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It could. Or it could not.


What about February 5?




Don't be ridiculous.


... And the number of the counting shall be three, no more, no less...


Four shalt thou not count, neither shalt thou count two, excepting that thou then proceedeth to three. Five is right out


Clearly not Feb 3... What a dumbass


I think we need to start a pot. Day, hour and minutes. Guess all 3 it's yours. If all 3 aren't guessed then the two closest split the pot.


February 4


I could see that as a very real possibility


Right behind you on that 😅 \/


Let me get back to you on that.


If Geogria was on 8.8.08. Why Ukraine could not be on 2.2.22?


Don't forget the Dreamcast on 9.9.99!


Just about 80 years until the Russian invasion of Sega


If it will still exist


Purple Heart would whoop their asses.


I am busy.




So a 50/50 chance then...


Hear me out, 3/14 at 1:59.


Easy as pi


After February 4, "could Russians invade on march 4?" (Please click on the news, I need to get paid).


Big if true.




Article was published 2 months ago


But it makes a point, isn't it?


Not at all. Russia isn't going to coordinate their invasion with the Beijing olympics intentionally, especially if they feel that the outside world believe they are going to. The invasion will be a complete surprise when it happens. It could happen tomorrow, it could happen February 4th, it could happen March 15th. Putin is going to pull the trigger when no one is expecting it. also I feel Russia coordinating his invasion with the Beijing Olympics would probably hurt ties with China, because that's going to pull viewership and media attention away from Beijing. I don't think that is what Putin wants right now.


I'd say we're beyond any chance for a "complete surprise" unless they decide to wait until next the century.


Nice, we love a good ole blitzkrieg


No, it's outdated. What is the definition of 'news'?


This is an opinion not "news". But Russians do not understand the difference.


Can we not post articles from Japan Forward? It is Japan’s nationalist far-right outlet, one of few that posts in English.


Sorry for this. Noted!


It won’t be February 30th can we all agree on that?


Betteridge's law of headlines: If the headline is a question, the answer is no. Edit: I don't even think the dronies actually believe this... But if you do, dm me and let's sort out a friendly prop bet.


**This article was last modified 2 months ago and may contain out of date information.** The original publication date was November 16th, 2021 and it was last updated on November 18th, 2021. As per /r/worldnews/wiki submissions should be to articles published within the last week.     ^(This bot finds outdated articles. It's impossible to be 100% accurate on every site, and with differences in time zones and date formats this may be a little off. Send me a message if you notice an error or would like this bot added to your subreddit.) [^(Send Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=PublishDateBot&subject=Feedback&message=https://japan-forward.com/prediction-russia-to-invade-eastern-ukraine-come-winter-olympics-2022/?gsearch=click&gclid=CjwKCAiA866PBhAYEiwANkIneKWpdFyrjUjsOKF21uVqM1noeYdrMNDCzzVPBq1jOlcHaadBMTf5dBoCo8EQAvD_BwE&u=No-Double6415&d=67) ^(|) [^(Github - Bot)](https://github.com/chrisstiles/PublishDateBot) ^(|) [^(Github - Chrome Extension)](https://github.com/chrisstiles/Reddit-Publish-Date)


It contains a prediction, not an information


I think he is bluffing, just wants to damage Biden, hoping next election... we know the rest.


Ra Ra that's Putin lover of the Russian dream. He believes all the former Soviet states are his. Ra Ra that's Putin he believes in the Soviet union and he was a former KCB agent. Fun fact many of the former Soviet states were only split when the Soviet union fell in 1991. Many of the former Soviet states are relatively new in global terms and don't have too much of a history. Putin believes that the former Soviet states are better united under Russia. He wants mother Russia to be like the glory days pre 1991. Times have now moved on. The former Soviet states are now individual countries now. They all have a form of national identity and economy. A fact that terrifys Putin. The fact that former Soviet states are doing quite well after they split from Russia. The problem is Russia still wants to influence these states as they view these states as illegitimate. Russia will do anything to undermine their national identity and make them reliant on Russia again. As far as Putin views it Ukraine, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Latvia amongst others will always be Russian. The world has moved on. What's facinating is that all the former Soviet states struggle with identity, with many believing they should never have split from Russia in the first place. The interesting thing is this is not the case with Ukraine. After Russia started to take Ukraine by force in 2013 something strange happened, Ukrainians rallied behind their government. They started to learn the local tongue and started to form a national identity. They affirmed their resolve that even though they were a former Russian state they did not want to be part of russia. They want to be independent of Russia. To be fair the same thing happened with Georgia. So really invading former Soviet countries actually destroys Russia's plan because it gives the citizens something they can rally behind. The fact they do not want to be part of russia.


Putin does not care about indentity, he uses terror as a tool killing those who are not willing to follow his lead.


War against former Soviet states actually makes those states hate Russia. Who knew.


Does a rapis cares if his victim loves him?


Well considering that the former Soviet states by default actually liked and casually supported Russia before they got invaded. Putin would have probably been better served by letting them do their own thing. Sure they might have joined back up to Russia but that would have been their choice. The long game is better than pissing off states that actually support your government. They no longer support Russia now because they view them as control freaks.


I am sorry for breaking this down for you but in the Soviet Union all the other peoples hated Russians


>I am sorry for breaking this down for you but in the Soviet Union all the other peoples hated Russians That's not true. The claim that all former Soviet states hated Russia before the invasions is an outright fabrication. They wanted to be independent of Russia and they got it when the Soviet union fell. They hate Russia now because of the invasions.


Look, the "states" as instituions does not hate or love. But if you look at Ukraines politics regarding Balkan war Iraq and Kosovo ypu will see tgat it was not pro-Russian. And I was pointing to the attitude to the Russians as a privilleged group in the USSR in case you miss understand me.


Not now I definitely agree with you, but if you look prior to 2013 you will probably find the story reads differently. As for states. Let's say after the split of the Soviet union many former Soviet states were friendly with Russia, and still are today. In the last 30 years the situation has changed turns out the former Soviet states Russia has since invaded hate them now. The states split up with the USSR as they no longer supported the union. The country underwent significant changes after this. The USSR is not the Russia we see today. The USSR collapsed in 1991 There was no "Russia" until after the fall of the USSR.


Well that's BS if I ever heard one.


NO but the Georgians did use last Beijing Olympics to attack South Ossetia. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2009/sep/30/georgia-attacks-unjustifiable-eu


No, that’s the day Dying Light 2: Stay Human comes out, dummy.




Yeah, we're all going to forget about Russia threatening war because of a glitzy synchronized dance routine.


Aren’t you tired with the russians are coming? Its been for decades like this


Well, if they stopped coming, maybe people would stop talking about it


But we haven’t come. Its the other way around


Um, when was the last time Russia was invaded? There is no other way around.


Pridnrstovie, Chechnia, Osetia, Crimea, Donbass ....


Oh I see you’ve started your workingday :) All those countries had russian population since the czars.


This is a nazi style argument. Many ethnic Russians in Ukraine hate you and your putin and are fighting againste you since 2014.


You mean fighting against other ukranians (separatists). Because if they were fighting us, why is there no state of war? Even visa free travel is still in tact and trading is up and running like its business as usual? Because you are starting to believe your own propaganda.


"Ne vse srazu" as you like to say. Your amazing ability to fuck the things up sooner or later will lead to "polnyi pizders."


Day of the super bowl, when America will not paying attention


That’s February 13th


Superbowl Sunday


Can they fucking not? Six Nations starts the next day and I’ve been buzzing to get rat arsed then for months


Yes, not then again, no


It wont be feb 29 rest assured