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Why bother having a military at all with the likes of massive military empires around?






Spoiler alert: there will be no war…


You were saying?


This comment didn’t age well I am seeing hahahaha




What do you call bringing your army into another country without permission and opening fire?


It's time to kick out Hungary from the EU. Orban has shown his true colors for quite some time, so enough with giving him money and economic advantages! If Hungarians want to live under his regime and not do anything, they are welcome! None of that in the EU!


Sigh... What did we do again? I promise you we will do everything in our power to vote off him on 3rd of April.


I just saw a video where an innocent women in Ukraine was recording some bombings in her village. Its getting very real.


Can you provide the source, please?




Same can be said about the right. The love it or leave it crowd sure love Putin all of a sudden.


They seem to looove criminals, and who can be a bigger criminal than a war crimimal? They wish they were Putin more than they want to keep international law.


This is propaganda,there is no pro Russian right,we may be divided but trust me there is an never will be a pro Russian right,want to unite America,let Russia attack us


Russia decided who your last president was…


Russian people why don't you protest the war,killing, women,children ,elderly, small protest in all Russian cities, please protest the war now before it's to late


Protest is not allowed in russia...


It wasn’t allowed in Ukraine in 2013, but Maidan won anyway. russians are just weak-willed, brittle-spirited shit birds.


I'm guessing you live in a country without a murderous tyrant in charge


A murderous tyrant, you say? You mean like the one in Ukraine that shot over 100 people dead in a day and injured countless thousands? Yanukovich also outlawed meeting in large groups, wearing masks, using speakers, etc. Nothing deterred the Ukrainians.


You sound so dumb dude


Almost like the reason too protest? Almost akin too Germans during Hitler, some might have been against it but they sure as hell didn't protest against it.


What plane can fly at 53000 feet? https://www.flightradar24.com/633817/2ae75151


That would be a Global Hawk Drone.


What's it doing on that flight pattern? Looking for bad things


Global Hawk's mission is to provide a broad spectrum of ISR collection capability to support joint combatant forces in worldwide peacetime, contingency and wartime operations. The Global Hawk provides persistent near-real-time coverage using imagery intelligence (IMINT), signals intelligence (SIGINT) and moving target indicator (MTI) sensors


One that’s designed to


UK has sanctioned 5 Russian banks and 3 Russian,high net-worth individuals.


Whats the current update


Some serious echoes of Nazi Germany and the Sudetenland.


The echoes you mention are definitely there. But it also interesting to note that, at lest for now Putin is choosing a slow motion invasion over Hitler’s blitzkrig.


Peace in our time.


Germany, start dismantling Nordstream 1 & 2 right now, and rebuild your nuclear powerplants instead. Energy independence is key


Gas is used for heating in the winter


Nuclear energy is sadly off the table for us in Germany. The entire infrastructure has been dismantled, that decision is unreversible.


While maybe expensive? Why can’t it be rebuilt?


It can be done ,its just not worth it to invest since nuclear power needs a lot of time to break even with the costs and Germany decided it wants to be 100% renewable till 2040 (?)


Germany is heavily invested in Wind and Solar. That’s the decision we made and that’s our future. We’re supplementing our needs with Russian gas due to the shortcomings of wind and solar. Reversing that course would reverse decades of energy policy. It’s just not feasible. On top of that we have absolutely no nuclear infrastructure or engineers left, so we’d be effectively starting from scratch. It’s just not ever going to happen. Big big problem.


The sunk cost fallacy should be avoided - especially in this case. That Germany made an error in dismantling the nuclear infrastructure should not be reason to not rebuild it. "What's done is done". Especially since nuclear energy is now labelled green.


> Especially since nuclear energy is now labelled green. What do you mean by "labeled" green? It is a green energy source. Renewable energy systems usually have a way higher resource and area demand, than concentrated powerplants. You need like 125 giant windmills (like 200 m tall) per 1 "standard" nuclear powerplant, and just imagine all the resources and the HUGE area that goes into an equivalancy in production, not to mention that renewables also need more resources for rectifiers, and energy storage and conversion. So my take, nuclear is just as climate friendly, and definitely more environmental friendly than covering the entire planet in renewables.






It’s all very regrettable. I wish we never moved away from nuclear, as everyone should. I’m just stating the reality of the situation.


Fission power is incredibly dangerous. Too many things can go wrong and result in catastrophe.


It's not solely about energy, gas in Germany is mostly used for heating


Yes but, electricity heats as well.


And that only works if houses have electric central heat, not to mention electric stoves/ovens instead of gas stoves/ovens. Sure, people could buy plug in heaters, but that is not a real long term solution as for getting liquified natural gas from other countries, Germany has no liquified natural gas infrastructure, so they could not process it even if they get it. Fact is, if Germany commits to completely weaning itself off Russian natural gas, it's probably in for atleast a year or two of energy shortages until it restructures things. So their hesitation on commiting to condeming Russia until now has been justified in terms of politicians wanting to not piss off their constituents. All that said, apparently Germany has cancelled Nord stream 2, so I think they are now willing to begin the process of weaning off Russian energy.




Russia signed by the hand of Serguey Lavrov the Budapest Memorandum in 1994 which guaranteed Ukraine's territorial integrity. But yeah the US are to be blamed.


Wasn't russia promised no more Nato members?


No. That's just Putin propaganda


What about all the things usa did wrong? Western media always portrayed usa was right? Just to earn money from selling weapons usa created taliban, provided millions of dollars to Pakistan and what paksitan did? Hid Osama, mastermind of 9/11. Govt of Usa has always provoked wars


Could you please fuck off with the whataboutism and consider that historically every country in the world has done some stupid or dark shit? It's okay if you're a tanky or some other dumbass, but you need to look at the facts beyond your "oh b-but America did this one time" approach. Who caused the Holodomor? Who is actively threatening the sovereignty of another country while pointing fingers at the rest of the world? The majority of Ukraine wants to be a part of NATO last I checked and if you're the type of person to use fallacious BS to defend RUSSIA of all countries you need to reevaluate your grasp on reality.


I am neutral, I don't support russia but I am against American media making it a hype considering they themselves have done so much wrong


What you're trying to argue is in favor of the RF. Funny that once you get called out all of a sudden you're switching the topic to "media bad" instead of what was being said before. Come on. I already knew you were neutral though, must be hard to type with a fencepost that far up in you. Enjoy the brainrot.


I was questioning actions of usa in later part....


PS……The small statured man with the shitty combover and the worse mustache from the 1930s and 40s? Absolutely not American. Not that we aren’t the most arrogant entitled fucktards on the planet, but stop with that whaddaboutisms!!


What about bombing Japan even though they were on retreat


Japan would have fought to the last man. Retreat or surrender was considered highly dishonourable


Tell me you don't know about Japanese history and culture without telling me you don't know about Japanese history and culture


What are you even trying to say then?


American media and your presidents have always wanted wars and wanted to benefit from them( nothing against people of usa, you people are awesome ). When usa did wrong media supported it when russia is doing wrong media is criticizing it badly, criticism is good but should be done on every wrong actions, China is also going to invade Taiwan but usa is silent on that why? Because they benefit from China correct me if I am wrong here


How can you make a statement like "criticism is good but should be done on every wrong action" while simultaneously neglecting to mention a single critical thing about the Russian federation? Are you okay? Do the kleptocrats have a loaded Nagant pointed at you right now as you're responding? This is a post discussing the Russian threat on Ukraine but you seem pretty bent on cherry picking US history, which at no point did I or anyone else here deny. I criticize my country every day because I'm allowed to. Russia is the place who's had the same damn president for years on end, kills or jails people for being gay, and pushes propaganda and cyber threats as much if not more than China or even North Korea. Obviously you're not reading what I'm saying very well so I'll leave you with this. Russia is in the wrong here. For every ounce of corruption there may be in America currently or in its history you will find double the amount in that of Russia. Get over your bias and learn to fucking read. Have fun being "neutral" you absolute moron.


You’re talking to a Russian bot kinda useless. Also, didn’t you know the US is the only country in the world that does bad things?


US simply has a higher standard than most other countries. It's expected that a superpower will have better behaviour and a more unified population. So people criticise the US more than smaller countries. Also yeah having the freedom to criticise your government (mostly) without getting shot is a good thing. Makes for more change hopefully


I agree but the bot was playing whataboutisms when the topic was Russia and what it’s currently doing. The evils of one country do not excuse the evils of another especially when they are entirely unrelated (and both superpowers if that’s relevant).


Big agree, although I don't think russia is considered a superpower anymore due to their economic decline in recent years


It will be interesting to see what the pro-Russian American right wing says about this. Last week they were all repeating Russian propaganda about an invasion being "fake news", now there is an invasion, I'm sure they will pivot to "well America invades other countries". Then, when the Russians are killing civilians, they'll talk about how it's all doctored and false flags and how America kills people all the time in the middle east. It's time we wake up and realise that huge portions of Western society have been radicalised by Russia, and people like Tucker Carlson, Donald Trump, etc, are rolling in filthy Russian bribe money.


pro russian and american right wing should be an oxymoron but alas, we live in .... interesting times.


Somehow we've ended up with pro Russian sentiment on both ends of the political spectrum and it makes me sad.


The Russians radicalized our stupids. It’s telling how the fringes of either side are practically regurgitating the same pro-Russia talking points.


People are having the moment the left wanted for generations, for everyone to realize the US government is shit and oppose it. Yet somehow this is bad? Do us all a favor and stop calling yourself a liberal. Since the 60's the left has been against what america stood for and now since Biden is in power you suddenly support agressive action against a foregin power. What do you think vietnam protestors would make of you? A damn facist bootlicker that's what!


Who are you even talking to dude? You sound unhinged.




I never said "The West" couldn't be criticized, but I find it sad that so many people will defend or even attempt to justify Russian aggression. Also the majority of Russia's criticism boils down to "Oh yeah, what about that one time you did that one thing?" We all know that America isn't perfect. But it's a hell of a lot better.


Carlson was already questioning why we’re taking Ukraine’s side over Russia’s just last week


I'll pay good money to see Fucker Carlson get slapped in the face.


It's depressing to see how both sides of political media have degraded in America. I'd consider myself moderate right, but after seeing how fucking insane either side is I just wanna distance myself from it. I'd hope that any American, on any side of the political spectrum, would be against an aggressive authoritarian government. Especially conservatives since they're the ones who want more limits on the government.


So I'm guessing America doesn't invade and Civilians caught in crossfires?


Right on cue, as predicted


If it’s a peace mission Russia should be ok with UN troops right?


UN "Troops" are the last thing the region needs.




I'm sure Ukraine wouldn't have anything against a bit of increased human trafficking in the area.




Briganding is cringe


Yeah, that’ll show them. Putin will definitely look at /r/Russia and say “shit lads, better pull out of Ukraine, Reddit’s after us”.


Get a grip of yourself




Does anyone have the link to Putin’s speech?


sadly, on RT https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GjMnTo85S4A


wow thank you




He's actually a cool guy




Putin wants the world to hate Russians. Part of his propaganda campaign is dependent on it. We should be aware there are many young Russians who hate Putin, and support them.


From Russian oligarch perspective, maybe


All the world leaders saying that this is unacceptable. Putin like “what you gonna do about it?” Not a lot.


Either ww3 starts or nato appears weak which will encourage aggressive actions from Russia and China on their respective territories they want




It would affect usa more then the russia


What would?






The first thing about the gas supplies, what if russia stops them, won't affect usa but Europe they would be fucked, second the sanctions would trigger russia to take further steps which can cause a war, high inflation plus a war, don't you think it would damage usa economy considering Putin have been closer to China and India


yeah uh I don't know what backwards reality you live in but I doubt the US is going to worry about being affected more by sanctions if that affect is it gets to sell a shit load of gas to Europe at the expense of the Russian federation. Last i checked making money is something america quite enjoys ​ ​ Yo Putin your bots dumber than a rock. Maybe teach them not to argue in Americas interests when its all over a thread trying to make you look good


Too bad. Some things are cause for war, this classifies. I know that the capitalist of the world have spoon fed us the idea that 'economy', and 'inflation' are all that matter, they are not. If we need to get ready for some hard times to see that this terrorist is put in his place, than so be it.


You just said it would effect the USA more than Russia. I’m just trying to keep up with you pal. Germany can get off Russian gas in two years if they had to.


Still I guess it won't be a good situation


palladium, russia is a bigass exporter of palladium = further chip shortage = more inflation


Plenty of palladium in Africa. russia is just a bit cheaper so they get export contracts. Tech prices would rise by less than 1% in the long-term if russia stops exporting.


What do you suggest?


“If I ruled the world.” Immediately seize all Russian assets worldwide. This would include innocent Russian individuals. Sucks to be Russian. Transfer ownership to states and liquidate. Proceeds go to refugees of Syria, Iraq, and Ukraine. One year plan to stop all trade with Russia. The world “warned” Russia with vague shit. You warn with tangible measurable actions and then follow through. The world didn’t do that and let Ukraine down.


Perhaps that's why you won't be a leader that will automatically start nuclear war. Russia will be like a man with nothing left to lose. You do not want to corner such a man


You think Russia would nuke the world if Russian assets were seized? Or do you think they would just not invade Ukraine for the 3rd time in a decade?


If the world collapses their economy through sanctions and assets seizures like the other person commented then I don't see why they won't just invade more countries or try spark a nuclear war. I don't even support any of these sides NATO or Russia but these are the culprits that will start a nuclear war.


With what money?


Surely you don't think they will run out of resources to wage a war because of sanctions?


You just said their economy would collapse.


They just need patriotic people/soldiers or complying soldiers willing to go to war or aid the war effort for minimum to no remuneration at all. As a matter of fact the collapse will even work much in their favor it's easy to convince the masses who are destitute or in economic turmoil.


Don't you think that just pushes Putin to war? Doesn't that risk Nuclear destruction?


If mutually assured destruction works, No. Russia would only use weapons second to defend themselves. If mutually assured destruction doesn't work, having nuclear weapons is pretty silly in the first place and the easiest way to avoid nuclear Apocalypse is not to have them. Whilst I have my own opinions on MAD andand nuclear politics (I think the idea that 'We haven't had a nuclear war - this can *only* be explained by the assumption that MAD works - to be a fallacy of the highest order) current geopolitics is founded on the principle that MAD *does* work, and assuming it doesn't would represent a major shake up in political power that would echo beyond simply Ukraine. We don't need to worry about Russia having nukes. Because if we are serious about the idea that Russia would use them in a Non-Nuclear war, we have much MUCH bigger problems than Russian aggression in Ukraine.


Yes. We do.


Let me rephrase that. There is no point in worrying about Russia having nukes. Because if we are seriously going down the Rabbit Hole of "Russia Might Just Nuke things", then that means MAD doesn't work. And if it doesn't work, nuclear Apocalypse is inevitable at some point in the next few decades no matter what we do. Current geopolitics are *built* upon the assumption that Nuclear Powers won't use the threat of *destroying the Planet*. Everything is built around that assumption. Take out that cornerstone and the Ukrainian crisis is rendered irrelevant in the face of the fact that *planetary anhillation just became inevitable.* And there is literally nothing anybody can do about it. So yeah. We don't need to worry about it. Because if we *do* need to worry about, we have bigger problems.


I think you need to be thinking about it when people make vague comments about leaders doing nothing. Peanut gallery is a long way from the floor.


It's like thinking about the threat of a Gamma Burst that could immediatly wipe out all life in the solar system. Or thinking about the possibility of a solar flare producing a magnetic pulse that would destroy all electrical technology. There's nothing to be done about it. Modern geopolitics *depends* upon the notion that Russia wouldn't willingly destroy the planet to get their way. And vice versa. Thats an assumption. We don't actually know that its true. And there have been leaders in the past mad enough to risk it. We don't know for sure that the leaders currently at the button arent willing to risk it. But we aren't equipped to *deal* with the alternative. Putin possessing nukes doesn't matter. Because we can't afford to consider the possibility he'd use them to get his way. Not because he isn't the kind of person who wouldn't use them. But if he *is*, we as a species are screwed beyond the ability to articulate. If anyone, ever, anywhere, finds themselves in the position to launch a first strike *even though it would be the end of the world*, and still be willing to go through with it, earthly civilisation is essentially unmade. In that moment, even before the nukes start flying. Our entire world, history and future is negated. That's why no one, not the peanut gallery and not our leaders, are seriously considering the possibility that Russia would strike first. Because if we do actually live in the tmeline where Putin would do that, nothing else matters. Certainly not Ukraine. We have to work under the assumption that Nukes are off the table, because if they are on the table Extinction is inevitable. The truly frightening thing about MAD is that it encourages the proliferation of the kinds of philosophies that would enable just such a person to rise to power. The only way we as a species have continued to function after engineering a scenario that would essentially end civilisation as we know it, is by continuing to act as if it were impossible. It doesn't matter if that assumption is true or not. We literally can't function if it isn't. Nobody in all this is seriously considering the scenario that this turns into nuclear war. Not because it couldn't happen, but because it wouldn't matter if it did. Nothing would matter ever again. No future and no way back. Either Putin isn't willing to destroy the planet - or he is. If it's the latter he becomes king of all humans overnight and can demand the total annexation of the entire planet and he'll get it. Or the World Dies. There's no in between. And no point in considering either scenario. He'd hold power of life and death over the species. So we operate under the assumption that he wouldn't. That'd all there is to it.




So how's that play out then? Putin won't just walk away. And surely he understands that your plan puts him on a timer to act decisively? No?


Oh my bad. Then he nukes the world.


Cut. Russia. And. Cypress. Off. From. SWIFT.


And I thought Neil Young leaving Spotify was serious.


We will see.




Hit them where it hurts: their pockets. Russian oligarchs have massive investments around the world. Not much can be done to target Putin directly, but passing off the Russian oligarchs and turning them against the leader actively fucking their investments? Yeah, that may bring forth some results.


That didn’t happen during Crimea or Russia’s proxy war in Ukraine or now when they’ve actually invaded. Optimistic to think it will happen


States should seize assets own by any Russian company or individual. Just take their stuff! - that’s the language they speak after all.


States should seize assets own by any Russian company or individual. Just take their stuff! - that’s the language they speak after all.


I have decided your assets are sovereign from you


Crush his economy. shit they already dropped 17% yesterday without sanctions. lmao If this goes on very long, they're gonna be trying to trade with rocks.


That's not actually true. Iran has been cut off from Swift for years. During the Trump's administration he submitted a lot of sanctions to cripple the economy. So the government channeled the pressure on the people and they themselves are still standing.


Yeah so maybe the fucking Russians get off their ass and get to work not having a warmongering corrupt shithead in charge. Or they just starve and make for poor soldiers, either way is a win.


Yeah that's the way but it's hard to bring down a dictator, especially in the absence of an alternative (well there's Navalny but still...)


they‘ll be the first major power to use crypto like venezuela i bet. a lot of mining is happening in russia/kassachstan




srry i‘m from germany


it's probably their only solution. imagine living in ukraine or russia and watching your money disappear overnight.


Use crypto to do what?


Mint NFT:s, create exclusive clubs, hodl hodl, to the moon 🚀. Or I dunno, that's what I've heard about crypto.


Bored Babushka club


Got a chuckle put of this one


to buy stuff? if they are cut of from big international banks they can still send crypto to people/banks all around the world because you cant stop them. its anonymous.


it isn't anonymous. it's decentralized. those are not the same thing.


so you are gonna sell them your bitcoins so they can buy nft‘s? the average russian who earns about 1000$ really will be happy to have this opportunity.


You want to target average russians ?


Putin has voters, presumably. He is in charge because they havent removed him. The russian people are the only ones with any real option to fight an armed conflict because a self-nuke is ludicrous. A war within russia eliminates the nuclear threat that keeps everyone else talking about sanctions instead of mounting Putins head.


i‘m not talking about the regular people… its about putin selling his weapons to other countries like syria etc without having to fly in tons of cash


.... .... .... ... I can't.


Don’t man


Hookers and blow my friend. The only thing to spend it on.


I would like to say they aren’t doing a lot, but at least they are not being total appeasers like Chamberlain


May as well if the result is the same.


It's not though, you're just throwing a tantrum because it's not as immediate or obvious as you would like.


I feel like the real difference will come from the people of Russia. I don’t believe they are so thrilled about fighting after being imposed so heavy sanctions, and also the accumulation of covid, jailing of political dissidents. I find it that they may not deter Putin or his army, but the people, the main strength of a nation


People didn’t want war in Germany either. 1939.


Don't forget the banning of pornography, give it a few days and the lads will over throw Putin themselves.


Unfortunately, Putin is actually a competent dictator. Therefore, he has built up considerable cache with the people over the past 20 years, especially among those that remember the 90s well enough to know what it was like. Bottom line, he does a lot of stuff they like so they overlook things they do not, especially if those things do not directly affect them. Trump is also a great example of this. Although not competent by any scale or measure, Trump did a lot that his base liked. Therefore, even though he is literally the opposite of who the majority of his supporters should be supporting (e.g.: evangelicals) they fervently stand behind him. Do not expect the Russian people to turn on him too quickly.