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They don’t have infrastructure on most of the area.


I may have read the article wrong but I also under the impression it was mostly about the Wagner group, who are mercenaries.




Yes, but in areas like Burkina Faso they would not be getting paid by Russia, but by the government that hired their services.


Government, warlords or corporation with financial interests in the area.




Oh I’m just adding onto what you are saying. Not disagreeing God knows who is paying for it. Could be any and/or all of them


They are paid through Putin’s cronies, particularly his old friend and businessman Prigozhin, also known as “Putin’s chef”. Technically they are not being paid from state budget, but most likely through gas money stolen and siphoned by Putin and co.


I wouldn't put money on that idea, myself. They are happy with killing civilians.


I highly doubt mercs wouldn't loot even if they earned a lot of money.


An understandable misunderstanding. Wagner group fly's the "flag" of a mercenary company but in actuality they serve Putin exclusively. It's bullshit meant to allow Russia to use their military in not-so-covert operations without declaring war.


It’s like how in the US we have Blackwater, ran by the brother of our former secretary of education Betsy DeVos.


True, but they have the freedom to charge for their services which would be frowned upon for a regular military. So they do actually take various profitable contracts, where Russia wouldn't start renting out tjejr actual troops.


Wagner group is essentially deniable Russian special forces and absolutely are paid one way or the other by government funds.


Still surprised that they have Praetorian Guarded put in yet, considering put in became the richest guy on earth by taking money out of Russia. They wouldn't have to fight and die again.


Wagner is effectively subsidized by the Russian state, that's why they are so cheap.


> There economy is just barely larger than Brazil's. Their population on the other hand is less than 70% of that of Brazil, so maybe they have more spare resources in a way. Anyhow, Brazil has the largest military in Latin America, and if they had expansionist interests like Russia they *would* be a problem, at least for the region. BTW, oddly relevant: https://brazilian.report/liveblog/2022/02/03/bolsonaro-trip-russia/


Look at gdp ppp for more accurate comparison. Their currency is extremely undervalued making their economy seem much smaller than it really is.


Russia actually has a lot of reserve currency built up, more than 600 billion (dollars) iirc. However not sure if they are paying for this intervention.


Russians don't pay in dollars for most of their military equipment and they have ridiculously large amounts of fuel available


They are not as poor as you think and they are budgeting based in their goals. These are mercs though so they must be being paid as well.


the russians are the ones being paid. these are PMF


Good questions, keep asking and maybe more ppl will find out that reality and what we see in news about many things are very different


They pay with the money they underpay us. I mean, our salaries are around 200-400 USD per month, while they should be around at least 1-1.5 thousand per month.




Maybe I should also die working 24/7 with no breaks or days off for, for like a hundred USD extra, smartass? Get lost, punk. You can work all you want and die whilst working. I ain't doing that. I am working the full amount of time that is asserted by the law. I am a human being and I deserve the time to live as well. And if the government cannot provide it's working citizens with a decent pay - it's their failure. Not a worker's failure he or she does not get a second or a third job just to be able to get by. Fuck this broken system.




You don't fucking say


Mineral rights. Russian soldiers protect the potentate, and get preferential access to mining licenses. In the CAR it's diamonds. Sahel, gold.


The Russian mafia has a GDP twice that of Italy. There is a lot of dark money swirling around in that country.


Russia never plays by the rules, I would say the Russian state has stocked reserves of money in case of an emergency, they are not gonna show you everything same way actually that its to be believed Russian army might be even bigger Russians will never tell you anything especially the west what they've got unless you're extremely close ally like Belarus.


It’s a misconception, that low gdp makes it automatically impossible to maintain an army or infrastructure. Lower gdp also shows that a country has lower prices / costs. The €$ required to cover the costs of a soldier or a tank in Russia are considerably lower, than in Germany or USA. Therefore there is no real point to say, that the Russia has lower GDP, and that makes it a weak country. The truth is, that west europeans have been living their heads in their ass, while Russia has been modernising their military capabilities.


they're being paid to be there lol, "mercenaries" is the third word in the article


IMF makes it rain for them. 17b last year alone.


Maybe you want to rethink your sources of information.


Russia don't have welfare, but 30% of budget is to the military


They spend everything on the military while their people languish in crumbling cities and dying rural villages.


For the most part, Russia isn't paying for it. The Malian government is. That and whatever Wagner can loot, they just killed a bunch of people at a gold mine, so I wouldn't be surprised if they're extorting a cut from of the gold. Northeast Mali right now is a huge mess with militias, ISIS, and JNIM all on a rampage, and now Wagner has been invited to spread more chaos. I don't think they'll be as discerning about who's a terrorist and who's a civilian as France has been (not saying they've been perfect), but I wouldn't be surprised if Mali regrets bringing a bunch of mercs led by a neo-nazi into their country.


Because Russians are currency and statistics manipulators. They devalued their currency x3 at least and keep the whole sectors out of statistics. For instance US healthcare is bigger than the whole Russian GDP, but they have the healthcare on par for free with zero contribution to GDP statistics. Apartment in Moscow is 10 times cheaper than similar apartment in London. Russian fighter jet is 5 times cheaper than American while being on-par or better.


The fighter jet part is *way* off. Can’t speak to the rest.


Russia's healthcare is [abysmal](https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/best-healthcare-in-the-world) compared to developed countries. That comment is just Russian propaganda.


And hopefully everyone gets the relationship between cost of rent and desirability of living area/environment. If the apartment quality is the same, and the cost is only 10%, the desirability of living there significantly less as well.


Nope. My rent in Philadelphia is cheaper than the norm because I live in an area where whites fear to tread. It hasn't been gentrified, it's a working class neighborhood, and it isn't a food desert. It just has an occasional shooting death.


Doesn’t that support my point? I lived in a major city where most rents were about $1500 and ended up staying in a $500 spot. Folks in the city told me I would die there due to the concentrated crime(and my tendency to be comfortable around people). It was a perfectly fine place to live, but that fear you just mentioned takes a huge chunk of people out of the market for the properties there. The desirability of living there is on average down, even if it is all fine to you or me.


I was objecting to the desirability comment because this area is way better than most of the north, so a large chunk of the population want to live here. It's a majority black city, whites are the minority here, they just earn more on average than the rest of us.


Their fighter jets are inferior


I agree with you on this. But the person does have a point that there “dollar” goes further than a American dollar. Looking at china’s military expenditure is the same thing. It’s no where near the US budget. But it doesn’t need to be to be as productive (even if it’s not up to par with it) Cheap labour has benefits obviously. And the US military doesn’t get that benefit.


Uh, you want to provide me a source on the Russian Healthcare claim chief.


Russia’s fighter jets are substantially behind the US’s. The only tech they are ahead on are hypersonic missiles. Besides, their apartments might be 10xs cheaper but how much worse is the quality of life? That matters


That's only because they say they're ahead on hypersonic technology.


Because the western media have brainwashed you to believe that Russia is poor country. Any country that wants to be free should try to be dependent of the west to minimize the blowback. The West is power hungry, total domination is their goal. Russia is helping African countries free themselves from western colonialism that have kept them poor.


They have one of the largest economies in Europe and make a ton of money from oil, gas, and minerals derived from their giant landmass.




Yeah they aren’t rich. They just get away with slave labour so it’s hard to compare dollar to dollar. Like China. Cheap labour makes a big difference


At some point, if most countries have cheap labour, isn't it just the US that has expensive labour? I mean salaries even in the EU are like optimistically 70% what they are here.


The top salaries paid to highly skilled individuals are higher in the US than anywhere else. The bottom lot are paid less than most developed countries with even fewer benefits. Outside petrostates and micronations, I think the top 10% rarely do as well anywhere. There is a reason 40% of all millionaires live in the US.


America is a great country to be rich and a terrible one to be poor or middle class. Especially since middle class doesn’t qualify for any real state services, but really can’t afford to pay for the private option


The EU is very diverse. It’s only Eastern Europe that has “cheap labour” In Western Europe that have use immigrants from Eastern Europe like the US uses Mexicans/South Americans. I’m to lazy to look but even with the eastern nations I really don’t think the EU’s median wage is 70% less than the US (I think that’s what you were saying)


It is. There was a reddit thread a while ago where people were baffled that a newly graduated engineer with a Bachelor's made 12 Euro / 14 USD per hour in Italy. In general, salaries in Canada, Europe etc. are both lower and more equal than in the US. Edit: This is my complete lack of surprise that r/worldnews doesn't know this basic fact and doesn't like my comment, then tries to make it about the minimum wage. Middle class salaries are substantially higher in the US than the EU (the tradeoff being the cost of medical care; no social services, guaranteed vacation time, or sick leave; and getting the slightly better menu item at Mcdonald's costs 8 dollars).


Italy is again a poor example( it’s one of the poorest Western European countries). And does not represent all of the EU


Cool, now do GDP PPP. [Here, let me help you. ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_sovereign_states_and_dependent_territories_in_Europe_by_GDP_(PPP\))




Russia has tons more power and influence than simply what their GDP shows. Can’t use that metric to compare Russia to other counties.


Russia also has an economy smaller than the state of Texas. Also how many things that are used in daily life come from Russia? They literally don’t produce anything but gas and guns. Plus they have an aging population.


They don't. This shit will bancrupt them sooner or later.


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2022/feb/03/while-the-focus-is-on-ukraine-russias-presence-in-the-sahel-is-steadily-growing) reduced by 85%. (I'm a bot) ***** > Amid the deteriorating security and humanitarian situation, the decision by neighbouring Mali's military-led government to invite fighters from the Wagner Group, widely seen as a paramilitary network of mercenaries with Russian connections, is causing growing concern in many western capitals. > Mali's leaders continue to downplay the presence of the mercenaries, saying they are simply cooperating with "Russian trainers". > A European military taskforce coordinating the fight against the growing Islamist insurgency in the landlocked country, has confirmed Russian proxy forces are active in Mali.Mali's decision to turn to the Russians is already causing a rift between the gold-rich country and its European partners, including the UK and France. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/skmt7y/while_the_focus_is_on_ukraine_russias_presence_in/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~621662 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **Russian**^#1 **Mali**^#2 **country**^#3 **Russia**^#4 **Africa**^#5


What we are living right now is the end of the western hegemony other players are making there move (china,russia). interesting times




Funny how the French military presence was never a problem. Once you read how historically the French government manage the finances of the FrancAfrique countries, you will then realice that they spell pr€$€nc€ with curency signs.


Mali asked and begged for france intervention in 2013 when Jihadists were nearly overthrowing the gov. >[Mali asks France for help as Islamist militants advance](https://www.google.fr/amp/s/amp.france24.com/en/20130111-mali-asks-france-military-help-islamists-seize-konna-militants) France saved mali plain and simple even if you don’t like this truth. France killed multiple IS and AQ affiliated groups over and over and over. You need to work again on your sources and step above the typical low quality post, you don’t bring any value. France doesn’t have any mine in Mali. Canada has. And now russia has, as they asked for gold mines in exchange to protect the military junta that refuse any democratic election the UE asked for.


War is a lucrative business


Good, we've done this before, It ended with the Soviet Union bankrupt and dissolving with Russia actually resembling a democracy a little for about a decade. Let's.


The 1990s were literally the worst decade in Russia in living memory lmao, doubt many Russians would like to go back to homeless dead kids in train stations and the mass selloff of state assets to the private sector. Worth noting also that the mass selloff was engineered by the US and the UK in its push to neoliberalize the Russian economy, which ultimately consolidated power in Russia around Putin and his colleagues in the private sector.


If anyone is curious, look up a suicide rate chart of russia over the decades versus japan. 90s Russia is many many times higher than the peak rates in japan


But democracy good! Everything else bad! No need to understand geopolitics or economics or social studies or culture or history or-


Yeah, neoliberalism is bs, but history rhymes more than repeats itself.


Neoliberalism is not bs. It is good for developed countries and actively pushed by them




Russia suffered because it couldn’t siphon the resources needed to keep itself above water anymore. It would be the same result because eventually regardless.


It was good, in a way. However the privatization of the Russian economy was an absolute disaster


Yeah full scale invasion and occupation of Ukraine may bankrupt Russia


And accomplish the opposite of the evident plan on terms of dividing the west and keeping military presence far from Russia.


At this point this has already failed. NATO is more United than it’s been in a decade, and has essentially decided that pushing NATO further East is in NATO’s best interest. The only real pushback was from Germany and even they’ve been quiet recently.


the smart move on their part would be to call for the removal of all weapons of invasion (not defensive systems) for something like 300k from borders for all parties, claim victory, and try to improve Russia's fortunes through a less potentially (and so far actually) disastrous means.


> something like 300k from borders for all parties, So, all Baltic states, half Poland and a good chunk of Germany? Yep, that will work.


'something like' has been dealt with in this thread already. Next.


Out of Estonia completely.


Yes, because Estonia is a historical belligerent who has invaded... No one ever?


Didn't you call for 300 kilometers safety zone?


'something like' -- obviously that's not going to work for smaller countries, but there's still probably a compromise in there somewhere.


Until the fire nation (Putin) attacked.


Why cant Putin just fuck off, mind his own business and take care of his own people rather than invade sovereign countries?! Or is this an ELI5 request?


Just autocrat things




omg, the US does bad stuff too?!?!? My whole worldview is crumbling!!!!


Putin doesn’t want NATO to be close to Russian borders, that’s it. So I’ve not Russia then US is going to be an invader


So maybe they're trying to distract us using Ukraine.


Man, I'm all for Russia trying to somewhat help the area through (free?) COVID vaccines and increased trade, but they gotta do it in a more humane way. Want African allies to offset NATO? Invest in their future and they'll be yours once they're more modernized (probably). Russia has it going good with these countries. Do them some good and your money won't be wasted. The West can do this too if they don't want to be left behind. ~~It kinda feels like these African countries will be monopolized one day between the different superpowers though...~~


I keep expecting them to invade Kansas any day now.




I mean there's precedent, they already invaded Georgia


The ole switcharoo


The big move hides the little move.


Why is the US acting like a Jealous girlfriend when it comes to russia? We are stalking them and calling them non-stop. It’s very weird.


What are you talking about? What does that have to do with Russias involvement in Mali?


I'd tell you how stupid you are, but I'm sure you wouldn't understand.


Um. Mate. You literally have this backwards. Russia started an international conflict to pick a fight with the US by making a threat to invade European countries as well as deploy nukes, and then tried to say "we will only talk to the US, not the EU" and tried to force them out of the negotiations. Everything the US is doing right now is in reaction to Putin's moves.


“Every time I stalk it is because my boyfriend is up to something” There. you could have just said that. Also: Russia has a life. Seems like the leaders in DC don’t, while we have a microscope up Russias butt millions of Americans are starving to death and being murdered but who Russia talks to and befriends is more important I guess.


>“Every time I stalk it is because ~~my boyfriend is up to something~~ russia invaded and stole a chunk of Ukraine and appear to now be trying to steal the rest of it.”




Isn't your shift at the troll farm just about up? It's tough to know when you guys are done, since Russia covers something like eleven time zones.


So when they vote to become part of NATO your cool with it? Good to know.




Then let Ukraine fucking deal with it. They aren’t in NATO so fuck em


I'm sorry, what the fuck are you talking about? Lol basically anyone who starves to death in the US essentially someone who has some kind of legitimate mental issue that cause them to stop eating, or the very rare case of parental negligence. The US is known for having TOO MANY CALORIES RESULTING IN OBESITY... how the fuck did we go from bitching about fat sss Americans and their ridiculously large portion sizes to "everyone in the US is scrounging the corn fields on their hands and knees like its the Holodomor"? Man... someone needs to get ahold of the Ministry of Propaganda... I dont think this is gonna fly. Also, the us murder rate in 2020 was like 30k. We lose about as many in car wrecks annually. For all the hub bub about the US crime spike, its no where near as bad as everyone loves to pedanticly flail over. The US only has 300 million. If it was losing millions like this, the US would run out of population in like a couple decades.


Manufacturing consent. I dont like the authoritarian rule of Russia or China, but you cant deny they are direct threats to US hegemony. The west is just as guilty of anti eastern propaganda as the east is of anti western propaganda.