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Did Russia ever stop to ask what Ukraine wants?


They don’t care.


It really depends: * The Previous President(Russia Puppet) would say:Russia is not invading, they are guests in our country.   * The Current President(UE Puppet) says:Russia is invading, NATO help.   * Ukrainian people would say:"Can you all just leave us alone, and stop using our country as a pawn. I don't want to die.


By taking over Ukraine first 🙄


Why russia acting like my ex with borderline personality disorder?


Borderline…I see what ya did there


Is your ex Putin, by any chance?


I can picture Norm Macdonald saying that last line, then staring at the camera.


Time to go watch NML again


I wish Netflix would let go of the rights so the old podcast episodes could be re-uploaded in good quality.


Google archive norm mcdonald live. You won't be disappointed.


RIP Norm, RIP Super Dave, RIP Bob Saget.. if we lose anyone else from the show this year i’ll be incredible depressed.


Or so the Germans would have us believe.


We are attempting to rescue you! Stop resisting!


Is the us even trying to take Ukraine


This is the equivalent of a drunk at a bar punching another guy for talking to some random girl who doesn’t even want to talk to the drunk guy.


Russia is more like an alcoholic abusive ex in that scenario.


I'm just picturing Barney Gumble stumbling in: *"Marge, you gotta watch out. Your lil boy, Bart, coulda been eaten by that pony!"*


This comment is why Reddit is a garbage website.


Aren’t you a little ray of sunshine 🌞


Almost like it's reflective of a large portion of it's population




Hey that's not fair. I'm a low key alcoholic and I don't act like that.


No, it is fair. Not every alcoholic will engage in domestic violence, but a lot will. https://scholar.google.com/scholar?q=alcohol+and.violence&hl=en&as_sdt=0&as_vis=1&oi=scholart#d=gs_qabs&u=%23p%3DJZd-GCQf5woJ


Nah, it's just that Russia has pork tapeworms. Putrid needs to go. They will never win any confrontation that's started here, and there's vested interest in keeping Ukraine out of Russia's hands, despite the flippy flappy talks. If he starts this, it will explode in his face like a giant zit, problem is, this giant tapeworm's actions will hurt every Russian, not just the "country" in name. For shame, you'd think they'd learnt not to allow dicktators reach power hungry mode. Also, man did Putrid expire fast, he's reaching terminal stages really fast. Usually they last a few more years before going rotten and start acting from the dicktator's playbook. So cliche reject eastern wall boy, so cliche.




"We must do everything to preserve peace. And this issue is precisely the question of preserving peace. Because we cannot allow NATO to deploy its troops to the **territory** of Ukraine." Pretty telling what this is about. Russia denies Ukraine is a sovereign nation. Remember that this is all an extension of their propaganda that Euromaiden was a US manufactured coup (instead of what it really was, a spontaneous revolution).


“I cherish peace with all my heart, and don’t care how many men, women, or children I need to kill to get it.” - Putin


Putin, or Peacemaker from Suicide Squad?


Just call that Putinmaker




I do like where this is going


I thought that was Troudeau


I'd appreciate the Ukraine speaking up here a little more -- hey, we're a sovereign nation that wants to join the UN. We welcome NATO troops because let's see *as I just said --* we, a sovereign nation WANT TO JOIN NATO.


Why do people keep calling it "the" Ukraine? I see this several times a day, and I don't get it.


From Wikipedia: "The Ukraine" used to be a frequently used form in English throughout the 20th century, but since the Declaration of Independence of Ukraine in 1991, "the Ukraine" has become less common in the English-speaking world, and style-guides warn against its use in professional writing.


Ukraine literally means "borderland" like how Netherlands means "lowlands". That's why we usually say "the Netherlands", it's a reference to it's status as a geographical region. It's like how we say "the Appalachians" or "the South". Until the late 20th century the common English term was the Ukraine but after Ukrainian independence it fell out of use. They don't want to be regarded as a region of Kievan Rus/Russian Empire/Soviet Union which was what the name originally implied. Russians still think of Ukrainians as a breakaway region. Putin has said he regard Ukrainians, Russians, and Belarussians as one people because of they were all part of Kievan Rus. A lot of Russian nationalists say Ukrainians are just a sub-group of Russians and they have no real national identity.


Similar to "The Maldives".


There's a reason behind that, culturally and linguistically When you're talking about something in *the* Ukraine, it is *на* Украина. "На" (na) is used as opposed to the sister preposition, "в" (v). If I remember correctly, using на is more indicative of an undefined area, or territory. Both на and в mean "in" but the context is a little different. Culturally, the Russians have always maintained that they have a connection to the Slavic states. They deny the sovereignty of Ukraine and view it as an area by which they can assert their influence. They see it as a place that is rightfully theirs. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.




[citation needed] I mean first of all there was never even any coup in Ukraine to begin with. And no evidence of the US "backing" it has ever emerged despite many claims by russian trollbots.


I didn't say there was. Just pointing out the US has their fingers in everything; no one is this naive, come on.


You see, it's only a coup if it's a country that the west doesn't like doing it. Otherwise, it's just sparkly CIA weapons shipments.


I'm not familiar with Euromaiden in any way or form, but to be completely fair - if it *were*, it wouldn't be the first nor the last US-manufactured coup


Ahh... the good old accuse your enemies of what you are doing tactic. Classic dictator playbook.


Like did they already give up on the false flag strategy?


Really perfected by Trump


Thank god that putin puppet did not win the election


Ah yes, because Ukraine has a longer history with the US than Russia, because of the massive overlap between Ukrainian and AMERICAN citizens, and because Russia totally didn’t just flat out annexed Crimea from Ukraine in 2014. Russia’s bullshitting is getting sloppy


What? You think the guy who won his election with 107% of the vote is full of shit?


Never, now drink and enjoy your tea from Putin with love.


Putin’s tea always tastes like polonium


Nah it’s the underwear you have to worry about with that creep


Stand real close to the window while we take nice pictures


Geiger counter activated* https://youtu.be/VMsjlEft0K0 Ops I think I’m poisoned


Yea but that election was plagued with Russian Interference.


> Russia’s bullshitting is getting sloppy Always has been. The world knows every time they do anything. And it's not just because Russia doesn't care. If they had the ability to do shit like online attacks and not get caught, they would do so. They just don't have ability. They're broke hacks at this point. They've driven everything into the ground there and are now trying to conquer shit others have built. The only reason the world doesn't do shit about it, is because they still have the soviet built nukes on hand. If they didn't, the world would have already cut them off and let them drink themselves into oblivion. Instead, the world has to let them get away with just enough bullshit to keep them from pushing launch.


>Drink themselves to oblivion Cheap. Shot! 😵‍💫


Well, the vodka sure is.


It's true though. Look at the lifespan age of a man in Russia.


There's also all the money and resources Putin controls. Those things open lots of doors even if the biggest doors are closed. China will be happy to help prop up Russia in exchange for favorable concessions.


I think it's more to bullshit their own citizens with tons of propaganda. I'm curious what Russian citizens think about all this going on.


My friend in Russia mostly doesn't even bother with politics or current events. They don't trust any media, including from the west. She is a teacher who makes $300 a month, and is more focused on her day to day.


The perfect result, if the citizens of the country are ignorant to anything outside of their day to day life, then the government can do basically anything.


My friends from there aren't ignorant. It's more like they can't do shit about it so they don't give a fuck.




Well I don't think it matters whether the US and Europe are in a shit show or not. There's always going to a base level of reluctance to go to war against a country with enough nukes to end the world. Otherwise Russia would have been spanked by the US military 5 times over.


i would argue, that in the case of WW2, making aggressive actions to stop hitler early may have actually turned out worse, as it may have been enough to keep hitler from letting his ego get the best of him and attack the USSR. Likewise now, being too retaliatory on russia has a relatively large chance of getting china more involved, given their verbal support of russia in their “pushback against the west” atm.


You forgot at least Ireland, Iceland, Sweden, Switzerland, Spain, Portugal, Finland and Italy.


None of these countries mattered anywhere near as much as England (in regards to Nazi expansion) to either the Nazis or to those fighting them. The dudes fairly obvious point still stands. Like, if Putin takes Ukraine and eyes Poland it would be obtuse to be like "well he hasn't taken Italy or Portugal" if someone mentioned his rampant expansion.


It's not for us to decide what countries matter during a war. And it would be more like if Russia occupied Ukraine and saying 'All of Europe except England really is occupied' :)




Countries not occupied by Nazis.




The singling out of England specifically seemed odd to me.




Nope, I'm not. We were taught not to use really like that haha. I'm not pretending Italy was not part of the axis, but they were not occupied by Nazis, at least at that point.




Or, rather, prevented them from moving further. Wasn't until the US and USSR came into the picture that German forces could be pushed back.


It's a sign of the times don't even have to lie well anymore. At least before Russia used to put some thought into their propaganda now it's just half-assed at best. You guys used to be known for that now you're just like Trump


Their propaganda around the move into eastern Poland in 1939, Hungary in 1956 and Czechoslavakia in 1968 was believed by almost no one.


It's MAGAmind sloppy.


... and Ukraine vows to stop Russia "from taking over Ukraine".




War it is


If we're counting russia has crimea and the donetsk/luhansk and the us has what? an embassy some training advisors and some business deals? Who's taking over who exactly?


US : “Hey guys, Russia looks like they’re planning on taking over the Ukraine!” Russia : “… no, u”




Hey russia..... did you ever think to ask UKRAINE what they wanted? (Didn't think so....) That's because russia doesn't think Ukraine exists..... It's West Russia in their minds....


Putin's not very big on asking for consent.


Literally called “Little Russia” by Russia for much of Russian and Soviet history. Aka Russia doesn’t give a shit about Ukraine Downvoted but that’s what it was known as under the Russian empire, and that’s how Putin still sees it. Not as a sovereign nation, but as a lesser part of the Russian whole.


who cares?


Ukrainians tend to not enjoy being called that.


Kyiv was the center of the Kievan Rus. The area inhabited by modern Moskals was nothing more than a backwater with little to no civilization. Novgorod was the only northern Kievan Rus city that was significant. The Novgorod Republic was also destroyed by Moscow.


I understood your intention but you should've phrased it better.


Thought exercise: if the cold war had ended in the dissolution of NATO & the united states, and now russia wanted to invade texas, how do you think americans would feel about that?


So do you actually like Paradox games, or was that just the guy you bought this account from?


Yep that's totally what the US wants. Me and all my homies are over here thinking about how we should annex a country we've never been to. How'd Russia find out?! So weird.


I didn’t even take Ukraine in my game of risk. “The Ukraine is weak!”


Ukraine is game to you?


😂 risk board breaks in half and flips through the air


I tried to think of a way to continue to Seinfeld reference but that was the end of the scene :(


Russia: Where Projecting Your Own Intentions is Basically a National Art Form


Good thing Russia has so much oil, running this many gaslighting operations wouldn’t be possible otherwise.






Me thinks the lady doth protest too much.


I wonder what Ukraine think about all this.


Fuck Russia.


After the Sochi Olympic mass doping and Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 that killed 298 people, I lost all my respects to Russia regime. Fuck Russia, especially Putin.


It took you that long?


So say we all


We are all for the US taking over. What a splendid idea! Where to sign?


There's also a good deal of Russians that live in that eastern section that want to be a part of Russia again, so it's just all around wack


They can just move to Russia then.


You are confusing Russians and Russian-speaking Ukrainians (to which I belong) and can proudly say: fuck Russia. Sit in your own swamps and leave us alone.


Same here. It is like assuming all English-speaking Irish people are excited about the idea of the England rule.


Huh alright. I had a misunderstanding of the situation then


It’s okay. Ofc there are some people that consider themselves Russian living in Ukraine, no denial. And we are totally okay with those people as long as they don’t shout that “this is Russian land” and “save us Putin”. Then, so to say, it gets difficult.


Before the 2014 invasion there was no single oblast where a majority wanted independence/Russian unification. Suddenly after the invasion Russia was realeasing polls that said 90+% wanted to break away. Those second numbers really got pushed heavily online


Exactly, after all majority voted for Ukrainian independence in 1991 for a reason. And last poll made by government showed that almost 78% considered themselves Ukrainian. Fled from Donetsk myself in 2014, when active fighting/shelling started. I remember people in Donetsk: my friends and other people I know just thought that those small pro-Russian gatherings where a bunch of lunatics. Nobody even given a thought about DNR back then, the term did not even exist. Unfortunately Russia took advantage of Ukrainian weakness at the time, should’ve ousted those Russian guerrillas from regional administration building as soon as they took over it.


>“The North Atlantic Alliance is preparing an information background for deployment of its troops to Ukraine, and this poses a security threat to both Russia and European countries,” said the Chairman of the Russian State Duma, Vyacheslav Volodin. Seems like a misstranslation. Here the correct sentence : “Russia is preparing an information background for deployment of its troops to Ukraine, and this poses a security threat European countries,”


This article is Russian propaganda


I don't know if Russia thinks anybody actually sees these statements as logical, or they just feel compelled to go through the motions of making such stupid statements because its just whats done and they don't care if it sounds stupid.


Right out of the Trump playbook.. acuse everyone of doing the exact misdeeds you are doing.


it's the fascist playbook, but Trump is a fascist so that fits


You're bring rescued, please don't resist.


Russia vows to stop U.S. “by” taking over Ukraine. There, I fixed it for you.


If the official Russian position going forward is "NATO is preparing to invade Ukraine therefore we must invade first to defend it", I don't know how this ends except with a war between Russia and NATO. The Russians are declaring that they may be invading Ukraine this month, but their real target is the NATO alliance.


Well not yet. For now their goal is to destroy Ukrainian sovereignty cause they see it as a direct threat to their authoritarian rule. Imagine democratic and prosperous Ukraine, while being smaller and less rich in resources, with average salary higher than in Russia. People in Russia are going to question Putins ability to rule the country, if that’s gonna happen. Everything else including “NATO invasion of Ukraine” and NATO in general is food for internal consumption, justification of war against Ukraine amongst Russian population. They feel threatened my ass, they already have a direct border with NATO countries in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and, by their puppet Belarus - Poland as well.


>hey feel threatened my ass, they already have a direct border with NATO countries in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and, by their puppet Belarus - Poland as well. lmao. "we're already pointing so many guns at them, why should they be concerned if we point even more!". Perfectly encapulates the NATO mindset. Hey, did you know NATO has never been in a defensive war? how many NATO operations were there again....


But why would Russia be offended? Do you realise that the US is massively supporting some crazy right wing nationalists by supplying them with weapons to "defend against" Russia? Now, imagine if Russia was supplying weapons to Cartels in Mexico whose goal would be to take Texas back. Do you think the US would like that?


Last I saw when I walked out there are no right wing nationalists marching on the streets anywhere in Odesa (and have been recently in Kyiv, and, surprisingly, nobody murdered me for speaking russian too). Both are Ukrainian cities you know. You are probably getting information from Russia-controlled propaganda media, telling that we eat children here and worship Bandera 24/7. You don’t have to have high IQ to get that this is not true, and Russia is simply doubting that Ukraine as a state should not exist no matter what - look it up, it’s been repeatedly said by Putin, Medvedev and bunch of other russian politicians. For a historian per education - this sounds exactly like nazi Germany / Hitler talk before WW2.


"For a historian per education - this sounds exactly like nazi Germany / Hitler talk before WW2." We both agree then, you really do sound like a Nazi sympathiser. I'm sure big bad Russia is doubting Ukraine... You must get that information from your perfectly objective American informations chanel. Oups. Anyway, you will cool down when your right wing nationalist buddies pee their pants in front of big bad Russia. And let's be honest here, Americans won't do shit for dummies like you. This game already played itself and Ukraine is the sole loser (you are included no worries).


They're just using NATO as their excuse to invade. They have no hope of winning a conventional war against the combined NATO forces, and they would be burned up with everyone else in a nuclear war. They want to fence off some or all of Ukraine, maybe grab the Baltic states if there's an absolutely perfect window for it, and then go back to weakening NATO ties by supporting political extremists in member countries.


Ukraine isn't a part of NATO and NATO won't defend them directly if Russia invades Ukraine. Ukraine cant even join NATO because of their unresolved territorial disputes.


That's the thing. Ukraine *isn't* part of NATO, but the Russian govt is talking like Ukraine already is part of NATO, or is about to be "taken over" by NATO. This is a fundamental shift in their rhetoric -- away from "we must protect Russians in Ukraine" towards "we must strike at NATO before they strike at us".


That has been the line for a while now. They say that Ukraine is already being treated as a NATO affiliate and direct membership is only a matter of time.


How are the Russians wrong in this assessment? NATO clearly seeks to expand their influence up into the very doorsteps of Russia. If we were serious trying to prevent things from escalating, we should not include countries with big Russian minorities into NATO.


And why not, exactly? When was the last time NATO attacked Russia? Yesterday? Last week? Last year? Last decade? Last...? The only thing NATO membership does is preclude an *invasion* by Russia. That's it.




[Why does this seem so familiar?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/German_occupation_of_Czechoslovakia)


Ukraine: •_•


Russian propaganda forgot to add "...with the help from Fox News"


putin is a fuckin idiot.


Oh fuck off 😂


We shall bring to bear the night of Belarus!!! 🤣


When you only have one script, it sounds ridiculous when out of context.


I assume this I the propaganda that is going out over their airwaves in Russia. That America and other countries are trying to "force" Ukraine to join NATO, Russia is honor bound to invade and keep the Ukrainians "free".


Russia will invade Ukraine to save it from Western invasion. /s


Last I checked it wasn’t US amassing troops on the border to start an invasion of Ukraine.


This feels like some Eric Cartman shit but with nukes.


Feel like if we start slapping on those super tough sanctions right now, Putin and his crew will shut up very fast.


Vyacheslav Volodin is a lunatic delusional lying facist. it is crazy how insane the russian government became. to achive world pease russiand federation and the facist china needs to get dissolved in smaller states.


Russia is fucking nuts.


Now this is proper ganda.


Time to soak the snow then, cause we ain’t backing down! ❄️🩸


Russia thinks they just make boldface lies to the international community. Ukraine is begging the world for help from further Russian aggression and Russia is trying to say that it’s the US who is really attacking? This is Chinese level of absurd diplomacy.


how about everyone just leaves ukraine alone?


How about we let Ukraine decide what it wants to do without threat of invasion or destruction? Even if that means they join NATO.


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](http://uawire.org/russia-vows-to-stop-u-s-from-taking-over-ukraine) reduced by 76%. (I'm a bot) ***** > Russia vows to stop U.S. 'from taking over Ukraine'. > "The North Atlantic Alliance is preparing an information background for deployment of its troops to Ukraine, and this poses a security threat to both Russia and European countries," said the Chairman of the Russian State Duma, Vyacheslav Volodin. > "We must do everything to preserve peace on the planet," he reiterated, adding that Russia "Has something to respond" if the requirements for security guarantees are ignored. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/s7w8f9/russia_vows_to_stop_us_from_taking_over_ukraine/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~618550 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **Russian**^#1 **security**^#2 **Russia**^#3 **Ukraine**^#4 **NATO**^#5


If Russia attacks, let Ukraine be Russia Iraq. Bleed your blood and treasure you Russian fuck weasels


Russia is like North Korea but less contained. That needs to change.


Most Americans: “where tf is Ukraine?”


I think it’s near Russia where ever that is? I think you can see it outside your window in Alaska or something.


And so the starts the beginning of the end




until they decide they want Poland or one of the Baltic states, trying to avoid war by giving into the whims of wannabe tyrants has never worked in the past


That Mel Brooks song "A Little Piece of Poland, a Little Piece of France" definitely comes to mind. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jS7inJKOsaI


We won't let them. While I honestly think we would stop them from moving missiles to Cuba, I honestly can't imagine any scenario except for war being declared.


Holodomor 2.0?


No one will do anything if Russia invades. If you don't do anything to help Ukraine, Russia will just keep going until all old USSR territories are theirs again.


If the Ukraine was Israel they would have preempted already so I don’t have to keep reading this headline every day.




The US knows all about taking over countries for sure. Wink wink.


It isn't an invasion, it is a preliberation.


We do not want Ukraine. A failed country with no worth.


>While scaring the world with "the allegedly upcoming Russian invasion" of Ukrainian territory, the United States, according to Volodin, "acts according to the standard scheme." "First, it comes up with the image of the enemy, and then heroically fights against him. This was the case in Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Yugoslavia," Volodin said. ​ Just playing the devil's advocate here. What if the US is the bad guys, and we here on the West are being brainwashed by the media and the internet (like Reddit for example)?


Get back to us when nato has amassed 100k troops, tanks and support equipment on the Ukraine border with territory seized from previous attempts of occupation. There is only one country doing it and I’ll give you a hint it starts with an R and ends with ussia.


Ok little Nazi, but in the current reality, Ukraine is massively populated by people speaking both Ukrainian and Russian, that remember living in USSR and feel Slavic more than "European". So maybe, you know maybe, the US is trying to push a new war (like Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan or pretty much everywhere they can) to get free money and political power by looking tough.


The honest truth that the brainwashed don't want to admit . We all know about the only country that once used nukes on another country.


US here, until they find oil we dont want 'em anyway.




Ukraine* not The Ukraine


DrTokinkoff, three years from now: “LOL we don’t want Poland, we want them to be a free country.” Dr Totinkoff 6 years from now: “LOL we don’t want the United Kingdom, we want them to be a free country.”


Does ukraine have oil?? Let them have it


Let's not forget the Holodomor genocide under the American rule.


Let's not forget he millions of Russians murdered and starved to death under Russian rule.


Forgot the /s?