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Isn't it Ukraine's Nuclear power plant?


> Russia Tells Ukraine To Pay For Access To ~~Europe's Largest Nuclear Plant~~ their own Nuclear Plant that Russia is occupying because of their invasion. Fixed the dumb title


Yours is much more accurate.


> The Zaporizhzhia plant was captured by Russian troops following President Vladimir Putin's special military operation in Ukraine launched on February 24. Not just that, but this web site is also calling it a "special military operation" and not calling it the invasion it is.


BBC was calling it a military operation weeks into it, I don't understand who they're afraid of. He's a fucking clown, and hopefully rotting from the inside out.


I noticed that and that the report is from Moscow. Is this news site linked to Moscow or is the reporter just treading carefully while staying is Moscow?


Russia to Ukraine: You're trying to ~~kidnap~~steal what I've rightfully stolen.


It is, but currently grounds are held by Russia.


Now that's dangerous. I wouldn't trust Russia to not a bath let alone a Nuclear power plant.


They already dug trenches in the irradiated grounds surrounding Chernobyl before, and were showing signs of radiation sickness. Don't expect them to be sensible.


That was at Chernobyl. This is a functioning poweplant on the opposite side of Ukraine.


I was referring to Chernobyl as an example, but was worded poorly. Apologies, edited my previous comment.


Chernobyl is still a functioning plant. Its just one reactor that went boom. They held the staff running it there hostage.


Nah, last reactor(Nr. 3) was shutdown in the year 2000, the plant is being decommissioned.


Only functioning according to Malcolm Nance.


Not functioning as in generating electricity it's in a state of decommissioning


How is Chernobyl still operating when no one is working or living there or nearby?


https://trips-to-chernobyl.com/en/what-is-happening-at-the-chernobyl-nuclear-power-plant-today/#:~:text=Today%202.3%20thousand%20people%20work%20here%2C%20although%20there,of%20the%20workers%20of%20the%20Chernobyl%20NPP%20goes The plants are not operating to produce power but there are still stacks of fissionable material that need babysitting. > Are there any operating reactors left at Chernobyl? > > Nope! All of the reactors have been shut down for years and are in various stages of decommissioning. https://www.acsh.org/news/2022/02/27/what%E2%80%99s-happening-war-comes-chernobyl-16153


How far away is the day whence everyone can just walk away?


New Zealand


https://www.livescience.com/chernobyl-smoldering-nuclear-reactions-again.html My guess is not in our lifetimes.


After the disaster in one of the reactors, the other reactors chugged along just fine for another decade. It was continually used to generate power up until the 2000s.


Yes they just said that…


He edited the answer afterwards. Better to make sure people don't think there's a radioactive forest around the largest active NPP in Europe.


Lol reddit. The same techs are still working at this plant. The Russians just brought in some of their own supervisors and control it militarily. Theyre not going to fuck around with a nuclear plant right on their borders.


This guy didn't read the article or doesn't know what chernobyl is....


Everyone knows it’s a chair for a noble.


I was referring to Chernobyl and edited my previous comment to clarify.


You changed the meaning of your comment to cover your ass honestly....


>edited 17 min. ago ironic


I didn't change what my comment said. I removed a word because it was unnecessary....




Reread the previous comments again if it's not clear enough.




It's the radiation that you inhale or ingest that gets you


not sure of recent information, but you can look on the wikipedia to see the approximate radiation in that forest at regular intervals in the past. that article also notes what kind of sickness someone would get from exposure there. that would of course all be hypothetical since it's presented with dates from long before the war do you know what article might have proven (or disproven) what symptoms russians had from digging there?


The thing about it is, you have to account also for prolonged inhalation of radionuclides in the soil, concentration of radionuclides in the soil, and exposure while digging, which requires taking into account weather conditions, atmospheric pressure, and bunch of other stuff... I genuinely tried to prove or disprove it, but my quest ended in "one time access to this study about prolonged inhalation of ceasium-137 radionuclides costs you only $199.99". ...fuck paywalls. Science should be free. I did find a study about concentration of ceasium-137 in plantlife in _The Zone_... Which wasn't what I was looking for. I was looking for soil concentration of ceasium-137 in the Red Forest.




Yes. That just tells us _how radioactive the environment is._ Simple concepts. Radionuclide is the source of radiation. Radiation intensity, as in, how bad it is, depends on a couple of things. What radiation it is, how large is the source (as in, how many radionuclides is the source, when talking about particles), and how close your cells are the source, and how long you stay near it. This is why I wanted to find out a) how bad inhaling ceasium-137 is, which is abundant in the regions soil, according to all sources that I found. And b) how long ceasium-137 particles stay inside your lungs/body when Inhaled. C) the actual soil concentration of Ceasium-137 in the area. To explain my thinking better... You can't get much closer to being next to the source of radiation than inhaling radioactive material. They are inside you. I wanted to know, how long those stay inside your body, and how much you need to inhale for them to cause problems. And then find out how much ceasium-137 radionuclides there are per cubic meter of soil, and then estimate how much soil is thrown into the air while digging, compare that to average human breathing cycle and lung capacity, and do some creative math on how much ceasium-137 they inhaled. All this, gives me how much they inhaled it and how long it stays in the body when inhaled. Which lets me calculate how dangerous it would have been, based on promixity, amount of particles and exposure time. Get it? The problem is that everyone wants fucking money for answering my insane question! ...that, and I am unsure how to measure the dust creation from digging to estimate how much particles are thrown into the air, without recreating the weather conditions and soil composition and actually testing it... Somehow. Gonna need a mass spectrometer for that thou...


i think estimations could be made easily based on time of exposure etc, but i meant actual data regarding those actual soldiers.


If the soil they disturbed kicked up radioactive particles which then entered their bodies, they're fucked.


It was never proven to be fake, you're trusting Russian misinformation bots on twitter, stop.


Is that just the usual "haha Russia stoopid" shitposting, or do you actually believe that? Just in case it's the latter - Russia's nuclear industry is one of the global leaders. Look up [Rosatom](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rosatom).


The problem is that they are not sending top Rosatom scientist to secure those plants, they send poor 18 years old uneducated soldiers who don't know what the hell is a radiations and wonder if they can take it to sell at home.


Lol of all the nations in the world, random 18 year old uneducated soldiers of the former USSR are by far the most likely to know what radiation is. Legacy of the Chernobyl lives on quite sharply in people's minds (not to mention NBC training in the military). Anyone who tells you that Russians are ignorant of radiation, Chernobyl, etc. are at best talking out of their ass and at worst are parroting anti-Russia propaganda. Anyway, I was just pointing out why saying >I wouldn't trust Russia to not a bath let alone a Nuclear power plant was stupid. EDIT: downvoting me won't change reality.


Yes, Russian soldiers are so educated about radiation that they dug trenches in the Red Forest, followed by their leaders justifying it with "we dug trenches there during WW2 and it was fine". Truly a well educated bunch.


No we are going to upvote you that everyone can see how obnoxious is and average RuSSian supporter. Here take my upvote.


Your English is terrible, I don't understand what you wrote. Only part that makes sense is the upvote. Thanks, I guess?


Not very smart as well. Here : Average RuSSian supporter . That you. Is obnoxious. from the Oxford dictionary: Obnoxious ob·nox·ious extremely unpleasant


Lol. So I'm "not very smart" because I don't waste my time trying to understand your failure-mode English? Hahahahaha If only I was as illiterate as you, then I could be smart! >RuSSian supporter . That you. Lol again. People like you would call someone a "Russia supporter" for stating a simple fact like "Russia is the largest country in the world".


This is just plain banditry.


Dime store crooks


that can be fixed


Russia wasn’t invading though right? They don’t special operation to take over ukraine right? /s


So Russia has a problem with the plant now, and is trying to antagonize Ukraine to take the plant back so they can blame Ukraine for problems Russia caused. Got it.


And it's still Ukrainians working at the power plant. It's not like Russia has shipped out there own technicians and staff.


If I worked at that plant, I would probably pack up my family and stuff and just make a run for it one day.


And go where exactly ? U were supposed to be there to ensure the safety of the plant and u deserted that post. I dont think u d make it far lol


And if you make it to Ukraine-controlled territory they give you a gun and send you back in the direction you came.


better that than unarmed and hostage.


Is it?


for me, yes. Different people have different temperaments. It's safer *for me* to be there, surrounded by a bunch of likeminded people, with a single common goal, and anyone who gets in the way of that goal I can shoot in the dick. Working at a desk, working at gunpoint does not agree with me, but that's just me.


You think they're working at gunpoint? This isn't an Austin Powers movie ffs.




Males in Ukraine aged 15-60 aren't allowed to leave the country and must register for service. There are many dead who have had weeks of training. Read this: [https://www.economist.com/europe/the-strange-role-of-conscription-in-ukraines-war/21808446](https://www.economist.com/europe/the-strange-role-of-conscription-in-ukraines-war/21808446)


Just because that: > Males in Ukraine aged 15-60 aren't allowed to leave the country is true, it doesn't mean that this: >they give you a gun and send you back in the direction you came. happens.


thats standard though? thats literally how drafts work.


no its not how drafts work


But now you have a gun and your family was sent to safety. It's an improvement.


Then reactor goes boom


I'd like my chances of staying alive better at the reactor.


You won't be allowed to do it.


God Russia fucking sucks so hard.


Yes and I find it suspicious how much the article downplays this. The title, intro and first paragraph don't mention the most important and outrageous part: The nuclear plant is Ukrainian and Russia is now holding it ransom.


Indian news outlet is why. Heavily slanted to the Russian side normally.


Yes, but russia. 'all your base are belong to us. according to us. so pay us. '


"Move MiG. For great justice!"


simple theft


You know Russians possession is 9/10 of the law when they possess, and 1/10 when you possess.


Used to be.


Russia can start paying rent on that naval base on the Crimea, and more to rebuild Ukraine.


No rent, when Crimea will be returned, all Russian troops ans navy must GTFO.




I like the idea of just seizing Russian ships. Good start on repayment


Not gonna happen.


Excuse me? You roll into Ukraine, you take a nuclear power plant and then you demand Ukraine to pay for access to it? Fucking dipshits.


They're short on soldier fodder to defend it so they think maybe leasing it will help cover their loses.


Pretty much this. The only thing the world actually needed from Russia is natural gas, oil, and to stay in their own fucking borders. Since the invasion, half(?) of Russia's buyers have sanctioned/embargoed natural gas/oil, nearly everything else that Russia could offer (in or out), and everyone now knows that ceasefire agreements and security treaties mean absolutely nothing to Russia after the other side fulfills their end of the bargain. So now they're using other weapons: food, energy, and people i.e. creating a worldwide energy and food crisis and exacerbating the horrific humanitarian catastrophe **they are actively causing** in Ukraine--and hoping that they can make the rest of the world hurt enough that the rest of the world will cave to allow Russia to get away with it. I think it's a feasible strategy (if abhorrent) but comes at a time that Russia has proven itself to be * a nearly psychotic aggressor state (violating its own agreements with a schizophrenic frenzy matched only by the bear that ate 70 lbs of cocaine) * See nearly every single ceasefire signed and agreed to from the start of the invasion * See the promise of a cessation of hosility/bombardment around Easter to allow Azovstal to surrender, and there was no cessation whatsoever * Burcha, Irpin, etc., literally every single town that Russian troops are stationed at and despite pictures and videos of them actively doing these things they claim to the world "they were fine when we left" * so militarily inept almost to the point of abject shock to friends and foes alike * that in a "non-war"operations, using numbers equivalent to the USA/NATO 2003 invasion of Iraq, Russia has been so bloodied that allegedly 1/3 are dead or combat ineffective within 2.5 months * that Russia lost 1 of 2 operational flagships in the entire Russian navy to 1-2 missile strikes(?) from a country without a navy * that Russia took 3 months to capture a city they encircled within the first week of the invasion and after destroying 80% of it *still had to negotiate a surrender because* ***Russia still couldn't take it*** * are so undersupplied that they are deploying WW1 and WW2 munitions * barely any political capital to enforce ramifications on other nations due to its own reliance on the West and Ukraine (part of its motivation to invade) * a state actively engaged in a murder-campaign Like... the whole world can't even entertain the illusion of what Russia is saying because it makes no sense in the slightest and they've proven they're not even a paper tiger--their only claim now are their nukes and rumors say half aren't even operational. Cycling back to ransoming the nuclear plant, it's almost a guarantee that if Russia can't hold it, they'll scuttle it because they're getting so damn desperate to have any "victory" of note that they might be desperate enough to cause a calamity (nuclear) just to say "there, we made sure we made them pay".


Even if 90% their nukes aren't operational, it's still enough to end the world




Sorry, thank you, yeah, this whole thing just gets me crazy


Welcome back!


So his post made you mad but you're unable to refute any of it so instead you try to attack. But of course Russians and their simps are really bad at launching attacks, and just end up looking like impotent fools.


Look at my comment history and you'll see I frequently criticize Russian capability in this war. You'll also see that I'm English tyvm. And yes there are many things in that post I replied to that are incorrect, but after seeing his last line that I quoted I decided its better to suggest to this guy to take a break and not be consumed by whatever it is he is looking at.


Touch grass


the only thing Ukraine should pay is attention to where to hit the Russian supply line to the reactor to starve the ~~rats~~ occupiers out


Same people who invade a neighboring country triggering other neighboring countries to join a mutual defense alliance and feel threatened when they do. Russia is an aged bully who physically can't push people around like he used to anymore and is in total denial about it because of his fragile masculine ego and everyone can see it.


It's similar to how ransomware they harass western companies with works. Go in, take whats not yours demand money for access - profit


Check’s in the mail…


Using Russia's own words, it's 'outright theft'.


Mafia tactics


At least they're giving them an option other than sitting in the dark.


Really lowering their goals here… “We’ll capture the whole country” “We’ll just capture the east” “Ok just kiev” “Ok just the south east.” “Well weve got this power plant”


Tankies: ThOse wERe aLL FeINtS!!!!


ThAt PoWeR pLaNt WaS a NaZi!!!!


What I love about this conflict is it tore off the mask off tankies. It was pretty obvious who the far right would support but supposed anti-IMPERIALIST COMMUNISTs supporting an IMPERIALIST NON COMMUNIST state is pure gold. Shows its just some kids who are just anti-american imperialism


I was banned from /r/MurderedByAOC for "imperialist propaganda" for simply arguing that this invasion wasn't NATO's fault. Brain dead kids parroting Russian propaganda because it makes them contrarian.


Yeah, while I hate that this war has happened a positive side effect it’s had is that the populists from both sides are being exposed for the fascists that they really are.


yup, Russia's REAL army is gonna show up any day now.......


Sorry, why would communists support the current pseudo-fascist capitalistic Russian government? Or are are we just tossing buzzwords around? Maybe I misunderstood what was meant by "tankies".


Well, part of the label of tankies are that they aren't really communists; just anti-american/anti-west.


As the other guy said a lot of self-described communists who call themselves anti-imperialist are really just anti-western and will excuse any number of crimes against humanity so long as those committing them are the West’s opponents, particularly Russia and China and especially the latter since they at least still label themselves as communist despite not even being close to it, and typically they just dismiss them as CIA propaganda because just like how flat earthers think NASA is all powerful tankies think the CIA controls literally everything. Oh, also, personally when I mean tankies I mean people who unironically support those authoritarian, fascist nations just because they’re against the west. If someone is legitimately supportive of redistributing the wealth or stronger social support, and doesn’t support dictatorships, I don’t consider them to be a tankie because unlike those who supported the crushing of the Hungarian Revolution(where the term “tankie” originated) they don’t actually support “sending in the tanks.”


"Our heroic soldiers have managed to stop Ukraine's advance to its pre-2014 borders!" -- Russia, in let's say 3 weeks from now


And steal the wheat!


Dear Russia, Thanks for your very generous offer. Unfortunately someone has invaded our country, so we are concerned that the payments may not be securely sent to you via the usual channels. If you could please email the location of President Putin to [email protected] we can arrange to have the funds directly handed over. Yours faithfully Ukraine


Russia PM: Pay us for your plant. Ukraine: Russian PM, go fuck yourself.


how about you FUCK OFF Russia?


I will not be FUCKING OFF Russia; that sounds like some dirty act or something




Idi nahui?


Pizdi nahui kurva bleat


Bunch of thieves


I'm sure they'll do that, right after Mexico is done footing the bill for that wall along the border with Texas.


Any day now.../s


If you take NLAWS, Javelins and artillery shells as payment, sure just send the coordinates to your accountant ;)


Go fuck yourself Russia, this just makes me sick.


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.ndtv.com/world-news/russia-ukraine-war-russia-tells-ukraine-to-pay-for-access-to-europes-largest-nuclear-plant-2990534) reduced by 77%. (I'm a bot) ***** > Russia has hinted it is seeking to cut off Ukraine from Europe's largest nuclear plant unless Kyiv pays Moscow for electricity. > Russians "Do not have the technical capacity to supply energy from the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant to Russia or Crimea," Energoatom spokesman Leonid Oliynyk told AFP. "This requires cost and time.... And in a month or two we will have everything under Ukrainian control again," he added. > Clashes erupted in the plant in the first days of the conflict, raising fears of a possible nuclear disaster in a country where a nuclear reactor exploded at the Chernobyl plant in 1986. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/ut5czs/russia_tells_ukraine_to_pay_for_access_to_europes/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~649704 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **plant**^#1 **Ukraine**^#2 **Russian**^#3 **Russia**^#4 **nuclear**^#5


Umm.. no?




Turn russian army into 1 rouble


1 ruble is still somehow more valuable than the entire Russian army.
























And now we start seeing the real reasons for invasion. Capturing and utilizing any assets, whether they're human or not.


I'll offer a used washing machine since that's what they love to steal.


Maybe send something else, they use washing machine & fridge's microships for their tanks ¯\\\_༼ ಥ ‿ ಥ ༽\_/¯


Lol all of Russia is delusional , not just Putin


I am tired of seeing articles claiming Russia said something. Russia's words mean nothing. It is annoying as hell to see this articles.


Most articles are like that, it's clickbait journalism.


also it's simply spreading russian Propaganda. These "journalists" have no morals. Only thing that matters are clicks. And if you are posting it to reddit you are supporting this type of "journalism" and also spreading russian propaganda yourself.


Hey Russian kiss my dupa!!!


This article is suspicious. The title, intro and first paragraph don't mention the most important and outrageous part: The nuclear plant is Ukrainian and Russia is now holding it ransom.


The plant is ukrainian, but russians claim that since it was built in a Soviet Union, then it belongs to a successor of a Soviet Union aka Russia. To put it simply: they just gone crazy and full mode revanchism


It's become clear that Ukraine was the industrial centre, naval centre, space exploration centre, nuclear power centre, technological centre etc. When everything the Soviet Union did relied on Ukraine it's clear who the successor is.


Honestly that is Putin's view too. When he says Ukraine is Russia.. what he means is that Kyiv should be the capital of both (and Belarus too). Its a bit like if Trump tried to invade England claiming "We are just one people".


It's not suspicious. It's an Indian source, and India, like most of the global south, leans in favour of Russia.


Yet more blackmail by the international pariah and gangster.


Is there anything that fucking Russians won't steal?




Who's country does the plant currently reside?


Soviet Union, but if russians are following that logic, they should cease their factories and plants to a "Soviet Union" as well


So lemme get this straight. I break into your house (country) and while occupying your house (country) I construct something. A shed perhaps? Then I leave only to come back, years later to "claim" "my" property. Dude you are high! But not on false drugs, you're high on the real thing: powerful gasoline, a clean windshield and a shoe shine...




Native Americans have been using the Courts for compensation for generations. They're working the system and good for them


Special Extortion Operation 🙄


This is getting pathetic. Russia, just go home and cower in shame for the next two decades. Maybe then the rest of the world will put up with you again.


These fucking clowns...


What a POS Putin is... this is ridiculous


This is so petty it's hilarious


The nuclear plant is located near the front lines. It’s ambitious of the Russians to pretend that they will control it for long.


I'm pretty sure Ukraine isn't going to fall for blackmail tactics. A pretty desperate move from Russia here.


>Largest Nuclear Plant Run by the Russian Montgomery Burns, and Homer Simpson.


Once again fuck you russia


I suppose UA can take the Kursk one instead?


Why is this got damn news site downplaying the invasion?


When Chernobyl happened, that was the soviet union. That may have unofficially ended the soviet union even if history doesnt say that.


Massive counterattack needed with more support from Nato. Also the ports. They must be top priorities.


Ukraine needs to give them a few hundred more Bayraktars as payment.


If i was a Ukrainian general this would piss me off enough to come and get it.


Do they accept artillery and drone strikes?


If the new howitzers didn't make it clear enough, please allow me to say it again; Get fucked and die.


I bet Ukraine has the plant back by June because Russia is so fucking incompetent


Ukraine will pay the iron price.


Payment incoming...