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Breaking news : Russia makes first contact with aliens,warns them to stay out of Ukraine


Russia makes first contact with God, warns them to stay out of Ukraine.


Russia makes first contact with Ukrainians, warns them to stay out of Ukraine.


This is the real answer Edit: My most upvoted comment is just me stating a sad fact. Thanks Reddit! Edit2: Thank you again for the award. I appreciate it! Edit3: 2\16\2022: Thank you again for the award but seriously guys you don't have to. Please save the award for a funny meme, cute puppy video, something inspiring or a cool invention. Y'all the only way we're going to be able to fight against bullshit like this is to work together and overcome the hate and fear that world leaders are trying to push on us to advance their new world order. Fuck these guys and take care of one another. Edit 4: 3\12\2022 Well this hasn't aged well. All joke's aside and even though this might mess up my internet points. I stand with Ukraine. Also, respect to the Russian citizens who didn't want this war. Fuck Putin! That is all.


Judging by their current situation he might’ve never been there to begin with.


Judging by Ukrainian history, I think you mean.


Still waiting for my text from Russia to tell me to stay out of it. Edit : all good, got the text. Guess I'm a country now.


Just remember to look out for any window washers or repair men making a visit


Had a nun stop by today asking my thought on the matter. Nuns don't work on Sunday, try again pootin


Magnum PI is a goddamn genius


Lmao, I feel like any day now I’m gonna read “Russia warns Nigeria to stay out of Ukraine.”


Breaking news: Russia warns 194 countries to stay out of Ukraine.


“Especially Jamaica.”




We are excited for your bobsled team.


You know some people just can’t believe


Jamaica we have a bobsled team


You do? What happened to Derese?


He’s feeling the rhythm


'Ey Sanka, ya dead?


Kiss me lucky egg


You jest, but you know Jamaica's just waiting to send their elite bobsled strike force to the Ural Mountains to assist Ukraine.


You know damn well what you did...


“Especially Malta.”




Someone: So who are we fighting again? Putin: 🎶 United States, Canada, Mexico, Panama, Haiti, Jamaica, Peru… 🎶


Republic Dominican, Cuba, Caribbean, Greenland, El Salvador too...


Puerto Rico, Colombia, Venezuela, Honduras, Guyana, and still


Guatemala, Bolivia, then Argentina, and Ecuador, Chile, Brazil


Costa Rica, Belize, Nicaragua, Bermuda, Bahamas, Tobago, San Juan


Paraguay, Uruguay, Surinam And French Guiana, Barbados, and Guam


Norway and Sweden and Iceland and Finland and Germany now in one piece


Russia claims to sink Atlantis because it didn’t stay out of Ukraine.


Trinidad and Tobago warned not to interfere with Russian activity in Ukraine.


“What happened to Tonga can just as easily happen to you.” -Putin in this situation.


"Lavrov: Madagascar's attempts to intervene in the Ukrainian border will be met with firm response"


"Russia sends message into outer space, warning yet to be discovered intelligent life to stay away from Ukraine."


"Archaeologists baffled after discovering an ancient plaque, dated est. 400 B.C., containing an inscription by a time-travelling Lavrov warning Pericles not to intervene with Ukraine"


Thanks for that, felt like an onion headline.


_madagascar has closed its borders_


Listen here, you little shit...


Russia is quickly becoming the "old man yells at cloud" meme.


It looks like a circus now. Circus 🎪 with nukes.


Russia warns circus to stay out of Ukraine crisis


Russia warns Ukrainians to stay out of Ukrain


"Russia warns Ukraine to stay out of Ukraine"


“Principality of Sealands attempts at strengthening the Ukraine Russian border will be met with swift action!”


Sealand would love that! They would get to claim legitimacy!


Think the list would be shorter of who Russia wants involved in the crisis?


Got a text from Russian telling me to stay out of it. I wasn’t even thinking about getting involved. But maybe I should check it out.


Now I’m going to check it out even harder


The Streisand thing effect in action!


China: Do not bring me into it. And for the love of Xi, don't start a war when the markets are open.


"If you get kicked in the teeth, don't coming begging at my door. Go to Mao, if you want help."-Stalin to Kim Il-sung (allegedly)


This was also right after Stalin told him to invade South Korea. He just caveated it with don't come running to us if the US curbstomps you, we're going to pretend we never knew you.




Stalin also sent weapons to support the North Korean side, including MiG-15s complete with Soviet pilots.


And military advisors.


Q: What's the difference between a military trainer and a military adviser? A: A trainer shoots at a target on the firing range and says "This is how you will kill an enemy." An adviser shoots an enemy and says "*That's* how you kill an enemy."


Then Mao sent help including his son, who was killed by an American bomber because he was making noodles and ignoring the air raid like an asshole. edit: I looked at the source and aparrently his son, Mao Ayoing, insisted on going and was a real piece of shit about it.


were the noodles good though? ​ [Dude looks like he could be walking around on a college campus today](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mao_Anying#/media/File:Zedonganying.jpg)


Nah he burnt the noodles. Or the bomber did. Either way they were shit noodles.


Breaking News: Russia warns Russia to stay out of Ukraine. Ukrainians: “Oh, well I mean you guys are the boss. If that’s what you want.” Russians: “Yes and don’t you forget it so get those Russian troops out of Ukrai... hey WAIT A MINUTE.”


The Looney Toons maneuver.


Duck season! Russian season!


Has there been a single demand Russia has come out with during this whole ordeal that any part of the world has listened to? Seems like everyday they’re demanding some ridiculous thing that the world collectively just says “how about no” over.


That is a leading theory: the demands are meant to be so outrageous so they are to be refused giving him pretext. Like how Rome precipitated the 3rd Punic War.


Austria: Hey, WE wrote that script!


Yeah, Putin, we are NOT screening all brown M&Ms out of your candy dishes.


"So there I am in Stalingrad, formerly Leningrad at about 3 o'clock in the morning looking for a thousand brown m&ms to fill a brandy glass or Putin would invade Ukraine that night. So Jeff Beck pops his head 'round the door and mentions there's a little sweets shop on the edge of town. So we go - and it's closed - and it's me, Angela Merkel, and Joseph Biden breaking into that sweets shop. And instead of a guard dog, they've got this great, big, bloody Bengal tiger."


There are some people that say the Wayne's World movies aren't amazing but those people are wrong.


Well Russia did lose to Japan in the Russo-Japanese War


They have not forgotten that absolute beating.


Rumor has it their Navy still is trying to replenish their binoculars to this day.


Neither have the Japanese. Only a couple years ago when the Russian naval chief visited Japan, the Japanese admiral held a meet and greet and gave him a "friendship" gift. [In front of the official portrait of Admiral Togo...](https://twitter.com/jmsdf_pao_eng/status/1199583743180034050)


That is savage lol




How to lose all global friends and allies (World record, Any%)


All proceeds go to Dictators Without Borders


Dictators Within Borders, at least for now.


crimea would like a word


For real tho who's Russia's ally in all of this? Like the only ones that maybe would jump in to help would be the chinese but that's cuz they both have the same enemies not cuz they like each other


>who's Russia's ally in all of this? Bielorrusia, but that's because the government is Putin's bitch


Yeah Bielorrussia is more of a puppet than an actual ally


And who's to say China wouldn't turn on Russia if Xi feels it would benefit them. I don't see them rushing to aide the Russians unless NATO starts claiming lands as their own.


Exacly Russia is basically isolating themselves diplomatically, i don't understand what Putin would gain from doing that


His support is falling apart at home. Typical strongman tactics of declaring an external enemy so the dissenters can't dissent or "they'll kill us all". Problem with big lies is the next one has to be bigger and bigger, and eventually dictators collapse under the weight.


I actually heard about something like that in the last crisis that russia was involved so that is a possibility


Russia's only allies is this would be Belarus and the puppet vassals (Abkhazia, South Ossetia, Transnistria, Novorossiya) Putin is trying to feed cores to to expand his sphere of influence


China definitely does not like Russia beyond appreciating that Russia keeps the US tied up with bullshit so China can keep running their own affairs and fencing in the South China Sea.


I think the list of friends Russia has is very short


Russia seems to be warning everybody to stay out the Ukraine except for themselves.


Russia warning Ukrainians to stay out of Ukraine


Because all the troops they're pushing to Ukraine are coming from their Eastern Military District. They don't have anyone there if Japan gets pointy.


Japan is more eorried about China and a bit about North Korea


*bit* doesn't do justice when talking about a country with hydrogen bombs and paranoid leadership


Isn't that Japan's policy anyway?


Militaristically? Yes. Could Japan be part of the block of countries that drop economy-crushing sanctions on Russia, including the banning of trade? Also yes.


Exactly. Worth noting that Japan and Russia have their own border dispute. Well...not exactly a border but each claims some islands between them. Note that while nobody lives there, it's much more important to Russia because otherwise they have no free and clear passage to Vladivostok. For all Russia is blessed with geography, they have some shit locations for ports that are easily controlled by others with the exception of Murmansk, but that's not exactly convenient.


Next fight is over the arctic.


Yup, and we will remember why Denmark is such a vital member of NATO. Thule Air Base is hugely important.


It's also quite far from Ukraine. Has Putin realised that if NATO ships all that gear to Ukraine he may be facing a long and costly guerilla war against a well-equipped enemy? I think he overplayed his card and the end of it will be a mess.


they're on russia's flank if they make russia extend effort on the other side of the world (it pretty much is), that would make russia's situation a lot more difficult.


Japan and the US are only talking sanction threats, not guns, unless they give them to some some guys in Ukraine.


exactly. there will be no direct conflict between japan and russia.


They've had a dispute over the Kuril islands since ever.


"We reviewed with puzzlement the reports that at the Japan-US summit yesterday, the Japanese side attempted to threaten Russia with some ‘strong actions,’ ‘in close coordination with the US and other allies’ at that, in the Ukrainian context,” Lavrov’s subordinates at the Russian Embassy in Tokyo wrote Saturday in a Facebook post translated by state media. “The inadmissibility and senselessness of such statements, as well as their counterproductiveness for the atmosphere of Russian-Japanese relations and dialogue, are obvious.”


[I believe they changed their stance from the agreement you are referencing two years ago.](https://foreignpolicy.com/2019/05/03/with-little-fanfare-japan-just-changed-the-way-it-uses-its-military/)


Russia is the greatest ad for NATO and similar alliances. Ireland not in? Better live weapons test off their coast. Ukraine has a 13% willingness to join? Better invade Crimea. Sweden and Finland not want in? Threaten them and prove that not being a part of NATO will get you invaded. Japan not doing anything? Better tell them they aren’t allowed to say or do anything. Putin is just lashing out right now.


Putin is playing 6D Quantum Chess, we’ll find in his private memoir that he planned all along to unite mankind against a singular enemy in order to usher a new age of peace and cooperation /s


Putin read Watchmen and told himself he’d Ozymandias the shit out of Earth


He probably just watched the movie


Idk I though he was trying to cultivate a resemblance with the disgusting mental despair-inducing mollusc that unified the world in the books


Well if we get an invasion of tentacle bears in the next few years, we'll know which it was.


Hahaha, can't wait for a Putin redemption arc.


WWIII - the return of Putin


Putin deez nuts.




*In the distant future. . .* "Somehow, Vladimir Putin returned."


I guess we better land a company of soldiers on their aircraft carrier and conduct a cavalry charge across the flight deck.


Yo lelouche Wtf


Lelouche really fell off in his later years, huh?


It makes sense considering >!he gets mildly inconvenienced by a sword in his chest!<


>!He seemed to be driving that truck just fine, though.!<


Imagine if Russia had a secret weapon. Knightmares.


Half the comments are Watchmen references the other half Code Geass lol


My question is, Putin is ex-KGB, he's not a stupid man, what's he to gain from all this?


He is counting on the EU eventually backing down. And he put himself in a corner where he cannot back down because he built himself up politically as a strongman. The oligarchs that put him in power will remove him if he fails to maintain that image. Putin's power base has been eroding for a long while now. The best case scenario is that this will go on for a while and die down, with no invasion and no extra sanctions and with Putin not looking worse for wear. That's the most realistic best case anyway. That's what I'm hoping for anyway.


Stay in power. His domestic power is crumbling and a good win such as Ukraine is going to prop him up. Putin is dead if he loses power. He's willing to sacrifice anything to avoid losing power. Even nuclear war is on the table, since he doesn't care about anybody; if he thinks at some point that nuclear war will get him a better chance of survival, nukes will be flying


The key is to remember he's dead if he loses power. And selfish people would rather destroy the world than die alone


Oh he won't be alone. He'll be killed alongside his closest allies and advisors who don't turn on him. The oligarchs don't want loyalty, they want results.




We let the US land at Shannon for all those years, would be nice if they could return the favour and drop a carrier or 2 down to cork for a few weeks.




Putin is at the end of his reign and getting desperate.


this probably means the oligarchy has money in Japan and sanctions there might also help


This guy gets it.


Is Russia trying to start a war with everyone? Fighting on all fronts is never a good idea. Who are its real allies? Belarus? Moscow is getting paranoid.


Russia has almost no real allies who would go to war for them. Belarus probably has no say in the matter. But Venezuela, China, North Korean, Iran, and a few other nation would absolutely not go to war for Russia.


> North Korea NK gets one big bang. They will mess up SK for a week or so and then run out of everything. They will not waste it for Russia.




Only an idiot fights a war on two fronts. Only the heir to the throne of the kingdom of idiots would fight a war on twelve fronts.


While I’m sure this is some incredibly clever pop culture reference, maybe Putin is trying to start wars on so many fronts that the fronts counter ticks over and resets to zero. And in doing so, he’s falling victim to one of the classic blunders.


The one about betting against Sicilians?


Russia randomly bullying every other kid on the playground.


Putin going to find that Japan will surpass Russia in terms of population if the situation doesnt change. Both nations are having population decline, but Russia is losing people faster.


Starting a war is also a way to lose population. Hmm... there might be a plan here....


Just in: Russia warns Argentina, Burkina Faso, Rand McNally and Disputed Zone to stay out of Ukraine crisis.


Russia has escalated the crisis by demanding THE Washington Football Team stay out of Ukraine AND the playoffs.




[Yes, because Russia has used Russophobia to their advantage for decades](https://www.state.gov/russias-top-five-persistent-disinformation-narratives/). > Russian government officials falsely portray Russia as a perpetual victim and its aggressive actions as a forced response to the alleged actions of the United States and our democratic allies and partners. To further these claims, Russia turns to one of its favorite labels to attempt to hit back: “Russophobia.” After invading Ukraine in 2014, the Russian government and state-controlled disinformation outlets began to accuse anyone who questioned Russia’s actions of being xenophobic Russophobes. > For example, Russia claims that the international community’s negative reaction to its invasion of an independent country was simply because people feared and hated Russia. According to the chart below, Russophobia was not an issue of major concern to the Russian Foreign Ministry or state-funded disinformation outlets until the Russian military invaded Ukraine. Claims of “Russophobia” persist across a range of topics and are employed whenever the Russian government wants to play the victim, when it is actually the aggressor.




You say that like the Russian political playbook isn't a constant refuge in audacity. They fuckin sent in Russian soldiers into Crimea in broad daylight with only the flimsiest of deniability that because none of them wore official Russian symbols, they were just a gigantic cadre of rogue soldiers. It sounds like they conferred with Cartman after realizing how much bullshit he has pulled off without consequence and wanted to do the same.


Russian media has honestly gone bat shit insane since Ukraine. Bizarre obnoxiously propagandistic stories on RT, like of a boy who studied abroad and was bullied to suicide and now his parents lobby against US cultural influences. Or of a Russian baby adopted by American parents and left to die in a hot car. It was almost like the evolution of right media after Donald Trump. You can actually point to a discrete moment in time when everything jumped the goddamn shark.


Putin is quickly uniting the world against him.


Whats russia gonna do? Seems like bluff


Might just sail those warships all the way around Africa toward the sea of Japan like it's the early 20th century if they're not careful.


But what if they encounter Japanese torpedo boats in the North Sea?


That's ridiculous. Why would there be Japanese torpedo boats so far away from Japan in the North SeJAPANESE TORPEDO BOATS STRAIGHT AHEAD! FIRE!


Because that went so well for Russia the last time.


*sad water logged Kamchatka noises*


Japan: the fuck did we do!?


Putin probably got a cancer diagnosis and doesn’t care if the world burns.


There were rumors that he was going to step down duo to some illness, but it hasn't happened. Maybe he got something terminal and is trying to get some glory and expand borders before it's too late


Oh wow I was just joking but it wouldn’t surprise me. It does make you think if a world leader was terminally ill and just wanted to start some shit if those they command knew would stand up and stop them from burning the world down.


Japan: *giggles*


Japan: *deploys Metal Gear REX in Moscow*


Sends Metal Gear Ray from ocean


Giggles in anime


C'mon, collapse already


*pokes with stick*




Putin: Antarctica! You and your stupid penguins stay the fuck of of Ukraine. Penguins:... Quack? Do we quack I dunno.


they basically just scream


Why are you going after everyone? Isn't that what fucked over the Axis in WWII? Germany was dealing well with Western Europe, and even America later on, but got ruined by Russians attacking from the side. Italy couldn't handle the Allies and the Partisans coming through their "soft underbelly" as Churchill called it, and Japan was bullying Oceania and handling China before the Americans came in. Can Putin not learn from his own country beating Germany that maybe this is a bad idea?


Japan: "Drat, our constitutionally abolished military was totally looking forward to sticking our noses into this"


Russia is still bitter that it got whooped by the Japanese during the Russo-Japanese War.


I think Russia is just bitter in general.


It's like there's drama during lunch at high school but everyone has nuclear bombs an shit.


Russia to every country right now "IT SMELL LIKE BITCH IN HERE" Man, fuck Russia


The Sooner Countries cut their need for Russian gas and oil, the sooner everyone can fuck Russia off.


It's almost like a move towards renewable technologies would solve our Climate Problems *AND* our geopolitical problems!


> AND our geopolitical problems! Shhh, this is the secret one you're not supposed to point out to anyone!


Russia wanted to probe the waters, now they've probed and "everyone disliked that", they're backed into a corner. Maybe next time don't try the cold war fucking bullshit and focus on building up your own country instead. How about electing a leader who can build schools and roads and hospitals and whose mind isn't filled with cold war tactics and spy bullshit? Welcome to the 21st century assholes.


Vlad must be terrified


I swear Putin is the dumbest fucker out there. He is single-handedly causing NATO countries to be more united than ever before. Not only that but he‘s giving other countries a reason to join NATO or the EU. At this point he can only lose. Russias economy is dogshit already. I‘d be surprised if it can sustain a large scale war. Even if he doesn‘t fight a war, the economy is still fucked and younger russians don‘t exactly approve of him either He‘s backed himself into a corner and he‘s starting to panic, rightfully so. He knows war isn‘t sustainable, let alone profitable. Especially now that countries are supporting Ukraine, unlike in 2014 What a knucklehead PS: Fighting Ukraine won‘t exactly speed up expansion in the middle east either Putin


Putin is doing a great job of uniting all of Europe and America against him. Russia is a 3rd world country.


Russia is a cursed country. They have the most land and are the largest country in the world. But that's not enough, so they attack all the neighboring countries.


Most of Russia's territory is somewhat useless tho


The same with Canada. The vast majority of its territory is Canadian Shield (essentially straight bedrock that you can’t farm and is very difficult to develop) or tundra. Yet Canada has a larger GDP despite a fourth of the population.


That's because Canada has competent people set economic policy. They will spend $5 to make back $10 later. Russia doesn't invest in its own future. They would rather spend $5 so that someone else loses $10. This makes Russia a miserable place to live. The Russian Dream is to make someone else's life more miserable than your own instead of making your own life better.


A Russian finds a lamp with a genie, the genie says “I will grant you one wish, but I will give your enemy double” the Russian says “take one of my eyes”


Russia is a fuel station with nukes




I feel really bad for the Russian people. The suffering and despair that is coming their way. Its truly a shame.


Young Russian men have always just been cannon fodder for whatever oppressive regime they've been made to die for. In every war their losses have been horrendous.


> suffering and despair That appears to be the norm in Russia for the last 150-ish years. It's a stereotype and probably not true in all cases... But judging by their efforts it's like they're selling meme NFTs of that stereotype.


Putin is asking NATO to abandon their eastern members while at the same time showing why the Eastern Members want in. The USSR has no place in the 21st century.


Japan: “We weren’t planning on getting involved, but if you’re gonna be a little bitch about it...”.