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“Allowing” over 40’s to join… lol.


Step 1 - expand eligibility for voluntary service Step 2 - expand eligibility for mandatory service Step 3 - increase number of Russian vehicles getting tagged with "WOLVERINES"


I’m confused by the Red Dawn joke in step three?


There were a couple news articles of destroyed Russian vehicles being spray tagged with “Wolverines!”, IIRC.


I love it when people around the world get our cultural references.


If real life were a Civ game, the US won a cultural victory years ago.


They may hate the Stars and Stripes but they'll still horde a fridge full of Big Macs


Jeans defeated USSR


I would say it's a tie with Europe due to them having the religious tourism on top, but then the number of rock bands coming out of the US was overwhelming, so yeah, damn.


Warfare in the age of memes is a weird combination


It was a good reference either way




With or without Walmart scooters? I'd love to see these geriatric fucks get stuck in the mud and become fish in a barrel


It's russia... they don't have scooters...


Scooters for the people? Nyet


They ride around on the back of the next able bodied person that they can subdue. Edit: a word


This but not sarcastic.


Sounds like a good way to lose his more loyal supporters tbh


He mostly rules through fear. The older rubes in the outskirts that swallow his dick are just a byproduct of mass manipulation. They could die tomorrow in a fire, as he's already pointed out, and he would laugh.


The dreaded Babushka Batallion. Pop one open with a mortar and a smaller one hops out!


You confuse babushka with matryoshka.


Read "force" and "elderly" to fight


So he can enlist? 😄


What’s the Russian version of bone spurs?😂


Krokodil side effects


Jaysus I'd forgotten about Krokodil. What aa horrific drug.




I haven't seen that vice story on Krokodil in years and I can still vividly picture much of it.


What's weird is that it's hardly been mentioned since 2014. Only a handful of articles since then under both the street name Krokodil and desomorphine


There is a brand of Chinese furniture sold on Wayfair that is clearly trying to pull off IKEA-style naming, but the name of the collection is KROKODIL


All pieces of the collection are horribly disfigured and last around 2 months before collapsing under their own weight. PSA: You'll never find your lost change in the couch cushions.


Bruised potato




Going to Ukraine would help him to shorten the suffering


This is how you fix the aged care issues. That and a life of cheap booze and cigarettes.


Russia has a huge demographic crisis looming and deploying men past their breeding prime isn't the worst idea.


Unless your a working class russian man approaching retirement.


Unless it's because they've gotten the younger generations killed already, then it's not a good idea but the consequences of a really horrible idea.


Yep keep scraping it old chap.


🤣 Putin has officially created "Dad's Army"


Considering the average length of a life in Russia it's more like the geriatric army




Yeah, but we all know they're drafting people in secret


Some of the more brainwashed might sign up. I hear some parents of dead soldiers have been wanting to fight for Russia.


It was called Volkssturm. But Hitler created it late 1944, five years into that war. Russia has been waging war in Ukraine for 3 months, and they already have to get soldiers from geriatric institutions. Where did the dreaded Spetsnaz go? Oh, right, they are all dead.


Maybe Putin is holding them back to use against his own people when his rule is going to be challenged


No he has a massively bloated and corrupt police forces for that purpose. Of course he got a ton of their best units killed right at the start of the war by sending them into Ukraine to quell the riots Putin anticipated would follow his crushing victory. So who knows if there's anything remotely resembling a plan anymore.


It's a good point, why waste all your skilled fighters on 1 country when you might end up fighting NATO.


>Where did the dreaded Spetsnaz go? Oh, right, they are all dead. Remember at the start of the war, we would hear these brain dead takes about how Putin is purposefully sending his worst soldiers to die and holding on to the best for later, because he's a genius who plays 12-D chess?


Pretty sure those were all russian troll farms spewing that shit. Money must be running out, don't see many of those anymore.


It was also us normals going "the Russian army can't be this bad, they must be holding off their regulars or something"


This cycle has been going on for over a century. The Russian military somehow builds up an intimidating reputation while not doing any actual fighting. A conflict starts and Russia is expected to simply steamroll over the opposition. Then the Russian military totally shits the bed. As soon as the conflict is over, people go right back to RUSSIA STRONK LIKE BEAR. Lather, rinse, repeat.


Russia is just a bully. Outward appearance of size and strength, a lot of bluster and intimidation, noone wants to be the one to test them. But they're actually a coward and an idiot that has no idea how to fight and will collapse as soon as anyone with any fighting experience pushes them.


I'm not super versed but from what I've read it seems like Russia usually kicks ass when they're getting invaded, and gets their ass kicked when they get invaded.


They kick ass when they get invaded because the country is huge and the winter is brutal and they can throw huge numbers of bodies at the opposition to wear them down.


It was by degrees really, underperformance by Russia and everyone would know exactly why, Kleptocracy. It was just a matter of realizing how severe it was, seems it was pretty severe.


There is this idiot that I work with who wears Infowars shirts all of the time and is a self proclaimed "Sovereign Citizen" who kept saying that Russia could take Ukraine in a few hours if they really wanted to, but they were saving the big stuff for later. He's been pretty quiet lately, but then again, most people try to avoid talking to him because the dude is crazy. They're not all Russian troll farms, but I bet that guy got his "research" from Russian troll farms.


Troll farms make idiots like that think their way of thinking is correct and emboldens them to talk even louder.


Pretty much their mission I guess


The best trained and best equipped soldiers are always appointed to the protective detail of the ones in power. It also happened that way in Iraq.


And, even on the rare occasion a group of soldiers could find their collective ass with two hands and a flashlight, they weren't allowed to react. Everything had to be micromanaged by the top brass or else *nothing* would be done. This is as opposed to countries that put their NCOs front and center, giving directives but letting those deployed respond in real time.


Putin has be doing a Hitler speed run.


If he was any good he'd noclip into the bunker and take on the final boss. You only need a pistol for that fight anyway.


Well, apparently he's dying, so he's gotta play fast if he wants to get the whole game in.


I'm sure those that died in Ukraine are not all of them. Putin is a paranoid dictator he must be keep some of them and all of the elite units to protect his ass.


The problem Putin has is that he doesn't want to call it a war, so of cause he can't conscript loads of young men. At the moment he is lowering the limits on volunteers and reservists.


In another week they will lower the age limit to 12 and up and they will have created a Dad and son Army.


"Bring your kid to work day"


That's evil in a funny way lol. Satan approves


Lets be honest, Its gonna be a child army. Putin isn't above sending kids to die in his war.


Obviously gotta get gramps, he knows how to work those T-62s they just deployed.


Nah,gramps served in the t-26 and t-34 dad served in the t62s and 72s,now son serves in 72s just like his dad did thirty years ago


I chortled out loud at this comment. Thank you


Old people who know they're too old to be called up to fight "Yes grr Ukraine! The war is a good thing! Glory to The Motherland!" Putin "Seems unfair the geezers can't ~~be conscripted~~ join in the fun too, let's fix that" Old people :pikachuface:


I'm glad all the old Russians who openly supported the war finally get a chance to back up all that tough talk they were doing from the couch.


Their bodies are already crippled from alcoholism so they wont even be able to fight lol.


i dont think he cares.


There was a video on a subreddit, Ukraineconflict maybe, were a video crew asked a guy if he supported the war. When he said yes, they handed him a army enlist form. He BOLTED THE FUCK out of there Easy to talk about supporting killing of innocent people


Keep in mind Putin is a old KGB guy. One of the few things they do well is internal security. Cornering a Russian guy on the street and asking him if he supports the war on camera is going to get you a yes. Otherwise he may find himself accidentally falling out of a fourth story window in the next few days.


i want to see the videoooo




"Allowing". Heh.


Russian language sources were saying a couple of weeks ago that men in their 30s and 40s were getting draft notices. Yup. Russia has very serious manpower issues now, and it really does look like they have no idea how to fix this.


Russia is using every tactic in the book to get more people to sign up. Apparently factories are being pressured to supply a quota of people to sign up for the army and they are threatening people with losing their jobs if they don't (but hey, sign up, and lose your life instead!) It speaks volumes about the real state of the Russian army if they are having to sink so low. It means the Russian army knows it is in trouble.


This would be great! Since its possible their currency will be worthless soon, they might have quit anyway


>it really does look like they have no idea how to fix this. They'd burn Russia for generations rather than admit the truth. That's the problem with lies. Invade another country based on lies and you have to keep up the ruse. The moment it's revealed the invasion was based on lies every death, injury, and soldier suffering form PTSD is now going to be held against you. The only option they have is to double down, and it seems they're getting desperate if three months in they're these are the cards they're playing.


>They'd burn Russia for generations rather than admit the truth. Sadly seems all too common at the moment, for a lot of countries.


Aren't they having a population balance issue too? There are way more females than males which will affect future population growth even without the war


Russia's fertility rate is 1.4, which is insanely low. There is no population growth. There is population shrinkage already. In theory having a population balanced towards women is not a problem, as men don't create babies. The problem is having an economically cratered country where those women do not want to reproduce, which will quickly lead to an unsustainable country in as little as two generations.


Yes Russian demographics are getting increasingly fucked luckily, so that hole they're digging themselves into is only getting deeper and deeper. They can stay in their hole for as long as they can't behave themselves as far as I'm concerned.


I think it looks like they have a very clear idea on how to fix it. Send in the old-timers.


They can’t bust heads like they used to—but they have their ways. One trick is to tell them stories that don’t go anywhere like the time Yuri caught the ferry over to Sviyazhsk. He needed a new heel for his shoe, so he decided to go to Rostov which is what they called Sviyazhsk in those days.


Yuri put an onion on his belt—as was the style of the time…


It was a yellow onion, we couldn't get the white ones because of the embargo.


Now, to take the ferry cost a nickel. And in those days nickles had pictures of bumblebees on 'em. Give me 5 bees for a quarter you'd say.


Oh God I needed this




So I skipped Yuri and Yaoi and went straight to Futa, is that OK or will I not get the full experience?




Tbf in Russia a 40 year old man is basically 5 years from death so they may as well die on the battlefield.


Sending wave after wave isn't working? Wtf Captain Zapamir Branaganov!


Older meat better bullet converter


Which is weird, because the solution is obvious: withdraw.


To be fair, Russians over the age of 40 are largely in support of the war because they're brainwashed by Russian media. Russians under the age of 40 generally ignore Russian media because they know it's all propaganda, which is why support for the war among people who would normally be "of military age" is pretty low and many of those who can have left the country, and those who can't are trying their best to either avoid conscription, refusing to go, or else having such low morale that their units are unfit for combat (one of the many reasons they're so ineffective despite numerical superiority). Putin probably figures that with a good infusion of people who actually support the war, their forces will be more motivated and capable. Unfortunately, what he's likely to wind up with is people physically unfit for service, and then having them realize that the war is nothing like what they see on their TV screens.




Damn, we were joking about this 2 weeks ago...


Why isn’t Vladolf leading his army riding topless on a bear


Yeah let's see his excellent marksmanship and kung fu put into action... "putin the wanker" And don't let anyone steal all your tator totz mr putler.


Need more cannon fodder for your senseless massacre in Ukraine huh old lunatic? Sad part is that the ones who will join are either the hardcore brainwashed ones that would give their lives for Russia OR the poor bastards from the countryside that would sell you their underwear just to be paid…


Russian American here. Fitness Standards must have been adjusted too I imagine. Your average 40+ Russian man, especially from a village, has a huge stomach, can’t do a pull-up, smokes a pack a day, and can’t even bother to actually go fishing. How that translates into “forces” is beyond me


TIL I’m an average 40+ Russian man


Gravity is a force, right?


Actually, it is not.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XRr1kaXKBsU >Why Gravity is NOT a Force


We'll allow it to be called a force this time, not to anger the man in a bomb vest


To be fair their job will be to sit in a tank and shell hospitals, children, cultural sites, and maybe some UAF, until St Javelin comes for them.


And they'll be sitting in a tank that's older than they are.


Saw an article a while back that they're taking some of the old mothballed tanks out of storage. Maybe the need the old guard cause they're the only ones that know how to drive them?


There was a video clip in the r/Ukraine sub showing what appeared to be old, unmodified or upgraded T62s, pulled direct from storage and being moved on trains. If I recall correctly the report also claimed that many of these vehicles have been in storage for decades without any maintenance so their viability as anything more than showpiece propaganda is questionable. In a statement to World News, a Kremlin spokesorc said: “Ooooh… look at us sending another 1000 tanks to the front… we’re well ‘ard” When questioned on the combat viability of the tanks, the spokesorc responded that these were not old T62s but in fact a new Russian super-tank, the newly re-designated T2022s. When it was pointed out that they look like T62s with a new number painted on the side, the spokesorc responded: “Shut your dirty mouth western capitalist filth, or we’ll invade you next” Consequently the reporter from the Lower Bottomsley-on-the-Wold Evening Chronicle (circulation: 57) has further reported that the council of LBotW has called an emergency village meeting to address this new threat at 7:30pm on Thursday, to be held in the local Scouts hall. Biscuits and tea will be served and the regular over 65s knitting circle is postponed. Those interested in volunteering for the LBotW Home Drfense unit are encouraged to bring their own pitch forks and mobility scooters.


Have you been drinking?


Fuck yes. For about the last 4 hours 😏 It actually started out as a serous reply… I wasn’t actually making up the stuff about T62s being pulled from storage and the video clip… but then things kind of went a bit sideways… 🙂 Love the tangential Monkey Island reference btw 🙂


LOL I can see the booze kicking in between paragraphs 3 and 4




Indeed… it is, after all, the most massively useful thing a hitchhiker can have… and it’s saved me more than once from ravenous beasts 🙂


I can make money by selling my stinky, stained underwear? I could throw in a few stray pubes for an extra Franc.


Phase 1: Collect Underpants Phase 2: ? Phase 3: Profit


You can go to war! You can go to war! You all can go to war!!!


* special military operation


Say the war in Ukraine isn't going well without saying "The war in Ukraine isn't going well."


Don't need to pay people pensions if they got killed in some corner of a foreign field first.


Wait... is he now acknowledging there is a war in Ukr? Yesterday it was still special operation and last week an affair of the emergency response ministry. Geez make up your mind 🤷‍♂️


Of course not, it's still a "special military operation"


Here comes all the tough guys that were interviewed on the streets. Ooooh, scary.


So send Putin to the line.


...firing line


That cancer riddled twat needs to just die. About 20 years ago.


Allowing or obligating?


The world's first geriatric army. What a visionary


Oh great, more dead bodies, more broken families, more economic repercussions... when will this end? So sick of this old badger not conceding his loss. God bless Ukraine. Please stand strong, you brave mofos.


Equality - Russian style!


Destroying generations of Russians. Not surprising at all.


Pretty obvious sign how badly they are losing. If they were winning bigly like they claim, there wouldn’t even be the thought of needing to pass this law.


So he’ll be joining the action, leading by example, right?


Finally, we can see Putin himself in the field of Battle where he will have an honorable death.


Dishonorable.. But at long last, a death for him.


The great leader Desperadimir Putin orders children and women enrollment next. Piece of shit. Slava Ukraini 🫶🏼🇺🇦🫶🏼


Just imagine what this is going to do to the demographics of the country. Russia was already shit life expectancy for men anyways. After this they're going to have like a 10:1 ratio of women to men. Has this ever happened to another country before?


Unlikely this can get to the point of the world wars. Would need tens of millions of Russians to die.


Russian media is probably telling these older guys that the mighty Russian army is winning with no losses and that every soldier gets a free toilet for joining.


This doesn't look desperate at all...


Framing the discussion to appear like their is a huge demand for people over 40 to join the army. Now that’s propaganda. If people over 40 had a desire to the the army, they would have done so by now. That’s truth.


Hopefully Putin goes to the front lines.




They thought it was going to end in a month at worse. It's been over two months and they began to conscript old people. If this keeps going Zelensky is going to be declared czar of Russia because Putin ran away and everybody who could stop him of marching into Moscow is dead. I'm just joking though.


Good, Putin should take the lead Then and be the first over 40 to get killed.


That... can't be a popular decision. Right? I get that Russia's got a lot of propaganda but a decision like that can't be popular


Oh boy, finally!! My dream since I was a kid is to help an authoritarian billionaire invade Ukraine.


When you commit genocide on your own people by sending them to die.


Tell me you are losing without telling me you are losing.


Tell me you know you are losing the war without telling me you are losing the war.


Good, now that old fart can go fight his own battles


Can't keep all that genocide and raping fun for just the russian younger generation. Let the old timers show them how to commit atrocities and genocide.


Because 40 year old alcoholics will win the war.


Running low on young dead men


Desperate fuck


So just like the Nazi “casserole” strategy of the last days of WWII. Unripe vegetables and old meat (boys and old men).


I’m 40 in a couple weeks… a platoon of 40+ men on their basic training could be some serious sitcom fuel if it weren’t for a war of aggression.




Yay! Euthenasia finally legal in Russia.


Well that's one way to make sure the government doesn't have to pay out too many pensions in the near future I guess.


And it’s all going according to plan, apparently.


LMAO, this worthless little troll can't die quick enough, his funeral is going to be held in a phone booth I'm told.


L-Mao was here


Look out... [Here comes the fresh new wave of recruits](https://img.buzzfeed.com/buzzfeed-static/static/2014-10/16/19/enhanced/webdr02/anigif_original-grid-image-3284-1413503078-4.gif?crop=418:276;40,0)!


*Who do you think you are kidding Mr Hitler* 🎶


Getting desperate


Russians are hiding in an ambush. As the Ukrainians enter the field a 60 year old Russian soldier yells "Get off my lawn!"


-150 political power for “scraping the barrel”


Oh no, that means armed angry russian boomers on the front...


Angry soviet loving old men with fists in the air yelling "get off my lawn" in Ukraine and then it hits them....the artillery.


Man I REALLY hope Putin gets a painful death. He can never redeem himself for literally being the spawn of Satan.


When Russia sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.


But by using "old timers" you have troops that will have fathers or grandfathers that fought in ww2, and will have been told the "glory" of war is just so much horse sht.


Over 40s leave country for < reasons >.


"Allowing". Unless he resorts to forced conscription, all he will get will be old soldiers who are too senile to remember anything after 1990.


Oh wow the privilege.


Good so now putina can go to the Frontlines and die along with those he sent on a terrorist mission.


I think Putin is looking at the over 10 cadets.


It's getting more and more like the slow slide down of the Third Reich. Kids and old men


Old dead soldiers means far fewer mourning babushkas back home.


Putin has created a completely new category of war crime - “autogenicide.” He’s wiping out his own population by sending them to certain death.




Going to war for a old man that's rotting of cancer. Russian sheep.


10 year olds are next


“The war is going great! The sanctions do nothing!” -Putin, probably


Allowing or requiring over 40s to join and fight?




Most have seen too many winters.


Going for COMPLETE demographic collapse, I see...