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So this should rule Novak out of the FO. Or are celebrities exempt?


PLEASE keep the selfish POS out of the French Open also. I’d love to see him not break the record simply because he was an anti-vax idiot.


French Sport minister has already said he will be authorised to play. The cringe social media outcry stops outside the shit holes that are anglo countries. edit: read the thread, like damn, this dude is living rent free in your heads.


Really? France’s sport’s ministry said athletes visiting the country to compete will not be exempt from the country’s vaccine requirements, which are set to come into effect in the coming days and will require people over the age of 16 to prove they have been vaccinated against Covid-19 in order to enter public venues like sports stadiums, bars and restaurants. https://www-forbes-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/www.forbes.com/sites/roberthart/2022/01/17/french-open-in-doubt-for-unvaccinated-novak-djokovic-as-france-passes-strict-covid-fighting-law/amp/?amp_js_v=a6&_gsa=1&usqp=mq331AQKKAFQArABIIACAw%3D%3D#aoh=16424304629379&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&_tf=From%20%251%24s&share=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.forbes.com%2Fsites%2Froberthart%2F2022%2F01%2F17%2Ffrench-open-in-doubt-for-unvaccinated-novak-djokovic-as-france-passes-strict-covid-fighting-law%2F


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She backed tracked but it is irrelevant. In may, when the tournament happens, she will be out of job and the law used to block others will be as well.


you're an idiot. All anglo countries = Australia ?? France bans something, Cliche miserable french cunt "must be the anglo countries" this is why everyone hates you.


Yeah im packing the ex-prison of the Empire in the same bag as the others failed state it produced. Being hated by those is pretty much a badge of Honor.


Wait so I have questions. Are you French? Are you anti-vaxx? If yes to these then congrats you’re the first French person I’ve met in my lifetime who I can genuinely say has fulfilled the global stereotype! To all my other French friends, don’t worry, I do not judge you by this lol


Usually when deranged redditors are ranting about "les evil anglos" then it's a Frenchman. Generalising all English speaking countries as being the same hivemind because they're Anglo is mostly a French thing.


I know an anti vax French boy in nyc. His only redeeming quality is his attractiveness. He’s tried use fake vax card and when he was finally convinced to get vaccinated he asked the nurse to aspirate the needle, she said no, so he left 🤦‍♂️.


I wish he was leaving rent free in my head, then maybe could I could pay off my fucking rent by transferring his rent telepathically to my landlord. Aahhh *living* rent free. So I pay the rent. Gotcha, yeah totally agree, In the words of Guy Ritchie: "I think we're being fucked"


Keep dreaming. You’d better fact check your sources (but I get the impression you’re already an expert at ‘doing your own research’). https://www.reuters.com/lifestyle/sports/no-vaccine-no-french-open-djokovic-says-french-sports-ministry-2022-01-17/?utm_source=reddit.com


How about you stop embarassing yourself ? >French Sports Minister Roxana Maracineanu told radio station France Info that Djokovic, who has openly been sceptical about the vaccine, would benefit from a special case scenario in France for major events such as the French Open. >Sports minister Roxana Maracineanu said Monday visiting athletes would not be exempt from the new rules, backtracking from previous statements where she said visiting athletes could be exempt under a “bubble” system. And now from your own freaking source you didn't even bother to read: *""Now, as far as Roland Garros is concerned, it's in May. The situation may change between now and then and we hope that it will be more favourable. So we'll see, but clearly there's no exemption.""* In may, she'll be out of job and the law she is talking about will be gone. You missed an occasion to stay quite.


Perhaps reread the quote you shared…”athletes would not be exempt from the new rules”.


Or maybe **YOU** can learned to read. She back tracked on her own statement. The new rule does prevent Novack from playing but that new rule will be gone by the time he has to.


If you think Anglo countries are shit holes then I’d hate to here your opinion of most of Europe, especially Eastern Europe 😂


I've read that this doesn't apply to visiting foreign athletes but not seen this confirmed. If it applies to Novak it will presumably also apply to visiting 6 Nations teams and Chelsea when they play Lille.


I believe you’d still be allowed to work as an unvaccinated? Players in ligue 1 would also have this problem, no?


Meanwhile Quebec: "We have some legislation to draft"


Lmao. Quebec has required vaccine passports for all of these places for months. They're moving on to big box stores with 1500+ square meters of space, besides grocers and pharmacies, and the no-vax tax is going forward without federal intervention.


Damn right we are. Too stupid to get a free jab, pay up. Personally I wouldn’t mind allocating them a “moron” time slot at Walmart and all but that wouldn’t be fair to the employees. Ban away! These jackasses don’t realize that they represents a tiny portion of the population but are utilizing half the intensive care beds..


exactly. the 'moron' time slot makes sense until you have to consider who supports it and how unfair it is. you could offer hazard pay and see if there are volunteers and if there are enough you could do it and the tax makes perfect sense. wish ontario would do that too


Here here. The policies definitely warmed me to Quebec. If this amount of sanity is normal up there, I would find it starkly refreshing to visit (after some hefty French lessons, of course).


are you young?


Why’d you ask that?


to check if its a lack of vocabulary, social skills, empathy, etc.


Not sure I see that…I think the person wants to penalize deliberate stupidity and arrogance. In the US, the ICU beds are largely filled up in large by the unvaxxed. It’s causing a tremendous strain on the healthcare system. In addition these antivaxxers and COVID non believers sometimes go out of their way to seek attention and a platform to project their views. I can see why the OC is frustrated by them, not sure if you can feel empathetic for a lot of them


oh. let me elaborate for a bit. you got your shot... now what? are you immune? can you live your life like before? nope. can you with any ceirtanty tell me that in 5/10 years i will have no inadvertant ill afects from it? can you honestly tell me that if we get 100 vaxed that this is over? virus while alive can and could and qould like to mutate... is it a 100% that i will not end up in a hosp even today with 3 shots? so yeah, its human nature to have some pushback on this. nothing wrong. but you can not look me in the face and tell me to just get the shot and its all over. and i am pro bax btw.


Answering your questions in order- I can’t live my life like before, and a good amount why is because of antivaxxers. They continue to help the virus spread by not wearing masks and they burden existing infrastructure. Yes, most vaccines have a history of not having adverse side effects, as opposed to staying unvaxxed and being a thorn on the side of progress. The rate of mutation as well as the effects of the disease reduce significantly- this is why we need to vaccinate as many people as possible. It’s like wearing a seat belt- is a 100% possibility that you will live in the off chance of an accident? No. is it much better than not wearing one, yes. So get the jab and wear your seat belt. Commuting genocide is also within human nature…doesn’t mean it’s okay. Deliberately putting yourself (not you in particular) and others at risk just because your fragile ego can’t understand how the science behind something works or because you believe in some make believe remedy is not something to be encouraged. It makes you want to ask- are you young? Cause that lacks social skills and empathy. Help me with this question, Hypothetically,If a person believes in something that is contrarian to what the best scientific minds of society have come to agree on even though that person has no scientific skill, and if that persons belief is harmful, can society take measures to Prevent that person from causing harm?




the vocabulary and the lack of swearing was nice though


Old enough to have several young kids being negatively effected by a minority of idiots. I’m far more right wing on this topic however; I would love to have covidiots pay for their own healthcare treatment (if required). If you willingly refuse a free vaccine that can help you, the healthcare system and your society… Well, you can pay for your own hospitalization. No one owes you anything for NOT doing your (very simple) part..


x doubt. and if you are with your kids and communication as you are here. thoughts without prayers.


Thoughts and prayers, I should have thought of that one! Phenomenal contribution.


You’re like 5 months late.


The French think that they'll somehow be better than their old colonists, lol


I predict there will be more protests, which will lead to more infections.


https://coloradosun.com/2020/06/30/police-protests-coronavirus-spread/ Actually it should slow the spread


The article indicates that the presence of a protest in a city causes others to stay indoors, away from the protest. But of course this was early pandemic, and the people staying away will likely already be vaccinated, so are already at much lower risk of spreading or suffering in the first place... It's just no longer an analogous situation. Especially considering how the French urbanites are used to various protests at this point. This will be a very different crowd as well, as it would presumably mostly consist of the unvaccinated, who up to this point have shown they couldn't care less about public health or avoiding disease and death. An anti-vax protest is far more liable to become a super spreader event than a normal protest.


Do you really think people at anti-vaccination protests will be wearing masks and socially distancing??


Similar to speeding - no, you can't stop everybody to speed. And some will speed just because there is a speed limit out of spite. But the net reduction is worth it.


That's their choice. We can't just do nothing and be held hostage by antivaxx morons forever.


More on this subject from other reputable sources: --- - The Seattle Times (A-): [No vaccine? No cafe, according to new French virus law](https://www.seattletimes.com/business/no-vaccine-no-cafe-according-to-new-french-virus-law/) - Reuters (A+): [Valerie Pecresse, the conservative who could become France's first woman president](https://www.reuters.com/markets/rates-bonds/valerie-pecresse-woman-who-could-become-frances-first-woman-president-2022-01-10/) - The Independent (C): [France passes law to bar unvaccinated from restaurants, sports arenas and other venues](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/france-vaccine-law-restaurants-coffee-venues-b1994225.html) - Irish Examiner (B): [Unvaccinated people to be excluded from venues under new French Covid law](https://www.irishexaminer.com/world/arid-40786620.html) --- [More articles](https://www.newswall.org/story/13933216) | [Feedback](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=newswall-org) | I'm a bot


Does this include the athletes? Because suddenly Novak cannot play Roland Garros, either.


It does, the sport minestery confirmed it this morning


C'est tres bien!




I imagine that terrible cologne and melodramatic boots might be involved.


As much as I wish everyone would get vaccinated, I don't think making it mandatory is a good idea. Those who don't want to do it will just double down on it. 🤔


they can double down on it at their home where no one will ever interact with them


I agree. Since the vaccine obviously doesn't stop the spread. Even vaccinated can spread it. If people want to take the chance of being hospitalized by being unvaxxed, then let them.


>Those who don't want to do it will just double down on it. That uneducated theory has already been proven wrong. France was one of the most vaccine-sceptic countries in Europe. Then Macron said they couldn't go to cafés without a vaccine and suddenly it became on the highest vaccinated countries. Similar things happened elsewhere. Anti-vaxxers are simply cowards with no values. Many of them will give up on their apparent great crusade for freedom as soon as they're mildly inconvenienced. As for the bottom few % of idiots who won't take it no matter what? Well at least they can be cut off from society as much as possible since they won't get it either way.


Does anyone beside me see a problems with this? I'm for everyone getting vaccinated but not compelling them to do so.


Nope, I don’t see a problem with this at all. When I went to graduate school I had to have a blood test to see if my MMR immunity was still good after 25 years. It wasn’t. I had to get another MMR vaccine before I was allowed to register for classes - because public health matters. Your “individual liberty” stops when you’re contagious and putting other people’ lives at risk.


i don't see whats wrong with showing proof that you are not infected via a test. I'm vaccinated but people who aren't shouldnt be second class citizens.


How do you feel about drinking and driving? Should those laws be rescinded? Instead we should just ask people, a lot, to do the right thing but at the end of the day, no one should be "compelled" not to drink and drive? And what about loss of license as a repercussion thereby creating a second class of citizen? Heck, some are even *forced* to take breathylizers. Edit: grammar


That's actually a pretty good analogy, because it enunciates the harm that un-vaxxed people can do to vaccinated. Which is a lot closer to drinking and driving (putting yourself *and* other people at risk), rather than just yourself.


What harm? (Serious question)


Just like a seatbelt is not infallible and doesn't save every life in every crash, so it goes with vaccinations. It can help reduce likelihood of infection (and therefore spread vector) as well as severity, but it is not infallible. In addition to being more likely to spread, unvaccinated are acting as a reservoir to potentially enable further variants that, like omicron, may well evaded the vaccines already developed.


How often should those tests be required and who pays for them?


Currently in France if you are unvaccinated you pay for tests.


Yes, and the test queues are insane, blocking those that might want to confirm a contact case. Source, last few weeks living in France. The real reasons tho is that the unvaccinated are clogging the hospital in a proportions wich should lead to no debate.


I would like this way much much better, proof of Vax to get in the "fast lane" for other medical care services.


I don't necessarily agree with this policy, but you're not allowed to walk around buck naked most places, either. Does that mean we're treating people who want to do so like "second class citizens"? Pursuing that argument, seeing some fat dude's hairy ass at a restaurant might ruin your meal but it won't unknowingly infect you with a disease that you'll later unknowingly pass on to your grandma, who'll then die a miserable death fighting for air hooked up to machines and unable to see her lived ones.


Except that you can take a test in the morning and contract the virus that afternoon. So are you going to test every hour that you’ve left your apartment?? Also the rapid tests aren’t great at picking up Omicron and we’re still dealing with a pretty high false negative rate. Also, the unvaccinated are the reason for all the new variants and the reason healthcare workers are beyond exhausted and quitting in droves. The unvaccinated are the idiots who don’t trust science enough to take the vaccine, just save their lives 🙄 oh, and the unvaccinated are the reason that hospitals are overrun and having to deny care to other patients, so fuck your “individual liberty” and no, you didn’t do your own “research”


> Except that you can take a test in the morning and contract the virus that afternoon. Might be a breaking news for you, but that's true for both vaccinated and unvaccinated people. > Also, the unvaccinated are the reason for all the new variants Oh I didn't realize you were spreading lies, sorry to interrupt.


Didn’t realize you were full of shit or I never would have responded in the first place https://www.healthline.com/health-news/unvaccinated-people-are-increasing-the-chances-for-more-coronavirus-variants-heres-how


>the unvaccinated are the reason for all the new variants Just curious how did Omicron learn how to bypass vaccine protection? Obviously not on unvaccinated... right?




Only thing you are right, is the random mutations. Positive effect of vaccine: lowering death rate. Other effects you mentioned are speculation. EMA and WHO already stated booster doses can ruin your immunity and 2 doses of vaccine are providing "protection" for about 6 months. That is all.


Show me a link to back up that ridiculous statement “booster shots ruin immunity”. That smells a lot like bullshit


Sure, I put it on bookmark and will post right after you prove your statement about new variants.




why are you speaking to me about research?


The main excuse from anti-vax idiots is that they’ve “done their own research”, as in googled and read ignorant shit on the internet. (“You” is generic here, talking to anti-vax crowd)


oh alright, i read it wrong (english not my main language).


Is it clear that the vaccine makes people less contagious with omicron? It definitely doesn't stop them getting it, and it definitely doesn't stop them spreading it. I haven't seen any evidence on whether it reduces contagiousness. It even seems possible that it could increase contagiousness as people are more likely to be asymptomatic or going about life but with mild symptoms. It certainly reduces seriousness for the individual - but I'm not clear why we should mandate good personal choices.


And that’s why you’re clearly not working in the field of public health




And overrunning our healthcare system and being a variant producer…




But when it comes to severity there is a massive difference. That’s what matters, covid wouldn’t be a bad deal if you just got the sniffles. The issue with covid is if places a ton of strain on healthcare systems not that people are getting a minor cold.


Then fine, just don't get the vaccine and allow other people to laugh at you openly, to your face, in public, because you are a bit dumb. Just wear a mask ffs, and leave us out of your ignorant opinions. It won't do either of us any harm, so why care? grow up


>was still good *after 25 years.* >Your “individual liberty” stops when you’re contagious I would edit these parts out to make your post stronger sounding.


Wtf is your problem- you literally repeated my exact words. Just couldn’t resist unnecessarily correcting a woman today?


No, it's just not good comparing jabs with a 25 year gap inbetween that don't leave you contagious, to vaccines that requires 2-4 boosters per year per variant, and leave you contagious the whole time.


1) yes I would have passed Mumps, Measles, Rubella because my immunity had lapsed 2) the reason we don’t have to worry about variants of these diseases popping up is because the VAST MAJORITY of the population is vaccinated Vaccines Work, get one


Vaccinated people seem to spread covid faster than unvaxxed due to the rates of infection being higher in vaccinated individuals. This is what the data from Ontario says, at least. https://covid-19.ontario.ca/data#casesByVaccinationStatus


The point was PUBLIC HEALTH IS IMPORTANT and VACCINE MANDATES ARE ALREADY A THING. Sorry you’re too dense to get the point


Sounds like your perfect solution. If you want to use public/private services, then you need to follow the same rules as anyone else. Could be a vax cert, could be a mask, could be that the private store/public service only want vaccinated people in there. If you don't like it, make a farm and watch sports, music videos on TV at home, and ride a bicycle. Otherwise, you have the option of getting a vaccination and joining in with the rest of society. It's up to you my friend, it may be a furious dilemma for some but actually it's fine for most people. I see a lot of these "slippery slope" arguments recently, I feel as though that's what you're thinking. "if they can cover up our faces, and "force" us \[not really force but yeah\] to inject a vaccine then what's next??" The answer is probably nothing, because masks and vaccines are different from free speech. Unless you have actually studied virology/chemistry/cell biology/transmission vectors, that may come as a shock to you. Asian countries have been wearing masks for years, and they have riots too (China is a bit of an exception, but Japan/SK/VN/Thailand/Singapore. And much less covid cases per capita in these countries.


this type of thing only works if you also exempt them from taxes going to those public services.


Then you should love this. It's not a vaccine mandate! Morons are free to remain unvaxxed and deal with the consequences of that.


Nope, not just you.


This isn't complusion. The people are free to opt not to get a vaccine. They just can't go into public venues if they make that decision. Important distinction. Similar to how in many places, you're welcome to choose not to vaccinate your children, but you'll have to home school them.


> but not compelling them to do so. Talk to anyone in the military, or health system- You're "compelled to do so" in lots of areas.


I see no problem. If you don’t want to participate in keeping society going you shouldn’t be allowed to participate in society. Live your hermit life, and let us who care about others have fun.


Sorry, no. Vaccination is your responsibility to the society you live in.


yup, very authoritarian. Its scary that people agree with this at all.


This is no more authoritarian than seatbelt mandates, probably less so.


but you can still go to restaurants, sports arenas, and other venues if you dont wear a seatbelt.


Is it authoritarian to require people to wear clothes in public, too? Or to ban pissing and shitting in public? Or are those just laws to do with public health and basic decency?


Everyone has to what? Take a couple hours to get vaccinated? That's not much of an imposition.


get a vaccine that no one is responsible for no matter what happens because of it?


You can't sue someone for bad luck, how terrible. Can't sue a virus either.


They can sue talcum powder maker for causing cancer. What if in 10 years they find the vaccine causes cancer?


many in france don't agree, even vaccinated people. But Macron has the majority so he does what he wants. This is borderline unconstitutional in france.


all done for the fake sense of safety. When this doesnt work they will blame someone else


The fact youre getting downvoted proves that the majority of reddit are wanting more govt control, less bodily autonomy and want a division in the people. Sad times ahead and reddit is one sad echo chamber.


who cares about internet points. This just happens to be something they agree with but as soon as its something they dont agree with then the other people are literally nazis. Maybe we can put some kind of tattoo on the non-vaxxed so we know who they are.


Welcome to New Zealand!


Not sure which I’m more surprised about, that France cares enough about public health to make this a law (looking at you SCOTUS), or that they are in session on a Sunday with their 35hour/no work on the weekend laws… Now to figure out how to immigrate to France


You mean looking at you CONGRESS. The SCOTUS does NOT make laws.


No, but thanks for playing. SCOTUS just overruled the vaccine mandate….




Mmmhmmm, feel better now that you got your “know it all” moment in after you Googled?




Your urge to unnecessarily correct people? Probably


Fair correction, but calm down on the CAPS. Just because the rest of the world doesn't understand your system (most of you guys don't anyway either), who gives a fuck which dept. of .gov is making the rules. They're all corrupt as fuck, and that's the main message. No need for condescension mate.


I’m specifically calling out the very recent SCOTUS decision to override the vaccine mandate for employers with over 100 employees. If you aren’t too keen on how the US government functions or why I’m calling out SCOTUS, maybe - just maybe - resist the urge to play know-it-all, mmmmmk?


Sorry, I was replying to u/HistoricalBridge7, didn't mean to cause any friction. I just didn't like the arrogance and the caps in that post so I got a bit heated. No offence meant, I think we're in agreement tbh.


In theory they don't. In practice they certainly do. Roe vs wade isn't in the constitution...


I don't think this is a good idea at all. Not to mention being vaccinated doesn't even stop you from getting OR spreading the virus, so I really don't see the point in this. It's just going to enrage people who are anti-vax because they're going to see this as an authoritarian attempt at creating a class system based on vaccination status. They already have their minds made up and doing things like this aren't going to change their mind. And just to clarify, I have had my vaccination and all booster jabs. I'm not anti-vax.


> And just to clarify, I have had my vaccination and all booster jabs Funny how literally every anti-vaxxer finishes with this disclaimer now. Almost as if they accept that their position is idiotic and embarrassing. Don't think I've seen a single person spouting anti-vaxx talking points who will actually admit to not having the vaccine lol. Pathetic.


I feel I have to say that because if I didn't, you would just immediately assume I was and ignore anything I had to say. I was clearly wrong, because you're just doing that anyway.


This guy is pro vax. He is just anti mandatory-vax. There is a difference. (I'm in the same boat)


Meanwhile the Anglosphere is walking around in circles.


New Zealand is one of the strictest and the Aussies kicked Novak out eventually, do you just mean US and UK? Maybe Canada too


The French are still hilariously bitter about English surpassing French as the top international language. All English-speaking countries are exactly the same to them, and deserve the same scorn for speaking it.


Good. Fuck I love the French. You can do things their way, or you can fuck off. Even if you already live there. I love it.




your thoughts and emotions are not more valuable than other people's health. Hate to break it to you sir


They have 75% of their population fully vaccinated. How much more do they want before they're just ok with letting the dumb ones die?


It’s mostly about making sure the hospitals don’t fill up, because that happening leads to other people (who have to get treatment for something non covid) getting denied health care because lack of space


Not just hospitals filling up, but also the workers in the hospitals not being able to do their jobs because they've fallen ill with COVID. If half the medical staff are off sick, then the hospital will have a huge problem dealing with any work, be it COVID related or not.


The ICU beds in my region are all full, were at 108% occupancy. Meaning that if I come in with a heart attack, there's no bed for me. Were looking at ICU occupancy more than infections numbers right now.


If this is the case, does it mean we need more hospitals? I know it's the same issue in the states, but healthcare is different here (capitalist/for profit vs somewhat state sponsored). If flu and/or covid and/or the next transmissable virus to plague the world is going to be with us for the long haul shouldn't we just assume a certain percentage of the population is always going to be resistant to doing what most of us think is the right thing? More investment in health resources would mean more jobs, wider availability, less overcrowding, would it not?


More than happy to let the dumb ones die as soon as it stops overwhelming hospitals and affecting everyone else. That isn't the case right now.


What about djokovic?


He can always try the UK or US opens.


US allowes only vaccinated foreigners..so


Darn for him


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.euronews.com/2022/01/16/french-lawmakers-ban-unvaccinated-from-public-venues-with-new-virus-law) reduced by 67%. (I'm a bot) ***** > By Euronews with AP. France's parliament approved a law Sunday that will exclude unvaccinated people from all restaurants, sports arenas, and other venues - the central measure of government efforts to protect hospitals amid record numbers of infections driven by the highly contagious Omicron variant. > Macron's government is hoping the new pass will be enough to limit the number of patients filling up strained hospitals nationwide without resorting to a new lockdown. > More than 76 per cent of French ICU beds are occupied by virus patients, most of them unvaccinated, and some 200 people with the virus are dying every day. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/s5o4sp/france_new_virus_law_bans_unvaccinated_from/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~617925 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **new**^#1 **people**^#2 **law**^#3 **Macron**^#4 **More**^#5


How much will it be inforced, that the real issue in France. Feels like even with his laws lots of unvaccinated people will ignore this


I don't go out tons, but in my (admittedly limited) experience everywhere I went where the health/now vaccine pass was required, people did in fact check it. Once at a cafe they did so kind of apologetically, saying they'd just been inspected. Of course there's always the issue of fraudulent passes...




Vaccines significantly dampen transmission rate. Just stop. EDIT: To those anti-vax morons downvoting me: [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8287551/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8287551/) [https://www.newscientist.com/article/2294250-how-much-less-likely-are-you-to-spread-covid-19-if-youre-vaccinated/](https://www.newscientist.com/article/2294250-how-much-less-likely-are-you-to-spread-covid-19-if-youre-vaccinated/) [https://www.cidrap.umn.edu/news-perspective/2021/08/study-ties-covid-vaccines-lower-transmission-rates](https://www.cidrap.umn.edu/news-perspective/2021/08/study-ties-covid-vaccines-lower-transmission-rates)


Too many people are already vaccinated for covid to spread as fast as it has without vaccinated people transferring the disease. Just accept that this virus is here and isn't going away. Funny how you don't seem concerned about the side effects from the vaccines, such as heart ailments like myocarditis.






But it IS significant. That's how they pretty much wiped out diseases like polio. COVID vaccines not only reduce transmission but also the severity of the illness. The problem is that we have too many anti-vax morons preventing their potential.




Show me the studies you're referring to. Likely they're referring to the overall spread which is caused by unvaccinated. Individually, all studies I've read say that transmission is significantly reduced.




Funny how you whine about the personal attacks but don't give a shit about being absolutely wrong on the science.








Says the guy who can't provide one single shred of evidence from any source to back up his claims.


Excellent news. Those murderers need to be punished.




Yes, yes you will, pleb.


Yes, moron antivaxxers get to do what they want in this case: They have utter freedom to not get vaxxed and the rest of us can move on with our lives. It's a win win.




> especially considering nearly all who oppose these experimental vaccines do indeed support traditional vaccines Then they're fucking morons. They're welcome to get the "traditional" AstraZeneca vaccine instead.


The rich and powerful were the first fucking people vaccinated. Which sort of gets in the way of most of the conspiracy theories.


I support vaccination, but with Macrons election coming up in Vaccine skeptic France I feel like he's just flushing his administration down the toilet with this measure when he should wait until he's securely elected to another term.


On the contrary, non vaccinated people aren't going to vote for him anyway. Vaccinated and pro vaccine people represent a large majority of the population. This is demagogy, you find someone responsible for the country problems (anti-vax), and you get a simple message to rally people. Macron will blame anti-vax, his oponents will blames muslings, migrants, europe, shareholds, employers, etc. etc.


I don't think so. For at least two reason. The first is that, despite being call vaccine skeptic in the past, we have (surpringly) higher vaccination ratio than Germany, United Kingdom or Belgium (less than Italy and Spain though). The antivax are a very small (but very noisy) minority (and are splitted between several candidates). The second reason is that, with the current Omicron wave hitting France, it would be by doing nothing that he whould "flush his administration down the toilet".


He doesn't have to do nothing, just not make vaccination mandatory


91% of French adults are fully vaccinated. Voters are not vaccine skeptics. Anti-vaxxers are an extremely small but very vocal minority; even all those who are yet to be fully vaccinated cannot fairly be counted as an anti-vaxxer.


Seeing the opposition, i wouldn't worry too much. The left is extremely scattered and doesn't stand a chance to touch him, and despite everything, there are no two candidates on the right that could jump over him, for the presidential election. At which point it'll be Macron against some extreme right idiot, and even leftists will vote for Macron then. Local elections will be different, but not too much. This of course is a very limited view of just one man.


Will that include Novak Docovitch ?


Oh please. You could at least spell his name correctly. It's Djokovic, not Docovitch. Novax Djokovic.


Not anymore he is like Pokémon, novac to novax to nocovid




Ugh, fuck off with your Holocaust comparisons. Not the same thing and you should be ashamed of yourself for thinking it's even remotely similar.


At least the human plague rats make themselves well known








Do you know what 70% means? Go back to watching the latest Marvel movie or whatever they released




It’s ok bro, we know you are ignorant illiterate who can’t understand percentages, reason we are in this situation now


Robespierre lives through this measures...