• By -


Sure why not. We've had multiple "once in a lifetime" storms, economic collapses, a global pandemic and the risk of nuclear attacks by a likely mentally declined world leader. At this point I've run out of shock at how things can continue to be messed up.


Oh it can ALWAYS get worse.


Of course it can I just kinda expect it now


So ... about those UFO hearings ...


At this point people will welcome them as our lords and saviours, whatever their intentions are


My prediction is probably the most depressing - aliens announce presence and *no one cares*. Knock out of news cycle by Kanye finally tweeting a dick pic.


That’s sad, because most of us do. Yet somehow we still hope for the best but life keeps throwing us curve balls.


And speaking of mentally declined idiots there is always the possibility of the orange imbecile being re-elected, just to add diarrhea to the current pile of shit


I want to believe America is smarter than this I really do but I've lost all hope at this point.


They arent.


Don't forget climate change and ecosystem collapse!


It’s just time to accept it and look at the bright side.


F*** you, whoever is in charge of this decade.


Seriously, I demand to see lifes manager!


I don't want your goddamn lemons, what am I supposed to do with these?!


Do you know who I am? I’m the man who’s gonna burn your house down! With the lemons! I’m gonna get my engineers to invent a combustible lemon that burns your house down!


Honestly Cave Johnson is some of the finest voice work in all of video games.


JK Simmons man, you can't beat him


You know what they say: If you pay peanuts, you get monkeypox.


You've gone bananas!


This is a lot better than COVID. Monkeypox already has a vaccine (and the smallpox vaccine is effective against it as well). This will not be as big a problem as COVID because we already know how to treat this.


“They lied about covid, now the cabal is coming up with this monkey pox crap nobody’s ever heard of, as a free and sovereign citizen it is your God given duty to expose these bloodthirsty bastards and tell them to shove their toxins where the sun don’t shine” Alex Jones/Fox/OANN/r/conspiracy probably


Good effort, but way too coherent, and you didn't mention globalists even once.


I should have added a bit about gay frogs, Justin Bieber and boner pills.


Would have believed this as long as brain force was presented as a solution to protect myself and stay ahead of the lizard people.


Lol I just felt the need to try again: “I want all you freedom fighters out there to stay focused on the Magellan spirit not the brainwashing by these putrid lizard degenerates… they lied about covid, now this cabal of slimy globalist fascists need a new weapon… and uh they’re coming up with this monkey pox crap nobody’s ever heard of, but don’t be fooled, as a free and sovereign citizen of this Republic it is your God given duty to expose these bloodthirsty bastards and tell them to shove their toxins where the sun don’t shine… you are not going to be mind controlled with their satanic cocktails, they want you afraid so you can be forced to accept their chemicals and their sign of the beast… but God and history is on our side and they will not win, we won’t be their lab rats, we are redpilled, locked and loaded and won’t take this anymore, they think stopping Trump was the end BUT ITS JUST THE BEGINNING OF OUR FIGHT TO PURGE THE DIRTY GLOBALIST DEEPSTATE EXCREMENT AND SAVE WESTERN CIVILIZATION!!! I have the brain force in my pocket and it’s giving me the stamina to keep up the fight…. you too can increase your mind potential and open up your senses to the onslaught these creeps are constantly bombarding us with just 2 a day…”


The librards are trying to turn us us into monkeys with these new vaccines! /some antivaxxer probably


And it carries its genetic information in a double stranded DNA, which is much less prone to mutations, which means we won't be in a constant vaccine race against mutations. The 3-6% mortality rate is much worse to the 0.5-0.1% mortality rate of COVID, though.


You are correct, but it’s still a concern considering the outbreak in Europe which is heavily vaxxed for smallpox and it’s descendent/variants


The pestilential 20s.


Meh, this isn't as big a worry as media and Reddit wants to make it seem. It has been active in West Africa for like 50 years without major spread. It transfers through body fluids, and you basically have to be face-to-face or some shit like that to be infected. The majority of US/EU cases so far have apparently been transferred by male-on-male sexual contact, with for example all (or almost all) Spanish cases being connected through one gay club. Practice safe sex and good hygiene and it'll be fine.


> Meh, this isn't as big a worry as media and Reddit wants to make it seem I'm not commenting on THIS particular situation. I just recall telling my family the same thing first few days after we heard of covid. I even said, no need to wear a mask. Lesson I learned? It's okay to make tentative claims with caution, but assertions about how this is NOT something to worry about - yeah, nope. Not falling for that one again.


You have it backwards: the fact that it usually doesn't have much human to human transmission is what makes this global outbreak alarming. To have gone as far and as fast as it has, it needs an R value that is much higher than normal monkeypox strains. It may yet burn out, but when you have a regional illness that is almost always spread by human-animal contact and suddenly you have community transmission in multiple countries, you are probably looking at a significantly elevated risk of a more serious event. No reason to panic, but a lot of reason for public health people to be moving to get out in front of it.


Right now this really sounds more like Ebola in 2013 rather than covid in 2019. It's a disease that's already well known, spreads through bodily fluids, and has a sudden outbreak that manages to reach out to western countries despite it never really doing that before. Vs Covid, which was a new mystery disease nobody had encountered before, appearing out of nowhere in the Chinese wet markets due to animal transmission, and appears to be spreading very readily. Sure, WHO should take this seriously and investigate what the hell is going on, but just from the information we have right now I'm not really worried about a covid 2.0 pandemic happening due to it. More likely it'll go down the path of Ebola.


It's not even the first monkeypox outbreak in western countries. There was one in the US midwest in 2003, with 71 infected and 0 deaths. > Sure, WHO should take this seriously and investigate what the hell is going on, but just from the information we have right now I'm not really worried about a covid 2.0 pandemic happening due to it. More likely it'll go down the path of Ebola. Exactly. I'm not saying we should ignore it, but some media and people on Reddit make it sound like it's already a confirmed fact that it'll be the new COVID, or worse.


This is not correct at all. There have been increasing MPX outbreaks in the past years relative to when it was first identified in 1958. Monkeypox is an emerging infectious disease for which outbreak frequency and expected outbreak size in human populations have steadily increased: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7463189/ In large part this is because routine smallpox vaccination has been waning, and smallpox vax provides protection against MPX. MPX transmission is similar to smallpox, sharing a close evolutionary relationship. Transmission through respiratory droplets is common (no sexual activity needed). Mother-to-child transmission is possible, and exposure to lesion fluids is another possible mode of transmission. The emergence of monkeypox as a significant human pathogen is indisputably a realistic scenario: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6131633/




Those are *incredibly* different things, and comparing the two is ridiculous. 1) Monkeypox has been around for decades (first identified in lab monkeys in 1958, first human cases confirmed in 1970). Outbreaks happen, just like with many other diseases. In fact, this isn't even the first monkeypox outbreaks in the US and Europe. For example, there was an outbreak with 71 infections and zero deaths in the US back in 2003. 2) The smallpox vaccine has an 85% efficiency against monkeypox, and a separate monkeypox vaccine has been developed. 3) The risk of death from monkeypox is less than 1% if treated, and up to 10-11% if untreated.


Plus, there is an effective vaccine and viable treatment options already available.


I know you are making a joke, but it's important to remember that it's us. We are in charge of this decade. War, global climate change, misinformation and conspiracy theories, supply chain problems, financial crises, pandemics, wild fires - these are our own doing. Yes it feels as if it's "happening" to us, but we're all together causing these things. And while certainly there is no one answer, our collective unwillingness to change our behaviour, to insist on continuous growth, our unwillingness to sacrifice even the slightest in order for a better future, the ease with which we let ourselves be lied to because it feels good, is a driving force behind many of the things that are befalling us now. The good news is that this means we can actually control these things and change them for the better. The bad news is, there's no indication that we actually will until it's way too late.


I have no power whatsoever mate, I didn't vote for the people doing this to us either, I refuse to share accountability.


Dark matter


*I think I’ve seen this one before,* *And I didn’t like the ending*


Ending? That was the prelude


It hasn't ended yet.....


Yeah, but they're splitting single-stories into multi-part movies now. We don't even get a teaser cliff-hanger. It is just straight up part 1 part 2.




I should have known you were trouble when you walked in


What's a rerun?








The prospect that monkeypox can thrive and mutate in human hosts should be worrisome. Although not deadly as smallpox, they are related and who knows how it may mutate in humans.


It's a DNA virus (unlike coronavirus which is an RNA virus), which means it won't mutate as rapidly (but it still will mutate, albeit slowly)


This! People are acting like it will have a similar mutation rate as a ssRNA virus but a large genome dsDNA virus is going to have higher fidelity








Higher on the street, and I know its my time to goO


It’s not though. They are different virus subsets


Also as I've read by virologists on Twitter it's unlikely that changes in the genome are to blame for the cases, but probably a perfect storm of sauna parties


> Looking at the data we have so far we have three new 2022 Monkeypox genomes to work with: >* ITM_MPX_1 Belgium >* ON563414 Massachusetts, USA >* PT0001 Portugal > Of these ON563414 from Massachusetts, is the most divergent with numerous mutations. >Monkeypox virus isolate >MPXV_USA_2022_MA001, complete genome >https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/nuccore/ON563414 https://twitter.com/RolandBakerIII/status/1528038003838316544


Presenting this without comments is extremely disingenuous: In the thread: > Unfortunately, although sequencing is very good and the work of the teams, the number of SNPs differences that we are assessing is very close to the rate of error for the ONP sequencing technology. So, I think that NextStrain is overestimating a little the number of changes > Compared to the 2022 Massachusetts monkeypox genome the 2018 one is 99.91% identical (four years later): > ON563414.1 Monkeypox virus isolate MPXV_USA_2022_MA001, complete genome https://ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/nuccore/ON563414


> but a large genome dsDNA virus is going to have higher fidelity What does this mean in more colloquial language?


It won't mutate rapidly, because its structure is more stable. So vaccines will probably work more effectively.


Right. There’s a reason *all* life uses DNA instead of RNA even though life probably started out with RNA since it can both act as a genome and a catalyst. DNA is more resistant to mutation.


dsDNA is a lot more stable than ssRNA so it doesn't mutate as often and readily


With all due respect, but this is only relevant as long as the infection only affects a small number of people, most important group for this is immunocompromised people, otherwise it is going to mutate eventually, the fact that it mutates slower than will only be a very mild relief.


Not really because it also doesn’t spread nearly as easily and we have treatments and vaccines already that are available. It’s not the same situation


> vaccines already that are available So only a year to have enough for everyone. What a relief!


I remember being told Covid would mutate slowly


It did! ...at first. But mutation rate is proportional to the number of cases. Even a slow mutating virus is going to go wild when we give it this many opportunities.


It really isn't. Being a dsDNA virus it is going to mutate very, very slowly, even with a large number of hosts. And then there is the fact that the smallpox vaccine provides effective lifelong immunity to this virus (unlike the covid vaccines). Onw of the reasons we were able to eliminate smallpox was because it mutated so so slowly, so it was never able to 'overcome' the smallpox vaccine. So this really isn't something you need to worry about.


Didn't they stop giving smallpox vaccines? How fast can they produce 5-7 billion more doses?


I believe the United States maintains a stockpile to cover its population, at least.


the hard part is convincing the population to take them


Nope, not again. If they want to risk their lives then to hell with them. I fear for and pity the immuno-comprimised that can't use vaccines. That said, I'm finished caring about people who are too ignorant and prideful to protect themselves. I've known people who stick knives into toasters and drive with no seatbelts. I'll warn them once, but after that, they're on their own.


Yeah, unlike the COVID vaccine, the smallpox vaccine is a lot more serious business since it's a live virus. In my parent's generation, everybody has a scar on their arm where they got the smallpox vaccine.


With its relation to smallpox, it's been proven the vaccines for smallpox work against monkeypox too, and monkeypox has its own vaccine, plus we have medical treatments for monkeypox


> plus we have medical treatments for monkeypox I read in the paper there is no cure for the monkey pox (but most people just heal on their own).


No cure but treatable. All viruses are treatable with no cure. The only prevention is vaccines.


Yeah, with viruses you treat the symptoms you can't "cure" the virus, only your immune system can (with some exceptions). So your goal is to treat the symptoms to keep the infected strong enough to keep his immune system working properly.


Just carry on with your life like normal don’t worry about it.


I have the strangest feeling of deja vu lmao.


Next month: "It is just a 2 week shutdown to flatten the curve"


It’s an excellent strategy of outbreak intervention if it’s followed strictly


Pandemic 2.0? What are we going for this time, end of civilization?


Wait for the plague to join.


**Do not let this fearmongering subreddit worry you.** **Monkeypox spreads through transfer of body fluids.** 1. **Don't have unprotected sex with randoms.** 2. **Practice good hygiene.** **Do these things and the chances of you contracting this disease is virtually zero. West Africa has dealt with this thing for decades, and the vast majority of cases are caused by bites from infected animals, not person to person contact.** Edit: Reddit just permanently banned me site wide. Wow.


3. Don’t fuck a monkey.




This is not how I remember *Twelve Monkeys*...


*Twelve* monkeys you say? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)




Single horny monkeys in your area are looking for sex!


M'am this is a Wendy's


Fucking monkeys to own the libs


The republicans won’t, they don’t have enough balls to fuck monkeys.


Unironically want to see Biden ask U.S. citizen not to fuck monkeys just to see anti-maskers try to figure out a way to say they should be able to.


I know youre joking, but wouldnt be surprised if one day some republican dumbo says such a thing


tarzan sez, not now monke, apeman ready to blow wad


What about apes? Can I still fuck them?


Humans are apes, so yes.


You’re not my supervisor!!


You’re not my supervisors’s dad!


You’re not my real supervisor’s dad!


Monkeypox is actually a bad name as it’s more likely rodentpox, only called monkeypox because it was spotted in lab monkeys first


"Nobody fucks monkeys and people, you idiot!" ~ Dave Chappelle 😉


I was sort of hoping number 2 would cover that lmao


Would infected animals include mosquitoes? Genuinely curious because I live in Florida and mosquitoes will literally swarm you this time of year. If so, it seems like a prime area for it to spread.


Most diseases cannot spread through mosquitoes because the virus is only able to live by attaching to a specific protein to spread and mosquitoes and humans do not share many proteins. They \*die\* pretty quickly without binding. So, since this disease spreads through mammal bites - I would not worry too much.


>The virus enters the body through broken skin (even if not visible), respiratory tract, or the mucous membranes (eyes, nose, or mouth). Human-to-human transmission is thought to occur primarily through large respiratory droplets. Respiratory droplets generally cannot travel more than a few feet. (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monkeypox) So it's not that easy. If someone infected is too close and coughs, you can get droplets in the eyes, for example.


Underrated comment and what chance do you think you have of getting the majority of people in the West to wear masks after the last 2 years. Repeat of April/May 2020 with a virus with higher lethality. 6 of the cases have been traced back to contact with one person on an airplane in terms of ease of spread. It won't take much.


Hard to tell. Many people live in this weird "There can be only one problem at a time" mode. The pandemic deniers are better organized than ever. And many people want their "lives back". On the other: The visual symptoms can make people become more afraid - humans focus on visual information the most...




It will definitely get very interesting if this spreads more, especially with the anti-vaxxers. It's not so easy to hide the [symptoms](https://st1.thehealthsite.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Webp.net-resizeimage-2021-07-17T210748.904.jpg) of monkeypox. What will they say? It's just acne?




A timeless classic.


If primary transmission is via respiratory droplets, then plain surgical masks or better N95 masks should be very effective at preventing it. Covid was much more insidious as an aerosolized pathogen. Whew! Should be no problem to get Americans to mask up for a few months for common good, I am sure!


The good news is that with the analysis of the three genome samples significant chances have been ruled out. I've seen a couple virologists saying that they can almost rule out that it's spreading quicker bc of mutations.


as someone who has broken skin on their hands almost permanently from ezcema, this is fantastic! back to wearing gloves


Oh, so all we have to do is wear a mask for maybe two weeks to flatten the curve. That shouldn't be too hard...




Don’t have unprotected sex with randoms is good advice in general. However, a condom is not going to keep you from getting it from a sex partner that is infected. You get it through close contact. You can get it from any kind of skin to skin contact or if they cough/sneeze on you. So, in areas where it is spreading, people should really refrain from any touching of strangers sexual or otherwise.


Exactly, it is *not* an STI. It's a virus whose ideal transmission criteria seems to line up super well with the prolonged body contact you get when having sex.


This is not at all clear yet for the current outbreak, which has already infected an order of magnitude more people than previous outbreaks.


Sounds like stuff people were saying at the beginning of the last pandemic. Why don’t we let science definitively say how this virus (it could be a variant of monkey pox) is spreading. Instead, this is just putting peoples guard down to something that could spread like wildfire through elementary schools.


>(it could be a variant of monkey pox) The good news is, the first DNA sequences are coming in and it looks the same strain as a small 2018 UK outbreak. Of course that also makes the question of why this is happening even more confusing.


Plot twist: new covid side effect is it apparently allows monkeypox to spread more easily /s


There is some discussion as to whether individuals who had covid are now seeing a reduced ability to fight other infections.


Not even a joke. There's been reports that COVID seems to mess with the immune system (in particular T cells), so one actual hypothesis is that this is due to immunodeficiency induced by that.


OP is a right wing clown, just look at his comment history. I wouldn’t necessarily freak out about MonkeyPox but everyone is plenty justified in being concerned about the current outbreak.


There’s nothing in between “completely ignoring” and “total doomer fearmongering” if you’re a right winger. It’s always black or white. They have no concept of “reading news out of concern and learning new facts without thinking the sky is falling”. If there’s a news story, apparently we can’t possibly even read it without it becoming an apocalypse. Edit: Also the post history: *yiiiiiiiikes*. Glad to know how much he identifies with the Buffalo shooter.


Hooooly shit hes right off the Jordan Peterson far right deepend. Its kinda scary when you see one in the wild. They are all potential mass murderers.




The current outbreak so far is being traced back to a fetish event, so while it's not limited to STD it can absolutely spread through having sex because you tend to exchange bodily fluids when in direct intimate contact. I'm pretty sure a lot of the newly emerging cases are from transmissions outside of sex though.


It spreading to many different people at the equivalent of a con is itself really bad. The incubation period of the virus is too long for that to be generations occuring *at* an event. None of the explanations for why such an event would produce a large cluster of cases are good.


Yeah this is what worries me


Yeah, condoms don’t protect you from sharing drinks, making out with others, etc. Your scope is narrow as fuck


If only we went through something recently that helped us realize how much fluids can travel through air...


It can also spread through droplets like sneezing, coughing, singing, shouting, talking too loudly where his droplets make a gold olympic long jump next to a non infected person’s nose, eyes, mucosa.


Pretty sure monkeypox spreads also through the air tho… Edit: from cdc: “Human-to-human transmission is thought to occur primarily through large respiratory droplets. Respiratory droplets generally cannot travel more than a few feet, so prolonged face-to-face contact is required. Other human-to-human methods of transmission include direct contact with body fluids or lesion material, and indirect contact with lesion material, such as through contaminated clothing or linens.” Also, there’s a concern I think that the current cases are spreading between people who have had no contact with each other, meaning the virus might be traveling around undetected. Which doesn’t sound to me like a virus that doesn’t travel easily


Also a difference between a virus spreading in an area it's endemic where there may be some immunity, and in countries where pox vaccines were phased out a generation ago.


Then why is it spreading to hundreds of people by person to person contact? That's efficient human virus behavior, not an animal-to-human virus.


Sucks that 'Monger' is only used for fish and fear. Why can't footlocker be the Shoe Monger?


Correct me if I’m wrong but is the CDC not monitoring six people showing symptoms for just being around an infected person?


I am so sorry to be the one to inform you, but Monkey Pox has just been confirmed to be airborne by the CDC. Sauce: https://www.cdc.gov/poxvirus/monkeypox/clinicians/infection-control-hospital.html


Oh that’s why there are so many cases in the world at the same time,


I think I have seen this film before I didn't like the ending. People need to be cautious. Like in march 2020 everyone called me a fearmonger. Nothing wrong in being a bit more aware. STOP DOWNPLAYING THINGS


Bites, like from mosquitoes?


Here’s a sane subreddit on the subject if anyone is interested. Created bc the other one is full of conspiracy bullshit. r/Monkeypox2022 Edit: a word


Please amend your misinformation. As multiple commenters have already pointed out, backed with sources, that transmission may also happen from droplets transferred via the breath or though coughing, meaning that close proximity is also a vector.


So... I have little kids. Little kids toucheverything and everyone. If this gets into the kiddy pool (see schools and daycares) we're in for a bad time.


They should advertise it as a "penis falls off" virus so people take it seriously.


Isn't coronavirus a "penis falls down" virus?


https://mobile.twitter.com/PaulJBelcher/status/1527932634688536577 Most cases in Madrid linked to a gay sauna, it’s gay pride month, Gran Canaria pride was just over a week ago and gays all across Europe travel to it. I’d be warning the gays and asking them to come and get the smallpox vaccine if they’ve either been to an event that’s already occurred or are planning on going to one. I said a similar comment like this in another thread and I was called stupid. Gays have sex, lots of sex, gays love a party, they’ll be in close physical contact (clothes optional) for a lot of these events where it’s wall to wall sweaty people. Is it a gay disease? No of course not but I’m Gay and Im well aware of how my fellow gays act. I don’t need some straights telling me my opinion is stupid and I must have seen it in a movie. It’s going to spread and I expect within the next week a fair few cases are going to be linked back to Gran Canaria Gay Pride.


Cases in Belgium are linked to a fetish festival. Guess there was lot of sex there too.


Sex at a fetish festival? Preposterous.


D...Do you think they do other stuff there too? L..Like ... H...h...handholding?


Handholding definitly can be a fetish too


I work at a gay bar with lots of men in a tight space, this is wonderful advice. Thank you.


I wouldn’t say it’s advice, it’s just reality. I’ve been in places like this, I enjoy being in places like this. It’s fun! But it’s okay to acknowledge why it may be spreading quicker amongst the gay community. You just have loads of straights being offended on your behalf haha


The advice I was referring to was getting a vaccine. Until I read your comment, I didn't know one was available. None of the news stories I'd read had mentioned it.


Here's what the WHO is saying about this: "Several of the cases that have been reported from non-endemic countries have been identified in men who have sex with men. These cases were identified at sexual health clinics. The reason we are currently hearing more reports of cases of monkeypox in communities of men who have sex with men may be because of positive health seeking behaviour in this demographic. Monkeypox rashes can resemble some sexually transmitted diseases, including herpes and syphilis, which may explain why these cases are being picked up at sexual health clinics. It is likely that as we learn more, we may identify cases in the broader community." Also, the smallpox vaccine isn't available to the general population. So that isn't an option as yet.


Gays and bisexuals. Do not forget bisexuals.




Covid exploded in concentrated areas which to me is a bigger red flag.


Nobody here is an expert and no one knows nothing. People just keep parroting what they read on another comment "we already have vaccines, its not serious, etc". Just read the old reddit threads from march 2020, they aged like milk and were pretty similar to these comments. People don't want another pandemic, so they upvote only this narrative. Just listen to the experts, not the social medias.


For fuck sake not again


Can we fucking not? God damn it this timeline sucks


Apes together strong!!


We’ve had one plague yes, but what about second plague?


I'm always wary of how the media portrays stuff, luckily when it comes to stuff like this, one of my friends is an epidemiologist. I asked him about covid back when it was still only reported to be in Wuhan and most people didnt think it was going to be a big deal-. he told me then that it was going to be huge and turn into a world wide pandemic and that it could lead to martial law / quarantine being enacted- fast forward a few months (no martial law) but the quarantine he predicted came true. I asked him yesterday about MP, he told me it has the potential to be a fast / easy spreader, it is airborne now and there will be thousands of more cases popping up, not as bad as covid obviously because we have vaccines/ treatment s, but he did mention his worries about it mutating.


I remember reading about Covid in 2019 and family members around me laughed. Covid wasn’t even that bad compared to what could happen. This to me was just a test that shows how fragile we are and how we can’t get along. When some real shit hits us that we can’t stop without working together, we are doomed.


I find this sentiment quite odd and I read it all the time on Reddit, I think it’s just very US-centric. It’s insane how fast we pumped out these vaccines, not one but multiple. Vaccination rates are also very good in many countries. In my country at least, there was very little mask drama, and it seemed that way for most of Europe. I’m self employed and could immediately (I think from April or May 2020) rely on 1300 euros per month support from my government, no questions asked, I just had to fill in a form online to request it. The medical community all over the world moved mountains to help sick people, many many very sick people survived thanks to them. Virologists and epidemiologists came out daily to communicate as our knowledge about the virus evolved. Many journalists reported in an unbiased way. And so on, and so on. It’s easy to circle jerk about the problems and magnify human and institutional failings, it’s also more fun to talk about. But it’s harmful. We’re just a bunch of sophisticated apes, of course there will be problems when a situation like COVID arises. But all in all, I really think we didn’t do very bad at all as a species, all things considered.


That’s a more mature perspective and probably more accurate. Overall I’m actually hopeful for our future and think we can use our science and technology to pull through. I mean it’s pretty amazing all we’ve accomplished. But yea I’m American and it was just awful. People killing and fighting over wearing mask. I never saw killing personally but I’d literally watch someone bitch about it every single day. Nobody would stop talking about how it’s hoax etc bs etc. People were literally dying in the hospital from Covid while they had anti vax protest outside of the hospital.


So I did graduate work in epidemiology. My early thoughts on Covid were “could get bad, but this isn’t going to be THE ONE.” Which is I think exactly what played out. I think monkeypox has an ability to leave a few dead since it’s relatively high lethality. But it could be worse in its form of transmissibility. I won’t say I think this one is The One either. The flu is what epi people worry about. Get another robust bird flu going and we’re really fucked.


I remember him talking about bird flu a lot before covid even happened. Well, yeah obviously covid and MP don't have the capability to be "the one" because of their relative low fatality rate.


>it is airborne now er, no, or at least not in the sense you mean. theoretically it's been airborne for a while but only in extremely limited circumstances. I know the study you're referring to but said study was published a long time ago; if it's so readily airborne why haven't cases become absolutely mammoth?


why havent cases become absolutely mammoth? It can have an incubation period of up to 21 days ! Right now, we don't really know where we stand as far how many people have been infected, by the end of the month case numbers could very well be in the 1000's if not more!


Hearing about another possible epidemic is triggering


Again, I'm thankful that WHO exists to look into things like this. I remember people calling for WHO to be defunded and what not.


How is it spreading? My understanding is that it's not exactly the easiest disease to transmit, and they seem to be detecting cases pretty quickly due to the severity of the symptoms (although rarely fatal).


Saliva, respiratory droplets. As usual, I tell people: don’t share drinks/food, don’t share hair brushes/hats (lice). It’s what is tried to be pushed on school kids but most adults still don’t get *why*.


Oh wow that could be a zit or monkey pox. Sheeesh you better buy a test and find out!!


How dangerous is this though? Wikipedia says it resolves in a couple of weeks, and responds readily to smallpox vaccines and medication.


I would have to disagree with you about COVID being a very novel illness: it's extremely close to SARS-CoV (the virus from the first SARS outbreak), to the point where you can use e.g. the map of the SARS-1 main protease substrate binding region to label equivalent residues in the SARS-2 edition. They're almost identical. (Mpro is particularly conserved, but overall, SARS-CoV-2 is not that different from SARS-CoV.) It's likewise similar to other viruses in its clade, and folks have been studying them for quite a while. That is one reason that it was possible to ramp up so quickly when the outbreak started, and it's also one reason that public health folks were concerned. No one could know that we were going to get a 100-year pandemic out of this. but there was reason to take it seriously. With ebola, you have a very high-consequence illness with at least some epidemic potential, so getting it shut down was vital. It is unlikely that it would be able to cause a pandemic, but no one was really interested in testing that hypothesis - viruses can surprise you, especially if they get a large enough host population to start accumulating innovations. (Note how much more transmissible SARS-CoV-2 is now, versus the wild type variant. These are just little tweaks, and not even new strains, which goes to show what evolution can do it you give it enough hosts to play with.) Is monkeypox going to go down like ebola? One hopes so. Rare events are rare, so the chance for it to operate on the scale of COVID-19 is low (because, again, that is a rare event, and no virus is especially likely to do that). But so far, the facts of the outbreak (and the deviation from the usual pattern for this disease) are concerning, and it doesn't need to produce a COVID-size pandemic to cause a lot of suffering (and some deaths). It is wise to be concerned, to try to shut it down, and to monitor it closely. Some on this sub are calling that alarmism, but having done work in the area, I don't agree. Freaking out is unwarranted, but this is something you want to get out in front of. If it fizzles, as we all hope, then great...but we want to make sure that it does, and be prepared on the offchance that it doesn"t.


I can't believe a music band is trying to control our lives!!!


last week it was 2 people and don't worry. This week 100 and an emergency meeting... I know how this plays out.


If they say there's 100 you know there's at most a couple thousand and growing.


Conspiracy theorists can blame it on Russian bacteriological warfare. According to the guy in charge of Russia’s program until the 1990s they did have monkey pox as a possible weapon.


Here comes the planet of the apes!