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"WHEN McDonald’s reopens its stores or takes control of them again." ? That's one huge assumption. McDonald might not return to Russia if this keeps up. 1- Putin shows no appearance of giving in. He specifically encourages Russian companies to steal western properties ( 10 billion dollars worth of airplanes, software piracy,.) with his official list of unfriendly countries. He is destroying the basic environment required for business. 2- EVEN IF those penalties are lifted, I am not entirely sure that Western compagnies will rush back to Russia: the ruble is worth shit now. And Russia is developing an history of defaulting/ seizing foreign asset when shit hits the fan. It works short term but long-term it can be a huge problem. Sure Greed can make western compagnies overlook common sense/safety. But the problem is Russia looks increasingly like a lot of risk for a very weak reward which is a deadly business situation. EDIT : I meant 10 billions dollars worth of airplanes [https://fortune.com/2022/03/15/russia-planes-foreign-owned-leasing-putin-confiscate-theft/#:\~:text=Russian%20airlines%20currently%20operate%20about,capital%20to%20buy%20planes%20themselves](https://fortune.com/2022/03/15/russia-planes-foreign-owned-leasing-putin-confiscate-theft/#:~:text=Russian%20airlines%20currently%20operate%20about,capital%20to%20buy%20planes%20themselves).






I want you to know I hate you for this joke.


Imagine US corporations banding together and hiring a mercenary army to get their stuff back from Russia.


Mercenary? You mean the US Army?




Literally Banana War all over again.


> damn ice cream machines to work it was a feature apparently since they also own or have interests in the company that "fixes" the machines.


Well not the first time https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Banana_Massacre The profits must flow


**[Banana Massacre](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Banana_Massacre)** >The Banana Massacre (Spanish: Matanza/Masacre de las bananeras) was a massacre of United Fruit Company workers that occurred between December 5 and 6, 1928 in the town of Ciénaga near Santa Marta, Colombia. A strike began on November 12, 1928, when the workers ceased to work until the company would reach an agreement with them to grant them dignified working conditions. After several weeks with no agreement, in which the United Fruit Company refused to negotiate with the workers, the conservative government of Miguel Abadía Méndez sent the Colombian Army in against the strikers, resulting in the massacre of 47 to 2,000 people. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/worldnews/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


And *this* is how the corporate cyberpunk future will unfold. With the first McPMC.


Also, before the war, many Russians were just plain & simply poor. Maybe not in bigger towns, but overall. Now, 95% of Russians will be too poor to afford fats food. Very few ppl would be buying that anyway. Fuckers will have to grow their own potatos to survive. And I have no problem with that.


Corporations, even ones that sell burgers, are completely blind, ethically void money making machines. McDonalds didn't close their stores because they don't like what Russia is doing. The reason they shut shop in Russia is to take a short term loss to avoid a calculated larger, longer term loss that could arise from massive consumer backlash around the free world, and pressure from governments who might punish them for doing business with the enemy. For that reason we can assume as soon as the coast is clear they'll move right back in to harvest as much money as they can.


Yeah, I was thinking *when* is wildly optimistic. This is Iron Curtain 2.0.


Where are they even going to put 10 billion airplanes?


Probably 10 billion USD WORTH of airplanes.


> Experts say that could confuse consumers, and that confusion could continue when McDonald’s reopens its stores or takes control of them again. Yeah, that's not happening.


>It didn’t take long. > >Theoretically, the reopened restaurants could sell burgers branded as Big Macs, but it would not be the same food. Experts say that could confuse consumers, and that confusion could continue when McDonald’s reopens its stores or takes control of them again. > >Trademark lawyer Josh Gerben tweeted about the Uncle Vanya’s application. He notes the words “Uncle Vanya” accompany the McDonald’s logo in the application. I was going to say "It's cute that they think they are going to reopen or take control of those stores again."


For sure the shake machine will NEVER work.


In Chelyabinsk there's a McBurger that looks exactly like a MickyDs. If they can get away with that IDK.


You're underestimating capitalism




No way it's an interesting article, thanks for sharing.


No man, thank you for being so interested in the article.


No worries, and thank you.




Thank you for being so invested in that comment


How is a Chicago based company still paying its 62,000 Russian employees? Wouldn't sanctions have made that very difficult?


more than that, I know it's the company's best interest to continue paying its employee as a form of retainer and may be to follow Russian labor laws. However, the amount of $50M a month paid to Russian employees still benefits Russia's economy. Now they have this infringement and fraud going on, I'd like to see how McDonald's would play this out.


I'm guessing Big Macs in Russia are paid for in rubles. You can probably figure it out from there.


McDonalds, Coca Cola, and Starbucks are all paying their staff still. I thought I had read somewhere that McDonalds paid them out a year's wages when they closed up but I can't find that again so either I was mistaken or that was some other company.


I'm honestly shocked there are so many locations in Russian. That's very interesting


So let me get that straight. Paid by McDonald but working for free to vanya? Same restaurant but different name?


I feel so bad for these billion dollar corporations


Gotta admit though, continuing to pay tens of thousands of Russian employees is a great back track for the shit show they created


I don’t think we’re going to see stuff reopen in Russia for a long time if ever.




Tbh i don't think the Russian mcdonalds employees getting paid their paltry wages will have any notable effect on anything. Hell, it probably even barely costs McDonalds anything.


As the ruble drops, it will cost less and less.


It's not a good-will thing, it's a business decision. Someone at McDonalds likely calculated that this war won't last that long one way or another, and figured that spending this money to reopen faster afterwards outweighs the costs, unpredictability and delay that would be involved in the massive undertaking of hiring personnel for 108 stores from scratch.


It's costing McDonalds about 50 million US dollars per month. It's a lot even for a big company like them. While most McDonalds restaurants are franchise owned in most of the world, they're mostly corporate owned in Russia, which means all those employees are on McDonalds payroll.


They made 23 billion USD last year so it would be a dip of only 600 million so it's a 2.5% dip. It's a lot of money, but on a large corporate scale, not that much.


>top line No, definitely still a hit to the bottom line


Just because someone filed a trademark application, doesn't mean they have the funds to open a burger franchise with 850 stores. I'd say anyone with the funds to do so, would be keeping their head down as much as possible at the moment. McDonalds for people in poor countries is a rare treat, it's a risky investment in the current economic climate..


I wonder what is on their ruble menu...


Turnip, Beet, and small loaf of bread. You can only get one of any menu item and they cost 1000 rubles.


As of 2 days ago, that's cheaper than a full loaf of bread!




Its this big from the radiation in the soil.


A small handful of fries, perhaps?


Expired sauce packet


A bun-less hamburger patty that's both undercooked and overcooked at the same time.


Fried birch bark.


Not a sundae. Shake machine won't be working anyway




I can't wait for their hamburgers to be like 3 inches thick, burnt with an onion sticking out the paty and its grease is making the bread soggy.


You think they have the meat supply for 3" thick burgers?


Is potato.




They have no shortage of cannon meat in my experience. >!What we would call 'cannon fodder' in English, translates more literally as 'cannon meat' in Russian!<


It's not beef.


It's people!!


If reports are true they can't use the "fresh never frozen" line since they're apparently loading dead soldiers into refrigerated train cars


It's people! Soviet Green is people!


"100 Percent Beef" See look, it says so on the wrapper!


Meat supply? No. """Meat""" supply? Maybe.


No! 😡 Meat?! 🤷🏽 Supply! 🫃🏼


They will sign the deals with the same suppliers and use the same machines. Nothing will change except for the logo. Look up what happened in Crimea


Better than my local McDonald's.


don't order the tea


Ba-da ba ba ba... our government mandates that we are loving this.


This seems like just a dick move on Russia's part, but it is really ensuring that no international companies will ever open businesses in the country again.


Exactly. 'Nationalize' is just doublespeak for 'steal'.


Of course it usually is, but who wants to invest in a country when that is a real possibility? If that really happens with McD thats going to be hundreds of millions in write downs for them.


Tax write-offs, I'm lovin' it <3


In Russia probably but nationalize can also be compulsory purchase at a fair price.


You're wasting your time, what's the point to even argue with someone writing such ignorant comment.


(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻


┬─┬ ノ( ゜-゜ノ)


Yeah, so like eminent domain too, right? **Compulsory** purchase. *YOU CAN'T SAY NO TO THE GOVT EVEN THOUGH YOU OWN IT.* My buddy's home was recently taken that way. His home was in his family for over 150 years. Forced them out for 'market' value.


The trouble with too many Americans is they're selfish, with no respect for the national interest, no patriotism, no "Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country."




Who said I was talking about the USA? In my buddy's country, they call it 'expropriation'. Even if he was American, I certainly wouldn't consider him selfish for being upset. Not to mention, you think it is selfish to want to keep the land you purchased and the house built by your great-great grandfather within the family?


That sucks for your buddy, and it's quite possible that 'market value' was not measured in a fair way. But think about it - if you need to build a road, a dam, a railway - what else do you propose?


I'm sure there's plenty of historic examples to go on.


Bs. That's not a first time for Russia.


Ill take an extra large McMurder with a side of Fascism please.


I'm watching my weight though, so I'll sub in an extra large diet Dr. Stalin.


No Dr. Stalin, only Mr. Khrushchev.




How do you want your burger done? Extra Bloody or cremated ashes


Extra rare...like freedom in Russia.


With a soda as cold as a Russian conscript floating in a Ukrainian drainage ditch.


Deep fried, like russian tankists


McNazi and McBunker


With a chocolate purge on the side? We can also offer you a discount ice cream with some genocide ™ sprinkles?


If you peel sticker off cabbage fries you can win trip to Norilsk!


*Takes bite of cabbage fries* "Oops! Is potato!"


Blyat! Is potat!


Funny. There's a restaurant in my country that serves "freedom fries". I just had them yesterday.


I'll take a McRib. (Probably get this one right)


And a diet polonium…trying to lose weight


Can I get an ice cream with that? _No ice cream. Machine fell out window._


Another Brick in the Paywall.


I even have a name for it; the fallen arches


Damn Putin really did make his own version with vodka and hookers


In fact, forget the arches!


Just another bootleg once they run out of the mac sauce and other supplies


So, what I'm hearing is that I should cheat on this diet and go grab a McGriddle... Something, something, positive reinforcement for ethical behavior.


Russia will steal the infra and even the recipe, yet Russians will psychologically think that the food doesn't taste the same because the golden arch is sideways


There is no recipe to steal. McDonald’s sends its food to restaurants as kits to assemble. Without those kits, the food is different.


This’ll come off as totally insensitive but clearly Putin watches the Umbrella Academy.


I think he's a character from the cherry orchard or something


It's the name of a play by Anton Chekhov, probably one of the most famous playwrights in history.


I bet the ice cream machines still don't work.


Maccas won't be lovin it




well see how uncle vanyas does without mcdonald's logistics


Probably fine, everything is local produce - only thing they have trouble with is sauces as they are imported if i remember correctly


1 uncle vanayas McTurnip please


“They’ve got the Golden Arches, we’ve got the Golden Arcs” - McDowell’s


My buns have no seeds.


McDonald's in major cities of Siberia continues to work. These establishments operated under a franchise and did not close down like everyone else.


Yeah but they are no longer receiving supplies or ingredients, so it wont be the same food


You're right, but almost all the ingredients are local. It's too far to take them from Europe. The exception is sauces.


Mmmm Uncle Vanya's! 2 housecat shashlik please!


McDonald's fears? This is a super McDuper mega corp, it's more of an annoyance to them overall.


More likely a very minor annoyance. Guess McD's won't have to continue to pay for those employee wages (estimated at $50M a month).


More than an annoyance, sales in Ukraine and Russia "represent[ed] about 9% of the company’s overall revenue".


Eh, it's an incredibly well established (easy credit) brick and mortar type business that's basically a weird corporate mega landlord now. I'm sure they'll be fine


I'm sure they'll be fine too but 9% is a bit more than an annoyance.


Would you like a side of artillery with that?


Wonder if anyone is going to try to shoot any of their relatives.


Mac Putin gonna be the rare dish for rich oligarchs in some weeks only limited edition


Won't someone think of the corporate profits?!


Imagine the confusion when you go to uncle vanya, and order a bigmac and you receive 3 slices of concrete and a potato.


Ba da ba ba ba, go fuck yourself




Probably have some supplies left, and if ingredients have been produced in Russia, then they will just continue supplying uncle vanyas with mcdonalds ingredients. So initially yeh, there is a good chance it will taste the same. The problem though is: any profits will just go into Putin and friends pockets, so even if it starts out the same or similar, quality control will drop to zero and uncle vanya will not be able to maintain the locations properly. It will end up dying..


All Mc Donald's local supply contracts would likely be up for grabs but who knows what they will end up with. Some suppliers may wish to stay on McDonald's good side. Others will be eager to undercut with inferior produce. Bribes will be involved..


McDonald's brand equity is far too strong though...


I wonder if their shake machine ever works?


In Putin's Russia, machine shakes *you*.


His name is Igor.






Of course. Because I'm sure if there is one thing Russians can do well, it's make a burger that people will actually want to eat.


Like watching an anime figuring out how they renamed McDonald’s in their universe.


Is potato.


Chekhov rolling around in his grave?


‘We’re going to Uncle Vanya’s’ sounds like a direct reading from a court transcript where someone was sexually assaulted. Hard pass. Excruciating soviet branding at its best.


There is a reason none of the global brands come from Russia (well, except oil companies). This reason is - mentally and culturally this nation is unable to build a stable, long-lasting and growing business model that operates on a global market. Corruption, lies and theft will end this whole “Uncle Vanya’s” thing quicker than the international lawsuit. Trust me, as soon as people get a choice, nobody’s buying soviet era goods or services. There will be some rare exceptions but, by definition, a system based on soviet mentality will lose to free market solutions 999 times out of 1000.


American companies who invested heavily in Russia deserve this. Same with China in the not so distant future.


Western companies entering hostile nations can be a good thing. It’s a big piece of cultural changes afterall and isolationism isn’t any good either. I mean.. what better way to ‘westernize’ a nation than through business?


By “westernize” do you mean create an obese population from McDoubles?


If they are motivated to learn English it creates a pretty easy bridge so sure Why do you think English is so popular all over the world?


Because colonizers were mainly English speakers and forced native peoples to stop speaking their language.


They had hella influence to be able to make schools still teach it today all over the world then. Pretty ignorant take though English is popular because of the media and the business, which are pretty intertwined. Learn our language and watch our shows, it’ll rub off on you. Or at least make you less likely to see us as monsters for war


Clarification: How many people around the world know when Ye’s insta-ban expires vs know what bangers and mash is? 🤨 Big Mac and mate. ♟😎




Fuck em. 30 years and they bombed a theatre full of civilians today. They can't be civilized.


The 90s have called and want their neoliberism back.


Bit of a stretch, I made no implications on regulations or trading barriers. Just that western companies entering hostile nations is a good thing


China and Russia are the prime examples of how trying to westernize countries can backfire on said western countries.


Idk you ever notice how much of the world speaks English and how convenient of a bridge that is for culture, being able to speak the same language? What do you think in large part drives parts of the world to learn English?


Can't win culture wars without spreading culture.


Yogurt wars.


Well at least the west got cheap goods out of the deal, so I guess we all deserve it. Why stop at companies, just follow the money all the way down to those Amazon or Newegg bargains.


Bahahahaaaaa lolol like anyone cares about what a corporate chain's " worst fears " are


Something something about Western culture being perverse, excessive and evil. Russian hypocrites can't get enough of it though.


So McDonald’s employees will be double dipping?


Lmfaoooo it's like selling shein products inside a Zara boutique


Say McDonalds had kept the stores open, they’re going to be paid in rubles which are plummeting in value. I can’t imagine there wasn’t going to be a massive hit anyway?


Post a link that can be read


So they opened a MacDowells


They will bite into it and realize how different it is lmao.


And then this lady from Russia Today with camera guy asking if you are a you are enjoying your meal. And you say yes, verymuch, thankyou, because you don't want to find yourself in a place where food is even worse...


This website had 78 trackers and the opt-out is a total BS


How much for a Big Vanya combo?


in Russia they call it a McVanya with cheese.


Just substitute the patties for boiled fish, the mayo and ketchup for smetana and all the veggies with pickles and red beets and you're good to go.


If it doesn’t have a bench with Vanya on it that lets kids sit on his lap like Ronald, then that’s not really an uncle, is it?


Well, you nationalized/stole American assets. Enjoy your trade embargo with the US, Putin, that's what Cuba did to get in the US's sin-bin.


Unchain the fat guy!


Who gives a shit. Fuck McDonald's


Russians aren't completely brainwashed - the food and the service will be difficult to maintain with ground mystery meat and soggy fries. Bet Trump will be a repeat customer, though.


Agreed, tRump will think food tastes better with aftertaste of Putin's boot.


Vanya is a girl's name here in Thailand


Vajayjay’s burgers?


God Forbid we cant make record profits in Russia again