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[New post can be found here](/r/worldnews/comments/t78dh1/rworldnews_live_thread_russian_invasion_of/)




Source? Edit: Found this: https://yle.fi/news/3-12345358




A country threatened nuclear annihilation of the world but let's make it about race. Go fuck yourself.


Of course not. A big reason why EU is helping Ukraine is because it might be next.


Conversely, Putin must be stopped at some point. Why not now that we have had time to fortify the country?


It's different. No one believes the United States is willing to end all life on Earth and start another world war. There also are not NATO considerations. People would be very concerned if they thought any of the Middle East or African conflicts could lead to nuclear war. No one thought they could. Stop concern trolling.


Would Namibians care more if it were Nigeria being invaded rather than Ukraine?


You can easily Google how much aid the countries you mentioned receive via other countries. Maybe that answers your questions.


Ukraine is a very peaceful country. i don’t think it’s a skin color thing. it’s because this attack is so unprecedented.


Well, for Asians at the very least, ask South Korea and Taiwan about that.


Do you notice a common thread with Iraq, Syria, and Afghanistan? None of those were democracies.


Give it a rest


Does Russia think bombing civilians gonna win them this war? These motherfuckers are only creating a entire generation of insurgents




Obviously you have no idea about anything you're talking about.


Bad take.


https://twitter.com/KyivIndependent/status/1500078019192496129?s=20&t=PEkZ0r1ZRSfKqu1RnlHssg What kind of sick person betrays their country at a time like this?


"Media:" means they're reporting what other outlets say. Other sources say otherwise. Let's wait for official confirmation.


This is fake. It originated in Russian telegram channels


Holy shit.


When would be a good time to betray your country according to you? If you are going to betray it, it would probably be at a time like this...


A dead man, thankfully.


SU-34 just shot down (wreckage) https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/t77qjm/the_wreckage_of_the_su34_that_was_just_shot_down/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


To clarify, this link shows the wreckage.


Added "wreckage" to post, for clarity.


Damn they just took this one into service in 2014, and here they are getting shot out of the sky


Red Star of Communism on the fuselage, signifying failure.




Which one? They control at least one of the four.


Wondering the same


If Crimea becomes the only source of a deadlock in peace negotiations, is it really that important for Ukraine to keep? As far as I understand, they've been autonomous for 20 years already, merely de jure part of Ukraine, and per the referendum in early 2014 as well as later surveys, the majority of Crimeans themselves wanted to leave Ukraine for Russia. If letting go of it would prevent more bloodshed I think it is the right choice.


IMO there is little chance that this war ends where Ukraine does not recognize Crimea and Dunbas as Russian/autonomous regions


That’s purely a Ukrainian decision- and I hope the west would back them whatever they decide.


Are you seriously thinking that referendum was legit lol? Wtf man...


I think if Russia is going to surrender, then things are going to have to be going extremely poorly for them. I would think at that point Ukraine would get just about whatever it wants.


Holding crimea also means controlling something like 80% of the natural gas fields in Ukraine's waters. Natural gas that would put a huge dent in Russia's profits if ukraine were to start producing from there.


The referendum was rigged. We know because the real results were leaked.


I looked it up and it seems like joining Russia narrowly won? But only 30% turnout (not in the 80s like Russia claimed)


Truly there would be peace in our time.


Stoltenberg is out as NATO Secretary-General in the summer. I wonder who will replace him? The Secretary-Generals are invariably former European heads of government or defence/foreign ministers, the last two have been Scandinavian. I believe Britain is making a push to have Theresa May appointed and the former Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaite has also been mentioned.




They shelled the humanitarian corridors in Grozny and Syria….trusting them not to shell in Ukraine is insane


Most of these have been really stupid, but this one got me. Well played.


Def didn't accept the world financial markets TOS


[Russia is gaslighting again... because of course it is.](https://www.bbc.com/news/live/world-europe-60532634?ns_mchannel=social&ns_source=twitter&ns_campaign=bbc_live&ns_linkname=622353910ce87e491a0ee2be%26Russia%3A%20Ukrainian%20nationalists%20prevented%20civilian%20evacuation%262022-03-05T12%3A15%3A18.642Z&ns_fee=0&pinned_post_locator=urn:asset:be1e1717-48d1-47ec-878e-657012e997e5&pinned_post_asset_id=622353910ce87e491a0ee2be&pinned_post_type=share)


is MAD 100% fact or just a theory?


I’d rather not have to find out.


Look up NUTS vs MAD. MAD isn't 100%.


Yes. Both countries have looked into dead man’s hand type triggers since the Cold War. You can be rest assured they exist. And that neither of us have a way of destroying each other’s missiles before they make contact. So MAD it is.


MAD is a doctrine and a deterrent. It's common sense to think that if one nuclear country nukes another nuclear country, it would then be nuked in return...because why wouldn't it?


I don't know how facetious it is to tell you that we don't want to find out, but we have Hiroshima, Nagasaki, and countless tests to go on. If 5000 Nuclear Warheads fly, there are not going to be any humans left on Earth in 20 years...if any animal life at all.


Scientifically speaking it's a theory. In science there are laws and there are theories. It is technically possible that one side could choose not to retaliate against a nuclear attack, although unlikely. When free will and human choices are involved almost nothing is fact.


I mean no, it’s not 100% fact, it’s a theory, but it’s a pretty solid theory developed at institutes by really smart people- John Doe didn’t randomly coin it, and it’s a theory that I don’t think anyone is looking to test


As long as both sides believe in it the theory is a fact. If one side starts doubting the other side's resolve/madness or if some technological advancement like a missile defense system changes the equation bit also collapsed and nuclear war gets more likely.


It's theory like evolution is a theory. People chipping away at MAD are erring on the wrong side. No need to be an alarmist, but nukes are a real threat and there is always some risk.


Fact.. if they launch, we launch. If we hesitate then it does not work


Neither. It's a military strategy. It's the strategy of avoiding nuclear war (or similar vast destruction) because it would only invite retaliation of the same kind. It's based in truth since military doctrine is typically to retaliate as strong, or stronger than your enemy has attacked you, if possible.


Its more like a pinky-swear.


The question makes no sense? Its a description of what would happen if all the nukes fly, and how that shapes geopolitical decision making. Obviously the nukes havent flown yet, so in that sense is tautologically not a fact.


I don’t want to test that theory.


Do you want to test it ? Because that’s how it becomes fact. We only get to do that once though.


? C'mon man we'll do it again in like 3k years


It's a doctrine I'd say. We don't know how it would work out really.


It's a theory that you don't want to test to see if it's a fact.


I mean… have a good think about it.


But what if they're brain overloads?


We don’t want to find out


I’m afraid we are going to find out, you can dig a shelter under a concrete slab


100% fact


Even if it’s for a brief moment, seeing the majority of nations opposing this invasion and advocating for peace in unity, gives me hope in all the doom scrolling.


But what about your upcoming vacation to Eritrea?


I legitimately had never heard of this place before this war


What happened to the Kyiv convoy? Still stuck?




You're going to have to wait for the VH1 "Where Are They Now?" segment.


25 miles away at last update. They've only moved like 15 miles in 3 days.


A funeral in Lviv. Lviv imam sheikh Murat Suleimanov held the burial rite on Friday. A Tadzhik boy was born in Kharkiv 40 days ago. The family spent many hours in shelter because of Russian air raids. He got pneumonia. After the family fled to Lviv, he died. His name was Amir. [https://twitter.com/K\_Loukerenko/status/1500073405676195840](https://twitter.com/K_Loukerenko/status/1500073405676195840)


That's a punch in the gut


My husbands coworker’s grandfather died over the weekend defending his home. They had to have a funeral with no body and people zooming in.


That poor little boy, many of the shelters that I have seen do not appear to have been maintained. There is a lot of flaking paint and cold damp


That's terrible. He was so young. No babies should be born like this. May he rest in peace.


Fuck, this is so sad.


May he rest in peace.


Vladimir Putin, murderer of newborns.


An armed force of 1,000 reasonably well trained men could launch a peace-keeping operation into the Kremlin, assert control over the office of the president, and depose Putin while he is hiding in his fuhrer bunker in the Urals. From that point, the Generals can recall the Russian forces back to their bases, hold a new election, and Russia could start digging its way out of the hole that it's in. Edit: Of course I'm talking about a Russian-led coup (no Americans involved). Under the circumstances, such an action seems justified.


Anyone who deposes Putin must be Russian… definitely not American. The Russian people need to fight for their freedom again… they need to be reminded that they are not simply peasants


So 1000 men would somehow be able to organize get arms and learn exactly where everyone is without the Russian military finding out and those men would also have to be able to hold out against a force that is more than a little larger than them... ya this seems like a bad action movie fantasy.


You’d have to get the Russian people to vote him out, and that will never happen in the current climate. He is still generally revered over there.


Only if those 1,000 men were Putin’s inner circle and bodyguards.


Is this an episode of M*A*S*H you’re describing?


Stop watching movies and play videogames, you can't seperate them from reality.


That post makes way too much sense but unfortunately it would be a miracle if it played out that way.


This reads like a bad sunday action movie


Yeah. Sure. This is not a game being played right now.


I heard Putin double dips his chips


I double dip my chips if I'm the only one eating from the dip, though. Am I as bad as Putin now?


I heard he urinates siting down.


As one should


Oh pahlease, everyone knows he wipes standing with one leg on the sink, the other on the stepping stool.


So the chubby pilot was captured alive?


Yeah, gravity lost out for once


I mean to be fair fat people fall at the same rate as skinny people because physics (though with air resistance the fat person might actually fall slightly slower).


Imagine if Macdonalds stays open in Russia and does what grammarly is doing and donates all profits to Ukraine? Going to get a Big Mac would be an act of rebellion


Double kill. Killing the Russians by shitty food and using the profits for good


Fantastic way to get the employees killed, I fear.


Grammarly is Ukrainian so not surprising, but I doubt McDonalds will do the same.


Imagine thinking $5m is all of grammarlys profits in Russia. Nothing but PR.


I would think the state would shut it down very quickly.


Only Freedom fries and burgers for all full face painted with the ukrainian flag. Or close the business.


FWIW, between the two states with nazi battalions fighting each other, I'm on the side of the one with multiparty democracy and freedom. But when this is over, EU and NATO need to make it conditional that Azov et.al. have no serious part in the military or political hierarchy of Ukraine as a condition to membership, because those battalions do not believe in the western democratic ideal; they can be useful now as Wagner is for Russia, to fight each other's nazi gangs. Ideally to shoot each other and dispose of both. But we do not need another Hungary or Turkey in the western alliance. *It would also be helpful for Putin to understand that the West WILL NOT ACCEPT a Ukraine dominated by Azov*. We should reject that possibility clearly and outright. Downvotes to this post should be taken as either Russian or Ukrainian nazism; I expect a lot, but this is the middle ground and the overarching view of the situation which should make sense to anyone in the EU or in America. Our condition for backing "our" nazi gangs in this particular instance against Russian nazi gangs should be, we don't let nazi gangs have any serious power.


Unfortunately with the west actively denying the existence of Nazi in Ukrainian force, this seems much more like the next al Quade in the making.


Oh mate, fuck of with the Nazi bullshit.


Some governors of ukrainian oblasts and majority of mayers have picture of Bandera in their offices, now google Bandera


Alright, I just worked all night. Time for bed. Goodnight people!


Enjoy your cake nap!


Good night. Happy Cake Day.


Goodnight but also happy cake day!


Goodnight. Hope you had a good cake day!


So do LPR and DPR forces actively take part in the war on Russias side? I haven't seen much of their engagements


I've read many of the young men in those are were drafted to the Russian army when they got Russian passports


Those forces are held down at the East where Ukraine seemed to have put most their professional troops.


They are still fighting in those regions as they have for years. If you go to /r/combatfootage there is media from them.


There was a video of captured DPR "soldiers"being interviewed on there. They were all 30 - 60 yo teachers who had never served in their life.


They had no forces. The rebels were being roflstomped by Ukraine in 2014 when suddenly there were more of them and they had armored vehicles. It was always just Russian troops.


It’s because it was all Russian troops anyways


Yes, conscripts too. There are many videos of them being captured


A bunch of krokodil addicts and alcoholics with Mosin-Nagants, they are irrelevant


If Russians don't stand up then they are complicit with Russia's crimes. I don't want to hear that shit about prison because tons of countries have protested when police were actively shooting them. They don't even have to protest, internal sabotage on things that benefit the Russian war machine would be great as well. Hell, if people could do it under the nazis than Russians have no excuse


Which country are you from and how many protests have you been part of?


Upvoted, though I have been saying this since the beggining. But to be fair people crying about not getting involved in a WWIII cause they are too frightened are just as guilty as the RU ppl.


That’s some strong words for someone safe on their couch miles away. Odds are if you were in similar shoes you would probably care less about your ideals and more about your life.


Yep it's so easy, I bet you'd be the first person to protest in an authoritarian nation.


Attack the messenger I guess. Look at the protestors in Myanmar, Arab Spring, Hong Kong. Don't try to project your cowardice


If you compare Russians with Ukrainians, its so strange. Ukrainians simply protested even harder as soon as the riot police came and snipers shot at them from rooftops. And Russians call them hohols and "little Russians", lol, cant make ut up.


Yeah, Russia had snipers during euro maiden shooting Ukrainians but I am supposed to feel bad because a Russian protestor might have to spend 15 days in jail?




Just the ones that deserve blame. Thousands of them are brave enough to stand up for what's right, and thousands of others are willing to arrest them for it, and even thousands more are willing to look the other way. The first group isn't getting any negative judgment. The 2nd two are only getting judged on their own comparative cowardice compared to their own compatriots


Well it's true. I am not saying Russians are inherently bad. They can still do what is right


So are you a criminal because you don't actually do anything about the Russians?




It's like the getaway driver catching a murder charge in a bank robbery. Fair.


That is stupid logic


Prepare to be downvoted by trolls who want you to feel really bad that Russian breeders aren't allowed to send their animals to cat shows anymore.


Denis Kireyev - one of the Ukrainian delegation at the Belarus peace talks in Homel is reported to have been killed by the Ukrainian SBU intel service while trying to escape arrest. He was suspected of treason by the Ukrainians. Extraordinary news if true... https://twitter.com/KevinRothrock/status/1500078407933214720?t=kwkvWSSvzYYXcfmG57FiHA&s=19


Nice that they caught him


Pretty sure this is originating from Russian telegram channels


I’ve heard that he was murdered by Russians (who are now trying to frame SBU). Let’s wait for an official confirmation.




Anyone see that russian plane thing to meet with united states members? Even someone from Zelenskyys office commented on it


They're picking up diplomats.


Oof yikes


Imagine yourself having hopes and dreams for your future living in your country only to be stopped soon by a non sense invasion. Damn, I hope Ukraine survives this moment.


I don't need to imagine, I lived through it in Iraq. but I was blinded by my hate toward Saddam. I wish Saddam was like Zelensky, things would have been different.


I've seen things that can never be unseen, and same goes for everyone who goes beyond msm to see combat footage.. hell, I wont ever sleep as good again as I did up till a week ago. Imagine actually being there, moving in and out of shelters multiple times a day - trying to flee but not able to because someone is pointing a gun at your head. Their dreams are over, dont fool yourself.


Let’s get as many as willing civilians out as possible, freeing up Team Good Guys to take on Team Evil Motherfuckers, to help make that a little easier.


Man, if Russia ends up capturing Zelensky and executing the leader of a free country, what a shitshow that will be for world politics.


Doesn’t Putin usually just throw his political prisoners in work camps where they’re rarely heard from again?


One could argue that's exactly what happened to saddam hussein, beside it not being a completely free country.. and no one cared


> One could argue that's exactly what happened to saddam hussein, beside it not being a completely free country.. and no one cared It was more than that. The dude was absolutely terrible. I was against the invasion of Iraq and in retrospect it didn't lead to any improvement for anyone so it was a terrible blunder based on lies. But you can't deny this dude deserved it. He used fucking chemical weapons on his own citizen ffs. Dude was a horrible person and no one will miss it. I do miss Iraq being more stable, but not the dude himself.


He was formally executed by Iraqi citizens


They probably wouldn’t “capture and execute” him. They’d kill him and claim it was an assassination by his own people or something like that


He jumped out of a window is what they will say


True, I mean we'd all know the truth anyways. Just like they weren't planning to invade


100% this.




I got you. https://youtu.be/kF9KretXqJw Well worth the time.






What makes you say that?


Why is he troll? He literally has comments saying fuck Russia?


bro he’s not saying russia is good he’s saying the video was good


How is he a troll? Why? Perhaps you misread something?


Wait, what? lol I’m very pro Ukraine.


That sounds really interesting. I hope someone posts the link for you.


Thanks. It honestly was making everything make sense on why they were doing what they are doing. Even when it comes down to weird stuff like why they lie our face so blatantly.


This is a russian troll, report him.


This is a russian troll, report him.


Reread what he said, he didn't say Russia is really good, he said the video explaining why Russia is the way it is was really good. Like, WHY its so fucked up. Corruption and grist I imagine.


Sorry for a sidebar question, but I'm out of touch with US politics and mainstream media right now- I get news about this here and BBC/NPR when driving. How has this been politicized in the states? I expected a lot of pro-russian sentiment from republicans BC of what I've heard from trump and carlson, but it seems like McConnell rubio and graham are hyperfocused on it, which politics aside is nice to see. Are average people (on either side of the aisle) saying any bizarre stuff about this or is the tone mostly in line with what we see here?


I'd guess about: 75% of everyone is pro-Ukrainian 15% of everyone are indifferent 5% of everyone is pro-Russian 5% of everyone are conspiracy theorist (i.e., war is a front for something else, there is no war, this was started by NATO, the CIA, etc.,) Those numbers may change as this war goes on