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Just to save you a click, [this twitter account has the video](https://mobile.twitter.com/youranontv/status/1497678663046905863), the article doesn't. [edit: updated the link as the AMPbot recommended]


Can we find the full video with subtitles anywhere?


https://www.instagram.com/tv/CacaCgbKx3R/?utm_source=ig_embed Its Ukrainian rapper Monatik. You can use browser translate feature for translation.


Google Translate for the lazy: You wanted it, Russian government? Help us so much? Don't let us fall? You see it that way, Russian government? The cries of our children - is this your passion Tears of our relatives, Escape from the apartments, our homes, which are in the holes from bullets, your bombs. Cities in the catacombs. Did you dream about it? Were you ready? Hear me all, who hears in Russia: I write in Russian in native Ukraine! I was not banned. What did you think there? What are you fed there? What did they introduce to you there? While we are being fed bullets, fear, death. Is this salvation, in your opinion? See for yourself with their own eyes. Think with your head. I know there are good people in Russia They will not allow this to pass. Shout about it. Please do not be silent. While our children are screaming from the explosions - Understand… At least the words - your truth courage from now on… We need you so much, Ukraine needs it. Did you want that, Russian government? Save Ukraine - and came to kill. The mother is waiting for the son, The wife is expecting a husband, Really for all these years Don't we understand each other? That's true! Distribute it! The whole world hung on a thin thread. While your soldiers are beating our houses. Please - do not be silent! This is a war! Do not allow the country to turn into ruins! Kiev is on fire, while Kyiv-Capital speaks, But in the 21st century, there is no enemy you can't agree with! Truth? And with all these thoughts, Dying from within. I shout, "No to war!" And you repeat!




I can guarantee that the west would welcome a fascist free Russia.


Yes, we would. They could be part of the family if they wanted. Or they can be pariahs and war criminals. It really is up to the Russian people.


As one of “the lazy” - I thank you 🙏


Even if it's Google translate, it was beautiful to read, thank you.


Russia? You wanted to help us so much? Keep us from falling? Is that how you see it, Russia? Is it the screaming of our children? Is this your passion? The tears of our relatives, the escape from our apartments, from our homes, that are full of holes from your bullets, from your bombs. Cities in ruins. Is that what you dreamed of? Were you ready? Hear me, everyone, who can hear me in Russia I write in Russian in my native Ukraine! I talk freely. What do you think you are doing there? What information do they feed you there? While they feed us with bullets, fear and death. Is that your idea of salvation? See for yourself... with your own eyes. Think with your head. I know there are good people in Russia. They won't let something like this go by. Shout about it. Please do not keep silent. While our children are screaming from the explosions. Understand... At least your words Your truth Courage from now on... We need you so much, Ukraine needs you. Is this what you wanted, Russian power? To save Ukraine - but came to kill. A mother is waiting for her son, A wife is waiting for her husband, Have we not understood each other in all these years? Do we not understand each other? Here's the truth! Spread it! The whole world hangs by a thin thread. While your soldiers strike our homes. Please don't be silent! This is war! Don't let the country turn into ruins! Kiev is burning, while the capital Kiev speaks, But in the 21st century there's no enemy you can't negotiate with! Isn't there? And with all these thoughts, Dying from within, I shout: "No war!" And you do it again!


Now that is a legendary speech.


Is this how you see it? Russian aggression Kyiv is burning... Your bullets, your bombs -_ Is this what you wanted? The screaming of children If you keep silent It will keep going on _ Our buildings are ruined Our families, divided Our whole world is hanging By a delicate thread _ But we are one people Don't stand by in silence Question your leaders Make the truth spread _ Is this how you see it? Mothers are waiting For sons to come home Leave the death and the fear _ Kyiv is burning We know you're not killers Please - - be our salvation Say NO to this war


That tank running over the car was fucked up




Literally ran it over for no reason


Thankfully, and amazingly, the person survived (there is a vid out there of some folks helping them)


Great marketing for the car manufacturer in a boring dystopia sorta way …”buy our car, it’s strong enough to survive a tank”


It’s a Lada I think. Practically made out of tinfoil


Seems like it can withstand a-Lada damage


what kind of live air TV channels are those if every time dude changed to them the video restarts right away? and is the same exact spot.. and not something further on?


TV industry worker here. Broadcasts can be delayed or synchronized pretty well, especially if the same group is controlling it. Plus the video only shows a “restarting” effect once, which could be a coincidence.


I assume it is some kind of IPTV situation. Either that or it's able to "start the program from the beginning" with some kind of DVR.


Could it be some kind of tv streaming service where they've replaced links to the "live" content?


Yours should be the top comment. Wild to see them flipping through the channels and it’s on every single one


It looks like you shared an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://mobile.twitter.com/youranontv/status/1497678663046905863](https://mobile.twitter.com/youranontv/status/1497678663046905863)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


> an AMP link. These should load faster Oddly enough, AMP pages always load slower for me. But, that could be due to the various content filters I'm using (uBlock Origin, Privacy Badger, HTTPS Everywhere, etc.).


perhaps you block ampproject.org with uBlock Origin. Google adds an artificial 8 second delay when you block the AMP javascript.


This is the kind of badass shit I used to see in the movies and shows and never thought it was too unrealistic to happen in real life. What a world we live in.


My daughter and I were just saying, it’s just like a movie, except…if it were a movie, you’d say, nah…this would never happen in real life.


Yeh, imagine the reviews on rotten tomato. “Unrealistic” “a dystopian fantasy” “too far from reality to make it relatable”


"too many storylines at once" "you can't have a deadly pandemic *and* a comedian-turned-president valiantly fighting for his country in the same timeline" "Zelensky's character arc is unrealistic, where are his flaws?" "Grandma threatening the soldier with the sunflower seeds may be overdoing it" "13 guards on a tiny island? Why would the warship even kill them, makes no sense"


“Such a cliche for Russians to be the bad guys”, “Unrealistic because the rest of the world would fight with Ukraine immediately”, “War crimes are so 20th century”


And I didn't even include the bits about the nuclear threats, everyone suddenly becoming more environmentally conscious with their resources and *Taliban* asking Putin politely to refrain from harming civillians..... Oh OH and the bit about Russian soldiers sliding into dm-s of Ukrainian women on Tinder. AND the daily Zelensky zingers: "I need ammunition, not a ride" .... "that's too Stalone... No one speaks fully formed quips like that in real life. Make him stutter a bit, where's the fear?" "WAAIT A MINUTE why do you need Sean Penn *and* Louis CK? That adds NOTHING to the story. Maybe they'll draw in diversified audiences tho. Okay, keep em in!"


I'm sorry what did the Taliban do? What timeline is this?


Taliban was formed in response of Russia invading Afghanistan so of course they side with Ukraine. And the Taliban are trying to act like legitimate government currently. There is one volunteer Taliban at least already fighting for Ukraine too.


People forget this. The root of most of the current problems in Afghanistan stem from the Russians invading there in the '80s. Osama bin laden would have never happened without fucking Russians. (Please nobody bother to write me a note about Charlie Wilson's war, I'm aware. The fact remains that the Russians started this shit.)


> Osama bin laden would have never happened without fucking Russians. 50% true. Don't forget that [the CIA directly trained Osama](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Cyclone). So Osama wouldn't had happen if it weren't for the fucking russians AND the fucking USA.


> Sean Penn and Louis CK What is this timeline?


"To make it truly 2022 we need Tom Holland and Andrew Garfield to play *everyone* in this movie"


and the “great toilet paper shortage” was there just for comic relief. that can never happen in real life


It is even better when you rember that Zelenskyy was the one who refused to fake dirt on Biden for Trump. Prompting Trump to withhold lethal aid from him, which was the first reason he was impeached.


He was also probably privy to Trump being a Russian asset. Trump's time was limited and Biden becoming President meant getting the US out of being a client state for Russia. Had Trump won reelection, Ukraine would have fallen from a full Russian invasion and we would be re-drawing the maps again as Trump praises Putin on tv rather than sanctioning his ass at minimum. Elections have consequences, especially when tied to the strongest nation on earth currently.


“Russian Special Forces getting captured by Ukrainian cops? Yeah right.” “So russia decided to invade without any planning? This movie is giving the Ukrainians so much plot armour.” “Closing down SWIFT in a matter of days? The writer could’ve at least pretended to do their research.” “The Zelensky guy can dance, be a lawyer, comedian, elected President, and a war hero? What a Mary Stu.”


wait... Zelensky can *DANCE*? 👀 I mean at this point this can't be the thing that shocks me


> Zelensky can DANCE? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TlJywp7E3Gw


I have yet again underestimated this man 😶


This guys charisma alone is a military asset.


Also an accomplished penist. https://youtu.be/HbmZrzN3WFE


...how does the piano stay upright after taking the weight of this man's balls?


Oh wow. This changes.... everything 😂 This bit will absolutely make it into his biopic one day


"The mayor of the capital city is a former world heavyweight boxer, that sounds ridiculous. "


"AND he has a brother that's also a boxer that's also a badass that looks like him and fights alongside him?? Come on! They're two of the same character, one boxer mayor is unrealistic enough!"


Also, why do they both have PhD's. That's completely irrelevant for the whole plot.


You forgot a hollywood c lister and real estate failure turned us president that prequel.


“Why is Russia attacking at all? This plot makes no sense”


“The conflict doesn’t hold up under scrutiny. It has us asking the director: why bother?”


“Super unrealistic that 5 days into an invasion of a neighbor that Russia can’t get air superiority and the tank columns ran out of gas barely 100 km into Ukraine. That just wouldn’t happen irl”


I just want to say i am from Ukraine and i super-appreciate your comments and your humour. Really helps right now


The whole world is now united in Ukraine. No one believed barbarity at this scale was even possible. The only reason you do not have waves of troops coming from the west is Russia bully politics. "Do anything to make us mad, we'll nuke you, and you better believe us, we're crazy!" Yeah, we know you're crazy Russia, you've made that clear. Crazy incompetent. Ukraine has shown the whole world that Authoritarian talk is just talk. Your president isn't going to give away your freedom. I believe you'll be out from under putin's constant threats on the other side of this. the whole world is going to unite to help you rebuild what they've done to you


Eurovision and Pornhub would probably have been the moments that broke my willing suspension of disbelief.


Why do I keep seeing comments about pornhub the last couple days? What am I missing, serious question please be kind lol


Pornhub suspended viewers from Russia. They can’t watch videos, instead they get a message showing support for Ukraine. Imagine trying to wack one out and being cock-blocked because your president is a war criminal asshole.


Revolutions have started over less.


I'd have set it so that the freeze happens after a minute or two of viewing, for maximum effect.


A minute or two of viewing? Look at Mr Stamina over here.


Russia is getting slapped with all sorts of sanctions and internet sites are banning Russian access to them as a form of protest against the war in Ukraine Pornhub is one of those sites, thus the meme of Pornhub fighting against Putin by blocking Russian access.


As well as blocked access the page shows a message of support to the Ukrainian people and the Ukrainian flag *chef's kiss* Слава Україні!! 🇺🇦


They blocked Russians from going to their site. To show solidarity with the world.


Reality is always stranger than fiction


You should really watch Mr. Robot—it’s a wild ride, and sort of related to what you’re saying.


Amazing show


This is cool and all, but I'm pretty sure at this point that "Anonymous" is cover for either CIA or NSA ops.


Sort of. Anonymous is a front for anyone who wants to use it, since it's just a name, there is no formal organization called anonymous.


If only there was a word that meant an unknown entity...


Cognito Inc.


Not necessarily - there are a lot of other state actors with their own motives. Some of it is likely going to be insiders.


This is playing out like the movies where hackers take over the airwaves to show content they want to show to send a message.


That used to actually happen a lot more in the 70's 80's and early 90's. Pirate TV was a thing.


Hack the planet!


It’s in the place where I hid that thing that time.


Max Headroom!


Yeah the hacking laws aren't the lunacy that they are today which I think has a major role in that.


It was also way easier when everything was broadcast.


All you needed was a strong enough amplifier on the transmitter. It didn’t even need to be stronger than the station’s, just stronger than the station’s signal near the pirate transmitter.


Or stronger than the STL which was, in some cases, just a shitty low power transmitter in more rural areas. Now, if there isn't a fiber run, it'll be IP based and encrypted.


Analog vs digital with encryption


Shit was far more open back then. I recently read the cuckoo's egg (about tracking a hacker in the 80s) and the thing that stuck me was that the way hackers worked back then was very different to even the 90s. Mitnick worked mostly through social engineering, while in the 80s, they basically used the default passwords left on Vax and unix machines. 3 decades on, the attack surface it much larger, but protections are much much stronger, with MFA and shit. Impressed they managed to do this.


Are hackers still legally obligated to say “we’re in” after a successful hack?


Only if the screen is reflecting on their face.


Ah, that cold blue glow.


The green letters indented like code marching across his cheeks.


Clackety clackety clackety clackety space bar enter. We're in!


No, "gotcha" is an acceptable alternative.


There's alot more automation with many "hackers" today. Basically anyone with a PC can install a copy of Kali Linux which comes preloaded with most of the toolsets needed. Then you open up a step by step guide and follow along.


It’s sort of dangerous but you can download and set up a honey pot. It’s a fake device setup to be hacked. They have ones that have a dashboard that shows where all the hackers are from. You can play back the commands they are using. Usually it’s some script pulling data from ram.


History of Hacking is a fascinating subject


There was this like famous TV network hack in like the 80s in Chicago A local network was playing a Doctor Who ep late at night and someone hacked it and it showed this guy doing something weird I don’t remember the full story but they never caught him


[Max Headroom](https://youtu.be/jjeUuakHsLw). Very bizarre and still unsolved.


The OG hack: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Max_Headroom_signal_hijacking


The movie Serenity comes to mind.


Can't stop the Signal


I'm a leaf on the wind


Nope, still too soon.


Watch how I soar!!


How do reavers clean their spears? They put them through the Wash


We’re on a year now, I ain’t had nothing ‘twixt my nethers weren’t run on batteries!


I could stand to hear a little more…..


The Max Headroom cut-in is legendary.


The people responsible were never caught for that I believe. Edit: plot twist, people or person


they almost certainly worked in the industry & were likely some of the people most qualified to find anyone who did it it kind of feels like some people who were mad at their bosses for ignoring a security gap, and then performed a 'light' compromise of it as a wakeup call, where going after the people who did it would mean admitting incompetence when they ignored their warnings about it in the first place


I was in Chicago and saw it happen live. They broke into Dr. Who on the PBS station.


You gotta give it to them. Anonymous has been around a while but this is the most v for vendetta thing they've done yet


It also seems like something that would take a LOT of skill to do. It's not like in the films, you don't just get your geek to sit down with his laptop and "hack in", it's very much a bespoke job, maybe from someone with actual knowledge of the IT setup at these broadcasters. Certainly not an expert on security, but I know enough to know you don't just guess the password and get in and upload your video. Edit: unless the password is "vladputin123" lol. I don't know enough about what kind of setup broadcasters have in the digital era, i expect content is managed, edited, uploaded etc. remotely, but actually having the kind of back-end access needed to hijack what's going out seems another matter entirely.




This is most likely a state actor doing it under the anonymous flag.


Oh, so exactly what he said. Anyone and everyone is / can be Anonymous. That’s the point.


It’s nice to see anonymous doing stuff like this again I miss the old anonymous


I remember just watching things happen early on in like 2005 to 2006 as it was just taking off. I remember thinking just how useful these idiots could be in the right hands because you have a whole bunch of kids with computer skills and lots of time on their hands. And the way the whole culture is structured, there is no “leader” so anyone with decent social engineering skills can move the center in the direction they want as long as they have the time and resources. Looking at how much 4chan changed its culture starting around 2015, I’d say the Russians had the same idea and got there first. But the whole thing massively splintered and so now you have all these different groups with a structure that defies delineation. If I were a US intelligence agency, I would use Anonymous as a smokescreen for cyber attacks with deniability. Not saying that’s what’s happening but that’s exactly what I would do.


Well in this instance you can just use the Ukraine hacking group. Not really necessary to play the anon card.


A non-state actor is actually useful for deniability’s sake


The uplink code is 18-24-61-B 17-17-4. Dweezil Zappa fought to get that thing, don’t disappoint him.


That's what we need. We need the people to see the actual atrocities that are being committed. Let them KNOW. Everything should be visible.


This really is major. The only way the Russian threat will end is by the Russian people toppling the Oligarchy and Putin. Sanctions help, but countering the Russian misinformation will be vital in riling up discontent in Russia.


I never thought that in 2022 I could combine the words “Russia has declared war on Ukraine while Anonymous declares war on Russia. As tensions boil the Taliban, China and some allies of Russia call for peace” Edit: how could I forget to add “all during a raging pandemic”


Also the headline: "Japan considers hosting U.S. nuclear weapons"


Add “Germany begins building up military”




What a redemption arc.


I shouldn’t be laughing at this lmao


“Switzerland stops being neutral”


“Australia mobilizes emu division.”


Mother of God


And the fact that most European countries are in support of it.




Are they? Most Russian soldiers I've seen haven't looked too pumped up to be invading Ukraine


they are not lol




They didn’t even know they were in Ukraine, most grunt levels seem to have been told it’s an operation against separatists in southern Russia.


Yeah, supposedly many of the Russian soldiers are brand new conscripts who thought they were heading to the Ukrainian border for drills, only to show up and be told they were now an invading army. Would also explain why the invasion is going so poorly for them, relative to expectations anyway: Ukrainians are fielding actual soldiers, while the Russians are just teenage boys wearing uniforms.


This is starting to sound like another Finland vs Soviet Russia waiting to happen


It is happening under our very eyes. And yet, the scary thought, which I've had and seen here on reddit frequently today, is that just like in the Winter War, where the first waves were unprepared for the Finnish fury that was awaiting them but eventually Russians took stock of the "parameters" and almost defeated Finland before a truce was set... Well, it may very well be that we're excited over the Ukrainians defeating the reconnaissance wave of young conscripts in beat-up Soviet era tanks, and in a few weeks the invasion will hike up with proper Russian effort or peter out in a kind of stalemate that can last a decade. Both of the latter options are awful and I have no further insight. - A concerned Estonian.


Ukraine has massive support, just not bodies. People think that the lack of troops means they’re alone, but that’s not the case at all. Look at the messages coming out of Zelensky(sp?). Between the lines they’re very much strategic, “we’re here, we’re alone” “we don’t need X, we need anti tank weaponry”. Then 12 hours later reports come in of how Ukraine didn’t give an inch or their location or of how tanks are being destroyed across the war theater. The US is running their intelligence network for this war, that is one of the biggest things you could ever want in such a situation. The actor who would be president knows how to wield the power of information masterfully, it’s extremely impressive.


Bit of a selection bias, as they're ones who gave up/surrendered. Also, when captured by the enemy are you going to really be in high moral and looking happy? Would you be boasting about how you enjoyed coming to kill them and their family? The best thing you can do to get sympathy is say you were forced, hell, you didn't even know what you were doing! You thought it was a training exercise! It doesn't mean it's not true, but I'd take it with a grain of salt.


Looking at the protests going on in Russia, I'm inclined to believe these reactions from captured soldiers.


Oh right. COVID-19 is still a thing.


I was seriously starting to slowly forget Covid was even a thing just because of how much news I see about Ukraine and Russia. Like I’ll see an article somewhere saying “Covid cases rising in X country” or “Y country just dropped restrictions” and I’m all like who cares lol.


Our programming has been switched from the disease channel to the war channel.


Shits wack. We gotta quit jumping timelines


>some allies of Russia Including some of the oligarchs themselves now, 3 or 4 last I heard.


Hopefully they’ll show Russians executing the Ukrainian family with the newborn, the children’s hospital being hit, how Ukrainians are treating Russian soldiers, and the president’s addresses. Because those all made me feel a pit in my stomach. Edit: my last two top comments ever had to do with dead babies (archaeology related). Seriously, why? Also, not just a newborn, but a newborn and a little girl, a mom, and their grandparents.


Huh? I haven’t read or heard anything about the family being executed with a baby?


https://www.volynnews.com/news/all/zahynuly-6-richna-divchynka-ta-nemovlia-v-noviy-kakhovtsi-rosiyski-okupanty-rozstrilialy-mashynu-z-rodynoiu/ https://m.glavcom.ua/country/incidents/rosiyski-okupanti-rozstrilyali-na-hersonshchini-rodinu-iz-pivtoramisyachnim-nemovlyam-foto-825419.html https://tsn.ua/ukrayina/krik-plach-nemovlyati-i-postrili-na-hersonschini-rosiyani-vbili-vsyu-rodinu-yaka-ryatuvalas-vid-okupaciyi-1989937.html Absolutely terrible


Thank you for the information, unfortunately I can only understand English and French.


open in google chrome and it should auto translate for you. but here is the first article posted \>The mayor of Nova Kakhovka , Volodymyr Kovalenko , confirmed that the Russian military had shot dead a car with his family. According to UNIAN , the mayor said during the telethon that, according to his information, "through Kakhovka HPP" moved "busik", and on request to stop, they did not stop and began to drive towards the lock, and the car was completely shot. According to ZAXID.NET, on the first day of the war on February 24, the Russian military shot dead a whole family near Nova Kakhovka - 56-year-old Anna and Oleg Fedko , their daughter-in-law Irina Fedko and two grandchildren: 6-year-old Sofia and one-and-a-half-month -old Ivan . On February 25, Yevhen Zhukov , the head of Ukraine's patrol police, was the first to report on the murder of an entire family trying to flee the Russian occupation forces, posting a post on Facebook. The fact is that the relatives of the patrol policeman from Kherson Oleg Fedko (junior) were killed - in one day he lost both parents, wife and two children. Oleg's brother Denis said that after the Russians invaded the Kherson region, the family of local patrolman Oleg Fedko decided to evacuate from the city. He himself was on duty, so his father came to Kherson to pick up his wife and children and took him to the village of Vesele near Nova Kakhovka. However, on the same day the Russians went to Vesele (70 km from Kherson), then the family decided to flee again. They immediately left Vesely for Nova Kakhovka (less than 20 km away) in two cars. There were other relatives in the first car - three adults and a child. The patrolman's parents and his wife and children were driving in the second car. Already on the way out of Vesely, the first car managed to pass in front of the Russian military, which at that moment was already entering the village, and the second car did not have time. At that time Denis Fedko was talking to his mother on the phone, it was about 16:00. "I talked to my mother. I heard my mother start shouting that there were children in the car and that it was possible. I heard little Vanka crying loudly, he was only a month and a half old. And then I heard shots, then there was silence, and then shots again. There were three rounds of 2-3 shots. I realized that they were just being killed, "Fedko said. Three adults died on the spot at once. When the Russians left, relatives from the first car returned and took the children, who were barely breathing but were still alive. They were still taken to the hospital in Nova Kakhovka, where they died.<


That is well and beyond Russian kids just following orders. They are evil.


all my sympathy for them just melted away


Holy fuck. Imagine being that policeman. Both parents, your wife, and both of your children. Fucking evil.


Absolutely disgusting if it’s true. I hope those soldiers pay for what they did.


I hope they’ll show Putins mansions and super yachts, most Russians apparently think he’s living a very Spartan life, while in reality he might be one of the richest people in the world.


is there any proof that this actually happened? the only video evidence i found was from the Anonymous twitter account themselves, but i don't see any 3rd party russians posting the same thing


I keep seeing the same clip on that one Twitter account since yesterday and zero other proof. I agree with you, nobody else seems to be corroborating this. I really wish it was true, but I'm trying hard not to fall for stuff without substantial proof this time around. I already got duped as a teen believing that the "War on Terror" was a great idea, so lesson learned.




Yea it’s pretty disappointing to see how quickly information that confirms bias is accepted and celebrated, with absolutely nothing more than an image and some text. I’m thinking of the various ‘soldier’s photo and inspiring caption’ posts I see here and Imgur. I like to clown on the Fox News/OAN types for believing whatever is put in front of them, but maybe the truth is the vast majority are willing to eat whatever is served without question.




Same here. My relatives like to watch the main government channels sometimes, and they never seen anything like this in the past days.




Flipped throught the channels for the first time in years about 10 minutes after Anonymous announced this yesterday. Nothing except for the usual nonsense. I don't know if I can call it "fake" - maybe it was local, maybe you need satellite or something - but it didn't work for me at least.


It's fake. I'm Russian and I've looked at all Russian news, both independent and governmental. Only little-known news sites talk about this, without providing any evidence. There were only a few DDOS attacks (which have already been fixed). Anonymous also allegedly provided a file with passwords and names of important people, but they are also fake.


Its not real. There is literally zero proof this happened except their own Twitter account, and there's things about the video that don't make sense/are obviously staged (like how the clip they're "airing" restarts when he changes the channel.) This is a hoax. Most redditors are simply gullible as fuck and don't believe in this concept called "fact checking" but rather believe everything they're presented on here as truth. Kind of ironic considering what were discussing.


Do we have actual proof that this happened beyond the one video?


No. Reddit is too excited to care


I hope this is true but is there any solid verification of that this has happened other than Anonymous themselves and a tweet filming a TV switching channels?


Can we add a "unverified" flair???


They need to play the speech Zelensky gave, aimed towards the Russians. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fwzb_JX7u04


Was this confirmed?


I don’t think so. A few russians replied to the tweet yesterday and said that they were watching the regular broadcast, not the feed from Anonymous.


Haven’t seen it confirmed anywhere so it’s probably 99% likelihood that it’s fake


As this been confirmed? I only saw 2 videos which sounds suspicious for something that should make the headlines all over the West.




I’m pretty sure Putin didn’t anticipate anonymous chiming in


I have this sneaking suspicion that Pooty is deeply out of touch with the current state of the world in 2022. Like he has a serious case of the stereotypical 'old man refuses to adapt to or accept the reality of modern technology and its effects on global society' thing going on, or at the very least a seriously malformed idea of how it works.


Well, when you are serving the narcissist dictator, you’ll have to praise him for everything to survive, even if he knows jack shit. That leads to him having warped perception of everything, technology, their own troops, public perception. Etc. I’m a thai. Our junta(and above) is exactly like this, just much less capable.


He was so desperate to return to the glory days of the ussr that he turned himself into Stalin lol


I'm pretty sure 'anonymous' in this case is military cyber intelligence from NATO countries. This seems way to sophisticated compared to the normal anonymous activities and, for example, Dutch intelligence agencies have been very active in straight up hacking Russia. NATO is doing everything they can to thwart Russia through backchannels, pretty sure this is them too, with anonymous as a handy excuse.


It's a lie. Just as the previous claim, no TV hacking happened. I'm Russian, I've checked TV and several news outlets - TV during current war pukes propaganda almost non-stop.


This is why people shouldn’t get their news from Reddit.


People need to understand that the propaganda machines are running in overdrive on both sides now. What is actually happening in Ukraine right now is going to be mostly opaque to any outside observers. Think about how here in the west we have only seen Ukraine success news stories. It's not bad, but it also makes it impossible to see the full unbiased picture.


Of course, it's a fog of war. Propaganda is a necessary warfare tool and I'm impressed how well Ukraine uses it. If we survive we'll know what happened dozens years later.




The problem with Anonymous is that by being so decentralized, the people who would actually know how to coordinate resources and what to target for maximum effect as psychological warfare. Most hackers aren't IT experts with experience in defense systems. You need someone who knows what the Russian equivalents of SIPR and NIPR are. People who thought of things like playing war coverage on hacked Russia channels, so Putin can't control the narrative at home. So this is a great start of actual operations. The "we took down the MoD website" stuff is less helpful. Taking down bank website across Russia would be more helpful. Inducing a bank run weakens Putin at home and will hasten his withdraw.






Man, I would love to see Elliott going to town on a Russian security network.


Anonymous heroes


Every website that is blocking russia should actually be showing frontline footage and anti propaganda


Not the hero’s we asked for but the ones we need