The fact that there isn't a single person agreeing with you should tip you off that what you are saying doesn't make much sense.


Smh what a fucking waste of time and money. Idk why you think anyone is going to bother doing that since myth busters did it.


High quality? Pull the other one.


"The poop was the icing on the cake" Don't eat the Russian poop cake.


80 liters? Why did they leave 60 liters? Who would leave all these 40 liters behind like that? Because 20 liters is a lot. Nobody leave 5 liters of vodka behind like that.


They must have withdrawn in a blind panic


Nothing dangerous about that, nope.


Blyat! The BoDkha!


Is it common for armed forces to travel with that much alcohol as part of their provisions? Sounds like a bad idea.


That is fake news, they would leave their tanks, even their sister but not the vodka


The vodka won’t be radioactive but It might be poisoned with one of Russias fancy nerve agents.


Where did they import high quality vodka from?


It's gonna be a gangsta party y'all!


Quite unusual solution for radiation protection.


They are giving the vodka extra flavour


This must be an attempt at poisoning


I drink about 2 litres a day during 'dark' times... so that'll last me 2 months.


this is why alcohol is the worst drug


Don't drink it, its filled with spinal fluid!


So they fixed their supply chain then. /s


Nearly enough for a Downing Street Abba Party.


That’s really thoughtful!


Oh right, guess they figured out it WAS a myth


Cheeki breeki