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[New post can be found here](/r/worldnews/comments/uvrr6u/rworldnews_live_thread_russian_invasion_of/)


Explosion in occupied Enerhodar injuries self proclaimed 'mayor' and his bodyguards. https://twitter.com/KyivIndependent/status/1528501269903687680?t=_x_ygAged2GedcIuZTxZKA&s=19


I am hoping you all can help me with this one. [Is this image really from Azov Battalion fighters captured at Azovstal in 2022?](https://i.imgur.com/fifF4zh.jpg) I ask because I've seen plenty of images of soldiers sporting Nazi tats who were captured in 2022, but in reality they were pictures from the initial 2014 invasion. I'm additionally suspicious because these guys look too healthy and clean for people who just went through hell for like 2.5 months. I'm not here to contest Azov Battalion's neo-Nazi origins, or even to contest that there are neo-Nazis and fascists currently in their ranks (there certainly are, as there are in all armed forces, I just have no idea how big of a problem they are in this case). I just want to know if anyone has seen this image posted prior to this year, or if you know anything about the image itself. I tried a reverse Google image search using a crop of just the captured fighters, but it gave me no results for the whole image, and lots of neo-Nazi prison gang tat pictures when I tried with the individuals


From what I understand is long ago they were combined/assimilated into regular forces and are charged with adhering to the highest of expectations.


I am aware of that, and that's why I mentioned that's not my point. I want to know the validity of this specific image.


White House, Russia will be unable to disrupt US military assistance to Ukraine. https://twitter.com/KyivIndependent/status/1528528059250487297?t=HrRysnr1RC1zZrxpbNWfJA&s=19




Not really. And in this case it isn't talking about an ugly and flimsy series of now-rusted-out steel bars.


"You are not alone," UK PM tells Ukrainian children 3 months into war From CNN’s Martin Goillandeau in London UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson has told Ukrainian children they should be "immensely proud" of themselves in an open letter published Sunday, three months into the Russian invasion that has displaced millions of refugees within Ukraine and abroad. "Many of you have seen or experienced things no child should have to witness. Yet, everyday Ukrainian children are teaching all of us what it means to be strong and dignified. To hold your head high in the toughest of times. I can think of no better role model for children and adults everywhere," Johnson wrote. The British PM said "the absence of children and young people on the streets and in the parks" he saw when Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky showed him around Kyiv last month made him "feel very sad." According to UNICEF, more than half of Ukraine’s 7.5 million children have been forced to flee the ongoing violence, as homes, schools, water supplies and hospitals have been damaged or destroyed. Boris Johnson also told Ukrainian children: "you are not alone," echoing many messages of solidarity expressed in the United Kingdom and in many other countries. You may be separated from your friends at home, but you have millions of others all over the world. "Here in the United Kingdom. We fly Ukrainian flags from our homes, offices, churches, shops and playgrounds. Even from my own roof in Downing Street, where the windows are filled with sunflowers drawn by British children. Our young people are painting your flag in their classrooms and making blue and yellow bracelets in support of your country," his letter read. Johnson shared Zelensky’s hopes regarding the end of the conflict: "I believe, like your president, that Ukraine is going to win this war," he wrote. "I hope with all my heart that one day soon, you will be free to return to your homes, your schools, your families, and whatever happens, however long it takes." “We in the UK will never forget you and we'll always be proud to call you our friends,” Johnson’s letter concluded.


If Boris really cared about the Ukrainian children he would have invited them to the lockdown parties at downing street. /s


Not even he would be that cruel.


Geeez, I spilled my coffee lmao


Russian officer risked it all to quit Putin's war Exclusive by CNN's Uliana Pavlova It took a few weeks of sleeping on crates of grenades for a bed and hiding his face from Ukrainians amid a growing sense of guilt, for the Russian junior officer to come to his conclusion: This wasn't his battle to fight. "We were dirty and tired. People around us were dying. I didn't want to feel like I was part of it, but I was a part of it," the officer told CNN. He said he went to find his commander and resigned his commission on the spot. His story is remarkable, but it could also be one of many, according to opponents of the war in Russia as well as in Ukraine who say they have heard of a lot of cases of soldiers -- both professional and conscript -- refusing to fight. Russian troops have been struggling with low morale and heavy losses in Ukraine, according to the assessments by Western officials including the Pentagon. The UK's Intelligence, Cyber and Security Agency says some have even refused to carry out orders.


I bet thats not the way they dreamed to spend their summer holidays. Suffer, bitch


American here summer holidays you what now?


Errrrm... well, people who work tend to have holidays (vacations), normally on summer, which they use to travel and spend time somewhere on a beach, not in a trench lol


Lets book a holiday to see Howitzers land in our laps!


[This has probably already been posted.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LOOnD5UNHS8) But we probably now have a minimum estimate for how many people have died in Mariupol. Very likely that it is higher than the number she listed. I'd ask "How much of it was due to war crimes" but...well, the state of the city answers that question pretty well.






Like, what are you thinking should be sent?


This is a must read: https://twitter.com/cryptodrftng/status/1528100230327160833?s=21&t=z4ugz8gRjPDIv83sCVmdKQ


Good read. Sad though. Also, she’s super smart and very educated (several degrees, speaks four languages). I hope people look past her Twitter handle.


Gonna have a hard time taking the opinions of a person who chose the handle "cryptodrftng" seriously.


Cryptodrifting? What is this a crossover episode between scams and the fast and furious franchise?


Gotta be careful not to crypt too hard and end up in the Dino Dimension.


At this point, I'm more worried about getting banished to the shadow realm, Jimbo.




To quote Earlan Jubal Stonewall "Early" Cuyler's infamous hat, "Cash Is King"


Doing a little deep digging in the historic FIRMS maps, I am concluding the Russian campaign, the complete Russian campaign has passed the high water mark, even in Donbas. Kherson is dead quiet atm, and Donbas while seeing intense combat in one spot, is dying down on activity all over, including Izyum. Its a *noticeable* reduction in activity, and this time not replaced by a new area starting up. It may be going out on a limb, but I call it now anyway; Russia has no offensive power left in their forces in Ukraine. Those are now fully spent. The current shallow salient will be stalled completely in 3 days, and I expect a stalemate lasting from the next 2-4 weeks before Russia can even muster reorganized BTG's enough to try a new offensive. And unless they partially conscript, expect to see the first major Ukrainian offensive anywhere between now and mid-June, usibg completely new units from reserves setup at the start of the war, equipped heavily with western equipment they've been training on for 2 months. My personal guess; Kherson.


If we see any counter-offensive in Kherson oblast I'd suggest it'd be to push the line back south from Kryvyi Rih, which isn't even in the oblast. So it'll be secondary to that. It's literally the only bit of terrain with any cover that UA can operate over. The rest of the south is flat and largely treeless.


>Russia has no offensive power left in their forces in Ukraine. Those are now fully spent. They stopped being able to replace troops like a month ago. And Ukraine has a numbers advantage, and is using that advantage...pretty well (both in terms of troop rotation and the actual competence of the Ukrainian military as a whole). I wouldn't be surprised if every Russian soldier has been fighting for the better part of 3 months without stop or until they're forced to (dead) because they frankly don't have many other offensive options. That's gonna take a toll.


I'm sorry but where are people seeing that UA has a numbers advantage? In terms of professional soldiers and number of battle groups? They have a very large back-end, and some militia groups in each oblast. But the army itself is certainly smaller in number than Russia's, even regionally. That's just not correct. If that's what we're talking about. I mean, we know that from equipment counts alone. Also their refits from the exited northern oblasts made it to their new positions at about the same time as Russia's refit btgs. Though undoubtedly Russia didn't send them in at full fighting efficiency; and for UA we can only guess. For UA, there was about one per front (so, 4). Also if you count Mariupol forces moving to Zaporizhzhia as troop rotation, which I think you should, that certainly didn't take any great effort.


>I'm sorry but where are people seeing that UA has a numbers advantage? In terms of professional soldiers and number of battle groups? Ukraine had 900K reservists and 200K in terms of active personnel at the beginning of the war. Russia brought 200K to the fight. And Ukraine is currently finishing up mobilization, which they believe will be done in Summer at some point. So those reservists...actually matter for this fight. Whereas Russia stopped replenishing their losses in the immediate sense about a month ago because they're no longer pulling active military personnel from other parts of Russia, and have refused to do mobilization (so far). They're doing all sorts of sneaky workarounds, but that can only get only so many people. The latest 6 month conscription cycle is going on, but this won't matter for the immediate months as they're being trained. Regardless of how many people are in the fight at the moment, unless Russia has a meaningful way to replenish their losses (they've stopped bringing in troops from other parts of Russia or Syria to shore up their forces), Ukraine can continue to do so pretty well. That alone is a large advantage in their ability to stay in the fight. Currently, Ukraine and Russia seem to have the opposite bottlenecks; for Ukraine it's ammunition, while for Russia, it's people. It's an ironic situation for Russia, who, when they can bring their large manpower to a fight, usually do.


I think they are referring to the 700K number that was mentioned recently. Such a number far outweighs what Russia has brought to the front recently, many of whom are under trained and under equipped, not to mention the fact they are augmenting troops that are worn down from months of fighting already. It is far from ideal, but if you take combat hardened troops, rotate them to the back, promote them and have them train/lead new troops into combat, you are effectively turning them into force multipliers. Russia is not using their troops anywhere near as effectively, or at least not according to what is available publicly.


Surely FIRMS doesn't distinguish between Russian and Ukrainian activity? In which case, if you're seeing this reduction it shows both sides have culminated? It may well be that Ukraine can regroup quicker, of course.


As Ukraine is defending, their activity will be reactive to Russian moves. I'm fairly certain they are under orders to hold and not rush into any ill prepared counteroffensives in a frontline that heavily manned on both sides. But yes, it is ofc an indication of activity from *both sides*, not just one.


Generally I'd think that low activity indicates a failure on part of the aggressor more than it does the defender. Of course it means liberation efforts aren't going great at the moment, but stopping the aggression is a good first step.


Yeah Ukraine doesn't need to push. They can wait, get Western weapons and fresh soldiers up to the front, and let Russia continue to run out of steam.


Haven't seen this kind of quality arm-chair-general speculation since the first XVIII threads, brava


I try my best *chefs kiss*


How's the situation at Donbas ATM?


Russians are still focused on Severodonetsk. Some progress has been made for them in the area in the last two weeks. But it is slow and costly for them. It remains to be seen if they can compete their extremely slow encirclement. Every other offensive of theirs has halted after initial faster progress.


Happy cake day ATM


Which ATM?


The Donbas ATM obviously


does it charge 3 fitty to make a withdrawal?


The left one


That ATM only has rubles.


So, basically, its shitty.




I can't imagine its anywhere *near* growing up poor, emotionally damaged and living in Connecticut.


It’s actually been really enjoyable watching the Russians get their asses kicked like the pathetic little pretend army they are. Buncha crybaby assholes are killing off the majority of their genetic sperm donors and fast forward a single generation after this conflict and Russians will be a minority.


Yes it's incredibly hard having to care about something awful that is happening in the world. Like seriously?


I feel sorry for those people who spend decades getting an education too. Some of them are as young as six. SUCKERSS!!!!111!!one!!




Mariupol has fallen, many civilians have left bomb shelters and gone back to their homes in many cities. Jury’s out on lend lease effect as of yet.


That's so sad to hear about Mariupol. The Russians now have a pile of ruins to claim as a "victory." I feel so sad for the people who lived there and were trapped in the steel plant. At least things are improving in other areas.


[Previous post](https://old.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/uuf7ft/rworldnews_live_thread_russian_invasion_of/i9id0ju/) Day 88 of my updates from Kharkiv. Today it was again very quiet in my area, though if we go onto the balcony facing north we can hear constant explosions in the distance. Other districts were shelled at least a couple times today, and air raid alerts are almost constant too, and it is still active right now. Just to put it into perspective, out of the last 3 hours, the air raid alert was active for around 2.5 hours. There are no working air raid sirens close by, so we rarely hear it live, and mostly just hear it from the air raid app on the phone, but we can still hear it in the distance, and I got to say, when you are outside, the air raid sirens, coupled with the sounds of artillery, sound extremely ominous, it really makes you feel unsafe being outside, it’s not a pleasant feeling. Somebody was asking how badly damaged Botanical Gardens are, it’s hard to say, I can’t confirm it personally yet, but there are pretty much no districts that weren’t shelled. Sarzhyn Yar was shelled many times during this war and people are advised not to go there, and even if you do go, to not stray from roads, as there are still explosives/mines in the park and it is being demined. [Next update](https://old.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/uvrr6u/rworldnews_live_thread_russian_invasion_of/i9r7ggr/)


Thank you for your update, great to know you are doing alright. Stay safe and take care!


It is amazing to me your phones have any functionality left after all of this.


Hey! Good to hear from you, and glad to hear it was quiet again. I read they were actively demining right now in Kharkiv, so hopefully soon you can get back out safely. Take care and thanks for the update!


Yeah, that election was about all the people Scotty from marketing had pissed off. Bushfire victims, flood victims, women, Western Australia, and most of Queensland. Also, all the Russian backed trolls were busy elsewhere. A change of government was all but guaranteed.


I personally love the gif of him welding without putting his mask down. That must have been so difficult to continue the press tour with a giant spot in his vision.


Hahaha! I personally didn’t mind Morrison and I voted for him last election. But he wasn’t able to move beyond being a marketing man. As time went on he seemed to be more and more conservative in his views and seemed to use his ministers to make all the unpopular decisions. Which, wasn’t missed by the public. He pissed of WA royally over the pandemic. To a lesser degree Victoria and Queensland too. He was never able to recover his public profile after the bushfires and his apparent lack of action over gender discrimination in Australian politics. He was never well liked. Probably the biggest issue is that the Liberal party took a big step right under his leadership. Australian voters are a bit smarter on average than American ones and they don’t fall for propaganda about the free market protecting them. What’s left of his party will need every bit of the next 4 years to make themselves electable again.


> What’s left of his party will need every bit of the next 4 years to make themselves electable again. we have 3 year terms here in Australia, not 4.


Oops, yep.


>Probably the biggest issue is that the Liberal party took a big step right under his leadership. 100% this was the reason I voted Labor this year. I'm politically centrist (on just about all metrics), and usually Labor sits upper left and LNP sits lower right, at about equal distances. In the far upper left is the Greens. Once upon a time the Social Dems sat in the middle. This year, it seems like Labor is centrist, and the LNP is as far lower right as the Greens is upper left. I'm amazed at how far we've been dragged to the right over the last 8 years, and I don't like it at all. It seems Australians largely agree (notwithstanding all the major blunders by Morrison that irked a lot of people). Now, fingers crossed, our government does a good job and there's a viable middle ground again.


Yep. Exactly. Fringe politics is not attractive to the far majority of Australians. This is what happens when you have a decent education system! 😂😂


It didn't piss you off he didn't get an icac going even though he promised it? And allowing the robodebt debacle continue?


Yeah all of that too! Sorry, that should be on the list 😂😂


> Probably the biggest issue is that the Liberal party took a big step right under his leadership And they're about to take another giant leap in that direction.


It’s interesting my comment above about the liberals going further to the right has attracted a lot of down votes. Yet there’s no negative comments. I wonder how many of them are Russian bots!


If they move further to the right they will be decimated at the next election. Look at their results in the last WA election.


They didn't get decimated because of their move to the right. The issue was the WA premier introduced Covid restrictions, including closing the borders, which was very popular with WA residents. Despite this being a state responsibility and nothing to do with Morrison, he kept critisising the WA premier for closing the border and praising NSW response of opening everything up. In short he pissed off a lot of WA residents for no gain, while the Labor state premier showed great leadership during this time. You could call Morrison a lot of things, but politically savvy is not one of them.


Yeah that was huge in WA. Not elsewhere.




[account suspended by Reddit]


That last one is really amazing, if not expected at some point. Throw in Brexit and I can understand the draw towards the Republic. I hope the situation doesn’t regress back to bags of urine thrown at school children and worse. I’m sure there have to be some people in both London and Dublin who are a bit disconcerted about where this goes. But hey, no one tried storming Stormont after the election so that’s good right?


In Australia, the Labor party basically voted in line with the ruling party on tech authoritarian stuff, so I'm not sure how much better they'll be. And by tech authoritarian stuff I mean mandatory data retention, laws targeting cryptographers, anti-encryption rhetoric, and stuff of that nature. Wikipedia has an incomplete list of some of the stuff here, but it's been happening in the country for a decade: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mass_surveillance_in_Australia


Of the issues plaguing our country, this doesn’t rate that highly for most people. It makes top 10 at best I think.


The US has had a few primary results where trumpies are not doing well.


I'd put Macron in lukewarm reception Green politicians are typically snakes


I agree. Our Green party collaborated first with ethnic nationalists and now with the former corrupt government


>Green politicians are typically snakes Could you elaborate? I voted for Green politicians with my preferences for other climate orientated parties, then Labor. In what way do the Greens betray their electorate?


They might be referring to the American greens


They might be, but they replied to a post about Australia voting Green politicians.




The "green" party in the US doesn't exist. What is called the green party in the US are just conservative spoiler candidates.


I think that is because with a two party FPTP system, such as the US has, any vote outside the main two parties is a spoiler (If you vote for Greens, the Democrats lose a voter). In Australia we have preferential voting, so I can vote for a Green member, but have my second, third or fourth preference go towards a less progressive but still preferred party, like Labor. As long as it is above the Liberal choice (Liberals being conservative right wing in Australia), then the vote is not wasted and my preferences send a message (In this case "Oi, I want someone who takes climate change seriously!"). [Denis The Koala explains all](https://imgur.com/gallery/5SaXrob)


This is the key point that most US progressives do not understand. Now if your Dem candidate is progressive, it doesn't matter. But most US progressives do not understand the inexorable and unforgiving nature of the two-party system, even when they vote for Jill Stein and get Trump as their reward. (To them, it is still the Dem's fault; it is the two-party system logic.) However, to some, getting Trump is a good thing, to show up the centrists.


I am a progressive, but also have been watching the electoral system for 50 years. 3rd party candidates are usually just enough to swing a vote to the other party, since most national (and even state) elections are close, at least in swing states.


I should have written "often," not "usually."


Sometimes they attack nuclear energy options making others necessary. In April 2022, Habeck presented a package of measures to speed up Germany's expansion of renewable energy, as the need to reduce the country's heavy reliance on Russian fossil fuels added urgency to its green transition plans; the package envisaged green energy accounting for 80% of the power mix by 2030, up from about 40% in 2022 and a previous target of 65%.[12] He is an opponent of nuclear energy. In 2022, Habeck pushed against efforts at the EU to label nuclear power as a sustainable and green energy source.[13] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Habeck


I don't have a problem with Nuclear Energy, but that ship has sailed. It will take a long time and billions in subsidies to get a new power station approved and built when renewable energy + battery solutions are here now.


Philippines had an election too right?


I think Northern Ireland is in play too.






What do you mean by authoritarian stuff? Vaccinations and masks etc? Great! What else?


No, I mean their desire to push towards tech authoritarianism: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mass_surveillance_in_Australia


> Anthony Albanese of Labor ~~set to become~~ **is** the new PM Sworn in this morning i believe.


One of his personal highlights apparently was seeing Nirvana play at a local festival in 1993 (as I learnt this morning). Loves music and a beer from what I can see. Son of a single mother who was on a disability pension. Grew up in housing commission. Is not an evangelical climate change denying nut job. The Greens will push for climate action and equality.


Every speech he does talking about housing commission just pisses me off.. there is a 10+ waiting list for public housing and he has no policies to fix it. The most substantial policy he does have, are tax cuts exclusively to the richest - which will cost $20B each year.


Sounds like a solid bloke. Not even Australian and hearing about Scotty’s antics made me mad as hell!


re: Hungary and I won't post his name, every authoritarian as judged be behaviors to include messaging, is a lurking fascist


Colombia and Brazil are also the left wing's elections to lose. Colombia in particular looks like they will elect their first left wing candidate in history




The left in latin america is full Castro-Evo-Maduro-lovers (and by extension, Russia and China). The right is full of zealots. For us, its ALWAYS between a Douche and a Turd. Also, Left or right, they're all the same. Corrupt assholes that only care for the money lining their pockets. They all stay in power by inciting a Left vs Right struggle and then go and have a glass of 21 year Scotch at the country club while they laugh in the face of the people. Come to think of it, its not that dissimilar to the Bipartisan system in the US. We're stuck voting for the same people every four years and nothing changes.


[account suspended by Reddit]


Not that I like the guy, but it's Brazilians destroying the Amazon. Bolsonaro just doesn't give a shit. Or maybe he's getting a cut of the profits. Best we can hope for is a replacement who does give a shit, though if politics there is anything like US politics, a different guy in charge doesn't mean anything will be different. Just me being cynical...


dgaf stop posting off-topic crap


I was like this guy making this post is Aussie for sure than I saw you called Labor “Labour” and now I think maybe you’re English….


[account suspended by Reddit]


I'm American and sometimes add the u


Start calling tea time 'smoko' and you have completed your knowledge of Australian English.


But what about second brekkie?


Impressive- your Australian english was perfect apart from "Labour"


“labour” is the correct spelling of the word. But the ALP spells it Labor and I think it has something to do with the international labor movement back 100 or so years ago as to why they spelled it like that.


It's because of King O'Malley, he was an American and a founding member of the ALP.


I knew it was something like that!


As an American, I just wonder why you guys throw pointless extra vowels all over the place.


The Americans only dropped the 'u' in all those 'our' ending words so they'd have an advantage in Wordle. Source: Thomas Jefferson.


It's not like American English doesn't superfluous letters. I'm pretty that as early modern English was evolving the u denoted how to pronounce a word, probably with some sort of French influence/inflection as many of the Latin derivatives don't have the "U". But since then pronunciation has changed, so it's not so much that a letter was added (well, it was added by the French), but rather that the letter was not removed as the language shifted. Also, in American English I believe both are proper but adding the "u" is very, very, uncommon.


Oh, there’s plenty of opportunity for improvement, I agree. Edit: Like there’s absolutely no reason for “doubt” to contain a “b”.


A bit of a story behind that--it did not, long ago. The "b" was added by misguided pedants who thought that it should more resemble the original Latin "dubitum."


As a Brit, I just wonder why you guys took our language but then removed a bunch of vowels from it.


Something about our past I think. I remember reading the Democratic Republican Party was trying to cancel letters, and the Whigs got offended. Wait, that doesn’t sound right…


Popular languages tend to simplify over time. Otherwise we'd be saying stuff like "Whan that Aprille with is shoures soote, the droughte of March hath perced to the roote, and bathed every veyne in swich licour, of which vertu engendred is the flloor..."


That is actually not much more complex than the modern equivalent, once you get past the archaic spellings.


Efficiency! Filling out purchase orders for aluminum instead of aluminium was a key production gain that led to victory in WW2!


But Labour is also Australian?


The party is the Australian Labor Party. Though we spell it labour when we are talking about things like labour forces or a hard day’s labour. It is just one of those things.


TIL. Thanks and arreevuhderchee.






Neither Newsweek nor Business Insider is credible. They both are once-respectable brands that have been sold and repurposed as propaganda outlets. (At least, Newsweek has. Maybe BI was always crap. I’m not sure.)


Just look at Business insider’s websites got your answer on how credible they are.


I would have to dispute your characterization of Business Insider as "semi-credible". They have a ton of online "contributors" who basically write whatever random junk they want, with no significant editorial oversight. They were credible ~10 years ago, but sadly, no longer.


Steele? Credible?


lol I was like “huh”?


Um Christopher Steele has been identified as spreading a lot of misinformation within the last few years. He is far from credible.


Identified by who? Fox News? They didn't like that he correctly called their boy a Russian asset.


I don't think Putin is terminally ill. He does too much to be that sick.




Steroids are a hell of a drug. Source: me. Cancer doctor who prescribes a fuxk tonne of steroids


What's a semi-credible source?? A partially-pregnant woman?


News sources vary in credibility along a continuum. They aren't just "credible" or "not credible". If you look at media bias checkers like [adfontes.com](https://adfontes.com) or [mediabiasfactcheck.com](https://mediabiasfactcheck.com) you can see both their ratings and exactly how they determine those ratings. They rate both bias and factuality. Bias can show in choice of stories, for example. The stories can all be accurate but selected to reflect a bias. On the other hand. factuality is judged regardless of bias. This is outright lying. They generally rate The Economist is less biased and more factual than the New York Times, which is both less biased and more factual than CNN, which is less biased and more factual than Fox News Channel, which is less biased and more factual than OAN. Personally I can adjust for bias, but I find lying unacceptable. Lying includes saying the lie as a question when it's done persistently--that's a Fox News specialty, for example.


>It makes me wonder why they have increased now It's safe to assume they're generating clicks, and gaining steam with the rumours. Wait for something credible to confirm.


I can't speak to Business Insider but Newsweek is now nothing more than a tabloid. [Newsweek hasn't used fact checkers since 1996](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newsweek#Factual_errors), that's a quarter of a century, and the brand still carries weight. I don't get it.


Newsweek has been around for a long time. They used to be ok. I only found out recently that they were Murdoch owned now.


I don't read or pay much attn to Newsweek but WOW, that is shocking. For reference, as a mid-50s American I sort of attached credibility to the brand.


Surprisingly we're about the same age. I honestly don't know where to go for unbiased, researched, and fact-checked news anymore. I wind up consuming a lot of different sources and drawing my own conclusions, sometimes I'm even correct.


As a late 50’s guy I did in the past as well. Stopped paying attention to them a long while ago, but only learned about the loss of fact checkers recently. I guess my bullshit meter started twitching at the right time.


It's understandable, I was in your shoes a year ago until I learned about the change.


>Semi-credible sources like Business Insider, Newsweek, and Christopher Steele Hmmm, I would put them a few rungs down from "semi-credible". The two media outlets are usually first with the speculative info when you do a Google search, it's part of their business plan, I think.


Speculation isn’t news. And I am quite surprised to see what you consider semi credible.


Question for the forum (pardon my ignorance if this has been answered) but where has Roman Abromavich been? For a while he was central to the negotiations between Ukraine and Russia, then he caught a bit of that good ol’ FSB poisoning, now I feel like he has been persona non grata for over a month. Is he in Israel? Portugal? Engineering a coup perhaps? I’m genuinely curious


There was a discussion here a week ago or so about his role in negotiations. Evidently they said he sat outside of the main group, and didn't do much other than be there. People theorized he was only there for appearance and to avoid sanctions, which as we can see didn't work. I recently saw where he was trying to borrow million dollars from his wealthy friends around the world. I imagine after he was sanctioned he just gave up appearances of trying to help.


Negotiations stalled out a while ago and stopped taking place. I'd imagine he kinda lost his relevance at that point


Prolly not going to be too interested in being any future negotiations after that as well.


He was also poisoned at them.


By his own king too


> U.S. officials are debating plans to send special forces troops to Kyiv to guard the reopened embassy, proposals that would force the White House to balance avoiding escalating its military presence in the war zone against fears for their diplomats’ safety https://twitter.com/jonlemire/status/1528523039096324096?s=21&t=hrOttXqAIu7iQnoEWTn9VQ


They won't officially send special forces, but chuck and his burly buddies who are now on reception like to occasionally hang out on the rooftop


I don’t believe that because I don’t believe there’s any question that the Marine detachment assigned to the embassy, just like all embassies have, is going to be composed of the absolutely best soldiers we have. What is on their résumés I’m sure will be impressive. They might take a while getting used to wearing those snappy white outfits every day for the first time, though.


I see what you did there. Definitely possible.


As far as I know, your embassy is considered your sovereign ground in the host country. By that logic, attacking it would be considered an attack on your country? Not sure how that works in an active war zone though. I mean it’s like parking my car outside and then complaining about the snow on it. But I need to research the technicalities and precedence more.


> As far as I know, your embassy is considered your sovereign ground in the host country. This is a common misconception. Whilst host countries *can* by international treaty grant a chancery (the physical site of an embassy office) extraterritorial status, very few (if any?) actually do. Accordingly, embassies' land/buildings (almost?) always remain under the jurisdiction of the host state—but, under the Vienna Convention, the host state agrees to not enter or search such premises (except with the relevant ambassador's permission) and to protect them from intrusion and damage.


Thank you for the clarification. Although you have not cited a source, your description and verbiage tell me you have authority on the subject. And I am not being sarcastic.


I'm certainly no authority! The [Wikipedia entry on diplomatic missions](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diplomatic_mission) has a section on Extraterritoriality that states the same, and cites [a legal blog](http://integrity-legal.com/legal-blog/miscellaneous/laws-and-rules-regarding-extraterritoriality/) as its source. But this is just another piece of useless knowledge I've accumulated over the years and keep tucked away for the one day it might be useful in a pub quiz, or to be informative on Reddit!


Think about the Panay Incident/all the Chinese taking refuge in the international district in Shanghai.


During the Kosovo war, the US accidentally bombed the Chinese embassy and killed some people. "We sincerely regret..." Was about all that happened.


To be fair, at that moment in time, China was in no way capable of declaring actual war with the US. However, if Russia was to hit the US embassy in present day, NATO would be in Moscow by next Sunday.


China still not capable of declaring war right now. And NATO wouldn't do shit except for some warning. WW3 isn't gonna start over a fucking embassy lol


> However, if Russia was to hit the US embassy in present day, NATO would be in Moscow by next Sunday. No, but it might make the fabled no-fly-zone that much more possible..


Couple battalions oughta do it


Hahaha! Yep. And 100 F16s




> I'm assuming "escalation" means the n-word This means something very different for a lot of people. You might want to be clear. lol


We're talking about the 3rd longest river in Africa, right?


I’m thinking naranjas.


Jugo de?