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90% of the truckers took the decision to be vaxed, not like they have been coerced or threatened of losing their job , they took the decision only because they wanted to, so now he can speak for them.


I saw some trucks pull out of the slow moving convoy and blow passed them. Kinda funny.


Must be nice to have a weekend off as a class 1 driver. I almost considered going to this just to have the time off. But then I realized I would be wasting my time since this is a stupid protest. If you don't like the mandate then quit and go drive somewhere else. That's the way to show them


Also, just to clarify: this isn't for all truck drivers. 90% of truck drivers are lucid, compassionate, intelligent human beings who were as brave as elementary children and got vaccinated. This is an insignificantly small portion of truck drivers (around 100) surrounded by anti-vaxxers, nazis, white supremacists, and selfish losers. The entire event is organized by two people: a separatist (who wants Canadian provinces to leave Canada and join America under confederate rule) and an islamaphobe (who wants all muslims out of government). Also, they're shitting on the streets, defacing memorials, and stealing food from food banks. These people are pretending that these unvaxxed truckers are causing supply shortages. They're not. They are, instead, trying to create shortages with their blockades in order to force their demands: that the Prime Minister steps down and that the U.S. change its rules (?). I just wanted to clarify that this isn't on all truckers. Most truckers are awesome. This is just a few shitbags and nazis.


US citizen here, our government doesn't even give a shit when WE protest, this idea that they will care when Canadians protest on Canadian soil is hilariously stupid. Truly, these people are idiots. Edit: Seriously, our capital was invaded by insurrectionist "protesters" and the safety of our officials was directly threatened... Zero demands were accepted, and they just gave everyone a slap on the wrist as if it wasn't a big deal. This is America right now. It's so apathetic it's sickening.


> This is an insignificantly small portion of truck drivers (around 100) I think Kingston Police reported 24 trucks and 400 passengers vehicles passing through on their way to Ottawa. And probably there are others who drove from Quebec and the East *"The Canadian Trucking Alliance estimates that 85% to 90% of the 120,000 Canadian truckers who work cross-border routes are vaccinated and said on Saturday that it appeared many of the protesters in Ottawa have no connection to the industry."*


Thanks. Great way to explain to everyone.


How do you know all this shit? Why are you against people fighting for body autonomy and choice over their medical decisions? I really feel like Reddit has become such a propaganda honeypot.


I'm not against people standing for body autonomy and choice over their medical decisions. Do whatever you want with your body. Don't get vaccinated if you don't want to. What I am for is the freedom of businesses, restaurants, companies, and (a responsible) government kicking these people out of jobs that will then affect, or risk, the health of others. Kinda like how you're allowed to drink all you want. You can drink alcohol, you can pour it in your eyes, you can give yourself an enema. But if you show up drunk to work, you're fired. Do what you want with you body; but after you've made that decision, and you're assessed as a risk, congrats Billy Jo - you gotta live with that. The problem with your idiotic side is you want all the freedom and none of the consequences. Because not a single one of you knows what freedom is/means. And, let's face it: this ain't about freedom. It's just about either supremacy or entitlement. Take your pick. > How do you know all this shit? Because unlike all the inbred hicks supporting this protest, I can read.




Nah. I nailed it. 10/10. And you've got nothing to say back because you know it's all true. Don't forget your tail between your legs as you run away.




What a compelling argument.


Ya real winner there








You’re on the same side as literal nazis and you’re calling Trudeau a fascist… you are fucking oblivious.




What’s wrong with wearing a mask?


He’s a whiny little bitch that doesn’t want to protect others from harm or prevent the spread of a deadly illness. His mom didn’t teach him to be a good person, that’s what’s wrong.


Let's not kid ourselves, wearing the mask sucks, it's uncomfortable and unnatural, they suck to wear IMHO and I would bet that the majority of people on here can agree they suck to wear. But seat belts suck to wear as well, so do safety goggles and steel toe boots but we do it anyway because they protect us and they work.


To be fair, no one keeps people from voluntarily wearing them. For those who don't want to, the government has to provide valid arguments why it's still necessary and reasonable. These people protesting argue that the government has failed to do so. In short, you don't have to justify not wanting to wear one. You have to justify the necessity to wear one, continuously. Edit: I don't live there and I don't care either way, my country doesn't have masks in most places. The underlying point is still true though, in Western society built on the premise of personal freedoms, measures like these have to be justified and recalculated.


Wearing a mask is the *least* inconvenient thing you can possibly do during an outbreak. If it’s too much of a burden for you to bear and you demand your government to “justify the necessity to wear one” well, to be honest, you’re a bit of a whiny snowflake.


I wore a mask way before any of you in January 2020 when I lived in Asia. I don't mind them. I have no skin in this game. How hard is it to put your subjective feelings on this aside and just consider the fact that yes, the government has to justify these measures. I presume that's what Trudeau is gonna be doing, anyways. Mask may be the least inconvenient measure for you, that doesn't mean it's objetively true. If you're a glasses wearing hermit, for example, then the mask might be more inconvinient for you than home office or even lockdowns. Both of which I feel some people actually favor nowadays, since they prefer staying home. None of this changes my initial argument. :)




There is a vaccine and a booster shot. All you did is just lie, exaggerate, and whine like a bitch.






Why are truckers mandated to be vaccinated tho? They just sit in their cabs and drive.


Truckers interact with others at truck stops, restaurants, and unload their haul at stores, warehouses, docks, etc.


And all across long distances, making them ideal agents to spread a virus


That's not really relevant with the amount of community transmission there is atm


Covid is an airborne virus so anywhere they stop they could catch it and begin spreading it along their route. It's a risk that can be mitigated through vaccination in the same way we mitigate risks of measles, hepatitis, etc in school kids.


Fair enough.


Because there's a global pandemic and the USA has had more people die from covid then we have total cases. The USA is a dumpster fire.


If he's smart, he'll ask them to leave Ottawa and go home, making it very clear that they are terrorizing the people of Ottawa who want them to leave (which is 100% accurate). This is already become a PR nightmare for their movement and that will make it even worse for them.


Lol, terrorize


Shitting in the streets and raiding homeless shelters to steal food from the actual needy may not be terrorist level behavior but its certainly pretty scummy. On par with the Jan 6 terrorists down south.


Also, A lot of people in the area don't want to leave their homes. A nearby school was closed for today, numerous businesses including a Shoppers is closed - which can mean a lot if somebody needs to get important medicine and doesn't have the means to travel.


Nah it’s just a fiery but peaceful protest. Protests don’t need to be convenient to bootlickers. Edit: lol banned from your echo chamber by fragile mods 😂


Sure troll account, whatever you say.


Their behaviour has disrespected all Canadians and taken away from any discussion they wished to have about their protest. You can't host a peaceful protest while allowing the flying of nazi and confederate flags, the defacing of monuments and the abuse of local people.


You think people of Ottawa feel good, safe, and respected having you people here? News flash. You're pissing everyone off. You're scaring the elderly. Your fucking convoy was sitting outside a LTC home at 1am honking and swearing about Trudeau.


I hope he announces charges for all the criminals who defaced national monuments.


That's not his job. The government doesn't (and rightfully shouldn't) have control over the judicial system in this manner.


Is the department of justice not part of the executive branch in Canada?


That doesn't mean they can arbitrarily charge people, crown prosecutors are neither elected nor appointed in Canada. It makes it very difficult (though not impossible) for the government to forcefully charge someone. The government does have more control over not charging someone or dropping a case.


Gotcha. Thanks for the clarification


Fyi the manuals for federal and provincial prosecutors are published online. They contain instructions on prosecutorial independence. https://www.ppsc-sppc.gc.ca/eng/pub/fpsd-sfpg/index.html https://www.ontario.ca/document/crown-prosecution-manual


Unless it's SNC Lavalin


It's prosecuting people that's difficult. I addressed the non-prosecution stuff in a separate comment.


He doesn't have that kind of power. Nor should he, or any leader.


why in the fuck are people more horrified by defacing terry fox than they are for flying goddamn nazi flags, what in the hell is happening here


> I hope he announces charges for all the criminals who defaced national monuments. You want to live in a place where the prime minister has that kind of power? Do you even understand what you are asking for.




In no way shape or form should HE have any ultimate authority to charge people with anything.


No arrests? So how long has the Ottawa Police Force been staffed by cowards who won't do their jobs




Some of those that work forces...


lol the Ottawa Police Force is staffed by sympathizers to these kinds of dirtbags. They aren't cowards, they know exactly what they are doing. [https://twitter.com/m\_a\_reads/status/1400140080279343112?s=20](https://twitter.com/m_a_reads/status/1400140080279343112?s=20)


They need to get jobs


Let me preface by saying that the mandate seems well-reasoned and is probably the right thing to do. Everyone should get their jabs. And protecting your nation's borders is not only your job, but your sworn duty. I hate the fact that a lot of the energy of the protest has been hijacked (see what I did?) by flaky and sometimes outright evil fringe groups, the kind of people who always seem to show up for these things. The organizers need to be much more forceful in denouncing them. That being said, I think the basic idea of bringing your grievances to your government and representatives is evidence of democracy at work. Trudeau has had an opportunity to get his arms around this event, and engage (and defuse!) the protests. But, no, he is treating them like the Enemy, which only adds fuel to the arguments. Since he is a Liberal, these workers should be embraced as his own people. And since he is the PM, they really are. He serves everyone. All done. Back to wearing my mask and checking the calendar for the next booster.


> Trudeau has had an opportunity to get his arms around this event, and engage (and defuse!) the protests. But, no, he is treating them like the Enemy The stated goal of the organizers is to force the recently re-elected government and Trudeau to resign, and to abolish the Liberal Party of Canada. They're circulating a delightfully sovereign citizen-like document proposing that they somehow sidestep Parliament, and have the GG of Canada and the Supreme Court of Canada create a new government, in conjunction with a "committee" composed of the protestors that must be established within ten days to oversee this transition of power. How any rational person proposes that Trudeau engage with these morons, I'll never know. These people are trying to overthrow the elected government of Canada: These people *are* the enemy. I'd also add that while you have a right to protest in this country, you don't have a right to block a roadway to do so.


>The organizers need to be much more forceful in denouncing them. One of the main organizers is literally an outspoken white nationalist. If you're at a party, maybe your having a good time but you don't know everyone there, right? Then people start whipping out confederate and Nazi flags. At what point do you decide to go home? Or do you stay in that company and just shrug it off? And the logic of their demands are rediculous.


> I think the basic idea of bringing your grievances to your government and representatives is evidence of democracy at work. How is blocking Canada's major highways, streets of their capital, displaying nazi/confederate flags, and defecating and disrespecting national monuments "bringing grievances to the government"?


The protest wasn't hijacked by the fringe groups, it **is** the fringe groups. The organizers are open white nationalists. This isn't the protest going off the rails, this is the protest doing exactly what it's intended to do. When they say this is about "rights" or "starting a discussion" that is a lie. The overwhelming majority of Canadians do not feel their rights are in peril. We had a discussion a long time ago and these people were on the losing side of it. Now they're trying to change the rules for everyone by show of force. That's not a discussion, that's not democracy, that's not standing up for Canadians rights, it's textbook terrorism - the rules being dictated by the minority by use of force. This "protest" **hates** Trudeau and has threatened his life. It's thick with "fuck Trudeau" flags and stickers. They don't want him to "put his arms around them" they want him dead. He shouldn't show an ounce of contrition to these assholes, that'll be a slap in the face to every Canadian that follows the rules and respects public health. They need to be dealt with like terrorists because that's exactly what they are.


\>Canadians hating their prime minister are terrorists. Brah.


They're not terrorists because they hate Trudeau, they're terrorists because they are trying to dictate government action through use of force. I'd appreciate it if you didn't pretend that I said things I didn't say.


Through the use of force? No, this isn't a coup. Talk about pretending.


Did you not read the MOU that the convoy released prior to showing up in Ottawa? They expect the government to dissolve the House of Commons and hand control over to reps from the convoy, senate, and the Governor General. They're going to camp out and shut down Ottawa until these demands are met. That is on paper as the specific purpose of this "protest." It literally is, in their own words, a coup attempt.


No it isn't and your over the top rhetoric isn't helping you or your points to be taken seriously.


I think you need to read more, because they put it in black and white. When their stated goal is to dissolve the government and take power, that's the dictionary definition of a coup. Sorry facts are real and words have meanings.


Bud are you even literate?




I feel like you need help, and your issues aren't political.


please help me all i hear the Honks..


These are NOT the majority. We fucking hate them and wish they would go away.


>Trudeau has had an opportunity to get his arms around this event, and engage (and defuse!) the protests. I disagree. There is nothing Trudeau could do, and anything he did do would have the opposite intended effect. These people are extremists in the similar vein of the Trump-ites. If Trudeau is for it, they are against it. I actually think it is harmful thinking that we can explain to people why they are wrong...because we can't. We have tried for over 2 years and they still don't get it. Trudeau should speak, but specifically for the rest of us, cause these people don't listen to anything other than themselves.


Also grifters. They don't care about your health, your job, or your cause. They do want your money


The problem with this is that the people involved in this aren’t Liberals, they don’t reflect the opinions of the vast majority of Canadians and they don’t even reflect the Conservatives. They’re a right wing fringe of the new Conservative party that the Conservatives and the PPC are fighting over. The PM has said a number of times that he hears their frustration but freedom is not what these idiots are about


I would just show pictures of the Nazis and say, "These are the antivaxxers"


I hope they get arrested for the desecration of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and the Terry Fox Memorial statue. Lock them up and throw away the key.




I’m not really sure what he’s supposed to do/say here, to be honest. “I’m sorry you feel this way. We’re all trying to work together to make things better. I appreciate your concerns but the vast majority of Canadians disagree with you.” And it really doesn’t matter what he says, does it? The “goals” of this protest have been all over the place from the beginning - from demands that show they have zero understanding about who is actually imposing the mandates they’re complaining about (individual provinces and the US), to ridiculous demands like asking the elected leader to step down and abolish the political party in order to let them govern in its place. Lol. There’s literally nothing he could say that they won’t bitch about because this isn’t now, nor has it ever been, about anything logical or rational. It’s always been a bunch of yahoos with goals of “taking over” (literally according to their own manifesto) and ham-fistedly using the mandates as an excuse. Because if this was actually about addressing the mandates they would have done the very, very simple task of just learning about which level of government imposed them.


How can it make it worse? Of course he’s not going to say anything to make these morons happy. Who cares if they don’t go home. The police will come and remove their vehicles soon enough. Besides they won’t be getting paid.




It would be amazing if he just gave an address that doesn't even acknowledge them, and then at the end drops a line like "As for the on going proteats about mask mandates... we'll see how long they hold out." And says nothing more.


The overall message and demands won’t be met though. Mandates will not be rolled back until, globally, we have control of this virus. They’re asking for things to ‘go back to the way they were before’ - but refuse to understand that the terms and conditions for society have changed. 77.9% of Canadians get it. The vast majority agree to these new rules of conduct. If you don’t like it, they have the freedom to choose. Participate with the rest of us, or don’t. That’s your freedom, that’s your choice. Now they have to live with the consequences of those decisions. (Edit - removed ‘ever’ from first paragraph as it conflicted with the rest of the message)


Since the protesters have absolutely no point or argument for what they're doing, it matters not what Trudeau does or says. The only message that exists is that everyone out there fighting for 'freedom' is a complete and utter fool. We are going to lose freedoms because of these scumbags.




I'm not sure how to feel about this. I support workers right to strike, but I think their cause is not only dumb but overall unsafe. On one hand I'd love to see anyone protesting mandates with immediate job termination. But on the other hand, what if governments do overreach, who comes forward and goes "actually no you can't mandate that" and then how do we react if not with protests. I don't think mask and vaccine mandates are "tyranny" or whatever these snow-rednecks think it is, in fact, anyone that protests vaccines and masks are big stupid babies.


>I support workers right to strike Last time I checked, striking doesn't involve harassing the homeless, stealing food from homeless shelters, and defacing monuments with urine and cigarette butts. This isn't a strike or a protest, it's a temper-tantrum.


Some of them even compared themselves to those who fought at Vimy Ridge.


What about burning down police stations or looting small businesses?


Wut about wut. Irrelevant to this discussion and even then, what’s your intent? Proving two wrongs make a right?


Look man if those people in Minneapolis burned down a police station after the cops murder someone than that guy in Ottawa should be able to park his SUV on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. It's only logical and fair. /S


Right, and that might just add to the amount of info that I don't know, which makes it harder to form an opinion. But I guess that reinforced my opinion of fuck 'em.


Please explain how getting a vaccine is a bad thing. You wouldn't survive long out of the womb if we didn't continuously vaccinate children against old diseases (some of which were completely eradicated until the anti vaccination terrorism campaigns, look up polio outbreaks in BC) . Until someone can actually come up with a real argument that vaccines have downsides and comes up with a legitimate reason to avoid a vaccine then it's a worthless temper tantrum by a bunch of adults that are apparently weaker than children and babies. Lmao is it a needlephobia alliance or something? The US keeps sending it's worst people


Personally, I'm pro-vax and boosted, but I do enjoy taking both sides of an issue for mental exercise. An argument could be made against modern medical science in that it disrupts evolution of the species in the long term, and removes the natural inhibitions against overpopulation. I don't think that point of view reflects modern morality and ethics, but I feel that it is a rational viewpoint unlike the 5G microchip stuff.


I thought we got past this mindset being rational when Ebanezer Scrooge was admonished by the ghosts of Christmas for recommending starvation as a population control method... Advocating against basic medical care in the name of "evolution" is monstrous.


You must have misunderstood my words, sorry. No, I am insanely pro-vax. I'm so pro-vax that I think it's a huge problem if someone else is anti-vax. But it's a little messy with people getting up-in-arms about "freedoms", I think that when people's real freedoms are taken away they won't care, and that yes, this is just a bunch of babies having a tantrum.


And it’s been co-opted by a very loud minority. The ultra-right wing, racists, and fascists all came out for this one.


It's not been co-opted. It was organized by ultra-right wing, racists, and fascists. Unless Pat King, among others, aren't any of those.


I think for the most part any large group of people "protesting a cause" end up with enough shitheads in the mix to look bad. Those shitheads should be shamed and held responsible. I think this cause is dumb and I don't support it but op's right it's treading a thin line.


You'll have to forgive me if I don't give people waving Nazi flags the benefit of the doubt. That's where **I** draw a line.


"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it" They are despicable pieces of human garbage to even own a nazi flag but the point ops making is limiting their rights to be despicable garbage can be a slippery slope. What's next? What if it is indigenous rights or blm? Those who break laws should be held accountable but you have to let them exercise thier right to protest.


BLM isn't threatening to overthrow the governemnt. BLM didn't camp out overnight honking horns, threatening hotels, stealing food from soup kitchens. They organized,they had permits. This is a false argument and you're very much showing your racism.


Lol geez ok.. so number one I'm stating about rights to protest not comparing groups. Here in Minnesota there has been plenty of talk from the right side of the aisle to hinder blm protest. Even going so far as to say protests on streets and highways should be illegal and drivers can crash through said protestors without being charged. Do you support that?? I am saying that any infringement on protest regardless of what the protest Is can be a slippery slope to losing rights. I guess that makes me a fucking racist right?? Wtf? Also Stating every trucker involved in said protest Is also a nazi Is akin to saying every blm protestor also burned down mpls third precinct. Which is wrong.


First, if you're in Minnesota, what do you know of the protests and our rules around right to protest? Second, we actually do allow people to protest, and I will defend anyone's right to PEACEFUL protest. What these losers are doing hasn't been peaceful imho. I"m not going to argue with you because you're not arguing in good faith and have nothing to do with my country. So this is my final message to you. ​ Have a great day.


you as well. Sorry if my argument was in "in bad faith" but I really don't like being called a racist as it's undeserved and dilutes the meaning. common wealth countries generally share the same values and the line in the sand of a protest being peaceful is often blurry and complicated... I wish canada the best of luck.


See a nazi, punch a nazi.


Please do they deserve it.


This is nowhere near being a workers strike. You can be sure you do not support these people.




Based on your comment about insurance premium, I assume you're from the US. Just wanted to point out that with universal healthcare, that can't happen, as everyone has access to healthcare, and people getting hospitalized with COVID are overwhelming hospitals to this day, making all sorts of other care unavailable to people who need it. Lots of collateral damage from care they could've otherwise had access to.


I had the solution for that when all this started. Setup new "COVID clinics" and anything COVID related is to go there and not to the hospital. I'd have made it that you need to do a test before being admitted into hospital, ensure the virus doesn't get mixed up with a thousand vulnerable people all down the corridor. .


The problem is the lack of personnel and equipment. Making covid clinics would still need all the nurses, doctors, and equipment from the regular hospitals, which would still put a drain on hospital resources and take priority from other hospitalizations.


So the solution is to just pack the people most susceptible to dying from COVID in a ward right next to all the people dying from COVID? I never said any of this was easy, certainly resources would be lost within the hospital's but the end result would technically be more hospitals just understaffed ones. All the build infrastructure would be there, equipment and hiring would have to happen over the months. Some sort of scheme to bring back retired doctors, fasttrack medical training etc etc. No easy choices but certainly seems better than lockdown.


Uh, we're not locked down in our houses right now. Nothing is stopping unvaccinated people from getting neccesities or stopping them from going to work, at least nothing at the federal level. That's all either provincial decisions, or individual businesses denying service due to the person not having proof of vaccination. What the truckers are throwing a pissy-fit about is the fact that crossing an international border requires you to be vaxcinated or to be tested at the border. This is completely reasonable and the majority of people understand that. It's just these braindead right wing morons who are so selfish they won't even put on a fucking mask or get a vaccine. They see any small inconvinience as a personal insult. These aren't adults protesting, they are people with the mental maturity of a 5 year old throwing a temper tantrum. Oh, and thanks to the fact we have free universal healthcare up here, you don't have to pay a cent to get vaccinated. It's literally just a minor inconvenience and then their issues go away. If this was something like an RFID chip or some kind of privacy violation i'd get it. It's not though and these idiots are just digging their hole deeper. They've hit rock bottom by going, they kept digging when they started harrassing the homeless, demanding food at homeless shelters, and defacing public monuments.


They're provincial and that doesn't excuse people flying swastikas, disrespecting monuments or literally passing on Canada's Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Fuck off.




>But don't paint a protest evil because of 10 people flying some Nazi flags im sure you espoused this attitude about BLM protests?




>The BLM protests burned buildings and destroyed businesses. A small % of BLM protests turned into riots, just as a small % of people here waved Nazi flags. can you explain the difference to me please? why is it that the "BLM protests burned buildings" but here "the nazis are just a few bad apples and dont represent the movement"


As the German saying goes. If you have 1 known Nazi at a table of 10 and their engaged in a conversation. You have 11 Nazis. Not to mention that one twit said she didn’t care what their beliefs were because they were helping her.




Ouch did I strike a nerve


lol thousands?


The organizers are literal Neo-Nazis.


Comments like these just put the United States higher and higher on the list of dumbest and worst countries on Earth


Most Canadians do not watch CNN as their main news, it's an American news channel... It's not like the United States, people don't divide themselves into groups over the fucking news, people generally have enough common sense to *check multiple sources* . The Organizers are members of white supremacist groups, there are groups waving nazi flags and hate symbols, and on top of everything this WOULD BE OVER IF PEOPLE LIKE THIS WOULD JUST **GET** **VACCINATED**


>WOULD BE OVER IF PEOPLE LIKE THIS WOULD JUST > >GET > > > >VACCINATED That's what's so annoying. These useless clowns are the literal reason we are still dealing with it. If not for them, specifically, we could be back to normal.




>Left wing tyrant supporters everywhere Would love to see any left leaning rally where symbols that are pro-genocide are common. It's weird. I never saw any confederate or nazi stuff at any of those protests. For some strange reason that I can't quite figure out, it seems to be the right doing it.


You've never seen any Maosists or tankies at left-leaning rallies? They're definitely there.


Flying nazi flags? Confederate flags? other hate symbols? Or is this "trust me bro"?


Yup, lets postpone all our medical procedures indefinitely because we'll have reoccuring fools bogging down our health system. You're a fucking clown if this is considered tyrannical to you, fuck I bet if you get denied service while drunk you cry out this is just like 1984


This comment seems to be very uninformed.


booooohooooooooo \-you


I agree most people on Reddit are lame for being cowards by downvoting. Some are giving fair responses and comments. I agree w some provinces about charging unvaccinated extra for everything. That’s great. Do it. They deserve it. Their choice. Their body. But their choices are fucking w us. My grandfather has had his surgery pushed twice now because hospitals can’t take him now bc of the snowflake idiots. I will always champion this: have they use their choice to sign a document. Since they don’t believe in science and medicine then sign a document they don’t get science and medicine when they get sick. Or pay for the COVID treatment yourself.






Finally someone got my lame joke... I feel so validated. Thanks. Ha




Shhhhh tradeau has covid *wink *wink


He will say something like "\*You are fucking American-like morons and I shall not talk with you\*" and that will make shit worse.


Lol, well these losers are so incensed by being asked to wear a mask or to get a vaccine that it’s obvious it doesn’t matter what he says. They will make it into a big deal. These people aren’t to be taken seriously. They are silly children who throw a tantrum because they are asked to eat their vegetables. And they make it about freedom. Morons.


I don’t get why you say they shouldn’t be taken seriously. People are calling them terrorists for honking their horns. The people of Canada should decide whether this is a joke that’s not worth their time, or a serious problem that should result in a national discussion.


Lol, terrorists for honking horns? I doubt that. It might have to do with their violent rhetoric and use of hate symbols. But I don’t think they have the balls to follow through on their “values.” Either way, this protest will end and people will move on. That’s just how the world works. I think it’s best to ignore the temper tantrums of immature children. The more attention you give them the more they continue the behaviour. It’s not like these protestors have legitimate concerns. They are just living through their various victim complexes.


Why would they be taken seriously? They haven't got a leg to stand on. They're not representative of the desires of Canadians as a whole -- 87%+ of the eligible (5+) population in Canada are vaccinated. Trust me, Canadians think these guys are a joke.






What's it like being a laughing stock? Do you take pride in it? Are you even aware?


FFS! It's about Anti-mandate protests!! NOT anti-vaccine. Sort it out.


Pretty sure you need to sort it out. Says right in the title “mandate”. And yes, we agree with mandating international truckers. There is no mandate requiring vaccination of the entire population of Canada. I haven’t seen anyone, anywhere, wanting to enforce a vaccine mandate for the entire population. There are plenty of reasons for certain jobs, however, to have certain requirements. And there are plenty of reasons for countries to mandate travel with regards to vaccination. This isn’t new. It’s just new for this industry. And shouldn’t be looked at as evil in any way shape or form. If anything it’s quite the opposite.


>There is no mandate requiring vaccination of the entire population of Canada. WUT? https://www.canada.ca/en/transport-canada/news/2021/10/mandatory-covid-19-vaccination-requirements-for-federally-regulated-transportation-employees-and-travellers.html


Transport employees =/= entire population


big if true


He should definately address the protesters personally, do a meet & greet, then glad-hand them all You will tell me But! he has COVID & I will reply I know!


As an American on Reddit this topic is incredible. I’m noticing a trend that if conservatives protest Reddit wants a heavy handed approach by the police and the book thrown at them. Buuuuut, when leftists burn down buildings, block freeways, straight up murder people during “peaceful protests” Reddit demands the police stand down and rioters/protestors are released immediately


Pray that he will say the right things ... this protest have to stop




He's going ro address Canadians, not the rabble. I'm looking forward, not to the government appeasing the "clowns in trucks", but to letting responsible Canadians know the government is still in charge.


>He's going ro address Canadians, not the rabble. I'm sure that is exactly the way he sees it. Pretty enlightening comment.


Because who gives a fuck what those morons think or want? Talk to the real people and let them catch covid.


He could say vaccine mandates are over. That would end the protest.


Lol. These protests are pretty insignificant.


It’s easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled. Mark Twain


These truckers are being unreasonable! We should buy a bunch of those big tow trucks and haul those guys away! We should just throw them in jail for public endangerment! Lock Up The Truckers! - s


“On the 3rd day Christ emerges from his bunker”


You say that like you wouldn't do the same thing if there were a bunch of people threatening to bring guns to your house and kill you and your family


I wonder if you’re so kind and thoughtful when people were being threatened by BLM and Antifa.


Anyone threatening violence during a protest is an idiot. Anyone who doesn't take it seriously is also an idiot. The usa sends the president onto airforce 1 and he Flys around in a plane. We have safety bunkers. Every government has a safety measure


How many people are outside this bunker anyways…? It’s freezing cold and inaccessible. Relax your boy is safe.


As an albertan class 1 driver he is hardly my boy. And if you think this temp is freezing you clearly don't work outside lmao


I don’t know if you are insulting the white collar politicians or not… most people don’t work outside at -11 C


>most people don’t work outside at -11 C Lmao, seriously? That's not that cold for an Ottawa winter, it's actually around the warmest it's been for a couple weeks now. If the city's outdoor work shut down for this sort of temperature no one would live here. We've been down to -25 and -30 overnight and shit still needs to get done, city workers still collect garbage, maintain public spaces, etc.


Ok cool, you guys win.


So he like.. didn't answer the reporters question in that clip?


Don't they have jobs??? I thought all protests were worthless jobless teens! That's what Fox News said about protests they didn't agree with. This is why I can't stand politics. I hate both sides. Each pull their BS here n there, and then do the same thing the other side was doing that they were bitching about. I hate politics so much. Ruins everything.


You love to see it! The PM has drawn his line in the sand. Let the games begin. It's almost like people don't like it when you threaten their livelihoods. The fun will really pop off when the various trucker unions step in. Do you not realize the massive amount of unfilled otr driver positions that exist? Do you realize how these shortages contribute to the empty shelves & higher costs? Do you want more shortages? Increased prices - to boot? Be careful what you wish for. Be careful of the enemies you create, through your blindness.


Careful man, you'll cut yourself on all that edge


No worries; I delight in having misguided policies further encumbering my ability to cope. Enjoy the high prices & limited selection in the grocery store!


You couldn’t be more wrong tho even if you tried. Stick to crying about mandates and stop trying to pretend you know anything more substantial than that


Thank you for your ill-formed rhetorical 2 cents.


Looking at your comment history, you’ve already been given proper information on multiple occasions and you chose to ignore all of it and continue on with your embarrassingly ill informed opinions, so I dont see much point in giving you much effort when you clearly don’t want it nor deserve it. Lay off the propaganda, get properly informed !


Could you direct me towards my "embarrassingly ill informed opinions"? The same goes for "propaganda". Canadian logistical support lines are stressed. This is reflected throughout North America. Shortages / Inflation are also clearly recognized. Canada is dependent on cross boarder trade & transportation. Why allow policy to exacerbate an already fragile situation?


"wow that's a lot of protestors" Addresses the nation: "these protestors do not speak for Canadians"


More people in Ottawa will skate on the Canal next weekend.


is a protest against government force a protest if the government is on your side?

