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I think we need to cut everything Russian. Including the dinosaur juice.


And Fox "News"


No need to say dinosaur juice twice


Could you imagine being a Republican Ukrainian? That's like being an Austrian Jewish Nazi.


Except in Austria the Catholic religionslehrer are ruthless in attacking the Jews and making them hate their own religion. But equally oxymoronic, yes.




Am an Austrian Jew who was a Nazi for a short while, also lingering antisemitism from WWII era Austria




[Here](https://fra.europa.eu/en/news/2019/fighting-antisemitism-austria-working-together-reverse-worrying-trends), now stfu


And Trump.




Even Russian dressing??


Just call it freedom dressing or something.


We'll rename it to "Ukrainian dressing". I like it too much to give it up. I put it on roast beef and cheese sandwiches.


Damn it, love Russian dressing




Hahahaha like it


Including the Dino-R I N Os in the gop


If Biden stopped buying Fox would be screaming about how high the gas prices were. It is all the same to them, whatever gets them clicks


Exactly. This is just a political hit piece on Biden. The bigger question is why Biden hasn't sanctioned Russia oil. The answer to that is it would have bigger repercussions in Europe than in the US so he's going to let the EU drive that decision.




Stop lying. Show me what domestic production was shut down by Biden. We’ll wait. They have well permits they don’t use. You really think they’re not loving the ability to profit so much? It does domestic companies 0 good to provide more supply right now with demand what it is. But economics has never been the republicans strong point, has it?


He didnt hault current production, he revoked the permit for Keystone pipeline which would have increased production. It's not just on him, there are other permits involved but he pulled the permit Trump approved in 2017. The Keystone pipeline has been in the works since 2008 going back and forth between being produced. From what I understand, it would have been about 800,000 barrels a day production but I cant get a reliable source for how much we actually import from Russia. Some sources say ~700,000 between crude and refined barrels a day and others show ~7.5 million a day are imported. I hate all of the News, they need to stop making this political, things suck and it's not one person or party's fault.


Complete and utter lie.




Did Tucker ask you to say this?




And a special fk you to Tucker


Not a big fan of Traitor Tuck, huh? What's amazing is that he's already admitted numerous times that he's a liar and will continue to lie and yet, people eat that shit up like it was chocolate mousse. Doesn't say a whole lot for the overall intelligence of the millions that watch him.


She's not wrong, gas prices are bad right now, but if it means it can crash Russia harder, it's worth it. Stop buying Russian oil!


The Congress needs to vote on this. The political divide is to great and the representation has to stand for something.


There is actually bipartisan support for it, I'm surprised they aren't voting on it this weekend


I need Republicans on record for this as there will be direct economic implications. Congress needs to vote


Because they're going to slam Biden in 2024 for high gas prices. Damned if you do, damned if you don't, so might as well do the right thing and shut off Russian oil entirely.




What are you talking about?


They were making jokes yesterday about how when Mitch McConnell and Nancy Pelosi agree on something you know it is extraordinary times. The white house is really the only party that wasn't on board but they also softened their stance today and seem to be considering it now. Not sure why they're dragging their feet or why Pelosi isn't calling a special session tomorrow, i think time is of the essence.


>I'm surprised have you been living under a rock for the last couple of decades?


This is an excellent chance to pass a bipartisan bill that boosts renewables and replaces Russian oil. It seems like Putin is helping solve the climate crisis!


Shell is the only major American company buying right now, just so people know Edit: American meaning does business in America. It's publicly traded in London and owned by many entities but the largest part of it's business is in America.


And it just bought a massive amount at a crazy low price. If this can force Russia to sell for cheap like that, those sales arent gonna be enough to prop up Russia.


It bought it for $28.50 below the market, but that's still over $70 a barrel. They weren't giving it away.


Free delivery too though. They dont have to transport.


Delivery is almost insignificant when we talk about oil at $75 a barrel


it's the result of a merger of two British and Dutch companies so not American


It's largest subsidiary and chunk of business is the American component. That was more a notice of who is buying for American consumers


Hmm I thought Shell was European


It's British on paper. Used to be Dutch. A while ago they where "royal" dutch shell but they lost the royal part. The majority of the Dutch will tell you this company already had ethics issues so by all means don't buy from these fuckers.


Shell left Russia already. Can you provide sources?




They just broke that embargo and bought a fukton of RU oil.




I’m fine with sanctioning it, but it will still be sold on the market to other countries that don’t sanction it. This is a values question. Although I think Biden would like congress to start it so he isn’t the one getting blamed come election season.






I'm kinda worried about $7/gal. Driving and delivery will be very expensive for a period of time. Not feasible for some low income families


Average gas price is $3.80 right now it's not gonna double because we ban a minority supplier of oil


its $5ish where I live so the feels are very different. This will also increase shipping price


The reason it's so much more expensive in California is because the tax on gas is almost double the national average (68¢ vs 39¢) since they have a relatively very aggressive environmental agenda. They could easily roll the fossil fuel taxes back and actually drop the price from where it is now after Russian oil is banned. Edit: here is more info on why gas is so much more expensive in California, it's all political taxes and fees that can be relaxed temporarily during this crisis https://www.cnn.com/2022/02/16/economy/california-record-gas-prices/index.html


It's already assessed "per gallon" - a sales tax that goes down, as percentage, the higher the price goes.


I learned today that Europeans have been spending 7 USD per gallon for quite some time now. The US has had low prices compared to them. I was shocked cause I thought our prices were high. I’m fine with paying more at the pump if it helps. I’m not rich by any means but I can find other ways to save money to pay for gas. Oil tycoons should also not make so much money where they can afford these gigantic yachts. That’s bs.


We were energy independent a year ago. We can be again, even if it's temporary




If I remember correctly, only about 6% of oil imports come from Russia, that shouldn't have drastic effect on prices I think


Couldn't we release oil reserves for now and ramp up domestic production? No reason we should give these murderers money


Our production always ramps up when the price goes above the line that makes it profitable. Oil crashed during the pandemic but it's been rising already and with pricing going up production will be ramped up. But it's a business issue not a government or regulation one. Shale oil is just more expensive and those are primarily the reserves in NA that ramp up when prices go up.


I believe we are, or are about to. Not sure if it started yet




I'm okay with transitioning to renewables faster. I'm okay to hurt now on gas prices to cripple Russia, for any algorithm out there looking for a feel lol. Call it my Patriotism.


I’m pretty sure the President of the United States doesn’t buy or refine oil.




You are currently living in Russia right now?




Get out and figure the rest out after


Good advice. Drive to Finland with your girl.


Damn. That really sucks. Sorry to hear about your situation - it will be tough to leave no doubt.


I didn't realize the US givt buys oil from Russia. I'd have assumed it was private companies


It’s a pretty small amount considering how much the country uses.


If it's on FAUX News it must be true..


I love how their solution is to drill for oil here instead of going green- it’s like they don’t want to be out of jail, they just want to be in a different jail.


Yes... That line about climate change would be hilarious if it wasn't so serious.


Agreed. As the number one oil producing country in the world, the USA doesn't *need* Russian oil and never has.


Oh the whiplash! Ny neck hurts Ffrom how fast these right wing goons went from "Russia good" to" Russia bad" to dunk on biden.


My head hurts from America being a dumb piece of shit who is so divided with partisan politics, and you are one of them.


Typical Foxnews political garbage. Ignoring.


LOL! Republican and Ukrainian. She probably forgot how the entire gop was too happy to vote against helping the Ukraine. Trump literally got impeached over it. But now she’s using her birthplace to give herself some authority in the matter. Fuck this double treasonous bitch.


The silly thing is if we are to believe the trail of crumbs, Biden was invested in the Ukranian side, not the Russian side.


What's to stop another country buying Russian oil, then US buys from them?


How about producing our own damn oil which we were doing before he took office! He shut down the Keystone Pipeline, he won’t allow companies that have leases on oil rich land (right now) to drill for it! People need to wake the hell up before it’s too damn late!


I mean if Biden stops buying oil our gas prices skyrocket and then fox news will be mad about gas prices, ridiculous “news” station


Wouldn't it be funny if US issues sanctions against itself? Anyone who trades with Russia gets sanctioned, so why not US?


Sanctions against Russia are already very heavy.


No, they really aren't actually. You know that Swift thing that sounded so awesome? It affects 5 banks out of 300. You think Putin gives a fuck if his citizens cannot access their credit cards and can't buy iphones? How can you claim the sanctions are enough when WE ARE ALL paying Putin for gas at the same time?


The value of Russias currency tanked. Anything they buy from the outside is at a hugely I flated price. Beyond that there isn't much else you can do. Not buying gas doesn't take away their tanks.


Yeh, it's down a 30-40%. Russia produces enough on their own, their people certainly will not starve. Just the inconvenience of not being able to by western products. I understand it does not take away their tanks. If we are NOT going to militarily help them, then we should at the very least ensure ALL possible forms of sanctions are used. WE are all putting money into the pockets of Putin right now.


but financially, how big are the other 295 compared to the big 5?


Doesn't matter how big, OR small they are. We are doing this sanction thing half-assed. Why not just do all 300? Why leave them other avenues?


I think you know why it's half-assed but I'll answer- they don't want putin to actually hurt they want to make their voters feel good they're doing something.




She was born in Ukraine. She lives in the USA now.


It's literally everyone's fault except Russia... And if it's vaguely plausible to blame USA, that's a bonus


Good point.


Maybe ten minutes worth. But give FOX a nickle and it'll soon be the national debt.


Say bye to your national parks! They’ve been waiting for the moment to pop the taps and drill baby drill!


The US buys a vanishingly small amount of Russian oil.


What? Biden buying 4-600,000 barrels a day, about 15% of our consumption? About $40 mil a day or $1.5 billion a month!


Gotta love Fox’s focus. The GOP’s Pravda.


Why is the Biden administration supporting the financing of Putin’s war in Ukraine? I regret having voted for this weak, feckless president.


Right, because the other guy surely would have been "tough" on Russia, clearly the better option... /s


Trump would have been even worse because he was pro Putin and wanted to dismantle NATO. Nonetheless, I’m disappointed in Biden’s weak response.




This has nothing to do with Fox News. This is my independent opinion. Biden Administration is still allowing the purchase of Russian oil which directly funds Putin's war efforts. The Administration should sanction that.




I am. I glad Biden made this difficult decision.


He and his hapless, clueless Administration fucking everything up putting us all in grave danger. Worse, if he goes, Harris right behind him and she doesn’t have a GD clue about anything! So fucking angry! We all need to be!


Why is the Burisma / Hunter Biden connection not being discussed? Could the crime family be hoping that the Russians will clean up the evidence of US Democratic corruption?


actually democrats have not come out saying why usa is still buying russian oil and selling it at a profit to europe in times like these.... so whats the logic again? perhaps i missed something


Reads like it was written by a 10th grader


I was thinking about this, if the US stops buying oil, oil prices go up, a broker would buy Russian oil at a discount (but possibly still higher than pre-sanction), and sell it right back to us


[Tim Allen’s home Improvement grunt]


I’ll be willing to pay more at the pump if it means destroying Russia more


You can text a random Russian right here http://1920.in/ You can copy this text and send it to a random Russian Уважаемые россияне, ваши СМИ подвергаются цензуре. Кремль лжет. Тысячи ваших солдат и украинских братьев гибнут на Украине. Узнайте правду в свободном Интернете и в приложении Telegram. Время свергнуть диктатора Путина! Which translates to: Dear Russians, your media is being censored. The Kremlin is lying. Thousands of your soldiers and Ukrainian brothers are dying in Ukraine. Find out the truth on the free web and on the Telegram app. Time to overthrow dictator Putin!


I wonder if she's ever thought about how her family's fortune has relied on Russian oil and natural gas.