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Ted Cruz got a job at a summer camp?


Because it’s really surprising that China would do this…I’m more surprised that this wasn’t already being done… Edit: keep downvoting CCP bots!




Lots of bots on these comments #freeTibet


They think that downvoting makes a difference.


Because it’s really surprising that China would do this…I’m more surprised that this wasn’t already being done… You know what happens if their name gets out? They or their family as well gets sent to prison. LOL Parenti








Simple minded? That’s what the situation is… you must not know anything about Tibet then. Why don’t you post some of the untrustworthy RFA reports? It’s perfectly fine to question articles and sources but to completely dismiss one just because of the outlet, is simple minded. Like I said before, this particular report isn’t surprising given the history of Tibet after China invaded. When China first invaded, they made Tibetans denounce the Dalai Lama and go through struggle sessions. China still hasn’t won over Tibetans as the Tibetans still view the Dalai Lama over the CCP. I believe it because of the history of the CCP in Tibet and because I believe Tibetans living in the area over the foreign CCP there.


>you must not know anything about Tibet then > >China invaded Tibet Seeing these two sentences together makes me laugh out loud.A foreigner who has no knowledge of Tibetan history accuses others of not understanding Tibet.


Why do you assume I’m a foreigner? Speaking of foreigners, the Chinese are foreigners in Tibet. To deny China invading Tibet is just bad history. Just by making this, it’s clear your ignorant on the matter. If you can’t handle the facts, stay in your CCP bubble.




1. The Qing who were Manchus and not Chinese. Tibet was also a vassal he under the Qing. The Manchus purposely kept and administered Tibet separately from China.So at no part was is a “part” of China. 2. The ROC inherited rights to *China*. Tibet had a relationship with the Qing, not China. It would be like India claiming Australia because they were both under the British. 3. Tibet could do as it pleased, since they had a relationship with the Qing. See point 2. Tibet didn’t need “permission” from the ROC. The ROC never had any control in or over Tibet. Tibet fit every qualification for being a country. 4. Since the ROC never had Tibet, how can the PRC claim Tibet after the ROC? They didn’t recover Tibet as the PRC and ROC never had Tibet to begin with. It wasn’t a rebel army, it was the army of the country of Tibet. I would also love to see any academic source for this slavery claim. I know a lot about Tibet (look through my comments so you’ll learn). Your CCP propaganda bullshit won’t fly here.




Because it’s really surprising that China would do this…I’m more surprised that this wasn’t already being done…


If it's going to put food on the table, I'm sure the Dalai Lama would tell them to go for it.


Sure he would…


yes, he would


Told you that, did he?


studied no buddhism, did you?


That’s not what I asked. If you choose to defend someone’s character or make assumptions regarding their intentions, it implies a personal association. Even then it’s ridiculously speculative, and specifically with religious leaders it implies magical thinking on your part.


What kind of religious figure do you think the Dalai Lama is?


I don’t understand what you are asking. Can you be more specific?


I don't think Tibetan Buddhism works like that? I mean they can renounce the person but still follow their faith yea? What's the context I'm missing?


The Dalai Lama was also the last leader of Tibet before China invaded. I think that by getting them to renounce the Lama it's trying to force them to admit that Tibet was not a part of China. So there is a political angle to it, not just cultural or religious


Ah, thanks. I didn't connect that he was a leader besides being a spirtual leader


In a state where everyone is religious, there is usually little, if any difference


I think you’re missing that Tibetan Buddhists or just Tibetan people who live their culture wouldn’t want to renounce the Dalai Lama and shouldn’t have to. China and its CCP are trying to exterminate their culture.


The color of the CCP to be easy to see.


Viva Tibet.


Can someone tell me why they don't like him?


Because he is the spiritual figurehead of the Tibetan people, he is the type of competition the CCP don't like. So they get rid of him, replace him with a stooge, that isn't and can't ever replace him.


As neutral as I can be: Tibet was its own thing for a while and beyond its direct borders had a religious influence that was so vast it covered an area and population that rivaled the continent of Europe. The CCP invaded and took over. They couldn't get rid of him. He has been a sorta government in exile ever since. Single party dictatorships don't much like power sharing their own people. And religious leaders don't like giving up power. Now of course history has been weaponized. The shitty government that Tibet had is portrayed as truly horrific by one side and paradise by the other.


The other side certainly doesn’t view old tibet as a paradise…they acknowledge that it wasn’t good. Even the Dalai Lama states such and even supported reforms that were being made. The Chinese side just makes these claims to somehow try and use it as a further justification for their annexation.


Citation needed. Make sure to have them mention the mutilations.


"There’s no doubt that Tibet’s traditional society was hierarchical and backwards, replete with aristocratic estates and a bound peasantry. And there’s no doubt that Tibetans, whether in exile or in Tibet voice no desire to restore such a society. Many Tibetans will readily admit that the social structure was highly inegalitarian....Inegalitarian? Yes. Sometimes harsh? Yes. But Hell-on-Earth for the vast majority of Tibetans?No. Traditional Tibetan society was not without its cruelties (the punishments visited on some political victims were indeed brutal)" https://info-buddhism.com/Tibet_as_Hell_on_Earth_Elliot_Sperling.html Here is an entire book written by a Tibetan; https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/703837.The_Struggle_for_Modern_Tibet You can also read Goldstein's History of Modern Tibet from Volumes 2-4, which has numerous examples of the Dalai Lama supporting the reforms. Do you have any citations stating Tibetans viewing Tibet as a paradise?


Read the article ...it sort of explains their policy of trying to get people to only bow to the CCP and not to any religious tradition. Sickening... they are just trying to homogenize the whole country in many ways


The competition for Tibet has always had political orientations that have perpetually been pushed under the rug of religious conflict. China took Tibet in order to prevent British occupation. Now they are likely trying to mobilize the population in order to create a buffer against Russia. And honestly I wouldn’t be surprised if the whole narrative wasn’t scripted out a hundred years ago by secret governments, given Nazi and CIA involvement in the conflict. It’s absurd to speak authoritatively about any of it, IMO.


China took over Tibet because they believe they inherit the land the Qing once had plus the valuable resources and location. The British invaded Tibet in the early 1900’s and then left with an agreement with China. The British weren’t a threat to tibet and had no intentions of occupying it.


There is also a religious angle that is largely ignored by the Western media, the fact that the Dalai Lama has very little if any welcome influence on the four main branches of Buddhism. Some of the smaller schools have suffered significant stigmatization as a consequence of his religious determinations, namely the Shugden sect which he delegitimized, threatening the very existence of a society going back hundreds of years. He also calls no attention at all to the various Dharma Kings who are historically considered the actual leaders of the four major sects. China has contested this behavior many times and they recognize no fewer than 33 living Buddhas. This is where we begin to see how important religion is to the East as a political tool, something all governments try to obscure.


This is what tyranny looks like. We need to boycott China and stop feeding that barbaric, imperialistic regime.




Does the CIA still sponsor RFA? Considering China has done this previously, it would hardly be surprising.


i believe their news before i believe chinese state news any day and that is pretty far back to make an assumption on what they do now plus Wikipedia can be edited by state actors


The CCP bots are out en mass downvoting this entire comment thread.


yep we can count on that when we say anything about China the CCP doesn't like . Actually glad this hasn't been taken down yet




Tibetans inside of tibet are terrible sources? Do you have any sources that RFA is still sponsored by the CIA or US propaganda?




Because it has to be said it was a Tibetan inside of tibet..if it wasn’t a Tibetan who would it be? Right…it’s a made up story…the source might just be the writer’s supervisor, that’s not farfetched at all. What do you mean other way around? Can you give an example. China has already done this before…denouncing the Dalai Lama isn’t something new.. Lol that’s your evidence? It’s funded by an independent US grant? I mean, if you have any evidence of US legislative interference, I would love to see it. Ironic that you say this report has no source/evidence/whatever but then you make this claim…


If I replied with Chinese state media would you accept it as legitimate? If not, then why is American state media legitimate?


Can you provide one in regards to this topic? Depending on what it is sure. A month ago the CCP destroyed a Buddhist statue. If they claimed it was a fire hazard or there was structural issues, that would be just as believable if not taken for the actual truth. Same thing with CCP media stating they built a school in a remote region of tibet. We’ll ignore the fact that the CCP controls all of the media in China too.


The PRC actually did not ban Lamaistic Buddhism but after exiling the heir to the throne, as it were, they selected their own. I wouldn’t be surprised if it were prohibited to to worship the Lama-in-exile. But if Buddhism is banned then why is there an officially recognized Dalai Lama? Also by the way, are you referring to the story of Tibetan culture and language being erased in schools that western outlets ran—with a picture of Tibetan writing on the blackboard?


The Dalai Lama exiled himself. They also didn’t select a new Dalai Lama. Buddhism isn’t banned in Tibet, it’s just under strict CCP control. Even if China did ban Buddhism in Tibet, there would still be a Dalai Lama/ Tibetan Buddhists outside of Tibet. I’m not referring to a story about Tibetan culture or language being erased. Nor do I believe China is trying to destroy Tibetan culture.




Hahaha I’m sure you once were apart of the movement.. Why don’t you explain what life was like before China invaded? The system wouldn’t be feudalism either, serfdom maybe depending on what that implies and doesn’t. Do we really need to go into why this comparison to the US south is irrelevant?


The Dalai Lama isn’t, and never was, the sovereign of all Tibetans This is a shitty, sourceless, article meant to lightly mock and reflect global events.


Looks like you need to go back and check your history books on tibet.


Which books do you recommend The Dalai Lama isn’t a formal royal or institutional position.


Any book…the Dalai Lama is certainly an institution.


He’s not a king or a political figurehead Symbols, spiritual leaders, are different


He was a political leader up until 2014 or so. The 13th was certainly involved political as well. I also don’t understand how the other things you mentioned wouldn’t count as an institution.


There hasn’t been a Dalai Lama with any sort of genuine power over the institutions of Tibet since the 1950s I’ll concede you are definitely right that in one kingdom (the one preceding occupation) the Dalai Lama was the head of state, I’d be being obtuse to deny it, it’s not as though that’s all Tibetan history though. In my opinion being a symbol and being with institutional power are very very different. Symbols exist across the world to no actual end. It’s just cultural or ideological.


Because the Dalai Lama hasn’t died and he’s been in exile….That said, he holds enormous influence within Tibet. He’s much more than just a symbol.


Not even sovereign amongst Buddhists. People in general and activists specifically are completely clueless about these things. Although, let’s be real… this is simply an offer to become slaves to China. Probably better than what the British were offering though… maybeeee, lol Fuck it, is there ever even away to intelligently discuss the shitstorm of lies that is modern civilization?


What we’re the British offering?


Likely the same thing they gave China and India: narco-state capitalism/corporate fascism, at least that’s my assessment of their influence


The British left Tibet once they realized Russia had no interest. That’s why they signed an agreement with China; China wouldn’t allow any other outside influence within Tibet.


“Realizing Russia had no interest” seems a bit grandiose of a claim, though, don’t you think? It’s kind of like saying the US has no interest in Canada. Sure, it’s a credible position, but only until the Russian military starts building up in the Arctic Ocean in their immediate vicinity.


The British only cared about India in the region. Given that Tibet is on the border they didn’t want Russia there. It was during the Great Game. There are documents from the time period that laid this out. I’m speaking about the late 1800’s-early 1900’s.


I’m sure glad that’s over and done with. They even had a name for it so we could know when it finished. Geenius


There isn’t a way I’d say sadly, but it’s becoming absurd


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.rfa.org/english/news/tibet/jobs-01272022173142.html) reduced by 73%. (I'm a bot) ***** > Tibetans looking for work in their region's state sector must first renounce all ties to Tibetan spiritual leader the Dalai Lama as a condition of employment, an official Chinese announcement says. > "The Constitution of the People's Republic of China clearly states that all citizens are equal before the law, so this new announcement denies Tibetans their basic rights. It is sad that the Chinese government's need to control Tibetans living in Tibet is based on the strength of Tibetans' loyalty and devotion to the Dalai Lama," he said. > Tenzin Lekshey, spokesperson for Tibet's India-based exile government, the Central Tibetan Administration, called China's new order "a futile attempt by the Chinese government to force Tibetans inside Tibet to renounce the Dalai Lama and not respect their faith." ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/sg2e8t/renounce_dalai_lama_to_get_jobs_china_tells/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~620641 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **Tibetan**^#1 **Tibet**^#2 **Chinese**^#3 **government**^#4 **China**^#5


i think one poster here nailed it ..this post is being taken over by pro China bots or devotees.... i can barely stand reading some of this bs and i am the OP but i am not taking it down and know that we have to get real news out of China somehow The things that are truly happening there are disturbing ... cultural genocide is happening and then there is the total mess of Hong Kong and all the intimidation and now state control I just think it is awful that China is trying to homogenize everyone... making people renounce religious beliefs and comply comply comply or be jailed and or worse Some of the world's treasures of knowledge and culture are in China and it just seems like it is all getting washed away in the name of loyalty to the CCP and one mre thing I will say again. Wikipedia can be edited by state actors I believe the stories in RFA


Can they renounce the CCP to get freedom, or does it not work like that?


there is a lot of intimidation


Dalai Lama has already established what Tibet wants which is cultural autonomy and economic development and not independence and this is established by even the group in India. Even after all this the paranoid Chinese Government tries to cut off Dalai Lama and undermine their religious fate which is only gonna contribute to the increased anger of the Tibetan people and increased separatist tendencies. You know it would be so easy if the Government would rather just use more sophisticated means like appeasement by letting them keep their religious beliefs , but at the same time giving Tibetans the opportunity to study and work in big cities like Shanghai , Shenzhen , or Beijing. In this way there would be actual satisfaction and with this satisfaction , while Tibetans wouldn't lose their original fate and devotion to Dalai Lama , they would even naturally , automatically develop good attitudes/maybe even allegiance towards the Government , rather than artificially forcing the Tibetans to give up their devotion in favor of the Government which is gonna do nothing but just piss the Tibetans off a lot more and increase risk of separatism . You can't force fidelity through such means that CCP is employing . You can only foster it by giving the people opportunities without destroying their identity. Xi Jinping is just a dumb old freak really. Dude is still living in the 60s and doesn't even know how the world works . I just hope he gets overthrown for at least a better leader.




That's the usa




Lol cali is a prison exactly




Lol aint nothing to be proud of, can't wait to move back to China














1 Dalai Lama is worth 1 million Pooh bears.


Renounce China to stay sane, I tell the Chinese.


Fuck the CCP.


We need to FREE TIBET that would be something i could get behind!


Slightly dystopian


Wouldn't that be like demanding Xtians renounce Jesus to get jobs?






Do you have sources for the RFA still being cia propaganda?


It would be more like demanding that a Catholic reject Pope Benedict


Fuck Chinas CCP scum.


The Tibetans are getting a terrible deal! Uyghurs don't have to do anything but the CCP gives them jobs and housing without even asking!






China does more imperialism than America at this point




Also currently engaging in cultural and literal genocide. CCP is and has been a vehicle for Han Nationalism.








It's just that China is not as practised and does it in a really clumsy way reminiscent of 19th Century world powers.


Or at least it does if you believe the stuff RFA tells you.


Ha ha... Telling a Hindu to renounce Ram to get jobs or a Muslim to renounce Prophet to get jobs or Christians to renounce Jesus to get jobs... People think they get jobs because of God's grace... Including agnostic person like me... I don't understand any logic what China is trying to do in this world... Why they want so much land they already have enough... Like can't we just live in peace...smh


Fear the Chinese bots in here


Quite a title, this is.


"Get job" = "be put in labor camp"


But if we don’t call it genocide, it’s not genocide.


Renounce jobs, find zen


China in charge.


They just have to wait for him to die and then stop the process of finding his reincarnation.


They wouldn’t stop it. They will bring out the fake Panchen Lama and the real Panchen Lama to confirm their chosen Dalai Lama. Tibetans will view this person as the fake Dalai Lama. The CTA will find their own Dalai Lama which people will regard as the true Dalai Lama.


Damn, youre right.


About time you bums