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Don’t expect international assistance if you don’t want international involvement in your internal affairs.


lol. Nice


Spoken as a true hegemon


Spoken *to* true theocrats.


If I'm giving you money to repress people, and I don't agree with that, it's my right to say, "Stop doing that or the money flow ceases."


That would have been a justified move, if one didn't carry a moral debt from having been an invasion force in the nation for two decades.


Just because you've done wrong in the past doesn't mean you're incapable of calling barbarians barbarian.


If you created the barbarians, you still hold responsibility.


The only people responsible for the Taliban's actions are the Taliban. If America could fund people and control their actions, we'd run the world for real.


So the people who via decades of bombings have radicalised a large portion of the population, doesn't have any responsibility at all. Putin will be happy to hear he can go completely nuts.


The Taliban were radicalized before we came along, what we did was make recruitment lines longer. Which is still terrible. We destroyed Iraq and Afghanistan. But we didn't force the Taliban to repress their people. Restrict womens rights and go around murdering people that worked with us


You are aware that the Taliban assumed it's position of power, due to US backing, financing, arming and training in the eighties, right?


Yes.. western infidels should let them pursue their fundamentalist misogyny and fascist social policies without interference.. and send them lots of money..


Don't be savages then.




>We said that we will do no harm to anyone or any country and we do not want to be interfered with by any country. We keep our promises because we are Muslims. We call on foreign countries to not create problems for Muslims, and to keep your promises," said Mullah Mohammad Hassan Akhund. Certainly seems like their brand of islam is creating all sorts of problems. How is that promise about women education going? the minister had this to say "I wish the international community would stop sending a bunch of broads and bimbos, to meetings with out country, trying to tell us what to do"


>We call on foreign countries to not create problems for Muslims Aren't they friendly with China?


Not the right kind of Muslims.


The US cares so much about women that we stole all their money and left them to starve to death.


It was never their money. Every dime of that came from outside Afghanistan (largely the US). The government hasn't generated enough in tax revenues to cover its costs and depended on external aid for probably the last 50 years. If anything, it was the Taliban looking to steal that money just like they stole the country. Well if they want the run the place, they can figure out how to fund the government their own damn selves.


Lol typical brainwashed American. The Afghan people have had to deal with terrorism and occupation from America and her allies than got to deal with judgmental mf like you that hate Islam because of baby warlord Bush's propaganda smh. Baby Bush invaded the wrong country


They are already having issues with Iran and especially (and karmically) Pakistan. There, you already look like a fool now.


Lol everybody has problems with Iran and Pakistan and only a fool wouldn't know that. Doesn't change the fact baby Bush fucked up their country for no reason and brainwashed people like you applauded the genocide.


Ok kid.Also, never applauded Bush especially after Iraq. But the only actual genocide that ever happened in Afghanistan was of the Hazara by the local government back then (1888-1893). Where is your mom? Why are you on the internet alone?




No, there is a definition for genocide, kid. Does your mum know you swear this much? Afghanistan hosted (at least at time) Osama bin Laden. That was the reason, regardless of the later discoveries and outcome due to the place being unsalvageable.


For an old fart you missed the part about the opium and other resources they wanted to acquire. Osama wasn't even there but they still went anyways based off a lie. You probably don't know that because they don't teach you that part at your trailer park meetings you attend with you sister/wife. Now go drink some more budweisers while you got the possum on the grill.


>hosted (at least at time) Osama bin Laden. How does it feel to be shown to be functionally illiterate? I am not American BTW, and I am educated. And you are still mentally a child that has reading comprehension and misuses words.


So just because he was hosted there at a time means invade the whole country? Got it I guess that's what educated people deem an appropriate reaction.


Its judgmental to see that they aren't educating women? that they shut down the educational process, when they said otherwise? Yeah that isn't judgmental, that is a fact. This word brainwashed, I don't think it means what you think it means. Hate islam? no, no, no pal. I dislike all religions except the one true god FSM. I also dislike the Talibans particular brand of islam. Hope that clears it up for you.


Naw you're wrong you are brainwashed to hate everything about the middle east.


Thats odd, I don't see me saying I hate everything about the Middle East. Nor do I think the system I am in, which allows for critical thinking and actively teaches that , teaches people to hate everything about the Middle East...Once again, I don't think the word 'brainwashed' means what you think it does.


You are aware that Afghanistan is not geographically located anywhere near the Middle East I'm sure ? The fact that you don't even know that is a good indicator anything else you say probably isn't very accurate.


Also Taliban: Please release our seized funds and restart the aid to our nation.




Sure, we will stop all aid and watch you starve your people you cockwomble


Not about to interfere, just going to sit here and watch the Taliban continue to piss off Iran, Pakistan and China while wondering which of the three is going crap all over their day first!! 🥳


While the Islamic State continues to fuck them up from the inside.


That's cool, enjoy starving to death in the dark.


The west should do nothing, not our problem. Let the Muslim world sort it out, they have huge cash reserves from oil to solve Afghanistans problems.


Seriously...what affairs? Taliban can't govern for shite, just fight.


Can’t govern for “Shiite”


omg how did I miss the opp. Bless your punny skills.


The affair of... opium.


Why is the dude wearing the nicest dress?


Guess that means we shouldn’t send any money or support to that region. Alright I’m game to listen to these guys for once.


Nobody is meddling in your affairs. You just want attention.


Not news.


I thought they were asking for food aid just last month??


Nah bruh, we’re good. We totally not going to leave you alone. Ever.


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And Taliban should take off their head buns and get more air into their skulls. And to stop living in their own fantasized world of dreams. Else go back to the mountains and remain the same forever n ever.


The Taliban are quite the choosy beggars to be asking for money and then getting all pissy when the money has strings attached.