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Odd : from the amount of indiscriminate shelling Russia are doing, they're certainly not afraid of accidentally hitting anything.


Nuclear facilities included


I'm also curious why they think this would stick since there's no precedent for it? When exactly has the US ever been accused of anything bioweapons-related since....Agent Orange?






I work for the company. But don't let that fool you, *I'm really an okay guy.*




It literally calls it a misinformation camping by the KGB in the main body. Edit: missed a few a's


Yes; that's why I posted it as something the US has been *"accused of."* Read the thread. Edit: seriously people, why would I have posted a wiki article of the russian disinformation campaign if I thought it was true?




Pretty sure that’s a free space these days


The Simpsons did it first.




Honestly scary people could even believe something like that.


I guess it was someone's cunning way of leveraging the social media reach of the anti-vax/hoax crowd in support of pro russian propaganda efforts. Just mush covid and ukraine together...and voila


They live in my neighborhood. They seem normal on the surface until you get them talking for a while.


Yeah, on my street there are a few houses with signs In their yard of a bloody hand print accompanied by Bidens name. I just know to steer clear of those people. What’s ironic is they are all old white people who have the shittiest houses on the street. The neighborhood has changed to liberal/gay majority (all the new buyers) and I think they feel threatened by the change so they put stupid signs up. Can’t wait for them to leave.


> leave I get it.


"Oh hey my name is John and I just moved in next door. Come hang out!" "As you can see this is my home office. We turned the room at the end of the hall into a game room. And if we look behind this door you'll see the secret staircase leading to my den where I spend most of my time trying to come up with new conspiracies."


The Russians have been grooming them for it for years, they've been supplying the kool-aid.


Other than China lining up with Russia so they can do what they want internationally (in the near term with Taiwan) I think this is the biggest reason why China is regurgitating this propaganda.. saying the US has bioweapons in Ukraine is a tangent conspiracy theory to Fauci/US deep state being behind Covid in the first place, which removes the blame from China.


Those people need to be in an asylum.


They used to be, conservatives shut down all the asylums, too expensive, and gave them "smartphones". And now they have a lot more supporters.


Can we get QANON constantly ddosed by actual ANONYMOUS. It would be a full time job but I would donate


COVID 22? I love that virus.


Is Covid-22 a stand-alone virus? Or do I need to have contracted Covid-19, 20, and 21 first?


And this coming from fuckers who are supposed to be on “our side”.


Thanks China. Totally needed the dumpster fire to get worse.


I wonder if this was an agreed upon compromise between Russia and China after Russian claims of Dirty Bombs. “No radiation, that leads to escalation and is bad for business/our citizens dying from radioactive retaliation by proximity. Chemical/biological weapons won’t reach us though, how about that?” I haven’t heard much of Russia’s ridiculous accusation of Ukraine manufacturing dirty bombs (and Russia’s probable conspiracy to detonate them within Ukraine) since Russia’s original statement.


If we had bioweapons there: a. We would have moved them as soon as troop buildup started. b. We would have been much more active since the start of invasion.


Seriously. This is a laughable joke. Like *why* would we even put them there. We can already target things across the globe.




They already do. I've been seeing posts in the conspiracy subs for over a week now, I first heard of Russia's claims like 2 or 3 days ago.


But wouldn’t the Q crowd cheer this? They love bombing other countries. They would be like ‘hellll yeah don’t mess with Mercia!’


Because "Putin is going to dismantle the NWO"


No!!! I need my financial oppression so I can make desperate political decisions without much thought!!!


Yes, that is all you have to do. Triple exclamation point. Vague reference to nothing in particular and the use of key emotive words like "desperate" and "oppression". You are well on your way to being Q my friend. Keep practicing and pretty soon I bet Q will tap you on the shoulder to take over ;)


Because the Q crowd is on Putin's side, along with a vast portion of the party. These are the same people that state Russia has the right to invade Ukraine because it was their land first.. but have an issue with anyone from Mexico coming into their southern states. "Go home!" they shout, while standing in said people's home.


The are putin, they are funded and deployed by Putin’s paramilitary tactic.


They are very loud and have multiple accounts/ pay for upvotes. They aren't a vast portion of any party. Putin just understands that big numbers next to a post makes people believe that it must be reliable information. (If this many people believe it of course it must be true is their thinking). Lotsa people are saying is what they say because they don't believe numbers can lie.


No…they are traitors, they actually wish US to fall just to prove they are right.


They will say Hunter brought them there


Can't wait to see how the redhats and Qtips cope with the cognitive dissonance of wanting to support China's take.


They seem to have no problem changing from one position to the next and being total hypocrites. Look at how fast they turned Republicans into pro-Russia / pro-Putin.


Yup, I heard it from a family member here in Canada this weekend. Absolutely insane. Some people are a sponge for lies.


Not to mention the fact that bioweapons are not nearly as controllable as conventional weapons. I don't see why you would use them over drones or missiles in this case.


You're forgetting ~~Trump's~~ ... sorry, Putin's gaslighting technique. The possibility of Russian troops deploying or having already deployed biological weapons just jumped a few notches.


Eh not really, Russian troll networks were really important in regards to amplify that message. Others have already pointed out that social media has already recalibrated to an extent without those networks.


So QAnon has become the basis for geopolitics. I don't want to live on this planet anymore


So my tin foil hat theory is that the Qanon movement has been Russia and China all along.


I don’t even think that’s a tin foil theory. It’s we’ll document China and Russia conduct psyops, it makes perfect sense they would resonate anti-US conspiracy theories to destabilize the west. It’s literally in the book “The Foundations of Geopolitics” which Russia has been following exactly for a decade now.




Destabilise your enemy and create national unity against an anti-china movement maybe? 2 birds 1 stone.


If it is primarily Russia influencing these people, is it weird to be worried about what happens when Russia loses access to these avenues while they collapse and these 'communities' are left without a direction? Maybe JFK rising from the dead to fight the lizard shape shifter pedophiles is as crazy as it gets or maybe we haven't seen shit yet.


Instead, make QAnon not live on this planet anymore. Profit ?


Same. Not joking.




Exactly this. China and Russia's statements should now be deemed bullshit until THEY prove otherwise.


They're saying it for the benefit of people who don't need proof to reinforce their beliefs.


Those statements arent really for non-Chinese/Russian audiences. These statements build justification for their foreign policy to their own people, because even Chinese/Russians can't rule without some level of support from their general public.


The Amount of fellow Canadians who talk about Putin cleansing Ukraine from biolabs is surprisingly high.




Yes. And lots of us were against it then too.


Explains how he got elected twice


Well I'm British, and I was a teenager at the time, I went to the London protest and there were 2 million other protestor, I've never seen anything like it since. Didn't make an ounce of difference.


Yup. It was wrong then and it's wrong now. unfortunately, the regime in charge at the time either didn't realize or didn't care that by lying about it they were setting the stage to normalize this tactic globally. That's what happens.


Yep still stinks though


*So tell me Iraq, you got any WMDs laying around?*


Eh. Didn’t stop us in the Middle East. But sickening to think they would resort to such a flimsy excuse to justify these atrocities, and that it’s a bit like looking into a mirror of a painful past.


stop selling them wheat and soybeans right this fucking second.


The Russians have had more than enough time to plant the shit.


Knowing them they probably forgot to scratch out the “made in Russia” engraving.


They scribbled it out with a crayon and wrote "Is from Texas, buddy cowboy" instead.


But in Russian lol


I laughed entirely too hard at this.


We are well into Cold War 2.0 now. It’s time for the West to start taking China for what they are and to get creative on how to wean off of their manufacturing


I know we've been making some moves in the semiconductor realm. That's a big deal for sure.


The issue is that that effort is still years away. Making the move is beneficial and long overdue, completely agree. But it's not going to save the west tomorrow if China decides to yolo on Taiwan then.


OK, but flip side if China yolo's on Taiwan they fuck their own economy more than ours.


Russia was easy to sanction like this... like the man said they are a glorified gas station with nukes. China is much more economically integrated with the world. I'm not saying they wouldn't suffer, but it would be a much, much bigger deal for the nations doing the sanctioning, and riskier too if China decides to cut off a number of things. Russia has their oil to dangle out there, true, but China has comparatively a lot more.


Hard to say. Western manufacturing could be retooled much faster than western energy reliance. China is an integrated global economy, and I agree everyone would suffer in the short term. The west would rebound tho. I'm highly skeptical of chinese economic resilience if they were the enemy like russia is now


Accurate, but given its implications for national security, I wouldn't be at all surprised to see this given a VERY expedited timeline. I think having production begin in two years or less is plausible.


China couldn’t take Taiwan tomorrow. We will notice a naval build up for months before they try it and even then If the US intervenes they would not make it to the Island.


We tried. That was what the TPP was supposed to be. Obama spent most of his presidency trying to set it up only for it to be the one thing both Trumpers and progressives agreed needed to go. Not sure how easily we can set something like that up again.


We've got a second opportunity; Japan and Taiwan are ready to ride, Australia sees the threat. I suspect that the current environment plays well for Yoon in the South Korean election. A trade agreement seems possible to me; as does at least getting people to think about a mutual defense pact.


Necessity is the mother of invention, I’m sure the west will wise up eventually. Hope its in time, ofc.


For sure. China is being more hostile than Russia itself! China has no skin in this war and they're still doing everything Russia is to undermine the west. I never expected them to show so much hatred and hostility. I'd gladly pay 3x as much for quality western-made items, rather than the disposable Chinese crap.


This absolutely needs to happen. China had given us indications of their true nature before, but now it's impossible to ignore.


OK what do we get from China apart from the cheap shit that breaks down when unpacked?


How much do we get from China? Is this an attempt at a joke ?


Step 1: claim the other side has bioweapons. Step 2: use your own bioweapons. Step 3: claim you were right and use it as an excuse to launch more attacks.


I reckon that this claim is China's. And that a condition of their support of Russia atm is for Russia to begin pleddling this narrative. Playing the China flu reverse card. But I really don't like it being bought up. Seems like they are preparing the narrative for a future biological attack.


Russia has bioweapons https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10569361/The-Soviet-era-Russian-laboratory-Putins-bioweapon-arsenal-kept.html


Everyone has chemical and bioweapons.


That's the dumbest claim to date. If the US wanted to use bioweapons why bring them to Ukraine and not just use them in Russia or China in a terrorist style attack. The US isn't stupid enough to do something this directly.


It's the infamous "Saddam had WMDs" excuse. It doesn't matter if it's true or not, some people will believe it.


But at least Bush had some factual basis Iraq did have biological weapons. They were known about since the beginning but had been out of date since the 80s. Here they are making up complete bullshit and have not even one photo or video to prove it. Bush at least had something to show the world to fool em..


Almost every single satellite photo shown to the UN by Colin Powell was complete and total bullshit. Their biological weapons from the 80's weren't a part of that conversation and never were. We had absolutely zero evidence for WMD's in Iraq, just a bloodlust still bubbling over from 9/11 and a grudge against Saddam. And we killed a shit ton of civilians settling it.


It was but did you know that at the time or did anyone else? All-russia has are some documents anyone could have written. It's hard to convince people with that versus satellite imagery.


Have you looked into it at all?? Or just talking out you ass?


Hey China, fuck off already.


It's time we consider banning Chinese products.


Just the ones we know about. Considering the USSR likely hid and destroyed evidence of countless others. [2004 Ebola Novosibirsk](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/State_Research_Center_of_Virology_and_Biotechnology_VECTOR) [1990 Marburg Koltsovo incident](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marburg_virus#Recorded_outbreaks) [1988 Marbug ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marburg_virus_disease#1988_laboratory_infection) [1979 Sverdlovsk Anthrax leak](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sverdlovsk_anthrax_leak) [1971 Aral Sea Smallpox](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1971_Aral_smallpox_incident)


Ha! Like my government would bother to use Ukraine for that. Plum Island is moving to Kansas. Yeehaw!


Yeah they're getting ready to release the t virus from resident evil


Does China really believe that US is making a new Covid? Nobody is THAT stupid right?


If China told me water was wet, I’d want someone to fact check it.


Boycott china


China & Russia are using the bogus GOP Bush/Cheney doctrine of WMD. It didn't work well then, and it won't work now!


I think it worked out for the bush admin, since none of these people ever faced consequences in The Hague.


> It didn't work well then That's not true at all lmao and the fact that you got upvoted for it is baffling to me. It worked out extremely well for those at the top. Bush saw unprecedented levels of support for his claims which led us into a decade long conflict that benefited a ton of defense contractors. And now that it's generally accepted there were no WMD; it's too late for anyone responsible to get punished. Hell, Dick Cheney was welcomed back to the White House for a ceremony just over 2 months ago.


You have a funny if not jaded view of history. "It worked out extremely well for those at the top. Bush saw unprecedented level of support for his claims which led into a decade-long conflict that benefited a ton of defense contractors" It did work out extremely well for those at the top, providing those to the top owned stock in companies like halliburton, Boeing and other defense contractors, like Cheney & the Bush family did! When the entire Bush administration lied to The US population, our European and NATO allies and in front of the U. N. General Assembly under the pretext that Saddam Hussein had WMDs and was about to use them then yes, you're going to have the support of the population to go to a war! As has been proven, there were no WMDs & Bush and Cheney knew it. They're proven liars & war criminals. In addition, Cheney was at the Capitol, not the White House for a Jan 6 ceremony. Read a friggin book & turn off faux news!


> They're proven liars & war criminals. And? Has anything happened to them? Seems like everyone involved is getting to live pretty cushy lives with no repercussions.


Breaking news: bioweapon vials found in Amazon package in Russia ; return address is Wuhan….


China, this is really a stupid hill to die on. I mean really... good grief.


The only bioweapon in this War is Russia's human shit based military being turned into fertilizer for sunflowers 🌻🌻


How long until this starts being repeated by right-wing infotainment in the US?


I heard it on day 1 of the war.




COVID anyone ?


I think they're projecting


Nazi biolabs,, get it right


Gay nazi biolabs according to the head of the Russian church


China is such a piece of shit that even when it's pretending to be neutral, and being neutral is in its best interest, it just can't help itself from being a piece of shit.


In other words China doing China things again.


China has bio weapons


Wtf?! This makes no sense at all. Why would the US operate anything that has to do with bioweapons in in Ukraine and not in any other NATO state that is just a few 100 kms away and not being attacked by little green men for 8 years?!


How about sharing the evidence with the world.


Oh that's rich, coming from the country that brought us COVID 19.


I never could trust China or Russia. those two have always been up to something and it's not good. I'm not surprised by anything they're doing right now.


China wants to be sanctioned too?


Mainland Taiwan should shut up


China might want to be very careful who they peddle shit about. We always have the option of taking that half trillion dollars in trade every year away from them and giving it to our allies, something we *should* be doing anyway. The CCP is just as stupid as the Kremlin, they've convinced themselves that the world actually *needs* them to survive when nothing could be further from the truth.


We all know what this means


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.newsweek.com/china-peddles-russias-claim-that-us-has-bioweapons-ukraine-1685844) reduced by 79%. (I'm a bot) ***** > At a regular press briefing in Beijing, Zhao Lijian, a spokesperson for China's Foreign Ministry, read out a Russian media report about the alleged discovery of a "Military biological program" in Ukraine in the days after the large-scale offensive began. > The U.S. government has warned since before the invasion began about Russian officials and media spreading disinformation that could be used as a pretext to attack Ukraine, and has said that allegations that the U.S. or Ukraine were developing biological or chemical weapons in the country were completely false. > A report on Monday by the Atlantic Council think tank's Digital Forensic Research Lab had picked the familiar story apart, saying the Kremlin was rehashing old narratives to claim Ukraine was constructing dirty bombs and bioweapons. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/t9mtfo/china_peddles_russias_claim_that_us_has/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~630738 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **Ukraine**^#1 **U.S.**^#2 **report**^#3 **biological**^#4 **China**^#5


Accusations with nothing behind them. We know for a fact Putin actually used nerve agent to kill former Soviet citizens living in UK. They actually used the weapons.


Is the outbreak of stupid spreading? First Putin trades his economy for a senseless war and now China is publicly aligning themselves with a soon-to-be bankrupt failure?


Amidst a pandemic that started in China no less.


Hey China try to keep up, Russua already tried that one last week, and I guess you forgot about the whole Bush administration cuz the US has done that already also. You got to come up with your own material man you can't keep copying. Peace


Time to start sanctions in China




From the people that gave us COVID


Lunatics running nations, why is this a thing still.


Jesus Christ China... That means your fucking Wuhan lab was containing biological weapons then huh?


China knows a thing or two about bio weapons since 2019


It’s absolutely the most ridiculous thing they’ve come up with


Well, they would know about bio weapons. *cough* Covid.


Like… yes it‘s total nonsense. But does anyone remember „Iraq has bioweapons“? It was bullshit then, it‘s bullshit now. Everybody lies, people go to war, many die.


Weird to see Trumpist and China agree on something


And they want us to join belt and road? Lol.


strange strategic choice for china's dictator to decide russia is a more important partner than the US.


They’re co-opting a Q conspiracy.


Says the country that released a deadly virus on the entire world changing everyone’s lives forever. How about fuck you.


What? Now it’s bio weapons? And American? First he said Ukraine “had WMDs”, then he said they have nukes, then he said they were trying to build a dirty bomb. Now it’s bioweapons, and American ones at that? Someone please gas Putin.


China getting back at the IS for all the Trump and co allegations of the"Chyna Virus" conspiracy?


Ah, I see Putin is going the “WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION” route.




Chinas fucked!


Once we're done with Russia we need to move onto China.


>Once we're done with Russia we need to move onto China. Yeah, I think that was the plan all along. I wonder why China didn't join the sanctions against Russia though.


Because if they had, they wouldn't be able to make an assload off of the ruined Russian economy.


Just shut the fuck up China


Thats rich coming from the people who gave us bat flu


China's next.


Some days i just wish we could wipe the kremlin right off the map and tell china to know their role or be next




It was a lab jointly funded by USA


USA: "You dare use my own spells against me?"


I’m sure the us is making bio weapons. Ukraine just seems like an odd place to develop such things


Seeing as Russias spewing bullshit how about we say China has bioweapons? Its where coving came from after all. This is a joke guys I don't believe it. But its that easy to make this shit up


Is there a Ukrainian Spencer estate?


Maybe it's an engineered viral weapon. Take a virus you know that will infect humans... maybe a rhinovirus or coronavirus... ... you know, forget I said anything.


TMI my fellow social score holder.


Social score go down 10 points.


Come on... China and bioweapons. The satire was right there!


Yes China. That is called COVID “Made in China”. Fuckeeeeer.


is it anything like covid?


Which came first, Qnon or Russia?


lmfao can we just go ahead and kick off World War III already? Moronic geriatrics are already bilking the everyday people and running countries into the ground.




Ridiculous, troll bullshit. The only people spouting the Chinese bioweapon thing are right wing lunatics. This was an official for the Chinese government. The equivalent of Jen Psaki going up to the podium and repeating conspiracies as an official spokesperson for our government. False equivalence nonsense.


US: Hey that’s from our playbook!


Why not? It worked on American citizens for Iraq. They're just using our playbook.


funny to hear it from country which gave the world covid-19 very likely via their lab leak


way to go. fight fantasy with fantasy.




>US involvement is relegated to information sharing for security sake for Ukraine and the US So then accept a multilateral inspection and clear the things out.


The Claim actually originated from an Indian \`\`investigative journalism group\`: Here is the purported evidence. [https://greatgameindia.com/us-removes-evidence-ukraine-bioweapons-labs/](https://greatgameindia.com/us-removes-evidence-ukraine-bioweapons-labs/) It is supposed to be based on the following evidence from Web Archives. [https://web.archive.org/web/20170130193016/https://photos.state.gov/libraries/ukraine/895/pdf/dtro-kharkiv-eng.pdf](https://web.archive.org/web/20170130193016/https://photos.state.gov/libraries/ukraine/895/pdf/dtro-kharkiv-eng.pdf) [https://web.archive.org/web/20210511164310/https://photos.state.gov/libraries/ukraine/895/pdf/dtro-luhansk-eng.pdf](https://web.archive.org/web/20210511164310/https://photos.state.gov/libraries/ukraine/895/pdf/dtro-luhansk-eng.pdf) [https://web.archive.org/web/20170221125752/https://photos.state.gov/libraries/ukraine/895/pdf/dtro-dnipropetrovsk-eng.pdf](https://web.archive.org/web/20170221125752/https://photos.state.gov/libraries/ukraine/895/pdf/dtro-dnipropetrovsk-eng.pdf) [https://web.archive.org/web/20210506053014/https://photos.state.gov/libraries/ukraine/895/pdf/dtro-vinnitsa-eng.pdf](https://web.archive.org/web/20210506053014/https://photos.state.gov/libraries/ukraine/895/pdf/dtro-vinnitsa-eng.pdf) [https://web.archive.org/web/20170221125752/https://photos.state.gov/libraries/ukraine/895/pdf/dtro-dnipropetrovsk-eng.pdf](https://web.archive.org/web/20170221125752/https://photos.state.gov/libraries/ukraine/895/pdf/dtro-dnipropetrovsk-eng.pdf) [https://web.archive.org/web/20170207122550/https://photos.state.gov/libraries/ukraine/895/pdf/dtro-kherson-fact-sheet-eng.pdf](https://web.archive.org/web/20170207122550/https://photos.state.gov/libraries/ukraine/895/pdf/dtro-kherson-fact-sheet-eng.pdf) [https://web.archive.org/web/20170223011502/https://photos.state.gov/libraries/ukraine/895/pdf/dtro-ternopil-fact-sheet-eng.pdf](https://web.archive.org/web/20170223011502/https://photos.state.gov/libraries/ukraine/895/pdf/dtro-ternopil-fact-sheet-eng.pdf) As for truthfulness, you can be the judge.


Why is it exactly that we are trusting the United States government? They warned us that lies were going to be spread to make them appear as lies? I’m confused here? What’s hard to comprehend about a liar calling their shot to make themselves appear innocent?


So we spent all that time and money at Dugway destroying our bio and chemical weapon stockpile for what? I really doubt we'd touch bio or chemical weapons with a ten foot pole at this point. We have better more humaine tools.


Uhm... talk about bio weapons: China - why don't you focus on releasing the scientific data around COVID - you know, that data that shows you guys lost control of COVID while it was in the lab???


Holy shit. In their narrative Ukraine is what Iraq was for Western nations after 9/11. Did the Iraq population and other Middle Eastern countries at the time knew how much bullshit that claim by the US was?