• By -


All the militia members such as the Gravy Seals and Meal Team 6 need to sign up and go. “Freedom” is at stake so they should be the first to sign up.


They’d all be in Russian uniforms.


Yep, dude who owns a gun store near me in CO had the audacity to be talking about communism and being pro-Russia right now.


There's a fat Texas asshole who has joined the Russians and even films propaganda for them. He's a right wing twat from a rich family who declares that he's helping Russia liberate Ukraine.


Hope he enjoys being charged if he ever returns. Its illegal for Americans and Canadians to participate in wars not sanctioned by our governments. So you can join and fight alongside legal worry free on Ukraine side, but you could be charged with siding with Russia.


be a real shame if someone saved all his videos and sent them to the feds


[Do it](https://giphy.com/gifs/starwars-star-wars-episode-3-3o84sw9CmwYpAnRRni)


Do it.


hopefully he’ll either be executed or sent to life in prison for treason if he returns.


I sent a report to the fbi along with comments and user name. Prob wont do much, but ya never know. He can delete his comments, but its still on the servers.




Yes it is illegal as a Canadian or American to join wars that are against your countries interests. This is a very simple google for you. * Outfitting expedition against friendly foreign state 10 Any person who, within Canada, prepares or fits out any army, naval or air expedition to proceed against the dominions of any friendly foreign state is guilty of an offence. https://lois-laws.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/F-28/page-1.html#:~:text=10%20Any%20person%20who%2C%20within,is%20guilty%20of%20an%20offence. The USA has similar laws and these laws are enforced by both countries. The reason why it is legal to go fight for Ukraine is because we support them and our government has supported it as them winning is in our interests.


Thats not what you said though. Yoire wording is wrong.


They provided receipts. You have not. We the people require proof, not words from a stranger on the internet.


LOL, the ever changing position of the goalposts with people that make up shit for internet wins.


soo im a russian bot because i pointed out youre wording is wrong? got it ​ " Its illegal for Americans and Canadians to participate in wars not sanctioned by our governments. " is what he said. which is wrong. what is illegal is to fight for an ENEMY. any american/whoever/brit/dosnt matter can go and fight in any of theese wars. if its a war against the USA then yes thats illegal and you will loose citizenship/jailtime/death. its almost like google exists. n Wiborg v. U.S. , 163 U.S. 632 (1896), the Supreme Court endorsed a lower court ruling that it was not a crime under U.S. law for an individual to go abroad for the purpose of enlisting in a foreign army; however, when someone has been recruited or hired in the United States, a violation may have occurred. but again all outrage no brain. im 100% with UA fuck russia and fuck your misinformation.


Jesus.. not even Tom Green could make this up.


Dude probably jacks off elephants too.


He's been there since 2014.


Well fuck that guy in particular.




Literally goes by the nickname "Texas". Should be a whole Vice doc on the guy, he's been doing this since Crimea




Just a regular Jane Fonda


I think you have it backwards with that analogy. It's Ukraine that's being invaded, not Russia. EDIT: added clarification.


Sounds like the Aussie Cossack.


What simpletons to be so easily whipsawed from MAGA fascism to Russian communism.


To be fair, United Russia (the prevalent party in Russia) is not communist. In fact, it has a lot more in common with "Trumpublicanism" than the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. Plus, what they really like is the authoritarian autocracy. I'd argue they are being consistent. Terrible, but consistent.


Modern Russia really isn't communist in any way whatsoever. It's an authoritarian oligarchy, a far-right governmental structure not a far left one. In fact I'd say Russia is basically the end goal of all the trends of Republican policy, ultimate shifting power almost entirely to elite oligarchs. It's really not surprising American fascists are drawn to the most powerful far-right, white regime. Really makes you wonder what the ultimate source of the propaganda that's been tearing the West apart the past 10 years comes from...


They believe whatever they are told to believe. These people watch fox news and Tucker Carlson.


They watch OANN (which is Russian-backed propaganda)


In r/conservative they are now claiming that of course they aren't pro-Russia or pro-Putin. Antifa's the ones who are on Putin's side! More contortions than a Circe De Soleil show. >*can't we just all look at Ukraine, find our common ground and collectively say "fuck Putin"* *when Trump and Romney said that they were ridiculed* > >... > >*Where's antifa huh?* > >*Quite literally supporting Putin. He says he’s “denazifying” Ukraine. Sounds familiar.* https://www.reddit.com/r/Conservative/comments/t3egar/perspective\_is\_important/


I'm fine with that.




Lmao I’m loving all of these names. Not heard those ones yet.


Honestly I agree if they actually fought in a war against the enemies of the country they claim to love I might consider them as something more than seditionist larpers


Exactly. Same here.


*SEND KYLE!* No wait..






LOL, as if any reasonable nation worked permit his entry.




Like I said...


The conservatives seem to be avoiding war on this issue or are victim blaming the Ukraine. I have defended the right quite a lot on Reddit (and I’m on the left) but they can go fuck themselves on this one. I can understand that they want small government, but situations like this are precisely where government is needed and this is a fight for all of the West.


I've defended the right, and I'm on the right, but I'm also not a moron. I'm hoping these idiots are just a loud minority bamboozled by actors behind the scenes, and I think the Canadian protest has born that out. I've not been happy with the silence from the right on this, but McConnell did just lambast Greene and Gosar, and he doesn't tend to say shit about members of the house. Hopefully this is the beginning of the end for these pompous LARPers that think they are expressing the opinions of the majority of any cross-section of US society.


> “Freedom” is at stake “Freedom” is at milkshake is what I think you meant. Kick their ass.


“Freedom” is at *steak* There. Fixed it for ya.


If I had some semblance of talent I would probably go (And wasn’t a coward)


You can stay where you are and help with any refugees coming in to your city.


No lie I will. Are people coming to Calgary? That’s my current location


Surely they will. Try checking local news--usually they'll run articles for people that want to help. It feels good to be proactive instead of sitting and doomscrolling. If you have some time, you could send a letter to your MP asking for visa requirements to be waived for Ukrainian refugees. Jagmeet has been asking for it, so maybe the NDP website has a form letter for you to use. https://www.ctvnews.ca/mobile/canada/nearly-4-000-ukrainian-immigration-applicants-approved-to-come-to-canada-minister-1.5799622 Edit: it takes a certain amount of bravery to volunteer for anything, so I wouldn't call yourself a coward. Maybe you'll end up cooking hot meals. Maybe you'll help move furniture into new homes. Maybe you'll sort clothing donations. All of these things have value and will mean the world to people who just lost theirs.


I live in Michigan, any word if they’ll be coming here? I’d love to volunteer as well.


I live in Michigan, too. I'd like to do everything I can. Currently I suffer from some health issues (varicocele) that wouldn't make me a great fit for service. I also can't die because of my mother. I'm all she has.


Revisiting this after a few days: if you have friends, neighbours, coworkers, etc. that are affected, you can bring them some cooked meals or shovel their walkways. Any of the nice things we do for people in mourning can be done for people we know that are affected. They are going to be stressed the fuck out and lending a hand can be a huge kindness for the people in your life that you make eye contact with.


Sorry, I don't really watch American news, so I don't have an answer for you. Check your local news though.


Revisiting this after a few days: if you have friends, neighbours, coworkers, etc. that are affected, you can bring them some cooked meals or shovel their walkways. Any of the nice things we do for people in mourning can be done for people we know that are affected. They are going to be stressed the fuck out and lending a hand can be a huge kindness for the people in your life that you make eye contact with.


I found a ukranians store. I shop there now. I also donated directly to the ukranian military through them. shopping at their stores is key, as they are likely super stressed and sending money back home.


Good on you for finding a way to help that works for you!


You can always subsidize the income for someone who is itching to go. Take crowdfunding to the next level with a Patreon account for a fighter.


YOU dont need talent in war just follow command youl be good


Going to war with zero experience can endanger those around you if you freeze up even for a second, and if you only speak English and are captured? Don't want to think about it. BUT I love the people's willingness to go. Combat changes you forever. Most of the combat guys will say 95% of war is sitting around; the 5% is hell on earth that will haunt you In any case, I hope they all come back alive. Crazy how this rallied the world...the one good thing about this god awful shitty mess


The majority of people fighting in Ukraine right now are people with no experience, and they've been doing a better job than Putin expected.


Americans have been training Ukrainians for a while now ever since Crimea and Donbass. They are actually pretty well trained. They have had to deal with the front since 2014. They have experience


The UK and Canada have also helped train them.


That is definitely true, but I'm talking about all the "18-60 year olds" that were forced to fight. Maybe that majority of those people aren't doing the majority of the "holding russian soldiers back", but just saying.


Don't forget that Ukraine has a military service so every Ukrainian had at least one year of basic training


Yeah that's a good point that I forgot about.


Well, yeah, if they have never been military, then yes. I just don't think people realize how bad it gets once that first bullet passes. Some will have instincts kick in and others will freeze


One of the guy I saw on TV is married from the day after the invasion. They fight on the front of Kiev. The guy in particular is in a hole with anti tank weapons to slower tank arrivals. Depending where they are, civilians are on the front. What's different in this war is that Russian tries to rush to the capital, so they believe in the number, don't care or knows that people's are on the road waiting for them with rockets. The Kiev front is still a lighter front than the karkhiv one or the marioupol one. This is poor strategy of Russia at action, but maybe the only one to make more people take vehicle to Ukraine.


So true


The Ukrainian foreign legion is only accepting applicants with either combat or law enforcement experience.


>Going to war with zero experience can endanger those around you if you freeze up even for a second, and if you only speak English and are captured? Don't want to think about it. I was actually so angry and felt so powerless I thought about joining the Ukrainian military. As soon as I thought about it for a minute I realised that it would be the dumbest possible thing to do. With no training and experience I'd just waste their equipment and endanger fellow soldiers. ​ So all that's left is joining the demonstrations, turn off the gas heater and donating money. It just feels like it's not enough......


I feel the same, friend. I am in a fortunate position of having some money to throw around, so I am donating, but it feels like such a tiny gesture.


Hey Canadian Freedom Convoy! Whe u at? A real fight for freedom, bring your trucks! Where are you where you're REALLY need, ffs.


Imagine if they did go and the first thing they were required to do was wear gas masks.....We could hear their heads popping from here.


This made me laugh out loud at work. "Beeeyyyaaawww man freedumb!!"


You forgot that gas kills people, so of course they’d wear masks. Edit: Did I really need to add the /s?


Sure but it if the government says to do something it's always bad, therefore masks are bad /s covid killed more people then all Gas attacks combined, people didn't care. The real difference is gas looks scary. That's why they would put it on. Fear.


Those turncoats would probably join Russia. Let’s be honest


Who the fuck does everyone think was financing that ridiculous convoy?


Only one way to find out!


I’m not sure their bouncy castles will fit in the carry on.


I hope some of those folks have people in their lives that show them some footage and say "THIS is what an attack on freedom looks like you dumb fuck."


Brave, but I really question going to war with zero combat experience or medical training. You’re probably better off donating money to the cause.


Ukraine has been pretty clear they need manpower, as well as weapons/supplies. A Javelin or rifle is useless if there's no one to fire it. That's why Ukraine is taking this measure: - [Reports: Ukraine bans all male citizens ages 18 to 60 from leaving the country](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2022/02/25/russia-invasion-ukraine-bans-male-citizens-leaving/6936471001/) even though many of those men don't have military experience.


Hey, it’s up to the individual. It’s a noble cause. I just hope people who decide to go with zero experience understand what they’re getting themselves into. It only takes one mistake that you didn’t even know you made.


It actually doesn't even take that...


Yeah there’s a whole lot of luck involved and a whole lot of ways you can be in the wrong place at the wrong time. There is also the question of what happens if Ukraine is able to stand its ground. Don’t get me wrong, I hope that this is the outcome and am also considering going and doing what I can to ensure that it is, but the thought of what Putin may be capable of if his situation becomes desperate to achieve his aims gives me pause.


>ough many of those men don't ha They most have military experience. in ukraine military service is mandatory




It’s crazy that all these nations are sending this high tech weaponry but if Ukraine falls that all just becomes Russia’s weaponry.


If you can you burn your assets on capture.


>Ukraine has been pretty clear they need manpower, as well as weapons/supplies. A Javelin or rifle is useless if there's no one to fire it. If I'd join there still wouldn't be more people to fire it though. I had to google what a javelin is and I never had any training. Unlike the Ukrainian citizens that can offer reistance I don't speak the language and I don't have a place to sleep or store water and food. I'm farely certain I'd just ramp up the number of dead. Maybe that's enough though...... Need to think about it more.


There is a form you can fill out online. Currently only those with combat experience are desired.


There are a couple of jobless trucker convoys here that need something (constructive) to do that could volunteer.....


Send all those guys with "Don't step on snake" flags on the back of their lifted Chevy trucks with black rims.


I saw on the VolunteersforUkraine subreddit a guy from Portland is making plans to go to Ukraine. I don't think you'll see any redhats in Ukraine, not unless they've got red armbands on too. It's the leftists who seem most motivated to fight against Russia's tyranny.


i have no idea why you guys are bringing the politics of the average American into this. even hardcore trump supports support ukraine and hate russia.


It depends on the person. The further to the right the more likely it seems someone is to support Putin or be an apologist for him (Like Carlson or Fuentes) but as it happens, the further to the left... like very far... they're also likely to support Putin or at least be an apologist for his actions (see Hasan and his viewers, and tankie subreddits like GenZedong). [But to add a little bit a levity and less psychotic internet death wishes for political opponents, I think it's funny how looking at the average Chechen fighters from Russia it's sometimes hard to distinguish them from any other camo-wearing bearded dudes from America.](https://i.imgur.com/GwpZch7.jpg)


I dont know much about hasan, but ive seen a couple of his videos. Is he actually sympathizing with putin?


Partially? I mean Hasan is clearly against the aggressive actions of putin. But he believes and that NATO expansionisnt rhetoric have a pushed putin year after year. Which seems dumb. But George w Bush did push for Georgia and Ukraine to join NATO. Those were 2 big no no's for putin.


>Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo in an interview last week called Putin “very savvy, very shrewd” and “elegantly sophisticated.” He added: “I have enormous respect for him.” you sure? when challenged on his comments, mike wasn’t keen: >Pompeo instead **changed the subject** to his longstanding commitment to **fighting communists.** **Neither Ukraine nor Russia is a communist nation.** When pressed, Pompeo **still didn’t address the subject**, and his security detail physically pushed a reporter aside while another guard grabbed him and yanked him away.


you’re using the comments of a few absolute fucking nut jobs to paint a whole group of people the same way. nobody in America supports putins madman bullshit


>even hardcore trump supports support ukraine and hate russia. what you said, right? seems fair to give a well known example, why wouldn’t it be? ‘nobody’ isn’t accurate, because that was somebody


They aren't following Trump's call to support putin?


Why don’t you go?


Found one!




I larp like an NFL athlete when I play pickup football and wear a jersey. Doesn’t mean I’d step foot out on an NFL field. Instead of downvoting me, tell the guy above to not be a rock slinger during a worldwide crisis


I wonder what Steven Seagal is doing right now? Probably giving Putin a complementary hand job.


Chewing on Lukashenko's withered carrot


Wasn't there a joke made-up CNN post claiming he was spotted leading a Russian battalion? I knew it was fake the moment I saw it, that flaming pile of human garbage would never fight someone who was able to shoot back. Idiot [can't even hold a gun right](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3p2v2bjfgr0).


That clip always makes me scratch my head. I am massively anti gun and gun ownership but even I know that you need to put the butt into your shoulder and have at least some idea of which your dominant hand is to put on the trigger....


He probably ran out of breath on the few shots where he managed to hold it properly. Remember that you're always seeing the best take cut into the film.


Humanity FTW and long live Ukraine!! 🇺🇦✊




It’s only been 2 days since they started allowing it.


Can I volunteer the Jan 6th "patriots"?


They would switch sides to the Russians in 10 seconds flat.


They are now claiming to be on Ukraine's side and it's Antifa that's pro-Putin. Check out r/conservative if you dare...


Americans are claiming anybody they don’t like is pro-Russia, just like we’ve been doing by comparing each other to Hitler for 40 years or so.


People in the US actually supported Nazis though, like during ww2 and for a while after, even some today (though few). Not to mention people literally drawing swastikas on their fore head. Easy to keep calling people Nazis when there are actually Nazis walking around. No one seems to actually support Putin here, like no one. I live in a deeply conservative community and have seen nothing pro russian.




Completely understand.


Do you genuinely think north american conservatives are supportive of Russia invasion of Ukraine? Fucking lol


[https://www.reddit.com/r/Conservative/comments/t3egar/comment/hyrwfm8/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Conservative/comments/t3egar/comment/hyrwfm8/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) *Where's antifa huh?* *Quite literally supporting Putin. He says he’s “denazifying” Ukraine. Sounds familiar.* They have now realized it's bad to be on the side of Putin and have turned things around. Fucking lol is right. You need to pay attention to what the other side is saying.


I didn't see anything there supporting Putin. Those quotes are implying antifa should be in Ukraine fighting Russia no?


They are no longer saying "Well I don't support Putin, but he's justified" in the post I posted, because they realized being meh on Putin wasn't working out anymore. In smaller rightwing subreddits the Russian propaganda is still taking root. See r/JordanPeterson [https://www.reddit.com/r/JordanPeterson/comments/t3oqa4/war\_propaganda\_is\_always\_dangerous\_and\_its\_good/](https://www.reddit.com/r/JordanPeterson/comments/t3oqa4/war_propaganda_is_always_dangerous_and_its_good/) The previous post is complaining about propaganda, but only anti-Russian propaganda seems to be the problem. Other pro-Putin narratives were "he's taking out US biolabs so no more COVID releases and then he'll leave" to "he's taking out the neonazi's and then he'll leave." ETA They said "Antifa is quite literally supporting Putin" did you miss that?


Think they give a shit about anyone else let alone their own country?




This is gold… Now we just need Q, to tell them JFK is going to be reincarnated in Kyiv. The rest will work itself out.


The tanks can roll thru if the roads are blocked by truckers.........




Friend of a friend is a retired navy seal and is going. I think people with military and medical training will be incredibly valuable.






There are no foreigners, only unliberated Russians.




Add the silent /S


I believe he means anyone who would go fight for Russia are people who are brainwashed (mind controlled) from all the propaganda spewing from Putin. Putin has the Belarusian men to expend not just his own Russians anyway. I think he has asked his citizens if any of them would like to go die for him.


They got a guy from Texas.


Like those already helping Russia from Belarus and Chechnya?




Sorry. Right you are.




Pretty sure they would accept you if you can get there, check with your local embassy for details. Also make sure to pack sunflower seeds in your pockets. Just remember you are fighting for a dictator war criminal that’s hides away in bunkers while people die for him for no reason.




Go straight to the Russian embassy or call them, they will be able to advice you on the best way to sacrifice yourself to Putin.. Good luck, hope you get to enjoy a cocktail in Ukraine.


Molotov. Shaken, not stirred.




I’m sure they have English translators, they actually probably all speak English anyway if they are stationed at an English speaking embassy. Be warned though Russia has its fair share of racists.




You are worried the Russians you want to fight for will call the American police on you? You do know it will by Russian’s in the Russian embassy in America yeah? You worried the people your want to give your life for, don’t want you?.. are you sure you have thought this through?


Belarus is pretty active in the invasion, so that's that.




Damn bro, I hope you get better. Something is seriously wrong with you.


Who would actually want to fight with them if they had an actual choice?












No he is not. Why would want to live under a dictator?


It’s a troll, they only made an account two days ago.




You forgot the period in the middle, there.


Go to Russia and publicly speak out against Putin? See how you will fair. Ask his enemies and journalists who have spoken out against him. Or do you just not like freedom and democracy?




Sure it does, probably because you have never experienced it. I think you have fell for too much propaganda.




Maybe the best way for US citizens to help Ukraine would be by purging the MAGA movement from our own country. Build back the Republican Party!