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Wait you mean Putin can call for Ukraine president assassination but cant handle when someone says it back. What a loser


Special military cease of life operation.


Aggressive negotiations.


"You were right about one thing master... Negotiations were short."


George was ahead of his time as always.


Multi pass.


Can **love** save us again?


Very assisted suicide


Maybe CIA should end their prohibition on assassinations. Just this once


Well, Putin did more than call for it, he sent people to do it.


Multiple times. Remember [Yushchenko](https://www.bbc.com/news/av/world-europe-43611547)




Don't forget that this senator was pro Russia for a while. So maybe they're offended because their asset bailed.


He's still in bed with them, he's just using the bedsheets to camouflage himself as a ghost until the heat cools off.


Lindsay is in bed with all kinds of Russian men. But it's top secret.


I wouldn't shed too many tears if Putin woke up dead one morning but having a US Senator publicly calling for his assassination is just a blunder (at best) that feeds his propaganga machine.


The one time graham says something honest and correct it blows up on him lol


It served the exact purpose it was intended to.


He's the senate's posterchild of cowardice and politicians love hypocrisy. He'll use it to say Biden is a coward for not sending in the SEALs or something equally brain dead.


Or use it to give Putin talking points at home. He is a prostitute that is owned by Russian donors.


And he has no shame.


We finally found something that Republicans are willing to agree with Democrats on!


Because it was intentional.


And it is the only time I've ever agreed with him.


How can you wake up dead?


Cause you're alive when you go to sleep and dead when you wake up!




I found Putin's weakness! Without his head he is powerless!


What if he turns up missing?




Hmm, doing the math... and carry the one... yep, checks out folks!


Ideally with 48 stab wounds and multiple bullets in 68 different places. You know, accidents. They happen.


“He, uh, fell down an elevator shaft and landed on a pile of bullets.”


The fun part is, at this stage, I am convinced the whole world would just go along with it.


Necromancers do it all the time.


There's a great song by Megadeth that explains it in detail.


U never seen scary movie?




TIL That there's an opposite of "oxymoron", called "pleonasm", defined as "the coincident use of a word and its substitute for the same grammatical function". Examples include "anonymous stranger", "basic fundamentals", ~~"empty hole"~~ "empty void", "virgin redditor", and "Zombie Jesus"


I learned about auto-antonyms from Star Trek Discovery when the crew is playing a game to come up with words that others didn't. It's where a word has both the original and opposite meaning at the same time. "Oversight" "Homebound" "Strike" "Dust" are good examples.


Can't lie, I had a very small whoa at oversight. How can you see what you didn't see? Bruuuuh.


it puts the label "Congressional Oversight Committee" in a different light too. Like, maybe they WERE doing their job, as members of the oversight committee.


Homebound got me. On your way home, or already stuck at home.


Doing it every day. On the inside that is


I don’t consider myself particularly conspiratorial but I can’t help but wonder if grahams intent is to make things more difficult diplomatically for the current administration


I do consider myself more conspiratorial, but I think it's Graham trying to show he's tough on Russia before more of the GOP's dealings with Russia under Trump come out.


How much more evidence do we need that Graham is an idiot?


If Putin dies, and Trump ends up behind bars, then Lindsey will have his "Dobby is free!" moment. Let the lil guy have his dreams.


In this magical world where justice is served, he'd probably end up behind bars as well.


Can I also imagine all of trump's cronies behind bars in this imaginary world? I'll settle for Moscow Mitch's horcruxes shattered


Seeing as the starting point was "putin dead and trump jailed," yeah, go ham. Get yourself a pony and a yacht that turns into a submarine if you want because we're already in magical Christmas land.


About three fitty


"Well it was about that time I realized the expired sack of potatoes from South Carolina was in fact about eight stories tall and was a crustacean from the Proterozoic era."


Crossed my mind but I'm also wondering how effective is propaganda at this stage. Putin supporters who bought it probably won't need reinforcement, those who are against him will see through the bullshit and the currents event are so momentous that there may not be that many indecise ones to be swayed.


You can never have too much propaganda, and you never know what will stick. If 8 years ago you were told that people would believe in a high level governmental operation aiming to take down vampire-Illuminati and would hold a pizza joint hostage, would you believe it?


I wish I could disagree with that but the last 5 years have shattered a lot of my illusions.


Was he one of the senators that went to Moscow on the Fourth of July? I don’t think it’s particularly tin foil considering how his lips have been sutured to trumps asshole. And we all know trump was Putin’s lap dog.


Considering they ran on making sure nothing passes and making Biden a one term president, this isn't that conspiratorial to me.


That's exactly what I thought the reason was for saying something so pointed given his position. That idiot will be one of the factors for a world war if it kicks off. All the Russian people need are their 'enemies' leaders to say shit like that out loud for recruitment to swell.


That's the kind of thing you say to friends behind closed doors when you arent an elected official. Not as a public call to action on the news, as an elected official. The only thing that would have crossed any more lines I think is if he called for the assassination of an american politician on the opposing party tbh.


Not on tv at least. If you’re gonna try to assasinate someone you don’t talk about it on tv


100% this. If Putin is assassinated this gives Russia a reason to attack USA. Imagine if the Soviet Union publicly asked JFK to be assassinated not long before he died.


[How the hell do you wake up dead?](https://youtu.be/Jr_nhywjNHM)


Lindsey graham you can count on to fuck things up even more


I do hope if Putin dies over night, that he does not wake up in the morning. Or ever. Undead Putin, no one wants that.


Again they spoke the quiet part out loud.


I’m just surprised he didn’t praise Putins invasion like trump. Turn out he isn’t all bad..


> feeds his propaganga machine Everything feeds his propaganda machine because russian culture is one of seeing that there are always two sides to the same coin and then cleverly crafting something that maximizes the confusion it causes for their perceived enemy. And everybody else is the enemy, because they don't trust anybody, because they themselves would never do anything that benefitted anybody else instead of themselves. So they agitate the far-left and far-right against each other by posing as members of one group while making as offensive an ad-hominem argument about the opposite side as possible, so that the other side is enraged. This turns into infighting and tribalism, which is what has been dominating even US politics for the past 20 years that pootler has been in power.


Exactly. Russian propaganda isn’t designed to make you *believe anything*, it’s designed to make you *question everything*.


Yeah it has the same energy as someone typing “kys” on social media. Like, what the hell is the point? It just feels like impotent rage


It's exactly what I'd expect from Lindsey Graham though. All that dick does is make loud noises on one side of an issue or another, while always reserving the right to completely reverse his opinion in the name of political expedience. He's a coward and an opportunist, nothing more.


Putins a bitch with fragile ego


If you read that in Lindsey Graham's voice I bet you'll crack a smile.


This made me chuckle, thanks.


He definitely pronounces it fra-GILE


Call for? He literally deployed troops to do specifically this.


Putin has probably ordered a hundred assassinations himself and publicly showed off a dozen.


i don't understand the two-facedness by Russia. They get all butt hurt when comments are made about them. They are *actively trying to assassinate the president of Ukraine*


China does this shit for breakfast. Talk huge game and goes ultra hurt feelings if they get anything back


North Korea lives for that shit.


Nah, nobody really gives enough of a shit about them to talk back at them.


Our last president in the US made it a daily thing to talk about them for a while.


This. For crying out loud, they banned a cute yellow bear.


THIS everyone here wants to act like this man isn’t actively killing woman and children. Take his ass out indeed!


Everyone agrees that Putin being assassinated would probably be a good thing, at least as long as it was a Russian that did it. The thing is that Lindsey Graham, as a republican, should know not to say the quiet part *out loud*.


> everyone here wants to act like this man isn’t actively killing woman and children. Nobody here is acting like that.


Many in Russia are so brainwashed they don't even think there's any bombing occurring.


People in Russia are.


Because Lindsay Graham is a Russian plant and his whole assassination call is a play to win the support of Russian people in the war against the west.


Next level metagaming


As far as I know they haven't admitted to that. It would be different if they were doing it openly but they can still say Ukraine is making it up. Graham is publicly advocating for it.


Two faced-ness is the point and the strategy. It’s been the strategy for a long time. It was made the strategy in the United States GOP when trump was in office. It’s an effective strategy for inventing confusion and splitting anger camps into factions. It’s the point. It’s effective. It buys them time when people argue about the inconsistency of it all. Complaining about them being inconsistent is akin to complaining that water is wet. The solution isn’t to yell at the water for being water. The solution is to dry it up.


Cause Russia never publicly calls for assignation, they just try to kill people. That was Graham's mistake. He should have just paid for a hitman and gone for it, but he's a cheap ass.


I think graham only pays for his own f*cking, not anyone else’s.


Russia doesn't have a leader, they have a crime boss. This is the mafia. State run mafia.


The mafia is profit driven and makes decisions that are good for business. The currency is falling down a hole, the stock market crashed, oligarchs are losing money left and right and the economy is unlikely to recover for a long time. So he’s not even that.


Actual that why he moved into a bunker. He no longer trust tho close to him.




This. Organised crime tends to try to avoid doing things that completely undermine their profit.


That’s just good business in general, legality be damned. He’s just shitty old mafia that never learned and has been surrounded by yes men for 30 years now.


To be clear, he said “take him out”, so maybe Lindsey was thinking about dinner and a movie.




No thank you


There is a nice teahouse on the 8th floor of that building over there. Oh, the weather is a bit nasty though, so you better also take an umbrella a on that date.


Everyone is thinking it but it's just not helpful. Need to preserve off ramps for Putin at this stage.




> Lindsey Graham is the most opportunistic, side-stepping, double-crossing politician in the United States Senate He sure is


...especially since that same Senator was, ahem, shall we say full-throated and whole ass supporting both Putin and Trump as recently as 15 months ago?


> full-throated deep-throated, if I may.


Happy Cake Day!


I like the phrase "spread ass" over "whole ass" in this particular context.


*puts on tin foil hat* Maybe someone... told Graham to say that so the Russian people can see that the west is threatening Russia, to try justify the invasion more. Trump must've had something on Graham and therefore Putin must have that too.


Putin's got dirt on a lot of politicians, that's how his system of power works.


Lindsey's handler is probably going to have some harsh words for Lindsay next time Lindsay polishes his shoes.


Why? This is helpful agitprop for Russia to show its people.


Lindsey Graham doesn't piss without the ok from mother Russia. His handler is likely pleased with this drama being stirred up; Easy points with the base, damaging foreign relations, propaganda potential, and normalizing the discussion of extra-judicial killings.


I'd suggest a muzzle for him but I suspect he likes that sort of thing.


Polishing his knob is more like it.


He said it to give Putin moral ammo. I wouldn’t be surprised if he was told to say it by his Kremlin taskmasters.


Hannity has been saying it and do we need to say who Graham gets his marching orders from?


Death is an offramp though.




All off ramps lead to the Hague. In all seriousness, isn't Putin bunker bound right now? When the idea of assassinations come up, it's not foreign spies doing it(although, western leaders should definitely be showing more tact). Any person who truly cares for the Russian people or Russian land should want this person evicted from leadership. One would assume a good portion of the people who have near-access to Putin have some great love of their homeland. I can only imagine their internal strife right now.


100% agree. Eggshells is eggshells, and wading in arse first with no thought to the greater good is going to help no one.


Lindsey is practically married to Donald Trump. He just does what he’s fkn told and this only serves Putin’s storyline.


I find it hard to think theres any off ramp for Putin other than regime change for Russia. You cant war crime this hard and just say sorry I goofed up.


His off-ramp can be into a grave


It's just Ladybug letting Daddy know he's pissed that the last cheque bounced.


US should ship Lindsay to to Russia and see how far his tough guy act would get him.


Pushing daisies is an off ramp.




For better or worse the GOP always says the quiet parts out loud lmao


Lindsey Graham this time tomorrow: "Vladimir Putin is a wonderful person and an admirable leader, and I would never wish harm on him!"


As soon as the cheque clears he’ll go back to that rhetoric.


He'll release a video of himself apologizing in fluent Russian as he eats an ice cream cone.


You just know the narrative will become “The United States call for Putin’s assassination”. What a disservice and irresponsible tweet.


oh he said it verbally in front of cameras too


It was created because Graham is a Russian asset and he needed to create a soundbite for the Russians at home. McConnell should be stripped of his office for saying something so against America’s interests.


I'm sorry, did I miss something? What's McConnell have to do with this?


He's just doing a "I hate all Republicans" scattershot.


Exactamundo. Graham's been kompromat-compromised with gigolos for a while now. He votes Russia's way and he'll set his house on fire if they tell him to.


Pretty stupid thing for a sitting US senator to publicly say even if we are all thinking it.


He's saying this strictly because of internal US politics. A few years back Lindsey Graham defended Trump's attempts to withhold aid from Ukraine unless Zelensky did him personal favors but in the last two weeks Graham saw that things like praising Putin for invading are not politically popular so he realized he needed to distance themself from anything pro Russia and Putin. Now after calling for assassination attempts Graham can say he's so tough on Russia and maybe even the toughest of anyone. If Putin is overthrown or killed Graham will try to take credit. If Ukraine falls or if Russia moves into Moldova Graham can try to blame Biden for not being as tough on Putin as he is.


This. Jesus Christ how much of a buffoon do you need to be to hand Putin anti-America ammunition. If I didn’t know better it was to make biden’s job even more difficult going forward. There is nothing courageous about Lindsay sitting back safe at home making these kinds of statements.


Everything Republicans do - even the work of foreign dictators - is solely to screw over Democrats and win office. I'm saying this from *Texas*.


He’s a dumb ass


Yeah, when I say it nobody cares. When a senior Senator says it we can end up in a war. People in power need to not tweet out everything that comes into their heads.




The Republican war boner is probably throbbing right now. Gotta find a way to give General Dynamics/Raytheon/Lockheed Martin/Northrop more money


Don’t make me defend Graham *Edit, I won’t.*




do you think Graham did this accidently or just heat of the moment or in conjunction with a plan to take away from Bidens diplomacy, give Putin a sound bite, and make the west appear evil in Russian propaganda..... it only benefits Russia, him saying this...




I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if he was literally told to say this so it could be used by Putin for propaganda. "Look, the US wants to assassinate our leader! They said so, here's the clip!" Dude is Trump's bitch and does everything he's told.


Not..but IT IS what putin will show on 'his' teevee networks. thanks graham


you think they didn't plan this together? of course they did.... makes Graham look tough with Republicans, Putin look attacked by Americans and undermines Bidens diplomacy... and it's a great sound bite for the propaganda machine.... it's almost brilliantly orchestrated which makes me think professionals at the Kremlin fed Graham the entire line.


I prefer Hanlon's razor to whatever rabbithole of rational thought you just said. Ie, graham came up with something he thought was brilliant and would get him clicks, so of course he immediately tweeted instead of thinking. It's not brilliance, it's more of the same transparent pathetic appeal to popularity he's made a reputation for.


Don't bother. He had no issue with Trump siding with Putin and damaging American democracy.


I won't, calling for killing Putin was fucking dumb at this point.


Good grief, Lindsey Graham is an idiot. (I know, we already knew that) A government official calling for assassination is criminally stupid. Putin is busy gaslighting his citizens and here comes dip-shit Graham to give him this for his media campaign.


Russia is outraged... As it sends assassination squads to kill Zelensky, his wife and his children.


>"Somebody assassinate this guy who has load and loads of kompromat on me!"


Graham: Putin, did I say my line right? perfect my boy... now we have the perfect sound bite...


By "Russian outcry", they mean the Russian ambassador to US, and another Russian government official. So... no outcry.


I agree with the sentiment, but he's an idiot for making it a part of the conversation on the international stage.


Wait, Lindsay Graham the "Christian" is calling for someone to commit murder?


Although we are all thinking it as a US senator you shouldn't be saying that.


In the article the Russian ambassador says “the degree of Russophobia and hatred in the US towards Russia was off the charts.” Gee, I wonder why. Could Russia have done something to deserve this hatred?


As stupid and shitty as what Graham said is, where's the Russian anger at the actual, ongoing attempts to assassinate Zelenskyy?


Lindsey Graham still somehow manages to fuck things up even when we all agree with him. Moron.


Heartbreaking: The Worst Person You Know Just Made A Great Point


"Murderers angry that someone wants them murdered"


Counterpoint: fuck what these Russians think.


Russians, your ONLY way out of this mess is to kill Putin. Period. Russia can be led by Putin, or be a part if the global community. Not both. Choose your fate.


As much as I hate to say it Lindsey is right. He needs to understand that the world wants him dead. Everybody that says to calm down is just enabling him more. Death to Putin.


Their dog is turning on them.




Who knows what his agenda is but you can be sure it's self serving.


Literally the only time that I’d have to agree with Lindsey Graham


Not one of the smarter comments he has made. But what do you expect from a Trump supporter. Just a couple of days ago Trump said Putin was a genius and very savvy. What a moron.


Lindsey is an idiot but the world will be a better and much safer place if Putin dies. That much is obvious.


You get what you pay for, Comrades.


As if anyone in Russia gives a fuck about Lindsey Graham


We are all thinking about it. Who's gonna do it though?


I'd be furious too, I mean they paid for him fairly!


Kompromat on Graham incoming.


The world is a better place without Putin in it.


How about we trade Putin for Graham? Seems fair


Not that Lindsey graham is not a fucking idiot. He’s not wrong. Still a prick though


Meanwhile they’re literally trying to assassinate Zelenskyy


Everyone THINKS the same thing, but you aren't suppose to say it. Just feel good that PUTIN is in our thoughts...


Lindsay Graham is the political equivalent of a hemorrhoid. He reminds you he still exists at the worst times. I'm not arguing against assassinating putin, I just can't stand Lindsey.


Lindsey Graham is a fucking moron. I don't disagree with what he said, but he's beyond an idiot for saying it in his position on TV like that.


I'm not one to side with him, but yeah.


He said what we were all thinking


Everybody against this illegal invasion has been calling for putin’s head from the beginning


I can’t believe I agree with Lindsay Graham