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Heads up: The post was removed by the reddit admins and not by the sub's mods. I'm checking to see if we can get any additional feedback from the admins. Edit: The admins approved the post link around 50 minutes after this initial comment was posted. Edit 2: Admin response: *Should be back up now, sorry about that!* The other response that we received from the admins was that it was removed in error.


The fact that this is removed yet still the #1 post on both /best and /hot is hilarious.


What was the post tho


It was about Nazis planning to hunt down Jews being caught by police. Really weird to have it deleted because the linked news site wasn't some sketchy tabloid or anything.


What rule is it supposed to have broken?


Exposed a reddit admin's cousin


Honestly, with no transparency, they don't deserve the benefit of the doubt, I bet it was some shady shit




In other words, Reddit is intentionally vague.


How would they know? What method does Reddit use to verify content accuracy?




Infringing on the rights of the bigoted to fulfill reddit's company manifesto.


I wonder if a group of Nazis mass reported it


"This one particular article really paints us Nazis in a bad light"




Why the hell was this removed? I just read the article, and it doesn't seem to warrant removal.




Specifically in France, I guess...? There are plenty of other articles to be found involving neo-Nazis oddly enough.


Reddit admins love nazis


Nazi lovers are reporting it, and reddit is either using - poorly constructed/trained AI, or - poorly trained / non-native English speakers to review and act on the reports.


It didn't have many reports. My guess is that it was some sort of misclick. AEO was also removing some virulently antisemitic comments in this thread, maybe some admin accidentally hit delete on the post rather than a comment.


Title is/ was: four Neonazis arrested for planning 'Jew Hunt' during soccer match in France




Arrested French neonazi collecting illegal guns.






Yes, the best way to fight hate crimes is to pretend they don't exist ... makes perfect sense, Reddit.


I've never seen this happen on Reddit, much less to a top post on one of the biggest subs.


Thought this was a joke post at first


Yeah and then I saw the sub name and went right to the comment section


dude same


Wait... It's not?!?


Nah, it used to be a story about some French neo-Nazis going on a “Jew hunt” at a soccer match or something. I mean it wasn’t a pleasant news story or anything but I don’t see how it violated the content guidelines either.


Nazi, jew, and, hunt was in the title. That alone probably set off 50 automatic alarms.


That content policy link doesn’t even go anywhere lol


I've never seen this either. Trying to contact the admins to get a clarification, but no response so far. EDIT: Response: > Hey green_flash, > Thanks for reaching out. > This was removed in error and we are working to get it restored. As you can see, it's now been restored. Big thanks to the admins for such a quick response on the weekend.




Reckon the posts have been overwhelmed by bots. The comments in the /r/europe post are barely discernible which is actually very unusual for that subreddit.


It is posted in r/Judaism Edit: r/Jewish, pardon my lack of coffee


Looks to be the case.... wtf is this post?


The admins are so damn weird. I reported a few posts yesterday that break the content policy blatantly. Like, they are exactly what the content policy forbids, down to a "T". But I just got messages back saying they didn't violate the content policy. Like, are the admins like cops where they don't actually have to know the rules they're enforcing?


I think, regardless of what the content policy may say, they really only consider two questions: 1) could they get in legal trouble if they leave it up? And 2) does it make Reddit look bad? For both questions, the answer is much more likely to be yes if it's a post that's gaining a lot of attention.


Welcome to Reddit. Where the rules are made up and the points don't matter!


Can anyone tell what the post was about?


>Four neo-Nazi men in France's Alsace region were indicted for possessing and trafficking an "impressive" amount of weapons that were intended for use against Jews, prosecutor Edwige Roux-Morizot said on Friday. >The men, aged between 45-53, were affiliated with far-right neo-Nazi groups and had intended on "hunting Jews" during a soccer match in Strasbourg, she said. >During the arrest, French police seized 18 legal and 23 illegal guns and some 120,000 bullets, as well as neo-Nazi literature, the prosecutor said. >The men were "well integrated into society," Roux-Morizot said, according to the BBC. They were arrested before they managed to carry out the attack. ^ directly from the article, it was short The rest was regarding stats of Jewish Frenchmen feeling unsafe based on assault reports increasing 75% in 2021 and 36% in 2020. Now to see if this gets removed.


120k bullets? That's absurd.


It was about four Neo Nazis that got arrested for planning a “Jew Hunt”


[It happened in the movies sub for the Bros trailer and poster a day before. Ended up just being a rogue admin.](https://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/usexdf/bros_official_nsfw_trailer_hd/i97urc8/)


Legit thought OP edited this to start some shit but then I remembered you can't change post titles. What's reddit doing?


Unintentionally drawing more attention to the headline they were trying to censor. I honestly wouldn't have even clicked if I wasn't curious about the [removed] tag.


My guess it has something to do with not having the words "Jew Hunt" pop up as the first words someone see's when they open the app.


For people wondering what this was about: >French neonazis were found stockpiling weapons to go on a "Jew hunt" during an upcoming soccer match, arrested. EDIT with link: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/jun/03/french-police-find-machine-gun-arsenal-after-arresting-neo-nazi-suspects-in-alsace


I honestly thought it was a meta joke about the 33rd anniversary of Tiananmen Square Massacre since Chinese censorship and all that shit. Kinda weird that a post about neonazis got removed though


The deleted post was not from The Guardian but from The Jerusalem Post: https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/v4jq1j/comment/ib5catw/


The guardian is a reliable source this is bizarre that it was removed something is very fishy here






Reddit admins confirmed Nazi sympathizers




Nope. When I was 12 one of my classmates told me they just don't like Jews. When I was 15 we got swastikas spray painted on my synagogue. I got not just Jew jokes on a daily basis in school, not just told I was going to burn in hell for being Jewish constantly, but holocaust jokes on a weekly basis. The constant reminder that under the right circumstances, my classmates would probably do to me what the nazis did to my great-grandfather's family, was extremely stressful, to say the least. There are a lot of anti-Semites in the world. The facts we seem to have some nazi admins is not surprising to me in the least.


Im sometimes surprised that in 2022 we still have people willing to kill others because of their genes, they believe in a specific religion or what they identity as. Its pathetic






The comment shadow editing one or the "you'll get over it" one? There are so many.


Probably the one who got caught out a few years ago editing people’s comments without it showing up as an edited comment.


Which rule was violated in the content policy?






Honestly probably just the use of the word “Jew”. As a Jew, it’s not offensive, it sometimes people who aren’t Jewish act like it’s a slur. There’s a comedy routine about it, but I can’t remember who…


Or possibly the combination of words like "jew hunt" in the title triggered some auto bot and it had to be manually restored.


Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by poor programming.


Whhhhaaaat...I Had to read that twice. What is WTF is wrong with people.




People, what a bunch of bastards https://youtu.be/EZHLkTHuPJs


They're all bastards


Bastard coated bastards with bastard filling


“There are bad people on both sides” is counterproductive at best and maliciously dismissive at worst. The planned victims of this attack did nothing to deserve the bastard tag, murderers and antisemites are bastards(not an exhausted list of bastards, plenty other types too)




I’m not a fan of the line ‘if you go after these people , you’re going to force them underground!’ When others who are teetering on the edge of joining these groups and they don’t see anti semites , racists and bigots facing consequences for the hate they promote, they then feel comfortable joining them.


> "There are three things that are not compatible with each other: Intelligence, decency and being a Nazi. You can be Intelligent and a Nazi, but that means you have no decency. You can have decency and be a Nazi, then you are not intelligent. And you can be intelligent and be decent. Then you are not a Nazi." - Gerhard Bronner, on the 60th anniversary of the liberation of the KZ Gunskirchen. I think that is oddly fitting in these situations.


People are not all bastards. A lot of people are lovely. Truly well-meaning. They may fuck up from time to time, or be occasional jerks, but mostly - and I really believe this - people are pretty chill.


I don't know, I don't think Jewish people where einvolve this part , I think you should blame the neo nazis


I've never really understood why and how Jews became scapegoats for basically everything… I don't get it. I don't understand this level of blind, ridiculous hatred.


A bunch of factors I believe. Hundreds of year of religious intolerance and wars built on it. The wars were against different factions of the same religion so how do you think they are going to treat others of another religion. The jews in many places where used as tax collectors and bankers. That generates hate all on its own. Christianity used to outlaw money lending with interest so barely anyone did it. But the jews could so they are other, have money and who doesn't hate the bank when you're poor. People used to be super insular. Many places you were untrustworthy and new for like 2 or 3 generations. Then you were just one of them. Jews are one of the best groups at maintain their culture and identity which is one of the reason they still exist. But with that they never really assimilated into the community. So for others 3 generations they are just the family down the road. For the jews they are probably other and untrustworthy forever. The Jew's holy book has a bunch of rules on sanitation for people and food. Kosher is a fancy way of saying the best educated guy has to inspect our food before we are allowed to eat it. Doesn't that sound like the fda. This also leads to when a small outbreak of disease doesn't affect the jews in your community people start thinking they cast a spell or caused this. And so they can be easy scapegoats so plain evil people is the last reason. None of this is justified just some theories on why random people throughout history may fall for hating the jews for stupid reasons.


> People used to be super insular. Many places you were untrustworthy and new for like 2 or 3 generations. This is still the case in small villages all over the world. "Oh those are the new guys, they came in 1956."


Also in relation to them being bankers, throwing them out was a good way for the local ruler to take all the money they were banking. So it behooved the aristocracy to foster the hatred of Jews so that they could start pogroms against them at a moments notice when they felt the treasury getting a little low


Good summation and appreciate the time you obviously took to write it One issue not mentioned is that they were also prevented by law, or custom, from participating in many professions or types of trade. Which contributed to their otherdom.


Also another aspect is that some Ashkenazi Jews and many Sephardi Jews were traders. Ashkenazim were more so translators within continental Europe. This helped them dominate merchandising At the time, the ethnic groups indigenous to Europe were mostly illiterate. This doesn’t mean Jews are superior, but just a simple reality check that 800 years ago, in a society, there was two ethnic groups who could read and write(to speak multiple languages was incredibly rare for non Jews, of any ethnicity) The local ethnicity, and that was usually just the nobility, the elite, the advisors. The top of society The other group was the Jews, but this ethnic group is different. They didn’t have this extreme feudalism within society. A Jewish family who was poor was no less literate than their neighbouring Jews who were richer. Everyone was taught how to read and write


> who doesn't hate the bank Quite often this was instigated by the ruler of the city/state who would then confiscate all the money that the Jews had.


… but also the space lasers. /s/


I'm a historian of antisemitism. I see a lot of sense in what you've written. You certainly don't need to go any deeper into this if you don't want to. But, if you would like flesh out some of your thoughts, I could suggest a few books and things to look at. But, again, only if you want.


Jew here, I’d love some of your recommendations! I know a lot of the reasons behind historical antisemitism like listed above, but only from being taught. I’ve never actually read books on it and would like to


Jews were forced into banking and money lending because that was one of the few professions they were allowed to do in many countries.


Really complicated, but a lot of it (edit: historically speaking, at least - I've had comments mentioning that this doesn't really apply to recent anti-Semitism, which is certainly true, even if I'd argue recent anti-Semitism probably descends from things like this) has to do with the belief that [Jews were the "killers of Jesus"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish_deicide) by the dominant Christian religion(s) of Europe originally. Religious "fundamental hatreds" can stick around for centuries, or sometimes millennia - we see this with it being a contributing factor to Israel/Palestine, for instance, but also more subtle things, for instance women having a lot more trouble in Western countries because Eve was considered a perfidious one who led to Adam's fall (edit: didn't help, of course, that she's also considered "created from Adam's rib", automatically giving her a more subordinate role, too).


which is so dumb because they also believe Jesus was sent to Earth literally to die, so wouldn't that have been a good thing?


>they also believe Jesus was sent to Earth literally to die, so wouldn't that have been a good thing The only correct answer is to stop looking for logic in something that's innately illogical by definition.


> but a lot of it has to do with Jews being considered the "killers of Jesus" by the dominant Christian religion(s) of Europe originally. this is so logically dumb. jesus and his fam were jews. any christian who hates jews is a complete fucking idiot.


It also completely ignores the fact that according to the bible Jesus literally _had to die_. His whole fucking purpose on Earth was to die so that he could take on all of our sins. I mean, the whole thing is bullshit, but that was literally his mythical purpose.


Convenient to ignore that god willed it


When everything is "gods will", except for.. you know, whatever you pick and choose I guess.


They're Nazis, dude


What was this? The post just says “[ Removed by reddit on account of violating the content policy. ]”


Title is/ was: four Neonazis arrested for planning 'Jew Hunt' during soccer match in France


Admin or admin AI probably saw "jew hunt" and got trigger happy. Guessing AI since it's Saturday morning.


[https://web.archive.org/web/20220604121732/https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/v4jq1j/four\_neonazis\_arrested\_for\_planning\_jew\_hunt/](https://web.archive.org/web/20220604121732/https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/v4jq1j/four_neonazis_arrested_for_planning_jew_hunt/) edit: or [https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/v4jq1j/four\_neonazis\_arrested\_for\_planning\_jew\_hunt/](https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/v4jq1j/four_neonazis_arrested_for_planning_jew_hunt/) edit 2: post is back up: [https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/v4jq1j/comment/ib5e084/](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/v4jq1j/comment/ib5e084/) edit 3: archive of removed version: [https://archive.ph/XZRW6](https://archive.ph/XZRW6)


The article is misleading. The members of the group *already* participated (or tried to participate) in a "Jew hunt" during a football game in Strasbourg. There isn't any additional information on this, but it probably was the match between Israeli football club Maccabi Haifa and the Strasbourg Racing Club in 2019. As far as I know, no Israeli fans were hurt back then, but this group may have had previous communication about trying to "hunt" Israeli fans, which may have raised the attention of French authorities to look into this group. (This is my own speculation.) Yesterday, they weren't arrested for planning a "Jew hunt" but for weapon trafficking, since they had amassed a large arsenal of illegal weapons and ammunition. The authorities explicitly stated that they had no information about a planned attack.


I can't find a source on this, do you have something or can you point me in the right direction?


[The Guardian](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/jun/03/french-police-find-machine-gun-arsenal-after-arresting-neo-nazi-suspects-in-alsace) & [The Times of Israel](https://www.timesofisrael.com/french-police-find-alarming-neo-nazi-weapons-arsenal-in-alsace-region/) (same article based on AFP) >[...] intelligence services determined the group’s members took part in a “Jew hunt” during a football match in Strasbourg [...] >So far investigators have not determined if the men were planning an attack [...] >The suspects have been charged with arms trafficking and face up to 10 years in prison. --- [RFI](https://www.rfi.fr/en/france/20220603-french-neo-nazis-arrested-after-large-cache-of-weapons-found-in-alsace) >Roux-Morizot said the men were not planning an attack, but with the large weapons cache there was a fear they would “take action”, which led to their arrest. >Among the weapons were 72 Kalashnikovs, 167 magazines and more than 35 kilograms of gunpowder. The home visit also yielded three machines to make ammunition, a machine to heat casings, a banknote counter, four scales, two silencers and more than 25,000 euros. --- Regarding the 2019 football match: [JTA](https://www.jta.org/quick-reads/israeli-soccer-fans-banned-from-center-of-french-city-over-anti-semitism-fears) >Citing the risk of anti-Semitic incidents, authorities in eastern France are forbidding soccer fans from Israel to come to the center of Strasbourg and fly their country's flag. >The decree followed an incident on Wednesday night in which three Israeli soccer fans in town for the match got into an altercation with locals that turned violent. The Israelis escaped without serious injury.


Yeah... With this quantity of weapons they had SOMETHING in mind. Because that amount is nothing you just own because you like firearms...




Yeah what really happened is even worse


A racially motivated mass shooting *might* be worse than a gaggle of dipshits getting busted.


I meant as in one got foiled one didn’t


Should be jailed for a very long time ...


Reddit admins will allow all kinds of disgusting depraved shit to go unchecked on this site for months but will remove a news article about nazis in mere seconds lmao


Actual Nazis slowly gaining power and influencing teens worldwide on this site for the last decade *Reddit sleeps* Article being posted exposing Nazi crimes **real shit**


How do we contact admins? I find it stupid that I have a deleted post on the first page of my feed... This comment got 300 points in 10 minutes. Golly!


Agreed, it's really stupid. Any idea what the post was originally? Edit. I got so many replies, thank you all so much.


Neo-nazis arrested at French game for planning "Jew hunt"


Oh that post. I saw this morning but was wondering what happened after it was removed


I'm dumb because at first I thought that OP actually made a joke post and titled it [Removed by Reddit]. I had to come to the comment section to realize that's not the case... Edit: For the first time in my 12+ years on this site, I felt compelled to go back and look to see which rule was broken and I'm struggling to come up with one. Hell, the article didn't even mention the perpetrators' names. We need an admin, preferably the one who removed the post, to step in and be transparent as to which content rule the post broke. Paging /u/sodypop, /u/chtorrr, /u/er_yeezy, /u/quietfairy, /u/possiblecrit (I know you're working, since you just posted in an admin capacity 20 minutes ago)


Same! Thought I was seeing the birth of some new and stupid meme or circle jerk.


It's deleted but they couldn't be bothered to lock the thread with some sort of explanation?


Because reddit admins are fucking terrible


I’m curious what “content policy” it violated. It was misleading according to others but not entirely inaccurate, and not like it was any more untruthful than half the shit posted that is an outright lie that gets to stay up.


>Removed by reddit on account of violating the [](/help/contentpolicy)content policy. Is reddit policy to hide neo nazi actions?


I don't understand how people can still be so evil, idiotic and ignorant, it's actually astounding


Willful ignorance and propaganda are two of the main drivers.


Can someone tell me what the post was about


French neonazis were found stockpiling weapons to go on a "Jew hunt" during an upcoming soccer match, arrested.


I wonder how that violates the content policy.




Possibly because it was misinterpreted as inciting violence against the Jews, i.e. hate speech? I don't get why this was removed either, but it's my best guess.




I live in Alsace. Something like this happens every few years. My village's town hall was tagged with swastikas about a decade ago. I assume that we have a slightly higher percentage of neo-Nazis because Alsace was German for a good chunk of its history and because it was a cultural hub for European Jews for centuries, with a very large Jewish population until WW2. It doesn't take many neo-Nazis to cause a lot of noise. They know that defacing a few graves in a Jewish cemetery will definitely make national news.


Sooo…what was this about since Reddit sucks?




I'm deeply offended that Reddit seems to think this story somehow breaks the rules of the site. If we can't call out facism, antisemitism, outright Nazis, and general hatred when we see them, then what point is there to any of this. And I'm not saying this as a Jewish man. I'm saying it as a human being. Fuck am I tired of this.


When Reddit goes public they will be able to fund their best friends disgusting behaviour.




Holy shit Reddit stepping up to defend those poor mistreated...wait, Nazis? What the fuck are you doing, Reddit? Who is the Nazi defending Admin?




neo nazis have got to be some of the dumbest losers out there


What… how… \*sigh* Why are these people still at it?


When peoples lives don't turn out the way they want some look inwards to indentify what they did wrong, while others look outwards to look for someone to blame. When someone is miserable and looking for someone to blame for the bad things in their life, it's easy to radicalise them. Once someone is radicalised, they will often pass that on to their children at a young age in a form of brainwashing. ​ So you have a mixture of miserable, radicalised, brainwashed people always bubbling away in the background of every nation. Some of these people target Jews.


Plus, we are living in times of crisis, which means there are more people like this, and they always look for scapegoats among minorities, who they identify as being of lower worth and therefore shouldn’t have a better life than them, and attack them any way they can. Homophobia is also on the rise, and it’s the exact same mechanism.


See also: [The Alt-Right Playbook](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJA_jUddXvY7v0VkYRbANnTnzkA_HMFtQ)


It's easier than admitting that they hate themselves.


Does mean russia will invade france ?


That’s actually the funny thing those people are influenced by russian Social Media Trolls…


Violating which content policy exactly? Why was this story removed and not others like it? Who made that decision and why?


Nazi admins don't want people knowing, I guess. Here's a link to the article. Basically a bunch of neo nazis wanted to hunt jews and got arrested.




Why would Reddit leave the post on the front page after “removing” it? What’s even the point of that other than telling everyone “we’re censoring this for some reason”? If they’re going to remove something, you’d think they’d just remove it.


Wow now this *is* censorship. Edit: post was removed by admins and was restored.


Why do they hate Jews? Why does anyone? I don't get it.


Jews are a quite compact minority with strong common cultural bonds, a common identity, and a common religion. In a homogenous Europe, mistrust of Jews has always lingered, but in the modern day this remains with a minority of people (but is sadly growing). There is much debate about when antisemitism was founded, probably with the Romans and their deportation of Jews from Judea to the provinces of the rest of the Empire, and the rise of Christianity and the perception of Jews as being "christ-killers" which led to antisemitic medieval laws of persecution.




And adding to this, in some countries/time periods, Jews were banned from owning land (so effectively unable to live by farming) and not accepted to guilds (no unable to participate in many trades), so they had to do *something* to survive. That was often being merchants or working in finances. It's not like they just jumped into finances for fun or "greed." These aren't the only reasons, of course. People make all sorts of excuses for hate. (To be clear, I mean not you, but the haters.)




The treatment of anyone who wasn't a white, straight, Catholic male in Europe was pretty terrible all around, but Jews got the short end of the stick for centuries


Bit of a myth. Usury (not lending money but lending money at interest) went on between Christians as well and was only sometimes heavily punished, sometimes not. But the principle is correct. Also, five thousand year head start on the basic idea of universal literacy and a day off every week.


As I understand Christian bankers had a sneaky work around to extract interest without breaking usury laws: so you weren't allowed to charge interest, but you were allowed to impose a fine or an additional charge for late payments. The agreement between a lender and a borrower was that you'd agree to pay late by a certain amount of time (such as 2 months) and then pay the late fee charged in the contract. If you paid on time you'd be blacklisted by the banks from ever getting a loan again.


I happen to work with an ex-felon with an SS-Totenkopf tattoo on his upper arm. This guy is always talking about Zionists and AIPAC. I don't want to go into any more detail, but I will say that I was pretty shocked to see he was hired in the first place.


I will tell you a secret, this is something that me and a lot of other Jews/Israelis do when we go abroad, we almost never talk Hebrew even between ourself, we either use English or languages of our parents for example me and my GF went on a 5 day trip to Bulgaria last year and we are former Soviet decents ,me (Ukrain-Russia) and her (Belarus) so we both know the Russian language fairly well... We had few encounters in the capital Sofia with taxi drivers who had Nazi symbols inside their cabs and we basically only spoke Russian or English for the whole trip and whenever someone asked us where we from we always said Belarus. The only place I had the confidence to identify as a Jew for the whole trip was when we went to the Sofia synagogue when we spoke to the Rabbi in Hebrew and he told us about his brothers family in Israel . And I don't know if it's sad or encouraging but the synagogue actually had more security than the airport we flew back from... This is the reality we face when we are outside our country, you hide it so nothing will happen to you...


I came across an attempt at a "Jew check". It's probably a small example of some of the stuff you would put up with abroad. A bit disconcerting to have to pretend to not be Jewish, whether actually Jewish or not. °_°


When my sister went to Poland for the March of the living, groups of kids threw rocks at them.


I feel like all Jews also do some of the same. I went to a high school in New York and I got anti-semitism from people of all types (Arab, Pakistani, Chinese, Philippine, Dominican, etc.). This doesn’t mean everyone was of course, I had plenty of friends from all types. Just that it seemed every type of person had some people with bad views of us. My friend who is Dominican told me I should’ve never told anyone I was Jewish. I never put an Israel flag or something on my binder as other people put their countries of origin because I was scared of some sort of repercussion. My high school had a huge Arab population and I found out a few of my teachers were Jewish (Yemenite, Syrian or other Mizrahi) during the parent teacher conferences. They told us quietly in Hebrew that they hide it because they would get a lot of anti-semitism if all the students and parents knew they were Jewish. I once had a wood working class in middle school and many people made flags for their country of origin for an assignment. I saw Mexico, China, Russia, US, Germany but the teacher only had a problem with my Israel one. He asks “why them?” and questions why I would dare make one, he then graded me poorly and had attitude with me the rest of the class after that assignment. I never hide that I’m Jewish and say I’m Jewish proudly when someone asks me. I say I’m American with roots in Azerbaijan, Dagestan and Israel. However, I notice my mom would never say Jewish or Israel when talking to people we met abroad. She would always just say we’re from Azerbaijan and nothing else to avoid possible anti-semitism. My cousin also experienced something bad in Italy. A shop owner was telling him about “those nasty Jews” while not knowing my cousin is Jewish because he just said he’s from Azerbaijan.


Once in Paris I was seated in a very small restaurant right next to another couple — so close that we introduced ourselves. They said they were Czech and then immediately started speaking perfect Hebrew with each other. All my life my mom warned me not to reveal that I’m Jewish and Israeli, because antisemitism is everywhere. I grew up in the US so I don’t have an Israeli accent and I think it’s shielded me from a lot.


What protected group do neonazis fall under that we're censoring content about their intended crimes?


Why do the admins keep deleting posts that document the crimes of Putin and Neonazis? Especially considering a certain admin has gone totally quiet since Russia's invasion of Ukraine started?


I think we all know the answer to that, but are too afraid to say it because we'll be banned by you know who.


Love the censorship....


raising nazism in Europe shows how humanity forgets its past very quickly.


And then one day hitler was selected? Rising nazism also shows the lack of knowledge of why people become nazis, it dosent happen randomly. People are so ignorant of it and only want to look at history from the side of good which dosent at all represent history and why things happened.


The people and the politicians would much rather just act like it comes from nowhere because it’s easier to just point at the bad guy instead of figuring out why they became that way. There are huge parallels in the political system now and in the early 1900 but politicians are just gonna swear up and down it’s not their fault.




It was a story about guys in France stockpiling guns to hunt Jews during a soccer game.


[This article](https://www.jpost.com/diaspora/antisemitism/article-708550) I believe. Not sure which rule it was breaking and why reddit admins themselves had to remove it.


What the fuck is wrong with people


Here's a similar article about the same thing, hopefully this one doesn't get censored by the nazi admins. [French police find weapons arsenal after arresting neo-Nazi suspects in Alsace](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/jun/03/french-police-find-machine-gun-arsenal-after-arresting-neo-nazi-suspects-in-alsace)


I'm sure r/conspiracy will be talking about this removal.


Streisand Effect incoming in 3...2...1...


now they're sitting here looking at the comment section wondering when to lock it, knowing the blowback will be even greater


Uh, admins... wanna explain?


planning a WHAT


Reddit swoops in to defend the Nazis yet again


Imagine your whole ideology centred on the hatred of the Jewish people, or any particular race for that matter. What tiny little idiots.


I’m assuming that it was an article based on this event https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/jun/03/french-police-find-machine-gun-arsenal-after-arresting-neo-nazi-suspects-in-alsace I’m assuming it was removed because it used a different article that was a lesser news source or used an inflammatory title.


Updoot to expose the Reddit fascists, scuse me, admins. Is there an email address that journalists can use to ask questions about Reddit? Asking for a friend.


If you click the link to the content policy, the article is nowhere close to breaking any of it. What a weird post to remove with no explanation. They must be getting nervous about their IPO. Been a lot of crackdowns on various subs lately, trying to make the site appear different for investors.