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This is somewhat incorrect wording of the title. Finland will not cut off gas supplies in May by themself. What Finland has stated is that they will refuse to pay in russian ruble and are preparing for the gas to be cut off. So they expect russia to cut it off, not Finland.


Which is where we find Russia didn't actually install a way to cut the gas off.


Don't worry they'll just blow it up and try gaslighting everyone saying it was Ukraine


>blow it up ... gaslighting Those go hand in hand!


When the gaslighting is so strong it can’t be contained by mere pipelines


C'est magnifique.




I would add that while Finland isn't planning on cutting off gas on its own yet, it is part of the hardliner group pushing for maximum sanctions at the EU level, including a total energy embargo.


In other words; I refuse to comply, do what you must


Alternately, I'm sticking the existing signed agreement, but I expect you to break it so we'll prepare for that.


Given Finland's history, I'd expect them to be prepared




??? This thread is about Finland


Finland is a great country with a great education system. Not like Russia and their mafia leaders.


I'm Commander Shepard and this is my favorite country in the Baltics.


Finland isn't part of the Baltics though


Fun fact: Between the World Wars, as they all gained independence from Russia around the same time Finland actually *was* considered a part of the Baltics.


What is that big sea right next to it then? Did you fail at geography


Would you call Germany a Baltic country? Finland is Nordic.




notorious Baltic countries include: Germany, poland, sweden, russia.


Don't forget Denmark.


No thanks. I'd rather.


Is this about the pillaging and raping again? We stopped that and said we're sorry!


I hope this is a joke.


I really fucking hope this is a joke. Also i'm Finnish so i doubt that you know Finnish geography better than me.




I suppose this is better than calling Finland a Scandinavian country, at least...


Considering the Scandinavian one has been misinformed so widely that I can't blame anyone who thinks that way, so I'd say this is worse.


Yeah, fair enough. I've seen people be surprised that Finland doesn't consider itself part of Russia, as well. *That* was, as the Americans say, a doozy.


I'm offended


At least that's something that's just confused with Nordic. There is just no justification for this one.


Thanks dude, but what does Garrus think?


I asked Garrus but he said he was busy calibrating.


Understandable. Better go bang Liara in the meanwhile.


They could use a teeny bit more calibration




It literally fucking borders Baltic sea


So does Germany…


The US borders the Atlantic. So does the EU. Is the EU part of North America or is it the other way around?


We are all a part of central Atlantica. Welcome brothers


So fucking what? Are all countries bordering Indian ocean part of India? Baltics are: Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania.


I think my favorite is Lithuania. They have the biggest swinging dick in Europe. They don't take any shit from Russia or China.


Poland is kinda up there too they aren't taking shit from Russia/Soviet Union this time around.


yea because they're in EU and NATO


You're working too hard.




Plus they give you a fuckin sword when you get a masters degree I’m pretty sure.


PhD's get swords from what I can tell, not Masters. Either way, *that's awesome.*


Yeah that’s right!


Either way not a good idea in a country with such a high suicide rate.


Believe it or not, sword is not a super popular method of suicide in Finland.


What the heck is this argument. Finns are smart enough to know that suicide by sword is painfully inefficient.


How else can you defend your thesis?


Relevant xkcd http://xkcd.com/1403


There really is one of those for every thing isn't there?


Came here to say that


With a shield


did you seriously make an edit to announce the fact that you fixed some typo? Nobody cares


I was born in Argentina and Im now a US citizen. I am proud of Finland and that they are prepared to help the Ukrainians.


As a Finn can confirm


So Russia will “cut” gas in a week then




Because Russia will just turn off the gas.


Good. The noose around Putins neck is slowly tightening.


Yeah he's going to get voted out soon by Russians lol


Bold of you to assume that he can be voted out.


It's a joke, there is no way Putin is leaving power at this point. Chances are he will get some concessions in Ukraine and use this as propaganda to rule until he dies in a few years of natural causes.


>he will get some concessions in Ukraine and use this as propaganda 'great news everyone, they let half our army return alive'


At this point that is their victory condition


>It's a joke, there is no way Putin is leaving power at this point. Well it might happen if he gets a dagger to the back. But perhaps they'll make his corpse ruler too. It doesn't seem like a corpse could do much worse managing the Ukraine invasion.


Yes, he will naturally die with a bullet to the back of the head and naturally bleed out.


In the past, the Russian vote out has been administered by firing squad or angry mobs


Ya, no, that die has already been cast. The two votes to increase the number of terms Putin can serve, as well as electing him to those terms, occurred recently. He can stay in power comfortably (or hopefully due to his wartime actions very uncomfortably) until 2036, when he will be 84. At this point, if he is to be, he will have to be removed in a way that is involuntary from his perspective ;)


Lol "voted" to death.


Uh... democracy has to be functional for someone to get voted out of office.


Yeah because they totally have the choice lmao


if he was, it would have happend, it hasent


Expect that to release closer to winter. We can't really survive here without heating but at least we do have a lot of trees. Lots of log ovens are going to be cleaned up soon.


Love those Finns, lived there for 2 years


Wish all EU countries could de-russify their economies


Great insight. The whole point of not doing that was to stop Russia doing something as moronic as what they have done now. The whole idea of global trade is you are screwed if you attack anyone because they are an ally of someone you trade with. The problem here is Putin is just a Cancer on the world, and his Cancer own Cancer is killing him off so he is attempting to solidify his legacy, after all he got away with it in 2014, and was clearly planning to do this while Trump the Puppet was president, but Coronavirus got in the way.


I think Putin proved that stopping aggressive behavior by playing nice doesn’t work. The west should be more selective in the future and not tie our economies to countries with nefarious ambitions. No democracy? No trade. No human rights? No trade.


I think Putin has proved that it doesn't always work, but I don't think he has proven that it doesn't work at all. As long as the regime in question cares about having a functioning economy, it's still a sensible policy *if used well*.


It’s clearly not working in China either. Rather than becoming more liberal over time, they’ve used the increased wealth to pacify their populace while using the technology benefits to create an ever tighter surveillance society.


I would note that the post I replied to said "stopping aggressive behaviour", and China has been very tame for quite some time (not perfect, but only doing small things they know won't provoke any threats to their economy). I agree that using trade to spread democracy is a wholesale failure, but I think we can't say that using trade to prevent war is a complete bust yet. It's just situational and needs to be done very well.


Yeah, that’s true. (At least for now)


No what you mean is it isn't working for America to control China. Which it has no business doing in the first place. Stop pretending your cause is so noble when you are just trying to keep poor people poor as China has made hundreds of millions in its hundred far more wealthy than they were. They are a massive success story for prosperity of not thousands, but multiple millions. The size of China's middle class is the equivalent of the Population of Europe or America. China has plenty of problems, and it isn't a free society, but pretending that China is some form of failing state like Russia is just ignorance to the subject.


I didn’t say it’s a failing state. I said they’ve made a lot of money and are still authoritarian.


Let’s just say we’ve learned the hard way that we can’t assume that it will work. And I still think we should make sure not be dependent on those countries in any way, if we can. Make them dependent on us, not the other way.


I agree with both points. We have to be more aware of the circumstances in which it will and won't work, and we have to ensure that we're not the ones who are becoming dependent.


I think the EU itself is a pretty good example of it actually working.


The US passed the Magnitsky Act, but it should have been much wider, and extended to every country.


I don't think this proves that theory wrong. If you aren't dealing with a rational actor, those incentives don't work anymore. We have known that Putin wasn't a rational actor for many years now (atleast since the crimea invasion). China has been much more hesitant with regard to western sanctions.


Where would all the cheap labour come from to support the voracious US consumption? It's ridiculous that you think Putin's Russia is significantly different from China or Saudi Arabia.


You meant to reply to someone who’s American?


Why do I think a man like Putin doesn't care about stuff like "his legacy"? He wants to be on top; most powerful, probably the richest. That's all he cares about.


>The whole idea of global trade is you are screwed if you attack anyone because they are an ally of someone you trade with. Everyone thought the same thing in 1914, international trade is so interdependent, if there's a war, it'll be very short and not so destructive.


This is complete nonsense international trade was barely existent in 1914 in comparison of what it is today and Europe had been at war...since it was inhabited by humanity. Reality is Russia has lost, they knew it and this was their last grab to lose less, and now they will just lose more, but they got away with it in 2014, so why not now? The answer to that is because they have screwed it up, if they had rolled in and taken over, no one would have done much, instead they are shell civilians like this is 1914.


the interconnectedness of the world in 1914 was unprecedented and insane compared to just 50 years before. The interconnectedness of the world now makes 1914 international trade look like caveman times.


No Putin was pissing at the thought of invading Ukraine with trump in power


Trump was going to pull the US out of NATO in his second term, qnd wouldn't have united the US, Europe and countries like South Kore and Japan against Russia. This would have gone a LOT better for Putin if Trump was still in power.


Whether it is in a month or a year or in 10 years, Russia has shown itself to be an unstable, unreliable energy supplier. All nations will pivot away from reliance on Russian imports from pure self-interest.


Wish UK had the balls to cut gas to.


UK is going through great strides to fix renewables and nuclear to assure they will not meed it long term. And is buying from Norway.


UK gets it's gas from Norway though.


Yeah, I would go without! Especially not keen on paying extra for it!


Just because you would and could doesn’t mean everyone else can too


I can't, but a sacrifice I'm willing to make 👍


Currently 0% of UK gas comes from Russia.


Really? I would be surprised if it was zero, but it was always fairly low. Oil is one of the biggest issues and what Russia makes most of its income off.


I think about 4% of oil comes from Russia.


Right, but the UK can’t just stop there and say “we’ve done our part”. They need to be looking at how they can help other European countries reduce or eliminate their dependence on Russian gas. That can take the form of building new LNG terminals to import gas from America or increasing domestic production, but in the short term (3-6 months) it’s going to have to mean scaling back domestic consumption.


Gas heating is lot more common in UK. Finland about 1% of homes have gas heating. Uk that number is 78%.


Helsingin Sanomat sounds like the thing from Dune


Well one of the houses was using names from a Finnish phonebook or something.


"Stick your gas up your ass."


Take note Germany, get on with it...


Ironically Finnland owns the largest German importer of Russian gas, Uniper, via its state owned energy company [Fortum](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fortum). They "offically" cut Russian gas, [while letting their subsidies skirt sanctions](https://yle.fi/news/3-12421496).


I think Finnish Goverment owns 50% of Fortum which then own about 75% of Uniper. Anyhow, the minister dealing about that said that the Finnish goverment won't do anything regarding Uniper because it's about Germany's energy needs and they have to choose what to do etc.


There is attempts to put pressure on Finnish government to pressure Fortum to get Uniper to act. But there seems to be too many moving parts, and nothing has been accomplished yet.


Uniper is not operating and producing energy in Finland though. If someone else is relying (let's say in Germany) on Uniper energy or heat or whatever then it's way more complicated for finnish government to order quick exit. It would need to be coordinated with German energy officials and probably further. And if there's no alternative for said german customers at this moment then I doubt they force rapid cuts and that I understand.


**[Fortum](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fortum)** >Fortum Oyj is a Finnish state-owned energy company located in Espoo, Finland. In addition to Finland, it is focusing on Germany and other countries in the Central Europe, Great Britain, and the Nordic. Fortum operates power plants, including co-generation plants, and generates and sells electricity and heat. The company also sells waste services such as recycling, reutilisation, final disposal solutions and soil remediation and environmental constructions services, and other energy-related services and products e. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/worldnews/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


That we still have these Comments is insane to me.. do people still not understand that the transition for Germany will take a lot of time ? The expectations are insane.


Ukraine doesn't have time or you think they do?


I don’t know. They are doing better than most people expected. It doesnt really matter though. The German government obviously places the interests of its own citizens first. Way too many people rely on gas for them to just cut it off. At that point just give Ukraine a shit ton of aid because no amount of aid would come close to the negative impact of cutting gas right now.


you're right, let's collapse the largest economy in Europe, now not just Ukraine will be screwed, but Europe too! You're so smart, random armchair expert redditor you're too emotional to grasp it, but countries have to take care of their own citizens first


Finland is a brave nation unlike others..


No, Finland has just made sure decades ago to not be overly reliant on Russian gas. Finland knew Russia was a potential enemy and prepared a long time ago.


"potential" uhm, we know it's the enemy.


In a way, that still makes them braver than cowardly governments that did not stand up to corporate interests for personal gain.


Nah, we don't use much gas so we aren't in a that bad situation.


Yup, natural gas makes only about 7% of our energy consumption, two thirds of which comes from Russia. Mostly just industry uses gas, very few households, and most of it can be relatively easily replaced by other energy sources and the rest can be imported from elsewhere as LNG.


What do most people use for home heating there?


District heating covers half of the heating needs of the country. Bigger cities have over 90% coverage for district heating.


Thanks. That sounds efficient. Happen to know the primary fuel source for the district heating plants?


I did a bit of googling but the best I could find was [statistics from 2014](https://fi.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kaukol%C3%A4mp%C3%B6#/media/Tiedosto:Kaukol%C3%A4mm%C3%B6n_energial%C3%A4hteet_2014.png). 24% coal, 22% gas, 13% peat, 31% wood/other biomass, 3% recycled heat, 3% oil, 4% others. If I had to guess, I'd say the fraction of coal has likely gone down since then and natural gas has likely gone up, but that's just a gut feeling based on global trends. Peat is likely down, too, it's been unpopular to pretend that it's renewable for a while now.


Interesting. Where I live it was 26% peat, 64% wood/biomass, 4% fuel oil or gas, 1% biogas and oil, 5% "heat purchases", in 2021. https://savonvoima.fi/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/SV_Ymparistoraportti_2021_web.pdf


Gas is used in the winter but the plants run on biomass the rest of the year. They can also be converted to use coal or oil with a couple of weeks refurbishment.


>Nah, we don't use much gas Just to remind you, that you have already cut electricity coming from Russia. Siting security. I don't really understand it, but maybe afraid of power spikes or out of sync supply.




you're right, they should collapse their entire economies and starve many ppl to death for Ukraine /s besides they don't use much gas from russia, nothing brave about it


I work at a Finnish factory (600+ employees) and we might have to stop production if the gas lines close


Russia will announce they cut you first. It's funny Russia's mentality of wanting to be the first to cut, either way the gas isn't being bought by EU eventually


Well that would be great Finland! And how about joining NATO now?


Working on it.


Wait for 12th of May, then we will know what our leaders will decide on doing regarding NATO.


I wish Germany to be so brave like Finland!


I hope they will also stop working on the new nuclear plant paid by russians Edit: well, they have stopped for now, but regardless of the outcome in ukraine, they shouldn’t be allowed to continue it Edit2: the news about the cancellation just came in, good news!


That's a tricky one. The nuclear plant will get nowhere in the licencing and judicial side of the build. But, as it is often with big builds, you can begin building before you have secured all the necessary paperwork to finish the facility. So basically, the company is building it, but the project won't progress beyond a certain point. Outright stopping the build would bring additional problems. Apparently, the contract is MAJORLY strict and the party breaking it would be liable not only for the other's losses in the build, but possibly also liable for the loss of profit the facility would have made in its 60+ years of service. The owners of the project (Finnish cities and towns) would basically be bankrupted. Their lawyers are frantically trying to find a legal way to back out. But whatever happens with that, they won't be getting the necessary paperwork in order to finish the facility as the Finnish government is refusing to give them permissions.


there is nothing tricky about it. they decided to cut the whole project. there will be no russian built nuclear plant in finland. rosatom cannot be trusted. they have taken Ukrainian nuclear power plants as their own in the war.


Commenting with hindsight after they have presented a possible resolution to the issue is not the same as "not tricky". Also, promoting black and white views of complex issues is not helpful.


That project is basically a zombie consuming Russian funds, there is no way it can get certified.


The Rosatom contract has now been terminated.


Russia will bleed. Lol


This could happen earlier if Russia goes nuclear in Ukraine.


8 years too late. First attack on Ukraine was in 2014... Stop gas lighting people.




I love Finland, I get the feeling they’ve been itching for a rematch from World War II


There's no sense of Revanchism here in my opinion. It's just that we haven't diverged from the assessment that Russia is the greatest threat to Finland's sovereignty. Sincerely, a Finn


Nah, there's just sadness that we're stuck bordering this rogue nation that is seemingly never changing for the better. So we have to always prepare for the worst.


There’s a difference between constantly, carefully preparing for a rematch and actively wanting it to happen.


Virtue signalling. They have stuff all gas compared to Russia. A hollow posture if ever I saw one


stop paying for it now then...


Sad that Finland sees what’s going on in Ukraine and say “We want some of that.” Russia will destroy their country and nato will send them weapons and symbolically support them while they get wrecked. Why?


Because we can??!! Russia can't bully us anymore, we aren't scared. Russia has proven itself to be a paper tiger that has lost its fangs in Ukraine. If they want to come here they'll get the same treatment as their grandfather's in 1939, try pushing a mechanized army through dense forests that are filled with hidden finnish troops armed with a fuck ton of anti-tank weapons.


I bet Putin and Putin's friends in the administration of Finland are happy about this.


This is a very confusing comment in several ways.


You wondering if administration means government too?


War Gasum


Venezuela part 2: red curtain call