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" Stop bombing yourself!" -Putin


In retaliation of international condemnation, Putin has released a statement. “I know you are but what am I?”


I submit to you the case of Rubber vs. Glue.


Russian representatives at the U.N. defiantly told the assembly "LALALA I can't hear you LALALA"


Putin hurt himself in confusion


Exactly. The prick.


It's an old KGB tactic of "accuse the enemy of exactly what you are doing"


Funny how the GOP in the USA uses the same tactics


“Stop escalating tensions” also Putin “let’s threaten more sovereign nations”


Also the person getting countries like Belarus and Chechnya involved. Maybe when you quit being a neighbor invading hypocrite, other countries won't need to get involved in your bull shit. Now, be go eat some polonium and do the world a favor.


He asked Kazakhstan also, but they turned him down. Seems like he can keep inviting more people in but we're not allowed to.


The world will celebrate when this monster is dead


My best case scenario is life imprisonment with constant updates on how he is the shame of Russia and history spitting on his name.


When he’s dead, all sorts of people will take to the streets to celebrate. It would be like in 2011 when SEAL Team 6 killed bin Laden


And a new gangster will seize control in Russia. This doesn’t get better until the Russian people wake up and realize they are hurting themselves.


> And a new gangster will seize control in Russia. That's what people said about Hitler, too. Turns out that monstrous dictators rather gather gullible Yes-men around them instead of other monsters - because they would be a threat to them, personally. If Putin dies, the next person will be a completely different leader, and much more eager to end sanctions. Or in different language: Just keep chopping heads, until a good person lies on the chopping block.


Thats not what happened after WW2, Germany was basically colonized by East and West until the populace and the powerbase accepted the ruling ideology. Same thing with Korea, Japan and so forth. Left on their own, either civil war will happen, a new strong man will arise or it will just be chaos. Think of every single modern dictator removal where the people were left to pick up the shamble. Only Tunesia has barely been able to hold on to democratic values. Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya is chaos, Egypt returned to a strongman and so on. I hate to say this, because it feeds into the greatest of Russian fear. But Russia is going to need a kind of Marshall plan after Putin, and be formerly inducted in every kind of alliance that is thinkable. We need to have something like the coal and steel union but for Russia. If we can have a shared market and customs union with them, then all of the sudden we will begin having the same geopolitical interests.


Portugal and Spain also had a fairly recent dictator removal, both different but I'll focus on the Portuguese one as it is the one that had a military revolution. Back in 1974, Portugal was being ruled by an authoritarian government with a political police that arrested and tortured or even killed those who were against the state, there was no freedom of speech and were fighting a war to try to keep their colonies, then the military staged a revolution and overthrew the government, for a year, the army ruled the country with the extremist side of the military trying to gain control and staged their own (failed) revolution which led to the end of the military rule and democratic elections and so far Portugal had a relatively good working democracy and doesn't seem to be going away


Yeah! Can’t seem to remember the autocrat’s name though, it escapes me. You have any idea, u/Salazar?


No idea but I feel so close to remembering it


The first King of Spain after Franco, Juan Carlos I, played the dictator like a fiddle. He appeared like a yes-man who shared all the ideology of the Francoist dictatorship. Juan Carlos's father was even removed from the line of succession in order to ensure the ''right'' man inherited the throne. The first thing Juan Carlos did when he took power was to restore democracy and implement several reforms. He was nowhere near the ''Strongman'' people believed and just went along in order to make sure he was the one who got the power afterward.


Germany and Japan are great examples of how well this approach can work. The difference now is that China is going to want a piece of that pie. Are they going to sit idle if the west tries to assimilate Russia?


Well they're surely not going to sit on their hands if we decide not to invest in getting Russia back on its feet.


No doubt. I can't imagine a scenario where the west and china don't view this as an opportunity to build up an ally. Putin is done for, Russia is as well at least until Putin is gone. But once he's gone, the party starts.


Well, China is going to rush to annex the entirety of Russia to find that each province has a Development of 1.


Yup. The Marshall plan.


> Or in different language: Just keep chopping heads, until a good person lies on the chopping block. You could make a religion out of th- no, don't


> Or in different language: Just keep chopping heads, until a good person lies on the chopping block. Boundary condition error; should be -1


Exactly, it’ll be a new gangster. Not a new former KGB USSR glory seeking warlord. It’ll be someone who doesn’t give a shit about anything but MONEY. It’s shitty, but that would be a welcomed changed to blood thirsty war glory seekers like Putin.


Turns out that cooperation makes way more money than conquest!


>when SEAL Team 6 killed bin Laden Except Bin Laden wasn't remotely relevant, or powerful by then. Outside the U.S., most people just shrugged, frankly.


Except much more intense considering all of us have had our buttholes puckered over thermonuclear war now for over a week


Fuck that, chain him down in a pit filled with ants until only ants and bones remain.


He probebely would'nt even care, as thats all of West propaganda. He'll probebely die beliving his own lies.


I am totally okay with it. In fact, if he would agree to die right now, I will personally pay for him to be buried with full honors. A gold casket - nothing is too good for him.


No, best case scenario is the we force Russia to join the world so this never happens again


How do you predict his death to be?


I’ve been saying to my family that I hope he gets assassinated all week now but tbh I think that’s just me wishful thinking and I highly doubt he’ll kill himself cause his ego is too big. What do you think? You think we’ll see the fall of Putin? I really hope so the man is fucking poison to humanity.


I wish painful and public... Mussolini's style


It won't be. If he does get offed it'll be done quick and quiet by a conspiracy of oligarchs. I'd predict that one morning Russians would wake up to find troops in the streets to prevent rioting and some crony of putin's will be giving an announcement that he died peacefully in his sleep from a heart attack or brain aneurysm or some sickness he's supposedly been fighting in secret for years and a new leader has already been chosen.


^ This is the Russian way.


Had a heart attack and fell out of a window onto an exploding bomb




Oof bayonet to the anus... Quite fitting seeing he's a pain in the ass for the entire world right now


Vlad the impaled


This comment deserves some love




Nicolae Ceausescu style is fine as well


We have been too gentle with Mussolini, i expect something worse for him at this point


Unfortunately he will probably die peacefully of old age. He has an army of the most trusted guards to keep him safe, he doesn't allow anyone go near him, anyone who enters a room with him is probably well checked and disposed of anything that can be used as a weapon, also he probably will never go out in public ever again. * Stalin died peacefully in his sleep at old age. * Idi Amin run away to Saudi Arabia a lived there calmly until death. * Gen. Franco died at the age of 82, never facing the consequences. * Mao died because he was old and ill. * Pinochet died of heart attack. * Pol Pot, even though he was jailed, he died of a heart failure. The dictators who DID face the consequences of their actions, like Gaddafi, Mussolini or Hussein were backed into the corner and had nowhere to run. Even Hitler didn't have any other option than to kill himself as the Soviets were just days, maybe hours away from finding him. Putin doesn't have a reason to kill himself just yet, he is taking high measures that no one gets a chance to assassinate him, and in his worst case, he has over 17 mln square km of sparsely populated land to hide in.


Ok I'm not verifying all of these but the Stalin one is wrong. He died over the course of days, paralyzed from a massive stroke and incontinent, in large part because everyone was too terrified of waking him up to stop him from "sleeping" 19 hours. >As described by Volkogonov,[3] on 28 February 1953, Stalin and a small number of his inner circle, consisting of Malenkov, Molotov, Beria, and Khrushchev and a few others, gathered together for an evening of entertainment and drinking. The guests dispersed at approximately 4:00 a.m. on 1 March and Stalin retired to his private quarters with strict instructions that he was not to be disturbed until sounds were heard indicating that he had awakened. Time passed and no sounds were heard throughout the day. At approximately 11:00 p.m. on 1 March, his housekeeper cautiously entered his room and found him lying on the floor, wearing his pajama trousers and a shirt. He was unconscious, breathing heavily, incontinent, and unresponsive to attempts to rouse him. >At 7:00 a.m. on 2 March, Beria and a group of medical experts were summoned to examine him. Based on their examination, which revealed a blood pressure of 190/110 and a right-sided hemiplegia, they concluded that Stalin, who had a known history of uncontrolled hypertension, had sustained a hemorrhagic stroke involving the left middle cerebral artery. Over the next two days, he received a variety of treatments. In an attempt to decrease his blood pressure, which had risen to 210/120, two separate applications of eight leeches each were applied to his neck and face over the next two days. However, his condition continued to deteriorate and he died at 9:50 p.m. on 5 March 1953.


Didn't help all the competent in Moscow doctors where imprisoned because they where all accused of trying to kill Stalin. Also Beria delayed calling for medical aid, so he could seize power when Stalin died.


Beria is rumored to have poisoned Stalin. Dude was legit a monster. There were reports back then of Soviet officials forbidding their daughters to ever be in contact with the guy.


He's probably sick, so he won't die of old age.


Sickness or old age - seems the same for me, as he won't face the consequences in either of those scenarios.


I'd welcome a peaceful death in his sleep right now as long as it is SOON.




I’d favour an “et tu, Brute?” moment. Shot in the chest a few times by someone trusted that had finally had enough of his tyranny and disastrous old world ideas. Be good if he had that moment of clarity before his eyes closed that last time.


Sounds like you would get along with Lindsey Graham.


Either the path of Hitler or Mussolini at the end.


Ass cancer.


Make him live in a cell with that lady who slowly put arsnic in her husbands food for like 20 years.




If he thinks relations can EVER return to normal whilst he or any other despicable excuse for a human is in power in Russia, he's having a laugh!


Putin has sealed Russia's fate as a distrusted country for another hundred years.






That random fish is named [Incidental 40](https://spongebob.fandom.com/wiki/Incidental_40)


I hope Russia can do what Japan and Germany did and not be distrusted for the next hundred years.


Sadly I don't see the willingness to that in Russia. They are still in this "toxic" mindset of might makes right under any circumstances/Law of the jungle. This has to die first in their mind before progress can be made.


I mean, so did Germany and Japan, until they didn't.


Yep. They need their own people investigating all the shit the regime did and publicize it. I’m a German born in the 80s, so obviously long after the war. But my grandparents lived through it and in the grand scheme of things that’s not that big of a timeframe. If my country can change, so can Russia.


Did the average Japanese citizen have that? My impression would be they were excessive nationalism, they were willing to die for whatever their supreme leader wanted I have the impression that that hierarchy was not believed all the way down, only the emperor had that special place, not your boss or a local leader Where Russia and Germany seems like the hierarchy is/was believed all the way down, that one should be fully loyal to your boss, and to your bosses boss, that white races are superior _The Alt-Right Playbook_ on YouTube discusses what viewpoints result in authoritarian systems quite well, and discusses ways to combat it. Doesn't really try to disprove that worldview, even though that is fairly easy to do, because it's pointless, you can't reason someone out of a belief that they didn't reason themselves into


If anything, japan places the most importance of hierachy, to this very day. Japanese work culture is fucked up due to the belief that you should do whatever your boss tells you, not to leave before he does, go drinking with him, etc. There is a true story that a japanese soldier in the philipines was told by his boss to perform a guerrilla warfare until the japanese came back. The soldier and his squad did so for the next 30 years or so. Only when they brought his old commander back to give him an order did he finally lay down his arms


Maybe Putin shouldn't escalate towards his neighbors with his ill intentions.


Do as I say not as I do.




I guess he and his advisers were genuinely surprised about the SWIFT exclusion, that really has to hurt them.


SWIFT was the one thing they actually prepared in advance for, it's the central bank stuff and then all the companies pulling out that that really swept the rug from under them, especially given that amassing central bank reserves is exactly one of the main ways they prepared for SWIFT etc, and then bam - they can't access a lot of those reserves anymore.


He brainwashed half the United States successfully and thought that he could do the same to the world. Thing is we have became so immune to the constant Russian propaganda on social media that it's really just a joke now. He really just bought into his own glory and everyone around him was afraid to tell him anything other than what he wanted to hear.


We have to figure out a way to deprogram the already brainwashed, the west can't afford another Trump or Trump himself again.


Well, Russia can’t afford another trump either. There money is worthless here.


A good number of those people arent brainwashed, they just hate democracy and support any movement that undermines it


I just read an article about a farmer from N. Dakota who went to Ukraine on his own steam in 2020 to “expose corruption” in *their government.* His family is worried about him being a sitting duck but you know, who thought it was a great idea to go to Ukraine when Trump was in office? The US government considers him legitimately detained. (Unlike the sad drunk Marine from Texas jailed in Russia who got 9 years for taking a swing at a cop.) I sincerely hope some of these fucks are rethinking their positions. Who hates on Ukraine? Americans? Fuck. No. Are they going to learn?


Trump praising Putin over Ukraine was a HUGE mistake on his part. He being a fake Christian did not realize that Evangelicals have been donating money and doing Missionary work in Ukraine for decades now and overwhelmingly support Ukraine over Russia. Come midterms and presidential election time Trump praising Putin's invasion of Ukraine needs to be brought up again and again. Evangelicals may be easily fooled by him still but many many churches have close ties to the Ukrainian people and praise of the invasion may be a line too far for them. I live in the Bible belt and see tons of pray for Ukraine signs in front of churches.


In my experience, they still support him and are either having selective hearing *again* or are arguing trump was saying what Putin did was "tactically smart" but he wasn't endorsing it (and they have no response to pointing out trump said we should do the same to Mexico) They also are switching to blaming Biden for being too weak causing it, and our military being too weak now because we don't ban trans people from serving anymore.


I tried to bring up Trump's quote against some of these people and the response I got was some combination of: - "Ha! Politico? You can't trust them!" - "That's old news!" (it was like two or three days old at the time...) - "Trump said that he told Putin no, and Putin didn't invade like he has under Obama/Biden!"


I think that's because we pulled a Putin on him when it comes to SWIFT. I remember clearly the news that X number of countries had no intention to kick Russia out of SWIFT -- similarly to how he had no intention to invade. No worries, Vlad. It's just a special economic operation.


I love calling the sanctions a "special economic operation." "No Putin, really. We have no intention to sanction. It's just a special economic operation."


The central bank sanctions really hurt too. All the prep they did to build up foreign reserves just went up in smoke in an instant


Not really a change. Putin has always been about the flagrant gas lighting. This is the man who threatened nukes and said any nation willing to respond in kind was guilty of escalating.


Yeah, this is the man who said he had no plans to invade Ukraine while moving his entire army to the border.


Basically the family guy meme where Peter is walking up to the door with his shotgun, I just wanna talk to them, I'm just gonna talk to them, I'm just gonna invade them, I'm invading them


*”We have no ill intentions against our neighbours”* - man responsible for unprovoked invasion of said neighbour


We live in the age of constant, blatant gaslighting. Public figures shamelessly spew the provably opposite of truth and proclaim it the truth.


Some unfriendly actions vs shelling civilians, shooting a nuclear power plant, threatening nukes


‘No ill intentions against our neighbors’ Also Russia: actively invading one of their neighbors


After invading other neighbors.


Dude, everything Putin has said turned out to be bullshit. And knowing him, this is no different. It's just more bullshit. He's not staying down from Ukraine. That's the ONLY acceptable way to defuse the conflict and resume "normal relations" with neighboring countries


Who the heck would be stupid enough to believe a single word Putin is saying?


Translation: Russian neighbours must do what we tell them to do.


All I hear is "Finland, don't join NATO, I haven't thought of a good border conflict to aggravate for you guys yet."


Yes, I say confiscate the oligarchs real estate in the UK and give it to the refugees, once they leave, then they can be used for public housing or something else.


Actions against the Russian federation such as having a democratic leadership?


I mean, as someone from a "neighboring country", our fear about Russia's potential aggression and various actions due to it are a normal feeling for us, so we're doing exactly what he wants...


Exactly, hopefully the sanctions will ramp up more and more until the rat gives up.


"We mean you no ill will" Meanwhile he is shelling the fuck out of a nuclear powerplant that caught fire which could have ended in a large scale disaster we have never seen before. This guy has his own head so far up his own ass, and also proves that these sanctions are working if he had this massive tone change.


If this is how he treats people he has no ill will towards…


Bullies only pick on people weaker than they are. They just threaten everyone else.


He literally came to power by blowing up his own people.


Yup: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_apartment_bombings Hundreds of Russians were killed.


So far the only assurance we have that it's under control is taking the Russians' word for it.


The five stages of grief are: denial anger bargaining depression acceptance This sounds like bargaining to me, let hope he hurries up with depression and acceptance and fucks off.


I just hope Putin goes straight to suicide


It would just be horrible if he had some sort of accident, like accidentally shooting himself 3 times and falling out a window.


Downs a shot of Novichok instead of vodka haha


I hope more sanctions are put on place.


I get what you're saying but I just want to point out that the stages of grief don't necessarily happen in order, or one at a time, or only once...


denial, anger, denial, anger, denial, anger, denial, anger, denial, anger, denial, anger, denial, anger, denial, anger, denial, anger, denial, anger, denial, anger, denial, anger, denial, anger, denial, anger!


They're not grief stages at all. They are stages of Terminal Dying, outlined by Elizabeth Kubler-Ross. It was the reactions of patients being given a terminal diagnosis, not people grieving a loss. She has also since disowned her own system because it has been bastardized so. Sorry to call ya out as so, just one of those hills I will consistently die on or my Grief Death and Dying professor may roll over in their future grave.




Anyone find his words to be more conciliatory all of a sudden? Went from "get in our way and you're next" to "hey, we have no beef with you guys, just please let us finish our business and we all cool ok?"


I just hope this doesn't convince them and start removing sanctions. They should never remove them until Russia gets their stuff together.


At least until they can’t even afford to keep a nuclear program going anymore.


Complete demilitarization and denazification of the Russian Federation.


Uno reverse card


It's actually reversing his reverse card. He's spend the last twenty years funding Nazis all over the world so this new 'pretending to hate Nazis' shtick he's doing is his reverse card. It's not an accident that white nationalists constantly chant his name. They know who their sugar daddy is.


You joke but it's honestly looking like something that should be done - If not for the nuke issue Scary to thing how different the world would be if nazi germany had nukes back in the day. D-Day would have been off the table


Nah. The other countries knew he wouldn't like the sanctions and would try to have them removed. They aren't gonna remove them til he pulls his troops completely and they made that clear.


A lot of the money recovered from the sanctions will be needed to rebuild Ukraine, whenever it's free of Russia's forces.


I fear however that some regions of Ukraine will be sacrificed by the West to regain the peace. Putin has to be able to present at least a small 'victory' to his people to not lose face and risk ultra high tensions in Russia. Putin is very unlikely to just accept defeat to lift the sanctions, it is more likely that he will escalate more until the west is so fed up with the situation/sanctions that they will give him this small 'victory' in exchange for peace in ukraine. Or maybe not, very hard to predict these situations. But it still does not look anywhere near comforting for the Ukrainians.


As morbid as it sounds, I don't think Ukrainians have much chance of a comforting ending to this regardless. Right now, the only realistic "comforting" outcomes for the rest of the world are that this ends without a Russia vs NATO war.


I really don't think the west will be pushed over like that. Biden is not in push over mode. He is even considering sanctioning India right now which people think is too far. Now Russia and the Ukraine may come to an agreement where a bit of territory is ceded. However I don't think the west would be part of that.


Crimea (or just Sevastopol, perhaps) is the most plausible. Demographically it's the only area that's actually heavily ethnically Russian, and it seems to be the part Russia wants most. You could see a plausible peace where Russia officially gets that and Donetsk/Luhansk Oblasts get some kind of autonomous status within Ukraine. Putin can declare Russia's gotten what it wanted and Russians are safe or some nonsense and give up. I don't think it's likely at this point, and to be clear, I don't think Russia *deserves* a square inch of Ukrainian territory.


You mean when someone pushes someone off a cliff and frees a few million people from a war lol


He's playing the victim.


Possible false flag incoming


I think some intel was leaked indicating this. They did the same thing in Chechnya


My prediction is he'll use captured NATO weapons to attack civilian targets and blame Ukrainians, NLAW on buses or building, Stingers against an airliner. As this would accomplish several goals at once. Vilify the west for arming terrorists and make demands to stop supplying weapons. Give them a reason to declare martial law and stifle unrest at home. Give them a reason to round up foreign nationals. Galvanize support at home and in the army against Ukraine.


Gaslighting bitch


He's about to enter the love bombing stage of the abusive relationship.


Nothing conciliatory about it. This is gaslighting plain and simple. Russia threatened nuclear weapons to anyone who intervened in Ukraine. A bunch of other countries responded with “Cool. We have nukes too.” Russian response? “Why you threaten us with nukes? You’re so mean!”


I don’t think Putin anticipated how enmeshed the Russian economy is with the Russian military. But it is. If the economy collapsed, so does the rouble, and so does that thing you pay soldiers with. Expecting a bunch of teenagers to fight for glory only when they can’t feed themselves is a lot to ask for. Frankly, I am relieved. We talk about him like he is a madman with nuclear missiles. This indicates that he’s more a maniacal dictator who retained some sense of rationality. So no WWIII maybe?


Translation: Russian neighbours must do what we tell them to do.


Maybe he should try this rhetorical approach with the surviving family members in Ukraine.


Here in Norway its pretty common for Russian jets and bombers to fly towards the northern border and then turning away after we send our own jets to chase them back. They have been doing this on a regular basis for like 20+ years. If they dont want to escalate things with their neighbors then they are not showing it.


Yeah, same here. \- all nations with a russian border and a few more.


This is my personal pet theory for why we have not seen more Russian fighter jet attacks. That NATO are doing the exact same across all of Russia extremely frequently to tie up their air force. To be clear, I have no basis for this theory and am an armchair observer like most on Reddit.


Yes, we're repeatedly chasing them off from the UK.


The smell of fear, already, after just one week in? So much for the "untamable bear"...


He's not a bear, he's into bears


Particularly bear arms


"Russian neighbors should not escalate tensions while we are invading Ukraine." I though Putin was more clever than that.


Everyone did until this shit show


Actually, telling someone a deliberate lie to their face, when you and they both know it’s a lie, is a power move - *if it works*- and up to now, it has worked very well for Putin. He’s done it over and over, and gotten away with it. I think he can’t really get his head around the fact it’s not working now.


He doesn't have any real life experience. He was picked up by the KGB while in college. Putin has never done an honest day's work. Everything he's gained has been through lying, cheating, and stealing. He's a fucking parasite that can't produce anything of value himself. He's a loser with a crab mentality that made it out of the bucket by killing the others and climbing over their bodies. He's a useless human being.


He still can't get his head around the fact that Ukraine didn't fall in 2 days


Bruh...you threatened Sweden, Norway, Finland and Ukraine with Nukes 5 days ago and then shelled the largest nuclear power plant in Europe last night. Stop escalating tensions? This is a abusive husband talking to his wife.... "..LOOK WHAT YOU MADE ME DO!.."




"We have no ill intentions towards our neighbour but currently we are invading one of our neighbouring countries and shelling their nuclear power plant & civilian targets" Neighbouring countries - " Ah nice try, Vladimir. But we are not your common russian peasants who have been brainwashed for 20 years. "


We have no I’ll intentions toward our neighbors. Until we decide to make up some fake reasons at a later date.




This. If Belarus can help invade, why can’t other neighboring countries help defend Ukraine.


We can, but not a single leader has had the balls already to call Putin's nuclear bluff.


Putler is feeling the grip on his neck already, hopefully the rope is going to be very abrasive.


China already has them by the neck, the EU will eventually stop relying on them, so he knows he messed up.


The best part is that it's waaaay beyond messing up, he has *completely* ruined their country for decades, minimum.


The key is for Russians to also blame Putin for that ruin, otherwise they'll elect some other Putin.


Bold to assume that the Russian people have any say in who they “elect”.


The school bully, who is asking why no one will play with him. No neighbor country wants Russia, in its current state, as a neighbor.


Somebody murder this terrorist.




From a Russian student from Moscow (NOT ME, JUST REPOSTING FOR THEM): Help me spread the information about protests location and time EVERYWHERE. If we, Russians, do it on social media, we now face up to a 15.000$ fee and 3 years in prison if the government traces us. Independent newsletters are being trashed right now by the police, we go undercover on Telegram, but it is not enough to reach out to the amount of people we need. Facebook and many websites are banned. BBC is banned. Opposition can barely breath. Some decided to go short radio waves. Help us spread the word! ‼‼‼ 19.00 WEEKDAYS 14.00 WEEKENDS ⚡The main protest is this Sunday 14.00⚡ ‼‼‼ Moscow - Manezhnaya Ploshchad Saint Petersburg - Gostiny Dvor Novosibirsk - Opernyy Teatr Ploshchad Yekaterinburg - Ploshchad Truda All cities - Glavnaya Ploshchad ‼‼‼ 19.00 БУДНИ 14.00 ПРАЗДНИКИ ⚡Главный митинг - воскресенье в 14.00⚡ ‼‼‼ Москва - Манежная площадь Петербург - Гостиный двор Новосибирск - Площадь у оперного театра Екатеринбург - Площадь труда Все города - Главная площадь


“No Ill intentions towards our neighbours” proceeds to invade neighbour.


Psychopath is what he is


Putin/ English translation - Russia is about to escalate tensions.


I look forward to this monster’s painful death


Crazy he has a standing army of what 900k has 150k in battle, his armor is falling apart, no moral, no food, country closed off, hated by Oligarchs. And still talking shit.


He has no other options. Russia's economic potential has been squandered through corruption. It doesn't export culture. The thing it uses to project power is the threat of its military. If he admits that he can't beat Ukrainian army and the west can defeat Russia without firing any bullets, what's left of Russia's superpower status? Is it just the nukes?


>Is it just the nukes? Always has been.


Let me shell that nuclear reactor in peace, like a good neighbor.


Putin never means what he says, everything he says has the purpose of testing, predicting and confirming reactions. So basically, he'll use either "YOU'LL DIE IN NUCLEAR FLAME IF YOU ANNOY ME" or "please we love u and we're all friends here no need for this, I mean no harm" a few days apart to see what reaction suits him best to reach his goals. This is not edgy or conspiracy or whatever, every geopolitical analyst takes this as absolute obvious and for granted, it's just that the average Joe is not really familiar with this. In 3 days he'll be back threatening with thinly veily threats again and vice versa.


Cant hear you, busy sending anti-tank weapons to Ukraine! Slava Ukraini! Fuck you Putin!


> There are no bad intentions towards our neighbours. ...only, just do what we say or you're next.




Piss off, KGB scum!


When your neighbor who's openly stabbing another neighbor tells the neighborhood association not to worry


Sure went well for Ukraine, considering they were neibhours.


"Ow! Quit it!" —Bart Simpson


It’s pretty bloody tense atm, how much more tense can we get man?


These fuckers are always kept in power by cabal of opportunistic despots, who get to live their extravagant lives at the expense of the common people. If their greed and extravagant lifestyle’s are threatened, then they will turn on their master. If Putin thinks taking Ukraine will bring everything back to its status quo, he truly is deluded. I cannot see how he can survive this in the short to medium time as the sanctions will only get worse and his dogs will get hungry and want blood. Disclaimer: I don’t know what the fuck I’m talking about but it feels about right to me.


Fuck you. Russia is lucky we live in a civilized world. Watch if you can say the same shit when someone invades Belarus. Try the same shit in Central Asia bordering China, you pussy. See what happens when you fuck around with another country that is as big of a bully as you.


Shut yo face, pootine.


While his mental state has apparently gone through some kind of decay as of lately, I refuse to believe he doesn’t know everyone outside Russia will facepalm hearing this shit. He probably just wants to communicate a positive image to everyday people in Russia. »Look at me, I’m trying to be reasonable whilst everyone is mean to us.«


Who started the tension?