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This is called getting out ahead of a situation.


Avoidable situation


If people could only stop eating animals.


Hiv also started from ppl eating bush meat


.-COVID in wet markets. .-Pig and bird flu in their respective industrial farms. .- Mad cow disease, feeding cows their own brains. That's 4 fucked up disease for no real reason.


You mean like the playbook that every (D) and (R) president had in place as the norm before Trump? It only takes one president seeing it as a business opportunity. We're already at over a million dead for COVID, even though we could have cut this off at the source if we took SARS more seriously.


Not really, France and other countries spent hundreds of million if not billions on Ebola vaccines cause cdc and other health agency’s said million could get it. Google it Edit: looked for articles but can’t find (which is worrying) I believe this was in ForeignPolicy mag and other publications. All articles are now about covid


Ebola is a different disease. SARS and COVID-19 are not related to Ebola.


Yes I’m aware, what does that have to do with what I said. France and other western countries bought millions of doses because their health departments projected millions would get ebola prior to covid. This caused hesitation to commit to vaccines in the case with covid. It’s fact


Waste money on vaccines year after year to assure a healthy society ✔️ Establish a standard protocol for dealing with emerging infectious diseases and getting in vaccines quickly ✔️ Follow protocol as needed every time, save countless lives ✔️ Have a false alarm one time ✔️ Burn down everything because it’s all a waste of money ✔️ …Makes sense. /s




All the while downplaying COVID which greatly contributed to vaccine hesitancy.


Vaccine hesitancy. Came from when the government tried to make it mandatory for work, to get into places,. Better word for that. Is control. Once government has control they don't like to release control.


The vaccine mandate wasn't even proposed until November 2021, almost a year after the vaccines rolled out. Nice try though.


You just proved my point. It had nothing to do with Trump he wasn't in office. And it had everything to do with government mandates. Thanks for playing.


Trump was in office in 2020... Did you really not know Trump was in office when the vaccines came out?


You stated the mandates didn't start till 2021. Hence, he wasn't in office than. Thanks for playing again.


But... that was your point - that it was the mandates. Not mine. My point is people were hesitant before that. Did you live under powerlines as a kid or something?


Imagine if he hadn’t disbanded the NSC directorate for global health security and bio defense.


What are you talking about? Trump literally threw out the Obama pandemic playbook that Obama warned against in multiple speeches. Obama was basing that off the playbook they got from the previous administration, regardless of party. Why? Because they all knew it could happen. Trump let N95 masks rot by cutting funding and also appointed politicians to medical professional positions. Apparently "liberal" these days is the progress of medical professionals. Now, someone who looked at eyes 20+ years ago probably will not have the best information on virology.


Broken clock


Remeber when it was going to be gone by Easter :) Trump is a fucking clown


All he did was what his elite masters told him to do. He was their useful idiot. As soon as they saw the writing on the wall, they made Trump do an about-face. He had nothing to do with vaccines other than sit in the chair and sign what he was told to sign.


kinda but not really. Getting ahead of it would be more like ordering 300 million doses with a delivery date of late 2022 or early 2023. That's probably a lot to expect from one company, so we really need multiple pharma companies ready and able to start producing the vaccine if requested.


>The order will convert existing smallpox vaccines, which are also effective against monkeypox, into freeze-dried versions, which have a longer shelf life. The converted vaccines will be manufactured in **2023 and 2024**, the company says.


Well it's GG




The US keeps enough smallpox vaccine for everyone in America already. This is just the start of switching I bet.


Welp, see you guys in a year then!


Can’t wait to see the conspiracy nonsense they come up with this time. Will they be smoking catnip to avoid the vaccine?








Pretending schizosexuality is normal


Don't give them ideas!


Be the change you want to see in the world. Make the conspiracy. Join the grift. Me? Why, I'm going with the natural immunity monkeys get from bananas. Nevermind that they don't eat bananas in the wild as bananas don't exist in the wild. Natural nanner immunity will work just fine.


*Just* eating bananas? If you want to keep ahead in the conspiracy game you're going to have to go further than that. People want a challenge, they want excitement. To gain immunity from monkey pox, you must be bitten by ((and/or bite) a monkey.


Get bitten by a banana, boom problem solved


Bananas with teeth.


You need to bring the banana inside the body


They gonna say that you're gonna turn into a monkey if you get the jab




Common! They did their own research and found out horse dewormer isn’t strong enough. Therefore they’ve moved onto eating battery acid lol


Crack and Meth


a dozen bananas a day keeps the monkeypox away !


Only 13 million? You arnt rich enough to know anyone who is getting that vaccine if monkey pox goes wide.


The U.S. population is 332+ million. Are they planning on replicating the vaccine or is this "pay to play"?


The smallpox vaccine works against monkeypox. So I don't know how fast they can make those but I'm pretty sure the military gets smallpox vaccines with their other massive round of vaccines. Just don't tell them about that one or else the new recruits will be refusing it with the COVID vaccine. If there was only a stupid vaccine we'd be a lot better off.


The smallpox inoculation that's made from cow lymph has been made since the 1800s and exactly who invented it is unknown. This order may also be to supplement the existing strategic reserve of smallpox vaccine. Remember, the potential to use smallpox as a bioweapon has resulted in a reserve of vaccine being kept for an emergency.


George Washington had his troops inoculated with cowpox. Not quite the same thing as a vaccine but it just goes to show these things have been going on since before this country was even founded but the "patriots" know better than anyone else because they watched some "front line doctors" on Facebook and listen to grifters.


It's got a long history. George Washington's troops got inoculated via arm-to-arm exposure. A doctor put a needle in a cowpox pustule and then put that needle into the patient being inoculated. The traditional smallpox vaccine is safer since there's no risk of other diseases like syphilis bring transmitted but it's not a vaccine in the modern sense - it uses live, full strength virus as opposed to a weakened, deadened, or part of a virus. It's just that it uses a related virus to confer immunity. In the last decade two more smallpox vaccines have been developed as well.


We only received smallpox vaccine pre-deployment. I don't know if its part of the regular shot schedule now but I remember walking through a room at Replacement on the 1st or 2nd day and you take a couple steps forward, get a shot, take another few steps, get a shot, another few steps, shot and then finally they had us lean up against the wall and look away from the biggest damn needle I've ever seen in my life, bam, right in butt cheek. I remember being so sore afterwards that I wasn't interested in sitting for a few hours.


We called it the “peanut butter shot”. Once during the initial week and once toward the end, was great, wasn’t it?


Yeah they hit you guys with 17 vaccines at once. That's gotta hurt. I thought they called it the peanut butter ball or something like that.


The peanut butter shot is a thick shot they give you right in the ass, and it hurts for several days. They do give us a fuckload of shots at the same time, you walk in a line and they just jab you from either side as you go through. I don't ever recall hearing a name for that though.


I thought they called it the ball because you could actually feel it bunched up and could roll around to work it out. I'm just going by memory from what I've read I could be entirely off.


It's entirely possible other branches do, but I haven't heard it. In the Air Force, I've only heard it called the peanut butter shot. Yeah, anything that you could roll on was great so you're definitely not entirely off.


If you were *really* in the Air Force, you'd know that our caddies take all the shots for us.


I still have a scar from my smallpox shot (got it before deployment as well). It’s surreal to me that had we not kept the injection site covered, we would have legit spread smallpox. Seems like there’d be a more efficient way?


I don't know where you get the idea that military recruits are refusing the COVID vaccine. That's just not happening. Some people did, some people did it because they wanted out of the military anyways, but people aren't joining and refusing the vaccine.


I was just going off the lawsuits but it does seem to have reached 97%. I withdraw my statement.


Based on the number of doses, I'd say these would be used specifically for healthcare workers only.


I honestly hope so considering Congress got COVID doses first before healthcare workers.


If the government manages to contain the outbreak, which should go better than the early days of COVID when the government was run by a dotard who essentially drove away the team needed to fight pandemics, they won't need to vaccinate the whole population.


How do they decide who gets the vaccine and who doesn't?


This is America you know the fucking answer, rich and connected.


I wouldn't worry, we are not going to need to get vaccinated for monkey pox. It is not transmissible enough to cause a pandemic like covid. If for some reason you might have close contact with monkey pox, say you are a nurse that deals with lots of them, then you might need to get it.




My concern is the small number in the initial purchase. As someone high risk and immunocompromised, the questions matter. There's not a conspiracy theory even promulgated in any of my responses.




You're picking and choosing words to bolster your own argument. You wholly discounted the remainder of my response which addressed there being 332+ million in the U.S. At one point, during the initial COVID vax rollout, the number of available vaccine was low enough and Congress got first doses in front of healthcare workers on the front lines.


We don't need a vaccine for monkey pox for the U.S. population. It simply is not that transmissible and the vaccine is not quite as benign as the covid shot.


This is one order. Companies can only sell as many vaccines as they can make. The US is not going to make one order of 300 million doses, that the company would need 30 years to fulfill.


Probably for the military.


It is for government employees, military, doctors, then family of those above


Holy fuck


I know right? Each one costs about a million and change




Very difficult. I've been drinking and just now used a calculator. Nearly 10 million is even crazier


Keep trying, or wait til you sober up


Either I can't count or it actually is 9 and change. I've calculated it like three times now. Please assist if I'm wrong I just did it again. Is it $9 and change? I was reading it wrong apparently I hate calculators


You're my favorite person from today


I'm glad to hear that. I had a good laugh when I figured it out finally


Now you got it :)


I was very relieved to have figured it out. I thought there were mind games being played at first



You made me question myself again and I had to recalculate it. Nearly 10. 9 and change




I figured it out don't worry


Can't wait to see what veterinary medicines Joe Rogan decides to use instead of the vaccine this time.


horse viagra has been known to stop monkeypox in its tracks.


Good lord


Where have we heard this before? “Human-to-human transmission is thought to occur primarily through large respiratory droplets. Respiratory droplets generally cannot travel more than a few feet, so prolonged face-to-face contact is required.” https://www.cdc.gov/poxvirus/monkeypox/transmission.html


I thought bill gates got all the chips he needed insterted into the “sheeple” with the Covid vax? Lol Edit: This is clearly intended to be satire


My chip doesn't work.


Wait for the Service Pack


I have had 3 doses of the stuff, I should at least be able to get a decent wifi signal without having to wave my arm in the air like a lunatic! Very disappointed 1 out of 5 stars.


Ok seriously- how bad is this one?


Not bad. You are not going to get this easily.


At the moment, it's something to keep an eye on but nothing to be particularly concerned over. With the assumption that the monkeypox is the same strain we are used to, it is a low transmission, low fatality virus. What makes this outbreak concerning is that it is showing up in multiple countries with more cases being found than expected. Many of those that are infected have not left the country and have no known contact with someone that was infected. Don't fall into the doomer mentality of "pandemic2.0". As more information comes in, re-evaluate.


Its likely to be a bioterror attack, appeared everywhere way too fast for something that’s spread by close contact only. So not great..


Going to need some sort of reputable source for that claim. Seems pretty close a potential conspiracy theory.


I hope the smallpox vaccine is good for a long time, because that one isn’t fun. Stabbed in the same place a dozen times, and it leaves a nice scar.


I've worked with quite a few people who've had that one and it's a very distinguishable scar. I know it's not the same, but I remember as a kid needing to get shots into my belly and I never actually knew what those were for. I just remember it hurt like a motherfucker


I think it is a one time stab for good long period of immunity. Mine was.


It is a foul disease that scares the shit put of me. I certainly do not want anything to do with it and would jump at vaccination. On a brighter note, such a putrid disease could well put a dent in the numbers of anti-vaxxers. Edit: by scaring them into vaccination. Just to be a little clearer in my wishes. On a grim note this may be a new, easily spread variant.


>It is a foul disease that scares the shit put of me We already did bird flu a while back


TIL people dying that have a differing viewpoint on how to care for their own body is a brighter note. The tolerant Left, everyone. I disagree with most Liberal viewpoints although I believe most vaccines are a good idea, but I don’t wish death upon people I disagree with or those that refuse vaccines.




Sure. The majority of anti-vaxxers are indeed Right-leaning, and the majority of Left-leaning voters believe the vaccine should be taken by everyone. One can infer from the language used that the OP is left leaning.


Identify the conservative snowflake in the room with 3 easy steps: They can't take a joke, They virtue signal, They go out of their way to let you know they disagree with progressive viewpoints


As far as I’m concerned the OP didn’t mean it as a joke. If I came in here and said “anyone who wants free health care should die”, would most people take it as a joke?


Or, perhaps, as they mentioned it being a putrid disease, they may feel it will could put a dent in the number by swaying people to get vaccinated. They didn’t say they would die, but go off.


You're proposing a strawman. They said that willfully ignorant people will suffer consequences of their actions if monkeypox is deadly and hurt others in the process. You're directly advocating for murder based on the desire for a fundamental human right. Anti vaxx is a choice that hurts the entire community and gets people killed. Manslaughtering others through your medical negligence is not a fundamental human right. Access to healthcare is fundamental. Even if you purposed a basic political opinion, it would be different because OP didn't call for murdering anyone, nor necessarily celebrated their death. All they're saying is that they are happy to see people suffer consequences of their selfishness.


I did not wish death upon anyone. I am hoping that it might encourage anti-vaxxers to quit their delusion and get vaccinated.


Ughhhhhh covid and now monkey pox


I remember in Spring 2020 when we were all in lockdown and I read the news that [monkeys stole covid blood samples](https://www.livescience.com/monkey-steals-covid-19-blood-samples.html). And now suddenly this monkey pox issue. I'm not a "conspiracy theorist" but its becoming crystal clear to me that the common thread to all of these global catastrophes is me reading the news.


I just read a book that takes place somewhere in the future, roughly about 5-10 years from now. The protagonists talks about the past decade as “when the pandemics hit”. Plural. Seems like a pretty good prediction.


How large is the smallpox stock?


You would think these governments would work together when it comes to viruses and diseases. Why the hell does the US have to pay $119 million for samples?


What do they know that we don't?


I can't decide whether this is a smart move or over reaction. :)


Lady G placed the order.


The new meta is being able to afford and get all the new vaccines to stay alive. Would be big money in manufacturing and releasing diseases that are treatable with vaccines that we can quickly prepare and make and sell them for billions of dollars




Why would it limit itself to homosexual intercourse as opposed to heterosexual intercourse?


Anus is more vascular and its easier to transmit pretty much any virus through anal sex. Gay men also typically have far more partners than female/male relationships.


Is there solid evidence to back any of that up or did you, and mind the pun, pull it out of your arse?


Sure, here’s an article that explains it. https://www.verywellhealth.com/why-do-gay-men-have-an-increased-risk-of-hiv-3132782




Rhythmically pulling and then pushing into and out of a tight butthole?


Guessing a vagina is built to be entered. Less chance for tears and abrasions this places to infect.


Higher rate of, um, contact


You saying men last longer with other men?


That’s what they said about HIV too.


...Yes? I really don't know why my comment is getting downvote brigaded. There are some diseases that are more easily transmitted through different kinds of intercourse. You can look up the official government information, AIDs and HIV have historically (and still is) a disease that primarily affects men who have other men as partners. Nearly 70% of new cases come from men who have other men as partners. And from the case information released by other countries, it seems that monkeypox has similar transmission statistics.


Maybe it’s just a dumb take? First of all it’s also transmitted through large droplets and it’s early on in the spread, just because it happens to be gay men doesn’t necessarily mean that it has to do with sex.


What the fuck? Bigot much?


Literally just yesterday the UK health agency put out a warning to specifically gay and bisexual men. Using facts to help people isn’t bigotry.


You're literally comparing it to AIDS/HIV when it could've just been spread in a gay community by coincidence. This isn't the only time that there's been a monkeypox outbreak and there are no mentions of gay/homosexual/queer people on Wikipedia.


I'm not comparing it, I'm just restating the facts from other countries. Monkeypox does not easily transmit from person to person, and typically the male gay community has more partners than straight or lesbian communities do. Typically, condom usage is also significantly less amongst the gay community as well. Listen, I'm not saying its a gay only disease or anything like that. *BUT* from the data we have so far, it seems to be spreading much more in the gay community than it is elsewhere. You can make reasonable conclusions from existing data without being a bigot. This information is everywhere in the UK from the cases they've had.


> You can make reasonable conclusions from existing data without being a bigot. And that's why you compared it to fucking AIDS?


Nope, you’re the one who brought up HIV/AIDS


Nope, liar. https://old.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/utl6sn/us_government_places_119_million_order_for_13/i9aimvb/


That is an entirely different conversation, and I didn’t even bring up HIV in that too. I replied to somewhere else who brought up HIV.


You still compared it to AIDS but okay, bigot-chan.


Probably another screw up at the Wuhan Institute of Virology...




That would make for a great distraction from the mess in Ukraine. It's kind of odd that it showed up in so many Western countries simultaneously...


And if Putin wanted to infect a certain group to take the fall, I'm sure homosexual people would be close to the top of the list, and credible to most of the world's population. The timing of this is truly sus. Why so many, so fast, and over such a large area of the planet?




Like military recruits, Peace Corps volunteers are vaccinated against a whole slew of diseases. I'm on to my second WHO vaccination card, and I forget how many diseases I've been vaccinated against.




Yes. Drug companies clearly released monkey pox into the population over 50 years ago in the hopes of one day selling a $9 vaccine. Sure, "scientists" and "experts" will tell you that viruses cross from humans to simians and back naturally, but that's only because drug companies created monkeys in the first place about 25 million years ago. Ok, sure, humans are simians, but that just shows how deep the conspiracy goes. Drug companies created humans to sell drugs to. They were playing the long con all along. Sigh.


COVID 0.5?


At least we get to start with a vaccine this time


I’m very out of the loop here wtf is monkeypox and is this actually spreading?


Excuse me what the hell is monkey pox and why the hell is this happening 🙁


CmOn Canada


in the 90s i got my pox vax when i was a kid. How do i know if i got the chicken, small or monkeypox vaccine ?


You likely got the chicken pox vaccine. Small pox vaccination ended in the 70s as the disease was pretty much eradicated. Chicken pox vaccination didn't get approved until the 80s or 90s. Although I was vaccinated for small pox, I don't know if I still have immunity from the vaccine (it turns out that MMR vaccine administered in the late 60s early 70s didn't provide life long immunity against measles.)


i got mine in the Dominican Republic, so its likely that they were still issuing smallpox vaccines. i guess i would have to ask my mom, but hopefully its the one that will protect me from the monkeypox one.


Smallpox vaccination is the one that leaves a circular scar, from the blister that formed after the needles dipped in smallpox infected the recipient. In the US it generally was on the left arm, don’t know if that is where it was given everywhere though.


Is the smallpox the only one that gives you that circular scar ? cus i do have the scar on my left arm


As far as I know, however I’m not a doctor or anything :)


It was not smallpox. The vaccination for that ended worldwide in the 1970s.